I Want Your Bite

By Me

Published on Jun 26, 2013


Thanks for all the feedback I'm glad you are all enjoying the story. Feedback is still encouraged, and I will like to hear where you all want the story to go! Once again thanks.

Back at Damon's house I helped him clean his bed off and then he drove me to school. I finally seen Mike and Lisa at lunch and I confronted them about this new information I found out.

"So you guys knew the whole time?!" I yelled.

"Well...yes, but please don't be mad at us!" Lisa pleaded looking to Mike for assistance.

"Yeah sorry Finn! I just didn't know how to tell you, or if you would ever become a werewolf." Mike said rubbing my back.

"I'm just amazed that this could happen to me...and Damon has been great!"

"Wait what do you mean Damon?" Lisa asked curiously.

"Hey guys! What's up?" Damon asked sitting next to me.

"Uh Gary? What ARE you doing?" Lisa asked looking into his eyes.

"Nothing little sis I'm just wanted to hang with my friend Finn and Mike here. Is that fine with you?" He asked sarcastically.

"Can I speak with you in private?" She said grabbing his arm roughly and walking away.

"Well that was weird wasn't? She called Damon Gary?" I asked Mike.

"Uh kinda I guess. I don't know I'm confused! " he said chuckling.

"So Mike you and Lisa...you're together forever huh?"

"Well not exactly...I'm a human so I will die someday, but for the rest of my life yes."

"Well what happens when you are like 70 and Lisa still looks 21?"

"Well I look young until I die... perks of loving an immortal." He said smiling and getting lost in his own thoughts.

"So how did you know that she was the one?"

"Well for me since I'm human I didn't see much change except I felt like so emotionally attached and horny all the time around her; which is pretty normal for all teenage boys right? From the age of 12 all I wanted was sex and love from her.That didn't happened until later though." He said winking.

"So what if a wolf chooses another male what happens?"

"Well isn't not a choice bro it just happens, but if you have feelings for a guy dude it's cool with me."

"Ha! I'm glad to I know, I was just curious if it would work out..." I said looking away and picturing Damon.

"Well I don't know man! I'm guessing it would since once again, it's not a choice!....well I better head to class man, see you after school."

I walked to class with this new information, and all day I thought about it. I'm not sure Damon is the right pick because sometimes I feel like he is different and then other times I don't. It seems like it was so easy for Lisa and Mike. I still had to talk to Lisa's dad

"HeyFinnnnnn!" Damon yelled giving me a fright.

"What in the bloody hell are you doing?" I yelled.

"I'm on my way to football practice! What about you?"

"I thought you were captain of the lacrosse team?"

"No, that's Gary. I'm the captain of the football team bro."

"Then why did you tell me that you were?" I asked confused.

"I think Gary has been playing tricks on you, we barely talked man..."

"I haven't even met Gary though..." I said more confused than ever.

"Yeah you have! I only met you when I asked if Mike was staying for dinner...I was a little weirded out because you looked at me like you knew me. I have been around and we made small talk and I was there in the woods when I scared you by telling you to look at you're own eyes... "

"That's not why I was scared...When you showed me your eyes could glow that scared me.."

"Wasn't me bro!"

"So it was Gary?"

"Well Yeah, I've seen you guys together sometimes !"

"So it was Gary the rest of the time???? But you guys are triplets! How do you look the same?"

"Uh...well my mom released two eggs that made my sister and another egg, mine or my brothers. The egg doubled, you know the process; and it eventually created me and my brother."

"Whoa! so you guys are identical! That still doesn't explain much about how you never noticed about him taking your place."

"What is this Scooby-Doo? Well Gary is a trickster, I went away to prepare to help train you for your transition, but I'm guessing Gary acted like me? Somehow he tricked my parents...but I'm back now so you don't have to worry about that anymore. Plus there are a couple ways to tell us apart.."


"You'll just have to find out." The actual Damon said winking and heading to practice.

I was pissed and wanted to get back at Gary for lying to me. This guy I thought I was falling for wasn't even the guy I thought he was....or was he? I mean I got to know him as a person and at the time I didn't know him it wasn't the actual Damon. So I was going to expose Gary and ask him why he lied to me, but on the way to my car Lisa stopped me.

"Hey Finn want to give me lift home? Since you are staying there."

"Yeah hop in Lisa!"

She got in and I drove us home. We made little small talk on the way , but it was mostly silent. Today at school was a little odd and I don't know why so I decided to ask Lisa.

"Hey Lisa, have you noticed anything different at school? Like everyone was acting odd."

"Well that's probably because you don't look the same. I mean everyone that's not in ASB or lacrosse barely knows who you are, but at the same time your first two days you were the talk of the school. Everyone thought the you were one of the hottest guys in school, and after being gone like a week you come back looking even hotter! Finn you are THE hottest guy in school and you don't even know it."

"Well no, I haven't looked I the mirror in the past 24 hours since I've been awake!"

"Point taken, but my brother and I changed at a younger age so everyone thought it was puberty; with you well they don't know what happened."

"Wait you mean brothers right?"

"No....well I guess we are here! I'm going to go set up for your first day of training! I'll see you later Finn." Lisa said almost running out of the car.

