I Want Your Bite

By Me

Published on Jun 14, 2013


This story is 100% fiction, and feedback is encouraged.

Nightmares. I have them almost every night and they are always the same thing. It starts with me being in the woods, there is a full moon, and I'm running. I hear a animal behind me, chasing me. I run fast but I can tell the animal is catching up. I can't see anything because its pitch black. I can feel the animal pounce on me and I'm on the ground. I look up to the sky as and I see clouds, the full moon. The monster then comes in to my eyesight and it has fur every where and glowing green eyes. Then I wake up in a sweat.

This happened about ten minutes ago. I've noticed that my nightmare is more detailed and longer the closer that I get to the full moon, which is in two weeks. I usually try not to sleep those nights but for some reason I'm the most tired of the month.

To take my mind off of the nightmares I usually stare into the mirror and look at myself to know I'm alive. I start by just looking at my royal blue eyes and watch my pupils adjust to the light. Then I start describing myself. I have blond hair, a butt chin, pretty strong face, pink lips, and straight teeth. I have a nice body from working out and running track and playing lacrosse. I am about 5'10 and I am about 150 pounds of muscle. I have a pretty nice bum and my cock size is about 8.5 inches.

I am from London And moved to the U.S. about a three months ago for a new start. My father and my mother split about five years ago, and it was/is confusing because my dad still loves her as much as he did when they were together. Also I haven't had any contact with my mom since she left. My dad says that she keeps in touch with him; but she is too ashamed to talk to me. I used to get really sad when and cry myself to sleep at night and wish that she would come back. I look more like my mother than my father, actually I don't look anything like him.

Since my mother left, my father has been more open. He never talks about my mother or that side of the family but everything else he tells me. Our new start across the pond is mostly difficult because I'm still in school. I will have to attend big bear high school , which seems pretty nice because we are always surrounded by nature. My best friends Lisa and Mike who are going out and are my neighbors. They are extremely nice , and have helped me adjust pretty well with the do's and don't's of American high school.

Lisa is the Associated Student Body(ASB) president, cheer captain, and head of the social life at school. Mike is football running back, senior class president, and a scholar. So having friends with such influence has helped me fit in quite well. They pushed me to join ASB, the Lacrosse team, and to be more social than I have before in my life.Even though school hasn't started and the first day of school is tomorrow, over the summer practice and ASB meetings has helped me meet new people. Now it's 3:00am and I decided to go wake up Mike because I couldn't go back to sleep.

Our houses were quite large, and had a cabin feeling to them which I loved. I love nature and to he surrounded by trees and animals. Mike who lived to my right is only a 30sec walk. His room is on the bottom floor and he always keeps his window opened at night. I took off the screen and climbed inside. He had on nothing except a thin white sheet that covered his cock and bollocks.

Mike is extremely attractive, he has dark brown hair and light brown eyes. He has a strong face and looks like a model. He is 6'2 and about 210lbs. His face and his body looks older than mine but his looks more innocent.

"Mike! Mate, wake up!" I whispered covering his body.

"Hmmm, what is it Finn?"

"I can't sleep again...."

"Ugh, fine!"

Mike got up and walked to the bathroom. He had a nice ass that is usually mistaken for a girls because it is so plump. He never fails to show it off whenever he gets. He took his time to put on some shorts and slippers and requested we take a walk.

"So how long have you had these nightmares?" He asked.

"Well...every since I was thirteen. They usually aren't that bad, but every since I've came to the U.S. they have gotten worse."

"Maybe it's because you are still scared to start school here? I would have nightmares too if I switched countries my last year of schooling."

"I think it's more than that...the nightmares get worse closer to full moons...and they've gotten worse since I've came to big bear."

"Well are you suggesting you were attacked by a bear in your dream?"

"No......it was a wolf...." I whispered

"Oouhuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhooooooo" a animal howled.

"What in bloody hell was that?!" I yelled getting frightened

"Finn, that is a coyote. We have them everywhere in California dude."

"Wasn't that howl to deep for a coyote?"

"It was probably a HUGE Alfa coyote." Mike said sarcastically.

"Wouldn't it be in a pack and we would hear more of them?"

"Finn, it's nothing I promise!"

"OOouhuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhooooooo0000Oouhuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhooooooo" the animal howled now closer.

"Okay Finn I think it's time we walked back. The coyote is getting closer, which could be bad if it actually is in a pack."

I followed Mike back to his house which took about three minutes. Once we were there he said goodnight and went back into his room. I still found it hard to sleep, so I went back to my room, which was up stairs and faced the back of the house(woods). Then I decided to go on my balcony and close my eyes, and listen to nature. This normally helps me sleep because it relaxes me so much, however this time worked for about two minutes. It was completely silent, and the only thing I could was the ringing in my ears. For a mountain this was extremely rare , and I enjoyed it until I heard low grunts and whines. I opened my eyes and all I could see was darkness. I still heard them and listened for the direction they came from. When I looked, I seen two emerald green eyes glowing and staring back at me. I blinked to see if they were real and they were gone.

