I Want Your Bite

By Me

Published on Jul 16, 2013


I Want Your Bite Part 4

Wow! I never thought that this story would catch on the way that it did! Thanks for all the feedback I'm glad you are all enjoying the story. Feedback is still encouraged, and I will try to write the parts as soon as possible. Once again thanks.

I felt myself losing control. My eyesight was turning red and I tried to hold back but my wolf wanted to take over. I felt hot and my body somehow seemed to be growing bigger. My teeth started to bleed and grow bigger with my snout. My senses once again got heightened like a last night, and there was nothing I could do to stop it....until Lisa came outside.

"Finn?! Jesus! What's wrong? Your like growing! Oh no!"

"Lisa! What's happening? I....I...can't stop!" I grunted in pain.

"Finn you need to calm down! You're losing your humanity again. Here I'll try to help!"

I felt a sharp pain in my head and I started to breath faster. I concentrated on my own heartbeat until it slowed and I felt myself calming down. I looked at the moon still high in the sky and I just felt better. The moon was, like a drug; it calmed me down and made me feel better.

"Is it like that for you Lisa? Does the moon help you when you are stressed?"

"Well yeah. It's part of being a werewolf. If you're sad or injured or anything it helps. So...are you going to tell me what's up?"

"I was hoping you would tell me!"'I barked walking away from the shed. "How about we take a little walk Lisa."

"Sure. So, I saw that you got pissed when we walked in the shed? Why?" She asked softly.

"Why?! Lisa Gary has a girlfriend! I Fancied him! He's a bloke! I've never thought I would be nancy but maybe I am...I thought he was single...and I thought he liked me."

"Yeah I should have told you, but I thought he did? I mean, I thought it was more of a joke than anything. I didn't realize how much you liked him."

"I just wasn't expecting it after everything I've been through with him...you know? It's weird talking while we are a werewolf."

"Ha! Not really, it's just lots of grunts and barks. Hey, we will find you somebody that is gay, or bi, or anything. Just as long as they love you for you. I'm sure you will find someone that is way better than my brother. Now lets go back in there and show him just how much you don't care." Lisa demanded giving me her perfect smile(even as a wolf) and leading the way.

We got back to everyone and it was fine. Mike went to Lisa and he rubbed her and I guess they were talking in their minds. They would occasionally look over at me and nod then go back to whatever they were doing. Gary and Emerald were kissing, except he didn't even notice I was there. Emerald was gorgeous and I felt magic in her, so that means she's a witch. I looked at them...and they looked in love. Gary looks at her like she she means the world to him....he looks at me like he just wants to mount me as a joke.

"Hey dude you okay? You're kinda just staring at them making out. Not that I'm judging you or anything."

"I just zoned out...."

"Well your heart just skipped so what's really going on?" Damon pushed.

"Well unless you want to see me lose my humanity again I wouldn't worry about it....I'm sorry, can we talk as humans this is weird. How do I shift back?"

"Well to shift back just concentrate and imagine yourself as a human, you have to believe it or it won't work. Oh, we should probably go to the bathroom first and get some clothes. "

Damon went to the bathroom first and changed back to a human. He picked up some clothes and told Lisa that I was changing back. Gary and Emerald stopped making out and he walked closer to me. I backed away not wanting him to touch me but he continued. I looked down and a growl escaped my mouth and everyone was silent...only for a moment though. I looked up at Gary and he slowly drew back his hand. His face had a look of shock and hurt. I know Lisa said to act like it didn't affect me , but I couldn't do it.

I walked in to the bathroom and Damon followed me and closed the door. He kneeled down and started to pat my head. I imagined myself as a human and I felt myself slowly changing back. It was painful but not as back as turning. Damon still patted my head the whole time and comforted me.

"Hey, I know Gary can be stupid sometimes, like Eric but you can't let that bother you." He whispered looking in to my eyes.

"Uhhh yeah maybe if I didn't have a crush on him I wouldn't care!" I growled to myself thinking that Damon couldn't understand me.

"Wait you do?! Oh my god!" Damon yelled.

"What the hell how can you understand me? My upper half hasn't changed yet!"

"We can always understand other werewolf even if they speak a different language or still in wolf form. But, oh my god! Finn! That's so surprising I would have never guessed. Well you do dress well, and you are still a virgin so I guess it makes sense."

"How does that make sense?"

"I don't know, I'm just surprised so I'm just saying random things. But, uh Finn you are in human form now, want to put on some clothes?"

I looked down and I was naked. I my body did improve and my cock got larger too. My skin was flawless and it was baby skin soft, but it was body builder strong. Damon looked me up and down before handing me a shirt that said "Damon Rules" and black shorts.

"Well if I was gay I would totally go for you!" He said winking and smacking my bum.

"Uh thanks mate, I guess we should go back...out there."

I walked out and everyone's mouth dropped. Lisa and Mike gave me cat calls and went on and on about how hot I looked. Gary gaped then smirked, and Emerald decided this was a good time to introduce herself. She approached me confidently until she was about three feet away. She must have felt my magic because her eyes widened.

"Oh my god! You're Finn Harris?! The Werewolf prince, the prince of the supernatural world! I thought you were a myth! Oh my god!"

I looked to Lisa and she looked frightened. Mike, Damon, and Gary all seemed to have to same expression. I'm guessing they didn't think she would realize I had magic.... I looked back at her and I decided to tell her the truth. My mum and dad could protect me; and like my da said "no more lies".

"Yes I am, but you're also a witch. So can I ask you to keep this a secret? I don't need people to know about me, at least not now." I said looking in to her eyes to let her know how serious I was.

"Of course! I swear I won't! My grandmother always said I would help train the young prince. I swear I won't tell anyone, but my grandmother and I descended from the first head witch. We don't have powers like yours but more than a normal witch. You should talk to her."

Talking to Emerald I couldn't help but let my guard down. The way she talks just makes it hard to hate her, and I could tell she was telling the truth. To be honest she was just as pretty as Lisa and as perfect. Lisa has a way with people I can't describe, but Emerald has an innocence that was a little intimidating yet I knew there was more under it. Plus how can I be mad at her for Gary not being me abut her.

