I Wish You Love

By Steve Snow

Published on Oct 30, 2012


The next morning, I wake early (probably because I am a bit tense and also, I had gotten to bed so early the previous night. It turns out I WAS especially tired last night, not for the reasons everybody believed, but because I had run the gauntlet twice... once in the Production Center and again here in the 'house'. Nobody bothered me again, and that was welcome...

I scramble up to take advantage of the quiet time in the john and start in by washing my face... I need to clean up after the "facial" I received courtesy of Phil last night. Then I move into a stall and really do need to do some business. Once through, I take advantage of the privacy to pinch and prod my face and neck to get the effect on my skin as I was told to do by the makeup lady yesterday. I know that I'll need to reapply the treatment once every couple of hours with a gradual reduction in the intensity each time. By the end of the day, I can declare myself "cured" and stop it completely. While I am taking care of that, I hear another early riser come in and go straight to the showers. Once I am done, I see no reason to hold back since I might need to do a little more 'research'.

So, into the showers I go and I recognize the other early riser as Ted. I have noticed him before, of course. Ted is a prototypical alpha-male, but with all the physical attributes to pull it off. He is what I'd class as 'aggressively handsome' with the perfect face and body to fit the classically handsome stereotype and all the swagger to make sure everybody knows it. I've had only a bit of exposure to Ted before and I suspect I have let my curiosity overwhelm my good sense. I am staring at him for a bit too long, but that is expected in an environment of only gay men forced to live so closely together. He catches me staring and I am somewhat startled but not by the fact that he caught me but by his reaction. It is hard to read but I think it amounts to a declaration that he can have me if he wants me. Wait - no, it is more that he has already had me but I don't know it yet... somewhat as if it is an established fact. This is a signal I have never experienced before; someone who is so 'above me' that the conclusion is already certain; no ands, ifs or buts about it. This disturbs me somewhat and I think it might be better to finish up my shower and just go relax in my room while I contemplate the day ahead.

Once I am dressed and start to relax, I put the meeting with Ted out of my mind and rationalize that I have imagined the intensity of it and what I am thinking about it. I do start to plot the rest of my day and where I need to be when and wonder what assignment David will have for me today.

About an hour later, it is time for breakfast and I go into the common room with many of the other 'beaus' and sit down for the meal. I am greeted warmly by many and with concern by a number of others. I am glad to see them all one-on-one and let them know I am feeling much better and that a good night's sleep is all that the doctor had ordered. Nobody is looking at me too strangely so I presume my 'tricks' with my complexion have worked. I only need to remember that I must redo the treatment again soon. If anybody gets curious about how much I am going to the bathroom, I decide that I can say I have a temporary case of the 'runs' and expect it to clear up by the end of the day (and I am sure it will...)

The producers put on a fine spread for every meal and are especially careful to get breakfast right. We have given them our preferences and they come through right on the money for us. If we want something special (within reason) they will take care of it just so. I have a really good breakfast which is welcome because I am starved due to the previous day's shenanigans. Soon, the breakfast time grouping breaks up and we wander off to do what we want with our free time.

For me, what I want to do (rather, what I need to do) is go into the 'closet' and have a heart-to-heart with the camera. This is a first for me because I have never really warmed up to the 'closet' experience before. I know that I'll be spending a lot more time in there now, however, because yesterday it had been implied that the 'closet' would be my main access point to David and how he would give me my orders for the day. I am, however, surprised to see that several of the 'beaus' are already queued up for some 'closet' time even before I arrive. I wondered why the benches are arranged casually along the corridor on either side of the 'closet' door. Well, now I discover that many of my housemates are early morning confession junkies. I guess I will become one too.

I wait patiently and play our own game of 'musical chairs' until it is my turn. I am grateful the soundproofing is so complete as I have observed while I am waiting. Nobody outside has any idea what has been discussed inside the 'closet' and can hear not a whisper of what goes on. Once I enter and the camera operator recognizes me, he rolls the camera back and hands me a headset and then returns the camera to its normal position. I presume I should put on the headset. It is Grant on the other end and he assures me David will be right there. Sooner than I expect, David comes on and congratulates me on the day before and asks how it had gone last night. I assure him that all went well and no problems were lurking that I know about. He says he wants to get going on the assignment for today but he has one issue to deal with first... He says:

"I've heard from the lawyers and they're a bit antsy about a liability issue and I thought you ought to know about it. I don't know if you had a chance to review that new contract of yours but there is a clause in it about 'safe sex'. The same clause is in the contract with the 'beaus' as well. For them it is simply a formality - they are here voluntarily and not much exposure is expected by the production company from them since anything they do is consensual. But for you and me, there is the possibility of much greater exposure. We are classified as employees and we act as 'agents' for the production company in that capacity, so if we cause anybody to become ill due to an inattention to 'safe sex' behaviors, the results could be truly frightening."

