I Want Your Love

By JT Poole

Published on Dec 9, 2003


Warnings and Disclaimers:

  1. If reading this is in any way illegal in your town, state or zip code because of your age, religion, or other government rules you shouldn't read this.

  2. If you don't want to read about male/male gay sexual relationships, go away. You shouldn't waste your time with this story.

  3. I don't know any of the members of 'N Sync, or any other celebrities that may be mentioned in this story. This story in no way is meant to imply anything about 'N Sync, and any other celebrities sexualities, personalities, or anything else. This is a work of pure fiction.

Questions and commentary can be sent to "jtpoole9@cybersouth.com". I want to hear from everyone out there that is reading this story, tell me what you think whether it is bad or good.

Author's Note: `Never Too Far' Copyright Mariah Carey and Virgin/Island Records. I don't own the song or anything I just thought it would be a nice song for Lance and Devon on their wedding day. LOL, enjoy...

====================================== I Want Your Love I Just Want To Be With You -- Chapter 6 by JT Poole

// Still in Roxbury, VT -- An Hour Later //

"Do you have the rings?" The priest asked.

"I have them." Lynn stated, walking up to the priest and presenting the rings.

"Devon, take James' left hand and place the ring on the third finger, and repeat these words after me, "with this ring I thee wed." The priest spoke.

"With this ring, I thee wed." Devon stated.

"James, take Devon's left hand and place the ring on the third finger, and repeat these words after me, "with this ring, I thee wed." The priest spoke.

"With this ring, I thee wed." Lance stated.

"Now is there anyone here present who have cause to object to this union, let them speak now or forever hold their peace." The priest stated. "Now by the powers vested in me by the State of Vermont...I now pronounce you husband and husband. You my now kiss."

Hearing the priest speak those last words, Lance pulled Devon close, hugging him as he started kissing him passionately causing the guys to start doing catcalls.

"Yahoooooooo!" Lance screamed. "I'm married now."

"Yes we are married now." Devon spoke.

"Shhh baby, that JT fellow is going to sing a song with the guys." Lance stated as JT, Justin, Joey, JC and Chris walked onto the stage as music stated playing.

"Lance and Devon, this is for you. This song is a favorite of mine, I hope you guys like it too." JT stated as he started singing.

"You're with me Til the bitter end What we had transcends This experience Too painful to Talk about So I'll hold it in Til my heart can mend And be brave enough to love again

A place in time Still belongs to us Stays preserved in my mind In the memories there is solace

Never too far away I won't let time erase One bit of yesterday Cause I have learned that Nobody can take your place Though we can never be I'll keep you close to me When I remember

Glittering lights Incandescent eyes Still preserved In my mind In the memories I'll find solace

Never too far away I won't let time erase One bit of yesterday And I have learned that Nobody can take your place Though we can never be I'll keep you close to me And I'll remember

A place in time Still belongs to us Stays preserved in my mind In the memories there is solace

Never too far away I won't let time erase One bit of yesterday Cause I have learned that Nobody can take your place And though we can never be I'll always think of you and me Always remember


You're never too far." JT sang as all the people that had gathered around the church started clapping.

"That was so beautiful, I love Mariah Carey." Lance stated as he and Devon walked over to the stage.

"That was lovely JT." Devon spoke, shaking JT's hand again. "Thank you very much."

"You are very welcome. Congratulations on your commitment together." JT stated.

"Thanks." Lance stated.

"Is there anyone else getting married? If not, I have a plane to catch." JT stated.

"I think that's all for today." Justin stated, giggling.

"It's be fun." JT stated. "I wish you all good luck in your future endeavors."

"Thank you again JT." JC stated, shaking JT's hand. "I am glad you were able to do this on such short notice."

"It was my pleasure JC." JT stated. "I am glad I got the chance to perform for you guys."

// 45 Minutes Later -- A Hotel Down The Street //

"Okay guys I have the restaurant over there reserved for all of us." Chris stated. "Let's go eat. I am starving."

"I hope it's a buffet, I am starving too." Joey stated.

"That's right baby, we need you to eat all you can, you are going to need your energy afterwards." Justin stated, kissing Joey on the cheek.

"Baby, your mother is right there." Joey stated, as Lynn turned around.

