I Want Your Bite

By Me

Published on Jul 31, 2013


Thanks for all the feedback I'm glad you are all enjoying the story. Feedback is still encouraged, and I will try to write the parts as soon as possible. Once again thanks.


"Finn, there are coming for us...and...and...they will kill us all..." Erica muttered and stabbed herself with a glass dagger.

"OH MY GOD!!! ERICA WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!" I screamed taking the dagger away.

Erica was not anything supernatural just a normal human. She didn't heal, and she bled more fast. The cut was too big to heal and her blood was spilling out. I tried to open the door and get help but it wouldn't open. All of a sudden the already dark room went even darker and Erica stood up with blood spilling all over the floor.

"This room doesn't exists Finn...there's no way out!" She whispered pulling her flesh to let more blood spill out.

I ran over to Erica and pinned her to the floor. I put pressure on her cut but it was too large. It went all down her stomach and her intestines started to spill out. I started crying because I didn't know what to do.


A lot has been going on lately....I mean my life depends on a 17 year old who is untrained and weak! I've been alive for a couple 1,000 years! I couldn't care less if I die...but if I die I want it to be in a great battle not because of some kid... I was once the great Ares...I mean the only way for me to die is if Finn someone how becomes more skilled than I am and kills me! HA! Which wouldn't or couldn't happened....unless this Clark guy some now corrupts me and I kill myself with magic. I have never used magic in battle. It's not something I do. I want any foolish enough to fight me to have a fair chance....but no one really knows I'm also a witch.

I turned Gary because I seen potential in him...I never thought that he would have some how fell for my younger sister. She loves him a lot, but I'm not sure about his intentions. Even after being alive for so long the people change, and are harder to read. It's obvious that Gary is someone what entertained by Finn but does he know it? I mean this guy is beautiful and hard not to miss. At the same time he is naive and too trustworthy. I find myself just as annoyed and I am amused by him, and even though he might not no it our lives are in each others hands.

So at the party I watch him from afar. I can hear Ashley and Monica talking about me, thinking that I am just following Finn because of infatuation. I can sense black magic all around us and he doesn't even notice. I heard someone calling me outside and it was the source of the black magic...soon as I walked outside the thing left and was now inside. I ran as fast as I could to find Finn but I couldn't hear, see, or smell him. Panicking I started to run opening different doors.

Eventually I decided to tell the rest of his friends. Ashley and Emerald were using magic to locate him, and Mike was looking for Erica who became missing. Damon and I were trying to find a scent and Gary was no where to be found either but Danny was on that. I decided to rely on my old skills to think what would I do if I was hiding him. He's someone where in the house but obviously not visible. Someone using black magic would hide him....they would torture him. They would use someone close to find him...maybe Erica or Gary! I know where he is! I better get to him before something bad happens.


"Erica don't bleed out!!! Please!!!! Oh my god....Erica! Pleasesssse..." I yelled out grabbing her.

She was laughing while she was bleeding out. To be honest I don't know how she's still alive...bleed has been gushing out of her which made me think was this real? I decided to let her go and she stopping laughing and stared at me.

"Don't you want to help me Finn.....I thought were friends?!" Erica yelled pulling out another dagger and cutting her face.

"You're not Erica! I sense something different about you...and the only thing I should be sensing is human! Plus and human would have been dead by now!" I yelled stepping back ask she walked closer.

".........h.......ha.......haha.....so you're not so dumb? I mean crying really?! Really Finn!? The funny thing is how you are so oblivious to black magic when that's the magic you will soon use."

"SHUT UP! Stop playing games....either get to the point or let me go, you could try to fight me....but you're not stupid are you Sam?"

"Whoa! Nice your father would be impressed young prince. Like I said I'm here to offer you a deal. His life for your alliance." Sam said pointing to an unconscious Gary in the corner that I didn't even know was there.

I ran to Gary and he had blood all over him. His mouth was gaped open and he didn't have a heartbeat so it was hard to tell if he was okay or not. His skin was warm which worried me because it was always cold. He looked peaceful and it made me angry that this random witch would hurt someone close to mean all for a stupid game. I looked to Sam who looked like the same Sam that was in the bathroom. I turned my attention back to Gary who started to shake.

"Gary!!! Wake up!" I yelled shaking him and using a healing spell.

"Finn?....what's....." He croaked looking into my eyes confused.

"Don't worry I'm going to get you out of here...." I whispered pulling him up over my shoulders similar what he did to me.

"Oh really?" Sam said looking ready to fight.

"Seriously? I don't want to hurt you. Now I'm giving you two options! One-"

Before I could say anything there was a big crash in the wall. I protected Gary and I looked to Sam who was just as confused as I was. Some people stepped in the hole then I noticed I knew them. It was Damon, Lisa, Ashley, Monica, Emerald, and Nick.

Nick had no shirt on and his muscles were flexing...or maybe that's how ripped he was? Either way he looked pissed and ready to fight. He made eye contact with Sam and with lighting speed he had grabbed her. Lisa stepped forward and then Sam started screaming and soon was unconscious. I still had Gary over my shoulders and Emerald ran up to me and just grabbed him off of me....and that's when it hit me. He wasn't really mine to protect. As a friend yeah, but I'm not the one that's suppose to worry about him the way I do...While the girls were dealing with Sam, Nick ran up to me.

"ARE YOU OKAY FINN?!" He yelled grabbing me and hugging until I couldn't breath.

"I.....think....so......Nick......you're.....crushing.....me!" I yelled.

Nick didn't let go he kept holding me. It felt weird to have a man this powerful holding me for so long. I mean I'm a pretty buff and tall guy so I'm never the one that had my face in a mother guys pecs. His nipples looked perfect like I could grab them and get a moan out of him. They looked super sensitive. The hair on his chest ticked my face and be smelled so good. I found myself rubbing my face on his chest and grunting.

"Finn, I thought that you would have been hurt or something. I broke through this witches spelllllllll....Finn what are you doing?" Nick asked looking down at me in shock.

"I....I'm sorry. I just felt....I mean.....lets to back this place is creepy." I said walking to the opening in the wall.

"Finn...do you know what you just did?"

"No? Was it bad? I mean sorry I won't do it again..."

I looked to Nick and he looked at the ground in deep thought and a smile creeped on his face. He looked at me and smiled then grabbed me as lead me outside the hole in the wall. The hall lead back to Danny's hall and inside the party stopped. It seemed like it was pretty late in the night, and everyone went home.

We all walked to the living room and all gathered around Danny's couch. I noticed that the real Erica wasn't there and neither was Danny or Mike. Sam was still conscious and tied up. Nick was sitting next to me on the couch actually pretty close and he didn't say anything he just was looking at his lap in deep thought.

"So what the hell happened? Where's Danny? Where's Mike and Erica?" I asked having everyone look at me.

"Danny went to go look for Mike and Erica who I think we're kidnapped. I think Danny might have been kidnapped too." Nick stated simply.

"What are we going to do guys?" I asked standing up.

"Well the girls are looking into this witches memories. My dad, Aphrodite, and Chase are on there way. " Damon said sitting down next to Lisa.

"We need to get our humans back....." Nick said surprising everyone.

"Well sitting here isn't going to do anything. I will find them I promise! Ashely, Lisa I'm sorry I got your mates in to this mess. I will find them!" I said walking outside.

Everyone looked at me like I was mad, probably because I barely know anything about myself or my limits. I was going to go outside and try to locate them. I sat under a tree and I focused my magic on them to where they would be. I relied on past spirits for assistance. I was so focused on finding them that I didn't even notice Nick standing in front of me until he spoke.

"Finn, do you even know what you're doing?" He asked sitting down.

"Yes!....No....but this is my fault Nick! I should have protected myself better."

