I Want Your Bite

By Me

Published on Jan 13, 2014


I Want Your Bite Part 8


"I want to thank you all for accepting us to your pack. I know that we haven't talked much this year...but that's mostly due to your pack." I explained to the pack.

"Our pack could use some diversity. I mean now we have a black guy and two Asians." Ashley said sitting next to Danny.

"Yeah...well if you didn't want us here you could have said something Ashley." Jenna said sharpening her knife.

"Okay girls that's enough. This is going to take some getting used to. We all knew that when we made the plan to start this pack. We included Ti, Drew, and Jenna in the plan way back then." Danny said getting upset.

"I know. It was just Girl talk. " Jenna said smiling sweetly.

I decided to walk around our pack home that Nick made for us. It seemed to almost exist between dimensions. It had different paths that all had different...uh feelings when I got near them. One was hot and fire red and it made me mad when I got close to it. One was dark and I felt scared near it, another one could lead anywhere...it had a map carved on both trees. Then there was on that lead back to the forest and another one that was white and had no feelings when I was near it.

"What are you looking at man?" Mike said grabbing my shoulder.

God, he really is attractive with his light brown eyes and hair that moves perfectly with his every movement. His muscles and tan skin drives me wild...and the way he smells too. I mean no one knows that I am gay and I'm not so sure myself, but he does make me hot.

"You...I mean...you scared me man. I was looking at the pack dome and I like it! I mean being in a pack. You know? It's great, and I've missed you man. We never talk during football practice or anything. " I said sincerely sad.

"Hey man we still be close again. Obviously things have been crazy with me...now you know that. I'm sorry man that we haven't been in touch, but I can promise you that we will def be spending time together." He said smirking at me like he KNEW what it was doing to me.

"Really?" I said hopeful.

"Yeah man! We are team human. It's going to be tough but I bet we can take on the rest of the pack. Word is that we will be paired soon. Well that's what Lisa said. Now come on Ti the werewolves are here." Mike said pulling me to everyone else.


Being a werewolf is something that I never thought would happen to me, epically now that I am running with Finn. Our, uh relation...or what ever it is has changed drastically over the past couple months. I hated him, then befriended him, then hated him, and now...now I don't know what this is. All I know is that I'm literally chasing him in the woods like some kind of child...after just having sex with him for the third time.

I'm happy. The happiest I've been in my entire life. Me, Ares, is actually happy!? I never thought I would see the day honestly. Not like this. I've even become fond of the others. Lisa, Gary, and Damon, who are all transformed and running with us, feel like my family now.

We ran to our "pack house" (What Lisa calls it) in no time and the rest of the pack who seemed to be relaxing and getting to know each other better, but not really, greeted us. Most people, way...way...way...way back in the day used to fight to get to know each other on a deeper level so I had an idea.

"Welcome back wolfies! " Monica yelled running up to Damon.

"Yeah we have missed you guys!" Emerald said giving Gary a kiss.

"Can we have Real fun now?" Ashley asked innocently.

"Like what kind of fun Ash? Because YOUR kind of fun will get us all pregnant, including the guys." Lisa joked hugging Mike, and accepting his kiss.

" We could always spar." Jenna said pulling out her knives.

"Maybe another day...or never." Erica said timidly.

"That's actually a good plan Erica. You guys can really bond that way. I will pair you guys and you will fight each other until the other is unable to or gives up. But not here, come...we shall do it outside of the `pack house'." I explained.

"Is this a good idea?" Danny asked concerned.

"Sure it is! We are a pack. Think of puppies, they play around innocently all the time. Just don't seriously hurt each other. Or better yet. Try not to kill each other.

"Ha! Well sounds like Finn is okay with this so hmm... First will be Monica and Emerald against Lisa and Erica-" I started, before Erica cut me off.

"No fair. They are best friends! " Erica said angry and looking at Finn, like he personally wounded her.

"No questions just go for it...ready...set...go!" I yelled.

Erica ran towards Emerald who avoided her punch almost completely. Lisa kicked Monica and she was down almost instantly. Lisa punched Monica's pressure points and grabbed her neck like she was going to break it. Monica tapped out and Emerald had Erica already tied up and she couldn't move. Emerald looked to Lisa, then they started fighting each other. Emerald who was obviously more skilled still had a problem catching Lisa off guard. Lisa being a werewolf used the environment to win in the end.