"I just might. I need all the help I can get. I don't even know anything really about being a witch, or what that even means."

"Well that's what I was born for! I can show you!" She said taking my hands.

"I think that's what you're suppose to tell Gary." Mike blurted out making my flinch.

"Mike shut up..." Lisa said looking at me.

"Oh...my bad....well we should get back to the house guys we have to be at school in a couple hours."

"Good point, you guys go I'll lock up here. Hey Finn can you stay back and help me?"

"I looked to Lisa and Damon for help but they both shrugged and walked out. I just stood there while Gary disappeared in to the bathroom. He came back with something behind his hands and a huge smile on his face.

"What's this?" I asked when he handed me a small, poorly wrapped gift.

"Well I got you this as gift for changing your first time. I'm sorry I didn't changetonight Emerald just showed up; and she just got back from her family summer cruise and I've missed her. She was there at the dance last night, but I don't think you remember..."


"Well yeah.! Are you going to open it?"


"Please Finn. Just open it. It'll make you happy I promise."

I unwrapped the gift and it was a small box. Inside of it there was a ring was completely gold except for the 7 rubies that traced a line all the way around it. On the ring there were three small symbols a full moon, a sun , and two triangles. I looked at Gary in awe.

"It's made for you. I met a witch in this forest when I was younger. She told me some day I would meet the Prince of the supernatural world, but it will help me in the future. I didn't know what it meant so I wore it everyday until that day came..... It came when I was learning how to use my gift and handle being a werewolf. Even after, I wore it everyday until I met you. When my dad told me who you were I took it off and waited until the time was right. So this is yours Finn."

"Thanks Gary....I don't know what to say..."

"You don't have to say anything. I told you I wasn't completely useless."

"I know I know....how come you didn't tell me about Emerald, Gary?"

"It's complicated. I uh-I dunno man...when she left I missed her so much that just wanted to think about something else which apparently meant creating trouble for you. I mean I did everything that a bad friend would do. I'm just glad we are friends now. I mean we've been through so much."

"Yeah we did...I just thought we were...never mind.'

"Oh okay? Well it is getting late maybe we should head back?"

"Gary, can I ask you something? Does Emerald know that you helped me the way you did? Actually does anyone know that you helped me?!" I yelled getting more frustrated.

"Um....I..No...But-" Gary stammered getting closer.

"You know what I think I'll just walk home by myself I need to think."

"Finn! You're being ridiculous!"

"Maybe, but at least I'm telling you the truth! I'll see you around Gary...'

I walked away from the shed as fast as I could. I knew I was being dramatic, but I had a good damn reason. I mean sure Gary never knew I was....am attracted to him but still! He kinda sort of asked me to the dance, gave me condoms, tried to kiss me during spin the bottle....kissed my neck until I came, let me lick it off of him, told me that he thought we were more than just friends. I mean what was I suppose to think?

At the same time its not like I was doing much to show him I liked him either. Well besides responding in a totally positive way. I don't know how I should feel. It's obviously just one sided I mean he always ALMOST lets things happen; so does that mean that I am making this all up? possibly. Does this mean that I have a reason to be upset with him? Well he did lie to me multiple times , and kinda cheated on his bird!

"Are you okay???"


"Whoa there nice guy! No need to have a heart attack. I mean It's like 3am I could ask you the same question....why are you in the forest?"

"I am just talking a walk. Why are YOU here?" I pressed stepping forward to get a better look at this guy, but he stepped back in to the shadows.

"I dont buy that nice guy. Are you sure you're not getting in to any trouble?" He asked shifting out of the darkness for a moment.

"Whoa!" I found myself gasping

I noticed that this guy was extremely attractive. He had long dark brown hair that went to his lower back it seemed like. His eyes were so blue that they scared me. l noticed he had little chest hairs coming rom the top of his shirt and he was clean shaved on his face. He had a strong face and nice red lips. His eye brows were slick and thin adding to his badass look. His teeth were perfect and his smirk made me feel things that I'm sure that I shouldn't feel for a stranger. He was pretty buff and ripped because his muscles showed through his thin shirt. He was a little more buff than me and about the same height.

"So....are you going to answer my question?" He asked stepping back in the shadow.

"Well, no I'm not getting in to any trouble. I mean it's probably stupid to walk in a forest by myself this late, but I can protect myself."

"Is that so nice guy? What if you ran into a creature that you never seen before? A really dangerous one."

"First! Stop calling me nice guy, tough guy. Second! Like I said I can protect myself. Third! You still haven't answered my question yet...why are you here?"

"I am here to walk damsels home of course ! So lets hop to it Nice guy." He said holding out his hand.

"Thanks but no thanks..?"

"You should accept,before I'm accused of being a stalker."

I thought this guy was joking, but he seriously walked me all the way home. When we got to my house it was almost dawn, and I didn't really think that I was that lost. I actually didn't know I was lost at all. The walk there was almost silent except for some small talk. I found out that he went to my school and that I actually had weight lifting with him.

" So here you are. I guess you will see you around Finn." Tough said turning to leave.

"Wait!" I yelled grabbing his arm and it was cold..like Gary's. "How do you know my name!?"

"Finn isn't your name, nice guy is." he said giving me the biggest smile anyone has ever given me and then turning to leave.

Deciding that I would find out later how he knows my name I decided to go shower. The warm water felt great on my body which was extremely sore. The smell of my soap was almost too strong for my nose. It made me want to throw up. I could hear my da in his room fast asleep and I decided to go to my bed and do the same thing.

When I woke 6 hours later I seen that I was late for school. I put on some shorts and a random shirt, grabbed my lacrosse gear and quickly drove to school. On the way there I couldn't help but hear and smell everything on the way there. I rolled down my windows and it was liberating. I almost wanted to skip school and drive around since it was already third period.

The day went by slow because I couldn't concentrate on anything! I would zone out if the teacher started to say something, and started to smell what they had last night for dinner. I could smell which of y classmates had showered which hadn't( overwhelmingly male). The worst part would have to be that I could smell everyones nasty farts. I tried to concentrate on something else, which would work temporarily until someone farts again.

