I Want Your Bite

By Me

Published on Jul 8, 2013


Thanks for all the feedback I'm glad you are all enjoying the story. Feedback is still encouraged, and I will like to hear where you all want the story to go! Once again thanks.

I woke up the next day feeling like I was hungover, on drugs, weak, horny, swore, strong, sleepy, and wide wake. Basically on edge emotionally and physically. I ate three boxes of cereal, ate a box of pancake mix, and a carton of eggs; all raw I might add. Eventually Jack noticed my hunger...actually more like expected it; so he cooked me 5 steaks and all this meat that I ate with out question and he brought me more. Everyone not wanting to awaken the beast that was my wolf; all decided to keep their distance unless they were bringing me food, except for Gary.

"I can't decide if I'm disgusted or intrigued..." Gary said looking at all the bones and scraps all around me.

"I can't stop eating its like I'll die if I stop. What is worse, I have no idea what this stuff is or where is came from. I'm worried if my hunger will ever be satisfied." I ranted grabbing a handful of cooked ground beef.

"Maybe all you need is a snickers" Gary said handing me one.

"Are you serious? That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard! " I said snatching it and eating it anyways. "It taste terrible!" I said spitting it out .

"Well I brought you something that you might like better" he reached for raw steak that was in a white plastic container.

Instantly my senses heightened and I wanted the steak more than anything. My vision went a little blurry, and the next thing I know I was on top of Gary eating the raw bloody steak. My teeth grew more like a wolfs and it hurt like a bitch but I didn't care, all I wanted was my steak and to dominate Gary for it. He tried getting up but I growled which I didn't know I could do and pushed him back down. He kept trying to leave but realized I wasn't going to let him and he gave up. He looked amused and a little frightened.

As I finished the steak my hunger was satisfied and I looked down at Gary and I smelt him. It's like I was a different person....or animal. I smelt his neck and I felt myself becoming aroused. His smell drove me wild and I wanted more. I pinned him by putting his arms on top of his head and I moved to his face. His eyes are what were the most captivating though. I leaned back to look at his face and I growled again this time in a more sexual way...he looked shocked and out of no where I snapped out of it.

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry I don't know what came over me...I'm so sorry I-" I ranted standing up looking away from Gary.

"Finn! It's fine...it's your wolf coming out. It's natural, and the steak probably made it worse, I'm sorry..." He said wiping the blood off of my face.

"Whoa! Looks like Finn's wolf likes you Gary!" Lisa said walking closer. "I seen the whole thing, I was going to jump in if I was needed, but I guess not." She said flipping her dirty blond hair.

"Uh well I think it's time we should get ready up for the dance." Gary said walking away.

"Finn look, I uh know it can be hard changing...especially when you have to be around people. To be honest the way you were with Gary is how it will be for the rest of the night at the dance. I already got permission for you to stay home if you want."

"No!...it's fine I can manage. I just lost control for a moment. Partially Gary's fault but oh well."

"Yeah...well I'm glad your amazing hunger is gone! That's one of the worst parts in my book."

"Wait! There's more?"

"Yeah! You know everything you felt this morning, well you'll feel it again today and tomorrow...and way worse."

"Well right now I feel swore and sleepy with a little hung over so I'll take a quick nap before we leave to set up."

Lisa cleaned up my mess for me as I showered and slept. I don't remember even walking to the guess room or if I even made it there. I do remember dreaming about Gary though...he was rubbing my soft blond hair and kissing my neck. I then started kissing him back and things got hot. Before they could go to the next level I woke up.

"Hey sleepy head? Perfect timing! I was just about to wake you." Gary replied grabbing two fitted tuxes out of his closest and shoes.

"Wait where am I?"

"You're in my room, again. You just busted in here extremely tired and laid down on top of me. It's another side effect from your pre-transformation.

"I'm so sorry, again. I feel like I have been making your life hell these past couple weeks."

Gary looked down in deep thought then he made eye contact. He told me he has a tux for me and to meet him in the car. I grabbed a couple things I would need and went outside. Gary drove me because Mike already picked up Lisa and Damon picked up Monica.

Once there setting up went by pretty fast except I joked around a lot and was behind. Everyone eventually leaving to go change for the dance except for me and Gary who wanted to stay and help me. He mostly distracted me though, but after almost 30 minutes was on my last one.

"Blimey! She really expects me to hang it way at up there?!" I said putting to the entrance of the gym that was 12ft up.

"Here I'll give you a boost!" He said lifting me above his head leaving his hands flat for me to stand on.

"You never told me you were a cheerleader?"

"Ugh! Shut up before I drop you!" He threatened lowering his hands a little.

"Okay! I think it's up, okay can you let me down?"

Instead of letting me down he threw me up with a lot of force , but not enough to hurt me. I almost touched the ceiling, and if you know a standard gym that's extremely high. I fell and was frightened and thought I would hit the ground, but Gary caught me in a bridal position. He held me there...his face inches away from mine. He sat me down slowly and his eyes switched between me and my lips.

"Are you ready to go to Danny's to change?"

"Yeah, how do you know that your clothes will fit me though?"

"Just a hunch, now let's go the dance starts in 30 minutes."

Danny lived pretty close to the school, actually right next to it. His house was neat and extremely modern. His parents weren't home so we all guffawed at each other and acted potty. Damon,Mike, Eric, Gary, Danny and I all decided that it was easier to change there, since it was closer. The dance started a hour ago but we still weren't ready. Mike and Eric made some rant about us needing to be fashionably late? Which to me just meant late.

"If you show up early or on time it's like your expecting for everyone to show; when they need to expect for you to show. Does that make sense?" Mike explained.

"Listen Brit Boy! This isn't your tea time with the queen anymore. You're in America! We don't have to be as punctual as your people. Or have as bad teeth as them either, or as fancy, or as gay!"Eric replied starting to change.

"Eric! Seriously bro? Calm down you are coming off as a douche, more than normal." Gary said defending me.

