I Want to Be Punished

By james williams

Published on Feb 1, 2023


Installment one.

I would welcome feed back on ideas. Do not read this if it is likely to offend you but the boy concerned is loving every minute of it. It was me, many years ago but with a lot of fantasy I would have loved to come across added in. Enjoy.

This story starts when I was a boy of thirteen and getting excited by any story of bondage. I used to imagine myself as a slave boy, bound, chained, and even caged while men looked on me and planned how to punish me. There was a book that did the rounds at school called Barbarian Boy in which the young boy was captured by the Romans and carted off to Rome where he had all sorts of punishment. Strung up to a whipping post, stretched on a rack, and even bound to a cross. I was a good looking well built lad. Fair curly hair, blue eyes, and a lovely honey tan over my entire body except for the inevitable white midriff, but even this was a small area as I loved the ultra brief swimmers that my parents also liked, and I wore them dangerously low and enjoyed watching some of the men when we were swimming who I could see could hardly take their eyes off me! I went to boarding school when I was just thirteen and my fantasies would come each night as I lay in the dormitory of twelve other boys. I would always imagine myself tied and helpless, being dragged out for a whipping to amuse the men watching. It was about then that I decided to try a bit of self bondage and see what it was like to be helpless. I first of all walked in the local wood that was strictly our of bounds, and creeping in when I knew no one was watching I hunted about until I found what I thought was the ideal spot. A mossy grassy clearing only about twenty feet across and overhung by trees. When I looked around I could see or hear nothing and I decided that this was where I would try tying myself up, and perhaps even trying a bit of self punishment as well. I had read an article about some delinquent boys being made to run the gauntlet and being whipped with stinging nettles as they ran naked through there friends and this made me realise that I could use nettles to inflict pain without leaving tell tale lash marks. I put by several lengths of thin nylon cord and had planned a system of getting my hands fastened behind my back which would take a long time to undo without making it impossible. I also saved two white cotton hankies and folding these into triangles tied the corners together. Then put between my legs with the other corners tied on each hip it made a fantastic brief, but very sexy, bikini brief and this I decided was what I would wear when I tied myself up. It was a bright sunny summers day when I slipped away from sports afternoon and into the wood which bordered the playing fields. In my pockets I had the nylon cord and I was really looking forward to my first real time in bondage. I quickly found the spot I had selected and stood quietly to see if anyone was likely to follow me. As all seemed ok I pulled the cords from my pocket, then the hankies which were already knotted at the lower corners, and then with mounting excitement, peeled off my shirt. The clearing was dappled with sun. The moss and grass warm to my touch, and quickly my shoes and socks were placed on one side with my shirt. Another careful look around and I unbuckled my belt and let my jeans drop. Stepping out of them I folded them neatly onto the pile of clothes to one side of the clearing. Now I was naked but for my small school white briefs and as I removed these I knelt down on the grass just incase anyone could see, although I sort of knew that they could not! Picking up the makeshift bikini I knotted the hankies on either hip. My erection jutting proudly into the thin folds of material which only came just above my penis and felt wonderfully sexy to me as I prepared to tie myself up. I sat down then, and taking a length of cord tied my ankles securely, cinching it up tight in the approved method until there was no way that I would ever free my ankles short of undoing the knots. Next, a cord just above my knees and again tightly done. Now I was ready for the main part which was to get my hands behind my back, tied firmly but with enough slack to reach with an effort to wank my rigid member, and also, to reach a large bunch of stinging nettles that I had placed close beside me to inflict pain if I had the guts to do it. I sat there and what a sight I must have been. A superb thirteen year old boy, lithe and tanned, legs bound, the only covering a makeshift bikini of thin cotton. I tied one wrist with several turns of cord before making knot after knot to secure it. The idea was that once they were behind my back it would take ages to undo the knots, hence making me vulnerable and helpless which is what I wanted. Now, leaving a short length between so that I could manage the knots I tied the other wrist, again lots of knots, tight ones and in all different ways which would all have to be undone blind and behind my as I lay near naked on the grass. Then I was ready. I hunched up my bound legs, pushed forward my bound wrists and pushing my feet over my hands I pushed and in one easy push I was bound with hands behind me. I lay for a moment savouring the feeling of bondage before deciding that a little bit of self torture would be in order, and wriggling to one side I got a hand to the bunch of nettles. Next I worked the hankie bikini down one hip until my erection was in reach. Wanking with great difficulty in my bonds I got to near climax and then, wham, I smashed the nettles over my penis. A minute later I was still writhing on the ground when I suddenly heard footsteps. I lay still, very nervous and the suddenly, a pair of legs appeared right beside my head. A deep voice of one of the school masters asked me what I was doing! My reply was preplanned. Oh sir I cried, I was set on by some bigger boys and tied up. The master knelt beside my and with one hand ruffled my hair. Now then young James, that will not do because I have been watching you from a distance all the afternoon. Again he ruffled my hair. You like this James don't you he asked. Next thing I knew he had me turned onto my tummy. I felt another cord going around my wrists and suddenly was pulled up into what I know now was a hogtie. My ankles were pulled up and bound to my wrists while I felt another binding going around my elbows, then, I was arched right back with wrists to elbows while I writhed and struggled. You like this James, I can see you do from the state of your erection said my sadistic master, but this will not do really. I have taken photos of you tieing yourself up with a telephoto lense. You are to come to my house tomorrow night where I will put you through several tests of bondage and slavery. If you do not you will get expelled and your parents will know all about it. Then, slowly fondling my erection he told me that I would enjoy his dungeon anyway and that I could be his favourite slave boy. At this stage he undid the hogtie and told me it was up to me to get free but he would be waiting for me in his house tomorrow evening. No need to bring anything with you . When you arrive you will strip into a loincloth and I will introduce you to my dungeon. Well it took me nearly half an hour to get free, and then after a furious wank I dressed and slunk back to the other boys to find that none had missed me.