"What?! Finn that's the dumbest thing I've ever heard you say, and you say some pretty dumb things. Now! We are going to find them together. Close your eyes take my hands and concentrate on and my magic."

I closed eyes and took Nicks hands. It felt electric like when I touched Gary....My eyes flew open and they meet Nicks already open eyes. His eyes were glowing white and it was kinda scary. He smiled and me then closed his eyes.

I felt my magic combing with his and it was intense. I felt invincible and powerful. My senses heightened even more and Nick's touch also felt different. He touched me more intimately and his hand started to rub mine and I felt myself relax.


I woke up and Emerald was staring at me and smiling. She was talking but I couldn't hear her. All I could do was worry about was Finn. He was in the trance with me and now I can't find him. I was slowly starting to get my senses back and I could smell that Finn was here. I tried to get back up but Damon pushed me back down, and this made me furious.

Damon is my twin, yes I love him but he always knows the worst time to piss me off. I mean I did act as him to Finn, but that's because my mother would never have let me be around him until Damon was. I mean of I could out smart her and my dad for a couple weeks then I deserved it. Even Lisa who was in the womb with didn't notice.

"Gary! You need to calm down Finn is alright! " He said somehow knowing that's who I was looking for. "He is safe and trying to find Danny, Erica, and Mike."

"How did this happen?! I mean Danny is super powerful and what would they want with two humans?" I asked standing up.

"That's a great question, but we all now the Clark wants Finn and he would do anything to get him. Most of you haven't met me but I'm Aphrodite, Emerald and Nick's grandmother." She said walking in, my dad and Chase following close behind.

"Clark is making his move because the spell protecting him is being broke....and we don't know how." Chase said looking outside.

I looked and I noticed that Nick and Finn were outside. There eyes were closed and they were holding hands. I felt anger boiling inside of me. My breathing picked up and if I had a heartbeat it would be racing. I walked to the window and I felt my fangs coming out.

Things have been really confusing lately. I don't know what's going on with me. I love Emerald and I'm sure that she is my mate, but then Finn came along. I've never heard of anyone having two mates at the same time so I know one isn't real.

Emerald is pure perfection....so is Finn. They are both beautiful inside and out but the only thing is I'm not gay. Well at least I hope not. I mean Finn is attractive and I feel protective over him but that doesn't make me gay does it?

My heart mind and body tell me to love and care for Emerald, but my instincts tell me to take what's mine....my Finn. I know Nick turned me and I have so much respect for him, but he is dangerous. He's been around for centuries and never found a mate? Maybe that's because he doesn't deserve one.

"Gary! What are you doing you can't interrupt them! The are trying to find your friends." Aphrodite said coming closer.

I took a sniff of the air and I smelled Finn who smelled like Nick I felt the anger rushing inside of me and I was about to say something and go outside, but then my dad grabbed me.

"Gary! You need to calm down. How about we to take a little walk."


My wolf was going crazy. I wanted to pounce on Nick for some reason, and rub my body all over his. I know this sounds a little odd but I honestly don't know what's wrong with me. I opened my eyes and his were shut and he was concentrating hard. His long hair flew back in the breeze, his lips were slightly gaped and his smell....his smell is what turned me on the most. It smelt like the best cologne ever mixed with a earth smell and a natural scent. My wolf obviously loved it because I was growling quietly in pleasure.

"Are you alright?" He asked raising one brow his eyes still closed.


"Maybe it's time we took a break."

"Yeah....grrrrrh." I growled.

Nick stood up looked towards the house. As he stretched I got a better view of his body. His shirt lifted slightly showing that he had deep dimples on his lower back. He turned around to face me and I seem he deep V that lead to places that I wanted to explore.

I can't believe that I'm standing this close to something so perfect, I mean he is so built. The way he smiles and me and looks confused and amused turns me on. My wolf started to get out of control demanding that I have him. I stood up and I was just about to reach for him when Lisa came outside.

"Okay boys we have a lead. Mike and Erica are in a spell similar to the once you were trapped in. Aphrodite, Chase, My dad, Emerald, and Monica went to go get them. Gary, Ashley , and us three are suppose to watch Sam. So...just come in when you are ready." Lisa said walking in and closing the door.

Nick then looked at me and turned to leave. Before I knew it I pulled him back. For a brief second we just stared at each other. I noticed my breathing picking up and my heart rate. I then moved in slowly and hugged him. His cold skin felt great against my extremely warm skin. Once again I started rubbing my face against his chest, and neck, and his face. It just felt so right and my wolf was extremely happy. I might have purred a couple time; but if anyone asked I would deny it.

"Finn! Finn, what are you doing!?" Nick asked pushing me away.

"I was just giving you a hug, you know for saving me."


"I'm sorry, I said I wouldn't do this. I think I'll go inside." I said walking inside feeling embarrassed.

When I got inside Ashley was crying and Gary and Lisa were breathing hard. Sam was gone and the room looked a mess. It's obvious that a right just happened in here and by the looks of it, they lost.

"What in the hell happened in here?!" Nick yelled glancing at me awkwardly then went back to being pissed.

"Gary and I went to go make food for me, Erica, and Finn and we left Ashley in charge of watching Sam. Sam woke up and told Ashley she knew where Danny was and that she would kill him if she didn't untie her and undo all the spells. Apparently she used some kind of black magic to show she was serious. We heard a grunt and when we came back Sam was untied and tried to catch her but her black magic let her escape. " Lisa said almost loosing her cool.

"Ashley how could you be so stupid!?" Nick yelled pasting back and forth.

"I'm sorry....but I didn't let that bitch get away without finding out where Danny was first. He's being held in the forest, and I'm going to go get him!"

"Do you realize how stupid you sound?! It's obviously a trap Ashley. I've been alive and in battles for over 2,000 years. I know a trap when I see one...plus you just put everyone else in danger. We need to go help them out." Nick explained grabbing a shirt.

"Fine! Well who's coming with me?!" Ashley said standing up.

"Um, well it does seen dangerous Ash. Plus it would be better if our family and friends were safe. Also they might need our help more." Gary said frustrated.

"I will! Ash this is stupid, very stupid but I'm not going to let you go and get yourself killed. So I will go with you, but if it looks sketchy then we are leaving, got it?" Lisa demanded. grabbing Ashley's face.

"Got it! " Ashley whimpered back.

They girls got ready quickly then left and we did the same. It didn't take long for Gary,Nick and I to find everyone else. They were in the opposite direction of were Lisa and Ashley were headed. On the way there I couldn't help but sense tension in the car. Nick and Gary kept giving each other glances like there were having some silence war between them. This was weird because usually they were all close and chatty. Also I'm sitting in the back seat and Gary is driving and Nick is on the passenger side.

"So does anyone care to tell me what is wrong with you too?" I said looking at the both of them.

"Why does Finn smell like you?!" Gary yelled ignoring me.

"Why? It's not like I did it! Even if I did you have Emerald." Nick shot back.

"What does that have to do with this? You are taking advantage of him!" Gary yelled his eyes glowing.

"Only one taking advantage of him is you Gary!" Nick said between clenched teeth.

"Whoa! What the hell are you talking about?" I asked.

"Stay out of this!" They both yelled at the same time.

Not wanting to get between two vampires that love the taste of blood,(and apparently mine tasted good) I decided to stay quite for now. Plus I needed to concentrate on Lisa and her emotions(new trick I learned) to see if she was okay. Right now she is frustrated but safe, she can feel me in her head and I can feel her calming down.

"Finn? What are you doing in my head?" Lisa asked.

"Oh I was just checking up on you. I'm not trying to spy on you or anything ."

"It's okay Finn, plus there is nothing I have to hide anyways...Things Ashley is a little delusional and I don't feel like this is the best idea . I mean seriously, this is completely off of impulse and emotions." Lisa stated sounding frustrated.

"Well if anything, and I mean anything seems to go wrong let me know okay?"

