I Want Your Bite

By Me

Published on Jan 17, 2014


I Want Your Bite Part 9


Mates are over rated. I mean for humans we will never truly have one like the supernatural. I mean I don't know why Mike is with Lisa. She is perfect, but also the obvious choice. I mean to be honest focusing on my crush with him is the only thing keeping me from going crazy, ironically. I know that I could never be with him so I know it was just a crush that was staring to be swallowed by my anger over my sister's death.

To be honest I know that it's only half of Nick and Finn's fault. We should have protected ourselves. I mean we haven't actually been in this deep. I feel like I'm losing myself. I mean, my twin sister is dead and my best friend is nowhere to be found. So that's why we are traveling to Olympus, which is apparently in a realm above Greece but the only way to get there is through a realm in New York.

We got there pretty quickly, and Ares got us in easily. Now we are in rooms in a castle on a cloud, I know! A cloud!!! I mean since most of us are immortal and we are in a pack. Zeus, Poseidon, Athena, were apparently preparing for the war so we would meet them tomorrow morning.

Olympus was exactly how I thought it would be. It looked like ancient Greece, and the people who I'm guessing were gods of some sort and servants. The sky had huge clouds that didn't cover the sun and the weather was perfect. From the room I was in I could see that the buildings were huge and looked like they would be in a painting.

"It's beautiful isn't it?" Nick asked.

"Yeah...it is. I mean I would love to enjoy Olympus and all but killing the person responsible for my sisters death would be better Nick." I said, not turning around to speak to him.

"Tiberius..." Nick breathed, " You are young. You have a huge heart and I know that you are hurting...but you're revenge will get you killed. I would know. Your best bet would be to be patient; I promise you that everything will be fine. " Nick said walking up next to me.

"What do you know about patience? You got revenge all your life. You've only known Finn for a while and he's already your `mate'. I think it could have waited if you asked me. " I spat turning to walk away.

"I've also waited over 2,000 years for him. Don't let your anger control you Tiberius. It did once before. " Nick said walking out.

"What does that mean?" I said turning around, but he was gone.

I decided to rest for an hour so I did. When I woke up I saw a rope and an olive leaf crown that was sprayed red. The rope was also cliché and what I expected. The rope did make me look hot though. My muscles shown through the sides of it and my tan skin added to this godlike look. The sandals I wasn't so happy about though. They made me feel old and ancient, yet so familiar. I when I walked outside everyone stopped talking and stared at me.

"What?" I asked looking at myself in a near by mirror.

"What do you mean what? Tiberius you look fucking hot! H.O.T.I.E damn!" Ashley yelled then wolf whistled.

"Yeah! And that ass, so muscular! " Lisa said slapping it.

I looked to Danny who looked freaked out, and Mike who seemed to agree. Finn was practically drooling, but hey I was drooling over him too. His blonde hair was perfect as always and his strong face made him look like a god as well. His ass was practically begging to be fucked. It literally left nothing to imagination, and even his cock was visible.

"Umhmm" Nick coughed.

"Hey, don't act like you weren't checking him out Nick! " Ash said slapping his arm.

Speaking of Nick he had looked extremely graceful and natural. His long hair flowed and he for sure looked like a god. His olive skin and blue eyes made him look more beautiful and dangerous than usual. Him and Finn definitely made a great looking couple.

"I was not!" Nick said sounding childish.

This went on for about thirty minutes until a servant escorted us out of the castle, which apparently was Nick's as well and to a party. It was dark now and the lights of Olympus illuminated the way. Eventually we went to a huge building that outside looked like a library, but on the inside was a crazy party. They were surprisingly playing current music and everyone was drinking some gold bubbly drink that looked like cider.

"This place is crazy!" Danny said taking one of the gold bubbly drinks.

"Before you drink that you should know that its sweet, but it could kill you if you drink too much. It's a potion meant to get gods drunk, but they can't die from it, you can! Mike, no more than one. Danny and Lisa you can't have any more than three glasses, same for Finn and me. Ash you are immune to the bad side effects, so drunk on! Tiberius, well you can drink as much as you like as well." Nick explained taking a glass and sipping from it.

I gave Nick a look, because why can I drink it and no one else can? Well, besides Lisa. We all followed his footsteps and took a glass of the bubbly stuff from a servant. It did taste like cider and I quickly downed it. The others seemed to be having a different effect from it. Mike finished soon after and he looked really happy, and almost high? Hmm, and everyone seemed some what effected by it. Seven glasses later for Ash and me we were dancing to the music and enjoying our time.

