I Was Thinking the Same Thing

By Michael Van Maele

Published on Apr 24, 2006


The following short story and all characters mentioned therein are a work of fiction and are not intended to be a record of actual events. If you are offended by sexual relations between two males and explicit descriptions of sexual activities between two males, then I don't know how you got this far! Please enjoy the story.

I Was Thinking the Same Thing

College. Freedom! Independence! At last I was there... accepted by the most prestigious school of music around, the University of Michigan. Majoring in musical theatre was what I planned on doing since my sophomore year of high school. I was dead set on getting accepted in U of M's ultra exclusive program during those years- every moment I had to myself was spent singing or reading monologues. It was such an amazing feeling when I opened that acceptance letter! It is such a great beginning for aspiring actors and actresses to get into U of M's program- all of my classmates and I know where we were and what we were doing when we got our letters.

Anyway, I digress. My name is Mike. I'm nineteen, and I'm a sophomore at U of M majoring in musical theatre. I'm tallish, 5'11", have dark brown, curly hair, and am nicely muscled (I don't mind showing off, at least). I have grey-blue eyes, which I consider my best feature. Now that I've written my personal ad (I hope I left enough to your imagination), I can continue my story.

So, I secured a place in the U of M musical theatre class of 20--. When September finally rolled around, I felt like my future was unlimited!

I always loved going to Ann Arbor to sing at the Hill Auditorium. I would always wish we had free time to mill around the streets or try out the dining while I was there with the rest of the choir class. And now I was going to live there! When I finally found a parking space in a lot across the street from the East Quad, I could barely run in the building quickly enough to the check-in desk to get my key and get into my new dorm.

The woman at the desk was very kind and helped me sort out all the prerequisite administrative paperwork that was left to do. After a few minutes of signing my name, I was skipping the steps up to the second floor, and it suddenly occurred to me that I was about to meet my new roommate. I wondered what he would look like and whether we'd be friends. After a little more walking I found the door number 212, which was the same number as was on the key. I gave a couple knocks on the door and opened it in anticipation.

No one was there, but the room wasn't empty. Whoever my roommate was had left a few open boxes on the floor by his or my new desk, which was the only other thing that had been in the room before we got there besides a twin bed and a book case. There were two other doors in our room, one which I discovered led to another room similar to the first and the other to our bathroom.

Wondering what kind of guy my roommate was, I couldn't resist taking a quick, discreet rummage through one of his boxes. In the closest one, I found some shirts and jeans from Diesel and D&G, which showed he must have a pretty good sense of style. This perked my interest a little more, so I continued to dig around in his box. Underneath his clothes I discovered a few text books on subjects that indicated he was probably a biomedical engineering major. Brains and style! I had to know more. At the exact moment I shoved my hand back into my unknown roommate's box to further my browsing, the door leading to the corridor swung open.

A very handsome guy was standing in the doorway, lugging a heavy-looking box he was supporting with his hip and the door frame. To detract attention from the fact that I was just picking through his belongings, I got on my feet to lend him a hand.

"Thanks bud," he grunted, emptying his lungs a little as I lifted one end of the box. I took that moment to glance up at him. The first thing that grabbed me about his face was his full lips and high cheekbones. I noticed he had shaggy, wavy brown hair and deep blue eyes. His skin was also a slight shade darker than mine.

"Not a problem," I said, eager to get a better assessment of this guy. We put the box on the bed since room was running out on the floor. We looked at each other properly, and he smiled and held out his hand.

"I'm Gabe."

"Nice to meet you Gabe, I'm Mike."

"Cool!" He seemed genuinely happy that he was rooming with me. I was glad to merit his approval so early. He seemed like a nice guy.

"Do you have a lot of stuff? I can help you bring it up here."

"Sure, that would be awesome. I don't have all that much left to bring up. I hope we can fit all of our stuff in this dorm though- it's gonna be a tight fit with all of the shit I managed to get in my car." We laughed, heading out the door and down the stairs together.

"Where are you from Gabe?" I asked.

"No where special, just Auburn Hills."

"Really? I'm from southeast Michigan too- Washington county."

"Sweet. I bet we've seen each other before if you went down to Great Lakes Crossing at least a few times. I used to hang out at the mall a lot."

"Yeah, so did I. Most of the part of Washington where I lived was new. There wasn't shit to do up there." We laughed. We bull-shitted on the way to and from his car about some of the places we frequented in the mall, which led to other subjects such as clothing. I was glad my roommate could talk knowledgeably and frankly about fashion- it was something I talked about often.

We managed to haul the rest of his and my things up to our room, and both of us were pretty tired by that time and didn't much feel like unpacking.

"Hey, you wanna get coffee?" Gabe asked.

"Sure, man," I replied, I hoped not too eagerly. He was so good-looking; I started wondering if I had a hope of getting with him. Then I reminded myself that I barely knew a thing about him, and that I should get things off on the right foot, especially because we were to be roommates.

We ended up taking my car, a 2006 Mazda Miata convertible. We put the top down and had a really good time driving around the city looking for a good spot. We parallel parked on State Street in front of a promising café. It was one of the last warm nights before things would turn cold in the fall, so we took our coffee outside. Gabe didn't know what to have, so I encouraged him to try a cinnamon flavored drink because cinnamon was my favorite. I had one as well.

"So Mike, what's your major?" Gabe asked. He furrowed his brow curiously, which for some reason made me feel a twinge of excitement.

"Musical theatre," I said, with a note of sheepishness, remembering those science texts of his. He gave me an interesting look and smiled.

"Really? That is so cool! I heard that they have a really good school of music here, you should be proud." I felt my face get a little hot. I liked getting praise from him.

"Thanks. What are you studying?" I asked, already fairly sure I knew the answer.