Finally I had enough and laid down and closed my eyes. It took about and hour for me to go to sleep, mostly from the howls being so close and loud. When I woke up the howls were gone and replaced with birds chirping and sounds of the day.

This was the first official day of school and only people in ASB and Lacrosse know who I am. So it's only natural to be nervous right? People usually like me after meeting me, well at least I think they do. I met Mike and Lisa my first day here at the beginning of the summer. We mostly bonded because my father pushed me to be social with our new neighbors. Those were the god days, now i'm in school thinking about my future here.... Starting with making a decision on what to where.

"Good morning my son! I have a business meeting soon as I get home tonight I'm going to bed so have a great day at your first day of school."

"Thanks da! I love you and have a great day!"

My dad has brown eyes and dark brown hair. He is 5'5 and overweight. He is the nicest guy that I know and always has a smile on his face. My da would do a truly for me and I for him. So when my dad left I was standing in front of my walk in closet.

"You do know that staring isn't going to help you choose something right?"

"Hey Lisa!"

Lisa was pure perfection in every way and she new it. She is 5'8 and has the perfect body. She has Curley dirty blond hair and hazel eyes. She has C cup boobs and a really nice ass. Her skin color is tan and it is even, as I know of. She is like the perfect person because she has that perfect balance between being nice and sassy. She has a strong personality and is usually nice, even when she doesn't like you she can make you like her. It's just hard to explain.

"Finn? Earth to Finn!"

What are you doing here so early? Well I am here to remind you that we have to give out class schedules to everyone. Also I know that you would struggle choosing clothes to wear."

"You know me that well huh?"

"Matter of fact I do! Also how was the nightmares last night? It's closer to a full moon so I know they get worse for you."

"Did Mike tell you that?"

"No, he didn't have to, I've noticed. I told you I know you well."

"Well you are spot on. This time it felt different though , like I can actually feel the pain. Also since last night I feel like I am being watched..."

"Well the full moon is in two weeks maybe you will have all the answers then?"

"How? It won't be any different than any other time. This has been happening every night since I was thirteen, I just want it to stop Lisa..."

"Hey, Finn I think that you will find the answers to your problems when you stop worrying about it. Now! Lets find you something to wear!"

"Okay fine, but I'm not finished with this!" I yelled following her into my closet.

"Like I said Finn don't worry....hey! By the way can you take me to school? Mike is already at school and my car is getting repairs."

"Yeah sure! Since you're forcing me to go to school at 7:00 am!"

"School starts at 7:40am!"

"I know! I could have been sleeping!"

"Haha yeah true, but sadly you can't. So how about you go jump in the shower and I'll find you something to wear?"

"Um okay..." I said walking to my bathroom.

I turned the water to cold and jumped in. For some reason every since I was younger I loved cold showers. I started to take my cloths off and look into the mirror. My body was completely hairless except for my blond leg hairs and little hairs on my arm. My cock was at about 4inches soft and growing. I then stepped in to the water and started to pull my cock. The blood started flowing in to it as I rubbed it more. I grabbed my cock with my left hand and really started to get in to it l, and it grew to be a lot harder pretty fast.

"Seriously Finn? Come on now I know what you are doing! " Lisa yelled.

What the fuck! How does she always know everything? I decided that I would finish later and actually showered. I got out the shower dried off and walked back in to my room. I heard Lisa's voice and she was talking to someone.

"Gary...you need to control yourself. Damon and you went away for a reason......I know it's hard.....I'm trying to help....just a little longer....okay....I already took care of it.....you can't change it...he may...well fine.......tell Damon l'll see him at school."

"So who was that?"

"Oh that was Damon, one of my triplet brother you remember him right? Well came back last night..."

"Oh, well it seemed pretty serious...is everything okay?"

"Yes Finn! I was just explaining to him...um the CAR situation. It was a little hard for him to grasp. He has a hard time coping with the CAR that was he had not control over choosing" She stumbled.

"Um...okay then. Well I hope he gets the "CAR" that he wants. You almost make it sound like a drug deal, ha ha."

"Something like that.." Lisa mumbled to herself.

"Wait what was that?"

"Nothing, but look I choose clothes for you! You are going to where this black tank top that has a huge moon on it, this tan shants, and these black shoes. Now let me fix your hair.......okay look in the mirror!"

I had boxer briefs on so I didn't feel that embarrassed to change in front of Lisa. Its hard to explain but I honestly feel like she is a sister to me. There is no attraction and no awkwardness. I trust her completely and if she chooses clothes for me I really didn't have a choice if I should wear them or not.

