I Wish You Love

By Steve Snow

Published on Nov 7, 2012


Morris rouses himself after the accident and looks around at the scene...

There's Grant and he looks OK but he's shaken up and not really awake yet. Phil looks OK too but he's clearly unconscious. Where the hell is Tyke? The door is open and I can't see him anywhere. I look through the shattered windshield and see the mess and the car that hit us. It has collided with the front of our car and pushed the car aside. I can see the driver and I just know I need to check him for injuries. I get out of the car and walk over to the other car and assesses the damage. The other driver is out cold and he's not wearing a seatbelt. It looks as if he has hit the windshield with his head but he's not bleeding badly. I snap open my cell phone and place a call to 911. I tell them that there has been an accident with personal injury and the location. I tell them that at least one driver will need to be transported with head injuries and they can check out the other passengers for any hidden injuries. I also tell them that one passenger has wandered off and ask the dispatcher to warn the officers responding that he's nearby. I can hear sirens approaching and tell the dispatcher and thank her. I identify myself and hang up.

I go back to our car and see that Grant is awake but groggy. I talk to him and reassure him that everybody seems to be OK. I tell Grant to just sit tight and wait for the EMT's to check them out. I can hear Phil groaning and know he too will be awake soon. I ask Grant to repeat to Phil what I told him when he wakes up. I can see that the police cruiser is almost here. I walk over to where they stop and talk with the officers. I inform them about the missing passenger and say I'm worried he may be more injured than the rest. They place a call and ask for an additional unit to search for the missing passenger. They walk back with me to the car and see the damage for themselves. For the first time, I look into the passenger seat where Tyke was sitting. I notice a wet spot on the seat which I figure is urine and also notice that the armrest on the door is damaged and the pocket on the back of the front seat is torn. I am starting to wonder what happened here. I look again at the damaged armrest and notice that there are peculiar tears and impressions in the soft material and I take my left hand and compare it to the marks and realize that Tyke has gripped the armrest so hard he has left fingernail marks and fingerpad impressions in the armrest. Now I'm getting panicked thinking what has happened to Tyke. The officers interrupt my thoughts wanting details and I need to get the registration and my license out and I also note that Phil is coming around and take a second to check in with Grant once more. All is well here and I go over with the officers to answer their questions. Within a few minutes an additional police cruiser and the ambulance arrive as well. I excuse myself and go over to the ambulance crew and tell them what they need to know. An officer from the second cruiser approaches me and tells me they think they have found the missing passenger and ask me to come over and identify him. As soon as I look into the cruiser I recognize Tyke and assure the officers that they have indeed found their man. They tell me they found him wandering two streets away but they weren't sure it was him because he was walking around aimlessly and staggering as if he were drunk. It doesn't make much sense for a drunk to be walking the streets at this hour and they picked him up just in case. I ask if I can speak to Tyke and they say OK, but ask me not to let him get out of the cruiser. I walk over to the cruiser and open the door to talk to Tyke. I call his name but don't get much response. Tyke is staring blankly at me unrecognizing. I observe that his pants are still wet in just the right place to confirm that he has lost bladder control in the back seat of the car and I look at Tyke's left hand and see that the fingernails are damaged and the fingertips are bruised. I also see that there is a clear sign that Tyke is bleeding slightly from his mouth. I follow the marks and see that Tyke has bitten the inside of his cheek and also slightly injured his tongue. He's all right, I'm relieved to see, but he's strangely distant though awake. I can't get him to respond to my touch or by calling his name. I'm really worried at this point and I close the door to the cruiser and seek out the officers. I tell them of my fears and ask them if they can have Tyke transported to the hospital in the ambulance that is standing by. The ambulance crew is just starting to get the other driver onto the stretcher and I know that they will be leaving in just a few minutes. The officers say I can send Tyke to the hospital as long as the ambulance crew is OK with it. I tell the officers to inform my friends where I am going and to help them get home safely. I open my cell phone and after searching for the number, call Doctor VanEyck, the specialist I was going to refer Tyke to originally when I saw that problem back in Kingman. I call over to the ambulance crew while the phone is ringing... "Where are you taking him?" They respond "Cedars" and at once I'm on the line talking with Doctor VanEyck. I identify myself and tell him that my friend Tyrus is being transported to Cedars and explain that I think he's just had a serious seizure and tell Doctor VanEyck I want him to take charge of his care. I don't spend much time on the phone with him because I can see that one of the ambulance crew has taken Tyke from the police car (minus the handcuffs) and loaded him into the ambulance and they are getting ready to leave. I tell the doctor that I need to hurry or I will miss my ride and snap the phone shut. I hurry over and step into the back of the ambulance just as the door is closed. I take a seat next to Tyke and put my arm protectively around him and steady him for the ride. I can see that the back of the ambulance is crowded but I catch the eye of the EMT and nod my thanks with a weak smile. The EMT nods back. The trip doesn't take very long but to me it seems like hours.

When Morris arrives at the ER, he's shuttled aside into the waiting room while Tyke is taken into the ER proper for evaluation. Morris waits for what seems like forever and eventually he is approached by an ER intake worker and is answering the usual flurry of questions about Tyke. Morris is stuck. He doesn't know much about his health since the only other person who might be able to help him answer these questions is back at home (he hopes.) He calls Phil and puts him in touch with the intake worker to give her the details. Later, he dictates his observations of the initial condition he saw and what happened in the car into Tyke's records and informs her that Doctor VanEyck will be taking charge of Tyke's care once he is admitted. She makes him spell the name and looks a little confused but he chalks it up to the odd spelling of the name. He thanks her and settles in for the long wait while Tyke is admitted. He accompanies Tyke to his room once he has been seen by an ER doctor. The hospital makes an exception for Morris and wheels in a reclining chair so he can stand watch. This should be a two-by but they have limited the room to a single for now.

Time for Morris drags on interminably. He greets nurses and watches as his friend lies immobile, unseeing. Tyke is in-and-out of the room fairly regularly for trips to radiology and has occasional blood tests and IV therapy. The highlight of Morris' day is the daily visits from Grant and Phil. He is always happy to see them since they provide a connection to the real world outside. Morris' only two other bright spots are meal time when he's allowed to give Tyke his nutritional drink and nighttime when Tyke has his dreams. Morris almost can sense when it will be coming along and makes sure to be watching over Tyke when it does in case he should wake during the dreams, but he never does. Once Tyke's dream is done, Morris knows he can go to sleep since Tyke will sleep through the night after that.

Dr. VanEyck walks into Tyke's room and examines him. He's already looked at his chart and knows that nothing remarkable has happened in days. Morris is still sleeping in the recliner and he goes to him and puts his hand on his shoulder. Slowly Morris wakes and sees who is standing next to him. The doctor wishes him good morning and drags another chair beside Morris and takes a seat.