In the weight lifting room it was the worst. All the guys smelt of sweat and musk. Some of them smelled good, but most it was terrible. I noticed Damon was watching me closely but I tried not to pay much attention to him. Eric was back and talking to Danny and they were watching me too, but in a different ways. Danny looked amused by my lack of experience in dealing with all these type of smells. Eric looked at me like he enjoyed my discomfort, and Gary was harder to read. He had his head low and kept looking at me when he thought I wasn't looking. Normally I probably wouldn't have noticed, but now my reflexes are more sensitive.

Eventually weight lifting was over, and Gary said we had to do drills which wasn't that long only about an hour. Then he suggested we to run to stay in shape. It wasn't that bad it was only 4miles and half of it up hill. everyone took off but I decided to be the leader of the pack , so I ran way ahead of everyone. Eventually I heard someone come up behind me. The only people on the team that could catch to my new semi super human speed was Danny,Eric, or Gary and it didn't smell like any of them. I turned back and there was no one there but them I ran into someone hard and fell down.

"Ahhh..." I moaned looking up my vision blurred a little.

"I didn't mean to knock you down, but to be honest you shouldn't be running with out looking forward. You could have hit a tree and Hurt that face of yours."

"Tough guy? Well how did you even sneak up on me? I mean I heard someone behind me...and what are you doing here?"

"I ran up here to catch up with you. You're not good with directions are you? You ran completely off course. You actually took the long way. Gary told me you were up here so I just ran to come get you. AND, I'm also your other captain."

"Well thanks...Tough guy. What't your name by the way?"

"My name is not important. What is important is getting you back to the school. You're already waisting my time..." He stated bluntly and rolling his eyes.

We ran back to the school and tough guy was silent. He ran pretty fast and his long hair bounced all over but never in his face. It was honestly a little hard to keep up with him even as a werewolf...actually my heart was racing, and I didn't hear any heart beat from him. Wait! Is he?...

I stopped running and stared at him. He stopped to and then he turned around and started walking towards me. last night I underestimated how sexy he was. Probably because it was night time and it was only a quick look. Tough guy looked like a greek god. He was well built his muscles bulged through his tight shirt and his sorts showed that he had really nice ass, and an enormous bulge in the front. Just as good as Gary's, maybe even better. He was flawless, everything on his face was portioned perfectly and his eyes were so captivating. Last night they were blue, now they almost looked white. His lips were red and kissable and they showed the perfect amount of teeth. His long that was almost too healthy to be on a man...or anyone added to his greek look. His olive colored skin everything..

"Are you...greek?" I blurted out.

"yeah...how do you-"

"You're also a vampire, and your are son of an original. You were born in the 8th century...You also were considered a god once. You are the prince of the Vampire world, but only a few know that. You are a warrior that has fought many battles, and prevented wars. You don't have a mate, and have been searching for years for one. You feed on animals because they are more pure, and keep you from losing control and doing a massacre on humans...which happened to you when you were younger. You stopped aging at age 21 but you can control how you look because you are also a witch. Your grandmother was a head witch so you inherited a gift. Your sister is Emerald and you helped turn Gary...Your name is Nickolas Fallen. Your grandmother has survived being when she head the ruby necklace she brought herself back to life and gave your sister eternal life as long as she wears her emerald necklace...wait how do I know all of this!?" I yelled getting scared.

"Good job nice guy. You're spot on...But I also know a lot about you. You're the prince of the whole supernatural world. You are just learning how to use your powers and be a witch. You are innocent and pretty naive about a lot of the things that go on in the supernatural world. You are confused about which mate to choose, thats because you can't have just one. Chances are you will out live all the immortals so your body doesn't just choose one. Neither does mine, Damon,Emerald, Gary, Lisa, Or Eric. We are all children on the original and hybrids we are rare and will outlive even our parents. Oh, and the reason why you know all of this is because the deceased witches have told you...also know as the spirit state. The spirt state is when a witch sort of becomes a ghost with out even knowing it and truly immortal. Nothing can kill you in the spirt state and you are connected to past witches. They can give you information, warning, and advice. Only head witches have this gift. Since there are only three on earth, you included it also can connect you to them."

"wow...so your grandmother is actually older than my mother!? or even my dad. Are you older than my dad?'

"Yes vampires have been around almost 500 years before the first werewolf were created...however I am too. Don't be creeped out though, you'll understand when you lived a couple life times...age makes you wiser and older, but you even still your brain stops developing at 21 so it's hard to be as mature as someone who's body doesn't function properly and are in there 80's."

"Well I'm not that creeped out. I mean being a werewolf and a witch...everything else seems like child play ."

"Good, because I really don't want to explain that anymore to anyone. Actually we are wasting time talking now. We should go..." he said cold and started to run again.

We made it back to the school and Nick didn't say one word. He actually scoffed at me a couple times and gave me a couple displeased looks. I don't know why, its not like I did anything to him. Plus its not like he had to go get me when I was running. At the same time I don't really know this guy anyways.

After practice I drove home and I showered and relaxed. Relaxing eventually turned into boredom and I decided to go talk to Lisa. Our friendship grew in the couple weeks that I stayed at her house. I just walked in to her house and went other room. She was in her bed painting her nails. She didn't look surprised when I walked in I forgot that she was a werewolf.

"Hey Finn whats up? You seem a little stressed?"

"Yeah I am...I feel a little nauseous and swore. I didn't know that being immortal was so painful."

"That's because your body doesn't really know how to handle the changes yet. Things that didn't bother you before now do. Like your can smell and hear everything, and, you're way stronger than before. There are responsibilities that come with all of this, and consequences. I don't know much about being a witch but being a mutant werewolf is a lot to handle...but I'm guess thats not why you're stressed?"

Before I could answer Gary walked in picked me up over his shoulder and walked out of her room. I mean we are the same size and I'm guessing just as strong. I wasn't just expecting him to do that. We walked in to his room and he shut his door. He sat me on his bed and stared at me. He looked pissed and he was breathing hard.