When I looked in the mirror I was impressed though. I looked pretty damn hot! The black tank top made my eyes seem more intense, and my hair was combed over and messy. I had a great feeling about today, and I couldn't wait to get to school.

I picked up my keys to my Camaro and drove Lisa and I to school. When we got there the school campus was pretty large and it was all indoors. The lockers were long and the students were every where. We made our way to the gym to give out class schedules which took all morning. We finally finished at 7:39am and I decided to go to my locker before school.

"Hey Finn where are you going?" I looked up and seen two of my teammates Danny and Eric who were in ASB and lacrosse with me.

"You look like you're on a mission buddy?" Danny said

"Yeah! You forgot your schedule man!" Eric said handing it to me.

"Thanks lads, yeah I am just a little tired that's all."

"Well practice is canceled for this week, so get some rest man." Eric said punching my arm.

"Yeah Finn! See you at lunch!"

They walked away and I eventually found my locker which was in the back of the school. Everyone already went to class it seemed like and I was all alone...or so I thought. I soon heard footsteps behind me, and I felt something weird. I couldn't see who this person was because my back was turned to him...wait how do I know it's a him? Wait that's definitely a him I can feel it, I also feel like I know him.

The footsteps stopped and he walked the other way. I felt sad for some reason that he was walking away, but I shook this feeling and headed off to class upstairs . I was hurrying up the stairs when I tripped and fell backwards. I was falling and about to hit the ground when a figure rushed by and picked me up.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah I think so! Thanks so much, I could've...um...."

I turned around and my mouth dropped. I always considered myself straight but this guy was the most beautiful person I ever laid eyes on. He had jet black hair one blue eye and one green which was so mesmerizing , he was 5'11 and had tan skin. His hair was spiked up that kinda look like Goku from dragon ball-z. He was pretty buff and definitely worked out. When he made eye contact it made me feel light headed and turned on. To say I was overwhelmed was an understatement

"Finn?! Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine...thank you... wait how do you know my name?"

"Oh um....my sister talks about you all the time. I'm.....um Damon, sorry this is the first time we have officially met." He said looking down and avoiding eye contact.

"Oh her triplet! You look nothing alike...you're sexy....a guy....I mean you're so....sexy....I mean different." I stumbled making myself look more stupid.

"Well yeah she is a female, and thanks. Nice to meet you ?" He said taking my hand.

He then he did something weird, he smelled my left hand. This was the hand that I rubbed my cock with. He looked like he was drunk for a minute and his eyes changed...they got darker and glowed more. Just like in my dream....then just like that they were back to normal. His hand was cold to the touch, and it gave me goosebumps.

"What just happened?" I questioned getting scared.

"Umm, I don't know what you are talking about. I think you are still shaken up. I'll um....I'll see you later..." Then he ran off.

I went through my first day pretty well, but I couldn't stop thinking about Damon. I was so confused because I'm straight, aren't I? I mean I've never had sex with a girl and kissing one has never truly been special. I always thought that it was just something that will all of a sudden click when I found the right one; and it did click when Damon caught me and took my hand. Some how I got more out of a hand shake with a guy I just met than any of past relationships combined. Now I'm at Lisa's house in her bed with Mike thinking about him.

"Wow Finn seems like you had a great first day!" Mike joked throwing a pillow at me.

"Yeah! Well I did, I have great classes, great lads, and I can't wait for the sports to start!" I yelled jumping on Lisa's bed.

"Well that all sounds great! I'm glad that you enjoyed your first day. Mine was stressful but thanks for helping babe!" Lisa said kissing Mike on the cheek.

"Yeah don't mention it. So...Finn did anyone catch your eye?"

"Ummmm.....I don't know ....why?" I started but Damon walked in.

"Hey sis food is almost done, is Mike staying for dinner?"

"Actually He is, Finn would you like to stay?"

"Oh! Hey Finn! Nice to meet you!" Damon said acting like we never met.

I was confused because one he is a really good actor because it did feel like we were meeting for the time again. Also both his eyes were green now. I looked at Lisa and she had a weird smirk on her face.Then I looked over at Mike he had a huge smile on his face and kept looking at me and then Damon. Speaking of Damon he was smiling at the ground all shy, still avoiding eye contact.

"Well I think I should head home, I'm kinda tired....long day." I lied, I actually wasn't tired at all and I needed time to think.

"Are you sure? We have plenty of food?" Lisa asked looking at Damon for support.

