I Was Thinking the Same Thing

By Michael Van Maele

Published on May 10, 2006


The following short story and all characters mentioned therein are a work of fiction and are not intended to be a record of actual events. If you are offended by sexual relations between two males and explicit descriptions of sexual activities between two males, then I don't know how you got this far! Please enjoy the story.

I Was Thinking the Same Thing - Chapter 2

I opened my eyes, not able to tell the time of day due to the blinds covering the window, but I sensed it was sometime in the late morning. I moved my hand to stifle a yawn, but found it pinned to the bed- I was hit with the joyful realization that Gabe was still sleeping next to me, lying facing me on his side.

I reached around Gabe's waist with my free arm and stayed with him like that for a minute or two. I felt his breathing change slightly and thought he might be close to waking, so I leaned in and kissed him lightly on the lips to see what would happen. His eyes fluttered open, and he looked confused for a second. When he looked up at me, he smiled and tickled my ribs, making me laugh and pull back. I yawned again to recover the air I lost by laughter, and told him good morning.

"I slept so well with you next to me," he said, sitting up and throwing his out his arms in a stretch.

"Yeah," I said, feeling the same way. "Maybe we don't need that other bedroom..." It suddenly occurred to me that I had class that day at 11 in the morning. I got up and picked through my pants pockets looking for my watch.

"I have an hour to get to class, Gabe," I said. "Meet you for lunch later?"

"Actually," Gabe answered, looking a little down, "I will be in class from noon until 5:30, so I'm gonna have to pretty much go without stopping today."

"That blows," said I, grateful that I, at least, would be able to relax for the greater part of the afternoon, however Gabe-less. "We could probably finish unpacking and do dinner somewhere."

"Sounds like something to look forward to!" Gabe smiled wide, showing off his brilliantly white, straight teeth. I felt sincere feelings rising up in me.

"I really am sorry I can't see you before the evening," I told him.

"Don't worry about it, babe. Hey, you should jump in the shower and get out of here, it's already ten after!" Gabe said, rolling over on his side again and closing his eyes.

I heeded his advice and went into one of my boxes, rummaging for towels and other assorted showering necessities. After securing those, I padded over to our bathroom, which I saw, upon entering, was shared between ourselves and the adjacent dorm. I threw my towel over the shower curtain rail and neatly arranged my shower paraphernalia on the ledges that someone had thoughtfully set up in there- the shower had been running recently, so someone must be alive in the connecting dorm, I thought.

I pulled out the knob which turned the water on and off, and the shower head produced numerous high-pressure jets of hot water. I stripped off my flannel PJ pants and stepped into the shower, letting the massage-pressure water pound on my back and shoulders, reviving me.

I always do my best thinking in the shower, and my thoughts under the warm water were of Gabe. I realized how much there was left to learn about him before it would be clear if we were right for one and other. I was a little nervous about him, too, not entirely sure of his sexual orientation or much about him in general. I knew I was satisfied with him physically, and we seemed to have that "chemistry" that helps things keep moving. I would have to be very careful about which words I said to him until I was sure he was good boyfriend material. I knew I could easily say `I love you' to a guy if the mood was right- but I wanted to be sure of it this time. Making it even more crucial that I be cautious was the fact that he was my room mate, and would be in close contact with me on a regular basis, as opposed to the other boys on campus with whom I could have more space.

I rinsed my hair one last time, stopped the water and toweled off. I decided to be on time instead of suave and debonair, so I brushed my teeth quickly and allowed my hair to dry in that tousled, windblown look that seems to work for it. I got into some jeans and a t-shirt taken from one of my boxes (Gabe was asleep again), slapped my favorite Fossil® watch around my wrist (10:46), and headed for the door.

As I left, I turned to look down at Gabe again, who was sleeping face down. "God, he has such nice arms!" I thought, appraising those bulging biceps and triceps, appreciative of his manliness. With a shake of my head I brought myself back to the moment, made for the door and down the stairs and out into the street.

Since freshman aren't really supposed to have cars, my Miata remained discreetly parked in a nearby structure until my parents would have time to come visit and take it back home. Luckily, the walk to the School of Music from my dorm was a short and easy one, so I wasn't complaining that badly. It was a sunny day, too, and I envisioned myself exploring downtown Ann Arbor later on for the best restaurants and stores.

It wasn't long before I arrived at my destination. I was heading to Vocal Performance, which was held in the same building as one of the larger auditoriums owned by the School of Music, so finding the place was easy. I walked a dozen or so steps up a little hill to the doors and went in. Directly in front of me was the entrance to the auditorium. I peaked through a window in one of the doors, but it was too dark to see anything- there wasn't even a ghost-light on the stage.

