I Traded Lives With My Son

By Anon

Published on Aug 4, 2015



The following story contains sexual situations between consenting adult men and body swap themes. This means that there are adult characters placed into the bodies of minor characters 11, 13, and older, who are also involved in sexual situations. So technically it is an adult/youth story with magic/fantasy elements.

I Traded Lives With My Son

My name is Jonas and this is the story of how my son and me exchanged lives. My son's name is Danny. It is a story that many would not believe, and I'm telling you right now that magic is real, that there are corners of the world where civilization hasn't killed it off. The higher the amount of technology present, the less magic can thrive. At least that is what the witch said.

In my life, which is fairly simple, I have one son and only one son. Danny is the product of me and his mother and his mother and me didn't last long. She took him when he was two and told me she didn't need me. She caught me making out with my buddy Carl, who at the time I was in a fuck buddy relationship with on the sly. But my wife had suspected I was just trying to pretend I was something I wasn't and she had a brief period where she was angry but eventually we just decided to be friends. Then she died in a car accident. Danny was only three. I talked with my now ex-wife's mom after the funeral and she told me she couldn't handle a kid right now. She wasn't going to go through a custody battle when her hips and legs were in such bad shape. She was content to see Danny on holidays. I moved away because I got a good job with a trucking company. I worked my way up over the years to management. It's a real good gig if you can get it and trucking was in my blood. I still did shipments when someone called in sick. We weren't a huge company, but I was well liked and it felt more like a small family at times.

As to what I look like, well I look pretty average I suppose, for a 40 year old with a very receded hairline. My hair was always cut very short so there's a line of it around the top of my head where it meets the shine of my forehead. My beard makes up for the lack of hair there and I'm told I'm ruggedly handsome by most other gay men I meet. I have a beer gut but it's not too bad. I am well muscled in my chest and arms and my legs aren't too bad. I try hitting the gym four times a week. I sport a tattoo of barbed wire on one arm that I'm told is pretty sexy and I have a good smile. In fact, I have been told by many men I look a LOT like Jason Statham, minus the abs and with a big of a gut.

Danny is a chip off the old block and then some. Oh, what am I saying. Where I'm rugged and gruff, he's just flawless. He's fucking beautiful. Like, he could be in movies someday. My hair is black and fading and his is a lovely shade of chestnut-brown. He's thin and comes up to about my crotch, height wise. I'm 6'1". I keep telling him he has good genes and not to worry about how tall he will be, he's only ten.

I raised Danny the best I could. Danny was now eleven years old and it was summer vacation. He had just turned eleven. I invited all his friends over for a party and he was still mad because his birthday wish hadn't come true. When I prodded him to tell me what it had been, he admitted he really wanted to be the tallest kid in his class. Haha! Well, you'll get taller sooner or later, I told him. Just be patient. He told me he would be but it was still getting him down, if you pardon the pun. He was going to be in sixth grade next year! I told him this. Aren't you excited? I asked him.

Well, if he wasn't excited about sixth grade, I knew what would excite him. I had a pretty special surprise in store. I took him into town one day. We lived in the countryside, on a small ranch I had managed to buy. Bordered on one side by woods as you drove in, nice view of the mountains in the distance, real wide lawn, and a few animals. I wanted Danny to have the experience of growing up with real adult responsibility. I thought it would make his life and mine better. Danny was a generally happy, well-adjusted kid. We'd had all the talks about how I wasn't the same as other fathers, how I would never be bringing a woman home. He asked me about sex and I told him whatever turned him on would be fine with me, so long as he never ruined a vehicle once he started driving. We left it at that but I wondered...was my son going to turn out to be gay or straight? It's something a lot of parents wonder, he hasn't really gotten all those hormones yet and he would be soon.

The main town was just big enough to be a medium sized town. Good income level within driving distance of the Rocky Mountains. Low crime rate. Perfect place to raise a kid but a lousy place for a gay father to find some tail. Don't get me wrong, I had a few select fuck buddies but it was hard to make time when raising a kid.

Today I smiled as I took Danny with me into the local superstore and I started to put things into the cart like snorkels and swimming fins, suntan lotion, and some new swim shorts and shirts for us both.

"Dad, are we going to a pool? Do we really need all this stuff?"

"We do in the Bahamas, buddy."

"The what?"

"The Bahamas. Do you know where the Bahamas are?"

"No...wait...someplace with beaches?"

"You guess correct. We are going to the Caribbean for summer vacation. Two whole weeks!"


"Yep. It's your big birthday surprise. Not as good as getting taller but...what do you think?"

"Eh, I can always get taller later, but...this is gonna be so cool. It is like the Pirate movies?"

"Mmmm, they probably don't have the same kinds of ships now. So no."

"Awww. Oh well. So we're gonna go swimming and stuff?"

"Yeah, it's a resort. So there's all sorts of fun things we can do."

Danny was very excited. When we got back home it's all he could talk about. His whole mood had changed. I told him they had kitesurfing and scuba diving. I'd pay for him to learn. They had huge parties for both parents and their kids. It was a really good resort.

There was just one thing, though, that I didn't tell Danny. I had a few online friends, fellow gay guys I had met online on certain dark websites who shared some of my sexual fantasies. I was hoping to have my own fun while Danny was having his. I made sure we each had our own bedrooms, and they were spacious. I had had to save up for a long time for this vacation but it was really going to be worth it.

So we spent a week getting ready. Danny loved not being in school but he still had his chores. I hired a few guys from other farms to tend to the horse and the dogs and goats we had during our time away. It was Danny's first time on an airplane and he was so excited. He was all smiles, and his face was anything but cherubic. My son would be a model someday, I just knew. I tell people he takes after his mother that way, the men on her side were always usually pretty around that age, according to her. I don't have any contact with them, though, they keep to themselves and I don't need them asking for handouts so I keep contact minimal.

Finally we got from the plane to a smaller plane and then on a boat to the island of my dreams. The water was clear and turquoise paradise everywhere. There were white sand beaches and jungles and a mountain at the center of the island with a waterfall. Truly it was one of the most beautiful places I could imagine being. Danny was thrilled by everything.

The resort and the room were just like the brochure. Beautiful teak furniture and Danny thanked me profusely. He was a good kid. Always gracious, and never a brat. He was a good kid.

I got a text from Brent. He was one of two friends of mine I would be meeting this vacation. The other's name was Grant and he would be with us in a few days. I told him how awesome it would be to see him for the first time, but told him I was busy getting settled. So was he, and he had brought his nephew Cory with him, as I had brought my son. Cory was thirteen, so he was only a little bit older than Danny, by about two and a half years.

We unpacked and I brought Danny downstairs for dinner. I had told Danny that my old friend Brent would be here, but I didn't tell him that Brent and I were going to hook up. It just seemed like a conversation I didn't need to have with my son quite yet.

The dining hall was beautiful and tropical. I walked past tropical flowers and low ceiling fans, sweating with anticipation. And then there he was. Brent was tall and had a great smile. He was tan and good looking beyond my dreams. He had short dark brown hair with some natural highlights, and looked like an athlete, maybe a soccer player or swimmer. His muscles were taut and well worked, no discernible body hair. Not bodybuilder status but he was no wimp, for sure. He had a face just beginning to get character crags, at the beginning of his 30s. He was a few inches taller than me at 6'3" and I was swooning. He had a deeper voice than mine, rich and deep, and it thrilled me to hear him speak.


"Brent!" We hugged briefly. The 13 year old standing just to Brent's side was a good looking, black haired version of his uncle. "And you must be Cory! Cory, this is my son Danny." The two shook hands. We got to dinner.

Brent and I hit it off but of course we couldn't talk about what we really wanted to right away. The kids were excited so we told them they could wander around and explore outside by the pool so long as they didn't go swimming without us watching.

"So, how soon do you think we can get naked?"

"Dude I want you so bad you don't even know."

"I have to say, you were right about your boy, he really is good looking."

"So is Cory." We clinked our beers. I should mention Brent and I had admitted to each other that although we found grown, masculine men attractive, we also harbored an utter appreciation for the sexiness of younger boys, ten and up but no younger. I knew my son was good looking but I would never approach him sexually, at least not until he was of age, and even then only if he was both gay and willing. I appreciated him from a distance and I would for probably, most likely, the rest of my life, just knowing he had some amazing genes.

"Sometimes I think of how much I'd just love to fuck Cory, you know?"

I sighed. "His ass is so fucking tight. I bet it would be fun." We both smiled. "But I guess we'll just have to settle for debauchery with just the two of us."

"Well, you know I did some...research on this place and there are a few island boys at a place on the other side of the island. We might be able to sneak away for a night or two if we take turns watching the boys.

I gulped. "So...just...let me know what you find out, then."

Meanwhile, Cory and Danny walked together around the pool, watching all the scantily clad hotel guests cavorting around.

"So your dad is gay like my uncle?"

"Huh? Yeah?"

"That's cool. You know they're gonna be fucking, right?"

"What do you mean? Like, kissing?"

"Oh my God, dude. Your dad is gay. He likes fucking guys. Like sticking their dicks in each other?"

"Oh. Yeah. I know about that." Danny said, blushing.

"So are you straight or gay?"

"I dunno, I guess I don't think about it."

"Huh. Have you jerked off yet?"

"No, I just turned eleven. My dad told me what to expect and told me it would feel good but I haven't done it yet."

"Dude don't be embarrassed. It'll happen. It's cool. Me, I'm pretty much into guys like my uncle."


