I Want to Be Punished

By james williams

Published on Feb 3, 2023


Please read part one for the introduction to this story. My hero, James, is thirteen. He is clad now only in tiny white briefs. His hands are tied firmly behind his back, and he has been taken down to the cellar dungeon of one of his schoolmasters who found him practising self bondage. It continues...

I was of course extremely excited. Standing looking into the dungeon with my master standing behind me I was naked apart from my very skimpy school white briefs. My hands were firmly tied behind me and needless to say, my rampant young boys erection was rigid and twitching in anticipation and although it was pushing the front of my briefs almost straight out I could not reach it with my bound hands to make it less obvious. Right James, said the master. Before we start we need to agree the rules, and you still have a chance to go home if you want to. If you stay to become one of my slave boys you will be first of all tied to a cross, held by leather cuffs and chains. You will be supported only by your wrists and ankles when I take away the supporting platform. You will stay suspended for twenty minutes if you can, but will be able to ask to have the support back on the understanding that for every minute under twenty that that happens you will receive one lash across your midriff. The lash will not cut you or mark you but has many soft leather tails and will be very painful, but young James, I think that is what you want? I have several boys that come here and all who enter have to wear my regulation thong so lets get you in that for starters. With that he lifted me up bodily and placed me on the small platform in front of the centrally sited cross. I noticed that straight in front of me was a large wall mirror and I could see myself, my tanned smooth body, flat tummy, sturdy legs and arms held tightly behind by the cord lashing, my white cotton bikini briefs tented forward in seductive manner. Then, very gently, and without touching my straining penis, sir lowered my briefs, pulling the elastic forward over my penis, and as they fell around my ankles I stepped out of them. Smiling at me he reached over to the wall and unhooked the smallest of several little g-string thongs. It consisted of a thin leather waist cord that tied on one of my hips, (the reason for this, I found out later, was so that they could be totally removed while the legs were tied) a cord from midway across the back came beteen my legs and gave way to a miniscule yellow pouch in shiny silky material which only barely held my erection and showed every contour.Now then James. Do you agree to be initiated into my slaveboy gang. I stood there, nearly naked, rigidly excited, hands still bound behind my back so what could I say. Please master, I agree I said. Stay there while I get the wrist and ankle cuffs he said, and going over to the cupboard in the side of the cellar, he returned with several leather cuffs which I could see were lined with soft padding. Each had a short chain attached with a spring clip at their ends. Now Master bent down and buckled an anklet tightly to each of my ankles and I could see that each of these had a ring on the inside as well as the chain and clip. He passed both these chains through the opposite anklet and loosely fastened them back to the upright of the cross, choosing a suitable ring so as not to overbalance me. Now when the strain came on them my ankles would be pulled tightly together as well as suspended by the chains. He gave me another smile of encouragement and reaching round me he undid the bonds on my wrists telling me to hold out my arms in front of me. Cuffs were tightened onto each wrist, the thin chains clinking as I moved. Reaching up, he made me put my arms above and behind my head at about forty five degrees and each was clipped to a suitable ring on the cross beam. Suddenly, I was spread and helpless but as yet was able to take all my weight on the platform I stood on. He grinned, and reached up to ruffle my fair curly hair again before smoothing his hands down my body, savouring the smooth tanned skin, and my flat boyish tummy that would soon be taking the whip. Master stood back then and standing in front of me and watching me he slowly started to peel off his own clothes. First his shoes and socks, then tee shirt, then his jeans to reveal just a bulging thong of black leather. His body was tanned and muscled but I immediately noticed red wheals across his buttocks, and more across his chest and midriff. He grinned and said, yes James, my slave boys like to whip me sometimes, and if you like coming here you will be able to join in with them. Right now though my boy, you are my victim, and your punishment is about to start.. Are you frightened by that James. Sort of Sir, but excited too. Then suddenly I blurted out one of my fantasies that I had always imagined, "Please sir, whatever happens make me take the agreed punishment. If I cry out and plead with you to stop I really want you to punish me even more. Sir, I know it may sound silly but if I try and plead can I be gagged"! I had always imagined punishment going on after climax, but doing it to myself in self bondage I always gave up. This was then my chance to realise the fantasy. The master smiled, reached forward, ruffled my hair again, and said he understood. If I made a fuss, I would be gagged and all remaining punishment would be doubled. Now let us begin he said. He started lowering the platform which had a system of wind down legs until I stood with my arms stretched up and out to the cross