"Just because YOU got a new play toy doesn't mean we all have to like it. I mean he's cool but he makes you soft Gary. It's creepy and it's sick! I mean he's even a werewolf!" Eric yelled standing up.

"You are way out of line! Finn has been nothing but nice to you Eric!" Damon said speaking for the first time.

"I think you should leave Eric..." Danny whispered.


"Hey Finn I'm so sorry about that. Eric just has a temper that goes off randomly. He probably didn't mean any of that. He acts like a diva when he feels like no one shows him enough attention. Danny explained rubbing my back.

"Oh...Well I think I should go get changed."

"Wait I'll show you where our stuff is!" Gary said leading the way.

I was a little more then shaken up. Eric may have been acting like a "diva" but he did mean what he said. I know I have the protection of Lisa's family and I'm powerful. I was determined to not let that little jerk mess up my night.

"Hey, you don't have to worry about Eric...." Gary said starting to undress.

"He was serious, if the little menace wants to approach me then that's at his own risk."

"I know he was serious, but don't underestimate him. He is a powerful vampire actually his father is one of the first. Plus he can't know the you are you know..."

"Wait! His father was on of the fire vampires and your father is one of the first for werewolfs and they both live I the same city?"

"Yeah it's. treaty thing or something, but our parents are rarely here so it's not that bad. Just be careful okay? You have only just started training you are like an infant in the supernatural world, but a damn powerful one." He said stepping closer and lifting my chin to meet his eyes.

"Well thanks for the heads up."

"That's what I'm here for! "

Gary turned his back to change and I couldn't help but steal glances at him. His back was smooth and chiseled, and he had dimples on his lower back. He the slid his trousers off slowly as if giving me a show. His ass looked hot and tight, and big. Not like fat kind if big more like muscle/plump big one of my hands couldn't even cover one cheek. I idly walked closer and I wanted to take him right there.

I felt a twitch in my groin as he leaned forward(giving me a better show) to pick up his clothes he just took off. His bum was seriously too perfect to be real. When he leaned forward most people would think that it would show your asshole, but he still had ass that needed to be spread. Now I noticed I had a full blown erection and I quickly changed my trousers to cover it.

Gary sniffed that air like a mad man and looked at me. He then looked at the cologne next to me and went back to changing. I forgot that he could tell if I was turned on...shit! He could also had his empathy gift thing. So I instantly tried to feel "normal " which was harder than I thought.

Once I calmed down I combined my hair over but more messy than neat, I did a a quick shave and I put the black tux on and it fix a little too well. It was super fitted to my body. The jacket fit snug and tight and the dress shirt well it was tight enough to see my muscles bulging. The trousers are what really surprised me. They fix almost like skinny jeans, the bottom grabbed around my shoes just enough and it got tighter as it went to my bum which made it look even bigger.

I looked at over at Gary and he made my mouth literally dropped. He was tying his tie so he didn't see my reaction, thank god. He had a dark grey tux that fix exactly like mine, but on his body. His muscles bulged through his clothes as well but his skin was more tan so he looked even better. His chest hairs that came through the top of his shirt until he but the tie on. His hair was combined to the side also messy. He turned around to get his cufflinks, and I almost fainted. His tight trousers almost left nothing to the imagination. His sexy ass gluts were begging to be released and threatened to come out if he bent over again.

Before my mind could resister what was happening he did bend over again and his pants stretched. So I guess he knew that he would have ripped them if they didn't stretch. I wonder how many times that has happened to him? I looked back and he was still bending over and I think I started to drool. Okay I need to get my shit together....why am I so horny? Oh yeah full moon tomorrow. If I don't want to risk doing something stupid then I should probably avoid Gary tonight.

"Okay Finn are you-whoa! Finn....you-uh..." He started.

"What?! Is there something wrong?" I said genuinely frightened.

"You look fucking sexy! I mean I can't-wow!" He said staring at me like a piece of meat.

"You look uh- sexy to Gary! Can you pants even hold your bum when you're dancing? I mean! I uh" I stumbled awkwardly.

"Ha! Yeah, they stretch, but so do yours. We have the same exact body type. Look! He said pointing to the mirror.

I looked an we almost looked like the same from the neck down. He was a little more tan than I was and had chest hair, but besides that it we did look alike. Even my ass was the same size I didn't think it would be, maybe it's because I never compared bodies with him this close.

"See? Well my prince can I give you a ride to the dance?" He said bowing and holding out his arm.

"You do realize that you don't have to call me that right?"

"Just accept it Finn!"

"Can you get on your knees when say it?"

"Don't push it! You may be royal to the whole supernatural world but I go on my knees for no one!" He said looking up with his fist raised.

"I'm glad you feel that way, so can we go now?"

"Sure thing my prince." He said bowing and placing my hand around his arm.

At the dance Gary and I walked in and I noticed everyone was there outside, minus Eric. The guys all had on regular tuxes except for Damon who had a navy blue fitted like Gary's and mine. The girls had on beautiful dresses. Lisa stood out from the other girls who just had on black dresses that were poofy and short.

She had her hair straight and it was longer than I thought. Usually it went to he mid back and it was curly when it was straightened it went way past he bum. Her dress was yellow, the same yellow that was in her hazel eyes. She was so beautiful that she didn't have to wear make up(when a guy werewolf gets more ripped and buff, girls get more pretty) but she put some on and it put her over the top. She had a diamond necklace on and diamond earrings. Mike looked great too, but I'm sure no one looked good enough to stand by her side, except for Gary. To be honest she looked...unapproachable and perfect...yet she ran to me.

"Holy shit Finn you look hot as hell!" She gawked slapping my ass.

"No, no ,no, no! You look hot! I feel inferior standing next to you."

"Finn I think you're being a little too modest. You are going to make girls ovaries explode."

"Oh I hope so..." I said looking at Gary who was talking to Danny and Erica.

