I Want Your Bite

By Me

Published on Jan 5, 2014


Glad to be back with part 7! I love the success of the story and hope that you guys continue to keep reading. If I don't respond to all your emails just know that I'm sorry and will try my best to. I hope you like the next part.

I Want Your Bite Part 7


I always knew Nick was very odd. I mean he is so bloody old that he must go mad one day right? Nick kept saying that he was losing control and was going to hurt me but he was just cuddling me. He was rubbing his face in mine and when someone came close he would growl at him or her and push me behind him. This lasted for 3 hours and eventually I just took him home...and not to his home, to mine.

I would have the rest of the pack help me but he wouldn't let them. Even Gary or Emerald couldn't touch him. My wolf started to feel sad and hurt when I would slip away to get some water of the bathroom. It concerned me that he wasn't fully himself and still all... wolf like?

Eventually he got bored with just touching me and started whimpering when I wasn't touching him all over. Our current state is, me laying on my bed and him at my neck licking it and occasional small kisses. He was lying on top of me and I decided I should talk to him, but them decided against it. So I let him mutter "my Finn" to me until Mike and Erica finally sneaked inside my room.

"So...any idea what the hell is going on?" Mike asked sitting on my bed.

"Uh, no but I have a feeling that you guys do." I said rubbing Nicks back.

"Well yeah we do. Finn, Nick is also a werewolf." Erica said slowly.

"Uh no shit! Would anyone like to explain why he's scenting me?"

"We don't know." Erica started.

"Tell me!" I growled, making Nick growl too and grab me tighter.

"Jeez man! No need to go all alpha on us. Well, He is sired to you...we think, and he may be scenting his fellow alpha to smell like him so that your scents can be unified." Mike explained leaning against the wall.

"Yeah, and he us protecting you from everyone except us because he doesn't see us as a threat. I mean we ARE the humans." Erica said walking closer to the door.

"Well why? How long will this last?"

"We don't know but for now you kinda have to let him do...uh...this until it stops. It can have serious consequences, like really serious, like he ends up killing himself consequences. Well anyways have fun! See you soon man. Don't call if you need anything!" Mike said pushing Erica out the door and leaving.

"Wait what!?" I yelled but it was too late.

"grrrmmmmmm" Nick mumbled smelling me.

"Oh god. This is going to be a long night."


I woke up feeling better than I have in a while my magic, my wolf everything about me was heightened and focused, for once in my life. I could smell a sweet and musky smell that drew me in. My whole head felt light and free and I then I noticed my heart beat matched the person's under me. I looked up he had blond hair and was for sure fit. His lips were slightly parted and his small breaths he took in and then released was so interesting to me. I time seemed to move slow as I breathed in and took in this guys scent and my heartbeat picked up only to slow to match his every time.

Finn...this is who this is under me. I know it's him and I hope that I didn't hurt him. I don't smell any blood and the fact the he went to sleep with me in the room means that I didn't hurt him, good. Finn consumed my senses and I let him. Everything about me was some how complimenting him. To the rise and fall of his chest, to my arm fitting perfectly at the curves of his side I knew that-.

"Grrrmmmm" Finn growled holding me tighter.

"Grrrmmmm" the growl escaped my mouth.

I don't know what happened but I started to feel something deep inside me that I couldn't quite explain. Before I knew it I was rubbing my face on his and cant stop. He seemed to be rubbing his face against mine too, and then I licked his chin. Eventually I was on top of him and I was instantly turned on. His eyes opened and then he kissed me. He put his hot tongue in my mouth and we moaned in unison.

"Whoa Nick, what's got you so hot this morning?" He said smiling at me.

"I don't know." I moaned rubbing my body against his.

"Nick, sorry about...you know kissing you. I just feel weird today." He said looking into my eyes.

"I think its because it's the full moon tonight." I explained smelling Finn again.

"Oh god. Every full moon that I've experienced hasn't exactly been the best night of my life."

"Yeah, well maybe that can change...look how about you go get change and see your friends, and tonight I show you how to have a good full moon." I explained grabbing him tight.

"Fine! Well that means you have to leave then." Finn said smiling and lighting up the room.

"Fine...I'll be back before the sunset. Good day...my prince." I said bowing and kissing his hand.


"Yeah so that's what happened." I said to Gary, Damon, and Lisa.

