I Wish You Love

By Steve Snow

Published on Oct 29, 2012


Well, I really did go in and sign that contract... I would be a world-class dope if I didn't. Now we start to conspire. I am feeling a little like a worm but I know it is all for a better show and to tell the truth I don't really care that much. The remaining 'beaus' should have thought of this. If they didn't, well, too bad. Besides, I am looking forward to testing them and seeing who will slip up. All that much better for me because I am determined to take as many for the team as I can!

We interrupt the meeting long enough to watch David give his little speech and watch all the faces of the 'beaus' when he tells them where I have gone. It is a little bit like going to my own funeral - but in a nice way... I am going to enjoy this!

When David comes back in, he is applauded for his performance and true to his word, he was able to grab a change of clothes for me. Stupid me, I came to the Production Center in my jeans and a tee shirt (my preferred uniform...) and without those clothes, it will be a dead giveaway. David goes off to monitor the activities in the Control Room since my time is pretty filled up from here on in anyway. He does stop to tell me that he won't be able to walk me into the house because it would look too much like favoritism. He tells me there is a surprise in store, however. (I had no idea...)

After the meeting finished, it is a whirlwind of activity for me in the Production Center. First up comes makeup - The lady they brought over is a real wizard. I have never thought much about makeup. I had been in a couple of plays in High School, but it was just a dab of makeup for that. This is true art! She knows what is up and came completely prepared. First, she needs to make my hair credible so that I will look like the flambe had flared up in my face. She takes out the slickest looking little torch and shows it to me. It looks just like the torches they use on TV to brown up the surface of a Creme Brulee. (I watch too much TV anyway and I am addicted to food shows!) I say "No way are you getting THAT near me" but she just laughs and shows me the roll of special foil that she is going to use to shield my skin so that only the hairs will be singed. I start to relax and realize she has done this before. She tells me they have asked her to do my hair, eyebrows & lashes and she also thinks she better give me a light graze on the forearms to make the effect complete. The only problem she thinks might come up is that burning hair STINKS to high heaven. She figures that it might be smarter to take the stinky part of the process outside so that the 'beaus' won't get suspicious. So, out we go to her van and that's where she does my Creme Brulee treatment. And I can assure you, it DOES stink! It is much worse than the smell that comes out of the hair salons at the mall. Once we are done, she wipes me off with alcohol, but not vigorously enough to remove the tell-tale little balls of melted hair that are what she was creating in the first place. We go back into the Production Center and the crew all oohs and aahs over what she is able to achieve. Even David pokes his head out and looks pleased with the effect. Then, we are on to the makeup. She tells me that she is supposed to make my face & neck both redder, paler & blotchier than normal to simulate the effects on the skin of a flare-up. It is also used to make me look a little sick, but not to look like I am at death's door... So, she goes to work. Sitting in the chair, I start to doze off. When she is finished, I can't believe the transformation. I really have started to believe that we can pull this off. She does remind me, however, that the makeup is not suitable for close inspection. Up close, you can tell that makeup has been applied. She tells me that the plan is to keep the 'beaus' at a safe distance for my arrival and when I have the chance to be alone she will give me a special towelette that I will use to remove the makeup and then stash it safely among my things to be smuggled out of the house later when it is convenient. I am to arrange to keep the lighting down in my room for the first night so I won't look too healthy and she shows me some tricks I can do to create a weaker version of the makeup on the next day. I have already had a full day with my makeup expert and it is time to send her off to her next assignment. We say goodbye like we are old friends!

Next, I am introduced to Tom who will give me my "acting lesson".