He says: "Morris, I wanted to catch you up with what has been going on... It's been a while since Tyrus has been admitted and I was able to get him stable and on anti-seizure medications on the first full day. I think I can say he's not likely to be having any additional seizures any time soon. As far as the catatonia, I've been taking any test I could think of and a few I didn't think of to see if his problem was caused by the seizure but I've come up empty. I don't see any reason why he isn't awake and talking to you now. His brain is just fine and in fact it's a bit above average. I'm just a humble Neurologist but I'm left grasping at straws here. Also, I'm getting push-back from his insurance company telling me I have to release him or send him elsewhere. I hate to say it but as much as I want to remain professional about this, I think I'm starting to regard this young man as I would my own son. (I only have daughters...) Confidentially, I think some of you is rubbing off on me. I've arranged a psych consult for tomorrow morning just to buy us some time, but I'm convinced that he's trying to escape some horrible perceived situation in the real world by refusing to acknowledge the world at all. It's all arm-chair psychiatry of the worst sort and I should have my license taken away for saying this. I am so glad that he's showing signs of having dreams at night since it confirms that his rhythms are basically all there. I'm only worried about what those dreams are about; what horrors he may be going through in them. Morris, I'm hoping you can think of something creative that can snap this boy out of his cycle and soon. If nothing definitive happens tomorrow, I'll be forced to send him to some long-term facility and between you and I, his prognosis will not be helped by the experience. If you think of anything, you can call me anytime and we can discuss it. Please take care of yourself and I'll be in again tomorrow."

Morris is left thankful and with a great deal to think about.

Morris has decided he needs to take a break from his bedside routine. He goes home and hops in the shower. Fresh from the shower, he, Grant and Phil are sitting around discussing what they could do about Tyke.

Morris tells his friends: "I have an idea on what to do, but you'll both need to be especially brave and not show your worry in your voices or behavior. We'll all go over to visit Tyke together and see if we can make him feel loved and cared for and make sure he knows we are all there with him and hope he snaps out of it. At worst, if it doesn't work, he'll be no worse off for it and he may remember the experience afterward. Do you think you can do this?"

He receives nods from Phil and Grant and sets about his plan. They arrive at the hospital and walk in to see Tyke. Morris excuses himself and goes to the nurse's station to talk with his duty nurse. Jim comes over to see Morris and catch him up on the events of the last few hours. Morris asks Jim to give them a period of time with Tyke undisturbed since he wants to try to communicate with Tyke and coax him back to consciousness. Jim assures him he won't be in to disturb the proceedings but if Morris needs anything, just to give him a call at the desk. Morris goes back to Tyke's room and proceeds to put his plan in motion. He explains to Grant and Phil what his plan is: Each of them in turn is going to go to Tyke's side and place their erect penis in his right hand and encourage him to explore it and get the feel of it and perhaps recognize the owner by the distinctive feel of it. Then that person will talk soothingly to Tyke and welcome him back and tell him they have missed him. They would each take up another position where Tyke could stay in contact with them while the next one would take his place.

Phil chimes in: "This is probably stupid, but I had an idea: How about once I speak to Tyke, I take a position behind him and give him his favorite butterfly kisses. That would be a sensation he would recognize as distinctly me and he might respond to it as he has in the past. Would that be OK?"

Morris says: "That's not stupid, that's brilliant - you do that just the way you have before. Tyke couldn't stop talking about it and I only wish I had thought of it. Thank you! Now everybody, get ready. Let's all show him we love him the way he remembers best. If nobody objects, I'll go first if only because I'm almost hard already. That will give you time to get ready."

They all nod agreement. Morris starts by easing Tyke into a sitting position and helps him put his feet on the floor. For the time being Phil stands just behind him to steady him in his sitting-up position. Morris stands by his right hand and places his dick in Tyke's palm and gently closes the fingers around it. Tyke does stir and feels the warmth of the dick in his hand and begins to explore it slowly running his fingers over the length, exploring the surface, fingering the corona and stroking it ever so gently. Morris leans down near Tyke's ear and says "Hey, Tyke, it's Morris. Welcome back baby, I've missed you so much. Come home to us, little brother. We all need you."

Then on Morris' signal, Phil takes up position and takes Morris' place as Grant steps in behind Tyke and gently supports him. As they make the transition Morris moves to Tyke's left side, puts his arm over Tyke's shoulder and puts his dick in Tyke's left hand for safe-keeping while Phil is letting Tyke get to work on his dick with his right hand. Tyke repeats the same process over again exploring Phil's dick as he did with Morris. He explores the different geometry of this member in his hand and caresses it as if it was familiar territory. As soon as Phil is satisfied that Tyke has done his exploring, he leans in to Tyke's ear and says: "Tyke, it's Phil. I really have missed you, lover and I've been so lonesome without you beside me at night. Come back to me Ty, I need you so much."

Phil and Grant switch positions while Morris steadies Tyke from his location and Phil goes back to behind Tyke. He places a few tentative kisses on Tyke's exposed back and then waits while Grant starts Tyke exploring. Tyke seems to know this territory too. He fingers Grant's member and goes to retract the foreskin and run his finger over the exposed head. Grant is woozy with the sensation and also the realization that Tyke has remembered him by his dick and he leans in to say: "Tyke, I've been saving myself for you and I really need one of those wonderful blow jobs from my favorite artist. Please hurry back to us... I'm waiting for you."

So the three of them have taken their positions and Phil takes this as his cue to start with the butterfly kisses in earnest. Morris notes that Tyke is responding since he's making quite a tent in the front of his gown and he continues to stroke the two dicks in his hands and is moving some in response to Phil's kisses. The only problem is, he isn't waking up from his state as Morris expected he would.

He thinks about this for a few minutes and then reaches over beside him and picks up the phone. He dials the nurses station and asks for Jim. When Jim comes on the line, he asks him if he could stop by the room for a minute and Jim says he would be glad to since he is about to take his break. Morris reminds him he is counting on his discretion and he assures Morris he will be discrete. A minute later, Jim knocks gently on the door and comes in. Morris addresses him quietly: "Jim, come over here for a minute, would you?" Jim comes over beside Morris taking in the scene around him and says: "That's an innovative therapy you have there. Knowing you, it will probably work! How can I help?"

Morris says gently: "Jim, I need to introduce a little cognitive dissonance here. If you observed, Tyke is responding positively to the attention, but he seems a bit too content with all the familiar feelings and he's responding on an instinctual level and I hope you'll help by introducing a less familiar voice and experience so we can engage him intellectually and maybe get his curiosity going. He could respond to you just because you are an unexpected presence but one he isn't threatened by. Can you do that for him?"

Jim says: "If you mean participate the way you three are doing so, I can only say that it is so unethical for me to do that."

"Jim, I thought you were going on break now. While you are on break, you are a person of flesh and blood just like the rest of us and I'm asking you to put that flesh and blood in the game here and help me to bring Tyke around. Will you help him?"

"Well, when you put it that way, I don't have any problem with the concept. Tyke seems to be in a state where he's not threatened by the proceedings and I had pegged you four as a loving group from your reactions and so I'm not worried that Tyke's interests aren't at the forefront. Tell me what to do..."

"Jim, will you be able to get it up for this?"

"Morris, I'm already halfway there looking around at all of you and I'll confess, I've had some fantasies about Tyke lately, I'm ashamed to admit, so I don't think that will be a problem."