I am taken aback by the thought and I mull it over for a moment... David says:

"I can't tell if you understand me."

"Of course I understand you. I am just deciding if I should be worried or insulted."

"Why would you be insulted?"

"Well, first, you must be aware that I have a clean bill of health and gave a copy to the producers before I even was accepted for the show. Second, I think you can sense that I like every one of the guys here and I would never chance exposing them to any danger. I always take 'safe sex' precautions and always have. I don't think I'll be any less careful in here than I was 'out there'."

"I'm relieved to hear you say that. It is exactly what I expected from you, but I felt the need to say it regardless. I hope I haven't hurt your feelings?"

"No. I feel about you the way I feel about all the 'beaus'. I could never be upset with you - at least not for long."

"That's good to know... I think of you as my eyes and ears in there and I would never want you to feel hurt due to something I did or said. By the way, the lawyers insisted that we change out all the condoms we have provided for the 'beaus' to a more expensive brand - they should already be in-place since last night."

"Just what I would have expected. They're confusing expensive with effective; What the hell do lawyers know about condoms, anyway?"

David just laughed about this and got down to talking about my assignment.

"I really need you to touch base with Tommy. I'm considering inviting him for dinner tomorrow night but I need you to sound him out about how he feels about the contest and me to see if I'd be wasting my time. No need to seduce him, but just get him to open up a little. He's been a bit of an enigma since he doesn't talk openly to anybody that we've been able to catch."

"You sure I shouldn't seduce him? He's a real beauty and I'd be glad to. I really am taken with his dark features and long brown hair. David, are you sure?"

"I didn't know you were such a horny little devil. I'm not sure now that I made the right decision, releasing you back into the house... Well, maybe a little kissy-face, I suppose, if you have to."

"Oh, thank you, thank you, sir! I promise I won't wear him out!"

We proceed to banter a little more and look more down-the-road at things and need to wrap it up. On the spur-of-the-moment, I blurt out a little about my misgivings about my early morning meeting with Ted.

"David, one last thing, I think you may need to be careful with Ted. He's a real piece of work and I think he might even put you a little off-balance, so watch him a while and see what you think."

"Thanks! Signing off..."

Once I exit the 'closet', I go off to reapply my makeup treatment in the john. I am getting used to the pinch-and-prod routine and I figure I'll miss it a little when I have to stop. On the way to seek out Tommy, I walk by the 'closet' in the other direction and am stopped by Eric who is sitting on one of the benches playing musical chairs just as I did a while before. He wants to get my input since he is scheduled to be David's companion for a private dinner tonight. He is wondering what goes on back there and wants to be prepared. I joke that there is just about no chance of them serving any kind of flambe for dinner tonight. He laughs at the joke but is more interested in what to expect from David. I remind Eric that David is as confused as anybody about this and he's working out his feelings. I tell him that he shouldn't mistake some distance on David's part for lack of interest. I explain that David had jumped in with both feet at first when he started in with the private dinners but soon found it got in the way of his objectivity and judgment. I tell Eric that David confided to me that he needs to keep his perspective. Don't be disappointed if 'it' doesn't happen right away. Eric looks relieved and I tell him that although there is a contest going on, I am rooting for him to have a great time at dinner tonight.

I continue in search of Tommy and find him having a Coke and watching the passing scene. Sometimes it can get interesting in the main room with people interacting with one another and your imagination (or at least MY imagination) will take off in six different directions at once. I pick a guy in the crowd and start to watch him as he socializes with the other housemates. I see him paying special attention to one other 'beau' in particular and notice he has let his hands stray from around his waist to squeeze his ass. I comment to Tommy that those two should get a room.

Tommy says: "Unfortunately, they do have a room and it's right next to mine! I haven't been getting much sleep lately. They can be loud."

I say: "I wonder how they have any energy left to concentrate on the contest and David?"