"Yeah, but he's the only one who knows. We share secrets with each other. My parents don't know he's gay, and they don't know I'm gay. So he invited me along and I was so freaking happy not to spend summer back home. We're gonna go around the Caribbean after this."

"Wow. That's cool."

"So, do you think those women are hot over there?"

"Yeah," Danny said. "I guess so."

"What about the guys over there? The ones in the Hawaiian shirts with the nice chests? The college boys?"

Danny looked at them and blushed. "They're pretty cool. I don't honestly think about sex yet, though. I kind of just want to enjoy being a kid."

"Yeah, I can respect that. But in a few years you're gonna be masturbating like fucking crazy." Cory said, with a little laugh.

"Oh my god, look! They have waterslides!"

"Oh man we're gonna have so much fun tomorrow..."

The night was a bit exhausting due to jetlag so the two families decided to pack it in early and get up early. The next day, Danny woke up and saw his father outside, smoking a cigar. Jonas loved his cigars, and he looked damn sexy while smoking them. Musclebear with a baseball cap and a thin, flower print shirt. Danny secretly loved the smell of his dad's cigars, but his dad discouraged him from ever smoking, but also told his son that if he really wanted to do it, he would give him his first cigar when he turned 18, but no sooner. Jonas loved cigars and was trying to be a good father but had a huge cigar fetish. He didn't want his son smoking not for health reasons but because it would turn him on just way too goddamn much!

"Come on, little man. We're gonna get some breakfast."

Breakfast was great. The beach and waterslides were calling. Jonas and his son spent the day exploring and had a lot lined up. It was heaven for both of them but especially little Danny. He would jump up and down in excitement over nearly everything. He had so much energy! They met up with Brent and the kids took off to go to the waterslide together and the men would watch from the side.

"So, tonight I'm gonna contact my guy on the island," Brent said, adjusting his sunglasses. God, he was practically sex walking! But where he had no body hair, Jonas had a rug poking out of his shirt and Brent noticed. "Shit, you're hairy. That's a huge turn on, by the way."

"I can't wait to ride you, boy! Oh yes."

"We are gonna have a lot of fun. We might get to go to the island boys in as little as a few days from now."

"Well, we have plenty of time," Jonas said nervously.

I had no idea how much fun I'd be having but I knew Cory and Danny were becoming fast friends, and it made me happy. I stroked my beard watching them revel in the water, splashing each other.

That evening, I found out there was a bird watching expedition up the mountain and signed us up. I thought it would be fun to go into the jungle. The day passed and we just spent it enjoying ourselves. The food was all fantastic and Danny was all smiles. We walked along rope and woodplank bridges and over crystal rivers with small white rapids. On the way back, we lingered for a while and noticed there was a hut just up the way. We were at the end of the line, and we were skirting a hill. A couple argued coming down the hill from it, saying they shouldn't have gone.

"I can't believe you brought us to a voodoo priestess."

"You never have an open mind, Sheila! I wish you had stayed, I had to apologize after you stormed out."

"She's a con artist. I can't believe you actually took me to that dreadful place."

I looked up and saw a middle aged black woman with large hoop earrings and a large headwrap looking down on me and it felt like she was looking into my soul. I couldn't stop thinking of her. That night I asked Brent to look after my boy for a while. I had asked one of the local drivers to take me back up the mountain road and he'd agreed.

"Where are you going, man?"

"It's just I've always wanted to meet a real voodoo priestess. When else am I actually going to get the chance?"

Brent arched an eyebrow. "Alright, we can have fun without you. But hurry back, don't be too long."

I told Danny I was just going for a night hike and didn't want him to go because it was dangerous terrain and I wanted to see if there were any bats. He bought my story and I ran to the extremely small portable cab and we motored back up the way. The driver stopped where I told him and I said to wait for me.

"You go to Madame Deveaux. Be very careful. She very powerful."

"I'll be sure," I told him. He looked nervous and scared. I walked across the rope and plank bridge across the river I could hear below. It wasn't visible very much in the dim moonlight. I walked up until I saw the path up the hut. There was a light in the window. I walked up and it was very steep. I finally came to a small thatched hut and approached respectfully and said "Hello. Is anyone here?"

"Someone be here. Who be you?" a woman's voice returned.

"My name is Jonas. I'd just like to talk to you. I've brought some money."


I did so. It was a nice enough place. A little rug lay in the middle of the room, and some handcarved or handmade furniture on all sides. It all looked very rustic. Dried herbs hung all over the room. Candles lit everything in large candleholders.

"What your last name?"

"Porter. I'm Jonas Porter. Hello. Uh, are you Madame Deveaux?"

"I be." She lit a stick of incense. "Spirits bring me you. You have dark desires."

I gulped. "I'm sorry. Maybe I'm disturbing you."

"You like the child you made. You think he looks like a bit of heaven."

I felt my heart drop. I didn't tell anyone my desires, except a few guys online. "I would never do anything to him."

"Mmm not til him older. I know. I see your heart. You have desire but you do want to have some boy, some island boy maybe. Der a place but I think I make you better offer."

"How do you know?" I was seriously scared. Would she blackmail me? Was she recording me? Unlikely given where I was. "What's in my heart?" I asked carefully, trying not to give myself away.

"I know your member get excited when I talk about boys. You love the ones from middle school, 11, 12, 13, 14...and all ages beyond. You are insatiable. You never had a young boy."

"No, it's highly illegal."

"I know, but a few boys like it. It's okay for dem, just not the boys who are unwilling. All about the will." She came closer to me. She was beautiful. I thought she had been older but she was a luminous black woman of perfect chocolate hue that reflected the lovely yellow and red candlelight, and couldn't be older than 30 herself. Her voice was hypnotic. "I call you here, Jonas. I knew you be comin' to me."

"How did you know?"

"Spirits tell me what kind of man I can help when da man come near." She swayed her hips. "I can do real magic. Real magic don't like the world much. Don't like all dem cars, all dem planes. Real magic from a way far away place but it comes here to our world only sometimes, and you got to be real nice to it. Madame Deveaux know real magic."

"Okay I'm willing to believe this, but it's also possible you talked with Brent."

"Brent you friend with a lot of lust in him? No, but him pretty. I like pretty men. I know you have dreams you don't share. Dreams where you tiny like a boy or you trade places with you son."

My jaw nearly dropped. I had never told a soul about that and I'd never mentioned it to a single person online, even. I did have dreams where I was a kid again and I let my son be a grown man in my place.

"Oh wow, holy shit."

"Shit is not holy here but spirits are. You come to dis island because I call you to me. I call people dat need Madame Deveaux."

"What about that couple that stormed out?"

"He want to be a woman but she don't know this. He come back."

"So, what...what do you want from me?"

"I want to give you a gift. Very special gift." She unlatched a box, an old steamer trunk highly gilded and probably over a century old. She brought out a carved wooden statue of some kind of god, with large rectangular eyes and a teeth, sticking its wooden tongue out. It looked sort of like a tiki but a little more African and shorter. It had a large object in one hand and a smaller object in the other. It was stained beautifully and polished.

"How much?"

"You give me gift back."

"You don't want money?"

"Not now, no. Go take this and place it on the ground and tell your son to say three times "I want to trade bodies with my father. I want to be a man." And you say "I want to trade bodies with my son. I want to be a child.""

"Then what?"

"Then the spirits come and help. And you can spend time as a much younger boy. Enjoy your vacation, Mistah Porter." The candlelight flickered more and more and faster and faster and she unfolded a fan and then she was suddenly much older, in her fifties, and she folded and unfolded the fan several times and she was a white haired woman in her 70s or 80s and then she did it again and she was young and voluptuous again.

I stepped back with the small statue in my hands. I felt like wanted to pee or scream. I just quietly left, and all the way back to the road I felt genuinely afraid, because it all seemed like it had to be a dream but it wasn't.

The driver was relieved when I came back. I didn't say anything on the return trip. I paid him and ran back up to my room and hid the statue and then came back to Brent's room where he and the boys were watching a movie and I joined them. Brent opened me up a beer and we decided to snuggle a little bit as I drifted off.

The next morning Brent told me that he'd told Danny and Cory to take a bed each and he snuggled up on the other couch. The room was perfectly spacious he said, and he slept like a log. I felt a bit guilty but he told me not to worry.

"Why don't you boys hurry on to breakfast and we'll catch up?" he prompted. The boys were all too happy to oblige and said they'd race the way there.

"Finally we are alone." Brent came over and planted his first kiss and we made out furiously. "God, I'm so horny. Did you have a good voodoo visit?"

"It was...interesting." I told him everything and his eyes widened.

"Shit, she knew? That you think kids are hot? What the fuck, who did you tell?"

"No one! Just you and Grant and he gets here today. We're always super careful, you know that. No chances. We've known each other for five years and I would never jeopardize..."

"Okay. I believe you. So...you think this is for real? You got taken, man. Maybe she is psychic, I'll give you that. It's possible, I've met a few psychics that were for real but this chick just sold you a magic body swap statue. You know how ridiculous that sounds?"

"I know. I just wanted to be honest. We should just forget about it." I started to pet him and he said he was ready to burst.

"Time to give me your first blow job, sweetheart. Get down there, pig."

"Oh, woof. Yes, Sir." Brent looked down at me as I got on my knees to worship his dick, which was seven inches and all of it beautiful. I choked a phenomenal amount from the sheer thickness of it. It had been four months since I'd been able to suck a dick and it was just overwhelming. Pretty soon he was creaming all the way down my throat and I felt his cum glaze my throat. My tongue lingered on the cum threads left, and tried to concentrate on Danny but my thoughts were obsessed with Brent's gorgeous, thick dick.