"Good. You'll take Grant's place at Tyke's right side and let him explore you as he's done with the three of us and then lean in, introduce yourself and tell him sincerely what you want from him in some detail. Be careful not to frighten him but you can plead or cajole him if you feel it but just be genuine."

"OK. Give me a second here to get ready."

"Grant, you can join me over here when Jim is ready to take over."

Jim crosses over beside Grant and puts his hand on Grant's shoulder. Grant disengages from Tyke's grip gently and moves over so Jim can slip into that position. Jim places his dick into Tyke's hand and Tyke begins his explorations as he did before but soon his movements are a bit more tentative and he seems to be rushing through his movements taking it all in but never lingering any one place for long. Tyke is fingering the length and then seems to be measuring the width then fingering the corona and exploring the head and slit. Tyke seems to be finished his explorations now and has closed his hand around the shaft but isn't stroking the dick but just holding on when Jim leans down and introduces himself: "Tyke, I'm Jim and I really want you to give me a good long fuck. I want you deep inside of me and I need you to push my buttons. I want you so bad, it almost hurts. Please fuck me, Tyke! I'm waiting for you."

Tyke suddenly turns his head in Jim's direction and says: "That's a nice dick you have there but do I know you? This isn't like me at all."

You can hear the collective breath go out of the three lovers around Tyke but they are careful not to distract him just yet. Jim kisses Tyke's cheek and says "Good morning, Tyke. No, you probably don't remember me but I've been taking care of you for a while now and I've been lingering a bit too long with your sponge baths and thinking some very unprofessional thoughts about you. I hope you don't mind?"

Tyke says gently: "No, I don't mind. But why do I have your dick in my hand?"

Jim says: "You'll have to ask Morris about that. It was his idea. He's right there beside you smiling like a fool. I also see some other friends you know who are waiting to wish you a good morning as well. Tyke, look over at your friends."

Tyke turns his head to his left and sees some faces he knows. They are either smiling or crying and he can feel the grip of Phil from behind him as he moves his head around to that side and kisses him and washes his face with his tears. They are still tentative but are encouraged by the recognition and the beginnings of a smile on Tyke's face as he sees the state of excitement each of them is exhibiting with their so-familiar dicks at the ready. He feels Phil's dick pressing into his back as Phil starts to squeeze him as if he would never let go. The four celebrate Tyke's return for what seems to be hours but is really just minutes.

Morris disengages from Tyke's grip and leans over and kisses him on the cheek and whispers "welcome back".

He crosses over and gets Tyke to release his steely grip on Jim's cock and puts an arm around Jim's shoulder as he walks with him towards the door. Jim has started to put his cock away and says to Morris: "I'm going to have to hide this from the staff as best I can but I don't think it's going to go down until tonight..."

"Thank God for you, Jim, you were just what the doctor ordered. Kudos!"

"Well, Doctor Morris, I'm glad I was able to help."

"Jim, I heard that they've been calling me that out there... should I be worried?"

"No, I think it was always said with love and recognition that you were fighting for Tyke's interest above all. Even Doctor VanEcyk was saying that."

"God, I owe that man such an apology! I called him during the early minutes of the crisis and nearly ordered him to get his ass over here and take charge of Tyke's care."

"I gathered as much. You probably don't know that he isn't on the staff here and he pulled some major-league strings to get here and get going with Tyke starting with Tyke's Primary."

"God, no I didn't know that. I need to start a campaign kissing some serious rear ends to get to where I can ever get work again."

"A few blow jobs thrown in wouldn't hurt either. I can tell you where they would do the most good when you're ready..."

"Thanks for that. I've got to tell you that you've inspired me and I need to get back to school and earn my R.N."

"We'll welcome you when you can do that. Everybody has been in awe of what you've been able to do so far. You have the gift and you should take it as far as you can."

"Oh and about disc..."

Jim puts his finger over Morris' lips and says: "Shhh... Say no more. We don't want this scene showing up in some medical journal. I'll make my log entry very diplomatic - You called me in because you thought he was coming around."

"Thanks, Jim and listen, in a couple of weeks when Tyke has fully recovered I'll invite you over and make the proper introductions and we will see what we can do to make that thing of yours go down." Morris squeezes Jim's hardon through his uniform pants.

"Once Tyke is through with you, if you are still conscious, I may just jump your bones myself. Take care, stud and take care of my little brother for me." Morris claps Jim's behind firmly and kisses his cheek.

Jim opens the door and looks up-and-down the corridor and scurries off toward the staff bathroom. Morris rushes back to Tyke's side and joins in the still low-key celebration.

With Tyke up-and-about a bit, Morris notices with time that he is only wearing a single gown and he is flashing his behind with each movement. He walks to the linen room as he had so often done in the past few days and grabs an extra gown so Tyke will be able to move more freely without exposing his otherwise adorable tush to passers-by.

As time wears on, Tyke's demeanor is changing. He started out a little out of it and child-like in his reactions but Morris can see that Tyke is gaining strength and assuredness. He also senses something else but can't quite put his finger on it. Everybody is pleased with the transformation but Morris is still uneasy. Morris does note that Tyke is getting excited to be around his friends and is becoming casual about touching them and kissing them and soon he is sitting in their laps and groping them or playing grab-ass as they will walk by. Obviously, nobody in Tyke's inner circle would complain about his familiarity at home but looks are being passed now from Phil to Grant and on to Morris and a picture is beginning to form in Morris' mind about what direction the "new" Tyke is taking. Morris can see that he is becoming steadily more uninhibited. This doesn't worry Morris much since an uninhibited Tyke is infinitely preferable to the zombie Tyke they had before. But Morris can see that Tyke will become a handful soon and he is thinking about how he will guide him. Morris has been also watching Tyke and judging his baby steps towards full motor control. Since he has been asleep virtually steadily for a number of days, it is clear at first that his motor skills are off; he needs Morris to steady him when he gets up to stand or walk about. Also he isn't expected to manage his urine bag and Morris needs to be sure he doesn't forget and walk away from the bed too far and spill the contents of the bag on the floor. Morris is aware of these things and keeps watch to prevent an accident. After a while he goes to the nurse on duty and asks her if Tyke's catheter can be removed. They call up Doctor VanEyck and get the go-ahead to remove the catheter under the circumstances. A few minutes later a nurse comes in and removes the cath for Tyke. Soon Tyke is making the trip back-and-forth to the bathroom unassisted.

Suppertime comes and Tyke attacks his first solid meal with gusto. Solid is, perhaps, an overstatement since the hospital dietitians decided that they don't want Tyke to start out with too ambitious a meal after so long having only a nutritious drink once-in-a-while. He is ravenous and the meal is soon gone and he has enjoyed every last, bland morsel. He especially likes the gelatin dessert and really wants more. Morris knows this won't be a problem and dispatches Grant and Phil down to the cafeteria to buy an additional serving for Tyke. With the others gone, Tyke settles down on Morris' lap to wait. He leans back against Morris' chest and really relaxes for the first time since he has re-awakened. They both hold each other and Morris is finally thinking that life might actually get back to normal eventually. Once Phil and Grant return with prize in hand, Tyke is up and chowing down again after a cheer from him that would have been appropriate for two adventurers back from the end-of-the-earth. It is clear, though, that Tyke has wound down some from his peak and is starting to show some fatigue.

