I Want You To

By SheWhoWrites

Published on Feb 17, 2004



The tedious bit: sex between two women, not for minors or for those where it is illegal. You know the drill.

The better bit: after a long break, my latest story! More truth to it than most..

Do e-mail me your comments: shewhowrites@yahoo.co.uk

Also, why not visit my website? All my stories plus more! www.geocities.com/shewhowrites

I Want You To



The first of my finals was a week away and going out for the night really didn't seem like a good idea. I was horribly behind with my revision and I spent all day on Saturday trying to decide whether or not I should just stay in and keep working. But Sandra had called me earlier and said that a bunch of them were going to be getting together in town at about six o'clock, and I was very tempted. Sandra had just got back from a holiday so I hadn't seen her for a little while, and on top of that I knew I wasn't going to have another chance to go out and let my hair down for quite a while.

My most compelling reason to go out and have fun, though, was Fee. Fee was an extremely good friend of mine who was on my course at university. She was a great girl, and for a fair while I'd had a quiet attraction to her. Quiet only because I knew her to be straight and so I thought little more of it. After all, what change did I have? The more time I spent with her, the more I realised that she was someone I could really go for, but I never let it become any more than a distant fantasy. But a month and a half before this Saturday, she and I had been having a night in with a lot of wine, and we had ending up sleeping together. I had been surprised and delighted and confused and intrigued by this, and we embarked on what would turn out to be a short lived but passionate fling. I was in Heaven.

It came to a premature end due to circumstances beyond my control involving Fee's long term on-off boyfriend, but by then it was too late. I had fallen in love with her, and so now I found myself in the impossible situation of trying to remain her friend and not let my feelings get in the way of that, while finding it so difficult to be in the same room as her. I wanted to be with her more than anything else, and not being able to was so hard. The strain was beginning to show - I was feeling pretty low, my flatmates thought I was drinking more than I usually did, and my concentration generally was in pieces. Only two nights previously I had been at Fee's flat for supper, and we had had something of an alcohol-fuelled row about the whole thing. I knew that it was really just my frustration coming out, but I also felt that I had probably inflicted a lot of damage on the friendship. In relation to Fee I was lying low now and I was feeling even more miserable.

Sandra had been my sounding board throughout this unhappy chapter. She was actually an ex-girlfriend of mine, but we were discovering that we functioned very well together as friends and this was pleasing as I always enjoyed her company. There were no longer any unresolved feelings between the two of us, and as such she had been a great support. And she was determined that I would actually come out and enjoy myself, rather than mope around the house all evening. At two o'clock I was in two minds, at three o'clock I was getting fed up with my work, and by four thirty I was sure that, yes, I was up for it. I sent Sandra a message to tell her that I'd be in town at around nine o'clock, and concentrated on getting enough work done before then to justify my evening's revelries.

At 8 o'clock I left the house, wearing a tight sleeveless purple top and my new black bootcut jeans. It was a warm evening in May, and I was feeling pretty good already. I decided that I would take the bus into the centre from my remote part of south London as it would take me all the way to the bar that I was meeting Sandra in, and the trains were not known for their reliability. However, the bus took a lot longer to arrive than I had expected, and even when it did it made pretty painful progress. By the time I did get into town I was running half an hour late and dying for a drink.

I walked into the bar where I knew Sandra was. It was one of a number of mixed gay bars around London's Soho area, and was fairly busy, though not as packed out as I had known it to be on a Saturday night. I looked around for Sandra and finally located her sitting at a table in the corner with three other girls. I went over and made my presence known and was greeted with a hug by Sandra who was obviously pretty drunk already. Clearly I had plenty of catching up to do. Sat next to Sandra was a girl I recognised as Kelly, a friend of Sandra's whom I'd met once before. On the other side of Sandra was Caitlin, who I vaguely knew, and to Kelly's right was a woman that I'd not met before. I was just thinking to myself that she was really rather nice when she stood up and offered me a hand to shake.

"Hi, I'm Ruth," she said, smiling.

"Pleased to meet you," I replied, raising my voice to be heard over the music, "I'm Lucy."