"Oh Joey stop that, you are both grown men and you just got married. I know you two are having sex. So stop acting like I don't know. It doesn't offend me." Lynn stated as they entered the restaurant.

"Hi, Chris Kirkpatrick, I came in earlier and reserved one of your small private family rooms." Chris stated, speaking with the Hostess.

"Yes sir, right this way. Everything has been set up per your request." The hostess spoke, as she walked everyone back to a private room in the back of the restaurant.

"Thank you miss." Chris stated as they all walked into the room to see two medium-sized cakes sitting on one table and four other tables in the room nicely decorated.

"Chris you did this?" Justin asked.

"Yeah I did. I hope you guys like it, it's the best we could get on short notice." Chris stated.

"Oh it's so beautiful." Justin stated, hugging Chris and kissing him on the cheek.

"Thanks Chris. This is so nice." Joey stated.

"Well this table is for you and Justin and this table is for Lance and Devon and the rest are for us." Chris stated, walking over to the other table.

// At the Hotel -- Justin and Joey's Room //

"That was a beautiful dinner. I am stuffed." Justin stated, lying down on the bed.

"Oh you are not stuffed yet." Joey stated, winking his eye at Justin. "We haven't gotten naked yet."

"Oh yeah baby, now you are talking." Justin stated. "Let's shower first."

"Okay baby." Joey stated, walking over to the bed and picking Justin up in his arms.

"What are you doing?" Justin asked.

"I'm carrying my baby over the threshold." Joey stated,

"Oh Joeybear you think of all that traditional stuff." Justin stated, laughing.

"Well who gets whose last name?" Joey asked, sitting Justin on the sink basin.

"Well I never thought about that." Justin stated. "I can always change my name, I think Fatone is so sexy. I know this Fatone is anyway."

"Oh yeah baby, you know it." Joey stated, growling sexually as he started the water in the shower. "Come on baby let's get washed up. I want to get you squeaky clean."

"Squeaky clean, I thought you just wanted to get me in there so you can work me over." Justin stated.

"Oh I am going to work you over baby. Work you over real good." Joey stated as he leaned over and started nibbling on Justin's neck.

"Okay now you are the nibbler." Justin stated laughing at the shocked look on Joey's face.

"Oh you are going to pay for that baby." Joey stated, pulling Justin into the shower as the two of them kissed passionately.

"Baby you are getting me hot." Justin stated.

"Hell we are already wet, let's go ahead and do the do." Joey stated, grabbing Justin by his hips.

"How do you want me baby?" Justin said with a seductive tone.

"How do you want to give it to me?" Joey asked.

"Any way you want to get it baby. I am up for anything you want to do." Justin stated as he knelt down in the shower stall and started sucking on Joey's dick.

"Oh god baby, that feels so good." Joey stated as Justin continued to move Joey's dick in and out of his mouth. "Baby if you keep doing that, there will be no need for us to have sex."

"Okay, are you ready?" Justin asked, stopping and standing up as Joey kissed him passionately.

"Yeah I am ready, you just be ready." Joey stated as he turned Justin around, facing the shower wall. "Brace yourself baby."

"Just give it to me baby, I can't wait any longer." Justin stated, as Joey entered him from behind and started thrusting into his ass in quickly.

"Oh yeah you like that don't you?" Joey asked, placing kisses down Justin's neck and along his shoulder.

"Oh yeah baby you know I do." Justin stated.

// Chris and Ashley's Hotel Room //

"Hi baby." Ashley stated. "Did you sleep well?"

"Yeah I did." Chris stated. "What time is it?"

"It's almost 8:30 why?" Ashley asked.

"Do you want to do anything special for the rest of tonight?" Chris asked.

"No, not really. Why?" Ashley asked.

"Good, let's just stay in here the rest of the night and be together." Chris stated. "I really don't feel like doing anything but spending time with you."

"I know baby, that's all I want to do." Ashley stated. "We have to get up to eat."

"Are you hungry?" Chris asked.

"Yeah I am." Ashley stated.

"Then that means we have to go somewhere and get something to eat." Chris stated.

"I don't want to go anywhere. Doesn't this place have room service or something?" Ashley asked.

"No it doesn't. We have to get up baby." Christ stated, kissing Ashley on the forehead.

"Well fine, as long as I am with you baby." Ashley stated, grabbing Chris by his waist and pulling him back down to him to kiss him passionately.