"What the hell is wrong with you!' Gary yelled.


"Taking a different route? Thats dangerous. Walking in to vampire territory last night!? I know that you think you are invincible and everything in the supernatural world is just peachy and grand but it's not, Finn! You're reckless, impulsive, and you don't care about anything! You never listen to me! Ugh you can be so stupid at times...I...I...I didn't mean that-"

"Gary you lied to me for weeks! And guess what? You are still lying about what happened to your girlfriend and everyone else. I don't know what happened when you were "helping me" but just tell her. It meant nothing right?"

"Yeah..I was just trying to help-"

"And that's exactly what you did! You helped me get through my first turn, and thank you for that...you also showed me that we can never be friends. You are an obituary liar! I can't deal with that. You have no room to misjudge me after I forgave you so much.. I lost all respect for you and I will like for you to leave me alone. I know that you are my captain and we are in ASB together so I will respect you, but other than that keep your distance.So if you will excuse me..."

I can't believe that he judged me! After everything we have been through. All I knew was that I needed to limit how often I see him. which was pretty much just ranting because to be honest he is my neighbor, his sister is my best friend, we are both in ASB and Lacrosse together, and his girl friend is helping me with my powers. I wish I could get a break from him though...to be honest if it were any other person I would have given up and not cared.

I when I got home I went to my room and laid down. I closed my eyes and imagined myself outside, in the forest. The smell of the forest, and the animals, the moist dirt...all of it. I added a little fantasy though...I imagined Nick there and he was holding my hand and his cold skin felt gre- wait why am I thinking about him like that? I mean I barely know the guy...I tried again. Me, the forest, Nick, holding my hand and- ugh! It's not okay I need to stop being attracted to people I will never have a chance with. My thoughts must have been deeper than I thought because I felt extremely weak and tired and felt my myself slipping into sleep.

When I woke up my eyes were still closed and it was hard to move. My body felt heavy and I couldn't open my eyes. I could tell that it was daylight so maybe my nap wasn't that long...but it didn't smell like my room. It smelled like the forest. I could her birds and other animals near by. I eventually had the strength to open my eyes and when I did I almost had a heart attack. Nick was sitting indian style staring at me. He tired his head to the side and opened his mouth to say something but eventually got up and tried to walk and stopped.

"Ugh Nick? Whats going on? I mean how do I get here? Why am I here with you? No offense..."

"Well Finn I was hoping that you could tell me. I was at home just minding my own business and all of a sudden I blink and I'm here with you and I can't leave. It's like we are blocked somehow...did you do this?"

"Um...I don't know-"

"let me stop you there. Your heart skipped you are lying...so lets try this again. Did you do this?" he said annoyed.

"Yes, I don;t know how though. I mean one minute I.m laying in bed thinking about last night and the other I'm here...we're here"

"Hmmm well I think you actually did this with out knowing. Somehow it brought me here too! Do you know how to undo this?"

"I, I don't know really. I think I should just think about us in our own beds or something?"

"Thats a terrible idea...but it just might work. Okay go!"

Nick seemed annoyed that I disturbed him, but I didn't think I would have ended up making us both appear here. I concentrated on my room and what it felt like to be there and I imagined Nick going back to his place and then telling me about tomorrow. Then i started thinking about things about my room. Like my bed and what I would do on it with Nick if he gave me the chance...oh shit! I felt tired again and I closed my eyes.

When I opened them it was a little difficult but not like he first time. I was on my bed facing my ceiling. I felt someone on top of me and I looked down and it was Nick. I'm guessing he couldn't move again because he didn't look too happy about his position. I pushed him off and stood up.

"I'm sorry...again. I really don't know what I'm doing. I can give you a lift home if you want?"

"No! its Fine I mean you can try to send us back if you want? I mean you need the practice and maybe it's time that you met my grandmother..."

"Are you sure?"

"Just do it already...before I change my mind.

"Okay, okay. No need to get all upset."

I closed my eyes and imagined us back in the first again. I felt the cool breeze and I opened my eyes and we were in the first again. Nick gave me a look of approval, and started towards a house. The house looked pretty , too actually. It was in the middle of the forest. We walked up to house in silence and he opened the door and walked in.

The house smelt of cinnamon and a faint smell of pine. It was extremely clean and organized. The house looked like a normal house not one that had immortals that lived in it. He lead me outside to where his grandmother would be. She was in the garden facing away from me and picking flowers.

"Hello Finn I wasn't expecting you today. What a lovely surprise."

"I'm sorry its just that-"

"No need to apologize young prince. I am grateful to be blessed by your presence. "

When she turned around I was shocked. She was the most beautiful woman i've ever seen. Her hair was long brown and curly. She had the same eyes as Nick and beauty. She looked young and yet so wise. It's obvious that her face doesn't belong in our time, due to its beauty. She looked like a god...probably why they used to think that she was.

"Well thanks ma'am-" I started.

"Aphrodite...my name is Aphrodite."

"Aphrodite like the greek goddess of love, beauty, and desire?!"

"Exactly. Things were a lot different back then..."

"Wait, Nick what god were you called?"

"Uh, does Ares ring a bell?" Nick said smiling big.

"Yeah...wait...no!!!!" I yelled taking a step back.

"Yeah...well thats me, well was me."

"wait, wasn't Aphrodite and Ares thought to have been lovers once?"

"Uh yes, but not the way that you think...I love my grandmother yes but they may have ten misinterpreted over the years. I didn't approve of her husband and that resulted in assumptions."

"Oh my god!" I yelled not believing what I was hearing.

"Well, enough of that. So Finn you need help controlling your-"

"Wait does that mean that all greek gods were real!?" I blurted out.

"Finn...Focus" Nick said grabbing my shoulder.

I calmed down then I noticed that Emerald and Gary were standing in the doorway looking at us in amusement. Emerald came closer and I couldn't believe how closely she looked to her grandmother. Her grandmother looked unlike any beauty that I have ever known, but Emerald was good as it gets, just like Lisa. We made small talk about, and eventually made plans for me to come over after school to work on my powers. Which I found out are only limited to my imagination...also subjected to it. That means I have to be constantly in control of myself or I could hurt someone, or myself.