"Well, since we don't have much time, we will need to concentrate on the basics. I specialize in teaching new actors. The first mistake that new actors make is that they either overact badly or shut down and mumble their lines in a monotone. You know, acting for film or television is all about subtlety. So, from what I can tell, you've been injured slightly. You've been in the hospital overnight and now you'll be returning to the house but worn out. I also understand that your injuries were confined to your face and hands. Thank the lord you didn't breathe any flame. That would make our job so much harder... I think we need to start with your motion and physicality. That will probably take the most work and we'll finish with the voice aspect. You'll need to remember that this whole illusion will need to be acted with your face, neck and shoulders. There's nothing wrong with you from the shoulders down. Of course, you will probably want to move slowly and shuffle slightly, but you can't go in there like Quasimodo all hunched over and limping. Even when you are drag-ass tired, you move pretty normally, just more slowly and carefully. Try to be subtle. That is what is most believable." Tom goes on to practice my motion several times and show me how to hold myself the way I should to make it believable. He also gives me some voice tips so I will sound the way I look.

I notice that Grant has been hovering nearby for a few minutes and once I am finished with my "lesson" he moves in. He tells me he needs me to follow him and I nod uncertainly. He shows me to the small conference room where I had spoken to David this morning. In the room is a seeming giant of a man dressed in an orderly's uniform. Grant introduces him as Morris. Then he leaves us and closes the door. Morris takes over the conversation at this point.

"I'm Morris and I'm an unemployed actor" he intones just like you see in the scenes at an AA meeting. He continues: "Actually I left something out: I'm an unemployed gay actor who would kill for a walk-on in this show! I have had the great luck to be chosen to play your orderly today."

I interrupt him with "I didn't hear that I'd need an orderly; am I that sick?"

Morris says "No, but you are a little unsteady on your feet, or they feared you would be, so the story goes. I am really your light-duty bodyguard and I was chosen to project an image that would put the 'beaus' off a little and keep them from mobbing you. You wouldn't want that, now would you?"

I chime in: "God, no! that would blow the whole thing!"

"Exactly. Now we don't have a lot of time to get in there, so I expect you to follow my lead and trust my instincts. I've been doing my homework while you've been taking acting 101." Then he smiled and my heart melted just a bit. Honestly, I am starting to feel more comfortable by the minute just by his presence in the room. I think they made a good choice.

He says "You know you will need to say a few words and I will give you the cue when. You have your speech ready?"

I say "they gave me the outlines and I thought I'd wing it."

Then he says "Oh boy, just what I need... a civilian who wants to ad-lib. You better be good, kid." then he lights me up with his smile again. He says: "Go, get dressed and meet me near the outside door in ten minutes and make it snappy!" Then he stands up and when he does I see why they have chosen him: he is huge! Not just tall (though he appears to be nearly seven foot tall) but he is wide in all the right places. Imposing wouldn't describe it. He will need to exit the conference room sideways, almost. And, true to form, the producers have chosen a truly studly fellow to boot; Handsome and huge. That gets my mind wandering... He notices and slaps my butt to bring me back to reality... "Go - Now!" He says.

Once I've changed, I join Morris at the door. They have ordered up a limo which is sitting just outside. We walk to it and sit down for a minute. Morris has some time to fill me in on the plan. They have set up a camera outside the building by the main street just for the purpose and they will be sure we can enter from one of the fire doors on that side of the building. That will give us the perfect spot to enter the "house". The housemates will be watching on a screen in the main room and that is where I'll meet them. Then a quick hello to the other 'beaus' and I'll beg off to lay down and get some sleep. Everything else will be Morris' problem, he tells me. I start to tense up and I can see he is sensing it. He purrs in my ear "Stay loose, kid, and we'll get through this. Just lean on me." Just then we turn the corner and I can see a couple of folks I have seen in the Production Center standing around one particular exit. The limo stops and Morris gets out and walks around the back and opens my door. He reaches in and takes hold of me under my arm. I really feel then that I need to lean on him and he helps me gently out of the limo and onto my feet. He sort of tucks me under his arm like a football and that is the way we enter the 'house'. He seems to know where everything is and we walk toward the main room. Once we enter I can hear the conversations among the 'beaus' become a hush. Now it is down to a few whispers. "There he is..." and "he really looks out of it" can be heard multiple times. Here, Morris makes an unexpected choice: Instead of strolling down the middle of the main room, he chooses to walk me behind the table we ordinarily use for our meals. This creates a virtual barrier between us and the others in the room. It's perfect! Nobody can get too close and nobody will approach because of Morris' size and demeanor. We get to the middle of the table and Morris gives my arm a squeeze. It is showtime!