I tilted my head to listen to what they were saying. Gary and Danny were explaining what happened with Eric. She looked sad and pissed, probably because Eric stood her up. I looked back at Gary and he looked back at me and winked. He then turned to the side not noticing that he was giving me a full view of his figure and I wanted to go over there and ponce on him. Lisa then sniffed the air and followed my eyes. I tried to divert them but it was too late.

"Oh my god! How did I not notice! It all makes sense!" She said clasping her hands over her mouth.

"Oh it's not what it looks like..."

"Like hell it's not! You have the hots for my brother don't you? That's why he has been so weird acting like Damon, being nice, sneaking in to your room."

"Wait what?!" I yelled causing some heads to turn.

"Shhhh! Well Finn I can't believe you didn't tell me there was something going on between you guys!" She whispered loudly.

"There because there isn't..." I said looking down.

"Wait why not? Am I wrong? Are there no feelings there?"

"I don't know I'm confused. I've never felt this way about another person before, but I'm sure he doesn't feel the same way. I don't even know how I feel actually...so no there isn't anything there."

"Well I see the way he looks at you and I would say there definitely is something there. " she said nodding towards Gary who was laughing with Damon. "Oh by the way, he could probably smell your arousal so try to control it." She added walking toward her mate.

Lisa took the news of me liking her brother well. It kind of calmed me that is until I realized I didn't have a date. I've been stressing about the whole wolf/witch/vampire/mutant thing that I completely forgot. Everyone was dancing and enjoying their time and I was just in the back sipping on punch which I think had alcohol in it. All my friends were dancing and getting along and I felt kind of lonely. In England I wasn't close to that many people even though I was attractive and well known . I've always had a low profile and now that I had friends I thought it would be different.

"Excuse me sir. May I ask you for a dance?" Gary said with a terrible British accent.

"You want ME dance with YOU?" I asked not believing that he would dance with me in front of all these people.

"Well I thought you were my date...I mean without me asking. I mean you didn't come dolled up to drink spiked punch did you?"

"Are you being serious?"

"No. Haha, but I am going to ask of you wanted to dance with Erica and me . Maybe we could be her co-date since Eric left his girl friend alone at the first dance of the year. "

He grabbed my hand and led me to the dance floor where Erica was waiting. She looked like she just finished crying and smelt like sadness. Her face lit up as Gary and I approached. She had a huge smile on her face and she ran up to me and hugged me.

Erica was human I could tell because she didn't smell like a werewolf, she had a heart best, and I didn't sense any magic in her. She was blond and really good looking and perfect for Eric. I always thought it was funny Eric and Erica names were so close but no one ever talked about it.

"Gary you scared me! When I asked you to dance and you just walked away I thought you weren't coming back. Then you came back with this fine piece of ass it made my night. Dancing with the two hottest guys I've ever seen is way better than dancing with a jerk who stood me up." Erica laughed pulling us both to dance.

We danced for about an hour with Erica just holding our hands and Gary and I switching to steal her away for a quick turn or dip. Eventually she wanted a change up and repositioned us. She turned her bum to face Gary and matched fronts with me. We made sort of a sandwich with Gary and I facing each other and her in the middle. She started to grind between us and I looked around and I noticed everyone was ready doing it. I've never done anything like this so I was a little nervous. Gary who I noticed was a great dancer started grinding with her. He noticed that I was uncomfortable and pulled me in closer with his hands on my hips.

"Okay Finn it's obvious you're new to this so here move your hips in to her. Think of it as doing a vertical worm only with your hips."

His hands went a little lower on my hips, borderline pelvic area and he helped me rotate them. His touch was electric and I caught myself before moaning. Not because of grinding in to her, but because Gary was touching me in such an intimate way. Erica was way shorter than us so her head was in my pec area so I looked up and Gary had an odd look on his face.

The song changed and the grind somehow was instantly faster. He stared at me while grinding occasionally closing his eyes and biting his lips. He had a look of lust on his face and I wanted him so bad. Being bold I reached over and put my hands on his waists and started to grind more, sexually?

"Whoa boys! You guys are getting heated. You might want to fix yourselves...nice packages by the way. This girl needs a break, it was fun dancing with you two." Erica replied touching both of our faces and walking away; while Gary stared at me for a moment before walking away.

I walked back to the punch bowl and I had another cup before realizing why it tasted so funny. I looked at the dance floor and everyone seemed to be enjoying there night. I realized I knew who a lot of these people were now and a lot of them waved when I looked there way. I could see Mike and Lisa dancing next to Danny and Ashely. I searched for Damon and Monica but I couldn't find them.

"Aye dude enjoying your night?"

"Hey Damon! Yeah it's really fun! My first dance couldn't have been more fun."

"Wait! This is your first dance?"

"Yup! Why do you seem so surprised?"

"Well the way you were dancing with Gary I wouldn't think this was your first time." He joked drinking a cup of the punch. "These spiked drink taste terrible, but I guess they get the job done. Well we have about 70 minutes left of the dance I'm going to enjoy myself. See you later Finn." Damon said walking away.

Walked around the dance just talking to random people or meeting new people. Lisa asked for a dance while Mike needed a break. That didn't last long because he Mike wanted his date back. More bored than before I wondered around the dance until Erica found me. She asked me to dance with her again; and it was fun, but it wasn't the same as when Gary was there.

Speaking of Gary I haven't seen him since we danced which was almost an hour ago. I looked around for him and I found him dancing with a random girls she had light brown hair and green eyes ...they were grinding in to each other, there faces were close and.....they were kissing. He had his hands grabbed around her waist and she had her's on his face.

All of a sudden most of the lights went off except for a strobe light. Everyone went wild and started raving. I felt someone rub a cloth against my nose, then something changed. I don't know what came over me but I started to growl. It was deep and angry. With the loud music playing no human could tell it was a growl but Lisa, Danny, and Damon stopped what they were doing and listened . Gary noticed to and stopped making out with her and looked at me in fear. My vision went blurry and turned blue.

I ran over to them and pushed Gary so hard he flew and knocked 7 people down with him. I leaned over his body growling again but louder, this time everyone heard. Some girls screamed in horror other looked confused.