"Yeah yeah yeah, I can protect myself...."

"I know Lisa, it's Ashley I'm worried about."

We pulled up to an open area and decided to walk the rest of the way because the car couldn't get through the trees. The walk was pretty silent and extremely awkward. Gary and Nick both kept muttering stuff to themselves that even with my super hearing I couldn't hear. The tension peeked when Gary number into Nick.

"Hey, watch it!" Nick spat his eyes turning almost white and glowing.

"Make me. Bitch!" Gary yelled pushing Nick.

"Seriously Gary back off! As you can see you have no territory here!"

"He probably didn't even know what he did! But if thats what we are talking about, I have more than you will!"

They went back and forth and every time I tried to say something they would tell me to stay out of it. I had no idea what they were talking about but I'm sure it has to do with me. If they are fighting over my friendship or something...oh wait they are actually fighting.

Gary was the first one to throw a punch. This even surprised Nick aka Ares...not not for long because before I could react Nick punched Gary so hard the trees rattled. Gary looked like he was almost unconscious, I mean Nick hit him so hard it probably would have killed a normal person.

I ran over to Gary , who was on the ground holding face; that was swollen and blood was gushing everywhere. I looked to Nick and his eyes were black and his nostrils were flared. He looked to Gary and then to me and then his face softened.

"Lads seriously?! This is bloody bonkers! I am sitting here trying to help save OUR mates and you're over there fightin like two little twats! Now get your shit together and focus!" I yelled even surprising myself.

"I can't work with him....I can stand to be by him. Finn you need to choose. Him or me!" Nick demanded.

"Nick...you just punched him in the face. I think you need to calm down. I can't choose between my friends. I can believe you just asked me to do that..."

"Friends? Just friends? Finn lets be honest he was all over you at the party. I think you're forgetting who saved you; and forgetting who was the one that drank your blood, lead you on, tried to kiss you, laid unconscious while you were kidnapped, and won't give you the chance to he happy." Nick said coldly looking at Gary like he was nothing.

"Like you're perfect! You gave Finn shit all week! Even today! He hated you, and you hated him. You don't even know what a friend is Nick! Oh yeah the only you had you screwed over, lied to, and turned into a vampire. " Gary yelled, his voice cracking half way though.

"It was your choice...I warned you. It's not my fault that you have mommy issues, or you feel yourself becoming unstable because you want to kill, or even that you are having problems with a mate!" Nick yelled getting more frustrated.

"You did warn me...but I never thought that you would be the one keeping me from a potential mate!" Gary yelled.

Now I was more confused than before, because wasn't Emerald his mate? I mean they are really old, but he couldn't be playing the big brother card after all these years could he? Plus Gary is head over hills for her. Also, what does he mean having trouble with mates? Vampires aren't exactly as animalistic as werewolf so does that mean there mates are different?

"Finn! Are you going answer me?" Nick yelled.


"Gary or me? The other has to leave now..."

"Um, I honestly don't know what the hell is going on with you guys, but like I said before I-" I started but I was cut off by Nick.

"You have to, unless you want to see Gary die in front of you! Or never see me." Nick stated like it was the simplest thing in the world.


"Just say it!" He yelled.

"FIne! I choose Gary...He has a point. i've only known you for a week and you have been mostly terrible to me besides this past couple hours. Gary helped me change into a wolf and has been there for me when I needed. I know he lied a lot but he couldn't help that he was passed out when I was kidnapped. Also in the room I cut myself I told you that. It wasn't his fault...Thank you for saving me Nick, but you're the one making me choose not him."

"Oh...okay. Well good luck with him Finn because he will hurt you." Nick whispered walking away.

"Nick! NICK!!!!! You don't have to leave..." I called put, but it was too late Nick was gone.

"Yeah he does..." Gary said looking at me with those unique eyes.

"What?" I whispered.

"Yeah, I mean he couldn't have stayed that would have been awkward, because you have chosen me as-"

"OH my god! there you guys are! Guess what everyone is safe actually they are behind me!" Emerald said excited.

She was right everyone followed, well almost. My da , Aphrodite , and Jack approached. They looked like they just finished a war. They had blood on them, but by the smell of it, it wasn't theres. My da had the most blood on him, it was actually extremely terrifying that he could do such damage...the smell of the blood was of werewolf, vampire, and witch.

"Da are you okay!?" I yelled walking up to him.

"Yes! I'm fine how are you!? What are you doing out here?" He asked.

"And where's Lisa!?" Jack yelled scared.

"Well Ashley let Sam go, and Lisa and Sam went to go look for Danny. I guess Sam told her where they where he was...why whats wrong?" I said looking at Jack and my da's face in fear.

"No, no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no!" Jack yelled jumping up. "We need to find my daughter Chase! Let's go!" Jack yelled grabbing my dad.

"Jack calm down! Clark may be crazy but he doesn't have a death wish."

"Chase, he has killed millions! He wants to control his son and Ares! he wants you and I dead...we haven't even heard from Christine. Clark could have killed her. You're telling me you would trust your child with him?"

"You have a point! Let's go!" My da said running in to the forest.

This left me and Emerald, Gary with Aphrodite. She had her eyes closed and was saying a chant similar to the one Sam said. Then this black haze surrounded her and left into the forest following my dad and Jack. I could sense that this magic was different...I can't believe she uses black magic.


"Yes...once I brought myself back from the dead I it corrupted my magic. I'm more powerful now, and barely have any limits. At the same time using black magic is more tempting to become an evil sprit."

"What did you just do!?" Gary yelled standing up with Emeralds help.

"I sent a spirt to guide them to your sister." She stated simply similar to Nick.

"So why did they leave?" I asked stepping closer.

"Oh my god!" Aphrodite exclaimed stepping closer and sniffing me. "Nick? I can't believe this! Nick....his smell is on you?"

"Yeah....I mean sure it is. So is a lot of people's." I explained looking at Emerald who just shrugged innocently.

"Please tell me what is going on!" I demanded.

Before they could answer Damon, Erica, and Monica walked up supporting Danny. My stomach dropped to my feet and I felt sick. Lisa and Nick were right it was a trap. Danny looked like he was just tortured and broken. Damon, Monica, and Erica all looked like they witnessed him being tortured.

"Wait! So Lisa and Ashley are in danger!?" I yelled pulling on my hair.

"What!? What's wrong with Ash!?" Danny yelled looking around frantically.

"I need to go save them!" I yelled.

"What are you going to do? You don't even know how to control your magic yet...or attack anyone." Gary yelled grabbing me.

"Gary let me go! I have to try. It's because of me that they are in this situation. I need to try something, especially since none of you are doing anything.

Gary looked like he was about to cry for some reason and I closed my eyes and concentrated on Lisa. I opened my eyes an my whole body was white and I blinked and I was next to Lisa. I seen Ashley and Eric was standing behind her his fangs out and a glass dagger in his hand. It was to her throat and she was crying. I took a step forward and LIsa pulled me back.

"Finn if you step in to that circle they will kill everyone that Ashley has ever touched." Lisa explained calmly.

"How are you so calm? What the fuck is going on!?." I yelled.

"Shhhh young prince. Don't want to piss me off I might get a little crazy." He said putting the dagger deeper in to Ashley's neck drawing blood. "You see, I am the one who wants revenge. You took away my best friend...My girl friend...my life..."

"Eric! It's me you want not her! I mean come on Eric its your best friends mate you don't have to do this! Please I'm begging you. I'll do whatever you want! I'll even join Clark-"

"YOU MEAN YOU'LL JOIN YOUR FATHER! It's disgusting how disrespectful you are to the man who gave you life...it makes me sick."

Deciding that Eric was completely mad and unreasonable I decided to communicate with Lisa in our minds. Eric was crying and rubbing the dagger gently across Ashley's neck and she was crying too. It was like something in a horror film...but worse.