I pressed onward, taking the hall to the right of where I came in. I followed the signs on the wall indicating where the various rooms were by number, searching for 221. As I rounded a corner, a sweet sound emanated from somewhere. It floated through the air and my mind, stopping me mid-step for a moment of appreciation. It was a bright, resonant soprano voice, and it sounded fairly mature. It was being accompanied by the piano. I walked toward the source of the music, and it was soon revealed to me. Propped open by a couple music stands stood a pair of double doors, from which the voice was ringing. On either stand was a piece of printed paper that read:


I peered through the doors and saw that the classroom was a fairly large rehearsal stage, richly paneled with darkly stained wood. On the stage was an eight-foot Steinway piano, being played by a young man who seemed to be a student. He had short, light brown hair and sideburns, and he looked very attractive in the midst of his intense concentration. On the stage was a small woman who appeared to be in her mid-twenties with short strawberry-blonde hair and fair skin. She was the singing an aria I did not recognize. She had clear blue eyes and was dressed in a professional-looking short black skirt and a black cardigan embroidered with a white flower with orange stamens and a white t-shirt underneath. She was shorter than I was, but her voice was larger than anything I could muster.

The audience was taking up the first two rows of seats, and was comprised of twenty-three young faces. I noticed an aisle seat was open in the second row next to a guy who looked near to my age, so I walked down the shallow grade of the aisle way to him.

"Mind if I sit here?" I asked politely. He turned away from Dr. Newman to meet my gaze.

"Be my guest," he said with a smile. He had very dark blue eyes and short, straight black hair which was in the spiky-in-the-front gelled style. He was wearing a grey and blue polo shirt and a loose pair of jeans, held up by a leather belt with a studded silver buckle.

"My name is Mike," I said, sticking out my hand.

"I'm John," he said, giving my hand a firm squeeze. It was at this moment that Dr. Newman unleashed a startling, sonorous high-note that caused everyone in the room to look up at her. She held onto it for a long time, and then let it fade away, hauntingly resonating off the walls of the room. The audience burst into applause, and she bowed with a flourish. John and I looked at each other smiling wide- he had clearly been impressed too.

"Thank you! Thank you!" she intoned with an exaggerated graciousness. "Stand up! Go on!" she urged us, marching in place and stomping her feet in rhythm with her words. She stopped when we'd all gotten to our feet. "Ok, turn to your right and massage your neighbor's shoulders!" she shouted, grasping the air in front of her as though to massage an invisible partner's neck and shoulder muscles. I turned away from John, for he was on my left, and faced out into empty seats across the aisle from us. I had to moan in appreciation at John's technique- he wasn't afraid to work the kinks out, and I could tell he had pretty big hands. "Chops!" Dr. Newman called out, and John's squeezes turned into rapid, light blows aimed in between my shoulder blades and down my back a ways. "Switch!" She called out.

I turned around and faced John's back. He had nicely bulging neck muscles and had that v-shape to his back which I love. I grabbed his shoulder muscles tenderly at first, starting a slow rhythm and gently massaging him. We progressed to chops, and I made sure to work down a little closer to his lower back than I might have. I let my fingers fall down his back close to his ass when Dr. Newman yelled "Stop!", and he turned and grinned at me. The doctor had us do several more warm-ups, some calisthenics and some vocal ones. I could hear that John had a very good voice.

"Welcome everybody!" shouted Dr. Newman with a glowing smile. "I am so pleased to have the opportunity to teach all of you. I know we will grow immensely as singers this year." She walked over to the piano and laid her arm on it, leaning against the instrument. "Who can tell me what aria I just sang?" she asked with a funny grin. Only one hand rose. "Yes?" she asked, pointing to a girl I had to crane my neck to see on the other side of the first row.

"The Black Swan aria from Menotti's opera The Medium," she answered. I could see that she had light blonde hair and a very attractive face.

"Correct!" cried Dr. Newman. "You will be singing repertoire from his operas and many others. You will become familiar with a variety of shows by many composers I think you should know about..." She continued for the rest of the period, telling us what we would be studying and how we she would be picking songs to study suited to our individual voices as well as allowing us a choice now and then.

After class, John and I went out to lunch with a few girls and another guy from our class. The six of us went to a place that John heard about where many students routinely picked up lunch. It was a modern diner type place that was able to comfortably seat us. The girls I met among us were Liz (the girl who had answered Dr. Newman's question), Danielle (who was tall with curly blonde hair), and Maureen (who was African and very, very pretty). The guy was Jake, a short, handsome guy with close cut blond hair and blue eyes. We sat and talked for a while, and I found out that Liz was a sophomore and was living a house already with a few girls and that we could go hang there sometime. After we ate, I added every one of them in my cell and we separated until Monday, the next class.

I checked my watch and saw that it was 1:30, so I decided to head back to the dorm and get my stuff unpacked so the placed would look more "lived in".

I pushed the door open and saw to my appreciation that Gabe made the bed- I was glad not to have to live with a slob. I dug around my boxes for hangers and found my clothes and hung them on the rail that was underneath the bookshelf in the corner by the door. I had an entire boxful of books I had brought along with me, so I happily arranged them by size on that same bookshelf. I had one box that I had devoted to picture frames and other fragile objects, which I arranged in one end of the room, avoiding turning the entire place into my room since I knew it was being shared with another guy.

