I Wish You Love

By Steve Snow

Published on Nov 1, 2012


When I signed off with David yesterday, he immediately went to Grant and told him of my misgivings and asked him to brush up on all things Ted and report back to him. Grant did as he always did and jumped in with both feet.

By the time of our "morning meeting" he hears back from Grant with some truly distressing news.

"Listen, I've had Grant doing some research into Ted and there's something not right there. He's had encounters with about three of the housemates and it has me worried. Two of the guys have confided to friends inside that Ted was pressuring them to back off on the contest and let him win. That's not the worrisome part; it's how he's going about it. It looks as if he's engaging in some kind of rough action with these guys and then once he has them in a lot of pain, he makes his suggestion. He's counting on them to be so mortified about the humiliating sex that they will comply. The worst of it is that one of the guys he's been with has become very withdrawn and hasn't talked to anybody. We noticed his change in attitude immediately but chalked it up to homesickness. But Grant was able to ferret out the real reason. The problem is that Ted does his thing with the lights off and although I'm distressed that we missed this altogether, I'm

real happy we can prevent him from taking advantage of anybody else. Oh, and one other thing: it looks like you are Ted's next target..."

"Wow, talk about dropping a bombshell! David, how do you know?"

"We could see on-camera that he came by your room last night when you were making out with Phil, heard the action going on and left. I suspect he'll be back. It fits the pattern."

"So, what do you want me to do?"

"First, you need to go talk to Kenny and get him to open up about what happened with Ted. We need more details to see exactly what Ted's up to. Also, I want you to enlist him in a plan to ambush Ted when he comes to your room tonight. I'll let you fill in the details yourself but come back and talk to me this afternoon to firm things up. By then I'll have more info on Ted and I'll have you enlist the other 'victims' through their friends in our little plan."

Damn, this is a real problem. We can't have the housemates being preyed on by Ted. It's just not fair. I never thought he would be doing this.

So, nothing to do for it but to go talk to Kenny, but first I had to figure out where he was. I went by his room and he wasn't there, but when I was leaving, Kenny turned the corner coming back from the bathroom.

"Hey, Kenny. I was just looking for you."

"Hi. What did you want to see me for?"

"Can I come in and talk for a while?"

"I'm kind of tired, but sure."

"Listen, Kenny. I hear through the grapevine that you spent some time with Ted recently."

"Oh, Christ, I didn't think anyone knew about that."

"Well, Ted has been getting around, I understand, and the news isn't so good."

"You're right about that! I should never have let him get close to me but he's pretty convincing."

"I also hear that he's been pressuring guys to back off from the contest and let him win. Is that right?"

"Well, you are hearing right. I'm sad to say he got me to pull back."

"What exactly would make you give up on the contest? I thought you were pretty gung-ho for this when we first met."

"I was! But Ted had ways of persuading me."

"Go ahead and tell me about that."

Then Kenny got misty and soon he started to cry. I did my best to comfort him and get him to relax. I could see it was a painful memory. Finally he continued:

"Well, Ted came to me and wanted to fool around. I thought little of it. I did find him attractive and was open to the opportunity since he is so handsome and has such a mesmerizing personality. Before long, I could tell he wanted to top me. I certainly had no objection. I noticed that he had one of those beer-can kind of cocks that wasn't particularly impressive in length but was truly massive in circumference. I was a little put off by that, but he calmed my fears and persuaded me to let him try. He put on a condom and lubed me up. I said - "go slow, it will take me a while to get used to your size." Well, he just shoves it in as forcefully as he could and I will tell you, I was seeing stars! I think I might have even lost consciousness for a few seconds. I've been topped before (confidentially, I prefer it that way,) but I have never had an experience like that. The pain was excruciating. Then he starts talking in my ear

while he's pumping in-and-out. He's saying 'You can see I should win the contest... I'm by far the best lover and David should be mine. Just stand back and let me win.' He kept it up like a sing-song all the while rabbit-fucking my ass like crazy. Finally after about the third repeat of the song, he came and then he pulled out, got dressed and left without a word. I was mortified, in shock and sore beyond belief. It took me a half hour just to gather the strength to pull my underwear back up and another half hour to be able to stand and go to the men's room and wash up."