"Hey guys we are having some technical difficulties with the speakers sorry about that." The voice was familiar, I looked up and it was Eric, and he was covering for me?

"What the fuck Finn! What's your problem?!" Gary yelled standing back up.

"Gggrrrrrrrruh" I growled low.

"Oh shit, Lisa? Damon?" Gary whispered.

By now there was a small circle around us watching to see what happened. Gary looked scared, but not because I would hurt him. He looked like he was scared I would expose the supernatural world. Wrong choice he should be scared of me hurting him.

I stepped forward and he backed up. Before he could blink I grabbed him and slammed him on the ground, then kicked his stomach. Then kneeled and punched him in the face various time until his face had blood on most of it. I smelt a vampire and I wanted to protect it....I looked at his face and he looked legitimately scared for his life.

What happened next happened fast, the teachers and most of the dance were oblivious to what was happening because it was dark and people were screaming of joy. It was dark so no one knew who either of us were, and Gary knew because he could smell me. Damon pulled me out of the circle and dragged me outside with super speed. Lisa did the same for Gary. Before I knew it we were outside and then everything got worse.

I felt pain, but strength everywhere in my body. My vision that was blue turned red. My already heightened senses got multiplied. I could smell anything that was miles from here. I could smell Jack and Cathy eaton popcorn, I could smell my house, and my dads things in his room. And I could smell Damon....and his fear.

"Finn? Finn are you okay?"

"Rrrrraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagh!" I roared stepping closer.

"Oh shit what he fu-"

He couldn't finish, I grabbed his neck and lifted him off his feet. My animal instincts were telling me to kill this inferior male, but he would make a good mate. I brought him back to the ground and grabbed him tight and close and sniffed him. He smelt good and similar to another creature I wanted.

"Finn?! Stop! What are you doing that's Damon he is your friend! Don't hurt him like your did Gary." A voice in my head said.

The voice sounded familiar yet frustrating because it was trying to control me, no one controls me! I slammed Damon's body in to a turn and the tree fell. Damon looked at me scared like the other one was. What's his name? Who am I holding? What's my name?

"Finn? Finn? Oh no! He is loosing his humanity. How did this happen? Finn snap out of it! Don't force me to hurt you!" Lisa yelled, now standing before me....making my wolf take over.

I lay human down. Not human, inferior male wolf. I superior wolf none stop me. Lady wants to hurt me? Female wolf threaten me? Female is not friend! Wolf must KILL!"

"GrrrrrrrROAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaAaah!" I boomed before getting on all fours and stalking female wolf.

"Finn I'm sorry but you forced me to do this!"

Wolf feel pain in head! Wolf hurt, but must kill Female who threaten wolf. Wolf feel sleepy, wolf feel angry! Wolf not scared, wolf attack....when........wolf............awaken.

Darkness. All I see is darkness, it was a struggle to open my eyes. They felt heavy and I was swore all over. Eventually I gathered the strength to open my eyes, then I wished I didn't. I was naked, well almost naked I had on my black boxer briefs from last night, no shirt on or anything...not even shoes. I looked around and I was tired to a tree facing the back of the Slack's (Lisa's family) house.

I looked to my left and all I seen was the woods, and I looked to my right and I almost had a heart attack. Jack was sitting I a chair next to me holding a gun. He leaned in closer to me and his eyes narrowed.

"Aaahh what the fuck are you doing Jack?!" I yelled leaning the other way.

"Are you...back to normal?

"What are you talking about?"

"You ambushed my three kids and almost exposed them and yourself. We know that you would never do anything to hurt them so you under the influence of a spell."

"Oh my god...I'm so sorry Jack! The last thing I remember is walking on the dance floor and a cloth in my face...then nothing. Was it really that bad?"

"Yes, you changed last night. You were a werewolf..."

"I changed?! I thought I'm not suppose to change until today?"

"Well you change half the day before....Finn....you're not just a normal werewolf. You're a alpha Werewolf. A werewolf pack is scarce and an alpha is even more rare. As I know of there are only 5 alpha's besides the originals....and you're one of them."

"How did this happen?"

"Well no one knows for sure, maybe it's your status as the supernatural prince? Some wolfs have shown potential in the past, like Gary. However most were hunted down by your father before they could change."

"How does he find them?"

"He can smell them. Your father is the king(alpha) of the underground world. He has unlimited resources and access. The only reason why he hasn't found you or any of us is because your mother's spells."

"Whoa! So if last night was only half of my transformation what will happen tonight?"

"You will experience the worst pain of your life starting at noon. It will increasingly get worse until you turn in to a werewolf around 7pm and then get worse until you are a alpha at midnight." He said untying me.

"What if I hurt someone again?"

"You won't. Wolfs don't hurt humans, especially since you're a witch, a protector of nature. "

"Well what about your family?"

"Your wolf rejected Damon and Lisa's company's because in reality they are below you. Since you've been passed out your wolf has gotten closer to the whole family and warmed up to them. You will find yourself being more....comfortable and intimate with the family."

"So if this is all true why do you have a gun?"

"Oh this?! This is a toy, I was bored...I'm still 21 so don't judge me." Jack said holding his hands up.

I went inside and showered and ate like a starved caveman again. I took a quick nap before waking up in pain. I couldn't smell anyone in the house except for Jack who seemed to be napping himself. I wanted to text everyone and tell them sorry... but my phone was in my pocket and I have no idea where my pants are. Even smelling for them was too much because I smelt everything and it was hard to focus. To pass the time I put my headphones in an listened to my ipod to pass the time until the pain started to get worse. I guess I passed out again because I woke up to the sound of Lisa calling my name.

"Yay you're up!!!!!!!!!!!" Lisa yelled.

"Yeah! What's going on?"

"Just follow me downstairs."

I went downstairs and I was surprised, everyone was there. Even Ashley,Erica, and Monica who I thought were human. They all had their hands behind their backs so I was a little scared, until Lisa put her hand on my back. I looked around and they decorated the place with banners everywhere that said "my first time" I was extremely confused because why would they even have this?"