It seemed like almost every conversation I had the more confused I was. If only one of her brothers changed does that mean the other hasn't yet? They are half human so maybe one of them didn't get the gene. To clear my head I decided to sit outside and listen to nature.

I sat and I just listened...I heard animals and the wind. I heard buzzing and birds. It calmed me so much that I imagined water and rain falling...and suddenly if got darker. I looked up and there were rain clouds that weren't there before. What was clear and sunny a second ago was not dark and cloudy.

"Impressive." A voice said.

I turned around and it was Damon(Gary). I lost focus and suddenly felt weaker and the sky cleared up as if the clouds were never there. I looked at Gary and he had a smirk on his face.

"Did I do that?" I asked frightened

"Well I would like to think so! Don't be scared though."

"What do you mean! A day ago I didn't even know anything about this!"

"That's why you have my family to help you!"

"What help? All of you only give me half the details if that!"

"Wow you really don't know who you are huh?" He said sitting down.

"Well I could say the same thing about you, Gary!"

"Oh! So you figured it out huh? Well I'm proud! I thought it would have taken you at least a couple more days!" Gary said laughing and rubbing his left eye.

"I'm sorry to disappoint you, but why did you lie to me?"

"Just for fun, I was bored and I like to pick on people." He said smiling.


"No, to he honest my parents wouldn't let me be around you because I'm not a werewolf. So, when Damon left I told them I left and I got a green contact." He said rubbing his left eye more making the contact fall out.

"Your eyes..." I whispered touching his face.

"Yeah my left eye is blue and my right is green..."


"Freaky!...I'm a freak I know, but you'll get over it."

"No, it's unique and I like it!" I said removing my hand and looking away awkwardly.

"Well, uh thanks Finn...so you don't mind me helping you out right? I mean I'm no Damon or Lisa but I can help with your special abilities."

"Yeah sure that would be great, but what are they? What am I? I thought I could only feel animal connections?"

"My dad will explain today in day one of your training. Speaking of that we should head over there now."

Once again feeling more confused I walked with Gary to where his father was. Walking behind him I noticed that he did look different from Damon. Damon wasn't as buff as Gary, and Gary had a better ass. I could smell Gary and it instantly turned me on. I was staring at his body and thinking about all I could do to it. I could careless if he lied to me about being Damon because he did it to get to know me better. Focusing so much on him I didn't notice he stopped walking and I walked right into him.

"Sorry Damon, I mean Gary!"

"Wow! Calling me Damon? I forgot how offensive that actually is."

"Why? Damon seems nice?"

"Exactly!" Gary said giving me his smirk.

"Excuse me boys! You are late! At home I'm the nice dad, and the loving person, but during training I'm your worst enemy!" Jack yelled.

"Sorry dad, I was just joking around I will take it seriously."

"It's okay, just don't let it happen again! This is Finn's life...and ours always keep that in mind." Jack said taking a seat at a table with six chairs.

"So! Where is everyone else? Gary asked taking a seat and offering me one.

" Damon and Lisa are at practice, and your mother will be here soon."

I sat down and I couldn't stop staring at Gary. He was perfect in every way. His hair was so dark that it made a new black shirt look faded. His lips were soft and kissable, especially when they show his beautiful teeth and smile. I might have stared a little too long because while Gary talked to his father he would glance at me and wink. Deciding to not be obsessive I joined in on the chat. We mostly had small talk about our day until everyone showed up about thirty minutes later.

"Hello everyone!" Cathy greeted us.

"Hey!" Lisa and Damon said at the same time.

"So thanks everyone for coming for Finn's first day of training. Today is just an information day for Finn no actual work...Finn we are all here for any questions you may have, and for comfort."

"Thanks everyone, I appreciate it so much!" I said earning a nod or a smile from everyone.

"Okay Finn let me start...everything I tell you is true, and no one meant to hurt you. So let me start from the beginning. I knew Clark...I am one of the original werewolf and I was Clark's best friend and I have been alive for more than 1,500 years. Clark...he's your father and the head witch is your mother."

"Wait what?! So my mother and father lied to me?" I yelled tearing up.

"No! Well kinda...your mother the one you know as mother is your actual mom. Your father is just a cover up. He doesn't appear to look the way you think he does. Your mother put a spell on him for a distraction. He is also one of the first werewolf. "

"Oh my god!" I yelled.

"Finn I know that this is hard for you sweetie, but please let Jack finish" Cathy suggested while rubbing my back.

"Your father is looking for you Finn. He wants you so that you could help him take over the supernatural world!" Lisa yelled getting back my attention and letting me know how serious this is.

"Yes that is true, but he has been looking for you for 300 years. We all have been protecting you since you came here from your father's spies. He won't stop or rest until we kill him."

"Kill my father?! And oh my god 300 years?!"

"Yes, your father is a threat that must not be underestimated! World War Two resulted from him looking for you! You are a witch and a werewolf! There are none like you Finn! You can control the elements and do the work of nature, and you can change it too! Your mother was a head witch with the ruby...that means all of the power of the necklace is in you! You're also a werewolf so if you could some how master both at the same time you would be truly unstoppable! You're father wants access to that. I know your father better then anyone except Cliff(the man you know as father) which is his brother. Clark has no boundaries and he will do whatever it takes to control you! However your mother is out now searching for him to end all of this..."