I clear my throat and begin: "Guys, it is so good of you to come and welcome me back. I'm feeling kind of tired and I'm going to lie down and grab some sleep now, but I'm pretty sure that tomorrow I'll be feeling a lot better! I want you to know I appreciate it more than you'll ever know." With that, Morris guides me toward the wing where my room is. He really doesn't need to do much to keep the 'beaus' away except to motion that I need my space. It seems like a perfect performance.

Once we get to my room, Morris dims the lights and helps me get undressed. He reminds me that I really should remove my makeup now and he walks me into the bathrooms to a toilet stall supposedly so I can do my business but in reality it gives me the time to privately remove my makeup with the towelette. All the time, Morris stands outside the stall like a guard protecting my safety. He has told me to be really submissive when I come out as if doing my toilet duties has taken a lot out of me. This way he can cradle my head against him in case any of the housemates are coming or going and they won't see my remarkable recovery.

When we get back to the bedroom unobserved, he asks me for the used towelette and he stashes it in his pocket then he leans in to me and tells me quietly that for an untrained actor I have done a hell of a good job today and then he kisses me full on the lips. I am somewhat surprised by this, but I remember what he said earlier. I will reflect some days later that my best acting won't come for a while yet. Morris helps me into bed and then he leaves.

I'm laying here thinking that it's been quite a while since I've gotten off. In fact it was a while even before I came into the house. I am pretty horny. Maybe I could give myself a thrill. But then again what if someone came in while I was pulling my pud? That wouldn't look too good. On top of that, I should really save my energy. I may need it tomorrow night, after all... Well, that decides it. I'll just go to sleep.

Fifteen minutes later and I'm almost dozing off. Maybe these mattresses are better than I thought, I remember thinking. I don't know much what happened after that except I'm aware that the bed is moving under me. What is that anyway? I'm only half awake and yet the situation is becoming more clear. Somebody is getting into bed beside me. This is interesting and unexpected... But, I think, who is it? I should be able to tell. I've taken a fair amount of time observing all these guys and I should by now be able to recognize him without being able to see his face... So let's take inventory of what I can feel: He's starting to spoon me and the picture is becoming clearer. He's somewhat taller than me, so that eliminates some of the guys. He seems to be pretty gentle and his touch is really silky. In fact, he is starting to give me butterfly kisses across my back and neck. It's so delicate and relaxing. I'm really starting to enjoy all the attention. I am still trying to maintain the fiction that I'm asleep. I'm still not sure who is with me. Suddenly he shifts his weight around and I can feel his feet brushing up against mine. This guy has a really big foot. It is nearly one and a half of my foot size. That decides it. This must be Phil! I've always noticed his big feet in the shower (I do naturally check out guy's feet anyway. Guilty as charged!) I've also noticed that his touch can be gentle, the few times I've experienced his touch before. Damn, Phil is in my bed, and he's kissing my neck. This is getting interesting. Well, this goes on for a while and I'm getting used to the touch and loving it. I think I have died and gone to heaven. Then he moves against the small of my back and I can feel his dick pressing into me. Just another confirmation. Phil has a really long and thin dick and judging by what I've seen in the showers, (yes, when I'm not looking at their feet, I'm looking at their dicks! So, sue me!) what I'm feeling matches the description. Phil is now wrapping his arms around me ever so slowly as he continues to kiss me. I guess he is trying not to wake me; how sweet! So, I will try to maintain the fiction. After all, according to the story, I'm wiped out by the long day at the hospital and recovering from my 'injuries'. I let out what I hope is a non-committal, sleepy "ummm". Phil has just about finished wrapping his arms all the way around me and then some. At this point he stops moving entirely. I suppose he is hoping I'll fall into a deeper sleep. Or, perhaps he is getting sleepy himself and this is how we'll wake up in the morning. Only time will tell.