"I know what you're thinking, why do we have this? I read minds so stop looking at me like that! Anyways, it's a tradition in werewolf culture? I dunno, but we did this for you!" Lisa said pointing at the decorations.

"Woohoo!" Everyone cheered.

"The banner was Garry's fault, he found it at Spencer's..." Mike and Damon said at the same time.

"What's that?" I asked, amused that there was a store that sold such highly suggestive things.

"Moving on with the gifts then! I'll go first!" Danny said ignoring my question.

Danny got me some doggy shampoo, I wasn't suppose to comment on anything and I had to put it in a bag so no one else could see what he got me. Next was Ashley and Monica who gave me a leash and dog for dummies book. After this I noticed they were mock gifts to lighten the mood....even though my body was aching and getting worse by the second. After them it was Damon and Monica who gave me two boxes of beef jerky, and Erica who gave me a book labeled "how to dance for white boys." I couldn't hold in my laughter and everyone looked at me curious about what she gave me. Then it was Mike and Lisa's turn who gave me a more serious gift. It was a card that said "we bought you new clothes since you will probably rip a lot of your old ones your first couple days, and a new iPhone with all your contacts in it since Your last one was broken last night!"

"My phone is broken?!?!??!" I yelled startling everyone.

"Hey! Your not suppose to say anything dude!" Mike said laughing and giving me a look.


Next it was Gary's turn. He gave me picture of his door and a note that said " now that you are a wolf maybe you can learn not to sweat on my bed for a week, and pass out in it whenever you want. I'm kidding....smile if you want the next gift." I stared at him for a moment with no expression then I forced the most fake smile I could muster. He then handed me a card that said "you'll get your gift later on tonight;)" and there was a condom in there.

I looked up and his lips were poking out and he leaned closer. I scoffed a grunt and pushed punched his arm. He then stood closer...really close....he looked in to my eyes and brushed my face. I noticed everyone was quiet and watching... I seen him smiling a wicked smile before I realized that it was probably of his sex jokes...but he pulled out a large snickers bar with the biggest smile I've ever seen on him. He then started making kissing motions with his eyes closed.

"You're a terrible person!"

"My gift was the best...so far!" He said pointing to his parents. Finally it was Cathy and Jack's turn.

"Okay our gift can be said aloud because we can't wrap it exactly...." Jack started fiddling with his hands.

"Yeah, we wanted this day to be special for you and I hope that this isn't overwhelming. So! Finn if you would please follow me outside ?"

Everyone gave me grins and smiles as I looked at them for any warning for what was to come. I looked to Mike who had a cheesy smile and shrugged. I tried with Lisa and she just pointed to outside. As I approached the door I expected to see a new car or something...but there wasn't anything there.

"Uh what's going-"

"Surprise!!!!!!" A man about three years older yelled coming from behind me.

"Who is this?" I asked taking a step back.

"Finn! You should know who I am. Hours and hours of taking care of you. You can't smell me?"

Then it all clicked...I took a sniff of the air and my suspicions were correct. This younger looking man was my father. Not Clark the evil werewolf it was the man that was pudgy and short. He was flawless and the looked too perfect to be human. Now he was about 6'5 he had blond hair like me, the same eye color, and he had a butt chin like me....he even had the same smile I had.

"Wait, dad?"

"Yes!" He ran up to me and gave me the biggest hug I've ever received.

"I've missed you da!" I said crying now.

"I know love, I've missed you too. I will never leave you again for so long I promise." He said rubbing my half and I could have sworn I felt a couple tears on his back.

"Well! We are all going to eat some food, why don't you boys go talk in the forest huh?" Cathy suggested pushing is in the direction.

I followed my younger and greatly more attractive father on to the woods. He looked so much like me I wanted to ask why but every time I tried no words came out. He seemed like he knew exactly where to go to be out of hearing range for the Slack's and my friends.

"Okay this is good enough." He said stopping and looking at me.

"Okay so what did you need to tell me da?"

"What can't I talk to my son? I haven't seen you...well since you were different. I can tell so much has changed in you in so little time. I know this can be a confusing time in your life Finn, but I a WEREWOLF and your Da will always be here for you. I know my mother didn't tell you the truth about who your real dad was but I love you as much as anything Father can love his child. I will protect you from ANY other creature....even if they are your friends....or more." He pressed with questionable motives.

"Da, what are you trying to say? My friends wouldn't try to hurt me. Especially my good closer ones."

"I know that love. It's just that you have always seen the best in people and you're so innocent that I just don't want you to get hurt. By anyone."

"Okay?....well I know I have you to protect me. But, Is this because you have been gone for a while getting all territorial?"

"Yes son! I've missed you so much! I'm sorry that I haven't been here the past couple weeks but I had business to handle...but you couldn't have been more right. I smell Jack on you so it's fine. I also smell Damon, Lisa, Mike, two humans, and two witches...also fine but I smell two vampires on you. I'm okay with vampires especially when they are younger and innocent. However it seems like Gary has been around you a lot. You smell a lot like him is there anything you want to tell me? "

My dad was still the same person. Even though he looked younger he still had the same wisdom of a older man. He is more protective now than ever though. Shouldn't he let me go to find a mate and become an adult? I would think that he would be less uptight about this since he knew I could protect myself.

"He is a good friend and has been helping me control my powers and their limits."

"I don't know what a vampire knows about being a witch, if you do tell me."

"Well he is a mutant too da..."

"I know that Finn, but he has one gift you many. I just don't want you to hurt anyone or yourself. To be honest the only person that can teach you is your mother; and she is busy keeping the balance of nature at bay."

"When can I see her?"

"Soon! She misses you so much an she is sorry for leaving and lying to you, we both are. I know it's odd to think of me the same da you always had since I don't look the same."

"It's okay da, but this is weird! I mean you're like 21 and...and hot! "

"Yeah this is how I look underneath that spell."