"Wait what do you mean end all of this?" I asked now crying.

"Kill Clark for good..."

"He is an evil man Finn, I know you don't see it but he is. He is the tyrant of the supernatural world and he wants you to join him. He is a threat to life as we you know it. Everyone for 300 years have been dying and sacrificing to protect you..." Damon explained how serious the situation is.

"So are there just werewolf and witches?" I asked.

"No! There are more things like humans who have some special abilities like yours....like Gary's." Cathy stated quite coldly.

"Yeah...I was never a complete werewolf or fully human either....I have special talents like yours but different." Gary said looking to his mother.

"Well...uh I think today's lesson is over dad!" Lisa demanded getting up.

"I agree." Jack said leering at Gary.

"Come on Finn let's take a walk" Damon said grabbing my arm.

We walked deep in to the forest and I was confused as to why Damon would take me so far. He looked like he was on a mission and didn't say a word to me. I looked up at the sky and the moon...to think that something so far away influences me so much is unbelievable. I stopped and stared at it and clouds started to form in the sky again.

"Finn...are you okay?" Damon asked stepping closer.

"Yeah...I'm just so...so lost! I mean my parents aren't who I thought they were, you're not who I thought you were, hell I'm not even who I thought I was...."

"True. I've only been alive only for so long I didn't have the choice of telling you. To be honest I don't understand why they waited so long, but think about the good that has come out of it...imagine if you had all this pressure on you as a kid growing up; you'll be a different person standing here today. Actually you probably wouldn't be standing here...you could have already been with your dad or have ways known you were in hiding."

"I never thought about it that way..."

"Well that's because you haven't had anytime to think. That's why I brought you here!" Damon said pointing to a tree house in the middle of the forest.

"Whoa! It's huge!"

"It is isn't?" Damon said smirking, similar to his brothers except the opposite way.

"You're just as bad as Gary" I exclaimed.

"That's where you are wrong...I'm worse!" He said winking and climbing the ladder to the treehouse.

"As far as I know that could be true!" I added following him up.

Once inside I was amazed. The tree house had an heating/cooling system a mini fridge, bean bags, nice carpet, and a tv. It had large windows on each side and a small balcony. Damon sat on the ground and patted the ground next to him.

"This place is amazing! Even though it's like 15ft. up and away from civilization."

"Ha! Well I like to come here to be alone, and to think when I need to."

"Well lad, it's calming for sure!"

"Thanks! So Finn...tell me about yourself! Well I pretty know more than you do, but tell me something no one knows." He said scooting in closer.

"Starting me off easy? Well uh, I've always been insecure about my eyes. Some people say they look scary like a doll or too pure of a color."

"What?! I think your eyes are like the best part of you...well one of them."


"Yeah! I mean they do look almost fake but I like that! It's hard to find someone with blond hair and blue eyes! I mean especially in big bear!"

"Okay now I know your being smarm with me!" I yelled punching his arm.


"Like fucking around?"

"You want me to fuck around with you?!...Well alrighty!" He yelled moving even closer biting his lips.

Before I could answer he was on top of me. He pinned me to the ground and my eyes met his gaze. He green eyes were filled with lust and they glowed extremely bright! He moved in slowly and kissed my neck, then moved back a little to look at my face.

"Damon what are you doing?..."

"I know you want to." He whispered .

"Hey guys! Dad wants us home because we have school so hurry up and come down!" Gary yelled.

"Okay just give us a second!" Damon yelled back not taking his eyes off of me."

"Uh...Damon we should...uh...go" I said wiping my neck.

"Sorry about that...I don't know what happened you're not even gay..I mean I'm not either..." He stumbled.

"It's fine, I think."

"Hey..." He said grabbing my arm; "can we not tell anyone about this? I mean I don't know what happened and..."

"Damon! Calm down! It's fine I won't say anything!..."


"Seriously? What are you guys doing up there?" Gary yelled.

"We uh better get going.." Damon said climbing down.

Damon and Gary have both almost kissed me, but with Gary (who I thought was Damon) I felt that weird connection. Maybe it's because they look alike and act alike too...Damon is more demanding and nicer. Gary is more mysterious and confident.

The walk back to the house was interesting Damon and Gary look so much alike it's scary. I know that identical twins look alike but there is usually something different in their face, height, walk, etc to tell them apart. The only way to tell them apart is Gary's blue eye, but I'm walking behind them and I can't tell which one is Gary. I even tried smelling them and they even smell the same.

"Are you okay back there?" Damon asked.

"Yeah I just can't believe how much you guys look alike." I said sounding stupid.

"Yeah it's weird how identical twins look alike." Gary said coldly.

"What's got you ticked off?" I said grabbing his shoulder.

"Nothing...I just would rather spend my time not walking all this way to tell you guys to come inside!"

"You do realize you could have just called Damon!" I shot back.

"Whoa! Guys, cool it we are already home, see? No need to fight."