"Fuck yeah, eat my cum, bitch." Brent grunted and throatfucked me some more. He came a second time, squirting down my throat and I lapped it all up.

I kissed him and he tasted his cum in my mouth.

"Mmmm. You taste good, Daddy."

"You too, Uncle Brent." We kissed.

We joined the boys for breakfast after I'd had my appetizer of Brent's semen. I enjoyed watching Cory quite a bit, he was definitely a good looking kid, and he was beginning to get peach fuzz, I noticed. I was practically drooling. I wondered what kind of boys were going to be at the secluded little bit of paradise I would visit later this week. I was not really into black guys all that much but Hispanic boys just made me shiver, and Brent had assured me they would have a nice selection.

Grant finally showed up midday as we were just getting back from our first snorkeling expedition. It was so gorgeous you could literally just see the fish and little sea creatures just a few feet below the water's surface near the corals that waved with feathers of seaweed and sea anemones. We sent the boys up to my suite and told them to dry off and told them they could go to the pool or walk around the gardens. There was also a game room down on the ground level with all sorts of fun stuff for kids like foozeball and table tennis.

When I got dressed I saw that Grant had texted and we finally met him by the pool and I have to say, he was even hotter in person that I could possibly describe. Grant was a large, bodybuilding cowboy, wearing a white cowboy hat under the Bahamas sun. He wore a wife beater that barely held his huge, bronzed muscles. His hard, gorgeous face was strong chinned, young enough to not have wrinkles, but old enough to not be fresh faced. He had fine black stubble and matted black hair that stuck out from the sides of his hat, in a choppy cut. Grant was a fourth Mexican and his heritage added just enough of a tax to make him a bronze god. His nose was very prominent and his muscles in his legs bulged obscenely to the point where his jean shorts barely contained them. His demeanor and face EMANATED authority.

"Howdy, boys!"

We shook hands with him enthusiastically and I felt my boner about to burst. I was looking up into one of the most gorgeously tanned men in the world, a cowboy bodybuilder that made me swoon the minute he touched my hand. He was a little younger than Brent and I could tell he wanted to plow us both as soon as possible. Of course he was also very excited at the thought of boy pussy, and he hailed from a conservative Christian town in Texas where even vegetarians were looked at as weird outsiders. This man was here to FUCK.

"So are you boys ready to have some real fun, guys? Because I tell ya'll, I been ready for days and I'm gonna explode, boys." He smiled a rough smile. When he smiled it was so masculine I was reminded of every western growing up with a tall, strong cowboy lead and I felt like I could take every order he had to give.

"It's all set up, by the way. I'm gonna go first, tomorrow night, then Jonas here the night after. You're welcome to join us either night."

"I'm definitely ready to break in some boy or man pussy." Grant rubbed his obscenely large bulge and I noticed how it packed against his jean shorts and thought I was going to faint. He had to have a ten incher, easily.

Grant ran his things up to his room and came back to mind where we were ready to have an orgy. We texted the boys and told them to keep having fun downstairs and we'd meet up with them later, and I told Danny that I needed a little grownup time. This was usually the code I used for masturbation time but today I was about to get my ass plowed!

When we got up to the room I was almost nervous. Grant told us to both strip.

"Dude, you are fucking HOT. This whole week is going to rock!" Brent said, his eyes glittering.

"Jonas I think I'm gonna break you in first."

"Oh, yes sir."

"Mmm, you're a sexy bear, Jonas. Your hole ready for me? I'm ten inches here, I'm not dealing with you unless you're really ready."

"Yes, Sir. I'm ready, sir." I smiled and he moved in and started kissing my bearded face for a while, and stuck two fingers up my hole.

"Oh yeah, that's nice and loose enough. Alright, pig. Bend over the bed."

Grant didn't waste time getting his XL condom out and Brent's eyes bugged out. Grant moved in and kissed him. I watched them make out burning with passion and then I offered Grant some lube. His dick was so engorged and hugely thick I thought suddenly it might be the biggest dick I'd ever taken in my life!

"OH GOD!" He entered me a few inches. I cried out. Brent got a towel and made me bite down on it so I didn't attract any attention from outside. I screamed in a muffled, diminished grunt as he entered me slowly and painfully and started to reach the end. I had ten inches of dick inside me! Holy shit! I screamed my brains out into the towel as Grant fucked me, all while playing with Brent's dick. Brent was more of a pretty boy than either one of us and looked more like a model with his nearly hairless frame (a light fuzz coated his chest, very short) and his brown hair with golden highlights.

Our orgy went on and on and I moved on to sucking on Grant's gargantuan cock as Brent started to go down on me as thanks for earlier. I felt the joy of the taste of man seed start to enter my mouth just as I started cumming into Brent's mouth! I started to swallow it but then Grant grunted and my mouth was filled with SO much cum it OVERFLOWED out of my fucking mouth! Squirt squirt squirt squirt! Each squirt made me harder and harder. He pulled out enough so he could tell me "Swallow the rest." And I did, gulping air and a cup's worth of cum and scrambling to get all the cum on my face into my mouth.

I was pretty relaxed, if not limping a tiny bit, by the time the boys were ready for us again. Grant had retired to his room to get some rest after his plane and boat rides. I definitely wanted a cigar so I got one out and lit up at the bar while I let my son order from the menu for dinner. I sat down reeking of tobacco and apologized to him for being so stinky.

"I love the smell, dad."

My heart swelled. I hated to be a bad influence and I told him so.

"Well I'm definitely going to smoke when I'm older, I love the smell, it smells SO good. I mean, if you're okay with it." He suddenly looked afraid. He'd never mentioned a desire to smoke to me before but he was getting older and I suppose that is the age when it becomes such a fascination.

"It's okay, son. The first time I took a hit from my dad's cigars I was 14. But I'll tell you what, I'll move the timeline down to 16 if you really want to smoke one. So just wait a little while longer, okay?"

"Wow! Really, dad?"

"Well, you know as long as you know it's not good for you."

"Yeah, but I'll look cool. Like you do!"

I blushed.

"Well, maybe being like your dad isn't such a bad thing, right?"


I blushed and my heart started to beat faster. What if the voodoo woman gave me something that could actually switch my and my son's bodies? What if I could be a little boy again? I thought of all the perverted fantasies I'd ever had about being a boy again so I could get fucked by a big, powerful man. If we did swap bodies, I could actually get to live that fantasy! I asked Danny to follow me upstairs after we were done and told him I had a surprise for him.

I shut the door carefully and gave myself a look in the mirror. My nearly bald head, my bearish beard, my muscled arms and chest with its carpet of fur.

I sat him down on the couch. I guess it was now or never.

"So...I bought something." I brought out the little statuette. It was only five inches high. Wooden big square eyes that reminded me of a lizard, with one big ball in one hand and a much smaller ball in another, looking very tribal.

"Oh, that's cool. Is this for me?" He looked up at me, eager and innocent.

"Sort of. It's for both of us." And I told him my story of the voodoo priestess. I left out the parts about how I came to this island to have sex with some hot young boys.

"Really, dad? I'm not falling for it. This is just a prank!"

"No, I mean...it's not my prank at least. The voodoo woman might be lying but...here's the thing, son. I think it would be really, REALLY cool to be a boy again. I would love the chance to be in your body even if it's just for a little while."

"Well I'd LOVE to be a grownup, too! I could smoke cigars just like you!"

"Is that what you'd do?"

"Yeah, totally!"

"Alright, well only one way to try it." I set the figurine down on the floor and had Danny stand opposite me. "We have to repeat the words at the same time I think. Ready?" Danny shook his head and he seemed so excited. His floppy hair shone in the lamplight. Summer breezes filtered in from outside and we could hear people down below laughing and having fun.

"I want to trade bodies with my son. I wish I was a boy."

"I want to trade bodies with my dad. I wish I was a man."

"I want to trade bodies with my son! I wish I was a boy!"

"I want to trade bodies with my dad! I wish I was a man!"

A gust of wind came in from outside and it was all of a sudden very loud.





We blinked. Suddenly, two circles of light emanated from the figurine, which seemed to glow an evil smile. My heart started racing. Could this actually be real? Danny looked up at me with a wild smile on his face like he'd just won the lottery. The blue light grew into a while light and suddenly I felt like everything shifted slightly. I stepped to the side and realized I was outside my body. Danny was there and he was also standing next to himself. Suddenly I got dizzy and was thrust forward right at the first Danny. I blinked. The room was back to normal. I was staring at some man's enormous crotch.

"What?" I asked, in my son's pipsqueak voice. "No! No way! It...it actually worked?? SON??"

"Daddy?" The grown man who I used to be looked down at me and then smiled and started laughing. He looked at his big hands and then started to look at his chest hair in wonder. "WOW! Daddy I have hair on my chest!"

"HOLY FUCK!" I screamed.

"Dad, you said a bad word! You're not supposed to curse in front of me," Danny said smarmily inside my body.

I was still experiencing a little bit of disorientation. I wandered around the room, looking WAY up at everything! Danny was transfixed looking into the mirror. He was wearing my Hawaiian shirt now, and wore my face. He felt his new wide, shiny forehead and the little bit of hair he had on the back of his head. He looked like a gruff, masculine alpha male. And I...well, I looked just like an innocent young pup!

"This is so unreal," I said wondrously.

"Daddy! Look at me! I'm bigger than you now! Look! Look at my muscles! I wonder how much I can lift! Just like you! I bet I could lift a ton!"