"Bio-med," he said, confirming my hypothesis.

"Wow," I said, feigning surprise. "I see some intelligent conversations in our future. Are you much of a partier?"

"Not quite," he said.

"We'll get along really well then. You can sober me up after hard nights." I flashed him a grin.

"If I don't have a test the next morning." He returned the grin. We talked for a long time after that, not really aware of the passage of time. "Think we should be getting home? It seems like we've both finished our coffee."

I glanced down at my hands and realized I'd been done with mine for a long time.

"Yeah, let's go back. It's getting pretty late."

I made a wrong turn on the way back to East Quad, so we had to take a longer way home than we would have normally.

"So Mike," Gabe said. "I think we will get along great. I'm glad that out of all the hundreds of guys my roommate could have been that it was you." He shone a smile at me.

It was right then that I felt that kind of connection that only two gay guys can feel, with that undertone of sexuality. That kind of silence that rises up even though there's plenty left to be said. If I hadn't been driving just then, I think I might have made a move on him. But since my main focus was to get us home safely, I simply replied

"So am I, Gabe. What do you want to do when we get home? Hell if I'm going to unpack anything tonight."

"Yeah, maybe we can just get out my TV for some noise until we fall asleep." I really felt like sleeping with him that night. I thought about falling asleep with Gabe in my arms the whole way home.

We got back to the dorm, and I took off my Berto Lucci jacket and threw it on the chair by the desk. Gabe dropped his jeans right in front of me. I noticed he was wearing some sexy black boxer briefs. That really got me going, and I felt myself longing to take them off his legs. He put on some red, blue, and green plaid PJ pants and stripped off his T-shirt so that he was half naked. I saw he had nicely formed pecs and dark nipples, and his abs weren't anything to complain over. "We might as well be comfortable around each other if we're living together, right?" he asked, grinning a little. He crashed on the bed and turned on the TV.

There was nothing good on since we had no cable, so I volunteered my DVD player and "The Phantom of the Opera" movie with Emily Rossum. It is one of my favorites, and I love the show. Gabe approved it, and I sat next to him cross-legged on the bed and started the movie.

The lights were out and the glow of the TV was all we had to see by. I was watching him, seeing the lights dance across his bare flesh. I was intoxicated by him, whoever he was. I knew he was intelligent, stylish, handsome, nice... I didn't see anything not to like about him. It may have been just that he was a gorgeous young man, and I that was tasting true freedom for the very first time, but I wanted to take him then and there on that bed, and let the darkness consume us...

Gabe was now lying on his back with a few pillows supporting his head, he left arm thrown behind him. I was resting my head on a pillow on the headboard of the bed. Gabe was tilting himself on his side slightly to give me some personal space, so as to not fall into my lap. However, the movie was just reaching the halfway point, and I could tell we were both feeling too drowsy to pay attention for much longer. Gabe gently relaxed his body, letting himself lean against me. Not really in control anymore, I slowly ran my fingers through his thick, brown hair. He didn't react to this touch in any obvious way, so I continued like that for a minute. Eventually I dared to move my hand onto his shoulder. I started to massage him gently for a moment there. He moaned out his approval. I worked my hands down onto his chest, kneading his pecs for a while. He shifted a little so that his body was closer to me and his head was resting on my abs.

By this point I had built up my courage, so I decided to take a little risk. I moved my hand near his neck, lightly tracing with my thumb from his jaw to his collar. He enjoyed this, sighing softly. I moved my thumb onto his chin and slowly traveled up until I found his bottom lip. I felt him open his mouth a little, which was just what I had been hoping for. I moved my thumb up a little more, until I could feel the moistness of his mouth. He took my thumb in his mouth and sucked on it. The warmth of his tongue and the slight nibble of his teeth send waves of excitement through my body starting from my navel.

I drew my thumb back. Being gentle, I slowly turned his face towards mine. I saw that his eyes were closed- I took this as consent. I pulled myself into him so that we were pressed together from the chest down, and I brushed my lips across his sensually. This was too much. I pressed my lips onto his, drawing him in close. I pulled back so I could read his expression. He looked like he'd just tasted something very sweet. His face cracked into a smile, and he pulled me in close again. This kiss was longer. I took his bottom lip in my mouth, nibbling on it lightly. I felt his chest fall, and I knew I'd found something that turned him on.

I kissed him again, harder this time. I could feel his warm tongue pushing for mine, so I obliged. When our tongues touched it drove me wild with lust. My hands went down his back, feeling his firm muscles. He turned around to face me completely. What a stud! I reached out and tweaked one of his nipples. He reached down and squeezed my thigh. I knew I had to have him or I might go crazy!

But I realized also that we would have many days together, so there was no rush. I also realized that most things that start out fast-paced this way don't end well and aren't as satisfying as they could be if you take your time.

"Gabe," I said to him, in a voice I hadn't used with anyone before. "I really enjoy kissing you, and I like where this is heading but I feel like we should take it slow... I want the moment to be exactly right. You know?" I put my hand on his chest and smiled at me.

"I understand, babe, I see just what you mean. I mean, I really feel you babe and I want this to work." He traced a few shapes on my abs with his finger. "Can we sleep together tonight, though? I just mean, sleep in the same bed, nothing sexual." He smiled at me.

"Yes, I think that can be arranged, my friend," I said, pulling him close to me. He slid in next to me and propped his chin on my shoulder.

"You're so hot, Mike," he said in a low voice. "We're going to have a lot of fun together." I kissed him again, and shut off the TV.

I hope you enjoyed the first part of "I Was Thinking the Same Thing"! Please e-mail feedback to jumbo2511@hotmail.com if you want more!

Next: Chapter 2

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