I Never

By Markie

Published on Apr 9, 2010


I think it's safe to assume that you know if you're not meant to read this, so please do what is right. This story is pure fiction.

It was a Saturday morning, and I was the only one apart from my father who was ready to leave for the party later that day. My dad decided to go to the office to finish up some work he still had to do, and I went along in the hopes of finding something interesting to do there.

I was used to going to my dad's office with him, but I was surprised to find so many people there today. Almost everyone my dad worked with was going to the party, as everyone there were friends. It really was unlike any usual workplace.

My father and I went upstairs to his office, and passed by the office of one of my favourite people in the world: Matt. Matt was the friendliest person you could ever come across, and he always went out of his way to help in any way he could, even if it inconvenienced him.

He had taken a liking in me, and I suppose it would be safe to say that we had become good friends, despite him being 37, and me being only 18.

Matt was a large man -- not fat, but just a towering figure. I always had to look up at him. Matt had light brown hair, blue-green eyes, and he was quite muscular and hairy.

I on the other hand was of an average height, with dark brown -- almost black -- hair, blue-grey eyes, and still busy working on my body. I was not very hairy, except in my arms and underarms.

My dad greeted Matt and went to his own office, but I stayed behind in Matt's office. We started talking as casually as ever, and the topic turned to the party later. Matt said that he was very excited to hang out with everyone again, but that he was going to have to be late.

"Why is that, Matt?" I asked.

"This stupid fucking quote has to be done by tomorrow morning, and I know that I won't get it done before then unless I work hard for the next hour." He replied. By that time most people had already left, and it was only Matt, my dad and I left.

"Well that really sucks Matt," I said, just as my father came into the office, saying that we should leave.

"Jake can drive with me, if he wants. I'm going to leave in a little while, and I'm going directly there," Matt said to my dad.

I was very happy at that idea, so I begged my dad to say yes, and he agreed without much trouble. Matt worked very hard, and I was amazed at how good he was at having a conversation while working at an extreme pace. He finished his work in less time than he had anticipated, so he decided to show me some funny videos he had received via email.

We watched loads of video clips, and I started getting stomach cramps from all of the laughing. The one video was so good that I got my phone out to save the name on my phone to search for it later. I saved it, and as I put it down on the table it fell off (obviously I had paced it too close to the edge, like the idiot I am). I bent down to pick it up, but I had to sort of lie down with my chest on Matt's leg and reach between his open legs to the ground to pick my phone up.

As I reached for my phone I noticed that Matt had seemed to stop breathing, and I felt something move against my shoulder blade. I sat up and put the phone down again -- securely this time. I looked at Matt, and his expression seemed casual, but something about his posture seemed tense.

"What was that Matt?"

"What was what?" he asked.

"Something moved against my shoulder blade as I reached for my phone."

"I don't know what you're talking about, Jake."

"Matt, why won't you tell me? I already have an idea, but I just want you to tell me. You know you can tell me anything."

Matt sighed heavily, and looked me in the eye. "Tell me what you think it was, and I'll tell you if you're right."

"Okay then, I think it was your dick. I think you got an erection. Am I right?"

"Yes, you're right."

"So what were you getting so excited about?" I asked. Our relationship was open enough that we could talk about this without it getting weird.

Again, he took a deep breath before speaking. "You," he said as he placed his hand on my knee. "You were so close to my dick that I couldn't help it. I'm sorry if I offended you or something."

Having his hand on my knee did to me what I suppose my body did to him, so I placed my hand on his. "You didn't offend me Matt; you know that I would never take offence with you."

"Well that's good. I was really worried for a second there." As he relaxed he seemed to notice change in the atmosphere, and I saw his pants start to tent up a bit. I slowly pulled on his hand, dragging it upward while making sure his hand maintained contact with my leg. I dragged his hand over my ball, and over my shaft, and changed direction when I reached my stomach, taking his hand back down, but this time I made his hand enter under the fabric of my pants and underwear, and I stopped when his hand was resting on my cock.

Matt breathed deeply, and took hold of my dick. I reached over and rubbed his prick through his pants for a while, and he moaned happily when I finally stuck my hand inside. The cock in my hand felt amazing. I could tell that it was quite large, and it felt amazingly smooth and silky. I noticed that he shaved his pubes, and that made me even harder.

After a few minutes I reached up and started to pull his shirt over his head, and he let go of me to let me accomplish my goal. His body was the most amazing body I had ever seen before, and I almost shot my load just from the sight before me.

Matt took my hand and pulled me up to my feet, and undressed me completely, before taking off the rest of his own clothes. He got to his knees and slowly put my cock into his mouth, making sure to avoid gagging.

After around 5 minutes he had me entirely inside his mouth and he motioned for me to start fucking his mouth. When I started out slowly he slapped my ass to make me go faster. In no time at all I was fucking his mouth at full speed, and with all of the force I could. I was very surprised to find that he could take all of me so fast and hard, because I was a bit over average sized myself.

I shot my load inside his hungry mouth, and he sucked me dry of every last drop. Matt got up and kissed me passionately, making me taste myself on his roaming tongue. After a long moment I pulled away and looked deeply into his eyes.

"I want you to fuck me," I said, getting excited again.

"Are you sure?" he asked, seeming concerned.

"Yes, I want you to be my first ever," I replied.

"Okay, I'll be very gentle."

With that he pulled open a drawer and got some lube which he must have kept there for emergencies. He laid me down with my back on his desk, and he lubed us up. Slowly he pushed his one-eyed-monster into me, and I felt a tingle of pain which grew more and more distinct as he continued. I made him stop a few times before he made it all the way in, but when he finally did the pain subsided quickly, and I told him to continue. His rhythm was slow and loving at first, but as I got used to him he picked up the pace, and he fucked me fast and hard. I loved every single minute of it. I had never known such ecstasy before that day, and I never wanted him to stop.

It felt like mere seconds rather than minutes later that he pushed into me to let go. There was no end to the flood which erupted inside of me, and he held me tighter against him as he released his tangible love into me. I knew then that we were no longer just friends, but that we shared a strong love for one another. He was part of me like nobody else had ever been before.

"I think we might need to get to that party now, or your dad will think I stole you or something," Matt said when we were both back to normal. I agreed, and we got dressed to go to the party.

I had to leave Matt after the party, but I already had plans to be with him again soon -- but that is another story.

Please feel free to email me at oinkerz@mindless.com to let me know what you think. I love hearing from you.

Next: Chapter 2

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