I went to the bar to get myself a drink, wondering to myself where Ruth had appeared from. I was sure that I'd remember her if I'd seen her before. She was incredibly attractive, with short black hair, a lovely smile, and olive skin that hinted at some South-Asian heritage. I guessed that she was about twenty four, which put her well within reach of my twenty, though other than that, from looking at her, I considered her to be way out of my league. After all, with the exception of Fee (though she was straight, what did she know?), the really unbelievably gorgeous ones simply did not tend to go for me. Or at least, I didn't usually waste my time pursuing them. It's not that I'm unattractive, indeed, the occasional girl in the past has even thrown the odd compliment my way. But I don't look particularly 'gay', still clinging to my long hair and blonde highlights and even from time to time - shock horror! - wearing makeup. Ruth had quite a boyish look about her, but in such a good way. It's no secret that not all women can carry that well, but on Ruth it worked like a dream. I was certainly interested, but from afar.

When I sat back down at the table, Ruth was nowhere to be seen and Kelly was singing her praises.

"I tell you what," said Kelly, "I'd shag her in a second if she asked!"

I smiled to myself, quietly agreeing but a little disappointed. Kelly was thirty and a very good friend of Sandra's, while I was still quite new to the group and didn't want to get anyone's back up. If Kelly was interested in Ruth then I certainly wasn't going to make an issue of it.

Ruth came back to the table and we all chatted for a while, and considered where we were going to go next. The plan was to go clubbing at this venue a short Tube ride away, but it seemed a little early to be heading that way yet. Ruth had an idea that we might go to the lesbian bar over the road and do a couple of rounds of tequila slammers, and everyone thought this was a good idea, especially me as I was several drinks behind the rest.

At the second bar, I went with Ruth to the bar to help her bring over all the drinks. While I had her away from the others, I took the opportunity to get talking to her a little more. "So have you always lived in London?"

"No," she said, "I came over from Australia in 1989."

"I thought I'd detected an accent!" I replied, delighted (I'd always had a thing for Aussies), "You must have found that strange, at that age."

"Not really, I was twenty two at the time."

This didn't compute. "Hang on, but that would make you about..."

"Thirty six," she said, with a smile.

"No!" I couldn't believe that, she really didn't look a day over her mid twenties, "Really?"

"Yep!" she said, handing me some drinks to take over to the others. I followed her, gobsmacked by her age and wondering how the hell she managed to look as young as she did. Everyone took a glass and the necessary salt and lime, and on Ruth's count we did the shots, all recoiling slightly from the sharpness of the lime following the liquor.

Sandra was discussing the wreck that was presently her love life. She and I had only broken up about two months previously, with Sandra citing 'feelings for someone else' as a major factor, but relations with Fee had overtaken everything else so I certainly wasn't bothered to be hearing about Sandra's women. There was one girl, who would not be joining us this evening, who Sandra was thinking about getting involved with, but nothing was ever certain!

After another shot each, we prepared to move on. Before we left I ran into Kelly in the ladies' and she was gushing once again about how great Ruth was. I nodded and didn't say anything, while very aware that I was by now keen to have a shot myself. I still didn't want to upset Kelly or do anything that would backfire on me, though, so I was in two minds about how to proceed.

As we walked to the Underground station, Caitlin left us saying she had to get up early for a Sunday morning shift at work, and so then there were four. Sandra received a phone call from another friend of ours, Kristin, who was very obviously drunk and was due to meet us later on at the club. Kristin had been the one who had introduced me to Sandra in the first place, and the two of them were old friends.

On the train, everyone's varying levels of inebriation showed up against other, sober, travellers. I was still quite a long way behind Sandra and Kelly, so rather than getting loud and drawing attention to myself I chatted to Ruth. We got onto talking about age differences and whether or not we thought they were important. I stated that I thought what was more important was the relative maturity of two people rather than their absolute ages, and Ruth seemed to agree, and told me that to her age wasn't important. Indeed, she had something of a history of getting involved with younger girls, and while this didn't bother her she had had some grief from her friends about it.

I couldn't help but have some hope at this point. At least it wasn't my relative youth that was going to let me down, if I did decide to pursue the matter.

After a short Tube journey and then a brief walk, we arrived at the club. The place was starting to fill up a little, and so we wasted no time in getting our coats to the cloakroom and heading for the bar. While I was ordering a drink (and one for Ruth too, naturally) Kristin arrived, looking very much the worse for wear. Somehow, after many slurred greetings, she stumbled over to the dance floor, and the rest of us followed.

Immediately it was clear to me that Ruth was quite a dancer. She was dancing very provocatively with Sandra and Kelly, who clearly loved it, and also from time to time with me. She was quite a bit shorter than I was, and so I found myself to be dancing over her quite a bit. She was moving in a deliciously sexy way, and I wanted her more and more but still stopped myself from doing anything overt about it. I was very aware that Kelly was only a couple of yards away and I knew she was watching. I didn't want to appear to be too into Ruth, but I was.

