I Want Your Love

By JT Poole

Published on Feb 17, 2003


Warnings And Disclaimers:

  1. If reading this is in any way illegal in your town, state or zip code because of your age, religion, or other government rules you shouldn't read this.

  2. If you don't want to read about male/male gay sexual relationships, go away. You shouldn't waste your time with this story.

  3. I don't know any of the members of 'N Sync or any other celebrities that may be mentioned in this story. This story in no way is meant to imply anything about 'N Sync and any other celebrities sexualities, personalities, or anything else. This is a work of pure fiction.

Questions or suggestions can be sent to 'jtpoole9@cybersouth.com'. I want to hear from everyone out there that is reading this story, tell me what you think whether it is bad or good.


I Want Your Love - Chapter 27 by JT Poole

// Orlando - Lance's House //

"Oh I am so glad to be home, I am dog-tired." Lance stated walking into his front door.

"Baby are you going to call the guys and invite them over so we can tell them about us?" Devon asked.

"Do you want to? It's really late, I am quite sure everyone is asleep." Lance stated.

"Well we can wait 'til tomorrow, I am tired too. Maybe we should just go to sleep and tell them in the morning." Devon stated, wrapping his arms around Lance and kissing him.

// A Night Club in Orlando //

"Justin! Justin! Are you ready to go yet?!" Joey asked as he and Justin was dancing in club.

"Not yet babe, another hour should wind me down a bit." Justin stated, "Let's go up to the private lounge and smooch a little bit."

"You know we can't do that here." Joey stated, staring at Justin in shock for suggestion that.

"Yes we can, like anyone is going to recognize us in here. Come on." Justin said as he grabbed Joey's hand and walked towards the stairs to the private lounge.

"Justin, come on, I am not going in there so that we can make out, why don't you wait until we get home." Joey stated as Justin gave him a sad look.

// Chris' House //

"Chris honey wake up. You are going to wrinkle in the water." Ashley stated as he tried to wake up Chris, who had fallen asleep in the water too.

"Huh? Hi baby, what's wrong?" Chris asked.

"Nothing. I am just trying to wake you up so you don't wrinkle in the water." Ashley stated as Chris got out of the tub and kissed him.

"I liked that, let's do it some more after we get you dried off." Ashley stated as Chris stepped out of the tube and Ashley started drying him off while they continued to kiss.

// O-Town's Mansion //

"How is he doing? Is he asleep yet?" Trevor asked.

"Yeah, I finally had to slip a sleeping pill into his drink to knock him out." Dan stated.

"You did what?" Trevor asked.

"I slipped him a sleeping pill. I wanted him to sleep, he needs the rest and we do to." Dan stated.

"But what if he doesn't wake up?" Trevor asked.

"He will wake up, it's his prescription. He went through a spell like this before and his therapist gave him sleeping pills to help him get some rest." Dan stated.

"His therapist...he has a therapist?" Trevor asked.

"Yes, he had one before he joined the group." Dan stated, "He just didn't tell anyone."

"Then how do you know?" Trevor asked.

"I overheard him talking to his therapist on the phone one morning." Dan stated, "I think some of us need some therapist too."

"So are you saying that Jacob is a loony?" Trevor asked.

"He's not a loony, but he has problems that he doesn't discuss with any of us." Dan stated, "I just wish he would talk to Ashley and get this over with."

"Me too. I still believe that if he and Ashley were together, things would be okay." Trevor stated, "Regardless if Ashley is in love with Chris. I guarantee that if Ashley knew that Jacob was in love with him, he would leave Chris."

"No he wouldn't, Ash loves Chris with all of his heart." Dan stated.

"I agree with Erik, I think we need to do something to get Ashley and Jacob together." Trevor stated.

"As I said then, I will say again, you can't change who you fall in love with. I believe that Ashley and Chris would make a great couple. Ashley loves him. If Ashley is happy with Chris, don't any of you dare do anything to break them up! Jacob just needs to fucking get over this." Dan stated. "I don't know Chris or anything, but at least give them a chance to be happy. If Chris messes up, then we can do something to try and get Jacob and Ashley together, but leave them alone."

// Seth Green's Hotel Room //

"I am glad they moved the TRL thing down a bit, I don't know how I was going to get through that. I just saw that boyband on television that was supposed to be on the show with me. Those guys are just too hot." Seth stated, talking on the phone with his assistant.

"Well, it's not going to get better, they only moved it down one day. They are just going to do a special edition on Saturday." Kevin spoke.

"Well another day to avoid the problem." Seth stated.

"Well not quite, you have to go to the studio to do a dress rehearsal for the show, so get prepared for that." Kevin stated.

"What!" Seth screamed into the phone, "This isn't funny Kevin, I can't do this show."

"Get the hell over it. I have made arrangements for you to spend time with the boys of O-Town at their mansion tomorrow morning." Kevin spoke. "A car will be at the hotel in the morning to pick you up at 8:30, you will be having breakfast with the guys and getting to know them."

"What the hell for?" Seth asked.

"Well it seems that you are going to be joining those guys on their tour." Kevin spoke, "It seems Vince booked you on show tapings with them for the next couple of months."

"Just Fucking GREAT!!!!" Seth stated as he slammed the phone down on the hook and started kicking the wall.

// Outside Justin and JC's House //

"Justin pick up the damn phone!" Mark stated, as he continued to stand outside in front of the house.

"Hello...who's this?" Justin asked.

"Justin, it's me Mark, I need to see you. Where are you?" Mark asked.

"Well ahh, ahh...well I am at a club, but I can't see you." Justin stated.

"Why the fuck not?" Mark asked, "I need you Justin, I need you bad."

"Well I am sorry, but I have a boyfriend now, I just can't see you anymore." Justin stated.

"I don't care what you have, I need you Justin, I need to fuck you." Mark stated on the phone, anger in his voice.

"Well sorry, but you can't, not now, not ever again." Justin stated as he hung up his phone.

"Damn it!!!! I don't know where he is, but I am going to have his ass tonight." Mark stated as he walked away from Justin's house.



Comments or Suggestions Contact Information

E -Mail: jtpoole9@ cybersouth.com AIM: swainsboroguy1 Yahoo: swainsborogaboi ICQ #: 146925768

Next: Chapter 29

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