Seemingly in a minute, the time comes when the gang needs to retreat and they all wish Tyke a good sleep. Morris, of course, remains behind and plans out yet another night standing watch. He has some fears that Tyke might slip back into his catatonic state but is resolved to talk to Tyke before he goes to sleep and reassure him that he will be right by his side and that any bad dreams are just that. Tyke has revealed through his earlier conversations precious little of the nightmare that he has been living while he was away from them, and in a way Morris is glad that he hasn't gone too deeply into the details and been forced to relive them. He does take pains to reassure Tyke that he only needs to wake him and that all will be well again. Tyke is sitting up in the bed and watching some TV and Morris excuses himself to check in with Tyke's night nurse. He walks to the nurse's station to see who will be assigned to Tyke overnight. He checks in with her hoping that a nurse who is a little lenient might be on duty tonight. He is disappointed to find that one of the few old-school by-the-book nurses will be watching over Tyke tonight and that realization puts a damper on Morris' buoyant mood. He hoped that if one of the more permissive nurses were on duty, he might be able to slip into bed with Tyke and hold him the way he wanted to while he slept. He returns to Tyke's room and settles into the lounger. He mentions that Nurse Fussybottom will be his night nurse and that they will need to be on their best behavior. Tyke laughs out loud hearing Morris speak what had been his private nickname for this particular nurse. He gets the idea, though, that she won't be the type to overlook any funny business. Morris reminds Tyke that he will be right there throughout the night and that if Tyke wakes up frightened, he only needs to touch him and he will be there for him. Tyke turns off the TV and makes his way to the bathroom for his final pee stop and then returns to the bed and settles down facing Morris and reaches his hand out and bridges the short gap between them with clasped hands. They both fall asleep eventually still maintaining that life-line between them.

During the night, Tyke turns over and breaks their hand contact in his sleep. Morris looks up and checks Tyke and determines that he is sleeping well and drifts off back to sleep himself. Hours later, Tyke wakes up with a full bladder and gets up to pee but doesn't want to disturb Morris and avoids flushing the toilet. He returns to the room and stares at Morris sleeping and can't conceive of how he will be able to go back to that lonely bed alone. He quietly stands next to Morris for a while and then crawls in beside him in the lounge chair. Morris is not awakened by this but is aware of the warm body next to him and cradles his friend instinctively. An hour later, Nurse Fussybottom checks in on Tyke and seeing where and how soundly he is sleeping, even she ignores her instinct and moves on to the next room without comment. In the morning, the nurse from the next shift stops by and gently wakes the two lovers and suggests that Tyke might be more comfortable in the bed since Doctor VanEyck will be in to visit in a while. Breakfast comes and Tyke again is ravenous and eats it all though he is starting to complain some that the food is nothing like his breakfast is at home. Morris is so pleased after a relatively quiet night that he doesn't take up the defense of hospital food as he might have otherwise but just lets it pass with a friendly swat at Tyke's shoulder.

Within an hour after breakfast, Doctor VanEyck is stopping by to check on Tyke. He has stopped at Morris and is wishing him a good morning and before he has a chance to really congratulate him on Tyke's recovery, Tyke has jumped out of bed and wrapped his arms around Doctor VanEyck's neck and given him a big kiss on the cheek. The good Doctor is somewhat taken aback by this unexpected show of affection and Morris is beating himself up a little for not having anticipated this reaction. In the meantime Tyke is going on about what great care he has received and how happy he is that he is feeling so well. By this time Doctor VanEyck has wrapped his arm around Tyke's waist and has somewhat released himself from Tyke's hug while he is walking him back to sit on the edge of the bed so he can examine him. He comments that he is glad Tyke is feeling well and that he appreciates it when a patient can actually cooperate with the exam instead of lying there unaware as Tyke had been just yesterday. Once he is satisfied that Tyke is as well as he expected, he says his goodbyes to Tyke and asks Morris to step outside into the hall.

Once they are alone, Doctor VanEyck says to Morris: "That is one special young man in there. Is he always that affectionate?"

Morris is forced to explain that he had become aware that Tyke had awakened with an uninhibited manner that was not consistent with his earlier personality.

Doctor VanEyck says: "This is not unheard-of that changes to personality can occur when someone returns after a period of catatonia. Normally, these changes fade after a period of adjustment and are helped by gentle guidance from his friends. I'm sure that you can provide that. There is one thing I will ask of you and I will need to do another. I'm prepared to sign him out of the hospital today if you will just be sure that he isn't able to wander off unexpectedly. In his state of mind, without the usual inhibitions that guide us everyday, he might be in some danger if he were to go out into the world alone. For my part, I will put a temporary hold on his drivers license since we don't want him driving until his emotions are more balanced. I recommend a period of isolation at home with only his closest friends around him so he can readjust. I presume you won't have any issue with those limitations?"

Morris replies: "Of course not, Doctor. I was beginning to worry about the long-term effects but you've reassured me."

"Please be sure you take care of the physical safety problem right away. He is going to be a handful for a while and you should enlist his friends to help you with that."

"I have no worries there; they will all be most cooperative."

"That's fine. You can take him home within hours. I am so relieved. He's such a wonderful young man. Keep in touch with me and I'll see him at my office in a week and make a further determination then."

"Of course, Doctor, and thanks for all you've done."

"Be well, Morris."

Before Morris goes back into the room he calls Grant and passes him the good news. He asks Grant to do him a favor and get him a deadbolt lock head with an interior cylinder with only one key. Grant is familiar with the lock setup on their apartment and says he will install it within the hour. Morris also asks Grant to stash away any tools that they have in the apartment for safe-keeping once he is through. Grant agrees and tells Morris how excited he is that Tyke will be home soon. Morris asks him to pass on the news to Phil and Grant tells Morris that he already knows because they are sitting together on the couch right now. Morris smiles to himself and wishes them both a good morning. Before Morris rings off, Grant tells him that he should let them know the time and they will stop by and pick them up when Tyke is finally released.

The morning passes with no particular incidents and lunchtime is practically a carbon-copy of breakfast. One complication is that in order to release Tyke, one of the nurses will need to be sure Tyke's intestines are working fine. She needs to give Tyke an enema and though Tyke is cooperative, if not enthusiastic, Morris hopes he won't get any ideas from it – he doesn't relish Tyke discovering scat play and deciding he likes it when Morris deals with the subject every day at his work and doesn't want to deal with it when he comes home to relax. Only time will tell. Soon comes the word that Tyke will be released and Morris helps him into his street clothes. Fortunately Morris had the presence of mind to bring in a clean set of clothes because the ones Tyke wore that day of the accident are just a mess and Phil had to work extra hard to clean some of them and just trashed the rest. Morris calls Grant and tells him the hour of Tyke's release and he is there on-the-button. Morris corrals Phil just before leaving the hospital and asks him to sit in the back seat with him and have Tyke between them for safety and asks Grant if he will be the chauffeur. Grant is pleased to serve in that role. So that is the way they make their way home. Tyke is especially affectionate on the ride and repeated kissy-face is the rule for both Morris and Phil and he even is able to place a few kisses on Grant's ear. Grant is driving especially carefully remembering the incidents of a few days ago and also is aware of Tyke's special needs. Soon they are home and have all made it up the stairs and into the apartment. Grant has passed the new deadbolt key to Morris for safekeeping and Morris has used it to lock the door behind them.