"It wasn't a fight..."Gary mumbled walking away.

"I've never seen Gary so mad over something so little. I think he likes you. I mean Gary is a pretty popular guy, but he doesn't have any close friends except Danny and Eric. He likes to keep to himself and the fact he actually showed he was upset around you is a good thing."

"So he always acts this way towards his lads?" I asked following Damon inside.

"Just the good ones." Damon added going into his room.

"That sounds peachy! " I yelled after him.

"Don't take it personally dude!" He yelled back

Finally in the house and starving I decided to go into the kitchen and eat some cereal, and I seen Lisa doing the same. She had her head to the side like she was listening to something. Not wanting to startle her I grumbled to get her attention.

"Oh hey Finn! Sorry I was uh listening to Mike."

"Wait he lives two houses over how can you hear him?"

"My gift is reading minds but it's nothing compared to what you can do!"

"What CAN I do besides the whole weather thing?" I asked fixing myself a bowl of cereal.

"Well anything you want! Your the son of the head witch, which also makes you the head witch in a way. Your mother is limited by the necklace but your not. You can control and manipulate the weather. Heal people, take away or give gifts, bring back the dead ; which I wouldn't suggest because it has crazy consequences. The point is you and your mother are the most powerful witches on earth! Actually since you are half werewolf you are even more powerful."

"So does that make me some type of freak in the "supernatural world"?"

"No...it means you can be a hero if you want. That much power is dangerous in the wrong hands, and I hope it will never be yours that is the wrong hands."

"I would never hurt anyone! You should know that Lisa..."

"I know that, however power is a crazy thing once you have it. Plus you're the werewolf prince/head witch. Everyone is looking for you!"

"Wait what do you mean everyone? There's more than just witches and werewolf?"

"Yes! That's a story for a different time though. I'm off to bed Finn see you tomorrow." Lisa said getting up and going to her room.

What else could there besides witches and werewolf? Gnomes and fairies? I don't know why I'm shocked though, I'm living in a house with three werewolf, a human, and I don't know what in bloody hell Gary is but him too. I don't know what's more shocking though; the fact that I am one of the most powerful creature on earth, or that no one has trained me. If you think about it learning to control myself could be dangerous.

"Still deep thought I see?" Gary said glancing at me.

"Yeah I'm just a little shaken still from everything that's all."

"It gets better Finn. I'll be here to help you when ever I'm needed. I can smell Damon on you and your neck...I don't know what happened in that tree house but just be careful! Damon is not exactly the nice loving type...I know I'm no werewolf so I can't help you like he can but I will try."

"Are you serious? Your the badass the saved my life and comforted me when I felt like I was dying! You help me more than you know." I said looking down.

"Well good!" He said lifting my face to look into his beautiful eyes "because I would like to find out...Once again I'm sorry for lying to you about who I was. I feel like such a jackass." He said touching me with his ice cold skin.

"Hey it's okay Gary...your just too fun to be around for me to ignore you...so I guess I will have to deal with it." I said smiling.

"Ah, I hate fun. I guess I will have to change that. Well sir can I walk you to room?" He said holding out his arm.

"Of course you can, thanks so much."

The walk to the guest room wasn't long at all but I wished it were. He held me against him tightly and I loved it. Since I've been uh enhanced, my body temperature has risen quite a lot. My skin against Gary's cold skin was soothing. Gary smelt quite odd he smelt of outdoors, cologne and soap, and I noticed he didn't...

"Okay! Here we are Finn the werewolf prince." He said bowing.

"Thank you Gary the human? Or half human-werewolf-witch or something? Wait what are you?"

"Ahhhh" he sighed "Goodnight Finn." He said kissing my hand and walking away.

There were two things that I was sure about the I wasn't before. First, that everything that Lisa's family is saying is true. Second, if people find out about me they will try to control me. I showered and went straight to bed

"Wake up asshole! Time for school!"

"Ugh I don't want to! Come on Finn wake up!"

"Mike, Is that you?"

"Yeah dude! I'm coming in!"

He came in and I forgot I slept naked. Mike's face changed from joking to serious. He stared at my cock until I turned around, then I noticed I was showing him my bum.

"Wow the change did you wonders huh? You are more ripped, and not that I was checking you out or anything but your ass got bigger too!"

"Uh thanks Mike!" I said putting on my boxer briefs.

"Has your dick always been that big soft? It's like 6in soft! Mines only like 7.5 hard!" He yelled glancing a his own crotch.

"No haha it wasn't, but I guess that's another perk. It's not like I'm having any sex though..."

"Why the hell not! Your smoking, you are in lacrosse, the new guy, and your in ASB and super popular. Everyone talks about you bro! You can get any girl you like!" He yelled slapping my ass.

"Oh, well I guess I could try it?"

"Damn right you can! Now put on some clothes!"

I put on my black jeans and a white v neck with a beanie and headed out. I wasn't sure if I was into blokes or not but if I was Ready to find out. I couldn't wait to go to my first period of the day ASB, and finally get some socialization that is well needed. Since I've been around so much supernatural stuff I haven't had anytime to be human and do "normal" things, and to be honest I wanted to show off my new body.