Ruth told me to turn around so she was dancing with me from behind, and she said into my ear that she thought I had a gorgeous body. I knew that what I was wearing was tight enough to show off my stomach, hips and ass well, considered by many to be my best bits, but even so this was high praise indeed. I felt Ruth's hands on my waist, and she was grinding into me so I went with the motion. It was definitely getting hotter between us and I was starting to feel that maybe there was something mutual going on here. I was still slightly holding myself back, but I allowed myself to throw the odd compliment her way. When I told Ruth, in response to one of her comments about my being attractive, that I thought she was stunning, she had a very dirty smile on her face.

I looked around for the others. Sandra was dancing nearby with Kristin, but I couldn't see Kelly anywhere. I was worried that maybe she'd taken my dancing so close with Ruth badly and was waiting to lay into me elsewhere. Then I caught sight of her a little way away - she was kissing another girl, a blonde, who I didn't recognise. I smiled, and decided that I could probably take that as meaning that the coast was clear with regard to my pursuit of Ruth.

Ruth said that she was going to the bar, and so I went with her and bought her another drink. While we were there - and I'm sure she was suddenly finding more excuses to touch me than she had been before - she met another woman who she told me was a very old friend of hers that she hadn't seen for well over a year. I stood and made small talk with them for a little bit, but then decided that I would head back to the dance floor and find Sandra and Kristin. To my delight, Ruth was right behind me.

It took me a minute to locate them, but I finally say the back of Sandra's head through the crowd. We pushed our way through towards them, and only when we got closer did I see what was actually happening - Sandra and Kristin were kissing fiercely, oblivious to all else around them.

It was an effort to haul my jaw up from the floor upon seeing this. Sandra and Kristin? But they were such established friends, this was just strange! In addition, I knew that Kristin was well aware of everything that had gone on between Sandra and I, and so despite my being over it to all intents and purposes, I felt this was a little indiscreet on both their parts. I was not impressed.

Then I felt arms around me from behind and a body pressing against me, and remembered about Ruth. I spun around to face her and carried on dancing; my mind made up that nothing was going to stop me from seeing where I could get with Ruth tonight. It was my turn to have some fun.

As we danced, closer and closer this time, moving as one in time with the rhythm, Ruth and I talked, or rather, shouted in one another's ears. It was I who bit the bullet and admitted that I found her really very attractive and that I wondered if this might proceed any further. She smiled and told me that she was thinking along the same lines, but was wary of me, as I was so much younger than she was. She said that she'd been with someone so young before, fallen in love and then been badly stung. To this I responded that now was probably not a great time for me to be getting heavily involved anyway, as I had my finals going on and then a month after that I was going travelling for about two months in the United States.

"So I can't exactly offer a relationship right now, anyway," I told her.

"What are you offering then?" she asked.

"Oh, I don't know..." I said with a sly grin.

Ruth paused, and then said into my ear, "I do want to take you home and fuck you all night... but..."

My heart leapt, and I was really rather aroused by her saying these words. Before she could talk herself out of it, I leaned in and kissed her on the lips.

The kiss was just a brief one, however. She pulled back and muttered something about it not being a good idea, although she was still dancing very close to me. After a few minutes I tried for another kiss, and again got batted away. I started to wonder what was happening here, and whether or not this was going to happen at all.

The night was starting to draw to a close, and I noticed that Sandra was nowhere to be seen. Kelly had emerged by now, with the blonde (who turned out to be called Chelsea) in tow, and she and I decided that we would go and look for Sandra who had been getting drunker and drunker. We searched through the entire venue, unable to find her. Ruth found her old friend again and was chatting to her by the bar, and she didn't seem to know where Sandra was either. Eventually we found her, near the cloakroom, engaged in deep conversation with Kristin. I hung back, reluctant to interrupt, but Sandra saw me and came over.

Sandra was being very apologetic, though I couldn't quite understand why and her slurred speech wasn't helping. As she went on, though, it became clear that Kristin was the one who she had had feelings for all along and so had contributed to our break up. I was stunned, but I didn't want to make a scene. Kristin came up to me as well, and was apologising even more profusely. I told them both that I was slightly annoyed by the whole thing but that I wasn't going to hold it against anyone. Meanwhile I was aware that I had lost sight of Ruth, which wasn't what I wanted.

As we were preparing to leave, Ruth appeared with my coat that she had retrieved from the cloakroom. We all headed outside, with Sandra having obvious difficulty placing one foot in front of another. I offered to see her home to make sure that she made it back alright, but Ruth then suggested we all headed back to her place in west London for wine and general chilling out. I wasn't about to object.