"Great battle girls! Now...round two. I would like Danny and Damon against Tiberius and Mike."

Before we could finish Mike already had already started hitting Danny and Damon with skilled and powerful hits. I was impressed because I didn't know he could fight so well, I mean he has obviously had training. He is young and has so much potential it's a shame someday he has to die.

Damon and Danny, who had the advantage of being super natural didn't seem to stand a chance against the humans. Tiberius seemed to have the same training as Mike, but way more skilled with hand-to-hand combat. In record time had them both pinned.

"Good job lads. That was quite interesting. So we've had Erica, Lisa, Monica, Emerald, Damon, Danny, Tiberius, and Mike go. That leaves Jenna, Ashley, Drew, and Gary. I know that Ashley is pregnant so she can't spar so would anyone like to take her place?" Finn asked.

"Actually if its okay with you Finn and Nick I would like to spar on my own." Jenna said confidently.

"I don't-" Finn started.

"Go for it!" I said.

"Thanks." She added nodding.

"Okay on the count of three! One...Two...-"

Before I could say three there was a roar. The moon was blocked and it got dark. I could hear a roar, but I couldn't see, smell, or feel anything. Not even panicking I reached for Finn, but he wasn't there. So I transformed into my wolf. I used my hearing to see what was moving and the heart beat of the pack.

"FINN! WHERE ARE YOU?" I yelled.

I heard no response. All I heard was the pack scream for each other. All of a sudden the darkness was lifted and we were all tied up. I looked around and I seen Jenna with a sword over a body with there head cut of. Half of the pack was gone and I sensed black magic around us.

"Guys we are under attack by black magic. Emerald, Ashley and Monica I need you guys to locate the others." I said walking to Jenna.

"Uh, half of us are gone Nick...it's only Me, Jenna , Tiberius, Danny, Ash, and Lisa..." Mike said whipping blood from his mouth.

"WHERE ARE THEY?" Ashley cried.

I looked around and we were all beat up. Ashley was bleeding but she seemed to be healing herself slowly. Tiberius and Mike seemed mildly injured. Danny was extremely injured but healing faster than Ashley, and Lisa looked ridiculous because she was on the ground...completely uninjured just picking leaves out of her hair.

"Jenna what did you do? " I asked coming closer.

Her head was down and she started to laugh like a manic. Tiberius ran up to her and looked at her in confusion. He started to approach us slowly and then Jenna looked at him and raised the sword to him. She was covered in blood. Her eyes were black and I instantly knew that she was possessed.

"Jenna, it's me! Ti...you know your brother?" He said moving closer.

"Ti, get away from her. She's possessed!" I yelled moving him out of the way.

He wasn't quick enough because she jabbed him in his arm and it started to bleed all over. I soon felt the need to feed off of him. I tried to control myself but there was just too much blood. I felt my fangs coming out and before I knew it I was drinking Tiberius' blood.

"STOP!" Mike said, and before I knew it I was sucking his blood too.

There blood was sweet and it reopened a door that was locked a long time ago. I felt a darkness in me that grew with every drop. Before I knew it I had Ashley, Danny and Lisa pulling me off of him. I looked around and he was alive but barley and Tiberius was unconscious on the ground. Jenna was still holding her sword and now cutting her self. I needed to drink her blood. But before I could take a step I was in darkness.


I don't know what the fuck is going on! Seriously! One minute we were training and the next half the pack is gone and Jenna killed some random guy, and Nick is drinking blood from my boyfriend. Ash put a spell on him and broke his neck. She said he would be out for a while.

Since candy changed me I've felt weird. I can still read minds and communicate with people. I didn't tell anyone, so me seeing the future was just a bonus. She actually only changed Gary, and Nick and Finn can change whenever. She just said that so they could bond. Nick totally lost it and Finn is nowhere to be found. With Nick, Ti, Mike and Jenna all crazy...and or unconscious...that leaves Danny Ash, and I to figure this thing out.

"Okay Ash. Can you find anyone else?" I asked checking Mike's pulse.

"No! I don't know what going on. It's like they don't exist." Ash breathed.