"Yeah I'm sure, I'll see you guys tomorrow! Good night"

I walked home and looked up at the sky. The woods provided the sound of nature that I love so much and I just sat outside to think..why was everyone smiling when Lisa invited me to stay for dinner? It was like they all had some inside joke...Also Damon, why is he so damn cute? I've never felt so helpless when it came to my feelings. It's like I don't have a choice but to like him, and it's all happening so fast. In reality we met only a couple hours ago, but it feels like I've known him longer. Plus he is my best friends brother...a guy like him liking a guy like me...can he? Can I ?

"Are you alright?" A low voice asked me.

"Yeah, oh...hey Damon. Yeah like I said before I'm tired."

"You don't have to lie to me, I know there is something up." He whispered sitting down next to me.

"How can to tell?"

"Well to be honest...I just can feel it. Even though I just met you I want you to know I'm here for you."

"Okay thanks Damon! You are really nice you know that?"

"Well it's my job to be nice. I'm not one of those asshole Lacrosse jocks...I'm the half asshole half nice one." He whispered laughing.

"Ha! I didn't know you are on the Lacrosse team ?"

"Well that's probably because we never talked until now. I'm also in soccer, ASB Vice President, and more. My brother Gary is football captain, and Class Vice President."

"Whoa! How come I didn't see you or him at any of the meetings over the summer? Actually all summer?"

" Well We left to England for the summer, and since my sister and Mike are both the presidents and we got all the info we needed."

"So where is your brother now? And are you eyes okay? They keep changing..."

"He is at home..you've probably met him..."

"Really what does he look like?"

"A lot like me actually...accept I'm more attractive!" He said rubbing his hand through his hair.

" You're not very modest, which isn't a bad thing...but hey I could be dead right now of you didn't save me this morning."

"Don't mention it, it's what I'm here.....for...your eyes...they look amazing....Wait if they are glowing now....why are they glowing now!" Damon whispered to himself.

"What about my eyes?" I asked getting nervous.

"Sorry it's just that they reflect off the moon well"

I couldn't tell before but I could see everything now. It was dark in the woods and some how I could see better at night. My hearing was heightened. I could Damon's heart beating which speed up when I looked back at him. Then in my head I started to feel pain, like the worst migraine I've e we had.

"I feel sick, uuugghhhhh!" I said almost throwing up.

"Oh no! Um...try to relax...Finn?" He said putting his hand on mine making the pain to away.

"Whoa...the pain went away..."

"Really? That's weird? Do you feel fine completely?" He asked with his hand still touching me.

" yeah...it's so weird. Maybe I am tired or something..."

"Yeah, probably. That was intense..." He said removing his hand and they pain returned.

"Uhhgghhhh...the pain is back Damon. What's happening?"

The pain returned and it was worse than before. My body ached everywhere and it felt like all my bones were breaking. Damon's face looked scared and he looked like he was about to cry. My senses got extremely heightened again and the pain increased more. The sounds of nature that once calmed me now caused me pain. I eventually threw up from the pain and it got even worse, I felt like I was dying. I started to black out and the last thing I seen was Damon's emerald eyes.

I woke up the next day feeling refreshed. Last night was a blur but my body was sore and ached. I don't know what happened but all I do know is I don't want it to happen again.

I jumped in the shower and I brushed my teeth. I then put on some clothes , brushed my hair, and then walked down stairs to eat. I found a more from my dad, "emergency! Grandma isn't feeling so well so I will be back in a week or so. I will call to keep in touch and I left my card , don't be afraid to call me." This wasn't that unusual so I grabbed my keys and headed off to school.

School was the same I only have three actual classes first I have ASB, AP Literature , AP Government, weight lifting, and Lacrosse. In ASB Damon and Lisa weren't there so I talked to Danny,Eric, and Mike. The day went by pretty fast and before I knew it, school was over.

"So Finn are you down for a sleep over?"

"Where? And who?"

"At Lisa's place with Danny and Ashley, Eric and Erica,Damon and Monica, Lisa and me, and you."

"Why does it sound like I am going to be the only person there not in a couple?"

"It's not even like that man!"

"Well why don't we go to my place since my parents are gone for the week?"

"Fine! We'll all be over around 7 okay?"

"Okay see you then."

So I went home and got everything ready for tonight. I brought out extra blankets and pillows and laid them downstairs. I have a pretty large living room area that we all can sleep and party at. I went home and put on some sweats and v neck to get comfortable in, and before I knew it everyone showed up. Danny, Eric, both came in batman shorts with a black tank top. Monica, Erica, Ashley, and Lisa all came in there cheer shorts, little shirts, but slippers, and a ponytail with a bow in their hair.

"Wow you girls like to dress alike huh?"

"Well we are cheerleaders and ASB we are all practically the same person...plus don't you know they girls like to dress alike at these kinds of things?" Ashley said walking inside .

"I guess I do now....hey Lisa! Where were you at school today?"

"Oh, I had some family stuff to do. It's all better now!"