"Well it was nice to finally meet you my prince." Aphrodite said giving me the best curtsey i've ever seen.

"Yeah see you at practice tomorrow Finn." Gary whispered awkwardly.

I decided to be nice him give him a hand shake, then I told Emerald goodbye and walk to the forest. Nick followed me not saying a word. I went back to the spot where we came and he starred at me giving me the chills. He stepped closer and then opened his mouth to say something but then closed it...then started again.

"I...I..uh . I wish that'll leave now." He said staring at me like he wanted to kill me.

"I, don't understand. You were cool a couple minutes again, well at least not completely digested like you normally are."

"I'm sorry that you mistake my respect to not kick you out in front of my grandmother as kindness. I mean I didn't think that you would actually come over."

"Are you serious right now? You know what...you can go to hell."

I closed my eyes and imagined myself in my own house and bed. I imagined how soft my bed was and laying on it. I imagined how safe I felt on it and the clean smell if it. I all of a sudden felt myself on it and the smell and everything.

"Ha, ha ha! Really Finn...Your bed, in the forest!?"

My eyes shot open and I looked around and I was still in the forest...except now my bed was here. Nick was laughing hysterically and being an even bigger jerk. I closed my eyes and tried to imagine myself in my room again..this time in my room not just me bed...Nick eventually got tired of laughing and walked up to me beside the bed.

"I would just leave my bed here, I mean you don't want to bring the whole house here."

"Seriously Nick!? Why did you even follow me out here? Just to be a jerk I'm guessing right? Just go inside."

"I was just trying to make sure you didn't stick around and try to spy on his. Well fine! I'll go inside...see you at practice tomorrow."

Nick went inside laughing and snickering. I tried once again to imagine myself inside my room with my bed. I felt it working and I decided to open my eyes to see it happen. When I did I seen Nick looking out the window at me. He noticed I was looking and quickly left the window. My bed and everything was covered in a black light and all of a sudden I was in my room. Deciding it was a good time to catch up on some sleep.

The next couple days were a drag! I had Eric, and Nick on my ass at practice. They kept giving me looks, and making jokes about me. Practicing my powers was harder than I thought and made me extremely tired. Also I turned into a wolf a couple times with Damon and Lisa hung out. The sad thing was that Mike and I have barely seen each other. Except now, its thursday and we are sitting in my room just talking and doing homework.

"Man I've missed you! Between football practice and your practices I haven't even seen you. Even in school!"

"Yeah sorry about that Mike. I will make it up to you I promise!"

"Good! I'm glad you feel that way because I have a game tomorrow and you should go. I know that you aren't that close with Gary anymore, and you never were close with Eric; However Lisa and I would like for you to come. Even your dad thinks that you should get out of the house and away from your crazy schedule. Ashley, Monica, Erica, Lisa, Danny, Eric, and Emerald are all going to be there. You should go. Plus Danny is having a party after! Of course you should go to support Damon and I. "


"Please! Come on man, plus you can hook up with some random drunk guy. Do you know Rick? He is a pretty attractive guy. Plus he is gay and he thinks you're cute!"

"Shut up Mike! I don't know what I like yet...I thought Gary was...never mind. You know what sure! Tell Rick that it's a date!"

"Okay cool Man!"

I went drove to Emerald's house to get some quick tips about using magic. They helped me so much and it has only been a couple days and I already am way strong than I thought I could be. I can use magic whenever I want and I really don't have any limits except death, and even then I can change some things but the consequences with dealing with death(black magic) could corrupt me.

When I got there May(Aphrodite likes to be called May for some reason) wasn't there so it was just Emerald and I. Nick was there but I think he was in his room. Basically today was just a bonding day for us, since we weren't forced to do anything work. We were in Emerald's room and I was sitting on her bed. All her furniture was white and gold and she had expensive drapes that reminded me of being back in the greek days. even her clothes seemed to be like a new version of the old greek clothing you see in movies.

"So if you guys are like over 2,600 years old then why do you guys still go to high school? I mean I don't think I would if I ever lived that long." I asked picking up a really old book and flipping through it."

"Are you so sure about that? I mean sure we have literally seen EVERYTHING! But our minds are still young. Also schooling always changes, and its almost too easy. All the concepts in books we were around when they were created so we know them all. However in the future who knows what will happen to schooling. To be honest this is only our second time going through the high school. The first time wasn't that good. But now people look more like us and we can blend in. Plus my purpose for the past 300 years has been to find and train you."

"Whoa! that's a lot to take in. I mean its hard to think that I am talking to some one who has been alive for over 2,600 years. Also this being has been looking for me for 300. I never thought I would hear that...speaking of hearing do hear a phone ringing?."

"Yeah I think that is yours. Maybe you left it downstairs?"

"Hmm I will go check."

I got up and made my way downstairs to get my phone. I checked and it was a missed call from Mike. I felt something cold behind me and I jumped. It was Nick, he had nothing on except pajama shorts that was higher than his knees. He was more ripped than I thought and buff. His body was pure perfection and it looked sculpted . He had tattoos on his shoulders that looked like a pattern of some weird writing. I looked to his face and it was hard showing no emotion. To be honest I didn't know what to do...I mean should I say hi or what? I mean he made it clear that he didn't want to talk to me.

"Your stupid phone woke me up" Nick said in a sexy groggy voice and rubbing his eyes, but he face never chaining from that cold stare.

"I'm sorry Nick. I will try to be more careful." I said whispered a few steps to leave.

He stopped me and looked into my eyes. I felt my heart beat starting to pick up. He leaned over me and his face was all over my neck. I looked at him ad his eyes were glowing blue. He turned me around until his naked chest was on my back and my heart beat started to race more. He started to rub his rather large pecs on my back and his hands were around my waist. I wanted to say something but the shock kept me from saying anything. He then turned me around and sniffed my neck from the front before backing away slowly. He then sniffed the air around me and then looked embarrassed.

"You, uh-uh smell different..."