"Lisa, what should we do? I can't physically go get her...Maybe a spell?" I said in our minds.

"Ugh well what if he stabs her instead? Plus the circle is hexed with black magic. "

"Damn it! How about I distract him and you warn our dads where we are, and to come from behind? Also tell Aphrodite to teleport her and break the circle spell!"

"Finn...you're the only witch that has ever transported...well besides Sam...no other witch can do that..not even the head witch...legend says the Original witch only had that capability...I will tell her where we are and for Gary to run her over here quickly as possible." Lisa explained looking back to Eric.

"Hey! What are you guys doing!? Why are you so quiet!?" Eric yelled rubbing the dagger a little faster.

"What are you doing!? Eric!?" It was Danny.

He looked pissed, he looked at the circle and didn't dare to cross it . I never seen him so mad or worked up. I honestly don't know how he got here so fast...but I have a strong feeling that it had something to do with Aphrodite , plus Ashley is his mate.

"Eric! You don't want to do this! Please man....she's my mate....I'm your best friend." Danny explained anger turning into fear.

"Was my best friend. No it's that faggot over there isn't it!? I bet you guys even fucked....that's how fucking disgusting he is...but the big guy says I have to kill someone from my past to truly let go. I can't kill Finn, or Nick. So I thought maybe you, but then Sam had a better idea. She said that I should kill your mate. It's genius! That way you can suffer.

"Why do you want me to suffer?" Danny asked getting angry again.

"Not you dumb ass! Finn, he'll never live with himself if he knows he's responsible for the deaths of his friends."

"What what do you mean friends?!" Danny yelled more angry than ever.

"Look for yourself." Eric said pointing to the tree behind him.

There was a body hanging and there was blood all over it. The guy had on BBH football jersey an then I noticed it was Rick. I mean I barely knew the guy, but still that's exactly why he shouldn't be killed. It looked like some monster ripped his body to shreds because there was flesh everywhere....and blood.

"You fucking monster! I've known Rick since 6th grade! He may have been a jerk at times but he didn't deserve to die!" Lisa yelled behind me.

"Eric! Just let her go before any of us do anything stupid-"

"Shut the fuck up Danny! I'll do whatever the fuck I want because I'm in control! She's going to die...but first...Sam!!! I need you." Sam came out of no where in a white light. Like I do when I transport....so does that mean I was using black magic?

"You're STILL egging this on? Just kill the bitch so we can leave." Sam said spitting in Ashley.

"Okay they are taking too long I'm going to save her, Danny you go grab Ashley, I'll break the spell, and Lisa try to stop Eric." I comminuted in our minds.

I concentrated on the spell, but I knew my magic wouldn't work on it. So I turned my wolf to let instincts do the rest. My wolf was thrilled to finally be a part of the fight....but my wolf was telling me to use black magic....I don't know how to do that...and even Aphrodite said it corrupts magic. However my wolf demanded that it was worth it and I'll be fine.

I felt anger growing in me and a new kind of power. I felt my eyes changing to red. My wolf wanted show me how to use it I guess? I started to growl and this got the attention of Eric and Sam....I could smell their fear, so delicate...little creatures.

"Wolf attack, wolf kill!!!!!"


Finn's plan was surprisingly perfect. I should know about perfect because I demand perfection. I knew we shouldn't have been here for the moment we left, but I wasn't about to let Ashley get killed. She literally had her mind set I couldn't even change her thoughts...which takes a lot out of me. That time I did it to Finn when he alpha-d out on my brothers and I, it almost killed me. Reading and communicating with minds is one thing but changing them is another.

Anyways, I could have stopped things from getting out of hand if Ashley wasn't so stupid and ran to the first male looking thing she seen. I couldn't even get in to the circle because I didn't want anyone to die. Lets be honest, before Danny Ashley was a whore...so a lot of people would be dead. I mean it's sad that Rick had to die...especially like that....but they will pay! Good always prevails....right?

"Lisa! Now!" Danny yelled.

"Okay fine!" I contracted on Eric and I was instantly shut out.

"Ah-ah-ahhhh, not this time little wolf." Sam mocked waving her finger back in forth.

"Sorry boys I can't do anything from this side until Finn breaks the spell.

At this time I noticed that Finn wasn't as responsive as he normally was. He was quiet and muttering things in his head that was hard for even me to understand. His eyes which are probably his best attribute besides his personality and his ass...were glowing. I mean I could see why Gary was having thoughts about what he could do to it...so has Nick. Maybe even Mike once or twice but he wasn't considering it really, more like a quick thought; unlike Nick and Gary who constantly thought about it.

"Wolf...kill evil....wolf break spellllll..." Finn said in his head.

"Oh god, Finn? Are you losing your humanity again?!"

"Wolf break spell...wolf know how!"

"Well....get on with it!"

Finn bowed his head and his eyes went from red to a white color. He took off his shirt and turned into a complete wolf...his wolf. He then changed something that I couldn't understand, but it got Sam's attention. He then dug his paws in to the ground and a black haze surrounded him and then moved to the circle. After about a couple seconds the circle was fading and Finn was waiting to ponce.

"What a shame...I mean I would have liked for Ashley to live longer, but it seems like you guys have other plans. Any last words sweetheart?" Eric said pulling the dagger back to stab her.

"You're....a....monster...." She said between sobs.

"Aww that's it? I gu-"

Finn jumped through the circle he broke the spell!!! Danny was right on Eric who instantly dropped Ashley. Danny lunched Eric in the face knocking him over, and Finn was right there with him. Decided to take on Sam and cause her pain in her mind. This worked for a couple moments until someone else showed up.

There was this African American guy who was huge! He was about 6'6 and 260 pounds of muscle. He smelled like a wolf, but something told me he wasn't on our side. He grabbed Ashley and started to choke up. Danny ran towards them but this new guy easily knocked away...sending him flying in to a tree. Blinked and Sam and Eric were next to him.

"Wolf attack wolf! Wolf don't hurt witch! Wolf mad!" Finn roared charging for them.

"Leroy do you want to do the honors?" Sam asked almost seductively.

"Sure thing babe!" He yelled turning in to a wolf, no where as near as big as Finn though, but obviously more experienced.

Finn did something that surprised me. He roared and his red eyes went brighter. This stopped Leroy completely, he whined and retreated. Finn then charged for them as with vengeance.

"Okay wolfie you asked for it."!Eric said as he stabbed Ashley in her leg and all around through the back and up her spine. Even magic couldn't heal that quickly to save her. Plus Sam but a black magic spell on her to make sure it couldn't be healed with magic.

"Nooooooooooooo!!!!" Danny yelled fangs out.

They both were close to catching them but they were too late. Before I could blink they were gone. Eric. Sam. Leroy. All of them except they left behind a quickly dying Ashley, and Danny rushed to her side.

"Finn do something!!!!"

"Grrrrrrruh!" He growled, but toe it said. "Too late for witch, wolf try help."

"He is going to try to help." I said trying to see how close my dad was.

"Danny...don't. Just hold me...pl....please..." Ashley managed to get out.

"Ashley I love you! YOU ARE GOING TO MAKE IT THROUGH THIS...so is our child." Danny cried taking her hand.

"Wait, child?! " I asked confused.

"Ashley is 5 weeks pregnant....she has been pretending to be drunk to keep it a secret..." Danny quickly explained.

"OH MY GOD!" I yelled. "Finn can you do anything?"

"Wolf can transport into hospital?"

"Okay do it!"

I warned Ashley and Danny about what was about to happen and they braced themselves. Finn turned back into a human and put on his pants. We transported into the hospital and Ashley was rushed into surgery.