"Well okay, where is Mike and Damon?"

"They are...uh getting the DRINKS and PIZZA...yeah!" She stumbled again.

"Well alright, one of these days I'm not going to fall for that bull crap you give me."

"Maybe some day! Haha" she laughed walking past me to the the living room.

So we all just talked and hung out until Mike showed up in nothing but boxer briefs with beer in hand, and Damon showed up with the pizzas; wearing a black shirt and superman pajama pants he looked sexy . About an hour later everyone was dancing or talking. Mike,Lisa, Damon, and I were sitting in a circle when Mike suggested we play dare with everyone and with out the truth.

"Okay so here are the rules! You spin the bottle, ask dare, and you have to do it!"

"Okay Mike we got it lets start already" Danny said annoyed.

"I'll go first!" Ashley said grabbing and spinning the bottle; "okay Erica, I dare you to take off your shirt"

"Whoa babe! Getting it started right?" Danny said giving her a high five.

"Hmmm...it landed on Mike...and I dare you to make out with Lisa for two minutes!"

The game went back and fourth between every one except I didn't get picked to do anything yet. People included me in their dares but I didn't have a turn yet. So far I've had Lisa take off my shirt, Eric kiss my feet, Monica slap me hard as she can, and licked Mikes ear.

"I choose Damon, and I want you to play chicken with Finn!" Ashley said.

"You're really original Ash" Lisa said giving her a look.

Damon came closer to me and we made eye contact. He was about two feet from my face. I moved in closer to him and we slowly moved our faces close to each other. We made eye contact the whole time and his look was so intense. It felt like the world stop spinning, and all I could see was his black hair and his eyes...one was blue and the other green for a second. I blinked and it was back green...His lips had a slight smirk and it was parted.

Our faces were inches apart and getting closer and my heart started beating faster, and I think I wanted to kiss him. Finally our noses touched and he held it there for a couple seconds and my eyes were closed waiting him to kiss me. His lips brushed mine...giving me shivers all over...Then he pulled back. When he did I noticed that I was breathing hard and everyone was staring at us. I looked at him and he was looking down, the he touched his lips and smiled.

"Ewwww I actually thought you were going to Kiss!" Monica squealed.

"It definitely looked like they wanted too...I mean there's nothing wrong with that though!" Danny said.

Damon laughed when Danny said this and looked at me. He then stared at me when he span the bottle never breaking eye contact. The bottle landed on Ashley and he dared her to drink three beers. He then looked at me again and just stared. It's like he is debating if he hates me or if he interested in me. I on the other hand didn't understand my feelings, all I know is I am addicted to him.

"Okay Monica I dare you to kiss Finn!" Ashley said pouting her lips.

"Well Finn you are hot, so hell yeah!" She grabbed me and put her tongue in my mouth before I could even respond.

It lasted for about a minute because every time I or she would pull away someone would push our heads back together. So eventually I gave up trying to stop it and started really getting in to it so they could stop pushing me to do it. This worked until I felt an intense stare on me, when I opened my eyes Damon was leering at me like he was hurt and angry. His eyes started to get intense and change again and I got flashbacks from my dreams and I broke the kiss, pretty harshly I might add.

"Oww! What the hell Finn?"

"I'm sorry, I uh just need a minute.." I explained while running upstairs.

"Take your time rubbing it out! We have all night Finn!" Danny yelled after me.

"Shut up Danny before I slap the hell out of you!" Lisa said defending me.

I went to my room and I closed my door. I laid down and closed my eyes, and tried to get the images out of my head. My head started spinning and the pain I felt a couple nights ago came back. I ran to the bathroom and threw up.

"Finn....are you okay?" Lisa asked stepping in.

"God...what's wrong with me?"

"Whoa! Um nothing is wrong with you, it looks like you had a lot to drink..."

"What's going on? Is he alright?" Damon said entering the room.


"I'm sorry...I couldn't help myself...I...couldn't stay away!"

"Well you put him in danger now....Damon!!!"

"I know Li...I know!" Damon cried.

I don't remember what else happened because I blacked out. I could still feel the pain and it felt like it lasted days. All I could see was darkness, and all I could feel was pain. I don't know what's happening to me but I do want it to be over. There are times though when the pain goes completely away and I can feel someone's touch, but when this touch is gone the pain seems to be even worse.

I heard voices sometimes and I smelt people. Five scents, one was Mike's because it smelt like his room. The other was Lisa's but it was different it smelled like her but more strong. Then two of them I didn't recognize at all but I guessed it was Lisa's mum and da. The last one was the strongest smell of them all, and the one I loved the most. This smell turned me on, calmed me down, and made me excited all at the same time. This smell belonged to the person that made all the pain to away....it belonged to Damon.