beam. Now I will adjust your ankle chains so that your knees are slightly bent when I pull the platform away and the pain in your arms becomes too great you can push up on your ankles to move the pain down there. Now don't forget, you can call for release before your twenty minutes agreed time, and for each minute you fail to achieve you will be given one lash across the midriff. This will be given with you still held spread on the cross, but with the platform back for you to stand on. He turned away, set a large clock above the mirror to zero so that I could watch the time going and then pulled the platform away. I gasped as my weight came on my wrists and ankles. My body was stretched out as I hung there, and I writhed and struggled to try and get a better position. I felt the sweat beginning to break out as I fought against my bondage, but I knew that all this time my penis was rigidly pushing the folds of the shiny yellow thong and so giving my master the maximum thrill. I could see my struggles in the mirror. My young body taught and shiny, the tiny yellow thong thrust out in front of me, Young bent legs pushing to relieve the pain in my arms. Tummy heaving and hollowed with the straining effort and the arms stretching up to the cross beam where they were chained and cuffed so securely. By five minutes I was in tears, my writhing body glistening with sweat and my tummy heaving in and out as I gasped for breath. Another minute passed as I struggled not to call for release, but at eight minutes gone I screamed out for sir to let me down. Quickly he put the platform under my feet and I was able to stand straight again, still spread by my bonds but not in pain. I make that twelve lashes I need to give you said my master, and as he rubbed his bulging black thong with one hand he picked up the multi tailed soft leather lash which he had designed to hurt, but not damage his young victims. (later I was to help whip him with a full blooded multiplait whip complete with knotted thongs) He stood out to one side of me, drew back his arm and the lash slashed across, just above my thong. I screamed out in pain and tugged at my bonds but that only increased the pain in my arms and legs. Another lash, then another, and I found myself struggling, sweating, crying but getting more and more sexually excited as I saw myself in the mirror, until suddenly, at the eighth lash I climaxed and went limp against my chains. The master stopped and watched me hanging there, a small wet patch on the front of my thong gave the game away and he chuckled to himself. Well James, we still have four lashes to come and we seem to have arrived at some sort of a climax. By now I had sore arms and legs, my tummy was tender and marked with thin red wheals and forgetting my reckless fantasy demand in the first place I cried out to be released. Well well well, came the voice of my master. I am afraid James that means more punishment, and before you bring anymore on yourself I am going to gag you, and from the cupboard at the side he produced a ball gag with straps which were soon fastened over my head and behind my neck. Slowly, my penis became erect again as the master prepared me for the next session. I could do nothing to stop him as I stood on the platform, arms spread and chained to the cross, ankles closely held by thin chains to the upright. The fairest thing is for you to spend a bit more time on the cross, and then a few more lashes he said. You still had four lashes to come, so you will now receive another eightminutes on the cross, and another eight lashes. I pulled futily at my chains and realised that I could do nothing. Again the platform was pulled away. I writhed, struggled, and watched my contorted body strung up before me in the mirror and by eight minutes I was a moaning sweating limp rag doll. The platform came under my feet and I stood there, panting into my gag. My fair hair wet with sweat, my arms and legs aching as I watched my reflection and felt my penis once more erect with excitement. What it was to be young! Master again hefted the lash, and again I was writhing as much as my bonds would allow to try and relieve the pain of my rapidly reddening tummy and chest. Then, suddenly, it was over and I was being released. First my ankles so I could keep my balance, then my wrists until my master lifted me down and gave me a big hug. He picked me up and carried me over to a large bed in the corner and sat me down on it. Hold out your hands James came the instruction, and when I did he undid the cuffs before quickly binding them together with soft cord. Next the same to my ankles before he laid me out on the bed, securing hands to the top rail and feet to the bottom. I wondered what would happen next and watched as he stripped off his thong, his massive penis swinging when it got free, and then he was laying down beside me, turning me gently away from him and thrusting his penis between my bound legs. He made no attempt to enter me as I had feared but simply enjoyed my young body, bound for his pleasure, to get off by rubbing between my legs as his hands removed my thong and wanked me off again. We spent the night thus as my red wheals slowly disappeared so that I was fit to creep back into school.

Next installment will be with a couple of other youngsters present when young James learns a few more things about bondage and punishment.

Please do give feed back. I have had several already and the extra boys is an idea from a reader. So keep the emails coming and good luck to you all.


Next: Chapter 3

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