Finn broke the spell and he started healing her through the hospital lounge area. I was desperately trying to keep Danny calm but mate and unborn child was attacked. Danny is literally the sweetest guy I know, and he was struggling not to go all vampire and kill everyone. I helped calm his mind some, but not completely because he would hate me for it later. I told everyone that we were here and they came here with in minutes. It was pretty calm until Nick showed up.


This has to be the most traumatizing experience ever. The cops were here talking to us about what happened. We told them a watered down of the true story. Mostly that Eric, Sam, and another guy attacked us and killed Rick before we got there, not the police were searching for them. Everyone commended me for saving everyone else...to he honest I felt like they should be yelling at me for letting this happen. Then Emerald explained that I used my wolf and witch powers at the same time, used black magic and wasn't corrupted...well not yet, and I used magic that they haven taught me. I mean sure it made me feel better, but half of my friends were kidnapped to night and two almost seriously died. Plus Nick just left we needed him....and guess who just walked in.

Everyone face was pissed and My da, Jack, Gary, and Damon all stood ready to fight. All the rest gave him dirty looks, especially Cathy. Nick on the other hand didn't seem to care, he walked in and gave me a look that said "I'm still mad at you , but I'm going to be all serious and tough."

"Hey everyone I heard what happened is she and the baby okay?!"

"What are you doing here?! You need to leave! You seriously think that you could walk out on us when we needed you and then jus show up like nothing happened?!" I yelled pushing him in the chest.

"Finn...." He started, grabbing my hands making me calm down. "I went to go rescue Mike....which you all forgot about. I knew he wasn't there...so I left to go get him. Plus all this staying together crap is seriously getting in my nerves. I will do everything I can to help, but this mission crap I either go with one other person or alone." He said looking at me.

"Yeah thanks for leaving me back there guys!" Mike said walking in, he was all cut up and bloody. "I'm going to get this checked out for infections but please don't mind me." He said leaving giving us all a evil look.

"Oh my god Mike I'm so sorry , I assumed you were with the others and I couldn't let Ashley go by herself....I'm so sorry." She rushed over to him but he shrugged her off and left, and she followed.

Everyone felt guilty and went to Mike to apologize. Mike wasn't pissed at Nick, and not really with me either. He claimed that I was busy saving everyone's ass that I didn't even realize mine was in danger. I told him I was sorry and he accepted it but he decided that he needed a break from Lisa. Everyone left the hospital when they found out that Ashley and the baby were okay, even Danny's mood improved because due to Nick, Emerald, Aphrodite, Monica, and I all healing her she barely had a scratch on her. The doctors were confused naturally, but they accepted that they misinterpreted the damage. So Lisa and Danny stayed the night in the hospital to keep watch over the baby, who Danny said was 4 weeks but looked like 32 now that I look at it. Werebabies or witch babies grow faster? Also since the baby can't be both a witch and a vampire I wonder which one it will become?

On the way home my da looked worried. I could sense that he wanted to say something but he was holding back. I was grateful for this because I had a lot to think about. I can't believe all that has happened these past couple weeks. I mean people have sided or almost died, been threatened , and its all my fault. Clark honestly would have a better chance if he acted as my father and tricked me...I would never go with him now.

"Finn...I know you have been through a lot lately, but we need to talk."

"Dad can it wait until tomorrow!? It's 7am and I haven't slept"

"Well, its kinda important...your mother wants to see you. After the new moon though."

"Really!? I know she is busy da but with what!? Keeping nature balanced? What about her son? I needed her, but instead I had to rely on my friends to help my change. She even took you away from me for a while. I don't even know if I want to see her right now."

"That's exactly why she wants to see you after the new moon...I'lll explain that later though. Well son, we are home. Go to sleep I will see you later on."

"Goodnight dad...and I didn't mean to snap on you...I love you."

"I love you too son."

I went to my bed and went directly to sleep. I had the same nightmare that I haven't had in months...the monster before, I know knew it was a werewolf. I was one too in my nightmare. What ever that was chasing me knew how to hurt me, and there was nothing I could do about it. I looked into the eyes of the monster and it looked a lot like my dads...it was clark!

I woke up in a cold sweat and breathing heavy. I went to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. My face was a lot different from when I did this last. This person that I was looking at was no longer naive and has changed on the inside and out. I do admit I am more attractive now, but on the inside I'm no longer as innocent. I decided to jump in the shower. The cold water warmed against my skin and I felt my body relax. My budging muscles flexed as I lathered myself with soap. I washed y hair and cleaned myself off. I notched that I did smell a lot like Nick. It's like our smells were mixed and i kinda liked it. I mean I do fancy him, but O know that he semi hates me- especially now that I choose Gary over him. I think its stupid for them to be so possessive, they're lads for crying out loud!

With my thinking done for now I dried off and walked back to my room. I couldn't hear my father's heart beat so I walked back to my room naked. I went to my closet to get some clothes but soon as I walked out of it Nick was standing by my open door to my balcony.

"OH GOD! I'm sorry Finn." He said looking down and ultimately embarrassed, but he had a smile on his face.

"It's uh, fine." I said slipping on sweats.

"Or I could take off my clothes too, you no make you feel comfortable."

"Go for it!"

"Maybe, another time. I just came to check up on you. You know since you have been asleep for 2 days. I did your homework and turned it in for you. That's what good friends do Lisa said....Your dad is talking to my grandmother about a plan to stop Clark's next attack. Which will be in a couple days."

"Thanks mate...Wait it's Monday?"

"Tuesday...and its 6pm. You got back home Sunday morning so its been only 3 days...I thought that you might be waking up today so I thought maybe you needed food."

"I am starving...but please don't give me anything raw. Gary did that and I think I'm scared for life!"

"Okay cool, well follow me then, my prince." Nick said bowing and ushering me...similar to what Gary did.

I followed him outside and we walked into the open area that all Lisa, and Mikes's house had in the back of them. There was a blanket set up with under a tree. I could smell two pastrami sandwiches, lemonade, lemon chips, and lots of snickers. This was all my favorite foods I didn't know how he would know this...only my mom knows this about me, and maybe Gary because of his empathy gift.


"Just a hunch. Now lets dig in!" He exclaimed sitting down.

"But you don't even eat food." I said sitting across from him.

"Sure I do! Not to keep me alive though, just for the pleasure of it." He explained taking a huge bite out of his Sandwhich.

I started to eat and I heard birds chirping. The sun was about to set and here was a slight breeze. I could her animals close by scamper by or even come closer to see what the smell was. Nick's beautiful long hair was flowing and he looked majestic. His strong jaw chomped on his food like it was nothing and he kind of looked awkward being big and holding a little(actually large but small to him) bottle with lemonade. I found it appealing that he didn't care to eat like an animal in front of me. Don't get me wrong eat crazy too, but usually not when I'm around people.

He handed me a napkin and our hands touched. His blue eyes locked with mine and he gave me a slight grin. This whole "lunch" almost seemed romantic. I mean we could have eaten inside and with other people. So pushing my luck I decided to question his intentions.

"Hey Nick?"

"Hmmmmmghyah?" He growled with a mouth full of sandwhich.

"How come you brought me outside, alone? And I'm not trying to sound mean but how come you're here?"

Nick looked at me like I was stupid. He then looked down and thought of a way to respond. He opened his mouth to speak but there was food there so I waited patently until he swallowed.

"Well nice guy, I came here to save you!"

"Save me?!"

"Yeah I mean I thought your wolf would probably go crazy being able not to move or turn or do anything for 2 days. The first day I came by and talked to it."

"You talked to my wolf?"

"Yeah! Damon translated." He stated like it was normal. "Anyways your wolf likes me and it was happy that I was there. Your wolf is like another part of you but can sometimes be it's own creature. You are always linked, just more animalistic. Your dad pretty much had free security all day because he had things to handle with the plan."

"So....am I going to fall to sleep for days every time I use magic that powerful?"