"Well why are we being attacked babe?" Danny asked.

"You're all going to die. All of you! The others are gone and some probably dead by now. " Jenna said.

"Shut up!" We all said at the same time.

"She's right you know." It was Eric.

He was wearing all black and looked crazier than ever. His fangs were out and he was drinking from Jenna's blood. She didn't seem fazed by any of it. Danny was being held in the air by Sam's black magic and that left Ashley and I to fight. Reading their minds they don't think that we can take them.

"Let me boyfriend down you bitch!" Ashley yelled ready to fight.

Eric then broke Jenna's neck...killing her like she was a bug...then he stepped closer. I knew that he was scared to fight me, he should be. Danny was struggling to breath and Ashley decided it was time to fight.

"Lisa!" Ashley called, "Are you ready to kick some well needed ass?" She said smiling.

"Hell yes!" I said running to Eric.

Before Eric could even know what was happening I had him unconscious. I kicked him in the balls and then punched his nose. He was bleeding everywhere, so I hit his head on a tree then broke his neck. He was unconscious lying in the dirt, smelling of blood and defeat.

Ashley was having some magic standoff with Sam and seemed to be losing. Sam hit Ashley with some kind of weird light and she flew into a tree. She got up, now bleeding and starting to bruise, but she still continued to fight. When they started to have a fistfight Ashley started to look a little better...that is until Sam threw Danny up and Ashley had to catch him. When he landed he was also unconscious. I decided it was I should help her out.

`Don't you dare enter this fight Lisa. I got this hoe." Ashley said standing up and looking pissed.

"Ha! I'm going to kill your littler friend there and all your friends one by one, and there's nothing you can do about it." Sam taunted laughing like a maniac.

"Oh, well see bitch." Ashley said walking towards Sam.

Ashley's hands then started to glow and her eyes turned white. Sam looked scared and then Sam tried some black magic trick but Ashley's white magic cancelled it out. Sam looked even more surprised and then Ashley's magic surrounded Sam and then her eyes started to bleed. Ash lifted her up and slammed her against trees until I thought she would break in half...but then she stopped.

"Impossible...that kind of white sorcery doesn't exist anymore." Sam said coughing up blood.

"I guess you're wrong. So look I know you know where the other's are but I need you to bring them back now!" Ash demanded.

"I can't do that...they are gone-" Sam started.

"WHERE!?" I yelled becoming angry.

"To the underworld...to hell...there is no way to get them back. Ha Ha!" Sam laughed bleeding even more.

"Where's Finn then? I know his dad wouldn't let you take him there. " I asked stepping right under her.

"Prince Finn is safe-" Ash slammed her against a tree again, "Uh...Finn is...ow! That really hurt...you bitch." Sam mumbled.

"Tell me before I get the urge to do it again." Ashley threatened.

"Fine! Well Finn is actually behind Nick over there, behind the tree. He's fine. Not even hurt...but I can't say that about the rest of you." Sam said, almost seeming concerned.

"Who was that guy that Jenna killed? Why was she possessed?" I already read her mind and got the answer, I just wanted to see what she would say.

"She was crazy." Sam lied lifting her head.

"Knock her out Ash." I said.

"Wait!" Sam said.

"Sure thing Lisa." Ashley said smiling.


Pain. All I could feel was pain. It was more emotional than physical at first...but then it was physical. The pain seemed to double and then triple! The pain hurt so much that I couldn't scream or even open my eyes. The pain started in my neck...then when to my heart...and finally my head. It seemed to last hours and I knew I was going in and out of conscious.

Eventually I opened my eyes and it was dark. I could feel Nick next to me, and his heart steady...like mine. I could smell blood and death everywhere. We were in a car and some people were missing. I could smell Nick, Lisa, Mike, Tiberius, Ash, and Danny. The last thing I remember was...

"Oh god!" I yelled sitting up.

"He's awake..." Nick announced calmly.

I noticed that there was a headband over my eyes and I took it off and it was the evening and the sun was setting. Ash was driving, and Danny was sitting in the passenger seat whipping dried blood off of him. Lisa and Mike were in the middle seats of the truck with Tiberius, who looked dead. Lisa was checking him out for injuries, but they were all looking at me. I looked to my right and Nick was just staring at me. His hands were on my leg and he seemed to be waiting for me to say something...then I instantly felt sick.