"I can't imagine. I can't think of much else. I know I wouldn't be able to divide my attention like that. I'm a one-guy type and for now, David is that guy for me."

"That's admirable. Sometimes I get distracted with all the available guys here. I know I should concentrate on David, but you get worked up over some stud and David takes a back seat for a while."

"That's not me at all... Now don't get me wrong; when those two are thumping the wall next door, sometimes I stroke it in rhythm with their sex and get off that way; that's just mechanical but when I'm thinking romance, It's David or nothing for the duration."

I say: "Hey, that's cool. I wish you luck. You just might win this thing with that attitude." We shake hands and I smile knowing David has some thinking to do...

Lunch and dinner fly by and I almost didn't notice that it is time for bed. I walk into the john in my wing and stop to take a piss. Then I walk back to my room and sit down on the bed. Not a minute later, I hear:

"Knock, knock... OK if I come in?"

"Hey, Phil, I'm so glad you're here! I'm feeling a little lonely and since my accident everyone's walking on eggshells around me. A really smart guy told me yesterday: 'There's nothing wrong with you from the shoulders down.'"

"I'm so glad to hear that. Are you OK above the shoulders now?"

"Mostly. I just needed a good night's sleep and that is really responsible for the miraculous recovery you see before you! Now, I could desperately use a good haircut because these little melted balls on the ends of my hair are making me crazy!"

"Wow! I can see what you're talking about. Maybe I can borrow a pair of scissors and help you trim them off later."

"I'd like that, but first sit down next to me and I'll show you what I'd like more right now."


Phil sits down and I take hold of him and plant a good kiss on his lips. When we separate, I say to him: "In the spirit of full disclosure I need to tell you two things. One I think you'll like, one I'm not too sure about... If this is going in the direction I think it's going, I want to start this with a clean slate. First, Phil, I have to tell you that I trust you implicitly. I'll go along with anything you might think of. You may think that is a little odd from someone who hardly knows you yet but I need to make a confession: I know."

Phil looks at me questioningly and asks: "You know what?"

I say: "I know that you came to me last night and helped me to relieve my tensions in so many ways. I know that you came to me knowing I was hurting and in need of rest and you made it possible to get that rest I craved. I know you are one of God's gentle creatures and I know that what you did for me was out of pure love from your heart. For that, I trust you with my life and my soul. Do what you will to me."

"But, I thought you slept through the entire time I was with you. If you knew it was me, why didn't you tell me so?"

"First, I thought you were so sweet to come to me like that. I didn't dare appear to wake because I thought I might scare you away. And, I wanted you to keep doing what you were doing so well without distractions or interruptions. I must tell you, though, that I almost pissed myself when you started to stroke my abdomen. I'm sensitive there and rather ticklish and it was all I could do to avoid showing you just how awake I really was. That wouldn't have been nice to do to you... I hope you can forgive my deceitfulness."

Phil smiles and says: "You are most certainly forgiven. You were only trying to allow me to do what I wanted to help you and I was only trying to do what I could to help you with your recovery. It does seem your recovery is nearly complete. What kind of additional therapy do you think might help?"

"You're the doctor... I place myself entirely in your capable hands."

"I think I advise some pretty vigorous exercise followed by a long night of restful sleep under my direct supervision."

"Why doctor, I think that's the perfect prescription. Please show me how you'd like me to start..."

"Start by disrobing down to your underwear and I'll examine you thoroughly."

"Of course, Doctor. Should I put on a gown?"

"No. I don't think you need to be modest around me. Would you like some assistance disrobing?"

"Oh, yes Doctor. I may be a little wobbly still, and your strong hands will help a great deal."

"Fine. Just stand up and I'll remove your clothing."


Phil sets to his work in a very professional manner at first (mostly) though I notice that his hands will stray to places that my Doctor only visits yearly. Soon he has me standing there in my underwear and he says: "Good. Now I shall start my examination. Let me know if I cause you any distress."

"Of course, Doctor Phil." I have to suppress a giggle at that. Judging from his eyes, so does he.

"Fine. Let me start at the top and work my way down. Is that satisfactory?"

"Yes, Doctor. Please guide me with your strong hands and position me as you would like me."