"Well no, but you will until you get better magic stamina. It could have killed a normal witch to do what you did. Your body heals fast so you didn't notice but you were doing damage to yourself."

"Noted, I might need to work with your sister and grandmother a little more."

"I could always help too!"

"Well thanks Nick...so you pretty much came here to keep my wolf happy? What about now?"

"Well we are outside so that you magic can be one with nature, and your wolf. Plus you have been inside for a while. I also came here to help fill you in on things."

"Oh..." I whispered disappointed.

"Ashley, Danny and the baby are fine and she was released today. There has been no sign of Sam, Eric, or Leroy. Leroy is a powerful werewolf working for your dad and he was sent to kill Lisa and Danny, but he failed. Um Lisa and Mike are still not together and aren't even talking. They both came over to visit you, and lets just say I'm surprised you didn't wake up deaf. Hmmm....oh! Gary still "hates me" , but he'll get it."

"Gary will get over what is ever going on between you too. I just feel like you both overreacted."

"Yeah, we did. I'm sorry for acting like a jerk. I have been alive for a long time, I sometimes forget that other creatures aren't disposable. No one deserves to be treated like that. "

"It's fine Nick, at least you apologized. Gary says sorry but not for the right things...."

"Hey! Well lets to back inside and watch some tv or something?" He suggested.

The week went by fast thanks to Nick. We grew quite close and I didn't even think about Clark's next plan to attack me. I asked them to tell me but no one did. They claimed its better if I didn't know, and they would protect me. Practice was terrible because I was bored...all the things that used to push me and make me tired barely got a drop of sweat from me now. The thing that was difficult was controlling my emotions. For some reason I was getting hornier everyday. I wanked everyday...multiple times a day...and it still didn't help, it actually made it worse.

Watching Gary, or Nick I would instantly get a hard on and it wouldn't go away until I wanked, only to become hard again. Their smells changed, it was more addicting now. Nick's more than Gary's , but my wolf was just as satisfied with Gary. When they were together during practice, I would sometimes feel my wolf taking over. It was all too much and actually like torture. This continued and peaked Saturday after Rick's funeral. I was extremely sad and I could smell it on Gary, not so much Nick and I wanted to comfort him so I did. I hugged him and growled and he asked if I was okay but I responded with another growl. My skin started to get really hot and I felt frustrated and aggressive.

After the funeral my da suggested I go to the attic for the day. I felt my wolf becoming angry, I don know why though. I went to the attic and my da explained that it was sound proof. I didn't even know it was this nice up here. There was a bed, a bathroom with a shower, and boxes and boxes of food and water. The there was also a hot tub, a couch, and a large window that went around the while attic m you could see out of but not in. I was confused why I would be up here but my da said for me to grab some clothes and bring it up. My da also said that he would go away until this thing passed, what ever that meant.

"So son, I know we don't talk about sex that much-"

"Whoa!!!!!!! What the hell dad?"

"Come on Finn be mature. You are going through something, yes? Your body temperature has risen, you feel...like you want to do the..uh deed...all the time. The smell of people have changed and made you more...like a rabbits nature. "

"DA! I get it!..." I yelled traumatized.

"Well your body is going through it's first heat. This happens to other animals when it's time for them to mate, in your case have sex. Usually this happens to the females....unfortunately for an alpha werewolf this happens every new moon they don't have a mate or haven't had sex. You can stay in the house, but you can't leave! Under any circumstances! Even if the house is on fire use magic put it out!"

"This is bonkers! I am not going through heat-ahhhh" I stopped because my da touched me lightly behind my ears cause an intense pleasure I'm not sure he should have been responsible for.

"Yes you are! I know this because I'm going through it too..." He mumbled with his head down. "Your mother has been busy and...I'll just stop. Anyways you must be alone because the heat messes with your head you want to have sex with anything human, werewolf, or vampire male of female. Instead of you violating some random person it's best to stay here and wait this thing out. Like I said you will find anything close to you and claim, pretty much for a sex slave."

"That doesn't sound too bad..."

"Finn! You aren't exactly human anymore you can hurt someone, or even kill them. Then it unleashes a blood thirsty prepubescent teenager."

My dad explained the process and it seemed complicated. He said Aphrodite bonded the house with a spell that even I can't break because its a contradiction or something like that. Deciding that this next 12 hours will be boring and painful I wanted to be in my dad's presence. I followed him instinctually around like a little puppy, I didn't even realize I was doing it especially when he changed shirts before leaving.

It was like it was in slow motion, and I was taking it all in. My wolf started to get excited and my heart race increased. He was ripped, buff, and attractive . My wolf was in pain and I felt it take over...I walked close to him and he turned around surprised, somehow I managed to scare him.

"Finn, what are you doing?" He asked pulling his shirt over his body, but then I stopped him.

"You want to leave me here to suffer! My body will be in pain wanting to put my cock in something. A hot willing hole like yours."

"Finn! Calm down! I'm your dad-"

"You're my uncle...my hot sexy uncle." I said wrapping my hands around his waist.

"I don't want to hurt-"

"Shhh! I can smell that you are turned on father. You want to fuck your sexy young son? Huh?!"


"Or does daddy Chase want to be fucked?"

"Finn, bring your head hear I want to show you something." He kissed my neck and I felt myself getting hard and then her started to rub behind my ear again. Next he kneed my in the bollocks and grabbed his things.

"Sorry Finn, but like I said not safe for you or anyone else. I will see you when this is all over. It starts at midnight so have fun...don't do anything stupid, okay?"

My wolf was angry and I wanted to hurt my dad. He left me here like a little virgin that needed protection and went out to probably fuck to his dick's content. I feel Nick's presence.. He was so close yet so far...walking outside didn't work he uses every time I did I would appear back in my room. Even windows were limited. I tried using my magic to get out and it didn't work, even teleporting outside the house sent me back to my room. Around 11:58 pm my body was on fire, and the actual heat hasn't even started yet.

When the heat started it was torture for hours I laid there whimpering until I heard someone knock on the door, but I didn't want to go to it. I even though that my wolf almost demanded that I open the door and take advantage of the person behind it, my will power told me not to. However the person kept knocking, the sound was driving me mad and when I opened the door Gary rushed inside. He looked at me and then sniffed the air. His eyes started to glow and he stepped closer.

"Whats wrong with you Finn? You have been acting very off lately and to be honest I've been worried about you."

"You should leave..."

"NO! Finn I know I haven't been the best friend lately, I've actually have been the worst. I have been confused about how I feel about you, and I know that Emerald is my mate but I'm attracted to you too. It's not one sided, but at the same time whatever this is it can't continue..." He replied sniffing the air like a mad mad. "What is that smell!? It smells so good!, It smells like you but everywhere!"

"Gary! You. Should. Leave. NOW!"

"What if I don't want to?" He said stepping closer eyes his blue and green eye glowing brighter."

His grabbed me and kissed me long and hard. His tongue was instantly in my mouth and I was a little surprised. My wolf not wanting Gary to get the better of me out of no were emerged with vengeance for being repressed for a couple minutes and took control. This lasted until I heard a thump in my room. I walked up the stairs and into my room I...I felt someone behind me and I seen Nick standing and smelling the air. He had a look of shock. I followed his eyes to the door and Gary was staying there, Nick looked hurt and I walked over to him and grabbed him and kissed him too.

Our tongues fought for control and I won surprising us both. He gave in and my wolf growled in pleasure. I picked up Nick and threw him on the bed next to Gary, I closed my eyes and I transported us all to the attic on the larger bed. Nick and Gary looked at each other awkwardly as I went to a random cabinet and grabbed lube that I didn't even know was there.

"You too are NOT going to fight, for the next couple hours you are my sex slaves. You can leave if you want but I promise you I will go out and find you! Unless! I choose a mate." I yelled not even sounding like myself.

