I Was a Slave

By peter mathews

Published on Jun 1, 2004


Disclaimer: If you are not yet 18 years of age or if it is illegal to read materials of this kind where you live, then please stop now. This story contains descriptions of sexual activity between teenage boys. The acts are consensual and are a result of their love or lust for one another. Please write to: petermathews@hotmail.com I would love to hear if you like my story.

I Was a Slave. Chapter 1

Geez, it seemed like years since I'd seen Ricky...and he'd been such a good bud in school. Sometime last year....he was never around after school. His folks told me he was 'busy' any time I called....his car was never around the house when I drove by.

Was I glad, and shocked to see him coming out of the pizza joint that night. I'd gotten a job after school, and my folks were helping me pay for my car.

Rick was such a good friend, I didn't realize how much I missed his being around till I saw him again that night. We slapped and grabbed hands, and we pushed each other back into the pizza place and sat down with drinks. He was a little starve looking...well, downright skinny....tired in the face, too.

"Where've you been dude? Nobody heard anything...and your folks didn't say anything' but you was busy."

He looked all funny then and his head spun left and right, as if there was ears on us. He leaned across the table and said, "I was...." then he looked scared sort of, and said, "uh-uh...not here."

I don't know whether I thought he was funning' or what with this fucking' melodrama, but I knew I wanted to hear...so I grabbed his wrist cross the table and pulled him out of there and we went to my car. He didn't say a thing, then said....head for the creek. That would be our high school hideaway on the water outside town. Ever'body loved to hang there in Summer.

As we started out he said, "Man, you got to swear...you never...NEV-ER tell anybody what I tell you. You do man, and I'll getcha....swears!!" he said low and almost growling deep in his throat barely above a horse whisper.

With one hand on the wheel I sweare I'd never tell, he could cut my balls off if I did.... He said, "It could come to that, dude. SWEAR!!" "I SWEAR...I'LL NEVER FUCKING' TELL...GODDAMN IT!" I screamed as the car started zigzagging' all over the road.

"Look man, I became...uhm, ahma slave," Ricky said. "Fuck you," I yelled feigning rage at his lie. "Yeh, and that, too," he continued very softly. "Ahma a fucking' slave, dude, an' got a Master, an' well I uh, ummm, well that is....I uh sorta...I serve....him." The look on his face was deadly serious. His eyes even seemed to be glinty from what was that? Tears?

I wasn't sure if I believed anything but as we pulled up to a tree by the creek and got out, neither of us said anything. We sat by the creek bank, and I pulled my sneaks and socks off, tested the water, leaned back on my elbows, looked up at him and said, "C'mon, Ricky. We're better friends than this. Gimme it straight." He leaned on his elbow and was so close I could smell his skin. He said, "Petey...I am a dog boy fucking' slave for this Master. I mean, dude...I am HIS! Lock---stock...cock ....and....ass!" Oh man! He got my ears up now. My dick, too! I didn't have what to think with just then, or I'da realized I pronged at slave talk! I asked him, "So-o-o-o, um, how you be a slave? I mean...if it....it's...true?" "The Master...he picks young dudes, to um...'work' for him." "What yuh hafta do...for him?" "Anything...like...um, ever'thin'...he wants," Ricky answered. "Yeh but what's it like...I mean?" I said. "You fucking' deaf, dude. HE FUCKING' OWNS ME...DO I GOT TO DRAW PITCHERS?"

That was so cold....I shivered at the words. I knew what he meant...I think....at least my cock did, but I was finding this so unbelievable... and I felt like I needed to know more, but was scared Ricky was getting so worked up at my asking'"

"Uh, could I be able to do this? You know, like um, be a...slave?" Ricky sat up, and pulled grass up out of the ground for a long long time while we sat quiet. His seriousness in all this got me almost totally convinced, while I awaited his answer...that I wanted to try this.

He turned and said, "You would have to talk to my Master," and got up, shoved his hands into his pockets and started walking alone to the car. I jumped up, grabbed my socks and sneaks, and caught back up with him. He didn't say another thing.

We drove back to the pizza place for him to get his car. He got out, and then leaned back in his window...."Be ready, after school tomorrow. You follow me there and we'll see."

Ricky got me so worked up, that now I was both scared shit...and one horny fucker, too. I beat my meat to my jollies before I got home, stopping the car before I lost total control. I didn't even wipe the mess all over seat and dash. My night was just as wild. I was still hard as rock when I got to my room....and I keep' on keeping' on.

Next afternoon seemed to come too fast. Ricky met me at the school lot, and we both drove out and off to his Master's.

The Master was a big dude, and actually while sounding firm and tough, also seemed ok. Leastwise, I wasn't as terrified as I was on the way there. I was still shaking like a leaf...and sweating' like crazy...my face was burning' up. I almost turned back 3 times at least.

Ricky had called the night before to OK the 'interview.' The Master shook my hand, and put an arm to my shoulder. He squeezed both real hard, and looked hard into my eyes, which once they looked into his, they locked on. He had to know I was trembling. "You sure you want to be a slave, boy?" he growled. I tried to say yes but my mouth didn't work, even though my lips were moving. He then said, "A slave's commitment is total...100%... and for a year. That means, until March...next year, boy. To do this you must commit. Do you?"

"I-yi-yi...y--y-yes....SIR...YES, I DO!" I finally yelled, more to shake out my scared than to answer. It was then when i saw this slave obey his master is when i knew for sure that this is what i wanted to do. Then the master took me to another room and we started the interview and after 2 hours of the interview he took me to the bathroom and saved my pubic hair and my chest hair . Then took me out to the liveing room told me to kneel i obeyed him and he collared me and told me that i was his slave. The next day at school i was teased when people saw my collarrr i was wearing and laughed when they red the dog tag. When the last bell rang i headed off to my car and my friend told me that master wants us to come straight away he wants to start ur training i told him i will follow him and as we were heading to master i called home to let my mom and dad know i was going out with friends.

When we arrived to masters house we both went inside and striped naked so that master could inspect us and after the inspection master told the other slave to start dinner and he took me to his dungeon and started my training....

(to be continued)

Next: Chapter 2

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