Eventually Danny wanted his mate back so I decided to get another drink of the gold stuff. I noticed that everyone at the bar was staring at me, but I decided to ignore it. Soon as I got my drink I made my way to the seats to take a break I almost fell over but someone caught me.

"Ha! Th-thanks maaaaaan! THAT COULD HAVE BEEN BAD! YOU HAVE REALLY FAST RE-" I ranted until I seen who caught me.

It was this guy who had dirty blond hair and green/yellow eyes. He was pretty fit, not as much as me but obviously in shape. He had a baby face, puffy cheeks, soft eyes, and a cute nose. His hair was curly, like Lisa's and was shoulder length. He was like 5'8 and he had warm skin. His teeth were white and perfect, and he had pink lips and all this combined made him look too perfect to be real, he looked like an angle.

"Whoa are you okay lad?" He said with a thick Irish accent.

"Uh, yeah." I chocked, shocking myself.

"Tiberius you are very clumsy." He said helping me sit right on the couch.

"Wait how do you know my name???" I questioned almost standing up.

"I'm a god, I know everyone's name. It's my talent." He said smiling.

"Well what's your name?" I asked holding my head and laughing, man those drinks were really starting to kick in.

"Cu-...I'm Cameron." He said laughing almost musically.

"Well you are quite the character Cameron. " I said leaning back.

"So are you Tiberius. Would you like to get out of here? Maybe get some fresh air?" Cameron asked already standing up.

"Yeah sure thing!" I called following him.


This party was the most amazing thing that I've been too. I mean seriously? I have the best mate! He took me to an Olympian party for our first outing. I mean just the fact that this place is real just blows my mind. I mean my hot mate and I are dancing with gods, wait scratch that! He is a god.

"Are you having Fun?" Nick asked concerned, " I mean this isn't too much? "

"No! I mean, well yes it's overwhelming and hard to process, but it is also wonderful and amazing." I said smiling like an idiot.

"How about I show you how amazing it is?" He said taking my hand and leading me outside.

We went to a random space outside of the party that was closed off and hidden. The sky was midnight blue and the stars were larger here providing a magical setting. Nick pulled a blanket out of nowhere and then pushed me down on it. He then pulled up my robe and lifted my legs up. Before I knew it his tongue was lapping at my hole. I gasped, taken by surprise and his cold hands were hot my hot cock. I closed my eyes to take it all in and I felt this cold liquid on my cock. When I opened my eyes he was rubbing lube on it.

"OH Nick, that feels so good." I moaned.

Before I could register what was happening everything shifted and Nick had his cock in my mouth and mine was in his. We were deep throating each other and then I started to rim him. His ball hung low on my chest and gave me access to his ass. I pushed his cheeks together and then spread it apart. I dove in and he growled out a moan. I put my tongue deep in his hole getting it wet for me.

"Finn, you're going to ma-make me cum." He said breathing erotically.

I then pushed his body down until his hole was hovering above my cock. Then, something happened that I didn't expect to. Nick's legs did a split and he pushed until my cock was in him. Then he started going up and down, fucking himself with my cock. His ass started to squeeze my cock and his balls were sticking to mine whenever he would go down, and then pull them up when he want up.

I started to whimper and I felt myself getting close. He started to go faster and then I unleashed inside of him. I felt my cock pulse and he continued to slam his ass deep on my cock. I felt about six spurts off cum come out and it started to ooze out his hole. Deciding I wasn't done I pushed him down further and he brought his legs closer.

Now we were in a doggy style position and then I started to really pound him. His ass slammed against my ass and the sound filled the air sound us. I then pulled on Nick's hair forcing him to push back into me and then I started to fuck his prostate. He then let out a high pitch yell that I'm sure he would deny later.

"I'M CUMMING FINN!" Nick yelled.

"I felt his hole milk my cock and I started to Fuck Nick even harder. He seemed to cum even more and then I came for the second time. My dick emptied my seed into him again and there was somehow more cum than the first time. It started to gush out of his hole and then Nick turned around and kissed me.

"Good job boys! Although I would have used a condom." A raspy voice said in the shadows.

"Aw Fuck, not you again." Nick said standing up.


"So you look perfect. I mean like an angle that fell from the sky." I said rolling around in the grass.

"Thanks, you're not so bad yourself Tiberius." He said rolling around with me.

"So how do you really know me? I mean you are like some stalker or something?" I asked sitting up.

"No, uh. Tiberius. Do you know who you are?" Cameron asked becoming serious.

"Uh yeah! I mean like I'm a kid from Hawaii who is a ninja! I like fighting the supernatural and I specify in killing vampires. Ha!" I said laughing.