I could tell that my heat was spreading to them and I could smell their arousal building. I could also feel what they were feeling, Nick was kinda confused but his reaction was hard to read. Gary was under my complete control and probably wouldn't remember most of this. I demanded that they both take off their shirts and they did. When they were finished they started to take mine off. Gary was in a trance and Nick knew everything that was going on but couldn't stop it, so they both started kissing all over me. Gary on my left and Nick on my right. There hard bodies were rubbing against mine and I felt my erection growing rock hard.

It was time to take things to the next level. I started to take off my pants and Gary and Nick mimicked me. Nick's olive skin was perfect and flawless. His eyes were glowing white and face had a wicked grin on it. His smell was sooooo, sexy. I ran up to him and started snuffling his whole body and breathing out air every now and then. The feeling of our skin rubbing against each other was almost too much, even he was moaning. I started to rub my checks against his neck and he started to smell like me, now that he had my mark and my wolf was satisfied I started to kiss him again.

Not one to be outdid Gary walked up to me and pulled me away from Nick and kissed me just as rough. I grabbed his hard cock and started stroking it and he let out gasps in my ear. Nick clearly had the biggest and thickets dick out of us three....it had to be about a foot long, and Damon's was about the same as mine except I was a little thicker. Nicks had foreskin and a purple mushroom shape on the head on his dick. The veins popping were urge me to put my mouth around it so I did.

It was long and barely fit in my mouth. It was surprisingly warm since every where else was cold. He shuddered every time my lips would go over his head. It was smooth and felt amazing when it went to the back of my throat. Soon Nick started to pull back and meet my face. His large balls would slap against my chin when he would push farther. It wasn't long until I realized I didn't have a gage reflex and that he was deep throat face fucking me.

Gary was rubbing my arms and kissing my face and it encouraged me to suck harder on Nick's dick. Gary reached inside of my boxer briefs and started slowly stoking my cock. He use my precum to massage my head and eventually I pulled off of Nick to kiss Gary.

"Ahhhhh, that feels so good Gary." I moaned.

"You have no idea..." He moaned back looking down.

I didn't even realize I was fingering Gary's hole! I had three fingers in him and I could smell that he was ready for sex. I felt a rush of lust come over me and I pushed Gary's face down rough and spat on my cock and his hole. I picked him up and placed him on the bed, his stomach on the mattress, and I started to lube my cock and his tight hole. Getting to business, I aimed my dick for his hole that was quivering for my cock, and slowly pushed in.

"Ohhhhhh!!!! Damn you're huge Finn, oh!"

His ass checks were plump and big, I spread them apart more so I could enter more easily. The heat was quickly multiplying and I felt the need to slam into him until we both came, but something in me told me to be calm and wait.

It didn't take long for Gary to be grinding his ass on my my dick causing us both to gasp and kiss each other. I started to pound him harder and he grunted in surprise. Nick, who I started to miss was behind me kissing my neck and nipping in random spots, causing my hips to jerk into Gary instantly.

Nick's kiss left my skin cold and wanting more. I looked back and his fangs were out and gently rubbing against my skin. He slowly started to sink his teeth into my skin, and I almost came right there. My cock suddenly expanded and I felt the need to fuck harder. Gary's hole clamped down on my dick and got extremely tight and started to milk my cock.

"Finn, I.....I....ughhhhhhh! Gary screamed firing a huge load all over the bed.

As he continued to cum I felt Nick on my ass. Judging by the cold air I could tell that he spread my cheeks. I felt a warm tongue hungrily lapping at my hole. His tongue went extremely deep into my hole and I felt the cum start to rise in my dick. Gary was still moaning like he hasn't came a couple minutes ago and his hole was still milking mine. What tipped me over the edge is when Nick out a finger in me and bit me in my lower back. It was all too much, my ass felt great and the bite was pumping passion into me, and Gary's great ass was milking me for all I had.

"Oh god! I'm going to cum-" I was cut off by Nick's lips in mine.

My dick somehow got even bigger and I shot a huge load into Gary's ass. Another followed just as big but on the third I started to slowly fuck Gary aiming at his prostate.

" Oh my goooood!" Gary yelled coming again.

"Oh fuck!" I yelled cumming harder.

His ass started to milk mine stronger and fast and my dick continued to shot loads. Nick's now had three fingers in my ass and kissing my neck, adding to the pleasure. slowly I pulled out of Gary's ass and it made a popping noise and we both moaned. There was cum all over the sheets and it was slipping out of Gary's ass. The room smelled great and my wolf was content and satisfied for the moment.

"Finn....what just happened?" Gary asked realizing what we did.

"Well you just cheated on your girl friend pretty much had a threesome with two other guys." Nick said grabbing a towel so Gary could clean himself off with.

"I know...but why? I came over here to tell him that I needed to be faithful to Emerald....now I just lost my anal virginity to him..."

"It's a heat. For an alpha werewolf make or female this happens every new moon until I find mate. Who ever is around gets the heat too well until I'm satisfied. I'm sorry Gary, I tired to tell you to leave....but it was too late."

Gary looked scared. His eyes were bulging out of his head and he was staring at a wall. I could smell his anxiety building and he started to clean himself off and out some clothes on. Nick was still walking around in all his glory just looking through the boxes of food for something to eat.

"It's, um fine. Well not really...what am I suppose to tell Em?! I slept with my friend because of a heat? She won't understand..." Gary said looking at me.

"My sister is a very understanding person. She'll forgive you...eventually." Nick stated starting to eat some chips he found.

"You're not helping Nick! I really love her....I don't want to lose her. I know you have never had a mate or anything close to it, but I do and I don't want to lose it....I can't."

"Then why not go talk to her now?" Nick said walking over to him.

"Grrrr" I growled at the thought of losing a hole to fuck.

"Calm nice guy, Gary never asked for this so maybe you should let him go....Gary my sister is the nicest person I've ever met. She will understand just tell her the truth."

"Thanks Nick I think I will. And Finn...I'm sorry I hurt you. If it makes you feel any better the sex was great."

"Too soon Gary! You should probably shower though. Don't need to have super smell to know what sex smells like on your boy friend." I said smacking his ass and winking.

"Okay I'll shower here, hey can I borrow some clothes too?"

"Yeah! But are you sure you want to tell her before school? It's 6am?"

"Hmmm...right! I'll tell her after. So in that case I'll go shower now, and drink some squirrel blood ." Gary said jumping up and leaving the attic , leaving Nick and I alone.

"So....lets go make breakfast!" I yelled jumping up.

Nick followed me into the kitchen, now with some briefs on, and we went to work. I pulled out the ingredients for waffles, but Nick quickly took over. It was amazing! He multitasked and I didn't even know it. I thought he was just making the waffle mix but minutes later there was waffles, eggs, sausages, hash browns, and I poured three cups of organs juice.

The food smelled great and I was just sitting on the counter watching him finish his masterpiece. Every now and then he would give me a little smirk that said "I'm fucking perfect!" And he was. I never thought I would have a man this sexy cooking my food after sex....after losing my virginity....

"I lost my virginity! Holy shit! I LOST MY VIRGINITY!!! " I yelled.

"Wait you were a virgin?! Well, at least you lost it in the best way possible. With three dudes who won't judge you, unlike a woman might...." He muttered the last part almost out of personal experience. "I mean, you were great. No offense but I thought you were really experienced in the...you know...blowing department, I've never came in someone's throat that deep before." He said uncomfortably.

"Wait! You came?! How did I not notice?"

"You were dealing with something else..." He said nodding to Gary coming down the stairs.

"Whoa Nick! You never cooked for me when you slept over." Gary said sizing up the food.

"I've never slept over your house before."

"Exactly!" Gary said looking at me and winking.