"So you're telling me that Nick and you kissed and had a moment and the world didn't end?" Damon said looking at me like I was insane.

"Yeah..." I started.

"Hmmmm, good for you Finn!" Lisa said more to herself than me.

"Wait...Are you guys being sarcastic?" I asked looking to Gary, who was avoiding my gaze.

"Well, uh its kind of obvious you know?" Gary said looking down still.

"GARY STOP! Let them figure it out on their own." Lisa said punching him.

"Figure what out?" I asked.

"Look Finn, you and Nick and sometimes Gary and others have a complicated relationship. We are your pack yes, but you guys are also our alphas. It's between you guys man." Damon said.

"Finn, we here for you, but we can't do everything. Anyways, this full moon is going to be different. We have a pack now, which means we are all stronger. We know that your dad is planning something tonight though so you need to go with the guys." Lisa said

"What-" I started before Lisa cut me off.

"Ah! No questions!" Lisa demanded.


"TIBERIUS! Are you even listening? Huh?"

"Yes Jenna. I am, Drew and I already went over this. I already talked to pack Red's alpha and his mate was having some controlling issues. " I said putting on my jacket.

"Well he was very protective of the prince. He practically ripped me off of him, and I was just shaking his hand. " I explained looking at my hand still seeing the bruises.

"They have to let us in, I mean there pack is unbalanced. Don't they know that?" Drew said putting on his jacket as well.

"Well maybe we should try to talk to him again? With out his mate being there?" Jenna said putting up her long hair in a ponytail.

"Well in that case we must separate him from his Nick." I said grabbing sword and walking out the door.


Everyone has been so odd lately and vague. The guys and I went for a run and played lacrosse in my back yard, while the girls were nowhere to be found. Nick wasn't there, but I wanted to feel him there. The guys kept doing this touching thing and I let them. Maybe its because I'm their alpha?

It took them a while to convince them to leave but they did...but it took lots of threats and teeth. I decided to sit and let my wolf be calmed by silence. Until I heard a heartbeat that was very faint, but definitely getting closer.

"Show yourself!" I demanded jumping up and ready to fight.

"Alpha Finn, My name is Drew and next to me is Jenna, and behind you is Tiberius I believe that you have already met? "

I looked behind me and Tiberius, the guy who wanted to join the pack, was standing with his hands raised in defence. His obvious Hawaiian and Filipino roots made it hard to be mad at them sneaking up behind me. I mean the guy was a 10 with his muscular body and black hair with brown skin. Drew was African American and extremely buff he was tall too about 6'8 and had a really deep voice as well. He was attractive as well. I could tell he was dangerous but that made him even more attractive. The girl, Jenna, was visibly related to Tiberius they had similar features and had similar smells. She has long black hair sharp cheekbones and just as beautiful as her brother.

"I remember you Tiberius. Nice to meet you Drew and Jenna...So...why are you guys here?" I asked slowly.

"Well you guys might need my prince...your pack is unbalanced and it might disturb nature." Drew said walking closer.

"In a normal pack there are betas and an Alpha, you have two so that means to balance you will need more betas. For your pack you have 9/11 that is super natural which does not follow the code of nature. Its either all super natural or a balance between the not supernatural. The fact that some of your supernatural is also mutants makes it worse. The gods will either destroy your pack or damn you all to hell for disturbing nature." Tiberius explained.

"Okay so what do I do? Make two separate packs and add more humans? And how the hell am I supposed to convince Nick of this?" I questioned feeling them stare at me.

"Well, you don't have to split your pack. We are aware of the chemistry between you and alpha Nick so why split if your pack will join again anyways?" Jenna explained.

"Wait what do you mean-"

"Look Finn, we would like to join your pack. We are humans yes but we have great assets that could benefit you. We are trained martial artists and know how to deal with the supernatural." Tiberius said looking to the others for support.

"We know that we have to earn your trust so put any of your three best betas against us and we'll beat them. " Drew said desperately.

"Okay even if you do join the pack still won't be balanced. We would have 9 supernatural and 5 humans. Well that is another thing your pack will have to choose one thing but it can be anything. The sprit candy can change the status of a pack to balance it." Tiberius explained.

"How in hell can she do that.?!" I exclaimed.

"Well she'll explain once she gets here at sunset..." Jenna said shifting awkwardly.