Once they enter the apartment, Tyke is like a man possessed and stands there exclaiming "I've waited long enough now... who's man enough to fuck me?"

Everybody sighs both from relief and also with the recognition that this is going to be one long day and night. Phil volunteers willingly to take the first shift and Morris tells him to use the bedroom. He also whispers that if any problem comes up, knock something off the bed-table and I will be in immediately. Grant and Morris sit down on the couch to unwind and catch up on the news of the day and soon the old familiar sounds are emanating from the bedroom. Morris shares Doctor VanEyck's advice and they conspire to keep Tyke safe and try to encourage the old Tyke's self-control to return. Grant wonders how Morris will hide the key so that Tyke can't escape if he even has the idea to try. Morris confesses that he hasn't worked that out and Grant observes that it's likely Morris will end up naked sooner or later and he won't be able to hide the key anywhere then. Sooner than anyone expects, Phil comes stumbling out to the others and says: "Next." He confides that the new Tyke is an exceptional lover – innovative and completely fearless and exhausting. Grant volunteers to go in next and try to turn Tyke's first obsession to less athletic activities. In the meantime Morris updates Phil on the plan-of-the-day and helps Phil relax and gives him a back-rub and semi-massage. Ordinarily this would turn Morris on and he notices as has Phil that he is getting hard but the reason is more one of anticipation rather than present company. Both of them smile and understand. Presently Grant is out with them and is drenched with sweat. He tells Morris that he is next and flops down on the couch next to Phil. He says he has had a partial victory in that Tyke just fucked him instead of the other way around and seemed to be satisfied with that. Morris slips the key to Grant and goes in for his shift. Once Grant is somewhat sensate he takes the key and puts it in the middle of a bag of jasmine rice in the back of the pantry thinking that Tyke won't think of looking there. He shows Phil the location and makes sure Morris will hear it from one of them once he has been released.

In the meantime, Morris is entering the bedroom to do that which he has yearned to do every day since Tyke has been in the hospital. He has been having fantasies about this moment since the first even when it seemed hopeless that he would ever be able to make it happen. He was even starting to have wet dreams those long nights on the recliner in Tyke's room. It has been a long time since he has needed release that badly but he had no alone-time with either Grant or Phil since the accident. His focus was only on Tyke. Now the time is here and he and Tyke will be able to share their love physically. He has no idea what Tyke will be like or how he has changed since the last time they made love. Morris has been eagerly dropping clothes along the way and by the time he is about to cross the threshold, he is completely naked and ready. When he enters the bedroom he is surprised to find that Tyke is fast asleep. He sighs and gets into bed beside him and spoons him as is his habit while laying his hardon up against Tyke's crack and smiles knowing that Tyke is finally fulfilled – for now. After a half-hour of silence from the bedroom Grant and Phil steal in to check and see the scene and are secretly relieved. So ends day one of Tyke's new life.

Early the next morning Tyke awakes to find Morris in his bed and although he is inspired to new sexplay, he needs to visit the toilet first and drain his bladder. Once he is finished he wanders around the apartment and finds Grant and Phil sleeping together soundly and the germ of an idea comes to him. But first, back to Morris and that horny itch he wants to scratch. He decides to recreate the scene he remembers between Phil and Morris that long-ago day when they started their adventure together with their friends. He rouses Morris by starting to nuzzle that fabulous blonde pelt of his which he has come to love so much since Grant described it to him that first night together. He always did love the feel of it against his skin and wants to just luxuriate in it for hours. Although Morris isn't coming awake yet, a part of him is. Tyke finds himself nose-to "nose" or perhaps eye-to "eye" with Morris' fabulous dick which is growing pretty quickly now. As it encroaches on Tyke he greets it as an old friend. He jokingly sneers at it and then reaches out and tongues the head to catch a glistening drop of precum. He savors Morris' special flavor. Soon he's kissing it and not too much later he's giving it the full deep-throat action they all love about him.

Morris finally starts to waken and says: "Well, you're up early... and thinking of it, so am I!"

The sensation is starting to come home to him and he's feeling pretty good but Tyke has a different idea. He stops giving Morris head and comes up to Morris' eye level and kisses him and whispers in his ear: "Lube me up, please."

Morris responds: "What is the first rule here in our home?"

Tyke says: "I'm not sure."

Morris reminds him: "No fucking without a condom."

Tyke whines: "Oh, why? We're OK. We don't really need one of those."

"Of course we do. I couldn't live with myself if I gave a disease to you or Grant or Phil. If I was to fuck you now without a condom, I'd have to stay away from Grant, Phil and you for months to be sure I am OK. You would need to as well. That wouldn't be pleasant for anybody. So, it's one of those or I go take a cold shower. You choose."

Tyke grudgingly says: "OK. Put on a condom."

Morris says: "Lesson one learned."

He reaches over into the drawer next to the bed and pulls out a condom and rips open the pack and rolls it over his dick being sure to adjust it just right while Tyke eyes the whole exercise with impatience. Morris is sort of rubbing the lesson in a little moving at a deliberate pace. Finally he says: "Lube time." and Tyke's eyes light up. He produces his ass for attention and savors the feeling as Morris lubes up his hole expertly. He inserts his finger in Tyke's ass to stretch him out and then puts in another. He knows Tyke doesn't strictly need this attention since they have often fucked before with no particular preparation but Morris is still teaching a lesson here. Finally Tyke is ready to Morris' satisfaction. Tyke starts to straddle Morris' member and lets himself feel the head at the rim of his hole and pushes out a bit to open the entrance. He drops down a little and can feel the head slip past the ring of muscle. Soon he is sliding up and down on that thing and every move inflames his desire. He is in control and likes the feelings it is producing. He can decide when to let Morris' dick push his button and when to back off. He is having a good time here but he notices that something is missing. In his head, he has a vision of that first time Morris fucked Phil and he was kinda hoping for the same experience Phil had. He looks at Morris and sees that he is happy and smiling and even getting into the rhythm of the thing and thrusting up into Tyke but he isn't seeing that need in Morris he remembers.

Suddenly he stops and lets himself slide down until he's sitting on Morris' broad pelvis and Morris is taking note. Tyke says: "You're not making any noise – there's supposed to be noise."

Morris thinks about this and says: "What kind of noises were you expecting? I could do Tarzan if you want." With this Morris does his best Johnny Weissmuller impression of a Tarzan yell.

Tyke smiles at this but says: "No... that's not right. I need you to make those sounds you made when you fucked Phil for the first time – those sounds."