Ruth negotiated a fare with a touting minicab driver, and we all piled into his large cab - Kelly, Chelsea and Sandra in the very back, Ruth and myself in the middle and Kristin in the front to the left of the driver. This worked rather well for me as Kelly and Chelsea were very into one another, Sandra was practically unconscious and Kristin was talking to the driver, so Ruth and I could talk some more. She, too, was clearly under the influence, but she still seemed fairly lucid. She said into my ear that she was starting to wish she hadn't invited the other four, which I smiled at, and took as a cue to kiss her again. This time she kissed me back for a second or two before once again drawing back and saying, "no, this is a bad idea."

We continued to talk, though, and she asked me what I did. I told her that I was studying to be a vet, though I had been taking the year out to do a BSc, hence the finals. Ruth seemed interested and started telling me that she thought I was amazing. Given the somewhat mixed signals that she was putting out, my ego didn't quite know how to take this, but it was nice to hear nevertheless.

When we got to her house, Ruth invited us all to make ourselves comfortable in her living room while she found some wine. This she poured, and we all sat around chatting for a while and trying not to wake up Ruth's flatmate. Sandra had perked up a little by now and she and Kristin her sitting very close, obviously unable to keep their hands off one another. I smiled to myself. After about an hour or so of talking and laughter, Kristin announced that, seeing as it was four in the morning, she was going to get a cab and head home. Ruth said she would go to bed and went upstairs to find bedding for everyone else who was staying. I was very much anticipating being part of that number.

When Ruth came back downstairs, though, she pulled me to one side and said into my ear, "I want you to go upstairs, I want you to take your clothes off, and I want you to wait for me." I was shocked, and thrilled, and I didn't need to be asked twice.

Without looking to see if any of the others had noticed, I went upstairs and found Ruth's room. I sat on the bed and removed my shoes and socks, but then decided to leave it at that for now as I didn't trust the others not to come bursting in to see where I was. Instead I fired off a text message to one of my housemates telling them that I wouldn't be coming back home tonight, and looked around Ruth's room, at photos and ornaments, trying to get some kind of a sense of who she was. She seemed to take an age to come upstairs.

When she finally did, though, all her earlier inhibitions seemed to have deserted her. She came right over to me and kissed me, her tongue plunging straight away deep into my mouth. I pulled her close to me and kissed her with an equal passion, and we fell backwards onto her bed, her on top of me. Ruth briefly broke the kiss to pull her top up and over her head, and then I reached around and undid the clasp of her bra, letting her pert breasts press directly against me. I still didn't believe she was really thirty-six.

Ruth then pushed my top up and over my head, and proceeded to start licking and kissing my now exposed breasts. I sighed and extended my neck, and as I did she moved to kiss that, hard. My hands were on her breasts, feeling her hard nipples against my palms, and then her back. I could feel her toned back muscles moving and her breaths quickening and I wanted her more and more.

Her knee was between my legs and exerting a pressure on my pussy that was wonderful, but I needed more. As we kissed some more I started to undo her jeans in the hope that she'd get the message, and she did. She rolled to one side and took them off, and then pulled mine from me with my thong that had become rather damp with all the excitement. During the brief lull in proceedings I was able to get a good look at her naked, and she was beautiful. Her body was just right, she was slim and toned and I was hungry for her. Her pussy was shaven apart from a fine strip of hair heading up from her pubic bone, a style similar to my own.

Ruth then shifted so that she was on top of me again, with one leg between mine. As she kissed my neck and my mouth and my breasts I bent my right knee so that my thigh was in contact with her pussy, and was rewarded with a smear of her cum where they touched. She was very wet and also sensitive as I could tell from how she gasped as I did this. She certainly seemed to be in a hurry - her hands were roaming all over my body and her kisses were getting progressively deeper and more passionate. I felt her fingertips brush lightly against the top of my clit and I shuddered slightly. I knew I was wet too, and she didn't take long in finding this out for herself. Ruth moved two fingers to between my clit and my opening, drew back and rubbed my clit hard, and then pushed those same fingers inside me.

I inhaled sharply and then breathed out more slowly as she began to fuck me, as she had promised back in the club! Inside my pussy I could feel her fingers moving in and out, first more slowly and then faster as she and I became more turned on. She moved her body off me so that she had a better angle on my pussy and was now sitting beside me as she thrusted her digits into me, and so allowed me to reach the damp centre between her legs. As I did this she parted them enough to make her desires clear, and I wasted no time in pushing two fingers into her myself. And so we built up a mutual rhythm of fucking, both of us plunging harder and faster into the other as we approached our first orgasms of the evening.