"Heheheh. Well not quite that much. Geez, you do look good, don't you, son?"

"And I sound just like you, my voice is cool now! Not like a kids voice, I have a man's voice Daddy! Dad, can we stay like this the entire vacation? I'm tall! Look at me I can reach things! " Danny tested out his new height by reaching for the ceiling fan and pulled the switch to turn it off and then on again. "My body feels funny like I have something warm inside me."

"Oh. Well it's because I smoke. That's what it feels like."

"Woooooow. I can smoke now! Can I smoke, please please please? I really want to Daddy!"

"Okay, buddy, a deals a deal I guess. I'm gonna teach you to smoke your first cigar! I can't believe I'm saying this! This is so unreal!" I imagined how fun it could be to swap with my son whenever I wanted even back home and the possibilities were simply endless!

I showed him how to clip the end, and told him to hold up the flame of the lighter and puff hard at first. His eyes bugged nearly out of his head, he just couldn't believe he was being allowed to do this!

"Ohhhhhhhh that feels good," he growled in a low tone. I ran to the bathroom as my son smoked his first stogie. I pulled down my pants and looked at my little peepee. It was only three inches long! Thoughts raced through my head. I wasn't honestly at heart expecting this to work. I did it just in case because I didn't want to regret ever not attempting it, it was a dream come true! Just imagine if I could get Grant or Brent to have sex with me like this! The smell of my son's cigar wafted through the bathroom.

"Oh god that smells good, son." I paused. I walked out as he was posing in front of the mirror with his cigar. "But I just realized how odd it feels to be a little kid and call you son in a kids voice."

"Yeah you're not really old enough to be anyone's dad anymore, Dad. Mmmm." He put the cigar back into his mouth. He looked born for it.

"Okay, well, I wanted to be the kid so...I'll call you Daddy. And you call me Son. Okay, Dad?"

"This is so fucking awesome! Oops! Sorry, daddy,, don't be mad at me!"

I chuckled.

"Son, a grown man can use the word "fuck" if he wants to. Especially when it comes to sex."

"I don't want to have sex. It seems gross. Mmmmm." Well my 11 year old son had definitely taken to my grown up habit of cigar smoking.

"Well son, we should talk about that first. You see, your body produces cum now. Semen. It's what makes babies, like we talked about. And mine doesn't because I'm pre-pubescent now." My son listened as he flexed his new muscular arm.

"So you want me to have sex?"

"Well, only if you want to. It's fun, you know. But first, you have to know a few things." I gave my son the rundown on why to use condoms, lube, and why it was important to protect yourself from disease.

"Okay dad, well I still think it's gross."

"That's because you haven't cum yet! Once you have, you'll understand."

"So when will I cum?"

"Well, there's no specific time, son. I mean...DAD. See, your body gets excited by certain things. Mainly men, their dicks, their good looks, their muscles. That stimulates your dick and makes it get real hard. Then cum shoots out. And it feels AMAZING. Trust me you'll like it."

"Oh. Okay. Well I like cigars a whole lot so I'm sure I'll like cumming, too!"

Just then the door knocked. My son held his cigar in his hand, and I noticed he held it the way he was supposed to, just like I did. He must be copying me, I thought proudly.

"Uh oh! What do I do Daddy?"

"Don't worry," I whispered. "Go answer it! It's probably Brent or my friend Grant. You haven't met him yet."

Danny worriedly walked to the door, cigar smoke trailing him, and he opened the door to find Brent standing there.

"Hey, stud."

"Uh, Hi Brent."

"Look, I just wanted to tell you goodnight. It was real fun earlier, stud. Brent moved in and planted a kiss right on Danny's mouth. I suddenly realized I had to come clean. I'd already told Brent everything, he may as well know.

"Brent, get in here," I said, in my pipsqueak voice.

"Uh...hi, Danny. Look, I gotta get back to Cory."

"No, get in here. Seriously, I need to tell you something."

"Uh, what's going on?"

"Tell him, son." I said.

"I'm him and he's me, we switched places! Honest!"

"Okay, I see what you guys are doing. This is a gag..." Brent smiled widely, his big winning athlete's smile. "Very funny, you guys. Ve.Ry. Funny."

"I am perfectly serious. I'm actually Jonas. And he is actually Danny."

"It's true! This is my first cigar because dad said I could and he said I couldn't before but now I'm an adult so I can! Look at me, I'm tall and everything!"

"Okay, you guys. Enough's enough. I am not going to believe that you guys switched bodies."

"It's true, though. I could tell you about our chat sessions. Our very PRIVATE chat sessions. Like the place on the island we were going to go and have some very illegal fun in."

Brent's smile disappeared. "Is this your idea of a joke, because it's not funny." He told Danny angrily.

"Don't yell at him. He looks like an adult but he's actually just a kid!"

"Okay. Prove it. If you really are Jonas, you can tell me what jobs I've had, and the problems I've had with my boss." So I told him. He bent down so he could look me in the eye. "I had a conversation with you earlier today about what happened to me when I was 15. What happened."

"You had the hots for your soccer coach and got a boner mid match thinking about him and someone knocked you out by hitting the ball in your face."

"Okay...this is getting creepy."

"Do you know what this means? We can be kids again for our vacation! Or better yet, we can be kids and do adult things. Think of it!" I moved forward and looked him in the eye and felt his face and grew closer. "Just think of how much fun we can have. This is why we came here."

"Danny...I...I can't." I kissed him. His mouth was huge and his stubble scraped my perfect, stubble free skin. He fought it at first. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, this is your son, and..."

"It's okay if you want to kiss Daddy. I think it's cool. Do you want to do adult stuff with him, Dad?"

"Oh boy, do I ever. Will Cory be okay by himself for a little while."

"I can't believe I'm doing this. Are you sure this is okay?"

"I'm in my son's body and I'm in total control. I'm 40 years old and look 11. Do you know what this means? Come on, sailor. Bring me over to that bedroom over there and take me."

"This is like...the hottest thing ever. I don't know whether to believe you or not but if you're both willing then, who am I to disagree with you?" He scooped me up in his arms and held me there and sniffed my neck. "Baby you want me to fuck your little virgin ass, huh baby?"

"Oh my god. Oh my god, yes. Yes, Brent!"

Brent carried me to bed. He walked over to shut the windows and curtains. He stripped me of my boy clothes as quick as he could. It was darker in here and he crawled up onto the bed. He was SO much bigger than me. I looked at his chest and started to kiss and lick it."

"Oh god, I've never had a white boy this young. This is fucking awesome!" he whispered. I moved up so I was staring him in the face. I kissed him and I felt my legs end around his dick. He was naked now and getting ready. He grabbed the condom and tore it open with his teeth and got it on lickety split. "Okay, baby now this is gonna hurt but my dick is only six inches so it isn't that bad. It's just gonna be a little bit of pressure. You ready, sweetie?"

"Yes, oh my god yes!" That was all Brent needed. He climbed on top of me and he covered me so well. It was like being fucked by a giant! If I was my old height it would be like being fucked by an eight foot tall muscle beast. I felt his arm under me, muscular and firm. The cold tip of his dick at my little boy butt. "Oh god."

"It's coming, baby. Hold on. If you have to scream, use this towel, okay buddy."

"Well it worked earlier!"

"Holy fuck it is you. Isn't it. I'm gonna fuck you now, Jonas. Here I come." And his dick started to slide into my VIRGIN ass! I bit down on the towel. If someone heard a boy screaming "fuck me" they might call someone up here and that was the last thing I wanted!

His dick inside my boy ass was hurting me so bad but it felt so good. I can't tell you how good. I'd longed for this. It hurt so bad I cried and cried. He kept stopping to make sure I was okay and I kept telling him "Keep going" I sucked on his fingers and he kissed me from the side. He came out of me and flipped me around and held me up so he could fuck me sitting up. Staring at my little boy face more turned on than he had been in years. Kissing his big, stubbled muscular face. My little tongue was no match for his big adult one shoving itself down my throat.

"Oh baby, baby boy that was incredible. Your 11 year old ass just gave me the lay of a lifetime. Oh my god. I...I should get back to Cory."

"I guess I should get back to Danny. We just left him there."

We walked out to the living room and there was no Danny.

"Yo! Jonas, where are you?"

"Uh, you mean Danny." I corrected Brent. Shit, this was getting confusing.

"Oh yeah. Hey, Danny. You there?" Danny wasn't in his room, or the bathroom. I ran back to put my little boy clothes back on. Oh no. What had I done. My little boy was now running around with my body!

"Does he have your phone on him?"

"Oh of course. I'll just call my phone!"

I called Danny and cursed myself out for being so careless as to not instruct him to stay put.

"Hello?" a gruff voice answered.

"Uh hey, there. Where are you?"

"I was just getting a beer!"

"A beer! You little scamp!" I smiled. `

"It tastes so good! And I'm here with your friend Grant! I was just telling him what happened!"

"What? You can't! I mean...don't tell anyone else!"

"Dad I'm not stupid, I realize that. But he's a friend of yours so it's totally okay. We're coming back upstairs. We'll see you soon."

I looked up at Brent. "He told Grant."

"I guess it could be worse, at least he didn't tell any strangers."

"Grant is a stranger to him."

"But what a handsome stranger. Well no use worrying about it, are they coming up?"


"Okay, well I'm gonna go talk to Cory for a while and see if he's okay being on his own the rest of the evening while I come back here and help you figure this whole thing out."

