I Need Your Help

By Randy Collins

Published on Feb 8, 2008



All of my stories are 100%, this one happened about 2 years ago. Those of you who are following some of my adventures already know that I am a Dominate Top living in Southern California. I post on CL every so often that I can fill your fantasies, no strings attached. Some of my other stories are "Training Brad" and "Humiliating Bobby" Feedback is always welcome and add a picture, I like to know who I am talking too.

I Need Your Help part 1

It had been a few days sence I posted my invitation and from the 50 or so emails I got in this round, I estimatede 3 were legitimate and only 1 is someone that had my interest. Then I came home from work and saw the following email.

"Sir, I need your help. I need to be tied up and used sexually to save our country"

Yea, that was my first reaction as well. I read the statement a couple of times to make sure I wasn't missing something. There was a picture attachment so I opened it up thinking I was going to see some burnt out wacco. Up popped on my screen a picture of 5 guys on the beach. All nice looking and clearly military based on the haircuts. All were hamming it up for the unknown camera man, arms over each others shoulders. The caption said, I am in the middle. While the picture wasn't great quality, the guy in the middle had quite a body on him!

I sent a reply back asking what I could do to help him and save our country, then went off to bed.

In the morning I had another email from this mystery guy. He wanted to verify that I was retired Navy ( a fact I include in my postings from time to time ) and had I been through torture resistance school.

I should point out two things. There were very few words spelled correctly in any of his emails and there is no specific thing as torture survival school. There are survival classes, but I think someone was having fun with this guy....and I played right along. I replied that yes, I was truely in the Navy and I was aware of the school he was talking about. That task completed, I headed off to work.

When I arrived home that evening my suspisions were confirmed as I read his latest email. It turns out that he is rather fresh out of bootcamp and was assigned to a unit in Oceanside that had recently returned from a deployment overseas. He said he had heard some of the guys talking about guys in other units that were captured and sexually tortured untill they gave up the information they had. He wanted to know if I could "keep" ( spelled kepe ) him for 24 hours to see if he could take it.

Three things came to mind. 1, this was going to be FUN! 2, This kid was not the brightest bulb and 3, I had to find a way to thank the guys that were messing with his head!

I emailed him back and told him that I understood what he needed and that I agreeded that it was important that he test himself ( yea, right ). I told him my training was going to be punishing to his body and that he needed to make sure he was up to it. ( I learned years ago the quickest way to get any Marine to do what you want is to suggest that they wern't able to do it ). I aked how soon he wanted to start and where he wanted to meet. I told him that I would also need better picture so I could identify him when I saw him.

He emailed back that afternoon that he had leave begining Friday afternoon and didn't have to be back on base untill Sunday afternoon. He said that I would have to come get him because he didn't have a car ( kar ). He said he included 2 pictures so I could id him. I clicked on the first attachment and this not-so rocket scientist had send me a picture of his military ID. It was clearly taken with a cell phone camera, but clear enough for me to make out all his personal information. Rick was his name and he was 22...good. I opened the second picture again clearly taken by his cell phone camera but much more telling than the beach shot I had first.

Rick had extended out his arms to click the shot and what I saw made even my jaded cock stand up instantly. Buff and built do not even begin to describe what I was looking at. His face was close to perfection, clearly Nordic in decent with a square jaw. His chest was magnificent and it looked as though it formed a nice "V" but the picture ended.

Now I have had 100's of guys pass through my doors, but very rarely do I get my hands on a chest like this one. He was one of those rare guys who's chest muscles are so developed that his nipples were actually on the "bottom" of them. I guessed that if he looked down his chissled chest he couldn't even see them.

It is rare that I have to jack off by myself, but I had ahold of my cock in a flash and pumped out a nice load just looking at Rick's hot upper body.

I was scheduled to work the weekend but a few phone calls got me out of that. I wasn't going to risk Rick finding out that his buddies were just teasing him before I had a chance at him. I emailed him back and told him we could meet outside the front gate at 3 pm on Friday. I proceeded to tell him what I would be driving ( I ended up having to email him a picture of my car....).

I had 2 days to get everything ready for him, and I pulled out every sex toy I had including a few inventions of my own. Rick wanted torture, he was going to get it!

It is very rare that I get a hard on thinking about a subject, but all the way to Oceanside I found that I had to keep adjusting my package. I pulled into the parkign area in front of the gate and only had a couple of minutes to wait before I spotted him checking through the gate.

I watched him as he scanned the parking area, the lightbulb coming on when he spotted my car, a big grin on his face and a friendly wave. As he approached I couldn't help note the big ( and I mean BIG ) bulge in his pants and how his theighs pushed his jeans to the limit. His tee shirt was loose fitting but I could clearly make out the massive pecks underneath. In hindsight, am sure he wasn't dressing to impress, I think anything he wore would show off that body.

He walked rith up to the passenger window and stuck his head in, still a big smile on his face.

"Are you Randy sir" he inquired.

"I sure am, get in" I offered.

He eased himself into the car and extended his hand towards me.

"My name is Rick, thanks for helping me out" he said friendly as hell.

I thought to myself that there wasn't a gay, bi or even many straight guys who wouldn't have given anything to help this hunk out!

I shook the beefy, muscled hand and said "No problem, I understand your situation. Where are you from?"