It was I who came first, though not by much. I started to cry out as my pussy tightened against her fingers and my clit throbbed. The waves that crashed through me just made me thrust harder into her, and while I was still riding my climax Ruth began to shout out too. I kept working her as hard as I could though I was aware that control might not be my strongest area right now. Panting as I came down from my peak, I kept ramming my fingers into her slick hole until her breathing slowed too.

Ruth was looking at me intently and breathing deeply. I wanted to ask her what she was thinking, but it didn't seem to be the thing to do at the time. Indeed, before I could say anything she moved onto her front and ran her lips across my stomach. There were beads of sweat on my skin and my breathing was still a nit erratic from her previous ministrations - I certainly wasn't expecting her to start again straight away. But she kissed her way down from my navel, settled herself between my legs, and without looking to see whether or not I was protesting, started to lick my still-soaked pussy.

I was feeling very sensitive from the time before, but as Ruth continued to rub her tongue against my clit the feeling of jumpiness gave way to one of pleasure, and I relaxed. She was very good at this, her lips and tongue expertly winding around my clit and my slit, and already I could feel another orgasm building inside me. Ruth was exerting just the right amount of pressure and her warm mouth adding more moisture to my pussy felt incredible. It was everything I could do not to come right away, but this felt great and I wanted it to last. When she slid a finger into me, though, I could not hold it in, and I let out a long, low moan as I climaxed onto her face, my thighs tightening around her head. As I thrashed around I'm sure I made it difficult for her to hang on, but she did admirably and kept licking and sucking my clit until I really could take no more and pulled my body right up from her.

As I got my breath back Ruth lifted herself into her arms and kissed her way up my body until her face was before mine. She kissed me slowly and I could taste my own juices on her lips and tongue. Then she buried her face into the angle between my neck and my shoulder and stayed put for a little while.

I started to feel like I had some energy again, and Ruth must have felt me stir, as she looked up at me with a filthy expression. She kissed me deeply and then rolled onto her back, taking me with her so that I was now on top of her. I continued to kiss her for a short time, then decided that it was my turn to head southwards. I ran my tongue over her neck and between her breasts, stopping in my path only to detour to one of her nipples and suck on it, which was greeted with a deep sigh from Ruth. Reluctantly leaving it be, I carried on down, kissing her stomach and her hips before reaching the top of her mound. I shifted my weight onto my elbows and used my fingers to explore the outer lips of her pussy more closely than before. As I made contact Ruth moaned softly, and this combined with the delicious, highly sexual smell that was emanating from her was too much. I didn't want to wait any longer.

I lowered my head and took one long lick of her soft pussy, then another as she squirmed with pleasure. I applied a little more pressure and sped up my movements ever so slightly, and I could feel the muscles in Ruth's thighs contracting and relaxing against my temples. I was mixing up my movements, now licking around her swollen clit, now making my tongue hard and pushing it into her, all the time ensuring that her senses were being bombarded with my actions. She was pushing her body down the bed towards me, and my opposition to this only forced my face closer and harder against her. Ruth became quite vocal as I built up the tempo and the urgency with which I went to work. The lower half of my face got more and more slippery as she poured cum out onto me, but I held on, didn't let go, but just continued to work her hot pussy with my lips and tongue. Kissing her pussy like I had been earlier her mouth, I felt her body go tense. Ruth started to get more incoherent as she was gripped by her climax that seemed to last forever and yet was still over far too soon. I kept on licking at her clit until she had calmed and was lying on her back breathing hard.

I thought she might be finished at this point, but I was mistaken. After only the shortest of pauses, Ruth sprang up and turned around so that she was on all fours facing away from me. Her intentions were all too clear and I was happy to oblige. I lifted myself up and knelt behind her with one hand on her hips and the other caressing her pussy with my fingertips. She was so wet from my licking her out just a minute earlier, my hand slid easily over her and I loved the feel of her hard clit against my skin. Having rubbed that quite hard for a minute or too, and drawn out some deep groans from her as I did so, I pushed three fingers inside her and felt her walls contract down on me as I did so. My first thrust was met with Ruth pushing her body back against mine to get the full force of my fingers inside her, and as she did I placed my spare hand on her shoulder for extra leverage. I pushed against her and got as deep as I could, up to the knuckle, while simultaneously pulling her head around and forcing my tongue into her mouth. She returned the sudden kiss with equal enthusiasm and I started fucking her hard with my hand. Every time I pulled out she moved forward, and every time I plunged into her she slammed back and met my thrust with one of her own. We were both panting hard from the exertion of it as she came once again, her pussy becoming very tight around my fingers as her entire body shook.