"How much of the gold looking drink did you have Tiberius?" Cameron questioned holding my face and looking into my eyes.

"A lot. A lot. Lot lot lot lot lot with an A in front." I said falling over again.

"Oh no, okay Tiberius don't panic but I need to suck your-" He started.

"HELL YEAH YOU CAN SUCK MY DICK!" I yelled starting to unbutton my pants.

"Well, actually I mean blood." HE said turning all red and looking down.

"Well go right ahead. " I said exposing my neck to him.

"This might hurt a little bit. Don't freak out, okay?" He said climbing over me.

All of a sudden I felt Cameron's breath on my neck his warm hands holding me in place. His fangs lightly traced my neck like he was teasing me. I moan may have escaped my mouth in his efforts. Then the pleasure turned to pain as he bit into my soft skin then pleasure as he started to suck. I felt myself getting hard and I started to feel a burning desire inside of me.

Cameron stopped drinking my blood and I felt clear headed. His face was inches from mine and his green/yellow eyes begged me to kiss him. He smelt of chocolate and roses. I don't know what came over me but I started to move in for a kiss. He stopped me though and looked at my face, smiled, then kissed me deeply.

"Who are you? Asked looking at him in wonder.

"Well maybe you should ask me who am I first." He said getting off on top of me.

"What do you mean?" I asked seriously confused.

"Tiberius, you are Tiberius." He said in his cute accent.

"I know-" I started.

"No you were a roman emperor. The gods punished you for how you ruled Rome by making your sister die in your life. Because you were a flawless warrior and an exemplary ruler they made you Ares apprentice. You became a demi god that could live forever and possesses the power of blocking the five senses. Zeus that it was fitting that you would somehow be the cause of her death as punishment. Some how you lost all memory lately and no one knows why. Your sister always comes back though so you will see her tomorrow." Cameron explained looking quite sad.

"Why? Why do this to me? This means I've been tortured for 2,000 years. Why can't Jenna and I remember then?" I asked sitting up.

"Some one took the memory from you. It seems like the curse was blocked." Cameron whispered.

"So what now? I mean my sister comes back to only die again?" I asked getting upset.

"No, we find out who blocked it in the first place and have them do it again." He said smiling and rubbing my knee.

"We huh?" I asked turning to look at him.

His soft feature looked sharper now. He still had a baby face but he just had a look that models would kill for. For sure on Lisa's level! He robe showed off his body and well. His skin was tan yet pinkish. He had a perfect ass. Almost as nice ass Mike's ass, which really says something. He seemed to have a nice cock in the front, and his innocence made him even hotter. He had an olive leaf crown that was red like mine. I can't believe I just barely noticed it now.

"Yes we. I mean you don't even know who you are. I know you're in a pack and all, but I'm sure its in danger."

"Danger? Half of the pack is missing and are probably dead."

"Well, either way. We could at least get their bodies back for a proper funeral."

"So its obvious that you know who I am. How? Why is our crown the same?" I asked standing up.

"It's a long story mate. Maybe we could start with some easier questions?" He suggested standing with me.

"Fine, then who are you?" I asked folding my arms.

"I'm Cameron." He said giving me a cheesy smile.

"No seriously. Come on. You already know more about me than I do myself." I begged.

"I already told you, that you are getting your sister back. Isn't that enough?" He asked in vein.

"Who. Are. You." I pressed.

"I'm Cupid. My god name is Cupid." He blurted out walking away with his head down. "I know that, this might intimidate you , but –"

"Cupid huh? That explains the charm." I joked nudging him. " It doesn't bother me. I mean I'm Tiberius. Cursed for 2,000 years." I said walking towards back to the party.

"Good! Because the whole `hey I'm cupid' thing never really works. He said smiling and following me.

"Maybe that's because they weren't the one meant to handle it." I joked nudging him again.

"Maybe. I mean you took it quite well so that's a start." He said nudging me back.

"Yeah...hey Cameron. What's up with the drink that me and my friends keep drinking?" I asked stopping him.

"Oh yeah that. Well yeah we should get going! No time to explain." He said pulling me along.


The guy stepped out of the shadows and he was beautiful and he had eyes that were just as blue as Nick's. His hair was so black that it seemed blue in the light. It was mid length and slicked back. He had on a black tux making him look ridiculous here in Olympus. Nick didn't say a word. He just waved his hand and we were both clothed again and clean.

The handsome man in stepped closer and Finn shoved me behind him. The guy started to come closer but then stepped back. He looked amused and excited; like he had a little secret he couldn't wait to yell to the world.

