I Want to Be Punished

By james williams

Published on Mar 17, 2023


I want to be punished. Chapter 5

Herewith the last of this series. Apologies for delays with this chapter but I have been away for several weeks with no access to computers. Anything over a month old gets lost on my email I have lost anyone who contacted me. Feel free, Adrian and others, to get in touch again. James.

The story continues...

By the morning James was really tired. Tied out, loosely spreadeagled on his back on a hard little raised platform bed in a room in the corner of the cellar, he had not slept much and was still sore from being whipped with the heavy lash on the day before. But although tired he was erect and obviously excited at what the Master had in store for him later in the day.

James heard the door open and Sir's footsteps whispering across the stone cellar floor. He turned his head as far as he could and saw his Master coming over to him. Already Master had stripped to his black leather thong and James realised that his punishment was to carry straight on. Sir stopped beside James, and ruffled his hair, running an appreciative hand down James smooth young willing spreadeagled body, and gently encouraging the erection in the little yellow thong on the way.

Please sir, before you do anything to me I need to go for a pee said James. The chains were undone from the cuffs and James was allowed to scamper off to the toilet in the corner before obediently returning to stand meek and passive in front of his Master. Turn around boy came the order, put your hands behind your back, and James felt the cord going around his wrists, tighter and tighter, the feeling that made him so excited as his hands were bound behind him. Right, come with me, came the order and Sirs hand behind his tousled head guided him out into the main cellar to where Master had prepared the rack and pulled it out ready the session. Overhead was a large mirrored ceiling and on a table alongside lay the boys whip James knew so well and a vicious looking black leather tawse about a metre long, 8cm wide and maybe 5ml thick. It had a moulded handle one end while at the business end it was split into several tails.

The rack was a long bench of heavy wood about the height of a normal table. Its base on which many victims had lain, was shiny smooth wood and it was about a metre wide so that a boy could be effectively slightly spreadeagled. At each end soft leather thongs were lying ready, the head end thongs fastened by rope to go around a winch drum. Right James, up you go to lie on your back and Sir gave him a leg up where he lay down obediently. Legs apart he was told and each was secured with a soft leather thong. Arms over your head he was told and his wrists were also thonged to the straps which went to the drum winch and ratchet at the head end. The master stood back and admired the sight of this superb young boy, naked but for a tented thong, and held spreadeagled ready for punishment.

Now then James, this is going to hurt probably more than anything I have done to you before, but it will complete your initiation into slave boy punishments and as you go home for holidays next week it will be the last thing we do together until your next term in four weeks, so take your punishment well and you can dream of it on your holidays. With that, Sir wound on the handle at the end and James felt his whole body stretching out tight. As it tightened James found he was unable to make any movement at all apart from moving his head from side to side. Unable to wriggle or writhe, and looking up he could however see the erotic sight of his tanned young body laid out and under the strain, his chest seemed exageratedly raised and his tummy sucked in, and over all of him a sheen of sweat was starting to form. He could feel it running down his forehead and he shook his head repeatedly to keep it out of his eyes.

You will have to stand just one more notch came the voice of Sir, and as he applied the extra pressure James cried out at the pain, his tousled sweat soaked head thrashing from side to side while his body was rigidly stretched. The Master leaned over the stretched boy and felt his shoulders and thighs to make sure he was not damaging him. Then, unable to contain himself any longer, he had to release his straining erection from its tight leather thong, and with one touch shot streams of cum over the boys sweating body.

Master did not like mess, and cleaned James and himself off with at towel before putting his thong back on and bending over James to speak gently to him. Courage James, you will stay like that for twenty minutes, he told him, and he leaned back to start a big clock on the wall. At twenty minutes I will wank you to climax. You will then stay stretched until you manage to get erect again. You will then be given ten lashes across your chest and tummy before release. I will choose the boys whip or heavier tawse when we see how you cope, and he did the hair ruffling routine and finally bent over to kiss this superb young boy on the lips to show his affection and love for his willing young victim.