I really need to put a stop to the Doctor stuff or I'll collapse into a silly puddle. Phil gets to work and 'examines' me thoroughly starting at the top of my head and does most of the examining with his lips and tongue. Not a conventional examination but effective, in my expert opinion. Occasionally he'll let out with a harrumph or hummm, so I have to assume the Doctor game is one that he takes more seriously than I do, but I am more than willing to cooperate since his ministrations are having a desirable effect on me. He has moved down from the top of my head and is thoroughly examining my ears with his tongue. I really react strongly to a tongue in my ear and I start to tremble slightly as he explores.

He asks: "Is my patient chilly?"

"No, Doctor. Just sensitive there."

"Good. Umm, I mean satisfactory. I'll note that for future reference."

Phil continues exploring. He moves from my ears to my eyes and nuzzles them and then says: "Doctor's note: eyelashes and eyebrows similarly melted." I bless that makeup lady! He kisses my eyes and moves on to my nose and from there to my lips. He pushes me to a sitting position on the bed and sits down next to me. He licks the edges of my lips and forces them open slightly and licks around the edges where my lips disappear into my mouth. He finishes with a swipe of his tongue across each lip from side to side and says: "Lips appropriately full and moist." He gently pushes me back down on the bed and continues. I think Phil is starting to accelerate his examination but he trails his tongue down my sternum and stops opposite my nipples. He tests each one alternately by circling them with his tongue. He licks across the very tip so gently that it is more like an electric charge. He takes each nipple in turn between his teeth and stretches it out a bit then blows his warm breath across each one like a miniature blowdryer. I commence moaning slightly and writhing gently at the hips. He says: "Nipples somewhat hypersensitive. Schedule regular desensitization visits daily. Repeat as needed ad infinitum." I moan my assent. He helps me up to a standing position and proceeds to take my underwear down. I am hard as a flagpole and pointing in about the same direction. He briefly brushes my ass cheek and then cups each of my testicles in his hand, presses upwards and says "Turn your head and cough." I do this twice for him and he says: "Note some leakage around the tip of the penis. Fluid will need to be analyzed." He touches my dick gently with the tip of his tongue and draws off a long string of precum. He makes a show of lipsmacking and rolling it around on his tongue while a lot more is dribbling down onto my toes. He finally says: "Seems to be a normal secretion, but to be sure schedule daily testing of these secretions to coincide with the aforementioned nipple sessions. Moving on to the penile development test..." Here he takes my cockhead in his mouth and swirls his tongue around the corona. He then proceeds to swallow progressively more of my cock down his throat until soon he is nuzzling my pubes. He continues to do this repeatedly until I think I've lost my mind. Finally he comes up for air, clears his throat and says: "Penile development test inconclusive but size appears to be variable and growing rapidly. Characterize further with several tests to be designed with the patient. Repeat often. Patient, prepare for the prostate check." I say: "Position me as you'd like me and prepare your instruments." He lays me down on the bed on my front so that my ass and legs are hanging off the edge of the bed. He explains: "This examination will proceed in three phases. First, I will examine the entire area observing all major structures. Starting phase one..." He sinks down on his knees just behind me and gently separates the globes of my ass. He starts in licking and kissing the area just as he had to my chest. He is very thorough. He even laps at the back side of my balls and tickles them with his nose. On his way back upward, he stopps dead on target and begins rimming me in earnest. He will push and probe my asshole insistently then ease off and lap around more gently, always alternating between the two. He is applying plenty of saliva, too, I can tell. The pleasure he is giving me is exquisite! After a few more cycles of this, he changes his approach. I coan feel him press his face deeper into my crack and he'll graze his teeth against my opening nipping gently at it. He will move down every once in a while and push the tip of his nose into my opening and wiggle it a bit and sniff a little air in then expel a long breath slowly through his nostrils. The breeze is very exciting delivered so close to my hole. He will go back and forth between rimming me, nipping at my hole and tickling me with his breath. I can tell you, he has me limp as a dishrag yet hard as a steel rod at the same time. He starts changing up yet again. You know that people are organized into two groups: those who can roll up their tongues front-to-back and those who can roll them up side-to-side? Well, I'm grateful that Phil is one of the latter! He rolls up his tongue as tightly as he can and then proceeds to assault my hole relentlessly pushing inward until I can feel him enter me with his tongue. He will pull back a bit and plunge on even deeper with his next push. He will gyrate as well, tonguing me with side-to-side and up-and-down motions intending to open the entrance. By now I am moaning and moving around freely, greeting his every move with one of my own. He keeps this up for a number of minutes and is pushing ever deeper into my gut. Much sooner than I'd have liked, he stops cold. He blows a breeze of air across my exposed hole and announces, a little breathlessly: "Phase one complete. Starting phase two..." He licks his index finger thoroughly and presses it to my entrance and massages it in every outward direction. He will stop and draw a circle just outside my hole with the tip of his finger and then go back to pressing inward and trying to stretch the edges outward. I am sure he could have just pushed his finger in straight away, but he is taking his time; being thorough; driving me to distraction and loving every minute of my gentle torture. Eventually, his finger does slip inside and now he starts exploring me internally, feeling every square inch, roaming around, having a ball. He circles around my rectum and works his finger ever deeper in a spiral sweep like a search party looking for someone lost in the woods; precise and thorough and maddening. He has come to about the limit of what he can reach with his index finger and I can tell he has sensed the position of my prostate and is struggling to touch it but is just centimeters short of the goal; grazing the lowest edge of it but unable to reach it. He pulls his index finger out abruptly and leaves me feeling empty. I let out an involuntary "Unkh! sound. He whispers "patience" and starts licking his longer middle finger to take its place. Once he is satisfied, he pushes that finger into the place where his index finger has been, only pausing to let me get used to it and pressing the tip of his finger against the wall of my rectum describing the path clearly several times like he wants to be able to find his way home. I visualize it a bit like a ski slope in there with a steep descent ending with an upturned finish leading to my prostate. I am fairly screaming in my head: Jump! Jump! Jump! Finally, he makes the leap and lands his finger square onto the top of Mount Prostate. He describes some measured circles just below the peak, pressing and probing around the edges and working his way back to the summit. Finally he has arrived. He makes some tentative, measured pushes down into that wondrous gland and finally gets bolder and pushes into it with some force. I catch my breath with the overwhelming feeling of it and exhale slowly, almost in a whistle. He keeps up the pressure and with each push, I just know I am dribbling a big squirt of precum onto the sheets; my dick is trapped under my abdomen where I am laying, begging for some stimulation so it can blast off. I try rocking slowly side-to-side in an attempt to squirm myself to an orgasm. He says: "Calm down... I'm not through with my examination yet..." I think, just to drive me to the edge of distraction, he gives one last potent jab to my gland and holds it there for a second then starts a movement like a massage while he lifts off on the pressure. Sooner than I can imagine, he has withdrawn his finger completely out of me and then inserts two fingers and turns them slowly in an ever-widening circle to stretch me out. When he ever inserts that third finger, I'm not sure whether it is day or night and have forgotten what day it is. I can't even imagine where I am any more. After what seems to be forever with me suspended at the end of his three fingers, he says: "Phase two complete. Starting phase three..."