Morris smiles broadly thinking of that experience. He's also starting to understand the dynamic here. He says: "I guess I'm just not in that kind of mood today. I was thinking of something more like a 'Good Morning, I love you, here's my dick to sit on' mellow kind of fuck. I wasn't thinking I was auditioning for the next sequel to 'The Best Fuck You've Ever Had' movie. I don't think I have the energy for that. You've been around the block a few times here. You can remember that not every time with someone is just like the time before. There's always differences in mood and chemistry between the two people involved. Sometimes you're just itching to get off a good old-fashioned rip-roaring fuckfest with slamming bodies and sometimes something more seductive and playful is what your mood calls for. And if the two of you are in different moods, you compromise and find something that works for the both of you. Or, you just cuddle. That's good too. Tyke, how do you want it to be?"

Tyke replies "Like that time with Phil."

Morris says: "OK. We'll need to compromise. I'll step up my game and maybe throw in some sounds and you'll need to be satisfied with that. But you better get strokin' or I'm gonna loose my hardon soon. There's nothing worse for a hardon than a long philosophical discussion. Get to it, stud." Morris slaps Tyke on the exposed part of his ass and Tyke starts the long upward climb to the top of Morris' dick and then plunges down to the bottom again. They soon re-establish that rhythm they had earlier and as promised, Morris puts it into overdrive. He's thrusting into Tyke a bit more forcefully and trying to get more passionate. He finally does produce some sounds and only hopes for Tyke's sake it doesn't seem too forced. Soon Tyke is flying along with the piston engine he imagines he is part of and is pressing Morris' cock into his prostate again and again getting that electric thrill each time he bumps the head into his special spot. They are resuming that well oiled mechanical precision that they've found before. They are into each other and expressing their mutual need for release. Tyke has reached a threshold and it is time for him. Morris likewise can feel the passion in Tyke and it pushes him forward. He makes an especially strong thrust upwards and holds that position for a second and his orgasm is upon him. Tyke feels the pulsing deep in his bowels and it pushes him over the edge as well. He arches his back and squeezes his sphincter closed tightly and this launches him off. He realizes he hasn't been stroking his cock at all during this time preferring to focus on the feelings deep inside of him. He still starts to orgasm and sprays his cum all over Morris' belly and chest. He thinks it will never end as he spasms four, five, six times in quick succession and finally he has found relief.

Morris revives himself to the point where he can speak. Tyke is still just sitting on Morris' softening member and not making any effort to move, trying to prolong the experience. Morris says: "I hope that was close to what you remember. Compromise feels pretty good, doesn't it." Morris thinks to himself: Lesson two learned.

Tyke is still hanging in there as if frozen in the spot hoping it will never end. Morris raises up to meet him and promotes some energetic kissing hoping he will finally disengage. Tyke follows him down to the bed and matches his kisses with ones of his own. He finally reaches just that bit further following Morris' mouth and he can feel Morris slip out of his ass. He's just a bit saddened and empty following the seeming abandonment. Suddenly he remembers the empty feeling he had when he dreamed his friends were all dead and he starts to softly cry for that lonely, tortured boy he was not so long ago. He latches onto Morris with all his might and wills himself to feel the life in his hands and kisses him again and again with the passion for life he has just reached out for. Lesson two learned, indeed.

After a while in afterglow heaven, the two leave the bedroom. They are greeted by applause and some catcalls from the peanut gallery (located on the hide-a-bed). Their athletics haven't gone unnoticed. In fact they are very much savored as a sign that morning has come without any complications. Tyke and Morris take their bows like returning warriors. They continue on into the kitchen looking for some energy. Morris, at least, figures he will need it. Once everyone has had a chance to fill the void (and some have had a chance to just plain void as well...) they return to the living room.

Acting on his previous idea, Tyke suggests that it might be interesting for him to observe Phil and Grant making love. The two look over to Morris for approval and Morris looks amused and shrugs his shoulders to indicate he doesn't have an opinion one way or another about Tyke's suggestion. Morris then sits down in an armchair across the room and figures this might be an interesting show. Tyke is getting excited and starts to make suggestions about the arrangement of the participants and although Phil and Grant do feel somewhat horny since they haven't done anything together today having been woken up by the action from the bedroom, they are a little intimidated by the prospect of performing for an audience – Phil being more sensitive to it and Grant not much caring one way or the other except in his awareness of Phil's feelings. They are also a little dubious about Tyke's kind of intrusive stage-management. It sort of drains the spontaneity from the act for the two but there is an added thrill in being observed as well. Taking all this into account and hoping to satisfy Tyke's curiosity, they do as they're told pretty much. Tyke is continuing with his anal-obsession here and asks the two to fuck face-to-face with Grant on top. This isn't much of a stretch for the two and it is one act and one position they both know well. Without much encouragement needed they get ready and start the action. Tyke is watching them closely and moving around them to get a better view. He's like a kid unleashed in a toy store – scratch that – like a kid who owned a toy factory and could program the toys to do just what he wanted. The action is starting to heat up and things are getting interesting. Tyke is now moving in and wanting a closer look. He's craning to see Grant's dick piston in and out of Phil's willing, hungry ass. Morris is starting to enjoy the show and it's having an effect on his dick which is rising. Morris can see that Tyke is getting the same reaction. So far, as far as Morris is concerned, life is good.

Only a little later, Tyke's attention is drifting and suddenly he tells the two to stop for a minute. They are shocked at the interruption but do as they are told. Tyke calls out to Morris planning to involve him in the action. Morris just waves him off.

Tyke pleads: "Please... I really need you to come over and join in the fun."

Morris speaks to the lovers and says: "You two need any help with that?"

Together they reply "Nope."

Morris answers: "Carry on, guys!"

The two resume what they are doing and basically ignore Tyke completely from then on. Tyke is a little disappointed with this turn of events but can see that the show is shifting into high gear and it has his attention once again. Tyke has gone back to watching the action closely focusing on the dick-to-asshole view and is really watching the motion intently and becoming mesmerized. Unfortunately though he's watching the action, he's not paying attention to the bigger picture. He's leaning in to get an ever-better view of the action and he's gotten too close. Suddenly Tyke's nose is between Grant's thigh and Phil's ass and it has gotten squished. Tyke squeaks like a dog whose paw had been stepped on. Morris is shocked but can see no harm has been done. He chooses to ignore it for now. The "performers" practically don't miss a beat and step up the passion one more notch. Tyke is massaging the tip of his nose but can't avoid watching the scene from a safer distance. He can tell that the heat is on and he can hear the thump-thump of the hide-a-bed hitting the wall as he also hears the bodies slamming together. He can also hear the short explosions of breath from both of them bursting out of them as they bottom out. Nearly exhausted, Grant and Phil are putting out a super-human effort to try to merge together or come as close as two people can come to that goal. Suddenly Grant makes one more mighty thrust and Phil meets him with a thrust of his own and Grant leans back and bares his teeth while in the grip of a massive orgasm. Grant is holding himself suspended in position and finally exhales one long breath and lets himself lean in and kiss Phil a long, sloppy, noisy kiss. Phil lets his legs drop off Grant's shoulders and Grant takes the opportunity to rest his head on Phil's chest and take some well-deserved breaths. After the two have had time to recover, they sit up and rejoin the conversation.