Oh, my god! What a story. I felt the need to ask:

"Any lasting injury down there?"

"No, I'm still a little sore, but everything seems to be getting back to normal. I do wonder if I will ever be able to get fucked again after that."

"God, that's scary. One additional question... do you feel you've been raped?"

"No, I think I feel more like he's a very inept lover and he shows no empathy and sees no connection to his partner's pain. He just wants what he wants and that is all."

"Kenny, I hope you won't take this the wrong way, but I'd like to invite you to my room for a special reception tonight. The guest of honor will be Ted and to greet him will be all his 'victims' and their friends. We are going to stage an intervention and let Ted know he's not welcome here in the house."

Kenny thinks about it for a moment and then says: "I'll be there!"

I take my leave of Kenny after kissing him on the cheek and telling him I'd keep in touch throughout the day. I need to start working on my plan.

I take the opportunity to go back to the 'closet' and keep David updated on the developments and he approves of how things are shaping up. David tells me that he is planning a reception of his own immediately following the intervention and that I should be sure everybody gathers in the main room. "We'll have a monitor set up there so everybody can see what happens. I think it's time for the healing to begin..."

I am now aware of who the friends of the victims are and touch base with them and invite each of them to the reception. I ask them to approach the victims and see if they would be willing to come by as well. One thing I notice is that each friend asks me if they can also bring one additional friend. I assure them that more support is welcome. I reflect that an extended support network is forming in the house and that soon everybody will be involved.

Time seems to pass quickly after that. Soon, we have to go to dinner and like magic, Phil appears beside me and wraps his arm around my waist as I'm waiting to be seated. Then, surprise, Kenny strolls over and takes up the space on my other side. These two eye each other suspiciously for a few seconds and I introduce them to one another and try to wordlessly convey that they have no reason to be worried. We sit down together and have dinner. Kenny leans over to see if the arrangements are in-place. I tell him that he can come to my room around eight and we will discuss the plan. After dinner, I tell Phil that Kenny and I are just cooking up some practical joke on another housemate and he has nothing to worry about. I do remind Phil that I think I'll be too tired to have him come by tonight and stay with me and that the last two nights have worn me out a bit and I need a good night's sleep. He looks disappointed with that but smiles

anyway and says he'll see me for breakfast. I say I am looking forward to it then I kiss him and wish him good night. I want to be sure he doesn't stumble into our little reception at an inopportune moment.

Well, right on time, the friends and victims gather together to work out our strategy. I have made the arrangement to borrow an adjacent room from one of the other 'beaus' and ask the friends (and now friends-of-friends) to wait there while the victims and I take up places in my room. I tell them that I will dim the lights and ask them to all sit quietly in the various corners of the room so that they won't be noticed. (I have arranged for them to all wear dark clothes to aid in the deception.) I am aware of what time Ted had come by the previous night and expect that he might be a creature of habit and figure he'll make his trip back at about the same time tonight. I undress and lay on top of my bed in just my underwear in what I think will be an effective pose with my ass up in the air. True to form, Ted does make his appearance just about on-time. He stops at my door and knocks softly on the door jam.

He says: "Hey, would you like some company for a while?"

I look over to the door and say in turn: "Oh, Ted. Sure. Come in."

As he enters, he reaches over automatically and turns off the light as I expected he would. Once he gets to the bed, I reach out to hold his hand (It takes a real load of willpower to even think of touching him though.) As we have pre-arranged, the victims soundlessly rise and surround my bed on three sides. Ted is so absorbed in looking at my upturned ass through the light from the hallway that he never sees them. He even reaches out and gives me a little pat back there. This is about the time that the friends have moved from the other room to fill the doorway to my room to block Ted's exit. One of them closest to the light switch reaches over and turns the lights on full bright. Ted winces at the brilliant light and steps back a bit and looks around and takes in the scene. It seems to dawn on him slowly what might be up. The three victims have positioned themselves in such a place that they only need to step forward one step to get

between Ted and me. It is time!