Now James was frightened that he would plead mercy and have his punishment doubled as he had arranged back at the beginning of the relationship. He was in greater pain than he had ever been and actually for maybe the first time really wanted it to stop, but of course had no way of achieving this. He decided to call for the gag so that he could not call out for mercy, and Sir, grinning at him, picked up the small ball gag and strapped it in place, first the neck strap and then the strap over the top of his sweaty curly head. By sheer will power and maybe because his body had become more used to the strain James lay still getting some relief by watching the sight of himself in the overhead mirror. The Master meanwhile walked gently around him savouring the sweating young body in pain on the rack.

At twenty minutes, Master went forward and released the tie on the side of James's straining thong, and gently pulled it aside. So tight was the boy stretched that he could not pull the cord away from under him and between his legs. Now he took the straining young penis in hand and in only four of five gentle stokes James came in little jets of clear boy cum. His penis quickly went limp as he moaned into the ball gag but of course he could not relax as his body was still rigidly and relentlessly stretched!

The Master was amazed when two minutes later James started to get erect again and within a minute his penis gave a good hard twitch to show he was fully aroused. Sir turned and looked at the soft whip and hard tawse, and picking up the tawse he told James that he had wanted the big whip yesterday, and today he would have the adult tawse. After all you are going for four weeks holiday to get over all this so you had better be dealt with firmly now. James with his ball gag could only moan and his big blue eyes watched his master as he picked up the tawse and flexed it.

James heard the noise of the tawse as Sir swished it too and fro, he could not move his body which was held rigid for the whipping. Sir laid on the first stroke across the straining young tummy in front of him. Let us be fair, he had to be gentle in that in no way did he want to damage this willing young masochist. Hurt him yes, hurt him a lot, yes, because he knew the boy wanted that, but definitely not to damage the delightful body stretched out before him. The only response from James, who could move nothing but his head, was a grunt through the ball gag. Master worked the ten strokes at thirty second intervals from just above James's erection to across his nipples. He worked four from each side before laying the final two on his thighs, just below that straining erection. He was rewarded with ten red wheals with many little red tails where the split ends had wrapped around the boys ribs.

Then, true to his word, he released the winch to slacken up the rack, and released the thongs from the boys wrists and ankles. James curled up into a ball and clutched his arms around his legs and as his gag was released he started to sob uncontrollably as the pain of his joints returning to normal took over. Sir leant over and picked up the slight figure of the naked boy, sat him on the edge of the rack with his legs dangling, and hugged him to him. It's alright James, you were great and there will be no more sex games today, I promise you. After five minutes hugging and crying the boy calmed down, though keeping his arms wrapped tightly around his near naked Master

Please sir, sorry I cried came James little treble voice, but it really hurt too much. Then, with the amazing recovery time of boys, h e looked up with a tear stained cheeky grin and said, please sir, can we have our breakfast now! They went off upstairs to the warm carpeted and heavily curtained room, James had already put on his little thong he so admired, and that is what they did, a super heavy cooked breakfast was cooked by master in the upstairs room, while James looked on.

Now we will have a quiet day, maybe watch a few videos and maybe get a few ideas for next terms meetings when you come over here, said the master. Yes sir, came the reply, but please, can I spend the day with my hands tied behind my back like you usually do to me because it feels nice like that! Master willingly agreed and added in one little extra touch. After tieing his wrists tightly behind him he reminded James that when he had first found him doing his own self bondage, he had been wearing a home made bikini of two hankies. I will dress you like that now because it was really sexy, and so saying he produced two hankies. He tied two corners, then folded the hankies into triangles, folding the extra bit inwards, then as James stood passively in front of him, with his hands bound behind him, the Master removed his thong and tied the new bikini in place on each hip. The only difficulty was keeping young James's erection within the folds but eventually he was clad in well tented tiny cotton hanky bikini sexily tied on his hips. And so it was that they spent the day. The Master sat on the settee working the videos he had in stock. Young James, curled up beside him and snuggled closely too him, his bikini erect as usual, and with his hands firmly tied behind him. I have to add, that he also had a very contented smile on his angelic and tear stained young face, especially as his master put his arm around him to hug him and comfort him.

The Master was already dreaming up new and painful ideas for his willing young boy who would be back with him in four weeks.

That is the end of this series but young James will return under a new heading, so watch in a month or so for "I deserve punishing again". This may be under a new email address.

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