I can sense through the fog of my fevered brain that he is working to shuck off his clothes as quickly as he can. He hasn't even started to take any of his clothes off before, preferring to concentrate on my body and give me the maximum pleasure and forgetting about his own needs. I can hear his clothes drop to the floor one-by-one. Despite myself and my growing love for Phil, I am also growing increasingly annoyed that it is taking him forever to get to the job at hand. I think: You know it's not like I've never been fucked before. You're treating me like a virgin here... Hurry up and GET IT ON!!! Out of respect, I can never say these things though I feel myself mouthing them into my mattress where I lay. My salvation comes with the faint sound of a condom wrapper being torn open. He withdraws the condom and rolls it down onto his dick. I can hear it as he gets it adjusted that last little bit. Out of seeming nowhere, he produces some lube and squeezes some onto his dick and spreads it around. Then he spreads my cheeks and squeezes a big glob onto my asshole. It shocks me with its cool temperature and huge volume. I feel it running down and coating my balls. I just burst and say: "Whoa, cowboy! Enough lube! You could have done just fine with only your saliva..." I instantly regret my outburst. He slaps my left ass cheek with a stinging blow and responds: "Harrumph! Is my patient questioning his Doctor's judgment? I always to try to spare my patients any pain or discomfort." I respond sweetly: "No, Doctor. My error. Please proceed."