As we have planned, the victims join hands and start in talking to Ted as a chorus with each one taking a single word and then passing the torch on to the next:

"Ted... you... have... been... wicked... It... all... stops... tonight..." Then the friends pick up on the theme and repeat the words for a few choruses at ever increasing volume. Ted looks stunned as he watches this performance and then, as arranged, it all stops abruptly. I have had time during this to move to the edge of the bed and sit up. Once the words die out and silence moves into the room, I stand up and address Ted: "You have done unspeakable things to these men here and by the time we're through with you, everybody in the house will know what you've been up to. You are not welcome here any more!" Then the chorus starts again with "Not welcome... not welcome... not welcome..." The seas part a bit and Ted takes that as a sign to leave. As he scurries down the corridor we all start to follow him. The chorus continues to proclaim: "Not welcome... not welcome... not welcome..." I reach out to each victim and hold their hands

for a second then I grab my pants and wave everybody down the hallway in Ted's wake. I have a mission to accomplish yet.

Unbeknown to me, David and Grant have decided they need a bit of extra insurance and they called Morris in to man the main room and be sure Ted goes where they want him to go. When he enters the room, Morris says to Ted: "Walk this way, sir" and motions Ted towards the private dining room where the next scene is to take place. In the meantime, it is my job to gather all the remaining housemates together in the main room to watch. This isn't too hard in the wing where my room is located since all the commotion has gotten everybody out in the corridor to see what is up. All I need to say is "meeting in the main room" and everybody moves in that direction. I need to get to the other wing and get them up and out as well. I am pretty out-of-breath by the time all the housemates have gathered together to watch what is going to happen. I scan the room to be sure they are all there. I am surprised to note that Morris is there as well. We

exchange waves. On the screen we can see Ted cooling his heels in the private dining room, seemingly alone. (Of course, a beefy production employee has been stationed just out of sight on every exit in case Ted tries to make a break for it.) All the decoration has been removed and the room is stark except for the familiar table. Soon, David makes his appearance.

"Ted... I am truly disappointed we have to meet tonight. I apologize to all the housemates that we were unable to spare them the experience of meeting you. We did do some checks on each of the potential contestants before we accepted them. We even did some preliminary psychological testing to screen out any applicants with aberrant tendencies but we obviously made some mistakes along the way. I have reviewed the tapes of your interview and I also saw no indication of your anti-social nature. We will need to review our procedures in detail sometime later but for now, I must only concern myself with you. I understand that you are a very successful businessman on the outside and I am well aware that a certain attitude of "winning at all costs" needs to be in place to gain that kind of success. I am saddened that you chose to take that attitude into the house with you instead of leaving it at the door. It has caused immeasurable pain to

those you chose to visit. I plan to appeal to your sense of self-interest here and hope you will see the wisdom of what I will propose later. First, I want to introduce you to somebody with a different viewpoint. Ted, may I introduce you to Grant Kerwin. He is an Assistant Director here and has been my rock and right-hand man throughout this. He has a few words he would like to say to you."

"Ted, I have been privileged to debate with David how we should approach this problem. I am not inclined to be as forgiving as David is of your behavior. From the start when David asked me to look into your activities in the house, I have become more and more appalled at your shocking lack of human feeling as you went about your business brutalizing your victims and making your shameful request. I watched all the tapes and heard their cries of pain and listened as you spewed your venomous plan to them." Grant by now was getting emotional and gesturing with his hands... "I endured that as you went from victim to victim and repeated the same sick behavior over and over. These aren't just random people to me but people I have grown to know intimately and would be proud to call my friends. You preyed on them as if they were just so much filth." Grant was ready to bust and had started to tremble. He raised his voice just that bit more: "There

should be no forgiveness tonight! I (bang) want (bang) justice (bang)!" Grant had started to pound on the table and was getting in Ted's face by leaning across the table at him. As soon as he finished, a roar of approval went up from the housemates gathered around the table in the main room. I could see by the expression on David's face that the sound was audible in the private dining room as well. He didn't change his expression but I could see by his eyes that he was pleased at the reaction. I also noticed that the loudest cheer in the room came from Morris. He was really caught up in the moment and his eyes were shining!

