I Want to Be Punished

By james williams

Published on Feb 7, 2023


I have decided that young James' " Master" in the three episodes before this should write this episode. So this then is from the viewpoint of this sexy schoolmaster and slavemaster.

The Masters story. I know that James has enjoyed all that has happened to him and he is one of the cutest, sexiest boys that I have had the pleasure to break in as a slaveboy.

It just gets to me the way he strips down to those incredibly sexy school bikini briefs, and then turns to hold his hands behind his back for me to tie. I don't give any quarter in this and the cord is tight and cinched giving him no movement, yet he seems to love that bit. I turn him to face me and he looks almost coyly down as I put my hands on the waist band of his briefs to gently remove them, making sure that I don't touch him yet on his excited erection. I make him step into the yellow thong which is already loosely tied so it can be slipped up his smooth young legs easily. Then he turns to thrust out his hip at me to have the leather cord tied more tightly. Now I will ruffle his hair which I know he likes as he realises that this is showing my affection for him despite the tortures that I will be putting him through. Lets face it, basically, I love this boy.

After the last session when young Luke and Jon joined in (two more delightful boys in the making) James stayed on with me for the weekend and we kept right away from sex as he was very sore around the genitals for obvious reasons. No damage, but just sore giving him an almost permanent erection! What he did say though, just before he left me on Monday morning, was that he had proved that he was a brave slaveboy to me. When would I let him try a whipping from the heavy adult whip? I had seen him fingering it where it was hooked on the wall. The whip I used on James was of soft leather strips, about twelve of them, of 2cm wide and about 2mm thick. Sure they could sting and hurt, but you could use it a lot without inflicting damage. The big boys whip as he called it was of heavy leather thongs, with some of them knotted at their ends. There must have been twelve strips, all moulded into a handle with a loop for the operators hand. I knew how it felt as I had been whipped many times by one of my older teenage slaveboys. The really vicious bits were those knots which could really bite and made it difficult to use without drawing blood at times. That is why it was banned by me for younger boys.

I have to admit that I have screamed as it wrapped around me. I like to be tied by the wrists, naked and with no protection. Arms tightly aloft but with enough slack to allow a good struggling. Ankles secured by a spacer bar which would be held down at each end so that I could not turn away from the punishment. I had once been given twenty five lashes and had to be gagged after the tenth. You will remember from previous chapters that I did not use a safe word and that if I tried to plead mercy I would be gagged, and take extra punishment. It was all part of the build up and thrill of being stretched and tied for whipping. That time my back and tummy were a criss cross of wheals with a fleck of blood visible where the lines had crossed here and there or a knot had bitten in. I never like going as far as seeing blood as it marks the body for ages, if not for ever and I teach my boys to have the skill to avoid this.

However, I gave James a hug when he asked for the big whip next time, and told him I would see, but I felt he was too young and tender to take it yet.

It was the start of a wonderful session because by mid week I had secured another pass for him to go and visit a fictitious aunt and uncle, and tipped him off to come over to my house after school on Friday for a weekend.

On Friday, sure enough, there was a knock on the back door which he used so no one could see him come in, and there was James. Grinning up at me. A thirteen year old bundle of sex and fun. Cheeky little face, big innocent blue eyes and his blond slightly curly hair all shaggy as usual. I put my hand behind his head and guided him in and decided the very first thing was to get his school clothes off and his little thong on, and of course, tie his hands behind him. We went to our usual big room with all curtains drawn and the lights on and I sat on the sofa and beckoned to him. He stood before me, peeled off his shirt, undid his belt and dropped his jeans, and then, clad only in his thin white bikini briefs he sat down to remove his shoes and socks. Immediately this was done he stood up, already with tented briefs, and turning away from me offered his wrists for tying.

He stood away from me then, and turning to face me asked, "Please Sir, am I going to be whipped with the big whip today". And then, breathlessly, "Please sir, please. I want it to really hurt today". I have an idea, he explained then. I would like Luke (the twelve year old in last chapter) to come and watch me take the big whip while he takes the softer junior one. Five lashes each and I have to take as many as Luke does with the soft whip. We could be strung up facing eachother. I hesitated, and then James came over to me, and leant against me, smoothing his body against mine with his bound hands behind him, and reached over to kiss me. "Please sir, Please".

How could I resist! Alright James, I will take you down to the cellar now where you will be fixed to the spreader bar and overhead ring to await me getting Luke to join us. Luke I knew would jump at the chance as last time he was whipped he had obviously enjoyed it. Down to the cellar we then went, and I fastened young James feet to a three foot spreader bar which I had put on a small platform below a ring which in turn was fastened to a pulley overhead. The spreader bar had small chains about a foot long from each end so the boy could be hoisted off the platform and pulled out tightly unable to turn his body.

I left James with his feet on the ground and having untied his hands I put his padded cuffs on , and shackled his hands behind his back again so he would just have to await me and Luke. For good measure, I took the heavy whip, and laid it down beside him at the same time marvelling that this lovely lithe and smooth little boy was prepared to take such punishment. One look at the little yellow thong though told me the answer!

I went off to get Luke, knowing that the hour or so James would spend in the cellar would only heighten the anticipation as he awaited my return, already tied up on the platform on which he was to be whipped. Luke was excited when I told him the plan and within an hour we were back at my house and I was stripping and preparing Luke. Again that lovely willing compliance and the obvious pleasure as his hands were bound behind him.