"Kay." Brent left and I found myself poking around my butthole which was totally raw. I felt good but exhausted. My little boy ass had been busted wide open!

I couldn't believe how I was living out my depraved fantasies, but the best was all yet to come...

I Traded Lives With My Son

My name is Jonas and this is the story of how my son and me exchanged lives. My son's name is Danny. It is a story that many would not believe, and I'm telling you right now that magic is real, that there are corners of the world where civilization hasn't killed it off. The higher the amount of technology present, the less magic can thrive. At least that is what the witch said.

In my life, which is fairly simple, I have one son and only one son. Danny is the product of me and his mother and his mother and me didn't last long. She took him when he was two and told me she didn't need me. She caught me making out with my buddy Carl, who at the time I was in a fuck buddy relationship with on the sly. But my wife had suspected I was just trying to pretend I was something I wasn't and she had a brief period where she was angry but eventually we just decided to be friends. Then she died in a car accident. Danny was only three. I talked with my now ex-wife's mom after the funeral and she told me she couldn't handle a kid right now. She wasn't going to go through a custody battle when her hips and legs were in such bad shape. She was content to see Danny on holidays. I moved away because I got a good job with a trucking company. I worked my way up over the years to management. It's a real good gig if you can get it and trucking was in my blood. I still did shipments when someone called in sick. We weren't a huge company, but I was well liked and it felt more like a small family at times.

As to what I look like, well I look pretty average I suppose, for a 40 year old with a very receded hairline. My hair was always cut very short so there's a line of it around the top of my head where it meets the shine of my forehead. My beard makes up for the lack of hair there and I'm told I'm ruggedly handsome by most other gay men I meet. I have a beer gut but it's not too bad. I am well muscled in my chest and arms and my legs aren't too bad. I try hitting the gym four times a week. I sport a tattoo of barbed wire on one arm that I'm told is pretty sexy and I have a good smile. In fact, I have been told by many men I look a LOT like Jason Statham, minus the abs and with a big of a gut.

Danny is a chip off the old block and then some. Oh, what am I saying. Where I'm rugged and gruff, he's just flawless. He's fucking beautiful. Like, he could be in movies someday. My hair is black and fading and his is a lovely shade of chestnut-brown. He's thin and comes up to about my crotch, height wise. I'm 6'1". I keep telling him he has good genes and not to worry about how tall he will be, he's only ten.

I raised Danny the best I could. Danny was now eleven years old and it was summer vacation. He had just turned eleven. I invited all his friends over for a party and he was still mad because his birthday wish hadn't come true. When I prodded him to tell me what it had been, he admitted he really wanted to be the tallest kid in his class. Haha! Well, you'll get taller sooner or later, I told him. Just be patient. He told me he would be but it was still getting him down, if you pardon the pun. He was going to be in sixth grade next year! I told him this. Aren't you excited? I asked him.

Well, if he wasn't excited about sixth grade, I knew what would excite him. I had a pretty special surprise in store. I took him into town one day. We lived in the countryside, on a small ranch I had managed to buy. Bordered on one side by woods as you drove in, nice view of the mountains in the distance, real wide lawn, and a few animals. I wanted Danny to have the experience of growing up with real adult responsibility. I thought it would make his life and mine better. Danny was a generally happy, well-adjusted kid. We'd had all the talks about how I wasn't the same as other fathers, how I would never be bringing a woman home. He asked me about sex and I told him whatever turned him on would be fine with me, so long as he never ruined a vehicle once he started driving. We left it at that but I wondered...was my son going to turn out to be gay or straight? It's something a lot of parents wonder, he hasn't really gotten all those hormones yet and he would be soon.

The main town was just big enough to be a medium sized town. Good income level within driving distance of the Rocky Mountains. Low crime rate. Perfect place to raise a kid but a lousy place for a gay father to find some tail. Don't get me wrong, I had a few select fuck buddies but it was hard to make time when raising a kid.

Today I smiled as I took Danny with me into the local superstore and I started to put things into the cart like snorkels and swimming fins, suntan lotion, and some new swim shorts and shirts for us both.

"Dad, are we going to a pool? Do we really need all this stuff?"

"We do in the Bahamas, buddy."

"The what?"

"The Bahamas. Do you know where the Bahamas are?"

"No...wait...someplace with beaches?"

"You guess correct. We are going to the Caribbean for summer vacation. Two whole weeks!"


"Yep. It's your big birthday surprise. Not as good as getting taller but...what do you think?"

"Eh, I can always get taller later, but...this is gonna be so cool. It is like the Pirate movies?"

"Mmmm, they probably don't have the same kinds of ships now. So no."

"Awww. Oh well. So we're gonna go swimming and stuff?"

"Yeah, it's a resort. So there's all sorts of fun things we can do."

Danny was very excited. When we got back home it's all he could talk about. His whole mood had changed. I told him they had kitesurfing and scuba diving. I'd pay for him to learn. They had huge parties for both parents and their kids. It was a really good resort.

There was just one thing, though, that I didn't tell Danny. I had a few online friends, fellow gay guys I had met online on certain dark websites who shared some of my sexual fantasies. I was hoping to have my own fun while Danny was having his. I made sure we each had our own bedrooms, and they were spacious. I had had to save up for a long time for this vacation but it was really going to be worth it.

So we spent a week getting ready. Danny loved not being in school but he still had his chores. I hired a few guys from other farms to tend to the horse and the dogs and goats we had during our time away. It was Danny's first time on an airplane and he was so excited. He was all smiles, and his face was anything but cherubic. My son would be a model someday, I just knew. I tell people he takes after his mother that way, the men on her side were always usually pretty around that age, according to her. I don't have any contact with them, though, they keep to themselves and I don't need them asking for handouts so I keep contact minimal.

Finally we got from the plane to a smaller plane and then on a boat to the island of my dreams. The water was clear and turquoise paradise everywhere. There were white sand beaches and jungles and a mountain at the center of the island with a waterfall. Truly it was one of the most beautiful places I could imagine being. Danny was thrilled by everything.

The resort and the room were just like the brochure. Beautiful teak furniture and Danny thanked me profusely. He was a good kid. Always gracious, and never a brat. He was a good kid.

I got a text from Brent. He was one of two friends of mine I would be meeting this vacation. The other's name was Grant and he would be with us in a few days. I told him how awesome it would be to see him for the first time, but told him I was busy getting settled. So was he, and he had brought his nephew Cory with him, as I had brought my son. Cory was thirteen, so he was only a little bit older than Danny, by about two and a half years.

We unpacked and I brought Danny downstairs for dinner. I had told Danny that my old friend Brent would be here, but I didn't tell him that Brent and I were going to hook up. It just seemed like a conversation I didn't need to have with my son quite yet.

The dining hall was beautiful and tropical. I walked past tropical flowers and low ceiling fans, sweating with anticipation. And then there he was. Brent was tall and had a great smile. He was tan and good looking beyond my dreams. He had short dark brown hair with some natural highlights, and looked like an athlete, maybe a soccer player or swimmer. His muscles were taut and well worked, no discernible body hair. Not bodybuilder status but he was no wimp, for sure. He had a face just beginning to get character crags, at the beginning of his 30s. He was a few inches taller than me at 6'3" and I was swooning. He had a deeper voice than mine, rich and deep, and it thrilled me to hear him speak.


"Brent!" We hugged briefly. The 13 year old standing just to Brent's side was a good looking, black haired version of his uncle. "And you must be Cory! Cory, this is my son Danny." The two shook hands. We got to dinner.

Brent and I hit it off but of course we couldn't talk about what we really wanted to right away. The kids were excited so we told them they could wander around and explore outside by the pool so long as they didn't go swimming without us watching.

"So, how soon do you think we can get naked?"

"Dude I want you so bad you don't even know."

"I have to say, you were right about your boy, he really is good looking."

"So is Cory." We clinked our beers. I should mention Brent and I had admitted to each other that although we found grown, masculine men attractive, we also harbored an utter appreciation for the sexiness of younger boys, ten and up but no younger. I knew my son was good looking but I would never approach him sexually, at least not until he was of age, and even then only if he was both gay and willing. I appreciated him from a distance and I would for probably, most likely, the rest of my life, just knowing he had some amazing genes.

"Sometimes I think of how much I'd just love to fuck Cory, you know?"

I sighed. "His ass is so fucking tight. I bet it would be fun." We both smiled. "But I guess we'll just have to settle for debauchery with just the two of us."

"Well, you know I did some...research on this place and there are a few island boys at a place on the other side of the island. We might be able to sneak away for a night or two if we take turns watching the boys.

I gulped. "So...just...let me know what you find out, then."

Meanwhile, Cory and Danny walked together around the pool, watching all the scantily clad hotel guests cavorting around.

"So your dad is gay like my uncle?"

"Huh? Yeah?"

"That's cool. You know they're gonna be fucking, right?"

"What do you mean? Like, kissing?"

"Oh my God, dude. Your dad is gay. He likes fucking guys. Like sticking their dicks in each other?"

"Oh. Yeah. I know about that." Danny said, blushing.

"So are you straight or gay?"

"I dunno, I guess I don't think about it."

"Huh. Have you jerked off yet?"

"No, I just turned eleven. My dad told me what to expect and told me it would feel good but I haven't done it yet."

"Dude don't be embarrassed. It'll happen. It's cool. Me, I'm pretty much into guys like my uncle."


"Yeah, but he's the only one who knows. We share secrets with each other. My parents don't know he's gay, and they don't know I'm gay. So he invited me along and I was so freaking happy not to spend summer back home. We're gonna go around the Caribbean after this."