Morris starts the ball rolling and says: "Man, guys, that was hot. When I was younger, I partook of the occasional porno movie but that was a lot better all around, and it was in 3-D! I'm only just now starting to lose the hardon you two gave me. The only problem is, I like to do it more than I like to watch it. Funny, huh?"

Changing the subject, Morris turns to Tyke: "Tyke, what did you learn just now?"

"Keep my nose out of the way?"

Morris and the others politely laugh a bit at that but Morris continues: "That sums it up well but really the point is that most of the sex we enjoy here is one-on-one. That is what makes each of us feel connected to one another and it is the most romantic and warm expression of our feelings for each other. There are times when we are going for something else and we won't care who knows it. There aren't any privacy rules in particular and I know that I wouldn't hesitate to walk through the living room even if two somebodies were doing it on the couch but I wouldn't stare at them as I walked by. We don't ever have the bedroom door locked but I wouldn't expect the rest of the household to crowd in there as if it was a show unless they were invited. The more general lesson is to respect the feelings of the other people here and ask first if you want to participate. Don't be disappointed if people prefer to stay engaged with only one other person. It's no insult. It's only human nature. The wonder of four is how it works out... everybody gets to be with somebody most of the time. You don't see too many occasions when three of us get together and leave the fourth one out. In fact I can't think of a single time that's happened since we have been friends. I think that is an example of the strength of our bond. We love each other too much to leave anyone out. Tyke, do you understand that?"

"I think I do. It seems to work out pretty well, doesn't it?"

Morris says: "Exactly!" Lesson three is learned with a little reminder.

Soon it is time to bed down for the night. Phil has made Morris aware that he would like to sleep with Tyke tonight. Morris has no problems with this since the previous night went so well. Morris does tell Phil that if something should go wrong, Phil should signal some way and Morris will be in to help. Tyke is visibly tired and he makes his way to the couch and Phil helps him unfold it and get it ready for nighttime use. They work together on straightening the sheets and fluffing the pillows and Phil is hopeful that a little normality is coming back into their lives. They crawl into bed together naked and fall into the old, comfortable arrangement they had worked out so long before. Tyke and Phil will sleep face-to-face with their hands locked together and their heads nearly touching. Their feet are arranged so that Tyke's feet rest on the top of Phil's larger feet and Tyke can tickle Phil's ankles with his toes as he often does. Their heads are so close that they are practically sharing the same air and their breathing naturally comes into sync without the two thinking about it. Should they get hard during the night, their dicks do a mutual duel and stimulate the other's member and sustain that contact as well. Sometimes they both come at night just from the contact without waking either of them. They both regard this as a miracle borne of their love. They both know as well that they will wake up in the same position in the morning. Tonight the two exchange a few words then spend the quiet time staring into each others eyes before they fall asleep.

I awaken before Phil does and spend some time watching him sleep. I feel refreshed in some ways but I'm retaining some memory of what I have been dreaming about overnight. I strain to remember the dream and suddenly the entire experience over the time since the accident comes into focus all-at-once. The feeling is overpowering and I'm awash with the emotion of it and I start to softly cry while still engaged with Phil the way we started out last night. I'm aware through it all that I don't want to wake Phil but still I relive the whole tangled tale. I remember the first dream where Phil was dead and though it shakes me, I am comforted by Phil's nearby presence. I then remember the second dream where Grant is now the one dead and I think of running into the bedroom and checking on Grant but put the thought out of my mind remembering the experience watching Grant and Phil making love together right here on this very couch. That memory is too real to me to be a dream. I can almost feel the pain in my nose still. I reach just a bit further down into my memory and remember the third dream which is the bleakest and most horrifying of all the dreams. I remember the pain a bit too acutely and I'm not prepared for the power of it and I start to weep in earnest. Phil is very sensitive to my emotions and he wakes up to see me crying so close to him that he can almost share in my pain but he only observes at first then gradually draws me closer until we are in full contact and he can wrap his arms around me and comfort me properly. He lets me cry as I need to and stands prepared to help me in other ways when I am ready. Eventually I have properly mourned what I see as my own death in the dream and I become aware of Phil holding me so close. I wordlessly kiss Phil with a passion that surprises him with its power and intensity coming on the tail of such painful emotion. I am alive with my passion for Phil and I try to think of a way to express it physically. I decide I need to engulf Phil in pleasure and start to move down Phil's body stopping to visit his erogenous zones as if they are signposts pointing ever downward. I engage Phil's tits one-by-one giving them all due attention licking, sucking and nipping them alternately. Phil is responding to this assault as you would expect he might and is starting to show his pleasure measurably. I depart Phil's tits and move lower still. I'm not content to just stop at the major points of interest either. I linger on the way looking for hidden jewels. I seem to stop at every hair along the way tugging on them with my teeth, sucking them in and licking them, giving them a blow-dry, then moving on to the next. Phil is finding this especially exciting and hasn't been this aroused in a long while. I make the descent further and stop at Phil's navel but hold back from diving in immediately. I continue my maddening assault on each and every hair surrounding the target and while I am at it, I'm darting my tongue out to approach the edge of the canyon and explore it from the rim while I am at the job of hair inventory. Phil is starting to become aware that he is getting more sensitive to the sensations as he is growing more ecstatic. Finally after what seems like forever, I have circumnavigated the navel and am poised on the edge. I flick my tongue down taking a dip into the pool but not lingering long. I do this repeatedly driving Phil mad with desire. Phil is starting to arch his back hoping to get me to stay longer and go deeper. Finally I am satisfied that I've prepared the territory and I change to all-out assault mode. I drive my tongue into Phil's navel as far as it can go and hold it there pressing in for all I am worth. This takes Phil's breath away from the sheer force of it and Phil is sailing away now with no pretense of control. Phil has collapsed back on the bed and starts to roll from side to side both enhancing the feelings and trying to escape some of the intensity of it. I sense my attention is needed elsewhere and start to move on but take the time to savor the taste of Phil's navel and wipe the edges of it with my tongue in a swirling pattern. I end on the edge of Phil's navel at the lowest point and start to follow Phil's treasure trail lower. Now, I'm no longer taking inventory but have shifted to swabbing the decks and I'm washing every inch of Phil's abdomen with my tongue leaving a clean but moist surface suitable for all activities in case the neighbors show up. Phil is starting to become exhausted by the extended period of hyper-excitement and is starting to move upward on the bed trying to direct me to the prize by erecting a sign: "Here it is..." The problem is that the time for erecting anything is long past and further erections are no longer needed. It is an accomplished fact; even painfully so. I am not deterred but still descending into the forest of the pubes. Here I change tack: I will sail with my nose leading the way working only from feel. I go astray often but can't go too far wrong. I sense I am approaching the area correctly when the flat plain starts to rise into a mound. I am a little off-center and it's a good thing or else Phil's dick would be in my eye. I know that I am where I need to be plus-or-minus. I take one hand and reach down to encircle Phil's balls and pleasure them but I find a surprise: Where I thought Phil's balls should be is empty. I reach higher than I should need to and catch hold of Phil's sack which is surprisingly tense. I caress it only a little and realize Phil is further along than I expected. I'm now in a bit of a panic and I'm looking for Phil's dick in earnest. I find it and reach out my tongue to harvest a bubble of precum when I get the ultimate surprise: Phil is really further along than I even suspected. Phil raises his hips pressing my ear into his belly and blazes forth with a full barrage mainly hitting me on the cheeks and lips. I scramble to catch what I can from this bounty. Once Phil has stopped cumming, I start clean-up patrol savoring the duty and doing the swab-the-decks routine with purpose this time. Once I am finished, I finally gets to swallow Phil's dick down to the root for a goodbye salute. Phil is still somewhat anesthetized from just cumming and though he feels me there he is too delirious to take much note. I finish up clean up duty and lay my head down on Phil's now-wet belly and relax for a while. After some time, Phil is aware that I am still down there and is surprised that I'm not back on top. He hopes I haven't fallen asleep down there. Phil reaches down to where I ought to be and finds an ear. He fingers it for a second and then gives it a gentle tug to signal "ascend" to his private submarine commander. I rouse myself and climb up Phil's body and pop my head above the surface. I meet Phil's eyes and can't help but smile. Phil is smiling too.