"I'm meeting Nick at sunset, you know because it's the full moon! Look, this is probably a great problem for you humans but-"

"For us humans??? Finn, you have the gods, supernatural, humans, and Mother Nature herself out for you. Not to mention your father. If you don't let candy help you, you WILL die." Tiberius explained cutting me off.

"Ti, let him make his own choices. If he wants to die then that's his fault. " Jenna said moving towards the forest.

"You have until sunset Finn, I hope you do the right thing, or it will have terrible consequences." Tiberius whispered disappearing into the forest.

Tiberius did make some good points, but I'm supposed to be a prince right? When can I get the benefits of being one? No one is going to stop me from forming my pack the way I want it to...not even Mother Nature herself.


When I left Finn's house I went home and slept, which isn't something that I don't do much. I had a nightmare that started in Olympus. The gods were angry with me, which wouldn't be a problem normally, but they took out their wrath on Finn. They damned him and put a curse on him. For some reason I couldn't move and I couldn't move. I woke up in sweat and panting.

When I woke up the sun was almost setting, so I decided to get somewhat decent. I sleep in the nude so I put on some tight light blue denim jeans that I could probably flex and get out of; I put it on with black shoes and a blue shirt that matched Finn's eyes. My long brown hair made me look like a domesticated Tarzan.

"Ares are you- aww you look so handsome!" Aphrodite said squeezing my left cheek.

"Grandmother...I'm not a kid anymore in fact-"

"Ah! AH! No. I came back form the dead to be your grandmother now let me damn it! Now, my gift was good looks. You're glad that it was passed down." She said feeling my hair.

"Grandmother-" I started again.

"What you need to do is put them to good use and get yourself a mate." She scolded pointing a finger at me.

My grandmother's scolding lasted until it was time to go. I made it to Finn's house faster than I probably should have. I could smell him when I was half way there and I heard his heart beat match mine more often, the closer I became. When I was in front of his house I noticed he was in the woods. He wasn't hard to follow, epically since he smelled so good.

When I reached him he was standing towards the woods in a clearing with a rock that he was sitting on with his eyes closed. He obviously heard me come up a long time ago but he still decided to sit and listen. I looked at him and he was wearing similar clothes to I was.

He had light blue denim jeans that were rolled up at the end and a black shirt with a plaid pocket that was the same colour of my eyes. His blond hair was messy like usual and to one side. I sniffed the air and it urged me to move in closer and in engulf him with hugs and...

"You're doing it again." He said with a smirk and flashing his perfect teeth.

"Wait what?" I said getting lost in his smile.

"The creepy stare thing." He said opening his eyes slowly and looking up to me. "The sniffing while hovering right about me is new though."

"Uh, sorry good guy. I mean my prince." I said sitting down next to Finn.

"So why do I always catch you in the woods littler red?" He said nudging me, the contact giving me chills.

"Ha! Ha! That's funny good guy. But what if the little red was actually the thing the wolf should be scared for?" I whispered.

"In that case...the wolf...should be careful." Finn whispered, his lips lightly touching mine.

His soft hot lips met my soft cold ones. Our bodies became one as our kiss deepened and became more desperate. My senses were on over drive and all I could smell and feel was Finn. His touch, his heart beat. Everything about him made me want him more.

"Finn." A stern voice sung.

Finn slowly pushed off of me and looked behind me. Even though I knew someone was there all I could do was focus on Finn. His eyes got big and I seen a white light flash. I turned around and there was a blond woman in a long dress and blue eyes. She was beautiful and I could sense magic off of her. Before she spoke I already knew who she was, and I feared my future with my pack, and my Finn.

"Mother?!" Finn yelled standing up.

"Hello Finn." She said softly.


To be honest I don't know what the hell is going on with Nick, but I like it. I don't question anything because it just feels right. When I'm with him I feel like I can take over the world. I do admit that's its kind of weird how we go from being friends, and sometimes enemies, to this thing that I cannot explain. Whatever is I want more.

When I went into the woods I knew that Nick would find me with no trouble. I could smell and hear him already from his house and hear his heartbeat the closer he got. When we kissed it felt natural. Well, that is until my mother showed up...I haven't seen my mother in years and all of a sudden she shows up after I am happy and with the person that I want to be with. I think.

Since my mother left I have became a werewolf, found out I was gay, made new mates, found out my da is my uncle, and my father is evil, and so much more. So when I seen her I felt a rage deep inside me that I couldn't control. The sky was dark blue and I could tell that the rest of the pack was now approaching.