"If you do that again, we might have to get back in bed and forget about eating." Chris stated as he lay on top of Ashley kissing him.

"Chris baby, stop before we get carried away." Ashley stated, kissing Chris a final time. "Come on before everything around closes and we are left hungry."

"Oh alright." Chris stated. "Go shower and I will call the others and see if they want to go."

"Don't you there interrupt them, they are on their honeymoon night." Ashley stated, walking over to Chris and grabbing the phone from him.

"Baby I was going to call JC, Seth and Jacob." Chris stated. "I wouldn't dare interrupt Justin and Joey. Either one of them would probably kill me tomorrow and Lance and Devon, I will put it this way, I would rather stay here with you than to hear him complain about something."

"Be nice." Ashley stated, leaning up to kiss Chris's lips then playfully pulling on his bottom lip. "I will stop now, I can feel Chris Jr. waking up."

"Yes he's waking up, go jump in the shower, I will be in there in a few, let me call them and see if they want to go."

"Alright baby, I will be waiting...don't keep me waiting long." Ashley stated in a seductive tone.

// 20 Minutes Later -- A Few Blocks Away //

"Where do we want to eat guys?" JC asked.

"I don't care where we go, I am starved." Seth stated. "If you guys wouldn 't have called, we probably would have stayed in bed sleeping."

"We were not sleeping." Jacob stated, laughing at the blush on Seth's face.

"Sorry for interrupting." Chris stated.

"No need for apologizing, we need to find food and quick." Jacob stated. "How about pizza? There's a Pizza Hut right over there."

"Sure why not." JC stated.

"Might as well, it's food and we all like it." Ashley stated. "Last one in pays the bill."

// Back at the Hotel -- Lance and Devon's Room //

"Oh yeah baby, fuck me, fuck me like you mean it!" Lance screamed, as Devon continued to thrust in and out of him faster.

"Oh baby I don't know how long I can hold out." Devon spoke.

"Me either, just go ahead and do it!" Lance screamed, furiously stroking his dick in time with Devon's thrusts.

"Oh shit, baby here it comes!" Devon screamed, pulling out of Lance and coating his crotch and groin with sperm. Oh yeah baby, that was awesome."

"Yeah it was." Lance spoke. "I love you Devon Sawa."

"I love you Lance Sawa." Devon stated as they shared a passionate kiss and laid down and each other's arms drifting off to sleep.

// Back at the Restaurant //

"So what's the big secret you and honey here been keeping?" Chris asked, looking between JC and Ashley.

"What are you talking about Chris?" JC asked.

"You know what I am talking about." Chris stated. "What is the secret that you and Ashley are keeping?"

"There isn't a secret baby." Ashley stated, looking over to Chris, pleading with his eyes for Chris to drop the subject.

"Yes there is. I saw you two talking at the wedding today, then you have been talking back and forth since we have been here. What's the deal?" Chris asked.

"There is no deal baby." Ashley stated.

"We were just talking Chris, that isn't a crime that I know of. Is it?" JC asked.

"No it isn't a crime, but..." Chris stated as Ashley cut him off.

"JC just go ahead and tell him already before he has a hissy right here in the restaurant." Ashley stated.

"Tell me what?" Chris asked.

"I don't want to tell him." JC stated.

"What's going on you two?" Jacob asked.

"Nothing is going on Jacob." Ashley stated.

"Something is going on." Seth stated, looking between JC and Ashley. "Are you two sleeping together?"

"Hell No!" Ashley screamed.

"Well excuse me, no we are not sleeping together and the way you said that, make me seem like I am not good enough to sleep with." JC stated, looking at Ashley.

"Well we are not sleeping together. JC tell him." Ashley stated, getting a pissed looked on his face.

"Oh alright. Fine...I'm gay." JC stated, as Chris dropped his glass and fell backwards in his chair."

====================================== TO BE CONTINUED...

Comments or Suggestions Contact Information

E-Mail: jtpoole9@cybersouth.com mailto:jtpoole9@cybersouth.com Website: http://home.cybersouth.com/jtpoole9/hosted.html Yahoo: johntpoole AIM: blk4whtnga@aol.com ICQ #: 146925768

Next: Chapter 48: I Just Want to Be with You 7

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