"No...no...no! This wasn't supposed to happen!" I cried.

Everyone stared at me. Lisa was sobbing quietly and everyone else looked like they were about to cry...even Nick. I felt claustrophobic all of a sudden I started to have a panic attack. I couldn't breath, and the walls of the truck kept getting closer.


"Finn! Look at me." Nick said calmly, "I'm going to need you to calm down okay?" He whispered putting on hand on my shoulder and the other on my face, and I instantly felt calm.

"Okay." I nodded.

"Now, we will explain everything to you once we get to a safe place." Nick said putting his forehead against mine.

We drove for hours, until the moon was high in the sky and all of a sudden we were in time square New York City. I looked to Nick who just hugged me tighter. We eventually went to this building that was at least 20 stories tall. We went to the penthouse on the 23rd floor and everyone was surprized. It had four bedrooms and bathrooms, and a large kitchen/loft/living room.

"Whose place is this?" I asked.

"It's mine." Nick said walking to the living room and sitting down.

"What!?" I yelled.

"Yeah I lived here before going to big bear." He said.

"Finn, we need to talk about what happened..." Lisa said.

"Okay, so where to start." I said sitting down next to Nick.

"Well, Jenna is dead. We were attacked by Sam and Eric." Danny said.

"Stop beating around the fucking Bush! This is what happened. Your fucking dad, whose psycho by the way, for some reason hired Sam and Eric to attack you. They attacked us when we least expected it. They killed my twin sister, AND sent the others to hell and there is no way to find them, and Lisa can't even contact them. Oh, and your mate Nick over there made it where we couldn't protect ourselves because he drank Mike and mine blood until we were unconscious. So now, my sister is dead and my best friend is somewhere in hell...OH! To top it off Sam possessed Jenna, and before she was killed she snapped the head of gods major warrior." Tiberius ranted glaring at Nick the whole time.

"Danny, can you please go talk to Finn while we talk?" Lisa asked.

"Yeah sure thing...come on Ti." Danny said walking to a different room.

"Okay so we need to go somewhere...somewhere we can be safe. " Lisa said.

"This is no longer just your dad trying to get you back...this is a war now. An attack on another starts feuds and it usually ends with everyone in both packs dead. Now, your dad has most of the supernatural on his side so we will be attacked with everything...and we don't even have all our pack. We are down to seven of us. We have the best f the best though." Nick explained smiling at my softly.

"Mike has Mike and Tiberius have maximum human stamina and strength, and both have a highly trained martial status. Danny is extremely smart and the strongest vampire that isn't an original. You Finn, well you are a werewolf witch. Candy lied to you guys. You can use your magic whenever you want...but it's just stronger together. Nick...you are Ares. Powerful, both physically, mentally, and magically, and one of the best warriors of all time. Except for me of course. Then there's Ash. She is our hidden power. A witch of white magic-" Lisa explained.

"What the fuck is white magic?!" I interrupted.

"It's a type of magic that only a powerful witch that Mother Nature deems worth of it. The witches of black magic killed them all centuries ago, or so we thought. It seems like Mother Nature choose Ashley as a witch with white magic. " Nick said nonchalantly.

"So...what does this mean? You can just kill them?" I asked Ashley directly.

"Well, I don't know for sure. It's rumoured that no supernatural abilities can work on me. Not even your magic Finn. Also that my magic is pure, and is mostly used to stop the witches with black magic...but it act as magic like a normal witch as well." Ashley said flipping her hair.

"Well, what's the plan now?" I questioned looking to Nick, who obviously had a plan...right? "Wait you have a plan right Nick?"

"Oh yeah...we are going to Olympus." Nick stated with a straight face.

"Ha! Ha! Are you serious???" I breathed.

Nick had a straight face and so did everyone. I laughed so hard I thought I was going to pass out. I almost seemed mad...Tiberius and Danny came back now and started to chuckle too, while Nick and the others just stared at me in shock.

"Look, I know that I'm supposed to be the big bad serious Alpha but...Ha! We are going to Olympus, which is like heaven...and this is hell. Ha! With Ares and the misfits who everyone is after!" I choked on laughter, and everyone seemed to be laughing as well now. "Look guys, we will get the others pack! I promise and get revenge for what was done to us." I said calming down and becoming more serious.