"Why do I look so much like you? I mean Clark is my father right?"

"Well Clark is my twin brother. So it does look like you and I are brothers in a non sick way."

"Wait so you're really my uncle? This is crazy! So did you and my mom really...you know really love each other?"

"Yes! I-uh mean yeah we do. And yes I am your uncle Chase."

"Good! At least that part is real, you know about you guys loving each other ."

"Well I'm here now and I promise from now on everything will be real. I can't believe this day is happening. Although I thought it would happen when you were 20 but now that you are changing as we speak I'm excited. I'm also glad you're finally starting to change into your new human body."


"Yeah! You are going to become even more attractive once you change. Especially now that you're going to be an alpha."

"That already happened...dad how much more attractive can I be? I am not trying to be s jerk but I already have people turning heads..."

"I'll let you find out. You are not only a werewolf you are a witch and could become a vampire if you choose also. When a human is something of the supernatural they are more attractive. When you combine them they are even more attractive. Now you are a witch, and a werewolf so you are twice as attractive than any one else that turned. Now you are an alpha so that means it is two more...making it 3 times as much. Now if you became a vampire you will add one more making it 4. You already are a "head turner" but after you change that will only multiply. "

"Why attractiveness?"

"It's a to tell us apart from humans. It also makes us closer to nature. It's like seeing an animal in it's natural habitat. Imagine a polar bear playing in the snow, or a butterfly on a flower. Beautiful isn't it? Well all are a more pure (corrupted) part of it because we are inorganic. "

"Still makes no sense but okay! So should we go back to the party?"

"Yes we can! Oh! By the way I know you have been struggling with the pain. Your heart rate is all over the place...and you have been shaking. Try to concentrate on something that will calm you. Try not to concentrate on nature though. You are a witch but right now that part is rejecting you until you turn. "

"I guess you know me better than I thought! Okay thanks for the advice da."

We walked back to the house and everyone was eating and having fun. They all cheered again when we came back in and went back to the party. Wanting to let Lisa and Mike know that everything was okay I made my way over to them.

"Soooo, how did it go?" Mike asked whispering.

"Babe you don't need to whisper, half the party can bear you anyways."

"Oooh sorry everybody!!!" Mike yelled earning himself confused looks from everyone.

"I'm pretty sure that made it worse mate...but it went well. I found out my dad is my uncle, my mother wants to see me, I am going to become even more attractive, and it's going to hurt like a bitch when I turn in a couple hours, actually it hurts like a bitch right now."



"Judging by your silence I'm guessing you both already knew all this? Wow guys! What else do you know that you aren't telling me?"

"That's it I swear!" Mike exclaimed.


"I uh know something but it's minor, but I can't tell you unless it will mess up everything. I'm sorry."

"Lisa! Can you at leas tell me what it's about?"

"No, I can't...you know how much I honor loyalty, but trust me; by me keeping this secret I am being loyal."

"Hmmm, I'm still mad at you but okay then."

We finished up our little chat, which I found out it was pretty much my best friends observing my reaction to what they already knew. The party went by fast but I eventually went up stairs to lay down because the pain was terrible. I wanted to shift but I couldn't, last night it happened so easy. Now it was torture. It was as if I was turning but slowly.

"Thats because that is exactly what's happening!" Lisa said standing in my doorway, by the way I'm back in my own house now.

"Everyone left a couple minutes ago, besides my family and your dad.

"And MEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeree" Mike yelled in a high pitch voice.

"That's attractive Mike I see what she sees in you"

"Hey! thats my man you're talking about, be careful Finn."

"Sorry , sorry! Didn't mean to offend anyone."

"I'm joking Finn! Anyways everyone said they wish you the best and can't wait to see you tomorrow at school..."

"Tomorrow? Am I going to be okay to go tomorrow?"

"You'll be just a little sore, plus you need to deal with being under pressure. On top of that you have Danny, Damon,Mike, Gary, Erica, Ashley, Monica , and I all to help you! It won't be that bad, actually you might enjoy it! "

"Okay I trust you...well Mike what are you going to do while I change?"

"I am going to go home and lock myself in doors with my headphones on until after you change. You guys change farther in the forest so I can't hear a thing anyways, but it calms the nerves. I know that Damon, Gary, Jack, Chase, and Lisa can change even ever they want but on the full moon crazy things happen so I just want you to be careful okay?"

"Okay! You're giving me a cavity Mike! I've never seen you act so sweet and concerned!" I joked fixing my messy hair.

"Yeah well, we will see who is sweet in couple hours! I'll see you later dude be safe and please don't eat any animals raw. It's gross dude."

"Haha okay Mike!"

"Well it looks like you will be changing in to your beta form soon so I will tell every one to get the shed prepared for your alpha form. Text me if you need anything, Gary will be here in a few to take over until you turn while we prepare and turn ourselves."

"Wait so next time I see you I'll be a wolf?"

"Yup! When turning you, uh get more aggressive for a while. Your wolf doesn't know how to feel about other wolfs yet even though it's used to my family, except Gary. For some reason your wolf loves him. Last night I guess your wolf was trying to protect him from humans, but when he didn't listen your wolf tried a little tough love. So he is going to be the one to help you change and let your wolf out of the shed. He will also be joining us tonight. "

"Okay, well how will I know it's you?"

"You'll smell me! Also I can communicate with minds, occasionally control. Also wolfs can communicate with each other."

"Well then, sounds like you guys have everything worked out! Thanks once again guys! I love you both and see you on the other side Lisa!"

They both left and I decided to change in to something more comfortable. I put on sweats and a white shirt and laid down until the pain was unbearable. My temples were throbbing and my bones breaking. My body was hot, but my skin was cold. I heard Gary come in my house and head I the stairs.

"Okay Finn, whoa!"

"What's wrong?!" I asked frightened.

"No nothing it's just you're suppose to change into a beta and your body is just changing your human form."

