I Want Your Love

By JT Poole

Published on Nov 21, 2003


Warnings and Disclaimers:

  1. If reading this is in any way illegal in your town, state or zip code because of your age, religion, or other government rules you shouldn't read this.

  2. If you don't want to read about male/male gay sexual relationships, go away. You shouldn't waste your time with this story.

  3. I don't know any of the members of 'N Sync, or any other celebrities that may be mentioned in this story. This story in no way is meant to imply anything about 'N Sync, and any other celebrities sexualities, personalities, or anything else. This is a work of pure fiction.

Questions and commentary can be sent to "jtpoole9@cybersouth.com". I want to hear from everyone out there that is reading this story, tell me what you think whether it is bad or good.

====================================== I Want Your Love I Just Want To Be With You -- Chapter 5 by JT Poole

// Roxbury, VT //

"So you two are married now. How do you feel?" Ashley asked, walking over to Justin and Joey.

"I am so happy; I can't believe this has finally happened." Joey stated, kissing Justin passionately again.

"I am overjoyed. All the stuff we have been through for the last couple of days I am shocked that it finally happened too." Justin stated, catching his breath.

"So Chris, is there a future like this for us?" Ashley asked as Chris walked over to them.

"There's a big possibility baby." Chris stated, kissing Ashley on the lips quickly.

"How about us Lance, we have been together for a while, why don't we go ahead and tie the knot." Devon spoke.

"Are you sure about that Dev?" Lance asked.

"Yes I am sure. I have never been sure about anything in the world. I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you." Devon spoke, kissing Lance passionately.

"Oh Dev." Lance stated. "Looks like there's going to be another wedding."

"Well you two are here you might as well do it now." Joey stated.

"Yeah, go ahead and do it. We are here, we can witness it all." Justin stated, hugging his friend.

"Yeah, let's do it baby." Lance stated as he and Devon walked over to the priest and started talking.

"Oh wow, two weddings in one day. Are you guys sure about this?" Lynn asked walking over to them.

"Yes we're sure Lynn." Lance stated, hugging her and kissing her on the cheek.

"What about Diane, don't you want her here?" Lynn asked.

"Actually I don't. This is supposed to be a happy day, not a bad one." Lance stated, as he began to frown.

"Oh Lance I am so sorry, I didn't know." Lynn stated.

"It's okay Lynn, everyone doesn't agree with being gay, just as long as it doesn't affect them they don't care." Lance stated.

"You have a point there baby." Lynn stated. "Well I am here for the both of you, if you want me to be."

"Thank you Lynn." Lance stated, hugging Lynn again.

"You are most definitely welcome." Lynn stated.

// 30 Minutes Later //

"What are you two planning on doing for your honeymoon?" Lynn asked, walking over to Justin and Joey.

"I don't know yet. I want to take him to Paris, we have been there before and I really enjoyed it and he did too, so I was hoping that we could go back to that little French Cottage we went to back in '97." Joey stated.

"That sounds romantic Joey, I hope you two have a nice time." Ashley stated.

"Well we are not gone yet, we have to go back to Orlando and make plans." Joey stated.

"Well that shouldn't take long." Ashley stated. "That gives me time to find a nice present for you guys."

"That's okay, we weren't expecting any presents." Justin stated.

"Well guess what, you have some." JC stated as he and Chris came back with a handful of bags.

"Oh wow, presents." Justin stated.

"Yep and they are for the both of you." Chris stated, handing the bags to Justin and Joey. "It's your wedding Day, you have the rest of the day to have fun. Here's a hotel room key. Go have fun."

"Yeah, you know what kind of fun we are going to have." Justin stated, smirking.

"Baby, your mother is right over there." Joey stated, covering Justin's mouth.

"Of course I know what you two will be doing, you are married now, and you can do what you want with each other." Chris stated. "I got rooms for all of us so I am quite sure we all will have fun. We all are going to have a fun time in the wondrous state of Vermont." Chris stated.

"What's wrong JC?" Ashley asked.

"Nothing is wrong." JC stated, turning around.

"Don't lie to me. I don't know you that well JC, but I know something is wrong with you." Ashley stated.

"Its something I have to deal with on my own, just forget about it." JC stated, walking away from Ashley.

"JC don't walk away from me, what's wrong with you?" Ashley asked, walking behind him. "Apparently there's something wrong. It would be better if you went ahead and talked about it."

"I can't talk about it, I don't know what's going on myself." JC stated, tears flowing from his eyes.

"What do you mean?" Ashley stated.