"Hey looking good!" Erica, Ashley, and Monica said at the same time.


"Like you some how got hotter, not trying to be pushy but.." Erica started.

"Yeah! I know right look at his dimples they got deeper." Ashley squealed

"Wait I have dimples?"

"Yes! Haha" They all said giggling.

"Okay guys! We have a lot to do! We have our first dance Saturday which is in two days! You all need to set up Friday unless I assign you to do something else. It's mandatory that you all go to the dance and try to have a date. Our theme is night under the stars, and it kicks off our year so I expect it to be more than perfect! So if I read off your name please go to your committee!" Mrs. Henson said grabbing a list.

"Wait Saturday! Isn't that the day before I change? Is that good to be out that late when I need to turn the next day?" I whispered to Gary.

"Nah, it'll just make it more fun trust me." He whispered winking.

"Now for group 5 I would like Monica,Damon,Mike,Lisa, Gary, and Finn. Your job is to set up posters for the dance Saturday. There will be about 40 of them so be here early to set up."

"Sounds like a plan!" Lisa responded for all of us."

The rest of the day went by pretty slow until lunch when I hung out with Mike, Lisa, and Gary. Gary and I decided to go home after lunch because I only had weights and practice was still canceled so there was no point of me and Gary going back. We were in there backyard just talking and I was eating food just enjoying the silence until Gary broke it.

"How about we talk a little?"

"Okay, shoot! "

"So how does your body feel? Like any changes?"

"Uh, lately the nightmares have stopped which is great. I um don't know how to say this...but to be blunt I've been extremely horny lately! I haven't wanked in weeks! I feel like I'm about to explode and all I can think about is sex!"

"That's natural, I mean before you turn the first time feel extremely horny. I don't know why but you do, and since you haven't jerked it in weeks that's probably even worse! However you will feel pain again similar to what you experienced last week except it will be worse. There is a something that helps though but I can't tell you now."

"What?! More pain!? How come you can't tell me?"

"This kind of solution is looked down upon and is considered taboo in the werewolf world. So I need to see if you are willing to."

"I trust you, and I couldn't care less about the werewolf world."

"Once you are in it you will care..."

"Which world are you in Gary? Lisa said there are more than just werewolf, Humans, and Witches...I know your not any of the three."

"How are you so sure about that?"

"You smell different and you don't have a heartbeat."

"There are more creatures, and I guess there is no reason for me to keep it from you. There are ghosts and Vampires as well. The half human half witches are called mutants. My mother is a mutant and we are all half mutant half Werewolf which usually wouldn't happen but like your dad my dad is an original so they can have children with a witch or mutant."

"So no other can?"

"Unless they are human no...and a original werewolf can only have kids once anyways so us four are the only cases."

"So you are a mutant? That's all?"

"No...I'm a mutant vampire..."

"You're a vampire?!" I yelled.

"Yes, it happened really fast actually. Before you turn into a werewolf you're considered human no matter if you're a mutant or not. So I met this vampire named Nick and he asked if I wanted him to change me; I debated it until I found out that I wouldn't have to deal with the pain of turning which already begun with my siblings. Not wanting to be animal and feel the pain of one I choose to be a vampire. My mom ended up hating me and disowning me until about 5 months ago. "

"So can a werewolf become a vampire?"

" No...if the werewolf already changed the first time they can't, unless they are of half witch blood. So that means no one except for you could. However I wouldn't suggest it. "

"Why not?"

"Your thirst for blood controls your life. I have it under control because I only drink animal blood. Most Vampires stop aging at whatever age that they turned at, but since I have the genetics of a werewolf I will age until 21 like my brothers or sisters. "

"I'm sure a werewolf-vampire-witch would be only more trouble so I doubt that I would do that. Also why do your parents look like they are 40 if they don't age?"

"Oh! That...well your mom out a spell on them similar to the one that she put on Dave your fake dad. It would be weird if my parents looked 21 and had kids in high school right?"

"Yeah it would. So why does your mom hate you?"

"My mom was raised to hate vampires. My grandfather is a great witch and he has been alive for over 200 years. My mother for over 150. He made a necklace that cheats death and lets just say that once you have been alive for that long you get to notice some of the other immortals."

"That's amazing! Well not for vampires, so your mum hates you for something that other vampires did?"

"Well not exactly. When my brothers and sisters were changing I was too but we had conflicts. Naturally we aren't meant to be family because of the species conflict thing. Even though Damon and I share the same DNA it was hard. We eventually learned to overcome it. Well, everyone except for my mother."

"I don't get it, you're her son!"

"Yeah, but that doesn't matter. She is the most stubborn person I know. I honestly don't care that she hates me because eventually she will get over it or die."


"It's true! I learned family is only a label long ago...but enough about me."

"Wait..." I started before being cut off.

"No! Seriously Finn ask me anything I kinda don't want to talk about that."

"Oh-Uh Gary would you mind showing me your...uh fangs?"

"Whoa! What kind of guy do you think I am! That's not cool Finn! You can't just ask someone that!"

"I'm sorry...I didn't know it was that bad." I said looking away out of embarrassment.