When I ushered him down to the cellar and closed and locked the door behind me, I saw that James had decided to lie down on the platform. His legs of course were spread by the bar which itself was chained at either end to the platform, so he lay slightly on one shoulder so that his arms, held behind him by the linked cuffs were not directly under his body. He looked mouth wateringly superb and I got a nervous grin from his as he struggled to get up. I immediately helped him up, and unlinking his wrist cuffs before fastening them immediately to the ring above his head. It was lovely and hot in the cellar and I noted with pleasure that James already had a slight sheen of sweat across his shoulders and chest.

Next I had Luke to prepare, and this was directly in front of James so that they could watch each other being whipped. Then, slowly I pulled up on the rings so that the two boys were stretched up but still on tiptoe as I was leaving the final suspension until I was ready to whip them Meanwhile, I stripped down to black thong at this stage and the boys watched in anticipation. Then I picked up a tiny black thong of thick leather and explained to James that as he wanted the big whip his penis would need some protection in case it got damaged. Can't I be naked sir, he asked. I gave him a quick head ruffle, and told him maybe later if he was good and with that I undid the yellow thong and fastened on the black leather with its little straps and buckles, forcing that lovely little boy erection into the soft black leather.

We were ready, and going to the ring pulleys I raised both boys off the ground so they were suspended between their wrist cuffs and their spread ankles, now held down by the spreader bar chains.

The first five strokes will be on Luke I told them, and picking up the soft leather whip I laid five quick strokes across his shoulder as he wriggled and writhed but was not really in much pain. I turned and picked up the heavy whip. Brace yourself James I said, and I noticed his muscles tensing. I gave him his first lash across his shoulders and he grunted and heaved himself tightly against his leg bonds. Another lash, and another and he gave little gasps of pain as red wheals appeared across his shoulders and back. Well now it is up to Luke I said, you are going to get five across your chest and tummy, and this will all go on until one of you cries off. With that I laid onto his chest working down to just above his jutting little white thong as he gave little treble grunts of excitement and pain.

The next five on James were the testing ones I thought, and telling him to stop me if he needed to, I laid on the five strokes. At the end he was sobbing and writhing and sweat was standing out all over his body. I'm not giving in came the defiant little voice, I can take lots more, but please sir, please make me naked. I knelt before him and unbuckled and removed the thong and marvelling as his rigid little member sprung out at me. I then told myself that Iwould have to be very careful but that after all, I was always naked when whipped and the boy was keen to suffer.

Back to Luke and I realised that the only way I would get to stop whipping James with the big whip was to make Luke call to stop so deliberately I lowered my lashes to around his midriff and when the last one curled from around his slender back to lash across his thong he gave a cry and his writhing was wonderful to watch, but still he did not cry halt. Then to James, and again, around his midriff, being careful not to hit that rampant little penis of his. He was wonderful to watch. So excited and in so much pain as he flung himself too and from in his suspended bondage. Sweat now literally poured down his body and he was moaning and crying as he struggled. Still the cry came from him, its alright sir, please go on, I can stand it!

So again back to Luke and I simply had to make him give in before I seriously hurt young James who I felt sure would not give in until he was maybe seriously marked. What I did was to simply add in a couple of knotted leather thongs into and amongst the soft boys whip. The boys were too busy writhing and crying and sweating to see what I was doing so when I next came behind young Luke and laid a real heavy stroke around his back that wrapped around his chest, he howled in agony. Another lower made a livid red wheal and cut across his flat little tummy. And the next, which was literally within a hairs breadth of his thong was the end and he yelled that he had had enough.

I let him down then to stand passively with arms aloft and feet spaced to watch the end of James punishment. James you have five to come to prove your braveness, will you take them. Yes sir, please sir, and make them hard. I worked like on Luke, first the shoulders with the tips wrapping around his chest, then lower, then around lower back and tummy and on the very last one one of the thongs just caught his still erect penis. It was a wonderful sight as he bucked in his bonds. The sweat was now simply pouring off him and to help him with his pain I reached forward and took his penis in my hand and immediately he came, shooting his light boy sperm in a small jet as he gasped and writhed and then hung completely limp and gasping.

I let him down and quickly and undid the clips on his cuffs and from his spread legs. Now this wonderful little boy stood proudly bending from one side to another admiring his red wheals and especially the one that had licked around his hip and onto his penis. Please Sir, now I have really become your slaveboy, can I be chained up all night on your bed.

I can do better than that James I said, again ruffling his hair but being careful not to touch any of his wheals which were still red and angry. I have a special place for slaves who have to be kept in bondage all night, and I led him away with a hand just behind his neck to another door in the corner of the cellar. Inside was a small room with a raised hard bed in the centre. From each corner a chain was laid out towards the centre. Get up there and lie on your back I ordered him, and he hopped up quickly and gingerly laid down, spreading his arms and legs so that I could fasten the cuffs firmly. Then going to each corner I tightened the chains to a link that kept him properly spreadeagled but not so tight that he could not wriggle around a bit.

Sir, I need a pee came his little voice. I laughed and had to unfasten him again and he trotted off to the toilet in the corner of the cellar. When he came back I had retrieved his and my favourite wear, and made him put on his yellow thong before he lay down again for me to fasten him. Now, I stood back and drank in the scene. The lovely randy little boy, the wheals on his body that I knew would soon go, his stretched limbs ending in the chains at each corner of the hard bed, and his already straining yellow thong, tiny but so sexy. I would give him no covering because the cellar was warm, so leaning over I gave him a kiss, congratulated him on his whipping and his love of bondage and with that I turned, flipped the light down to just a dim glow for him, and went back into the cellar to collect young Luke.

What I do to Luke now, and what we do next day when James is released will be the next chapter!

Keep the feedback coming, it is full of inspiration for me. James.

Next: Chapter 5

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