I knew it was him, I could smell him and plus he was the only one that made the pain to away before right? He had a gentle touch and if he was anywhere near I would get excited. It was torture sometimes because he would be near but I will feel pain and couldn't move. I don't know how long I have been like this but I want it to end, and it did. All of a sudden the pain was the worst it ever was, I felt Damon touch me and it didn't do anything. I felt my body shaking and everything went blurry. Then I opened my eyes.

"Finn....come on! Wake up Finn, I need you to wake up!!!" Damon yelled over my me.

"Uhhhh what happened Damon?" I moaned sitting up.

"Well I'll explain that all later, now the important thing is you're finally awake." Damon said smiling and giving me a glass of water.

I looked around and I seen poster everywhere and I was in a bed covered in sweat. This room smelled like Damon and it looked tidy. He was on the floor kneeling, probably too grossed out to get on his bed with all my sweat.

" I'm sorry I did this to your bed..."

"Don't worry about that it happens, I am sorry for putting you through that..."

"Wait what are you talking about?"

"Damon, is he up yet?"

I looked up to see two figures in the door. They were the smells I smelt earlier, Lisa and Damon's parents. Their da was about 6'2 had dirty blond hair , emerald eyes , and a huge beard. He sort of looked like a sexy lumberjack. Their mum had jet black hair like Damon and hazel eyes like Lisa.

"Hello Finn! I'm Damon's and Lisa's mom you can call me Cathy, and this is my husband Jack."

"Hello, nice to meet you. I'm so sorry for...everything..."

"No we are the ones that are sorry, Damon why don't you go take Finn for a walk and food?" She said handing him a brown bag.

"Okay mom, thanks..."

"Finn, if it's alright with you I would like to talk to you after Damon does, well tomorrow."

"Yeah sure thing."

I was confused to why we needed to talk, am I dying? I think I am...that's why I am having all these weird hallucinogenic dreams or feelings...I wonder if I should call my dad and tell him, or Mike, or Lisa...where is Lisa?

"Hey....Finn would you like to take this walk with me?" Damon said holding out his hand.

"Wait, can I shower first?"

"Sure....I'll be outside waiting." Damon said sounding nervous.

I went in to the shower mostly to think and to get rid of this awful sweat smell. I turned the water on cold as usual but when I went under it the water seemed hot. Nervous for what Damon had to tell me I didn't care. About 10mins later I couldn't think of another explanation , so I guess the only way to know is to go talk to him.

I looked in the mirror and I noticed a change...I was taller about 6'1 now. I was way more ripped than before; my eyes changed too. They were royal blue around my pupil and light blue on the outside. My pecs grew way larger and I felt like a new person.

"What the fuck...." I whispered to myself.

"About that...I think it's time we talked Finn."

"Wait Damon I thought you were outside?" I said through the door.

"I am..."

More confused than ever, I opened the door and I seen Damon about 30yrds away. Is this some kind of joke? I thought to myself. I looked over to my left and I seen shorts and a black shirt...there was no underwear . My mind went south and my heart started to race thinking about wearing Damon's clothes and no boxers. I looked up and Damon was standing outside his glass door that lead outside.

"Finn...are you ready?"

"Yeah, I am...once again I'm sorry about your bed Damon..."

"Like I said it's alright ..."

So we walked deep in to the forest and the animals, who I thought would hide and run away came out into view and wasn't intimidated of us. There were four coyotes that followed about 10ft behind me and birds that watched us. I got a little nervous because I've never seem so many animals this close.

"Um Damon...should I be worried? There are animals every where and coyotes behind me!" I whispered.

"Why are you whispering? Oh! Hahaha! No! You don't need to be worried! No animals here will hurt you." Damon said while laughing hysterically.

"Damon are you on drugs?" I asked grabbing his arm.

"No...." Damon stopped walking and looked in to my eyes "do you trust me Finn?"

"Yes....even though it's hard to..."

"Then stop worrying we are almost there..." He said punching my arm.

We walked for about five minutes until we reached a rock. I started to notice that the animals were now starting to back off as we approached it , and I felt Damon relax. I looked around and this area was extremely excluded from the world, there were trees everywhere no roads for miles, and it smelled like Damon.

"Damon...what's wrong with me?" I asked quietly.

"What do you mean?"

"Don't play stupid! I have grown taller, my eyes changed color, I am more ripped, I can hear and smell everything, and I feel things and I know what I feel is right. So if I have rabies or something and I'm hallucinating let me know now!" I yelled sitting on the rock.

"I don't know what to say, except no you're not dying well it's your choice..."

"Wait what?"

"I need to tell you something and you may not believe me but it's all true. I'll explain all the weirdness too..."

"I'm prepared for it..." I whispered to Damon.