"Wow. That's cool."

"So, do you think those women are hot over there?"

"Yeah," Danny said. "I guess so."

"What about the guys over there? The ones in the Hawaiian shirts with the nice chests? The college boys?"

Danny looked at them and blushed. "They're pretty cool. I don't honestly think about sex yet, though. I kind of just want to enjoy being a kid."

"Yeah, I can respect that. But in a few years you're gonna be masturbating like fucking crazy." Cory said, with a little laugh.

"Oh my god, look! They have waterslides!"

"Oh man we're gonna have so much fun tomorrow..."

The night was a bit exhausting due to jetlag so the two families decided to pack it in early and get up early. The next day, Danny woke up and saw his father outside, smoking a cigar. Jonas loved his cigars, and he looked damn sexy while smoking them. Musclebear with a baseball cap and a thin, flower print shirt. Danny secretly loved the smell of his dad's cigars, but his dad discouraged him from ever smoking, but also told his son that if he really wanted to do it, he would give him his first cigar when he turned 18, but no sooner. Jonas loved cigars and was trying to be a good father but had a huge cigar fetish. He didn't want his son smoking not for health reasons but because it would turn him on just way too goddamn much!

"Come on, little man. We're gonna get some breakfast."

Breakfast was great. The beach and waterslides were calling. Jonas and his son spent the day exploring and had a lot lined up. It was heaven for both of them but especially little Danny. He would jump up and down in excitement over nearly everything. He had so much energy! They met up with Brent and the kids took off to go to the waterslide together and the men would watch from the side.

"So, tonight I'm gonna contact my guy on the island," Brent said, adjusting his sunglasses. God, he was practically sex walking! But where he had no body hair, Jonas had a rug poking out of his shirt and Brent noticed. "Shit, you're hairy. That's a huge turn on, by the way."

"I can't wait to ride you, boy! Oh yes."

"We are gonna have a lot of fun. We might get to go to the island boys in as little as a few days from now."

"Well, we have plenty of time," Jonas said nervously.

I had no idea how much fun I'd be having but I knew Cory and Danny were becoming fast friends, and it made me happy. I stroked my beard watching them revel in the water, splashing each other.

That evening, I found out there was a bird watching expedition up the mountain and signed us up. I thought it would be fun to go into the jungle. The day passed and we just spent it enjoying ourselves. The food was all fantastic and Danny was all smiles. We walked along rope and woodplank bridges and over crystal rivers with small white rapids. On the way back, we lingered for a while and noticed there was a hut just up the way. We were at the end of the line, and we were skirting a hill. A couple argued coming down the hill from it, saying they shouldn't have gone.

"I can't believe you brought us to a voodoo priestess."

"You never have an open mind, Sheila! I wish you had stayed, I had to apologize after you stormed out."

"She's a con artist. I can't believe you actually took me to that dreadful place."

I looked up and saw a middle aged black woman with large hoop earrings and a large headwrap looking down on me and it felt like she was looking into my soul. I couldn't stop thinking of her. That night I asked Brent to look after my boy for a while. I had asked one of the local drivers to take me back up the mountain road and he'd agreed.

"Where are you going, man?"

"It's just I've always wanted to meet a real voodoo priestess. When else am I actually going to get the chance?"

Brent arched an eyebrow. "Alright, we can have fun without you. But hurry back, don't be too long."

I told Danny I was just going for a night hike and didn't want him to go because it was dangerous terrain and I wanted to see if there were any bats. He bought my story and I ran to the extremely small portable cab and we motored back up the way. The driver stopped where I told him and I said to wait for me.

"You go to Madame Deveaux. Be very careful. She very powerful."

"I'll be sure," I told him. He looked nervous and scared. I walked across the rope and plank bridge across the river I could hear below. It wasn't visible very much in the dim moonlight. I walked up until I saw the path up the hut. There was a light in the window. I walked up and it was very steep. I finally came to a small thatched hut and approached respectfully and said "Hello. Is anyone here?"

"Someone be here. Who be you?" a woman's voice returned.

"My name is Jonas. I'd just like to talk to you. I've brought some money."


I did so. It was a nice enough place. A little rug lay in the middle of the room, and some handcarved or handmade furniture on all sides. It all looked very rustic. Dried herbs hung all over the room. Candles lit everything in large candleholders.

"What your last name?"

"Porter. I'm Jonas Porter. Hello. Uh, are you Madame Deveaux?"

"I be." She lit a stick of incense. "Spirits bring me you. You have dark desires."

I gulped. "I'm sorry. Maybe I'm disturbing you."

"You like the child you made. You think he looks like a bit of heaven."

I felt my heart drop. I didn't tell anyone my desires, except a few guys online. "I would never do anything to him."

"Mmm not til him older. I know. I see your heart. You have desire but you do want to have some boy, some island boy maybe. Der a place but I think I make you better offer."

"How do you know?" I was seriously scared. Would she blackmail me? Was she recording me? Unlikely given where I was. "What's in my heart?" I asked carefully, trying not to give myself away.

"I know your member get excited when I talk about boys. You love the ones from middle school, 11, 12, 13, 14...and all ages beyond. You are insatiable. You never had a young boy."

"No, it's highly illegal."

"I know, but a few boys like it. It's okay for dem, just not the boys who are unwilling. All about the will." She came closer to me. She was beautiful. I thought she had been older but she was a luminous black woman of perfect chocolate hue that reflected the lovely yellow and red candlelight, and couldn't be older than 30 herself. Her voice was hypnotic. "I call you here, Jonas. I knew you be comin' to me."

"How did you know?"

"Spirits tell me what kind of man I can help when da man come near." She swayed her hips. "I can do real magic. Real magic don't like the world much. Don't like all dem cars, all dem planes. Real magic from a way far away place but it comes here to our world only sometimes, and you got to be real nice to it. Madame Deveaux know real magic."

"Okay I'm willing to believe this, but it's also possible you talked with Brent."

"Brent you friend with a lot of lust in him? No, but him pretty. I like pretty men. I know you have dreams you don't share. Dreams where you tiny like a boy or you trade places with you son."

My jaw nearly dropped. I had never told a soul about that and I'd never mentioned it to a single person online, even. I did have dreams where I was a kid again and I let my son be a grown man in my place.

"Oh wow, holy shit."

"Shit is not holy here but spirits are. You come to dis island because I call you to me. I call people dat need Madame Deveaux."

"What about that couple that stormed out?"

"He want to be a woman but she don't know this. He come back."

"So, what...what do you want from me?"

"I want to give you a gift. Very special gift." She unlatched a box, an old steamer trunk highly gilded and probably over a century old. She brought out a carved wooden statue of some kind of god, with large rectangular eyes and a teeth, sticking its wooden tongue out. It looked sort of like a tiki but a little more African and shorter. It had a large object in one hand and a smaller object in the other. It was stained beautifully and polished.

"How much?"

"You give me gift back."

"You don't want money?"

"Not now, no. Go take this and place it on the ground and tell your son to say three times "I want to trade bodies with my father. I want to be a man." And you say "I want to trade bodies with my son. I want to be a child.""

"Then what?"

"Then the spirits come and help. And you can spend time as a much younger boy. Enjoy your vacation, Mistah Porter." The candlelight flickered more and more and faster and faster and she unfolded a fan and then she was suddenly much older, in her fifties, and she folded and unfolded the fan several times and she was a white haired woman in her 70s or 80s and then she did it again and she was young and voluptuous again.

I stepped back with the small statue in my hands. I felt like wanted to pee or scream. I just quietly left, and all the way back to the road I felt genuinely afraid, because it all seemed like it had to be a dream but it wasn't.

The driver was relieved when I came back. I didn't say anything on the return trip. I paid him and ran back up to my room and hid the statue and then came back to Brent's room where he and the boys were watching a movie and I joined them. Brent opened me up a beer and we decided to snuggle a little bit as I drifted off.

The next morning Brent told me that he'd told Danny and Cory to take a bed each and he snuggled up on the other couch. The room was perfectly spacious he said, and he slept like a log. I felt a bit guilty but he told me not to worry.

"Why don't you boys hurry on to breakfast and we'll catch up?" he prompted. The boys were all too happy to oblige and said they'd race the way there.

"Finally we are alone." Brent came over and planted his first kiss and we made out furiously. "God, I'm so horny. Did you have a good voodoo visit?"

"It was...interesting." I told him everything and his eyes widened.

"Shit, she knew? That you think kids are hot? What the fuck, who did you tell?"

"No one! Just you and Grant and he gets here today. We're always super careful, you know that. No chances. We've known each other for five years and I would never jeopardize..."

"Okay. I believe you. So...you think this is for real? You got taken, man. Maybe she is psychic, I'll give you that. It's possible, I've met a few psychics that were for real but this chick just sold you a magic body swap statue. You know how ridiculous that sounds?"

"I know. I just wanted to be honest. We should just forget about it." I started to pet him and he said he was ready to burst.

"Time to give me your first blow job, sweetheart. Get down there, pig."

"Oh, woof. Yes, Sir." Brent looked down at me as I got on my knees to worship his dick, which was seven inches and all of it beautiful. I choked a phenomenal amount from the sheer thickness of it. It had been four months since I'd been able to suck a dick and it was just overwhelming. Pretty soon he was creaming all the way down my throat and I felt his cum glaze my throat. My tongue lingered on the cum threads left, and tried to concentrate on Danny but my thoughts were obsessed with Brent's gorgeous, thick dick.