I scan the room to see how the reaction is from the victims. I expect to see teary eyes on three of the guys but I am surprised to see that four of my housemates are overcome by Grant's declarations. There are the three guys I expected to see, each with people comforting them and there is also a fourth... and he is standing right next to me... it's Phil! I reach over to him and touch his face. I mouth the words "Ted? You?" and get him to nod. It is still too noisy to try to talk to him but I hold him close as David speaks again:

"Thank you Grant. I think you can see how Grant feels about you tonight." Grant reluctantly leaves the room mumbling to himself. "I want you to have no illusions. I hold the leash here and if I give the word, he's all over you like flea dip. He'll be into the house like a shot and talking to the victims and using his awesome powers of persuasion to convince them that they were raped. He won't need any instructions from me, he'll let his considerable heart do the talking. At that point it will be out of my hands. Just the publicity alone will be withering. Win or lose the cases in court, you lose! Take it from me, you won't want that outcome. Barring rape charges (which are always iffy propositions), I had a brief, theoretical talk with my good friend the District Attorney and he confided that with the kind of evidence I outlined, he could get convictions in a slam-dunk fashion for sexual assault any day with any jury. He even

suggested that he could count on winning at least one case out of three if he went into court seeking the charge of aggravated sexual assault with depraved indifference. That's a heavy sentence for that one. And he reminded me he was looking for a high-profile case or two since he needs to get re-elected later this year. He was positively elated. And he told me I could keep whatever contribution I was going to make to his re-election campaign, since he wouldn't need it if I came through for him with a plum case like this."

Applause breaks out in the main room at this point... David ignores it and goes on:

"Now to the alternatives. My motivation in this is that I don't want the pattern you have started here to extend beyond these walls. I don't want to have you leave here and think this was all too easy and start up the same vicious behavior outside and endanger members of the public. They deserve better than you in your current condition."

"My proposal is this: Tonight, you will sign this paper which will be your voluntary withdrawal from the contest due to "personal issues". You will also sign this paper which requires you to undergo therapy for a period of at least six months with regular reports coming back to me tracking your progress. If, at the end of those six months, you are not making satisfactory progress in my sole opinion, you will add six more months to your 'sentence' and start all over again. The Production Company has agreed that they will provide your therapy at no charge for that first six months since they and I screwed this up so badly. The second six months, if needed, will be at your expense. The capper is that if you renege in any way or backslide or act out sexually, I let Grant loose to do his best. The charges fly, my friend will get re-elected on your back and you will be ruined."

Ted is standing there and his head is hanging down in a position that would resemble a whipped dog. If he had a tail, it would be tucked under him tight... Who, knows, maybe he does?

"Now for some personal observations: I have done some pretty complete checking up on you, as you would expect, and one fact caught my eye especially. I see that you have made it your obsession in your adult years to suppress any mention of your childhood nickname. It was a particularly telling act for somebody who wants to put their past far behind them. Your parents gave you that nickname and even your given name, Theodore in honor of a television kid that they grew up with and admired. Now it may have been a burden, that nickname, but it was also an honor given to you, a loving gesture. I think you haven't just suppressed the nickname, you also suppressed the kid you were growing up. You pushed any memory of that kid down deep into you so you could never be bothered by his joy or his vulnerability or his fears ever again. I'm right, aren't I?"

For the first time, Ted stirred. He spits out: "I always hated that kid!"

David continues: "Well, during your therapy, I advise that you try to let Beaver out and make him a part of your world. He can help you make sense of this whole thing and temper your baser urges with love and humanity and all the things you have left far behind so you could succeed. This will be the key to your success from here on out. Trust Beaver. He won't fail you."

With the mention of that long-ago nickname, Ted starts to sob. He is having trouble standing there and once David finishes speaking, Ted sinks onto a seat at the table. David sits down next to him and waits patiently and prepares to have him sign the papers.

Author's note:

First up, please consider donating to nifty.org They are the founders of this feast and if not for them, what would all of us horny, voracious readers do? http://donate.nifty.org/donate.html

You may contact me at snow.steve22_AT_yahoo.com if you have questions, suggestions, niggles, complaints, propositions or whatever. Just don't bother to spam me. I don't have the time or energy. Thank you.

Next: Chapter 6

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