He then took my hand and looked in to my eyes. I felt a feeling that never was there before...I felt almost complete. I felt as if I was almost happy, or in the middle of a emotional transition. I barely know Damon to be honest, and here I am in the woods alone with a guy that could kill me.

As I'm having it out with myself Damon rubs my arms, trying to get back my attention. I look back at him and no words are said but feeling were exchanged. It's almost as if I could feel him comforting me and calming me down.

"Did you feel that Finn?"

"Yeah...what was that?"

"For our kind it's a way of calming down others like us....we aren't human. We are both... a werewolf..." He said looking down.

"Damon, you can't be serious? Has everyone been messing with me for some big joke or something?!"

"Finn, I'm being serious! All those dreams you have? Your heightened senses! All of it is because you are a werewolf....the only difference is that I'm a active one and you're in transition."

"Damon I would like to go home now...."

"Fine if you don't believe me look in to my eyes!"

Damon's eyes suddenly turned to a darker emerald and they started glowing...just like the one I seen in my dream. I instantly was scared and started shaking, and Damon started stepping closer to me. I didn't know what else to do so I started to run. I ran as fast as I could and all the animals that were watching followed. Getting even more frustrated I looked for a place to hide and I ended up tripping and falling. I knew I broke something because my ankle started to bleed and the pain was more than excruciating. My only option was to hide behind a tree.

"Finn?! Where are you??? I'm not going to hurt you...I am trying to help! If you have doubts look in to your own eyes! They are changing! Your body, is also changing and you know it. You're not dying...you're becoming immortal!" He yelled getting closer.

I looked at my iPhone and brought it to my face. My eyes were glowing a light blue color and my sense started to become heightened. I then looked at my leg and my ankle stopped bleeding and it didn't hurt anymore. I could smell Damon's concern, and tell that he was speaking the truth.

"Finn, please come out .... I know you're behind that tree." He said chuckling.

"Damon....if you are telling the truth...then why haven't I turned until now? How are we like this?" I whispered knowing he could hear me if it was true.

"All of that I will explain later, only if you come with me though..." He said now next me and holding out his hands.

We walked back to the rock and the animals once again followed. It was at this time that I noticed I was starving and not like I usually am. I felt like I wanted to kill one of the animals that followed us and just eat it. Their smell made it hard to concentrate....but , Damon's smell also made me want to follow him.

"Okay, we are finally back! Now I can explain things."

"Why are we...?"

"No questions! I'll tell you everything, well almost...my dad will explain the rest. So about 1,500 years ago there were witches that regulated human nature. There were three guys who were friends and there was a girl. They were like a pack who hunted wolfs almost to extinction and this didn't sit well with the witches. They warned the original four that they were messing with Mother Nature....and they didn't listen so the original witch so turned them in to actual wolfs that would never die as punishment. She was the first witch and a regulator, she gave the head witch that was still alive a ruby necklace that was the blood of the original witch turned to stone, this necklace was like no other. It gave the head witch enough power to create any spell they wanted. This was to make sure that the original witch could be channeled. This however backfired on the witches. The original witch only comes when summoned by seven witches even with the ruby necklace. Even back then it was rare to find seven witches in one place, but after the Salem witch trials witches around the world started to perish. So there was a young, powerful, lonely witch about 300 years ago that befriended a wolf. The wolf gave her a ruby necklace, and she in turn turned the wolf human. The wolf had friends, and she decided that she wanted more friends and turned them too human. The now human wolfs took back the ruby and killed her , and her family...."

"Whoa! I'm sorry to interrupt but why kill the person that just helped you? And how old was she?"

"They wanted revenge, after being an animal for 1,200 years you change a lot...and the age of the girl was unknown, but she couldn't have been that young. After she turned the Wolfs human she fell in love with one of them...Clark and they had a son, the witch sensed evil in Clark and tried to take him away....no one really knows what happened after, but there are legends that say she cheated death. Also that she put a spell on her son to preserve him until they were ready...."

"So how are there more wolfs? Like you and I?"

"Well since all the wolfs were males except for one they found out that they had to find a human mate. after this happened, it was discovered their son and daughters came out like them, half wolf and half human...a werewolf. Wolfs choose to find mates on the full moon when they are the most, Um happiest I should say. Werewolf's get extremely horny on the full moon, but it's not the only day they can change. A werewolf can change whenever they want...except when there is a rare case that both parents are a werewolf and their lover is in transition they stay human to comfort them. This almost never happens because the child would be full wolf for forever...unless it's a gay couple" He said looking at the ground.

So much was going through my head. I can't believe that this is all real and I'm not dying....also that witches exist?! I just noticed that it is dark and that the animals are still watching us. I sat on the rock, just taking in all of what Damon was telling me....then it clicked! Damon must already have a mate....who would've thought I would like any guy, and the one that I do is taken! Getting more worked up a tear fell from my eye, and Damon noticed.