"Fuck yeah, eat my cum, bitch." Brent grunted and throatfucked me some more. He came a second time, squirting down my throat and I lapped it all up.

I kissed him and he tasted his cum in my mouth.

"Mmmm. You taste good, Daddy."

"You too, Uncle Brent." We kissed.

We joined the boys for breakfast after I'd had my appetizer of Brent's semen. I enjoyed watching Cory quite a bit, he was definitely a good looking kid, and he was beginning to get peach fuzz, I noticed. I was practically drooling. I wondered what kind of boys were going to be at the secluded little bit of paradise I would visit later this week. I was not really into black guys all that much but Hispanic boys just made me shiver, and Brent had assured me they would have a nice selection.

Grant finally showed up midday as we were just getting back from our first snorkeling expedition. It was so gorgeous you could literally just see the fish and little sea creatures just a few feet below the water's surface near the corals that waved with feathers of seaweed and sea anemones. We sent the boys up to my suite and told them to dry off and told them they could go to the pool or walk around the gardens. There was also a game room down on the ground level with all sorts of fun stuff for kids like foozeball and table tennis.

When I got dressed I saw that Grant had texted and we finally met him by the pool and I have to say, he was even hotter in person that I could possibly describe. Grant was a large, bodybuilding cowboy, wearing a white cowboy hat under the Bahamas sun. He wore a wife beater that barely held his huge, bronzed muscles. His hard, gorgeous face was strong chinned, young enough to not have wrinkles, but old enough to not be fresh faced. He had fine black stubble and matted black hair that stuck out from the sides of his hat, in a choppy cut. Grant was a fourth Mexican and his heritage added just enough of a tax to make him a bronze god. His nose was very prominent and his muscles in his legs bulged obscenely to the point where his jean shorts barely contained them. His demeanor and face EMANATED authority.

"Howdy, boys!"

We shook hands with him enthusiastically and I felt my boner about to burst. I was looking up into one of the most gorgeously tanned men in the world, a cowboy bodybuilder that made me swoon the minute he touched my hand. He was a little younger than Brent and I could tell he wanted to plow us both as soon as possible. Of course he was also very excited at the thought of boy pussy, and he hailed from a conservative Christian town in Texas where even vegetarians were looked at as weird outsiders. This man was here to FUCK.

"So are you boys ready to have some real fun, guys? Because I tell ya'll, I been ready for days and I'm gonna explode, boys." He smiled a rough smile. When he smiled it was so masculine I was reminded of every western growing up with a tall, strong cowboy lead and I felt like I could take every order he had to give.

"It's all set up, by the way. I'm gonna go first, tomorrow night, then Jonas here the night after. You're welcome to join us either night."

"I'm definitely ready to break in some boy or man pussy." Grant rubbed his obscenely large bulge and I noticed how it packed against his jean shorts and thought I was going to faint. He had to have a ten incher, easily.

Grant ran his things up to his room and came back to mind where we were ready to have an orgy. We texted the boys and told them to keep having fun downstairs and we'd meet up with them later, and I told Danny that I needed a little grownup time. This was usually the code I used for masturbation time but today I was about to get my ass plowed!

When we got up to the room I was almost nervous. Grant told us to both strip.

"Dude, you are fucking HOT. This whole week is going to rock!" Brent said, his eyes glittering.

"Jonas I think I'm gonna break you in first."

"Oh, yes sir."

"Mmm, you're a sexy bear, Jonas. Your hole ready for me? I'm ten inches here, I'm not dealing with you unless you're really ready."

"Yes, Sir. I'm ready, sir." I smiled and he moved in and started kissing my bearded face for a while, and stuck two fingers up my hole.

"Oh yeah, that's nice and loose enough. Alright, pig. Bend over the bed."

Grant didn't waste time getting his XL condom out and Brent's eyes bugged out. Grant moved in and kissed him. I watched them make out burning with passion and then I offered Grant some lube. His dick was so engorged and hugely thick I thought suddenly it might be the biggest dick I'd ever taken in my life!

"OH GOD!" He entered me a few inches. I cried out. Brent got a towel and made me bite down on it so I didn't attract any attention from outside. I screamed in a muffled, diminished grunt as he entered me slowly and painfully and started to reach the end. I had ten inches of dick inside me! Holy shit! I screamed my brains out into the towel as Grant fucked me, all while playing with Brent's dick. Brent was more of a pretty boy than either one of us and looked more like a model with his nearly hairless frame (a light fuzz coated his chest, very short) and his brown hair with golden highlights.

Our orgy went on and on and I moved on to sucking on Grant's gargantuan cock as Brent started to go down on me as thanks for earlier. I felt the joy of the taste of man seed start to enter my mouth just as I started cumming into Brent's mouth! I started to swallow it but then Grant grunted and my mouth was filled with SO much cum it OVERFLOWED out of my fucking mouth! Squirt squirt squirt squirt! Each squirt made me harder and harder. He pulled out enough so he could tell me "Swallow the rest." And I did, gulping air and a cup's worth of cum and scrambling to get all the cum on my face into my mouth.

I was pretty relaxed, if not limping a tiny bit, by the time the boys were ready for us again. Grant had retired to his room to get some rest after his plane and boat rides. I definitely wanted a cigar so I got one out and lit up at the bar while I let my son order from the menu for dinner. I sat down reeking of tobacco and apologized to him for being so stinky.

"I love the smell, dad."

My heart swelled. I hated to be a bad influence and I told him so.

"Well I'm definitely going to smoke when I'm older, I love the smell, it smells SO good. I mean, if you're okay with it." He suddenly looked afraid. He'd never mentioned a desire to smoke to me before but he was getting older and I suppose that is the age when it becomes such a fascination.

"It's okay, son. The first time I took a hit from my dad's cigars I was 14. But I'll tell you what, I'll move the timeline down to 16 if you really want to smoke one. So just wait a little while longer, okay?"

"Wow! Really, dad?"

"Well, you know as long as you know it's not good for you."

"Yeah, but I'll look cool. Like you do!"

I blushed.

"Well, maybe being like your dad isn't such a bad thing, right?"


I blushed and my heart started to beat faster. What if the voodoo woman gave me something that could actually switch my and my son's bodies? What if I could be a little boy again? I thought of all the perverted fantasies I'd ever had about being a boy again so I could get fucked by a big, powerful man. If we did swap bodies, I could actually get to live that fantasy! I asked Danny to follow me upstairs after we were done and told him I had a surprise for him.

I shut the door carefully and gave myself a look in the mirror. My nearly bald head, my bearish beard, my muscled arms and chest with its carpet of fur.

I sat him down on the couch. I guess it was now or never.

"So...I bought something." I brought out the little statuette. It was only five inches high. Wooden big square eyes that reminded me of a lizard, with one big ball in one hand and a much smaller ball in another, looking very tribal.

"Oh, that's cool. Is this for me?" He looked up at me, eager and innocent.

"Sort of. It's for both of us." And I told him my story of the voodoo priestess. I left out the parts about how I came to this island to have sex with some hot young boys.

"Really, dad? I'm not falling for it. This is just a prank!"

"No, I mean...it's not my prank at least. The voodoo woman might be lying but...here's the thing, son. I think it would be really, REALLY cool to be a boy again. I would love the chance to be in your body even if it's just for a little while."

"Well I'd LOVE to be a grownup, too! I could smoke cigars just like you!"

"Is that what you'd do?"

"Yeah, totally!"

"Alright, well only one way to try it." I set the figurine down on the floor and had Danny stand opposite me. "We have to repeat the words at the same time I think. Ready?" Danny shook his head and he seemed so excited. His floppy hair shone in the lamplight. Summer breezes filtered in from outside and we could hear people down below laughing and having fun.

"I want to trade bodies with my son. I wish I was a boy."

"I want to trade bodies with my dad. I wish I was a man."

"I want to trade bodies with my son! I wish I was a boy!"

"I want to trade bodies with my dad! I wish I was a man!"

A gust of wind came in from outside and it was all of a sudden very loud.





We blinked. Suddenly, two circles of light emanated from the figurine, which seemed to glow an evil smile. My heart started racing. Could this actually be real? Danny looked up at me with a wild smile on his face like he'd just won the lottery. The blue light grew into a while light and suddenly I felt like everything shifted slightly. I stepped to the side and realized I was outside my body. Danny was there and he was also standing next to himself. Suddenly I got dizzy and was thrust forward right at the first Danny. I blinked. The room was back to normal. I was staring at some man's enormous crotch.

"What?" I asked, in my son's pipsqueak voice. "No! No way! It...it actually worked?? SON??"

"Daddy?" The grown man who I used to be looked down at me and then smiled and started laughing. He looked at his big hands and then started to look at his chest hair in wonder. "WOW! Daddy I have hair on my chest!"

"HOLY FUCK!" I screamed.

"Dad, you said a bad word! You're not supposed to curse in front of me," Danny said smarmily inside my body.

I was still experiencing a little bit of disorientation. I wandered around the room, looking WAY up at everything! Danny was transfixed looking into the mirror. He was wearing my Hawaiian shirt now, and wore my face. He felt his new wide, shiny forehead and the little bit of hair he had on the back of his head. He looked like a gruff, masculine alpha male. And I...well, I looked just like an innocent young pup!

"This is so unreal," I said wondrously.

"Daddy! Look at me! I'm bigger than you now! Look! Look at my muscles! I wonder how much I can lift! Just like you! I bet I could lift a ton!"

"Heheheh. Well not quite that much. Geez, you do look good, don't you, son?"