"Ha! I was joking man, sure you can."

First his eyes glowed like Damon's except the left was blue and then they just popped out. The sound it made is what really surprised me. It sounded like when a sword hits another. To take a closer look I stepped closer and looked in to his mouth. The were larger than I thought and looked sharp. I got distracted and sniffed his breath which smelled of mint and blood. His lips were hypnotizing and I wanted to kiss them.

"Having fun in there?" Gary said.

"Whoa! That's amazing! So are the rumors about daylight and turning in to a bat real?"

"Daylight? No I can walk in day and night. Also a bat not really. It's for defense purposes. Lets say you want to creep on an animal you can't be human or you will scare your prey! So it's just to get closer, and it can be any animal that fits your personality."

"What's yours?"

"Mine is ironically a wolf or a raven..."

"You're joking right?"

"No...I'm not as strong as a werewolf or as large. Just a normal wolf. Except I have complete control when your guys have an animal side."

"So you turn in to a wolf and your mum is still mad?"

"Yeah, it helps honestly. She didn't even talk to me until she found that out."

"No offense mate, but your mom needs to get over what happened decades ago and love her son...because he's a pretty rad bloke that should be loved. Even though you have this badass guy vibe, I can see under that though."

Gray just looked at me amused and surprised. Then he looked down in deep thought like he was realizing something. Then he smiled and rubbed his hair like he was nervous.

"I could say the same thing about you Finn. I see past your innocence and know that underneath there is a badass Finn."

"That's because I'm not really innocent!"

"Then I guess I was right. So...uh...Finn tomorrow tonight I wanted to know if you wanted to go to the beach with Danny, Eric and me ? It's a boys night out and since Damon and Mike are best friends and having there own thing with Lisa and Monica maybe you wanted to come with us?"

"Sure! Mike didn't invite me so it's fine. "

"Okay great! I mean it's cool I guess.." He said failing to hide his excitement.

The rest of the day went by pretty fast, and training wasn't that bad either. We mainly worked on controlling my hearing and how to listen to heart rates and what they mean. I wasn't that skilled yet because I could barely hear them since I haven't turned yet, but Damon said it will get better since I will turn in 2 days.

I practiced all day Friday in class and I actually got better. My senses seemed to be improving by the hour and by the time I was weightlifting I could find Lisa's, Damon's, or Mike's heartbeat any where in the school. I could find Gary but it was different. It was more of an instinctual feeling. I tried it once and it worked actually better than just finding heartbeats. He was in the bathroom after school , and sitting on the counter waiting for me to come in.

"You do realize that you're being obvious right?"

"Wait what do you mean?!"

"I emphasize remember? I felt your curiosity and heard your heartbeat following me and then speeding up as you got closer. "

"I was testing something out. It's weird I can track you and it's not like the others. Why?"

"I don't know I'm not a wolf but I'm sure that's a good thing right? " He said stepping closer and brushing past me, walking out.

"Hmmm...well I guess I'll just see you at home." I said to myself walking out the bathroom towards my locker.

"Hey buddy where are you going?"

"Yeah! Still on for later right?

It was Danny and Eric they both had huge grins on their faces. Speaking of their faces they were quite attractive. Danny had black hair and black eyes with pale skin, Eric had light brown hair and light blue eyes. They both were quite built and buff, not as much as me though.

"Oh , hey guys! Hell yeah I am! I can't wait! Only that sucks is tomorrow we have to go set up for the dance. What's your task?"

"We both just have to set up tables which we already did." Danny said nudging Eric."

"Yeah, but don't worry you won't be that fucked up tomorrow. Actually you may." Eric said nudging Danny back.

"Is that like your secrete code or something?" I asked raising a brow.

"Something like that. So Finn, you just seen Gary or something?" Eric said looking at me then Danny.

"Yeah how did you know?!" I exclaimed surprised almost hitting a random girl in the face.

"You just uh smell like him." Danny said giving Eric a look.

How could they smell him? Unless they were a werewolf or vampire. I turned my head to the side so I could hear their heartbeats and there wasn't one. I looked at Danny and Eric and they knew I figured it out and both had smirks on their faces.

"So I'm guess you figured it out?" Eric asked leaning next to the locker by mine.

"Yeah, well I guess it would make sense that Gary would hang with other Vampires."

"So you're not scared?" Danny question surprised.

"Psssh! No! Why would I be? I mean that's cool you are a vampire and all but you're also my friends....right?"

"Yeah! It's just werewolf and vampires don't really get along." Eric said looking at me confused.

"Well I don't see a reason why we shouldn't be friends just because of that."

"Hmmm, I'm guessing your new to this World? Well I'm glad you can see it that way!" Eric said.

"Thanks, well I hope you will too."

"Yeah we are over that bridge bro! Well see you later." Danny said waking away.

"Yeah later bro!" He followed.

I wonder how many of my friends are actually human? Well that's a question I will ask later. I decided to go home work out and then get ready for later on. I drove home and started with I planned out I worked out for three hours then showered. I guess I feel asleep because I woke up to Damon shaking me.

"Finn! Wake up Finn!"