"Hey....don't cry" he said wiping my tear away and looking deep in to my soul; "it's not that bad really, you already over came the worst part of it...well kinda. Changing for the first time hurts like a bitch. You feel every bone in your body breaking and it last an hour. When you were pasted out for a couple days..."

"Wait what?!"

"Yeah...for like eight days...and your body changed then but to your new and improved body. Not saying that you weren't a catch before...but look at you now...your eyes are so....anyways! Do you have anymore questions?" He said looking up to escape my awkwardness.

"Um...yeah! What ever happened to Clark and the others?"

"Well they are still alive, they live pretty normal lives except for Clark who dedicated his life to finding his son. He turned his back on the others and became violent. If he ever found his son....that could be tragic. His son is sired to him, which means that he will change for him and become evil if asked by his father. Also, since his son is his half witch and half werewolf he would be the most powerful creature on earth. Immortal, a regulator of nature, and a freak of it all at the same time. With his fathers influence who knows what will happen."

"That sounds terrible, I just hope Clark never finds his son. So wait what about your sister is she one too?"

"Lisa? Yeah she is a werewolf too. My whole family is, well except for my mom. However she some what of a specialist lets just put it that way."

"So is Mike her mate?" I asked carefully.

"Yeah! She knew when they were five that eventually they would get together. They sealed their bond four months ago, so it's sorta like being married."

"Wow! That's why they are so close! They never fight, no team ups...just perfect for each other."

"Well when realizing you have a bond or mate before the age of 21 for wolfs they might try to kill their potential mates...so there for sure was a lot of that when they were younger. However this was mild because when doing this you realize how much you love them."

"Wow...so you can tell from that young?" I questioned loudly.

"Yes! It can even be younger than that, age doesn't matter to a werewolf because once you have changed you are immortal...but you don't always need a partner to change...you just need to be around another werewolf or find one as a mate of you have the potential of being one."

"Wow! So what that's what triggers the transition?"

"Yeah! Pretty much."

"So are you immortal?" I asked carefully.

"What ?!" He yelled surprised.

"Sorry, is that a personal question?"

"Haha no! I'm immortal yes, but I will age until age 21."

"So why did YOU bring me here? Where's Lisa? No offense, but um...I do know her a lot better."

"Having a male werewolf help you out is a lot easier than a female. To be honest you would dominate her if you were to change with her." He said now standing up an giving me the brown bag.

"Wait what are you saying?"

"Did you feel the extra comfort from me when you were in transition? Well our bodies choose me to help you. Usually it's like a mate, dad, or someone older. I'm guessing my Alfa potential and great leadership skills made me the obvious choice. He boasted while flexing.

"No comment. So you're going to help me change into a werewolf? When will this happen?" I asked taking the food out of the brown bag and stuffing it down my mouth.

"Today is Tuesday, the full moon is Sunday. I'm hoping that you will change then, mostly because it'll be easier for you. Or that you find your mate."

"How will I know I've found one?"

"You'll just know. The girls here are perfect for a werewolf! They have pheromones that can drive a wolf mad with lust or love."

"Sounds like you know how to have fun!" I said pushing my disappoint away for now.

"Yeah...well I did...now I have to help you out! So start tomorrow everyday after school we will train and I will teach you how to be a human with way better senses, and what to expect as a wolf.

"Okay sounds like a plan, but mate next time you want to scare the hell out of me at night warn me!"

"Oh, about that...I was making sure that you were okay."

"Well thanks Damon, I'll keep that in mind in the future.

Damon and I headed back to his place for the night. He explained to me that my dad knows that I'm in transition and he had to go away for a while, which means I am staying at Lisa and Damon's house until he returns. Walking back the animals still followed me, and more then that I could feel there heart beat and every emotion they have.

"Damon can you feel the animals emotions?"


"Like I can feel when they are scared, excited, or just idle. Is that normal?"

"Well, um...kind of. For you yes it could be that you have a special talent or gift. For me I can empathize with other people's emotions."

"That's amazing! Try to see how I feel!"

He then stopped walking, looked at me with the stare he always gives me and I felt all tingly and weird like normal. Except his left eye started to turn blue.Then his eyes changed darker like they did when we were playing spin the bottle. He looked happy, then suddenly confused.

"You feel happy, excited, scared, and disappointed. Why do you feel disappointed?"

"Uh, I don't know..."

I couldn't tell Damon that I was really disappointed because he is straight. It seems like he can feel the way I feel, but he won't know why I feel that way. This is all overwhelming, but I'm glad that I have answers to my questions....just like Lisa said! Wow she knew all along! Determined to get the rest of the answers I need, and dealing with my attraction to Damon I headed back to his house.

Next: Chapter 2

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