That other guy... I threw myself on the bed, getting bored with unpacking and wanting to think about Gabe for a little, fantasizing. I knew I was going to have him that night, I could just tell from the way it felt. I felt so good thinking about him and what I wanted to do to him when he walked through the door. I realized he wouldn't be home for another three hours though, so I plucked Memoirs of a Geisha from the shelf and started where I left off on page 39. Before long, my attention had dwindled and before I knew it I was yawning...

I woke up when I heard the door open. I sat up, wide awake, anticipating that gorgeous hunk who I was blessed with as a room mate. I grinned from ear to ear when I saw him close the door behind himself. I sprang to my feet and hugged him tightly, happy to have him in my arms.

"Hi babe," he said, holding my elbows.

"Hey sexy, I was wondering when I'd see you again," I answered, my hands on his hips. He gently pushed me onto the bed so that I was sitting in front of him. I noticed he had a healthy bulge in the front of his jeans, aching for release. I reached up between his legs and gave him a nice feel, groping with my hand, trying to fit as much of that hot package in one grasp as possible. He let a soft, low moan escape, and he bent his knees slightly. He put hand big hand over mine and pushed it harder into his crotch.

I moved my hand under his legs toward his ass, massaging him right underneath his pelvis. He sank next to me on the bed and pulled me into a long, slow kiss. He took my lower lip in his mouth and nibbled on it gently, slowly laying me on my back and climbing on top of me. His kisses became more urgent, and he was grinding his hips into mine, grasping me around the shoulders for leverage and he rolled over with me so that I was on top, straddling him.

Gabe undid my belt and threw it to the ground. In a fit of passion, he pulled down my jeans and boxers in one motion and wrapped his hand around my 7" cock. He started to stroke me hard and fast, and I began to gasp for air as I felt an orgasm building at the base of my cock after only moments. I gently slowed him down and lifted up his shirt. He had a gorgeous chest with perfectly formed pecs that I pounced on immediately. His chest was lightly dusted with curly hair, which looked so, so sexy on him- I could barely resist just burying my face in him. He had smooth six-pack abs which I ran my hands across, relishing their firmness. He was like solid steel. I let my hand drift down his waistband and into his underwear. I closed my hand around his deliciously thick, warm cock. I knew I had to suck it immediately.

I pulled down his pants and before they were off his ankles, I tore off his underwear too. His huge, thick cock sprang free. It had to be 8" if not more, and deliciously thick, making an inch-and-a-half ring in my closed fist. I squeezed his cock hard and stroked him slow, which drove him crazy. He arched his back into each downstroke, keeping with my rhythm. I noticed that he had perfect quads and calves as well, which were covered thickly by very light, curly brown hair. It wasn't long before I dove on his cock, taking the tip of it in my mouth. He was cut, so I flicked my tongue across the ridges of the head of cock, being gentle. His cock was throbbing, and he wanted to get it all in my mouth so badly, he was arching his back to close the distance. I swallowed his cock whole and heard his inhale sharply. I started going up and down on it fast right away, sometimes letting it out of my mouth and licking the underside of it and butterfly kissing his shaft.

Gabe's face was screwed up in total ecstasy, and I knew he had to be close. I dove on his cock again with double the ferocity, licking my lips and tightening them around his cock, and pressing my tongue on the entire length of the underside of his shaft for maximum friction. He was starting to shudder and gasp in pleasure, growing in intensity every few seconds that I was sucking him.

"Oh God, Mike, I'm close!" he said, breathing in and out rapidly.

I threw all my stamina into making him blow his load inside my mouth. I slid my hands up and down his chest and thighs. He could take no more. With a long, loud moan, Gabe shot three or four hard spurts of cum into my mouth. I took it all down, making sure I had licked the last drop of the head of his cock before letting it slide out of my mouth.

Though he was now softening up, Gabe pushed me on my back and spread my legs, doing for me what I did for him so well. He locked his thick, pink, cock-sucking lips around my dick and cupped my balls with his free hand. In a just a few moments I was in heaven with him. I could hardly believe this massive stud was servicing my cock like this. I put my hands on the back of his head, following his fast-paced rhythm. I couldn't hold it in me anymore, his lips and tongue were just too much on my hard, pulsing cock.

"Shit Gabe, make me cum!" I harshly whispered in his ear. He started sucking my extra hard when he went up on my cock, so as to stroke my dick with his mouth. This sensation was just too strong, and I had to let go. My cock exploded in his mouth, and Gabe squeezed my balls gently as he felt my cock pulsating in his throat. As he drank down the last of it, he sat up again and pulled me into his arms so that I was on top of him. He just ran his hands all down my back and pulled me into him as hard as he could, to feel the closeness of our bodies entwining.

"Holy... fuck..." he panted. "That was so hot, babe, so hot..."

"Ssh," I whispered into his ear, kissing his neck gently. "I'm exhausted man... I just want to fall asleep in your arms again."

We held each other, and I rested my head on his shoulder where he rested his on my cheek. It was perfect.

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