"And I sound just like you, my voice is cool now! Not like a kids voice, I have a man's voice Daddy! Dad, can we stay like this the entire vacation? I'm tall! Look at me I can reach things! " Danny tested out his new height by reaching for the ceiling fan and pulled the switch to turn it off and then on again. "My body feels funny like I have something warm inside me."

"Oh. Well it's because I smoke. That's what it feels like."

"Woooooow. I can smoke now! Can I smoke, please please please? I really want to Daddy!"

"Okay, buddy, a deals a deal I guess. I'm gonna teach you to smoke your first cigar! I can't believe I'm saying this! This is so unreal!" I imagined how fun it could be to swap with my son whenever I wanted even back home and the possibilities were simply endless!

I showed him how to clip the end, and told him to hold up the flame of the lighter and puff hard at first. His eyes bugged nearly out of his head, he just couldn't believe he was being allowed to do this!

"Ohhhhhhhh that feels good," he growled in a low tone. I ran to the bathroom as my son smoked his first stogie. I pulled down my pants and looked at my little peepee. It was only three inches long! Thoughts raced through my head. I wasn't honestly at heart expecting this to work. I did it just in case because I didn't want to regret ever not attempting it, it was a dream come true! Just imagine if I could get Grant or Brent to have sex with me like this! The smell of my son's cigar wafted through the bathroom.

"Oh god that smells good, son." I paused. I walked out as he was posing in front of the mirror with his cigar. "But I just realized how odd it feels to be a little kid and call you son in a kids voice."

"Yeah you're not really old enough to be anyone's dad anymore, Dad. Mmmm." He put the cigar back into his mouth. He looked born for it.

"Okay, well, I wanted to be the kid so...I'll call you Daddy. And you call me Son. Okay, Dad?"

"This is so fucking awesome! Oops! Sorry, daddy,, don't be mad at me!"

I chuckled.

"Son, a grown man can use the word "fuck" if he wants to. Especially when it comes to sex."

"I don't want to have sex. It seems gross. Mmmmm." Well my 11 year old son had definitely taken to my grown up habit of cigar smoking.

"Well son, we should talk about that first. You see, your body produces cum now. Semen. It's what makes babies, like we talked about. And mine doesn't because I'm pre-pubescent now." My son listened as he flexed his new muscular arm.

"So you want me to have sex?"

"Well, only if you want to. It's fun, you know. But first, you have to know a few things." I gave my son the rundown on why to use condoms, lube, and why it was important to protect yourself from disease.

"Okay dad, well I still think it's gross."

"That's because you haven't cum yet! Once you have, you'll understand."

"So when will I cum?"

"Well, there's no specific time, son. I mean...DAD. See, your body gets excited by certain things. Mainly men, their dicks, their good looks, their muscles. That stimulates your dick and makes it get real hard. Then cum shoots out. And it feels AMAZING. Trust me you'll like it."

"Oh. Okay. Well I like cigars a whole lot so I'm sure I'll like cumming, too!"

Just then the door knocked. My son held his cigar in his hand, and I noticed he held it the way he was supposed to, just like I did. He must be copying me, I thought proudly.

"Uh oh! What do I do Daddy?"

"Don't worry," I whispered. "Go answer it! It's probably Brent or my friend Grant. You haven't met him yet."

Danny worriedly walked to the door, cigar smoke trailing him, and he opened the door to find Brent standing there.

"Hey, stud."

"Uh, Hi Brent."

"Look, I just wanted to tell you goodnight. It was real fun earlier, stud. Brent moved in and planted a kiss right on Danny's mouth. I suddenly realized I had to come clean. I'd already told Brent everything, he may as well know.

"Brent, get in here," I said, in my pipsqueak voice.

"Uh...hi, Danny. Look, I gotta get back to Cory."

"No, get in here. Seriously, I need to tell you something."

"Uh, what's going on?"

"Tell him, son." I said.

"I'm him and he's me, we switched places! Honest!"

"Okay, I see what you guys are doing. This is a gag..." Brent smiled widely, his big winning athlete's smile. "Very funny, you guys. Ve.Ry. Funny."

"I am perfectly serious. I'm actually Jonas. And he is actually Danny."

"It's true! This is my first cigar because dad said I could and he said I couldn't before but now I'm an adult so I can! Look at me, I'm tall and everything!"

"Okay, you guys. Enough's enough. I am not going to believe that you guys switched bodies."

"It's true, though. I could tell you about our chat sessions. Our very PRIVATE chat sessions. Like the place on the island we were going to go and have some very illegal fun in."

Brent's smile disappeared. "Is this your idea of a joke, because it's not funny." He told Danny angrily.

"Don't yell at him. He looks like an adult but he's actually just a kid!"

"Okay. Prove it. If you really are Jonas, you can tell me what jobs I've had, and the problems I've had with my boss." So I told him. He bent down so he could look me in the eye. "I had a conversation with you earlier today about what happened to me when I was 15. What happened."

"You had the hots for your soccer coach and got a boner mid match thinking about him and someone knocked you out by hitting the ball in your face."

"Okay...this is getting creepy."

"Do you know what this means? We can be kids again for our vacation! Or better yet, we can be kids and do adult things. Think of it!" I moved forward and looked him in the eye and felt his face and grew closer. "Just think of how much fun we can have. This is why we came here."

"Danny...I...I can't." I kissed him. His mouth was huge and his stubble scraped my perfect, stubble free skin. He fought it at first. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, this is your son, and..."

"It's okay if you want to kiss Daddy. I think it's cool. Do you want to do adult stuff with him, Dad?"

"Oh boy, do I ever. Will Cory be okay by himself for a little while."

"I can't believe I'm doing this. Are you sure this is okay?"

"I'm in my son's body and I'm in total control. I'm 40 years old and look 11. Do you know what this means? Come on, sailor. Bring me over to that bedroom over there and take me."

"This is like...the hottest thing ever. I don't know whether to believe you or not but if you're both willing then, who am I to disagree with you?" He scooped me up in his arms and held me there and sniffed my neck. "Baby you want me to fuck your little virgin ass, huh baby?"

"Oh my god. Oh my god, yes. Yes, Brent!"

Brent carried me to bed. He walked over to shut the windows and curtains. He stripped me of my boy clothes as quick as he could. It was darker in here and he crawled up onto the bed. He was SO much bigger than me. I looked at his chest and started to kiss and lick it."

"Oh god, I've never had a white boy this young. This is fucking awesome!" he whispered. I moved up so I was staring him in the face. I kissed him and I felt my legs end around his dick. He was naked now and getting ready. He grabbed the condom and tore it open with his teeth and got it on lickety split. "Okay, baby now this is gonna hurt but my dick is only six inches so it isn't that bad. It's just gonna be a little bit of pressure. You ready, sweetie?"

"Yes, oh my god yes!" That was all Brent needed. He climbed on top of me and he covered me so well. It was like being fucked by a giant! If I was my old height it would be like being fucked by an eight foot tall muscle beast. I felt his arm under me, muscular and firm. The cold tip of his dick at my little boy butt. "Oh god."

"It's coming, baby. Hold on. If you have to scream, use this towel, okay buddy."

"Well it worked earlier!"

"Holy fuck it is you. Isn't it. I'm gonna fuck you now, Jonas. Here I come." And his dick started to slide into my VIRGIN ass! I bit down on the towel. If someone heard a boy screaming "fuck me" they might call someone up here and that was the last thing I wanted!

His dick inside my boy ass was hurting me so bad but it felt so good. I can't tell you how good. I'd longed for this. It hurt so bad I cried and cried. He kept stopping to make sure I was okay and I kept telling him "Keep going" I sucked on his fingers and he kissed me from the side. He came out of me and flipped me around and held me up so he could fuck me sitting up. Staring at my little boy face more turned on than he had been in years. Kissing his big, stubbled muscular face. My little tongue was no match for his big adult one shoving itself down my throat.

"Oh baby, baby boy that was incredible. Your 11 year old ass just gave me the lay of a lifetime. Oh my god. I...I should get back to Cory."

"I guess I should get back to Danny. We just left him there."

We walked out to the living room and there was no Danny.

"Yo! Jonas, where are you?"

"Uh, you mean Danny." I corrected Brent. Shit, this was getting confusing.

"Oh yeah. Hey, Danny. You there?" Danny wasn't in his room, or the bathroom. I ran back to put my little boy clothes back on. Oh no. What had I done. My little boy was now running around with my body!

"Does he have your phone on him?"

"Oh of course. I'll just call my phone!"

I called Danny and cursed myself out for being so careless as to not instruct him to stay put.

"Hello?" a gruff voice answered.

"Uh hey, there. Where are you?"

"I was just getting a beer!"

"A beer! You little scamp!" I smiled. `

"It tastes so good! And I'm here with your friend Grant! I was just telling him what happened!"

"What? You can't! I mean...don't tell anyone else!"

"Dad I'm not stupid, I realize that. But he's a friend of yours so it's totally okay. We're coming back upstairs. We'll see you soon."

I looked up at Brent. "He told Grant."

"I guess it could be worse, at least he didn't tell any strangers."

"Grant is a stranger to him."

"But what a handsome stranger. Well no use worrying about it, are they coming up?"


"Okay, well I'm gonna go talk to Cory for a while and see if he's okay being on his own the rest of the evening while I come back here and help you figure this whole thing out."

"Kay." Brent left and I found myself poking around my butthole which was totally raw. I felt good but exhausted. My little boy ass had been busted wide open!

I couldn't believe how I was living out my depraved fantasies, but the best was all yet to come...

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