"Hmmm what's going on?"

"It's like 4pm dude Gary was looking for you!"

"Oh...Crap! I guess I fell asleep! I need to find some clothes."

"I already did for you I didn't want you to rush."

I looked over and seen that Damon had picked me out these black jeans with a white shirt with a blue whale on it. I looked back at Damon and he had a weird smell to him it was horrible. It made my nose burn.

"What's that smell?!" I asked covering my nose.

"That's guilt...sorry. Your animal side is getting ready to come out. The smell of guilt is like a stink bomb."

"Why are you guilty? And can you stop feeling it?"

"Sorry, I uh just feel bad for the other night. I lead you on. I honestly don't know what happened. Your pheromones changed all of a sudden and I don't know what happened. I'm straight and I actually like Monica...I asked her out today."

"Really? That's great! I'm happy for you, but hey it's cool lad. Sometimes pheromones sometimes makes us crazy enough to kiss other blokes." I stated laughing.

"Well thanks I'm glad you understand. It won't happen again!"

"Are you sure? If your ever get drunk or-"

"No! It's fine I'll have Monica." He responded laughing too.

"I guess I better get changed...so enjoy your night Damon."

"Thanks bro you too! Hey be careful! I trust Gary and Danny, but watch out for Eric. I get a bad vibe from him."

"Really? I kinda always have too. Well I'm sure l'll be fine with three vampires." I joked starting to get dressed.

"You're a witch and a werewolf! Even though you're new to this they couldn't hurt you even if they wanted. Oh! By the way no one can know you are the werewolf prince. If word gets out that you're here that can be bad for everyone."

"Okay thanks Damon! I'll keep that in mind."

With that I finished getting dressed and headed outside to meet Gary. He texted me and told me to wait by his Car. I was there for about 2 minutes until Gary came behind me nearly scaring me to death!

"Whoa! What the fuck! You almost have me a heart attack!"

"Oh sorry, I didn't know you were so delicate." He said with his smirk that I haven't seen in days.

"So are you ready for one of the most fun nights of your life?"

"Yeah! Are we forgetting Danny and Eric?"

"They are behind you! They are also feeling a little hungry"

"BOOOOOOO!" Danny and Eric yelled.

Eric grabbed my neck and his fangs came out as he brushed my neck with them. Then I looked at Gary in complete horror as Eric's fangs dug a little deeper also breaking the skin. Danny noticed and pulled him off of me. He looked pissed like he was about to kill Eric.

"Oh my god it was a joke" Eric said.

Catching on that they were only joking I decided to go along with it. I fell to the ground and started twitching, I felt my heart beating faster then slowing to a stop. My heart didn't beat I heard Gary gasp. I opened my eyes a little and he was about to Kill Eric. Then he looked to Danny and Eric like he was about to cry.

"WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT?!" Gary yelled dropping to the ground and feeling for a pulse even though be could hear if I did. Wait...he has a pulse!"

"HAHA! OH MY GOD YOUR FACES! GOTCHA!" I yelled busting with laughter.

"Whoa man! He did get us back?" Danny asked surprised and laughing it off.

"I don't think I've ever seen Gary so scared in my life! Haha! I thought he was going to die! I mean we were sad too Finn and guilty as hell! How did you hide your pulse?"

"Oh easy it was a spe......um it was a trick I learned in England. I didn't think it would come in handy until now."

"Oh nice one! No ones ever got us back so...well!" Eric said smiling.

"Are you hurt? Let me see your neck? WHAT THE FUCK ERIC! YOU ALMOST BROKE THE SKIN!!! IT WAS A JOKE NOT A CHANCE TO FEED ON HIM!" Gary yelled.

"I was only joking..."


"I'm sorry Gary...like Eric said, I was only joking I'm okay I promise! We should go though isn't the beach far from here?"

"Yeah it's 2.5 hours from here. Lets go guys!"

The ride there wasn't so bad or went by fast mostly because we were joking and laughing and joking on the way there. I learned that Danny and Eric got turned years ago like Gary and they surprisingly still grow until 21 like a werewolf would. They were pretty accepting with me being a werewolf and loved that I was so innocent to this new profound world.

When we got to the beach it was about 6:45pm and it was about 80 degrees and sunny. We set up and swam until it was 8 and the sun was down. Eventually we set up the fire and all made s'mores and Danny had beers with him. I noticed that Gary was sort of their leader. He told them what to do and they listened. They seemed to respect him like a dog would his master, more so Danny than Eric; who was more like the secret cat that was hard to read. I trusted Gary's instincts and didn't question it and decided to enjoy my time.

"Ugh! These s'mores are so good! This was the best idea ever! Beers, s'mores , and my best buds!" Danny yelled grabbing another s'more to inhale.

"Shut-up Danny, no need to make it corny." Eric responded rolling his eyes.

"Hey man I'm just saying its fun! We barely get to go to the beach. I'm not going to let you fuck up our great time." Danny said more playful than serious.

"What ever bro..."

"So Finn, anyone at School you like? I mean you have been here all summer and the talk of the town I wouldn't be surprised if you weren't getting laid every night!" Danny said winking.