"Hello Finn." My mother said softly...said like she didn't just show up out of nowhere.


"Finn, it's a long story...let me explain. I have a duty, one to protect and balance the world. I know I may have let my responsibilities with you down, but I had to. You were to young to know."


I felt my wolf getting angry and my breathing started to get out of control. I closed my eyes to regain it and I started to lose control until Nick put his hands on my shoulders. It was like he was instantly soaking the anger out of me. I looked back and his blue eyes, the most blue I've ever seen were looking at me with concern. He didn't speak, hell he didn't even move, but I got the picture. I released all the air I had built up and nodded at him and then turned around to see the whole pack was there.

Lisa and Mike were holding hands and looking at me like they understood where I came from. Ash, Danny, Eric , Damon, and Monica stood a little behind them and were looking at my mum like they were waiting to pounce. Emerald and Gary were the closest to us and Gary had a look of surprise and Emerald had one of shock.

I looked back at Nick who was still holding me but his hands were rubbing y shoulders. He smelled so good that I got lost in his scent for a moment. I closed my eyes and our heartbeats matched still and our scents mixed which made me hard and horny.

Instantly I snapped out of my trance and looked up to his eyes. They were focused on something to the left of the pack. I looked and there stood Tiberius, Jenna, and Drew. They seemed to be looking at Nick and having a internal stare down. Apparently Nick won because they lowered their heads and move closer to the pack. Everyone seemed to know who they were and greeted them with hugs and pats on the shoulder.

"Hello darlings! The great Candy has arrived! Now, do tell what's got everyone with such confused faces. " Candy hummed coming out of no where.

Candy's high sprits (no pun intended) put me in a better mood. She had on black pants and a white shirt and a black blazer. Her blood red lipstick matcher her shoes and her nails...that seemed more like claws.

"I'm here on nature balance business Candy." My mum said coming closer.

"Oh yes! That's what I'm here for. Look no matter what happens no hard feelings love. I love pack red and I will do anything to protect it. That being said some hard decisions will be made." Candy said looking around at everyone.

"Sounds good to us." Lisa said coming to stand next to Nick and me.

The whole pack and the new plus three all moved closer to us. Most of them didn't come more than three feet between Nick and I. Candy walked to stand by my mother, who kept staring at Nick and me.

"Okay guys I guess I shall start. I am the controller of the balance of nature. The whole world depends on me, for it not to end if I fail. My job is tough and its hard, but I do what I must for the world to go on. Pack Red is the newest, youngest, and most diverse pack that has ever been. Your pack is quite large and it has two alphas. That being said, Mother Nature isn't so happy with how this pack was formed. As of right now there are 11 members...two human...three witches...two vampire...two werewolf...and two very unique creatures. Nick who is a vampire/werewolf/witch and Finn who is a werewolf/witch/mutant/potential vampire." My mum explained simply.

"So to balance this out you can either add more humans and lose a couple supernatural, or give up some creatures, or be damned to hell." Candy said.

"Alphas Nick and Finn what should it be?" My mum said standing up straight.

I looked at the pack that all seemed surprised. They were looking in between each other and whispering. Most seemed ready to fight my mum and candy. Tiberius, Jenna, and Drew all stayed calm and stared at Nick and I.

Nick was staring at me like he knew what I was thinking. He smiled at me and then he whispered so low that I could barely hear him. "We can add those humans if you want." Then he looked to the pack and growled.

"Humans Drew, Tiberius, and Jenna...would you like to join our pack? And if the members of the pack have any suggestions please tell us now." Nick demanded.

"This pack can use some more humans, right Erica?" Mike said high fiving Drew.

"Hell yeah we can!" Erica said.

"Well...that still means the pack is not balanced...this can be fixed by mother nature determining the status of the supernatural...do you all accept? What mother nature chooses I have no control." Candy said looking sorry.

The pack all nodded in agreement and Nick held my hand and nodded. My mother also nodded and then she rose her hand and a white light came from it and made a circle around all of us. Candy's eyes were white and she moved to stand next to my mother.

"We shall call the status of each pack member, some may be changed, some may be the same." My mother explained not looking at anyone.