It is about an hour drive from the front gates to my house, and this kid talked non stop. I gave up looking him in the eye as I turned my head from time to time. I focused on that massive chest and the bulge in his jeans that at minimum was grapefruit sized. His arm musckes had to extend 9 or more inches above his arm even at rest.

I should break and add that I have done this so many times that I always make sure I have "equipment" within easy reach in case I come across someone who changes his mind or who is just looking for a fight. I keep this stuff in the map pocket of the drivers door for easy access. It was pretty clear I wouldn't need any of this stuff with this stud.

If I related the conversation well, the talk he gave this would be a 10 chapter story. The bottom line is that he is a farm boy from Iowa ( explains the body ) and joined the Marines only a few months ago and was assigned to this unit. He has a girlfriend back home ( don't they all ) and liked being a Marine, he was a ....cook. A few lines of text vs. 45 minutes of non-stop jabbering.

He was smiling all through his conversation, he honestly was treating me like an old lost friend! It was also clear that he was not the brightest Marine on the planet and I wondered how he even passed the tests to get in and serve.

About 15 minutes from my house I was able to interrupt him.

"Randy, we need to talk about what is going to happen to you this weekend. I need to ask you a few questions as well" I said, knowing I would get some of his sexual history out in the open. After all, this kind of prime meat had to have had more than one man go for it.

As I was getting my next question ready for him in my head, he blurted out "I am afraid if I am captured I will give up my military secrets."

I was sure the US Marine Corp wouldn't trust this idiot with the recipie for Jello much less anything remotely secret!

"I am glad you know the importance of keeping information secret Randy" I managed to say with a straight face.

"What have you heard that they will do to you if captured" I played along.

Now without his smile he said " They will strip you....and..and do things to your body" he said.

"Thats right Rick" I said supportivly. "There is nothing the enemy will not do to you to get the information they want" I said with a vision of him making scrambled eggs and worried about getting captured. "And if one gets tired, they bring in another and another and another"

His strong face turned to me and he was a little pale.

"I can't let that happen" he said with a pleading look in his eyes.

"I'll help you Rick" I reassured him "But I have to ask you some questions"

"OK" he perked up a bit.

"First, we need to decide what information you have that I can get out of you this weekend. I don't want you to give me any of your real secrets ( yea, like how much meat is really in military meatloaf ) so the information I want to get out of you is going to be your social security number. OK"

He thought about that for a while so I said, "You know if you are captured that you are allowed to give your name, rank and social security number, right?"

He nodded his head

"So while it will not be a national secret if you wimp out and give yours to me ( head messing again ) and if you can take the abuse and not give it to me you will be fine in the field."

His face lit up again and he said that sounded just fine to him.

Putting on my serious face I said to him " I think we need to make this as realistic as possible this weekend, don't you Rick"

"Yes" he said as he nodded his head.

"To do that, I am going to have to use and abuse your body in ways you have never imagined possible just to make sure you are the most prepared, right?"

Again a yes and an affirmitive nod. ( Shooting fish in a barrel..... )

"You understand everything I am going to do to you is to make you stronger, right?"

"Yes, sir and thank you" ( If this kid only know )

"No problem Marine" I said as I punched him in the shoulder.

"I can tell you have a strong resolve" I said boosting his ego "So I am going to end up having sex with you. You understand that, right Rick?

He let the wind out of his lungs and said "Yes sir, what ever it takes to make me stronger" ( Holly crap, this is far better than any wet dream I have EVER had ! )

"Have you ever had sex with another guy Rick" I continued on.

"No sir"

"Have you ever messed around with another guy Rick" I inquired.

"No...well this one guy" I could tell he was honestly searching his memnoy.

"I was at the movie house ( yea, movie house...I know ) when I was younger and this guy put his hand in my lap" Rick offered.

"What happened?" I asked

"I punched him in the face....broke his nose and jaw" he answered.

OK....someone copped a feel of his teen basket and he busted him up and here am planning on using every hole on this studs body for my pleasure over the next 24 hours. This will be interesting!

I spent the last few minutes of our drive working myself into his head in the thought that he would let me do as I please but not going into specific detail. I did lightly touch on bobdage and some of the equipment that was used.

We pulled into my driveway and Rick was out of the car in a flash. "Nice house sir" he said while taking in my digs. I led him inside and down the hall to my game room that I had converted into a sexual game room in getting ready for his visit.

"Wow" he exclaimed "You have a lot of stuff!"

"Yea, I wanted you to get as close to the real thing as possible" I lied.

"Now, here is what I guess is going to happen when they attack you. They will propaply use RX7 gas ( yes, like the Mazda - he had no clue ) to knock you out. You will wake up already tied in place with them waiting around you" I said. The truth is that while I am in good shape, there was no way I could overpower this god without him severly hurting me. That is why I made up the story and he bought it 100%.

"Stand over here with your back up against this cross while I tie your wrists and ankles and then we can begin" The stud Marine obeyed and watched with interest as I secured his wrists and ankles to the cross.

"Once I begin, there will be no stopping for at least 20 hours Rick. You need to think of me as the enemy, not as someeone here to help you. If you ask me to stop, I will not. Is that clear? I asked.

"Yes sir" the Marine snapped with determination in his voice.

"Ok Rick, you are a pretty well built Marine so I doubt they will try and get you to talk by beating you, I think they will start right in on your body"

end of part 1 feedback with pictures always welcome!

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