I Thought My Life Was Over

By moc.loa@592441ennaxor

Published on Feb 28, 2014


"Marla can I ask you a question?" She was concentrating on the curves up the mountain to our little village.

"Of Course sweetie, What?"

"I well I have only had one relationship with a woman and spent most my life reliving it in my mind, are you a lesbian?" I blushed terribly, my intent was clouded by desire to find out too much at once.

Before she could respond, I decided to did the hole a little deeper, "I mean are you exclusive with women or do you still sleep with men?"

She took her eyes off the road for a moment to smile and reassure me, "I am bi-sexual but as I age, I find the female body irresistible, I suppose if the right hunk came along I might still sleep with a man."

"I feel so awkward, I mean I have not done this but once, I am so embarrassed."

She actually laughed out loud, "Honey if your performance in the ladies room is any indicator, you and I will be fine, relax, we don't have to do anything , just come over to the house and we will get to know each other."

Her hand slid over to my lap and I took her fingers in mine and decided I was over thinking the situation, Que sera sera right?

We held hands until she needed hers back to make a curve. I passed the time admiring her silky legs.

Marla's dog greeted us at the door and welcomed me with a series of wet licks. "Come on," she said taking my hand and leading me to the kitchen. There she pulled a blender from against the wall and dumped in a can of frozen juice before adding rum and grenadine, bitters and some fresh orange juice from the fridge.

After adding some ice, she turned on the blender and before I could protest, she had her lips on mine. Not that I would have protested but it was so easy and comfortable I just let it happen.

We explored each other mouths and lips and just shared a couple minutes of sheer delight before she remembered the blender and broke away to turn it off and serve us a drink.

I found myself intoxicated from the booze we had already consumed but more so my Marla, she was quite lovely and very open. With drinks in hand we went out back, where she had a small patio overlooking the mountain river. It was breathtaking. I stood there staring at the powerful snow run off and the mountain across stream and felt her arm encircle my waist. Somehow it felt so right.We stood there for quite sometime, I felt content and happy, Marla seemed to be as well.

Eventually she kissed me again and I responded, as her hands began to explore my body, and after an initial blush of anxiety, I found my hands roaming as well.She had a firm body, all her parts were in the right places and her skin was soft as a baby's

When her hand settled on my breast, I took in a sharp breath of air, my body had been dormant for so long, it startled me.. Then the pleasure center kicked in and I moaned inside not wanting to set my emotions free just yet. Her hands wandered to my bottom and she pulled my body to hers, bringing our privates together, I felt myself turning on like a rocket ready to launch. Our mouths were attacking each other in a very anxious and yet gentle way, my lower region was afire.

Suddenly Marla stopped, took a half step back and asked, "Is everything ok, or would you like to slow down?" Bless her sweet little self, it was the perfect question at the perfect time, I was suddenly in charge, not an unwilling participant. I smiled and leaned in and kissed her deeply.

Next: Chapter 4

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