Well, proceed he does. He proceeds to impale me completely. He starts ever so gently to press into me at first and strokes deeper into me with each succeeding thrust. He is getting into a rhythm and I am finally getting truly well screwed. He stops thrusting for a second and reaches down to adjust my position. He wordlessly commands me to turn over and scoot back a bit on the bed, all the time still having his cock firmly planted in my ass, using it as a well lubricated pivot point. Of course, he helps me too, guiding my feet and legs around. This is what I need too, to be able to watch his face as he plows in and out of me and to give him the occasional kiss when there is time. I lift my legs up and embrace him with them wrapped around his waist and by their force, I pull him deeper into me. He slowly starts again moving in and out and builds up the rhythm back to where it was before. In the beginning I told you about the three types of lovers, the smooth, the intense and the goofy? Well, now that I can see his face, I am dead certain that Phil is Mr. Intense. He has screwed his face into such an expression of concentration that it is a wonder he can remember to breathe. Sweat beads are forming on his forehead and chest and will drip down onto me like a gentle rain. I am so mesmerized by it, I try to catch some of them on my tongue and do catch a few. Unlike Phil, I know I am Mister Goofy. Smiling like a madman, I let my head loll around and squeal with delight. I laugh out loud, chuckle some then cry like a baby. I contribute my own tears to Phil's gentle rain. Things are getting intense and Phil is mashing himself into me. His forceful thrusts are slapping his thighs against my asscheeks so they make our own rhythmic applause: Clap! clap! clap! Without my noticing it, Phil has reached out and started stroking my cock. I don't think it is conscious, but likely Phil is looking for something else to pull me closer to him. I am starting to feel the gathering warmth that warns me that I am climbing up to the edge and I rejoice that Phil has grabbed just the right "handle". Soon we are both wailing together and our voices are modulated by the crashes of our bodies bottoming out with each thrust. It doesn't take long after that for both of us to climax with a yell from Phil that I heard later all the other housemates in my wing can hear and applaud. We collapse into each other and our arms and legs are a hopeless tangle and we don't care much about that because we first have to control our breathing or get lightheaded from hyperventilation.

Finally, after a long recuperation period, I get up on my elbow and say: "Phil... you OK?"

Phil says: "I'm coming around."

I say: "Good. Wanna go again?"

He takes a swat at me which misses by a mile.

Minutes later, Phil says: "Listen, I have to apologize for slapping you on the ass there. I was so shocked that I think I was still play-acting the Doctor and reacted as I imagined he would. I didn't intend to hurt you and I feel really bad about it in retrospect."

I say: "Phil, honey, that is so sweet but you should know that I don't have any objection to a well placed slap here and there, especially in the bedroom. It sometimes raises the bar just that much higher."

Phil answers: "Oh, I didn't know you were into it. Inflicting pain on a lover has never appealed much to me and I don't know if I could bear it."

I say: "Fair enough. I should have known that from the first time I met you. You are definitely a rare guy and I shouldn't try to change you. I only have one more question... With all that has gone on with us, where does that leave you with David and the contest? I've got to tell you, I know up-close and personal that David is magnetic and so many of the housemates are trying to climb up the ranks to get close to him. If you have any ideas of winning this contest, I think I'm only going to get in your way. We probably need to put the gymnastics on hold at least until your chances in the contest are more clear."

Phil looks hurt and says, quietly "I don't see that I have much chance to win any contest except the most important 'contest' of all. I couldn't give you up to win any silly game show contest. You are my prize for coming here. But what about you? Any plan to steal David's heart?"

"I think I have given that up a long time ago. I'm just here to enjoy the scene and watch whatever happens. Oh, and discover the best thing I've ever found." I kiss him long and slow and we decide to call it a night. We both get dressed only enough to be respectable and wander down the hall to the john hand-in-hand. We can feel the eyes of a few of the housemates on us and one or two smile at us outright. We come back to the room, straighten out the bedclothes as much as possible and lay down together as closely as two lovers can. There are celebratory kisses and hugs and we settle down for a well-deserved sleep. I realize the next morning that I had no trouble sleeping with Phil that night and I awake fully refreshed and just a bit horny. I think I have unconsciously latched onto Phil by the dick and he has done the same to me. It is sweet to be able to do that without worry or shame. It is so natural for us, now, to touch each other in any way that pleases us. I just had a super idea... I think I'll skip breakfast and have a protein shake instead... Mmmm.

Author's note:

First up, please consider donating to nifty.org They are the founders of this feast and if not for them, what would all of us horny, voracious readers do? http://donate.nifty.org/donate.html

You may contact me at snow.steve22_AT_yahoo.com if you have questions, suggestions, niggles, complaints, propositions or whatever. Just don't bother to spam me. I don't have the time or energy. Thank you.

Next: Chapter 5

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