I Never

By Markie

Published on Apr 27, 2010


I never (Part 2) By MJ oinkerz@mindless.com

I think it's safe to assume that you know if you're not meant to read this, so please do what is right.

Please note that this story is a pure figment of my imagination (that includes names), and only small parts which have absolutely no affect on the story itself are true.

I was busy inside my own head more than usual, which is actually quite the accomplishment. I have mastered the ability of keeping myself busy inside my head, whenever I end up somewhere where I end up feeling lonely, or uncomfortable. After a while I started to do it despite my surroundings, as I often found myself more interesting than my surroundings. I always tried to figure stuff out, and just think about random things. If I were to explain this to someone else, they would most probably think I need therapy.

These days I was keeping myself busy with more realistic events. I kept thinking about what Matt and I had done, and I couldn't decide how to feel. On the one hand I was elated that we had shared that experience. On the other, I was scared that some tangible change would occur between us, and it would become very awkward. What if he had realized that it was wrong, and that he didn't want to even be my friend anymore? I was so self-conscious that these thoughts made me avoid him for about a month and a half after the event.

I finally scraped up the courage to face him again, and went to my dad's office with him on a Saturday. I grew excited at the prospect of seeing him again, but he wasn't there. I felt disappointment wash over me, and I felt more self-conscious. I decided that I would let him know that I was there, and let him make the next move, if he wanted to.

I went into his office and wrote him a note on his desk calendar in pencil, so he could erase it if he wanted. My dad wasn't busy for long, and we left within ten minutes of arrival. As we left the entrance, Matt came in, looking like he had seen a ghost.

"Hey there Matt. What happened to you?" I asked as he came closer.

"Hey guys. I was just in the middle of a shooting! The cops were chasing some punks down the road, and the guys started shooting at the cops, who were right next to my car. It was terrifying."

"You're okay though, right?"

"Yeah, just a bit shaken," he said.

"You seem a bit pale. Maybe you should go home. You could finish whatever needs to be done tomorrow, or Monday," my dad said.

"I will thanks."

"Are you okay Matt? Will you be okay alone at home? Maybe Jake should stay over at your place. He won't be much protection, but he will keep you company. You guys are such big buddies, after all."

I looked over at Matt.

"That would be amazing! Would you mind Jake, I really think I would feel much better," he said before my dad had even stopped talking.

"It would only be a pleasure. But maybe you should come over to our house with us, and then I'll pack my stuff and go over to your place with you."

Matt beamed at me, and agreed.

I packed my things at the speed of sound, but I made my legs slow down when I went out to the living room so I wouldn't seem too eager. I greeted my family before Matt and I left. His house was only five minutes away, and I could even walk there in ten minutes if I need to, so the conversation wasn't overly exciting on the road.

We got to his house, and I had a feeling that Matt didn't quite know what to do. I had quite a good idea of what he was confused about. Should he tell me to settle in one of the guest rooms, or would I be sleeping with him in his room. I laughed inside my head, entertained at watching him. He was quiet for a long time, so I spoke up for two reasons: to break the tension, and my arms were getting tired of carrying the bag with my things inside.

"So where should I put this?" I asked, looking down at my bag.

He was quiet for a moment, before replying. "Anywhere you want. My house is your house, so do whatever you like."

I smiled at the way he handled it, making it my choice. I had never been here before, so I had no idea where everything was. "So where did you say your room was?" I asked.

His face lit up, and he told me where to go. I went to the bedroom, and formulated a plan as I went. I put my stuff down and quickly took off all of my clothes before going back outside to him. He was busy in the kitchen which was right next to the living room, and he was busy pouring some soda into glasses for us, his back turned to me. I stood so my lower body was hidden behind the counter, and started talking.

"Sorry that I haven't seen you for so long," I said. He kept his back turned to me, though he wasn't busy anymore.

"That's okay buddy. I haven't really made that much of an effort either. I guess I was scared of it being awkward."

"I'm glad it isn't though. I'm glad we're still good friends."

"So am I," he said, finally turning around. He almost let the glasses slip when he saw my naked upper body, but he caught himself again almost instantly.

"Here you go my man," he said, putting the glass down.

I took it and took a few sips.

"Let's watch some TV," he said. I nodded, and he walked around the counter to go to the living room, but stopped when he saw my naked ass. I hadn't moved an inch, and was looking at the kitchen, waiting for him to say something. He didn't though, he just stood there, and after a few minutes I felt a cold hand on my thigh and some fabric which felt like denim against my butt cheeks. I could feel a distinct bulge press against my behind, and reached back with my free hand and pulled him closer. He leaned forward, so his entire body was touching mine – through his clothes of course.

"What is this? Why are you naked?" he whispered in my ear.

"Well, you said that it was my house now too, and when I have my own place someday I would be naked all the time. Is this a problem?"

He sighed before replying. "Only if you won't let me be naked too."

I stood up straight and turned around. I reached down and undid his belt while reaching up to kiss his lips. I slowly but surely got all of his clothes off, before he carried me to the couch. He lay me down on my back, and lie down on top of me and kissed me passionately. I could feel his large tool press against me, and I wrapped my legs around him to pull him closer to me and hold him there. He had one hand on my left thigh, and the other was on my back, feeling all of my spinal cord with his large hand.

We made out for what felt like an eternity, yet it was all too short. I pulled away, and looked into his eyes. "I want you to fuck the lights out of me again."

He smiled, and picked me up and carried me to his bedroom and put me down on the bed before getting some lube out. He lubed us up, and sat down on the bed. I went over to him, and sat on his lap, with my chest against his, and guided his cock into my waiting ass. I eased it in slowly, making sure that I didn't hurt myself. When I felt his balls press against my ass, I started to ride his dick with all the fervour I could. The pleasure took over, and he started to match my movements with his own rhythmic fucking, and together we had the hardest, roughest and most incredible sex ever known to man. I never knew that such pleasure existed, but it did and I had just found it.

Matt didn't last very long, but I knew it was only because we hadn't had this in weeks. He would make it up later.

He shot his huge load up my ass, and I just sat on his lap with his big cock up my hole, getting some of my breath back. I started to get off, but he stopped me. He took hold of my cock and started to jerk it off furiously. After the sex we just had, I let go almost instantly. When I started shooting he leaned down and took the head of my cock into his mouth and sucked me dry.

He fell back against the pillows, and I lay down on his chest, his cock still in my hole. I took in his scent, and it drove me wild again, so I took his nipple into my mouth and sucked it. I felt him get hard inside of me again, and he started to move his hips. I reached up and he stuck his tongue into my mouth, making out with me while he fucked my ass.

He lasted much longer this time, though that might have been because he took it slow. We fucked for about 45 minutes before he came again.

The rest of the weekend was more or less the same, and I can only remember about three times that his cock left my ass, and that didn't last for very long. It was only to go to the bathroom, or while we slept.

Never again would I doubt that he wants me, because from the way he fucked me endlessly, it was clear the he couldn't get enough of me.

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