This question seemed to get both Eric and Gary's attention. In reality I have had almost every female I've came into contact with almost(some literally) drool over me, lots of guys too. Not wanting to tell him that his and Eric's girlfriends were among them, I choose to be modest.

"Well-I-uh no I'm a virgin. I have had many girls want me but I didn't want to lead them on. I want to at least love the person I have my first time with."

"Wait you're a virgin?! Your heart didn't skip so you are telling the truth! I can't believe this!" Danny yelled rubbing his neck.

Eric seemed annoyed and like he expected me to brag, and Gary's face was hard to read it looked as of he was caught between confusion and realization if thats possible. Danny and Eric decided to go "catch" something to eat and walked towards the pier. I sat with Gary and looked into the fire. I noticed that even being close to the fire I was cold . My body has been bipolar lately, but Damon claims that it's normal.

"Whoa! The temperature dropped fast!" Gary said looking at me.

"It did! How can you tell? You guys have like a body temperature of zero!"

"Almost true, but you are shaking! Here, have my jacket."

Before I had time to react he already took off his brown leather jacket and put it around me with speed too fast to be human. It was surprisingly warm and fit well. He then fixed his black hair and looked at the ocean.

I took this time...observe him. He was pretty tan for a vampire and ripped too. His arms had veins that probably held animal blood, which is confusing because I wonder what happened to his blood before he changed to a vampire...he shifted and glanced at me giving me a confused look before looking up at the moon. Not wanting to look too obvious I looked up at it too.

"You know, you could've stared longer if you wanted." He said not showing and specific emotion.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to. It's just you-"

"No need to apologize Finn, I was mostly joking. You know, I brought you here thinking that you wouldn't open up, but you proved me wrong. You are comfortable with my friends and even played a joke on me. I'm glad you came."

"Thanks, me too! You haven't really been all mysterious like normal so I'm glad about that." Gary chuckling " So can I ask you something?"

"Yeah shoot!" He said giving me his full attention.

"I'm in transition right? Well how is it for you? Do you find a mate like a werewolf?" I asked leaning backing

"No, well yes and no. I'm sorta in transition too, but with out the pain because I have turned into a vampire when I was younger so I am immortal, but I haven't bonded yet so there are some loopholes. With you, I'm guessing you haven't been around any werewolf or mate to trigger your wolf yet...until now."

"So wait my transition triggered because I found a mate or because I am around you and your family?"

"Well...there is another part to the story...actually a lot of parts that can't all be explained tonight...whoa Finn your eyes...I can't get over them!"

"Gary! You're trying to distract me!" I yelled noticing what he was doing.

"Well to be honest you're easy to distract!" He said moving in closer and smelling me.

"Did you just smell me? Lad, where I am from that's not okay...it's actually quite cheeky."

"Yeah, well you're not the same person anymore."

"Wait! You're distracting me again! Gary, seriously I'm leaving to find Danny and Eric if you don't answer my question." I said turning to leave.

"Okay! Well I believe you already know the answer to your question...you've been around Cliff your whole life and my sister this whole time and you have never changed or felt different." He said pulling me back to the sand.

"That's right, so how do you know you have a mate?"

"Well....you just know! They honestly change your life! They come out of no where and they steal your heart. You can't take your eyes off of them, and they could have complete control over you and you might not even know it...Also they could sneak up on you and you won't even realized it happened. In rare cases there is denial but it usually works out...But! Who can ever really know for sure?" He said moving closer.

"I-uh don't know..." I said leaning back losing my balance, laying in the sand.

"Which are you destined for Finn?" He responded leaning over me.

I could almost hear his heart beating...then I noticed it was mine. He put his hands on my lower waste and moved his body in to mine as he lifted me up. His touch was electric and I felt pleasure like none other. My cock was rock hard and throbbing. I'm sure he could tell I had an hard on as we stood up.

"Gary..." I started but I was interrupted by Eric and Danny.

"Okay guys, Let's go back; it's a long drive and we need to get our rest for the dance, and by we I mean Finn since we don't need to rest." Danny warned not noticing the awkwardness, or so I thought.

"Let's go get the car Gary, Danny and Finn can pack up and we'll meet you closer." Eric suggested already making his way to the car but still glancing at me and Gary.

"So...did you enjoy your night?" Danny questioned, his eye brows reaching for his hair.

"Yeah it was fun, especially for my first time."

"Whoa! We were only gone for like 20 minutes!"

"I meant at the beach Danny..."

"Oh! Not saying there is anything wrong with it if you and a certain someone did...um do it." Danny stated looking suspicious and uncomfortable.

"Wait what are you saying?"

"Nothing, it's just you're wearing his jacket and he actually looks happy...haha I'm just fucking with you again Finn! Now lets clean this crap up!" He said laughing and nudging my arm.

Even though Danny might have been joking, where there some truth in his suspicions? Gary has confused me since day one and I don't really know him well enough to see if he is joking or not. I am sure that he likes me as a friend at the very least, so that is some what of a start. Also the fact that Danny gave me the nudge I would say this is the beginning of many friendships , hopefully a little romance.

Next: Chapter 3

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