"Some of them can't come back..." Tiberius said

"Ti, I'm sorry for what happened with your sister. Truly sorry, you don't even no. We will avenge her! That, I can promise you, I mean, we are your alphas. We are

supposed to protect you guys and we have failed you. Nick we will get your sister back, and Lisa your brothers. We all lost part of us Tiberius. For all we know they could all be dead." I said.

"Not helping Finn..." Lisa said.

"What I mean is...we need to focus or anger on the real enemy right now...not each other." I said.

"You're right. I shouldn't blame guys. Just prove to me why you're the alphas." Tiberius said hopeful.

After that we all got some food, except Nick and Danny who had blood. Then Ti went to bed while we all mentally prepared ourselves to go to Olympus the next day. Eventually Mike, Lisa, and Danny got tired. Since there was four rooms Tiberius got his own, while Lisa and Mike shared, and Danny and Ash. I made a bed on the couch and Nick would get his to himself.

Right now though Ash and I were drinking some tea for bed; and Nick, who apparently had a sweet tooth, was just eating cookies like there was no tomorrow. His shirt was off and I found myself staring longer than I would admit. His shirt was off and back dimples tempted me to jump him. His long hair was tied up and his butt...oh god.

"We all know you guys are fucking. Just don't do it while we are here. " Ash said surprising even Nick.

Her knowing about it didn't surprise Nick, but by how blunt she was did...but then he surprised me by winking at me. He then moved next to me and put his arms around me. Ash then looked really surprised and then he kissed me on the cheek and snuggled his face into mine, scenting me.

"We are the alphas, and we do what ever we want, right Finn?." He asked, kissing me on the cheek again.

"Hell No!" I heard Lisa and Danny say at the same time.

"Shut up guys!" Nick joked.

"Who are you talking to...oh! Damn you guys and your supernatural hearing. Anyways are you going to answer him Finn?"

"Ya...Uh...No?...wha?...I mean yes." I stuttered, feeling my face becoming all hot.

"Ugh! I was making a statement, I didn't need a visual." Ash said getting up to go to bed.

"So are you okay Nick? I mean-" I started.

"Anywhere I'm with you I'm fine man. We'll get through this."

When she left Nick and I kissed and marked each other for a long time. I instantly took charge and he went with it. I love how versatile we are and comfortable now. Nick is more open no then I thought even would, but after an hour of being comfortable I was sleepy. I started to walk to the couch and Nick grabbed me, and before I knew it he threw me down on the bed.

"What the hell Nick?" I said. Looking around his room.

"No mate of mine will sleep on the couch." Nick said looking down at me like I'm a prize he just won.

"Mate huh? It's bout damn time, after how many centuries?" I joked and then I kissed Nick.

"Finn, I love you. I've never felt this way about a person. I know that you feel the same way because the way you look at me is...well like a mate would. You make me want to become a better person and give you the world. I know that you wouldn't want to know this way...but I thought I lost you today and I almost lost it." He said holding my face in his hands and almost crying.

"I love you too Finn. You have an effect on me that I can't explain. Even when I was going through the whole Gary thing you still were the one I wanted and thought about." I said kissing him deeply.

"We will be the best mated couple ever!" Nick said sounding like me.

"We will. Now, lets get some sleep ya?"

*Somewhere not to far from Nick's penthouse

"Did you handle it?"

"Yes Ma'am! We did. They feel for everything, and everything is in place." A short man said.

"Excellent. They are so focused on just reaching Olympus that they'll never know what hit them. Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!"

"Uh, sir your laugh has improved. I love the how evil it is." The short man stated.

"Now, that Sam and Eric failed to do a simple task of separating the Werewolf prince from his mate the vampire prince. It's only a matter of time until they realize that they are mates, if they haven't already. We need to stop them before they encounter Chase. Do you understand?"

"Clear as night. I'll handle it, Ma'am,"

The fact that I'm on the 8th part blows my mind! To be honest I thought I would stop at part 4 or something. Thank you so much for the inspiration to go on, enjoyJ Feedback is still encouraged email me at drew121314@yahoo.com and tell me what you think.

Next: Chapter 9

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