"Mike, Jenna, Tiberius, Drew and Erica...you are all humans and will continue to be that way. The witches of the pack will be...Ashley, Monica, and Emerald. Gary will be a werewolf now again along with his siblings Lisa and Damon will be werewolves...Lisa will have to talent to see the future...Gary the present ...and Damon to see the past. Danny will be a vampire with no added talents" Candy stated then paused.

The pack all seemed happy with the choice, except Lisa. She had a frown and she looked to Gary who was smiling and jumping. Since most of the pack remained the same, it didn't bother them...that is until Candy looked to Nick and I.

"AS FOR THE ALPHAS...Nick will be a vampire, and Finn a werewolf...with no added talents unless in the presence of each other, in that case they can be werewolves, witches, or vampires together. " Candy said and the whole pack got quiet.


"Finn, you do know that we have a pack to protect right?" I said kissing Finn.

Candy gave us our status and I couldn't be happier. To know that Finn actually makes me stronger not weaker made me want him more. The pack left to enjoy the full moon, and Finns mom went with Chase to do something...probably sexual...and now I Finn to myself. Well kind of. We are in the forest making out like the horny teenagers we are and just enjoying the effects of the full moon.

"The pack is fine love." Finn moaned into my neck.

"Yeah...I know...I'm-"

"Shhh...Nick...you worry to much. All I want to do is have fun with my fellow Alpha as long as I can. " Finn said kissing me.

"Fellow alpha? We need to put a name for what this is." I said pushing Finn down to the ground.

I was on top of him and I went in to kiss him. His lips parted for mine naturally and our tongues greeted each other with tangles of love and lost. I pulled his shirt over his head and he did the same for me. Before I knew it we were both naked. Our hard abs tickled against each other and caused pleasure to go through out my whole body.

I quickly moved to Finn's neck and started licking and sucking. His skin turned pink and then it faded quickly. He moaned and then arched his pack making our dicks clash into each other. I could feel his warm cock on my stomach and the pulse of his head against mine drove me wild.

In one swift motion I put my hand on his ass and moved his cock into my mouth. I could taste the precum on my tongue as his head moved to the back of my throat.

His salty sweet liquid made me hot and desperate for more. I wrapped my tongue around his shaft and his balls pulled closer to him.

I moved my fingers to his mouth and let him suck on them. When they were all wet I moved my hand to Finn's tight hole, and pushed them inside. It was hot and tight and Finn gasped for air as I stretched him out for me. Saliva from me blowing Finn seeped down to his asshole creating more lube for us.

"Oh Nick, Fuck me hard." Finn moaned.

"Sure thing babe."

I spit on my hand and then rubbed my head. The precum made it easier to slide in and Finn screamed in pleasure. He wrapped his legs around my waist and submitted to me completely. I went down to kiss him while he got used to me inside of him. He kissed me hungry and desperate. We started to kiss each other's neck and scent each other in lust drunk frenzy.

"Come on...Nick...pl...please...I think I'm...going...OH God!" Finn moaned as I started to fuck him extremely hard.

"What was that?" I joked kissing him and REALLY fucking him now.

His opening seemed to relax for a short moment when I entered him until my dick smashed into his prostate...then it would grip my dick causing us both to almost cum. Eventually Finn became more desperate to cum so he started jacking himself off, causing his hole to become even tighter. Deciding not to be out done, I started fucking against his prostate harder and started jerking him.

"FUUUUUUUUCK NICK! MAKE ME...oh god...I'M...I'M CUM- ahhhhhhhhh!!!!" Finn screamed.

His first shot went on his own lips. The second went to his cheek. As he continued to cum his hole milked me cock and I pulled out and came all over him. My first shot went to his face too and the rest of his abs.

"Blimey Nick-"

"Let me clean you off Finn." I cut him off licking all the cum up and saving some in my mouth.

The extra sweet cum flowed between Finn's mouth and mine. Our tongues were coated with it and we shared the treasure. Our scents mixed more and I felt myself giving in to Finn's...wolf. All of a sudden I felt like I could change into one...like candy said. I looked up and the moon shone bright, holding the secrets of what was to come on this night.

"Ready for some real fun tough guy?" Finn asked turning into his wolf form.

"I can't believe that's even a question nice guy!" I said turning with him.

Thanks for reading part 7 of I want your bite. I can't wait to finish part 8! I love love love the feedback! Please tell me what you think on my email drew121314@yahoo.com I want part 8 to be epic so any ideas for me to go with the story let me know. I hope to hear from you guys soon.

Next: Chapter 8

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