I looked in the mirror and Gary was right, my body was changing. My lips looked slightly bigger, my chest muscles were hard and flexing. My waste slimmed down a little, and my arms and calfs were larger and more toned. My ass grew a too and it felt extremely tight. I looked at my eyes and they were three different colors; they were royal blue and yellow around my iris and baby blue on the rest of it. My jaw line was enlarged and I looked like a model.

"You look the same but better, I didn't think it was possible but I like this." Gary said coming behind me.

"Thanks, I don't like it though. I liked the way I was before...now I don't even look the same really. I mean I do but you know what I mean..."

"I think you're wrong Finn. I think that you do look the same except now your outside matches your inside." Gary said leaning in closer.

"So you seen this part of me all along huh?"

"Yeah , all it took was all your bones being rearranged twice for you to see it. Well we should head to the shed. It looks like you are just going to skip to alpha form when you change. That's not a bad thing but it will hurt more."

"You said you knew a way to help the pain?"

"Oh yeah I do. I think you're ready for it. Now come on let's go!"

Gary grabbed my hand and pushed me of the door. On the way there he put his hand on my waist to help support me. His touch took away the pain completely and replaced it with pleasure. Sexual pleasure. It felt like he might as well been sucking on my ears. I moaned once or twice and he just chuckled, and the longer he held me the better it felt. Eventually I acted like it was grunts from pain, but I highly doubt that he believed it.

"Okay we are here!"

"This is it? This is a pretty nice shed for a shed."

And it was, it was brown and about 10ft high. It had no windows and it looked to be sound proof. The inside had a fridge with water and a small closet with a change of clothes and a bath. It had bean bags in a corner and it was pretty comfy for a place where I will become an animal.

"My family put this here so just in case when I need to hunt or when Lisa and Damon want to get away from civilization this is here. I used to come here everyday after school to practice hunting...Lisa and Damon don't even use it anymore. Damon has his tree house and Lisa has her room. I have my rock but I also have this place too."

"Uggggh sounds nice." I whimpered in pain.

"Are you okay dude? Your heart is beating super fast. Did the pain return?"

"Yeah it did- wait you know it left?"

"My touch can help your pain go away as long as you're touching me."

"Wait why?"

"Um....it's ...a vampire....thing? Ya? Vampires can help a werewolf when changing the first time....but they usually don't get along well, so you can see how that works out." Gary said looking up and fidgeting with his hands.

"I feel like you are lying , but! It helps so I'm not going to question it. Also, this might be asking a lot but can I come here when I need to get away? I mean I've always felt like I need to but never really had a place to go."

"See I thought you might feel that way so I made you an extra key, you know just in case..."

"Well that's ugh sweet of you Gary. You know when I first met you I knew we would be good friends. I mean you creeped me out, lied to me, and pretended to be your brother...but since then I feel that you have opened up to me."

"Aww just friends? I always felt like it was more." Gary whispered grabbing my hands.

I felt pleasure then pain as my body started to change in to my alpha form. I looked to Gary in desperation and he looked at me with a look that was hard to read. He then put his hands on my face and the pleasure I felt before returned and I felt weak in my knees. He leaned in close inches apart. His eyes were focused on mine and slowly moved in closer his lips brushing across my cheek and I literally felt my body breaking.

"Somehow I'm speeding up the process. The touch from a vampire is suppose to take away pain I didn't mean to almost kiss you...again."

"Gary, whatever you doing its helping" I grunted grabbing him and pulling him in closer.

He did something that really surprised me, he moved in even closer and rubbed his face against mine. Once again the pleasure and then pain followed. I felt my body being covered in fur and the pain was at an all time high, but Gary found away around it. His arms wrapped around my waste and he laid me down with him on top. He took off my sweats and shirt but he never looked at my naked(fur) body. Everything from my waste down was covered in Fur and turning the shape of a wolf, and it was slowly spreading to my upper body. He started to lick my neck and I thought I was going to cum from it. He then started grinding his hips in to me and started kissing my neck. The pleasures that was building peeked with the pain and it was all too much for me to handle and I came. I squirted at least 15 times from cum that has been built up for weeks. Some if it landed on the ground but most of it somehow was in Gary's crotch area.

"Ohhh god! Gary! Aww!!!! Grrrrrrrogggghhhj!" My moan turned in to a roar.

"Whoa! That worked huh? You're fully a alpha werewolf now. I guess that kiss did the trick huh? In more ways than one I can see!" Gary said looking at my cum that was all over him and my now furry body. "Okay so can you understand me? Because you're just laying there looking at me like a little puppy." Gary said standing up and grabbing a mirror.

"Hey! Has he- whoa! What a big boy! Wow Finn's wolf is huge and for sure an alpha! How was his change?" Lisa asked walking in to the shed followed by Damon.

"Whoa! He is the bigger than dad! How did you tame an alpha Gary?" Damon said surprised.

"I don't know, I helped him change. Maybe that's why he is so calm."

"Cool bro!" Damon said touching Gary's shoulder.

"Grrrrrrrrrrrrhhhhhh" Finn wolf growled.

"Whoa! And protective! Hmm let me try!" Lisa said touching Gary.

"GRRRRRTRUUHHHHHH!" Finn wolf growled louder warning fellow werewolf not to touch Gary.

"Damn Finn's wolf like loves you Gary!....wait! Is he-" Damon started.

"Okay you should turn before we piss him off. He is already pretty tame for his first time. We don't want to mess that up." Gary said bringing me, the alpha wolf a mirror.

Lisa and Damon turn wolf fast! They are friend, they help Finn. They smell Finn and Finn smell them. Finn play with other werewolf, but Gary look at Finn like he need Finn.

"Gary friend? Or not? More? Gary smell like Finn! Is Gary a mate? Wolf should clean vampire!"

"Whoa! Finn you're already trying to talk? That's fast!"

"Lisa and Damon hear Finn?"