What love most about Gary is how he is so optimistic. He just potentially lost his mate , and here he is laughing and joking around with the guys he just had sex with. I mean the act almost seemed like close bonding now. This all seemed too normal and it wasn't creepy or anything because it was a one time thing....right?"

"Ah! I'm stuffed, I don't think I need that Squirrel blood.That was amazing Nick! Who knew you could cook so well!" Gary said pushing his plate away.

"Yeah! You brood around all the time, who knew you were a little Martha Stewart." I joked nudging him in the chest.

"Don't make me kill you....you know I would." He said his eyes glowing as a threat.

Gary left to school and Nick and I cleaned the kitchen, the attic, and showered (separately) and then watched tv. I found it adorable that Nick liked to watch cartoons, not just any cartoons Disney cartoons. He looked so intrigued watching a goofy movie and I was intrigued by his responses. He has his elbows on his knees and his hands in his face, it looked so odd on his powerful and muscular frame.

"So I never would have known that you like THESE type of movies!" I exclaimed.

"Shhhh! This is the good part!" He said putting his hand to my mouth.

The contact triggered something in me. Now the heat was pretty much suppressed since the threesome ( I may have wanked in the shower a couple times but who cares!), and that was hours ago it was now 10am which means the heat would be over in a couple hours and now my wolf needed sex again. In the one second that Nick put his finger to my mouth , I grabbed his hand and started to suck on his fingers sexually. He grabbed me and pushed me on my back on the couch. He started to kiss me and I felt blood rush to all the right parts.

His tongue found it's way into my mouth and started to tangle with mine. His cold lips against mine felt electric, especially when I can feel his dick rubbing against mine through thin fabric. He took charge and pulled down my boxer briefs and let me do the same to him. His cock hit me in the face when I took them off and he let out a small gasp. I looked up and I couldn't help but feel insecure...he has rippling muscles and was more buff than me. His face was too perfect to be real and the smirk he had on my face made my penis start to throb. His white eyes looked down at my cock and then back at me. There was a look of lust and then a quick look of something more? He shook his head and went to down to kiss me sloppily.

"I.....know.....you......said....youuuu....would...help...but why?" I asked between kisses.

"Do you want me to leave?" He asked stop kissing me, but still hovering over me....I could smell mint on his breath and his natural smell mixing with mine.


"Good! Then shut up!" He said before going back to kissing me.

He laid small kisses on my neck all the way down to my stomach. He licked my belly button and licked all the way down to my pelvic area. He then grabbed my cock and shoved it all into his mouth.

"Oh god Nick! Where....ah...did you learn that?"

"Mhmmhmmm" he mumbled, his throat massaging my cock.

"Ahhhhh!" I yelled.

"You're okay." It wasn't a question, and he went to licking my ball hungrily causing spit to go to my ass.

He used his spit as lube and started to finger my asshole. I moaned but he used his free hand to put it over my mouth. I forgot it wasn't sound proof down here so I teleported us to the attic again. I'm guessing that was good for him because he took his hand off I my mouth and started playing with my nipples.

"Shhh...oh that feels so good!" I moaned grabbing on to his long hair.

He then lifted my legs in the air and stuck his tongue in my ass. My body temperature was warmer than normal...even for being a werewolf; so when he put in tongue in my it made me jump a little. His whole tongue was in me and lapping at my hole, it was he best feeling in the world and I didn't want to to stop. Nick then but his big hands in my cock and started to milk of with both hands. I felt the usual come building and my heart rate increased. Nick all of a sudden stopped.

Nick was at my face and kissing my neck almost biting me. Gave me a quick peck before placing my muscular legs on his shoulders. To be honest I was scared, Gary looked in complete pain when I did it him...but at the same time it'll he so it won't be that bad...I hope. Nick started to rub his stick wet cock head against my hole and start to slowly push in. I held my breath and tried to relax my hole to make it better and it did. Before I knew it he was in me. I be pushed farther in and then I felt like my hole was on fire.

"Ugh! Ahhh!!! Nick!" I yelled in pain.

"Shhh...it'll get better I promise." He whispered kissing me with so much passion.

He pushed until I felt his balls on my ass. The burning was overwhelming he used my hole was trying to heal it's self but it couldn't because Nick's big ass dick was preventing it. I guess it still managed to take the pain away because I felt a lot better...my wolf even growled.

"I'll take that as you're ready." Nick said in a low voice and pulled back and then slammed into me with out a warning.

"Ah shit!" I moaned grabbing Nicks perfect ass and pushing him in deeper. "Don't stop!" I moaned.

Nick for the first time actually looked surprised and scared, however he did what he was told. He fucked me hard and disk stop. I felt his huge cock going all the way out except for the head and then back in. Then continued with no sign of either of us giving up soon . I wanted control so I pushed off of Nick pushed him down on his back. I pinned his hands above his head and started to ride him. I aimed his cock at my hole and sat on it.

I started by grinding my ass into his pelvic area while his dock was completely inside of me then I hit something that made me moan and my ass tighten. This caused Nick to moan too and he looked at me with that smirk again. He then put both hands on my ass and groped them. I started to bounce in his dick hitting my prostate , making my hole milk his cock I'm the process. All of a sudden the passion and lust turned into affection and care.

Nick made sure to apply extra pressure on my prostate and I did my best to squeeze my ass. I started to kiss him softly and look into his eyes. He did the same and his hands found there way to my hips helping me quicken the process. I felt his dick expanding the same time mine did. I started to bounce faster and harder and he did too.

"Oh god Finn, your ass feels so good!"

"Don't stop Nick! Make me cum!"

"Sure thing baby." He moaned pounding me so hard I almost flew off of his cock.

"OH GOD IM CUMMING GARY!" I screamed spraying Nick in the face with my cum, most in his mouth.

"Ah SHIT!" he yelled pulling out and cumming all over my ass.

I teleported the our clothes and is back to the couch. I climbed off of and laid my head on his shoulder. The movie was at its final scene and I found my hands finding his and my face was rubbing into his neck. He started to smell even more like me and I loved it...but suddenly Nick pulled away. His face looked pissed and he was putting his clothes on.

"Are you okay?" I asked carefully.

"Yeah." He answered coldly.

"Well what's wrong? Why are you getting dressed?"

"Because I am leaving."

"Did I do something wrong?" I asked looking at the clock and it was 12:00...the heat was over.

"No." He sighed turning his back to me. "Yes, you keep scent marking me. Finn I'm not your fucking mate! You can't just do that." He stated coldly looking at me emotionless.

"Well, we just had sex, twice. More the second than the first but still! I lost my virginity with you, and I thought that-" I started but was cut off by Nick.

"THOUGHT WHAT?! THOUGHT THAT I CARED? WELL I DIDN'T. YOU CALLED ME GARY WHILE HAVING SEX WITH ME! I tried Finn, I really did. I thought that maybe we could become really good friends...maybe more, you know if you ever get over Gary...." He said looking at me with disgust.

"Gary....I mean Nick....I'm so sorry I thought-"


"No...I didn't mean to call you Gary again. Or even the first time. I was thinking about you the whole time..."

"You know what Finn! I don't need to hear your heartbeat to know that you lied...your face and actions says it all. "

And like that Nick was gone. He left the house and I when I opened the door he was gone. The spell was off of the house and I went outside and couldn't find him. My body was tired from lack of sleep it was obvious that I wouldn't find Nick the warrior god even if I wanted to. I decided to go back inside and shower again change and teleport to school and wait for Lisa and Mike....when I got there they heard my heart best and instantly came to me.

"Tell me what happened!" Lisa demanded.

Part 6 is well on it's way. For all you Gary and Nick fans it was pretty even about who Finn should choose...so first he had both (during sex) and after he had none. I plan to have part 6 to you in about a week or so. Once again let me know what you think on my email drew121314@yahoo.com, thanks.

Next: Chapter 6

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