As her cries died down, I withdrew my soaked fingers from her and collapsed onto my back on the bed, sweat pouring from me. I was exhausted, so I couldn't begin to imagine how Ruth was feeling. Yet again, though, she surprised me. I was expecting her to fall beside me, but instead she stayed on her knees and shuffled over so that she was straddling my face with her own body facing my feet. There was no subtlety to it, but we were way beyond that now anyway. Without further ado, she lowered her pussy onto my mouth and bent her own body over so that her lips made contact with my clit. It was like an electric shock passing through me as she did so, but I didn't have too much time to dwell on that as I had the small matter of her pussy in my mouth and her cum already running down my chin to attend to. And happily I did so, sucking on her clit which seemed to grow even more in my mouth and twisting a hand round so that I could continue driving my fingers into her in the manner that had been so successful before. Ruth returned the favour, filling me with her fingers and circling my clit firmly with her skilled tongue. I knew at once that I was not going to be able to hang on very long, and hearing Ruth crying out into my pussy as I stroked her clit with suck force with my tongue and jabbed my hand into her with such ease was more than my senses could cope with. My entire body started to tremble as I was held in the grip of an incredible orgasm that smashed through me with wave after wave of deep pleasure. I knew Ruth was coming too, I could feel the now familiar sensation of her gripping my head between her thighs like a vice and not letting me go until she was sure the climax had passed.

When it did, and Ruth rolled off me, I was half expecting her to initiate something else, but instead she crawled up to the pillow, bringing the duvet with her, and pulled one of my arms around her as she curled up for sleep. I kissed her gently between the shoulder blades as she drifted off, and noticed that the light was starting to break through.

The next thing I was aware of, it was much lighter. I fuzzily glanced at the clock in the corner of the room and saw that it was half past eight. I couldn't have had more than an hour and a half of sleep, yet I didn't feel particularly tired. I looked at Ruth and saw that she had turned over to face me, and that she had woken up too. She smiled at me and leant in to kiss me on the lips. I kissed her back, and felt her hand on the side of my face, and then the kiss somehow grew into something more passionate. Ruth was leaning over me somewhat and pinning me down, and my arms were around her neck, pulling her closer still.

Then she rolled right over me so that she was behind me, and pressed her body right up against mine. I could feel that I was still a bit wet from all that had gone on the night before, and this was only enhanced when I felt her hand drifting over my stomach and down. Her fingers traced the fine line of hair that went down as far as the top of my pussy, and I gasped when she began to rub my clit, gently at first, but then harder. I was writhing about in her arms, trying to move a little so that she would have the optimal angle on me, and then I decided that more decisive action would have to be taken. I hauled myself up onto my arms and adopted the same hands-and-knees position that Ruth had done the night before. She read my movements perfectly and slipped in behind me, sliding her fingers expertly into me as she did so. She used her other hand to continue the rubbing of my clit that she had started, and built up the two into a complimentary rhythm that had me moaning loudly with every successive thrust. As she had done, I was pushing back onto her hand, and she responded by increasing the force of her thrusts. Her rubbing of my clit got harder and faster, and suddenly, without any warning, I came. My knees buckled, I buried my face in the pillow, and I let out a long cry as my body convulsed from the sensations Ruth was eliciting. And then it was over. Ruth pulled out of me and lay on top of my back, kissing the back of my neck and stroking my skin softly. I couldn't move.

Of course, I did move in the end. I knew Ruth had things to be doing, and in truth so did I, as tempting as the thought of staying around and carrying on all day was. Ruth and I were chatty with one another as I found my clothes, scattered about the room, and dressed. She said she'd walk me to the bus stop, and I was aware that I had quite a trek through central London to make it home before the afternoon, especially with a Sunday service operating. It wasn't a long walk, and before she turned to walk back home Ruth took my face in her hands, pulled me down to her, and left me with one long, lingering kiss.

As she walked away, I remembered that I'd never even got her number. I crossed the road to my stop, smiling to myself.

For completeness' sake: Sandra and Kristin are still together, and I ended up having a further month-long fling with Fee before heading to the United States seriously messed up by it all. I haven't seen Ruth since.

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