"Sorry? I...I think I am going to leave now. Can you tell Emerald for me?" I stammered grabbing my phone and heading towards the door.

"Yeah! I am sorry I didn't mean to...that has never happened to me before.."

"Its fine Nick..see you at practice tomorrow."

I got in my car and quickly drove home. I was a little more than weirded out. I didn't know if he wanted to drink from me or what; all I knew was the I needed to get out of there before I made a fool of myself or before Nick kicked me out. I knew I was welcome but I guess the guy really didn't like me so there was no point of staying around a cranky, sleepy, sexy, half naked...Okay I'm not suppose to be having these thoughts! Ugh! Well at least tomorrow I wouldn't be thinking about him.

The next day I was excited for the game. The day went by fast, and before I knew it I was changing. Actually Lisa, Ashley, Monica, and Erica were picking clothes for me. They choose these dark blue fitted tight jeans and a black shirt with moons on it. My hair was combined over and I grabbed a black cardigan. The girls all gave me approving looks..well actually more than just looks.

"Well I didn't need ALL of you to come over here to help choose something to wear...but thanks ladies." I started.

"What! When the hottest guy in school is gay and going on a date kind of with another jock you don't just sit on your ass!" Ashley said squealing.

"I don't know if I'm-" I was cut off by Monica.

"I think it's cute you know? I mean we can go shopping after practice and we can all be your wing women!" Monica squealed into my arm.

"Yeah! That would be so cool, I mean it's a shame...I would have chosen you over Eric any day." Erica said smacking my bum.

"Okay ladies calm your hormones. It's just Finn I mean he has always been hot so its not like that has changed. He just doesn't go for the same team." Lisa said pushing them all away.

"I agree, I mean a hot british guy that is a prince is like every girls dream. I mean, at least for me it is, and look at him he is gorgeous. From head to toe. I believe even Gary is more in awe of him than I am though . " Emerald said winking at me.

"Wait was there a point to that?" Lisa asked Emerald.

"No, I mean I was just saying how hot he was. But, if there was a point it would be that you will make a guy very happy some day. I think that you are way out Rick's league, but everyone is out of your league so I guess it doesn't matter right" Emerald said smiling.

"Still didn't see the point in that.." Lisa said rolling her eyes and smiling.

"Well thanks ladies I'm truly flattered. I mean never thought I would have 5 beautiful cheerleaders in my room. I don't know what I am yet, but I'll pass on the shopping. I mean I have you guys here choosing my clothes. I'm not good at this."

"Aww" they all sighed together hugging me.

"Yup I think I'm gay, because a straight guy would have been all over this!" I joked

They all giggled and hugged me tighter. Monica suggested that we go to the game and it was about half time when we got there. The guys all greeted me and then quickly going to there girlfriends except Lisa and Monica who kept me company. I looked on the field and I seen that Nick was playing. I never knew that he was on the team. I mean I don't care but still.

The game went by fast and we killed! The score was 56-7. Everyone was going crazy with excitement and jumping everywhere. When the game was over all everyone quickly left except for Lisa, Monica, and I. Rick wasn't the most attractive guy in the world, but he wasn't ugly either. Maybe if didn't have ache and wasn't such an ass I would have been attracted to him. He actually was quite attractive just his personality that sucked. I told him that I couldn't go to the party with him because he offended me one too many times...which wasn't completely a lie. I mean to call a guy a fag because he knows how to dress and drives a nice car is fucked up...especially if this guy is your date to a party and if you are gay too...I mean really? He was pretty much screaming "I'M NOT GOING TO GET LAIDTONIGHT"..thats another thing he kept joking about going to have sex in front of everyone like he was the coolest guy in the world.

Lisa gave me a look that said "Are you seriously going to take this guy to the party???" I mean she could read minds so she probably already knew what I was going to do before I did it. Nick looked amused when I rejected Rick and even smiled at me. That smile I was learning to love. I mean...

Anyways I wanted to see if I had to take my friends home so I stuck around a little while longer. Damon said he would take Monica home and Mike asked if I could take Lisa, who said she didn't need to go home...except Nick. He wanted a ride home to change before the party. Lisa and I decided to take him and Emerald to the party and take them home. Nick was the same old Nick he didn't talk to Lisa that much and was a little off towards me; but not completely off because I was taking him home.

At Nick's house Lisa and I decided to stay in the car and wait. Nick and Emerald quickly changed both looking sexy as usual. Emerald had on a summer dress and sandals. Nick, who normally I see in work out clothes, took my breath away. He had on this blue/white shorts that matched his eye color and a black tank top. His muscles were inviting and intimidating at the same time. When they got in the car Lisa gave them both compliments, while I choose to only compliment Emerald..and soon we were off to the party; Which from outside it was booming.

"Hey guys i'm glad that you can make it. Good to see you Nick, I didn't think that this would be your kind of scene. Not that you don't seem like the partying type of guy..." Danny stammered awkwardly.

"..." Nick just gave him a hard stare, similar to the one he gives me except not so intense but eventually smiled and nodded.

"Well..make yourselves welcome. There are drinks in the kitchen, people everywhere, and rooms if you need it for the deed! Except my parents room thats off limit." Danny explained.

Inside the party was in full motion. Danny's rather large house was full of people. It looked like the whole senior class was there. Everyone seemed to be drinking, playing drinking games, and having small conversations in corners. I quickly lost Lisa but Emerald and Nick followed me to take a quick shot. I know I am the designated driver tonight but one or too shots won't hurt. Plus now that I'm immortal it doesn't even last long...well thats what Gary said. Speaking of him he was already in the kitchen with a beer in hand and a red solo cup in another.

"Hey babe! You look hot!" he said giving her a quick pec. "So do you Finn! HA! I mean like your temperature." He said obviously hammered.

"Don't worry his drunkness will only last a couple minutes." Emerald apologized ignoring Gary.

"No! I drank 5 huuuge bottles, enough to kill four man! Men? Weeeeelll anywaaaays its gunnna last a looooooooooong long long long long loooooongggggggggg Tiiiiiiiiiiime!" He yelled talking another sip from his cup.