"Yeah! Your brain hasn't adjusted to your wolf yet I'll try to help but it could take a sec, you won't feel anything until it's done. Gary wants to speak with you, by the way you were just barking at him and he doesn't understand you. So just listen, but hey Damon go tell dad and Chase that Finn is doing great we will be there in a couple minutes."

"Sure thing sis, and nice Finn. You're learning fast! I'll see you when you're not sounding like a caveman." Damon left and now Finn need to listen to Gary.

Wolf walked up to Gary, Gary seem confused? Scared? Wolf rub against Vampire. Wolf want Vampire to play with wolf. Wait wolf have cum on crotch. Wolf lick off cum off of Vampire.

"Whoa there Finn!" Gary yelled surprised. "Oh! You're cleaning me. I wish you were this nice when you were human!" Vampire spoke rubbing Finn wolf.

"Okay! Finn, you should start thinking normal again." Lisa spoke turning to face door.

"Oh, looks like Lisa wants you to leave. Okay well I think I might change in to a wolf later on too. Remember Finn I'm not a werewolf so you have to be more gentle when I'm a wolf."

"Rrrrrrruff" I barked my tail wagging.

Gary then started to rub behind my ear giving me extreme pleasure. My foot started to hit the ground and I didn't want this to stop. I looked up at Gary and he just laughed and then patted me and pointed to the door.

"Okay Finn I know you have a thing for him but we should go ..."

"Grrrrrrrrr" I growled at Lisa. "Fine, let's go."

Lisa walked out and I followed but before I left I turned to look back at Gary and he was taking off his clothes. He saw me looking at him and blinked. I wanted nothing more to have him as a boyfriend...but I'm sure that almost kiss only was to take the pain away. I felt a nip on my side and it was Lisa who looked concerned but I just started to walk away from the door.

"Are you okay? You smell of sadness."

"Yeah, I was just thinking about something. So where are we suppose to go?"

"Just follow me yeah? It's not far at all."

Lisa took off running and I followed. There was something about running on all fours that felt so right. I was on an adrenaline high and I quickly caught up to her. She looked surprised, and started to say something but I was tackled. The wolf that tackled me was smaller and lighter and I could tell it was Damon. He and I wrestled for a bit until he got tired and got left.

"You have so much energy, you're like a little puppy."

"I just feel happy! This is great!" I yelled running back and forth.

"Hey son, whoa Damon wasn't lying you are huge!" My father said coming up from behind a tree.

"Yeah , you are! Even as a wolf you are quite attractive. Your coat is super blond!" Lisa said moving closer.

"He is way bigger than us Clark! That tells you something." Jack said following my da.

I noticed that everyone's coat is the same color as their hair color. Lisa had a dirty blond coat and her eyes were hazel still. Damon still had jet black coat with emerald eyes, and his father and my mine still had the same color too. They all looked like wolfs big bigger and stronger they seemed to act similar to when they were human but more animalistic. Like Damon was marking a tree with his pee, jack was eating a bug, and my da was licking his paw. Lisa was different though , she still had perfect posture and sat elegantly waiting for until something caught he attention. I felt sort of the same, but more like a child than a 17 year old senior.

"Can we play? Or run? I want to explore things!" I whined.

"Wow! You're like a child again, but you can "play" after we give you some information. Damon, Lisa can we have some alone time with Finn? We will get out of your way just the us a couple minutes." Jack said .

"Okay dad, but if you're not done in 3 minutes then we are taking him." Damon warned walking away.

"So Finn, there are some rules that you need to know being a werewolf, and being an alpha. You can change whenever you want, but not around humans. We must keep this a secret okay? Also you can change around your friends that already know about us. On the full moon your body has more energy than normal. Also when you find a mate please try not to he her pregnant, you are still my son and too young to be a dad. You have an eternity."

" Yeah I waited over 1,000 years to have my three kids, and I still wasn't prepared for what that meant. On the full moon you become more...loving and it has consequences." Jack said sitting next to me.

"I am sure I won't get anyone pregnant..."

"Yeah but when you have a mate everything changes...just be careful okay?"

"Okay I understand..."

"Wait there's more! Also vampires, they usually won't bother a werewolf but just be careful they are strong and fast and won't hesitate to hurt you unprovoked. However you are also a witch so they are the ones that should be scared."

"Yeah, but you won't ever be alone in that situation. You have my family and your dad to watch out for you..."

"Dad! Stop! You're talking him to death! You can give him all the boring details tomorrow let him enjoy being a werewolf." Lisa said coming back and pushing her dad away.

"Yeah he isn't even paying attention! Look!" Damon said pointing to me rolling over in leaves.

"Good point, okay we will see you guys tomorrow . Have fun and be safe!"

"Yeah and Finn, don't do anything that will put Lisa, Damon, or Gary in danger okay?"

"Okay da! Can we run now?" I begged Lisa.

"Yeah yeah, okay see you later dad and Chase. We will take care of him." Lisa responded ignoring me.

"Thanks Lisa, I know he is in good hands." My father said giving us all a final look before walking away.

"Okay now can we do something?" I asked hoping up and down.

"Yeah, we can run now. But lets go get Gary and Mike first."

I was so full of energy and sprit that I couldn't sit still. My senses started to become stronger the longer I was a wolf. I smelt like a newborn wolf and I could smell everything Lisa and Damon ate the past week. I could also smell Mike on Lisa and Monica on Damon. Not in a sexual way just a faint familiar scent.

As we approached the shed I got really excited. I can't wait to see Gary and explore with him. I could smell Mike in the shed and Gary, but there was another foreign scent that was all over. We walked in Mike was texting someone and Gary was sitting with this beautiful girl and she was rubbing his neck affectionately and looking into his eyes. She was gorgeous and had green eyes and light brown hair. She was the same girl from the dance. I found myself getting more angry by the second. Before I knew it I was growling and walking into the shed slowly.

"Hey guys you know Emerald...my girl friend." Gary said rubbing her neck and giving her a quick kiss. I felt like dying and I couldn't help leer at them before walking outside whimpering, trying not to lose control.

Next: Chapter 4

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