Phil says to me: "Wow, that was intense. I can't figure it, though. You did a real U-turn from crying to passion without stopping. What was that about?"

"I remembered. I remembered it all; everything I was dreaming about while I was out in the hospital. It was frightening and I was crying over the experience. When you held me so close I just rejoiced in having you near me and I had to do what I did to show you how much I need you and love you. I guess I went overboard there a bit."

"You nearly drowned too. How would I explain that? 'Local resident drowns in a sea of cum – news at 11.'"

I start to laugh then, perhaps a bit too much. "Phil, I want to tell you everything about the dreams but I hope you won't mind if I wait 'til everybody is up – I don't think I could tell it twice."

"My poor Ty – it must have been awful. I can wait. I don't think it will be long until the others are awake. In the meantime, I need to do some diving of my own."

Phil moves beneath the covers and starts to return my favor. I settle in to feel the experience while Phil is giving me back some of what he just received. While my eyes are closed, Morris and Grant have woken up and are coming out together to the living room and they discover this scene. They break their own rule and quietly sit down and watch the show. They hold hands while Phil expresses his love to me so clearly and urgently. They see the mound in the bedclothes moving up-and-down and can almost feel the experience themselves and both start to get erect just watching. They don't care if anyone sees; they are rejoicing in the other couple's shared passion. They occasionally give a yank to their dicks not with any intent, just because it feels good. They watch as Phil consumes my dick and they also watch my face to see my mounting excitement. I can't last long now and soon I am biting my lip trying to prolong the feelings but I shoot off into Phil's willing throat and he drinks down my offering and hopes for more. He lingers a while imitating my habit, teasing me a bit and I don't mind in the least. Finally he makes his way up and lies beside me. We are spent. Soon, though, I hear Grant and Morris' voices discussing their criticism of the 'performance.'

"I give it a nine-and-a-half."

"I say seven inches."

"I'll raise you three-quarters of an inch."

We both look over and are surprised to see them sitting there and also surprised to see their dicks standing at attention for the whole world (or at least the whole room) to see.

I say: "Hey guys... how long have you been watching us?"

"Long enough – Say Phil, if you're done over there, there are two more people in line needing attention. Would you mind?"

Phil, ever ready to please, starts to get up to minister to the two when they start laughing together and Morris says: "Phil, relax – we were only pulling your chain. We'd never do that to you. You deserve to relax after the show you just put on. I just hope you don't mind too much that we were spying on you. It was just too good to miss."

Phil clears his throat and says: "Funny, guys! I suppose I don't mind much since we've all done the same thing often enough with each other. You two are a pair of sneaky bastards though. I've got my eye on you."

They both laugh at this. "We're just going into the kitchen to get some breakfast. You two join us when you're ready."

I say: "You may want to hold off on the breakfast for a while. I have something to tell you and I don't think it can wait. We'll be right in and sit down."

Intrigued, the two wrap their robes around them and stroll into the kitchen hand-in-hand. Phil and I get up and put on our own robes and go into the kitchen once I have kissed him and thanked him for his sweet service.

When we have settled around the kitchen table paired off as we are in life, I start in: "Guys, you are the most special people in the world to me. I don't understand it but while I was out of it in the hospital I dreamed that horrible things happened to you all. I don't understand it at all because I love you all so much. How could I think such awful things. I hope you all forgive me for what I was thinking but I need to tell you all the story in my dreams."

I could see everybody wanted to hear about it and I saw no hesitation in their eyes, only love. I only hoped that after I told the story it would still be there. I told them my stories the way I've told you. I could see they were visibly affected by the telling of it but I could also see the pain they felt was in sympathy with the pain I experienced. Once I finished telling it, I waited to hear their reactions. First up was Morris: "Grant: go hide my checkbook. First thing you know, Tyke will be signing my checks. Tyke, you really know me too well. As you were telling us the story, I was saying in my mind: 'just what I'd probably do' over and over. You're unbelievable!"

Next one to chime in is Phil: "I don't know how you did it; you captured my mother and the whole family to a 'T'. How the hell did you do it? You've never met them. I've never even mentioned them to you. And how did you figure out that David has kept up touch with me for so many years? I don't keep his letters at home. It's not that I'm trying to keep anything from you; it's only that I sometimes reread his letters at lunchtime and write him back from my desk. My little psychic."

Grant says: "Make that your little psycho. Yesterday, we were all thinking you were a little bit insane and today you are so normal, sorta. What's up with that?"

I answer: "I've been thinking some about that. I think while I was out, I was trying to run away from the world I thought was so cruel it took you all away from me. And the world that wanted to put me in jail. After I woke up, I think I was still running away, but this time I think I was running away from the responsibility of being an adult and dealing with adult crises. I guess I just wanted to be a kid again and look at everything with a kid's eyes."

Morris says: "Grant, would you do the honors?"

Grant stands and goes to the cabinet and takes a bag of rice from the shelf and puts it down in front of me.

Morris continues: "Tyke, inside that bag is the key to your future. We've been locked in here since you got home from the hospital. Doctor VanEyck suggested we keep you safe until you returned to normal. I think you've earned your freedom now."

"Thanks, guys for watching over me and putting up with me. I think I can earn your trust now. When we do leave here, I'm going out and make three copies of this key and give one to each of you to wear around your neck as a symbol of our love for each other. But before I unlock that door I want to take the time to discuss some things with all of you together. We need to talk seriously about what we are going to do about next-of-kin issues and survivorship and also about living wills. We dodged a bullet this time but what if that car had hit us like it did in my dream? What if one of us was dead or seriously injured? Let's work it out now so that if something should happen, our loved ones right in this room can be the ones we count on to do the right thing and make the best decision in our interest if we can't decide for ourselves. And one more thing: I need to tell you all my story and I expect you to each tell me yours. We need to know everything there is to know about each other. There should be no surprises. I'll start it off: Hi, my name is Tyrus Samuels and I was born in the east Texas town of ..."

Author's note:

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You may contact me at snow.steve22_AT_yahoo.com if you have questions, suggestions, niggles, complaints, propositions or whatever. Just don't bother to spam me. I don't have the time or energy. Thank you.

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