"Oh my god you're here! Wait I need you now!" Ashley said coming out of no where and grabbing Emerald.

"Wait...I...I'll be back guys. Can you watch over him?" Emerald yelled disappearing into the crowd.

Nick explained that we are immune to dying from alcohol but when our blood has high levels it can give us a buzz. He also said that there are two ways for a vampire to feel drunk. When they drink a lot of blood and when they starve themselves and drink alcohol. Gary probably hasn't feed for a while and is weak so thats probably why he is so drunk. To be this weak (not that drinking enough alcohol to kill 5 men and not dying is that weak but still) he must have starved for days, I wonder why he would do that? Anyways, Nick surprisingly hung around while I watched Gary. I know that Nick turned Gary and he is super protective of him, but why is he with me? I mean he hasn't offered to take Gary off my hands or to leave. He just helped and enjoyed his time with me.

"Okay how bout we go get you cleaned up Gary? You have alcohol stains all over your shirt and I'm sure that you need to pee, it has been a while." Nick said leading Gary in to a bedroom that had a bathroom."

"Fiiiiiine, but its you that needs to go to the bathroom!" Gary slurred struggling to walk.

The bedroom was quite nice and had a rather large bed in it. Gary made his way to the bathroom and Nick helped him out. I laid on the bed and looked at the ceiling, wondering if coming here was a mistake. I listened to see where Emerald and Ashley went and they were actually somewhere near the front of the house. Ashley was crying and wanting to put a spell on Danny..I guess that he pissed her off.

"Okay! Well he is actually getting worse and while I turned my back to wash my hands he was drinking more! He is peeing right now, but I am going to go get some water for him I'll be right back!" Nick explained running out.

After Nick walked out I went over to the nigh stand and there was glass dagger thing on it. I picked it up out of curiosity. It looked extremely sharp and dangerous. I smelled it and I could tell there used to be animal blood all over it. I think they used this to stab animals and drink from it.

"What are you doing!" Gary yelled.

"Ow!...Damn it Gary , you made me cut myself!"

I looked down and I had a large cut on my hand and blood all over it. It was already starting to slowly heal. Gary walked over to me closely and looked at my hand. His eyes were completely black and sniffed it. Realizing where this was going I tried to pull away, but before I could move Gary quickly pinned me to the bed. I was on my stomach and my arm that wasn't cut was behind my back, while the other one was by my face. Gary had one leg on either side of me and he was kneeling over me...more like laying. His face was close to mine and he stomach was on my back. This would be ideal if he wasn't trying to drink my blood.

"Gary...Stop! You don't want to drink my blood...I'm a werewolf and a witch...isn't that bad?" I whispered frantically.

"No...that means its more sweeter..." He growled.

He slowly moved up to my hand and his fangs came out. His once blue and green eyes now black stared at me as he got closer. He hungrily licked all the blood off of my hand. Then he finally made it to my cut. He closed his eyes and dived in. It felt painful yet there was just as much pleasure. I arched my back to try to get him off of me and my ass was greeted with a very thick hard cock.

"Hmmm...see what you do to me?" he moaned with my blood all over his face.

He started to dry hump me while licking my cut. This was all too much for me to handle, and I felt myself getting harder and I felt scared. Gary started moaning in my ear and nibble on my neck. He was so hard that I felt him throbbing through our trousers.

"Gary...I...don't...ughh...oh god.." I moaned arching my back farther.

"Don't fight it Finn, I can smell that you are turned on. I know you have been for a while. Actually your scent is intriguing. I have to find myself stopping from sexing you up or drinking all of your blood. I haven't felt this way about another person...I need you Finn. Just as much as you need me!" Gary yelled turning more over and kissing me.

His lips were soft and cold. I felt shivers and felt my climax building. He continued to grind into me as we kissed...I don't know why I kissed him back it just felt so good. My own dick was straining to get free from my shorts. Gary started to rub them together and I couldn't take it...I was going to cum again from Gary. Just as I was about to unleash he pulled back. He looked at me and his eyes were back to normal...

"I...I shouldn't be doing this. We shouldn't be doing this. Finn I love Em...she might be my mate...When I'm with her everything feels just right. I am sorry Finn...I think...I think I care for you too just in a different way." Gary explained whipping MY blood off his mouth and heading towards the door.

"Oh...well I wouldn't want to mess up your relationship...you know since this is one sided...And obviously I'm the one coming on to you, and you're just trying to be nice.." I said sarcastically.

"Thanks Finn, I'm glad that you understand! Thanks dude!" He yelled walking out, oblivious to my sarcasm.

I decided to go into the bathroom and wash my hands, which healed completely but had blood on it. Somewhere between drying my hands and walking in to the room I started to cry. I don't know why though. I mean sure Gary screwed me over, and Damon, and Nick hates me, and Rick is an asshole...but I normal don't cry. I felt myself slipping in to a deep depression. A few seconds I was heaving and having a full beak down. Soon Nick walked in at the sight and ran over to me.

"What did Gary do!? Did he hurt you?" He asked concerned, then he smelled the air then looked at me in shock. "I smell your blood!" He yelled looking over to where the piece of glass was on the night stand. "Oh! I'm gonna kill him!" He yelled jumping up.

"NO! Nick it was an accident. I don't know what happened...he drank my blood, got a little weird, and I went to the bathroom and I just started crying. I'm not even that sad."

"All he did was drink your blood? I mean the blood of a witch brings desire and truth; and the blood of a werewolf brings freedom from humanity. Those two things mixed are not good."

"I don't want talk about it...why am I crying so bad!" I heaved letting more tears fall from my face.

"It's your emotions settling in. Your first month as a wolf is rough. Not as bad as changing the first time, but the adjustments can be hard. You know how to cure it right?" Nick asked getting closer.

"Uh no...how?" I asked with raised brows.

"By...a...tickle attack!" He exclaimed pinning me and tickling me.

"OH...hahaha!...Nick!...NICK!!!!!!! HA...I CAN'T...I CAN'T BREATH! NICK STOP! HAHA!" I screamed struggling to get away.