I could hardly contain myself awaiting the next evening and right on time I was knocking at his door, ostensibly to get a bit of extra maths tuition but knowing that what was likely to happen might be rather more exciting. Sir let me in, again the hair ruffling, and led me into his main room which was heavily curtained with the lights on. He sat me in an upright chair facing him as he sat on a settee. I noticed that the room was very hot, and the reason was soon obvious as he told me to strip down to briefs ready for initiation as a slave boy. Quickly I stood, and slipping my shirt over my head I unbuckled my belt and down went my jeans. Socks and trainers followed so that I stood before him in school briefs, and in the manner of thirteen year olds, already fully erect and tented out towards him. The school insisted on very brief bikini briefs and looking back on it this was obviously some randy masters idea but they told parents it was for minimum washing and better hygiene. Come here James came the order. Turn around, hands behind your back. I did so and felt him binding my wrists firmly together. Turn to face me now came the order. I did so and he gently caressed me from the top of my head, down my smooth shoulderss, my chest and back were smoothed then to my hips and on down my legs without touching my tented briefs. James, my boy, you are a really sexy young boy. You like being hurt and tied. I like hurting and tieing young boys and that is where we are now going. To my cellar of torture. I promise you one thing. I will not harm you physically. You will be tied and punished in several different ways but there will never be lasting marks on your superb body. I have whipping posts, a giant cross to which you will be tied for a set number of minutes with the only earlier release being a whipping across your midriff. I have a rack to stretch you and all this will be videoed for other peoples entertainment. When I caught you tieing yourself up you had a nettle to inflict pain and this I will use on you whenever you want to cum. He guided me with a hand on my head towards a door in the far wall and willingly but slightly frightened I went before him. The door was opened and I went forward to go down a flight of steps to a cellar with no windows and dim lights around the walls. I immediately saw the cross with straps and a stool before it, then the whipping post, with rings and straps and a table I assumed was the rack with gruesome looking straps at either end. Firstly James, came the voice behind me, you will be bound to the cross with leather thongs for twenty minutes. You will stand on the platform until we are ready, and then the clock will be started and you will be suspended by your ankles and wrists. You may call for release, but every minute of the twenty you do not take will be one lash with this soft multi plait lash across your midriff. So here we are then. A randy little excited thirteen year old lapping up every minute of his bondage and slavery, and a lucky master to have found this willing little masochist.

I will describe how the punishments went in part two but all feed back will be welcome. In what way could this story be improved. Write to antipathy24@hotmail.com

Next: Chapter 2

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