"Ah, little Ares feels threatened? Come on, that's no way to treat an old friend." He said smiling a little too big.

"You-" Nick started.

"Ah, hold that thought. So my prince I know you must be wondering whom this attractive man watching us have hot sex. Well more like watching Ares taking it up the ass if you ask me. Anyways, well I'm Hades." He said giving me that creepy smile again.

"Hades huh? You're a lot more dramatic than I would have thought." I said stepping next to Nick.

"Well daddy never let me become an actor, he thought it would turn me gay. You see, some passions can't become reality." He said pacing back and forth.

"What do you want Hades?" Nick asked annoyed.

"Well, I wanted to properly meet the prince. You look just like your father." He said smiling.

"Stay away from him Hades. He wants nothing to do with you." Nick warned starting to take a fighting position.

"Actually you both might. You'll see soon enough. For now, don't talk to the gods. I heard the back stab you, but those are just rumours aren't they?" Hades sang playing with his fingernails.

"What do you really want?" I asked noticing he still felt the need to get something off of his chest.

"I want your pack out of my realm. They don't belong there, and to be honest they aren't safe. To be honest I can't protect them at all." He said becoming serious.

"Yeah? Well why not just let them go? I mean we never done anything to you!" I yelled becoming defensive.

"You've done more than you know, my prince. Any who I also came to offer words of advice-" He started before Nick cut him off.

"YOU are going to give US advice?" Nick said chuckling.

"Well I was, but arrogance will be your worst enemy Ares. I seriously thought you could get over something that happened in the past. I'm seriously sorry, my friend." Hades said slipping back into the shadows.

"Really Nick?! You couldn't have been more nice to him?! I mean he was trying to give us advice and apologize. " I said gently punching Nick in the arm.

"You can't be serious? It's Hades! He did some things to me that you wouldn't understand yet Finn." Nick said putting his head down.

"Well just tell me what he did Nick." I said softly and touching his arm.

"He cursed me to the underworld when you were born. He knew we were mates and wanted to keep me from you. I didn't realize it then, but I knew that my mate was born." Nick said looking into my eyes.

"That's so sweet. I had no Idea Finn. I mean it must have been torture to know that you're mate was alive and you couldn't get to him or her." I said looking down.

"Not him or her, to you...Finn." Nick said kissing me deeply.

"Wait, so you knew I was your mate that day in the woods?" I asked breaking the kiss.

"Yeah, but I wasn't sure that I was yours. Your mate can sometimes change at a young age, so that way if one died while they both were young they could find another. Since you were young and I wasn't in the picture I was worried that you choose Gary because he helped your wolf transform, but when I came back into the picture your wolf was confused because since I was in the underworld I was technically dead where you were." Nick said becoming teary eyed.

"Wow, Nick. I had no idea. I mean it all makes sense now. What about Gary though? " I asked.

"Well I don't know, but it seems like he moved on with my sister right?" Nick asked more to himself than to me.

"Yeah, I mean he hasn't flirted with me in weeks. I'm glad that he is happy with Emerald. We need to get them back though Nick. No more getting distracted okay? Wait oh my god Nick I think I know what's going on. " I said standing up.

"What's going on? He says kind of drowsy." Taking a sip of the gold drink.

"Nick, this has lotus flower in it. I mean we are distracted...someone is trying to sabotage us. Come on we need to go get the others!" I said standing up.

*Somewhere In Tartarus (A place far below Hades).

"Gary, you're doing fine. Now, come one. You can't give up now. You already came this far." A figure said.

"No more! Let us go!" Gary struggled, coughing up blood.

"Come on Gary, you know how this works. Finn can only have one mate. That's why you sacrificed yourself. Nick was down here for a long time. Now it's your turn. I mean half of the pack is already dead...and the rest will be soon. " The dark figure said.

"I did everything you said. I acted like I hated Finn, and that I moved on. You told me that we would be together. You- you never told me all of this would happen!" Gary moaned spitting up more blood.

"Oops. Well ask yourself this Finn. You're below the underground in a prison the most skilled of gods and prisoners have no chance of escaping. Few have even gotten in. Four have gotten out, and one of those starts with a Nick. Finn's happy. Just take your torture silently." The dark figure said.

"Finn...save me." Gary pleaded.

The most fun chapter to write by far! I hope that you guys like the story and I hope that you continue to read it. I actually wrote part 9 in one day. I just was so excited for it that I couldn't help myself. Have I said it was fun to write? Anyways tell me what you guys think on my email drew121314@yahoo.com I hope to hear from you soonJ

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