He eventually stopped and looked me in the eyes. His face was a little confused and he looked proud of his work when he seen I had a smile on my face. I idly reached out and touched his long hair, and he let me! After it got too awkward for comfort he got up and offered to go back to the party.

Since Gary left I took his water and started dancing with random people. Nick decided to go find some people that he knew and give me some space...the random people were actually nice and enjoyed me dancing with them. When I got bored and wanted to find my friends. I found Ashley and Monica and they were sitting on a couch with a couple drinks. They waved me over and I decided I could use a break.

"Hey ladies its been ages since I've seen you!" I joked sitting down.

"Well we knew where you were. I mean your magic isn't hard to miss. Plus you looked like you were enjoying yourself we didn't want to impose." Monica said giving me a wink.

"Yeah, anyone here hot enough for you?" Ashley said looking in to the crowd."

"Uh, yeah a couple." I stated following her eye sight.

"Well one guy has been following you like a little lost puppy!" Ashley yelled, her and Monica both laughing.

I looked around to see what they were talking about and I noticed Nick leaning against a wall staring at me. He looked away quickly and pretend to be spectating the party. I wonder how long he has been watching me...it was obvious that he was listening to our conversation. I'm guessing Monica and Ashley knew this too because she showed me her phone and it said. "You know who right?". I nodded, earning another laugh from them.

Eventually my fellow witches got bored and wanted to have some fun so they left to do their down bidding. I contemplated going up to Nick and talking but I decided against it. I needed to use the rest room and maybe find Lisa or Mike since I haven't really seen them all night. On the way to the bathroom it was in a dark hall way but due to being a wolf I could see just fine. I went in to the bathroom, not locking the door and did my business. Mid pee someone walked in a locked the door. I expected it to be Gary but it wasn't...it was Eric.

"Eric!? What the fuck is going on!? I yelled pulling up my pants.

"Nice package there Finn, is that what keeps the ladies, or in your case the guys happy?" He said stepping closer.

"Mate, seriously? Get the hell out of here!" I yelled stepping forward.

"Oh, no ones leaving here until we are finished!" He yelled. Stepping closer.

I was going to teleport out of there, but before I could do anything he turned me around and hit me on the head with toilet seat cover and swiped me with the same glass dagger from the room. It broke in half and I felt blood gushing all over my face and back. I stood up and punched him in the face. He fell over and I did a paralyzing spell and he laid there.

"Nice you're learning. You will be of use for your dad soon enough.."

"What the hell are you talking about?" I asked getting closer.

"Your daddy knows where you are Finn. He's just waiting for the right moment to take you...Try to stop him, he'll kill everyone you know. Starting with your precious Nick and Gary."

"Nick and Gary aren't-" I started.

"I can smell them on you...You're a fool to think that they don't care for you...well at least for a cum dump. I smell Gary all over you. On your lips...his cock on yours...I know you liked it too...I can smell your precum and his in your shorts...he doesn't want you huh? Is that why I smell your tears..So many of them."

"SHUT UP!" I yelled punching him in the face making him spit blood.

"Haha! so I'm correct? Ha, and Nick! He's been secretly stealing glances at you...and I mean all of you. He wants you...he wants you BAD..,But you disgust him. He told me...the thought of being around you makes him sick. Only reason he is being nice is because he needs you. He is half witch have Vampire and You are half witch half Werewolf...you are the only two of your kind. It's kind of sweet you know. Nick needs you to survive against Clark but he hates you, and You like him but you love Gary.... Clark want Nick and you both...If he gets you then he gets Nick. Having control of both the only two witch hybrids on earth! He could rule for forever. You are sired to Clark but guess who Nick is sired to Finn!?"

"You're lying!" I yelled stepping back in horror.

"Now why would I lie Finn? I'm only just warning you. Its inevitable...and once Clark has control over you and Nick I get to rule the vampire world! "

"You're doing all of this for some title!? You honestly think Clark will give it to you?" I yelled getting angry again.

"Of course. I gave him what no one else could. His son back...however he doesn't love you. I mean he only wants you back to use you...then kill you." Eric said laughing.

"You honestly think that my family and friends would let this happen!?" I yelled.

"You know Finn you make it almost too easy...Once you're attached to someone you're basically fucked! So many things can go wrong, they could die, they could leave you, they could lose feelings... the way I see it, there is way more that you can lose when you get attached rather when you don't. Unfortunately for you a lot of people care for you and you for them. We're coming for you Finn, we are coming for all of you! " Eric said in a menacing voice. "Sam! I need your help!!!"

All of a sudden the bathroom went black and then the lights came on. there was a girl who looked about my age and she said a word in a weird language and then picked up Eric. She looked completely evil...yet beautiful. She turned to me and with a deep voice she said;

"Release the spell witch!"


"RELEASE THE SPELL OR SOMEONE WILL DIE TONIGHT! If you don't believe me can you smell Erica's blood? She is in the room next to us."

I took a sniff and I could smell her blood. There was a lot of it...she seemed to be whimpering and calling out my name. Okay, fine! But if you hurt any of my friends I will come for you...and I WILL kill you!" I growled.

"Haha!" Sam laughed deeply. "Looks like you will be trying to kill us a lot." She said.

"My mothers spell will protect me!" I yelled sounding more helpless than I wanted to.

"It's already being broken as we speak!" Eric said.

"Fool! you reveal too much!" Sam said disappearing into the wall.

I when they left I ran in to the other room. Erica was laying on the ground, she was unconscious but the only bleeding came from her nose. Her heart was still beating so it wasn't that much damage. I tried a healing spell and it worked. She open her eyes weakly and muttered something that gave me chills.

"Finn, there are coming for us...and...and...they will kill us all..."

Intense right!? I am working hard on the next chapter and I know that you guys will like it. I am sorry that there are some errors english isn't my first language and english is a lot different from German. I was wondering who you think Finn should up with? Nick, Gary...New guy? Also how you guys would feel seeing the story from a different perspective? like maybe Gary, Nick's or maybe even Lisa's point of view? Finn is my...our main character so I would always include him, but maybe some of the character could get a bigger story line? Tell me what you think @drew121314@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 5

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