Now, I've never been very good at sleeping with somebody else anyway... My mind generally goes into overdrive and sleep hardly ever comes. And, I'm facing the wrong way to even get a look at the clock. Time seems to progress so slowly. Finally, Phil starts moving his hands again. He probably figures I've gone back into a deeper sleep by now. Phil is brushing so lightly on the edges of my abdomen. Up and down he brushes. Then he starts in brushing right and left. This is interesting. I am having a problem because I have always been sensitive on my abdomen. I need to concentrate to avoid losing it and responding. Finally Phil resumes the up-and-down motion. This feels good. Then I realize that he is moving more down with every cycle. He is going to land somewhere vital if he doesn't stop soon! Well he keeps this up for a couple more cycles and he has arrived at the promised land. Yes, now he is brushing my dick. Now he's feeling me up, exploring what he's found.

All this time, I've been fairly successful in avoiding popping a boner. Now my mind is working overtime trying to distract myself from what is going on down by my crotch. I'm thinking 'Pretty Kitties, Fuzzy Puppies, Soft Rabbits' over and over again almost like a mantra. In the meantime, Phil is now stroking my dick through my shorts. He's also letting his other hand stray to cup my balls. This is getting to be so hard to bear. I want to let nature take its course and yet I'm trying so hard not to rise to the occasion. Finally it all becomes so intense, my body lets out an involuntary shudder. Phil must have noticed this and takes it as some kind of permission. Now he's lifting the waistband of my shorts and he's jacking on my cock directly. This is all too much sensation to take in at once and there is no way that I can avoid getting a raging hardon... perhaps I already have one. I'm not sure... Well, now comes the struggle not to cum. I know I need the release and I sure want it, but some small part of me still says to resist. Of course, it is a struggle since Phil's hands are stroking my cock so gently but insistently. I'm trying to resist the inevitable, but when I realize I'm losing the fight, I let out my breath in defeat. Phil hears this and redoubles his efforts and he's now jacking me thoroughly and I don't have much resistance left. Soon, over the top I go and I must have had a fairly large cum. I imagine his big hand is coated with my cum and maybe his wrist too. I continue to feign sleep while I try to control my breathing. Phil has pulled away from me slightly while he wipes his hand off on his underwear. He kisses me on the neck and slips out of bed with me. I'm almost disappointed at his absence when I notice that Phil hasn't left the room yet. I can hear a weak rhythmic slapping sound above me and I take a chance and try to peer through almost closed eyes to see what he's up to. I can see that Phil is standing over my bed stroking his dick. He's leaning in just below my head over my chest area and I can see his jerking is getting labored and speeding up at the same time. Finally, he can bear it no longer. I can see that his knees have gotten weak as he finally cums in great streams. I see him shoot six bursts, and with each shot his dick is getting closer to touching me. With the final burst, I can feel the hot cum on my face. I can see that Phil is struggling to stay upright and not collapse on top of me. He has one hand propping himself up against the wall next to my bed. He gathers his strength and hauls himself upright. After he is standing straighter, he leans down and kisses me gently on the cheek, and licks a bit of his cum off my cheek as he does so. He straightens up again and quietly pads out of the room.

The next day after my 'performance', I have slipped into the Production Center unobserved when one of the technicians waves me over. He says "I have something you really should see." He points to the monitor and shows me a clip from one of the many cameras watching every move in the house. On screen is Phil talking intimately with another of the housemates. He is smiling and describing our time together and Phil makes a point of telling him "I can't believe it myself, but I was able to jack him off and he never even woke up! He really must have been tired." A golden statuette wouldn't have been a better reward than that.

Author's note:

First up, please consider donating to nifty.org They are the founders of this feast and if not for them, what would all of us horny, voracious readers do? http://donate.nifty.org/donate.html

You may contact me at snow.steve22_AT_yahoo.com if you have questions, suggestions, niggles, complaints, propositions or whatever. Just don't bother to spam me. I don't have the time or energy. Thank you.

Next: Chapter 4

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