"Ashley, between me and you, I think I am gay." JC stated.

"You think you are or do you know you are?" Ashley asked.

"I don't know yet, I have just been having these feelings and well, seeing you guys all the time, I am feeling alone." JC stated. "I don't know if I am or not, but I know one thing I am not happy alone like this."

"When was the last time you went out with someone?" Ashley asked.

"Last week I went out with Pink, then Tatyana Ali and Nikki Powell and ..." JC trailed off as Ashley cut him off.

"You went out with all those people in one week?" Ashley asked.

"Yeah and I didn't feel not one sexual inclination towards anyone of them." JC stated. "That's the problem; I don't know what's wrong with me. I have always liked girls, but now I don't know what's going on."

"Maybe you are like us and you have just been hiding it for career

purposes." Ashley stated.

"I can't be, I am the only one in N Sync that's straight, I can't be gay too." JC stated.

"You can't control who and what you like." Ashley stated. "If you are gay, you are gay."

"You have a point." JC stated. "What am I going to do?"

"Well first you need to tell your friends. Then you need to find out what it is that you really want." Ashley stated.

"I want to be loved and I want to share my love with someone." JC stated.

"Well then share it." Ashley stated.

"I can't. The person I thought I wanted to share it with isn't...isn't gay." JC stated.

"Who is it?" Ashley asked. "If you don't mind me asking you that


"Your friend Dan." JC stated.

"Dan!" Ashley screeched out, spitting his champagne through the air.

"See, that's what I mean, he's straight and I will never be able to find out." JC stated.

"Oh you have a shot with Dan, he's gay alright." Ashley stated.

"He is?" JC asked.

"Yeah, that's what the problem was that night with Justin and Joey." Ashley stated.

"What do you mean? What happened that night, none of us know the whole story." JC stated.

"It seems that Dan is in love with Justin and well he got upset about not being able to have Justin." Ashley stated. "He stated that he has had a crush on Justin since you guys started out."

"Oh my god, so is he available?" JC asked.

"At this point in time that I know of yeah, but I don't know if he's in a good condition to date someone." Ashley stated.

"Why is that?" JC asked.

"Let's just say that he's been keeping to himself and keeping us on our p's and q's with him." Ashley stated.

"I see, so that's the first sign. He's crushed and he's feeling sorry for himself." JC stated.

"Yeah he's started drinking and we even think he's doing drugs." Ashley stated.

"Oh my god. He has it bad." JC stated, thinking back to when he was hung up on one of his friends.

"Yeah and so far, everything we are trying isn't working. I just hope Trevor and Erik can keep him under control." Ashley stated as Seth and Jacob walked up to the two of them.

// Orlando, FL -- O-Town's Mansion //

"Come on Trev open the door. It's been half a day now. Let me in!" Dan screamed, banging on Trevor's door.

"Leave me the fuck alone Dan, just go away." Trevor stated, still crying.

"I am not leaving here, so you might as well open the door and talk to me." Dan stated, sliding down the wall and sitting besides the door. "I am not leaving Trev so open up."

"Dan just leave me alone. There's nothing for us to talk about." Trevor stated.

"There's a lot for us to talk about, just open the door and hear me out." Dan stated.

"There's nothing to say. You have proven your point so don't try to prove it again." Trevor stated.

"Trev please just open the door. Please..." Dan begged. "Let me in there please."

"Why so you can hurt me some more?" Trevor asked.

"I don't want to hurt you, honest I don't. I want to talk." Dan stated. "Please talk to me."

"Why should I talk to you Dan?" Trevor asked.

"Because I asked you to talk to me. We were really close once, what happened to that?" Dan asked.

"We grew away from each other and then this morning happened." Trevor stated, more tears now.

"Trev please open the door, I need to see your face, I don't want to continue talking through the door like this." Dan stated, as there was a click and the door opened.

"Come on." Trevor stated.

"Thank you." Dan stated, getting off the floor and walking into the room.

"Well what is it that you want to say?" Trevor asked, starring at Dan.

"This." Dan stated, grabbing Trevor by the waist and pulling him close as the two of them shared a passionate kiss.

====================================== TO BE CONTINUED...

Comments or Suggestions Contact Information

E-Mail: jtpoole9@cybersouth.com mailto:jtpoole9@cybersouth.com Website: http://home.cybersouth.com/jtpoole9/hosted.html Yahoo: johntpoole AIM: SeekinWhtGuy4ltr@aol.com ICQ #: 146925768

Next: Chapter 47: I Just Want to Be with You 6

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