I Need You Tonight

By Chica

Published on Jun 27, 2000


DISCLAIMER: I do not know the sexual orientation of any of the Backstreet boys, especially Nick and Brian.

FINAL CHAPTERS: This is it! Sorry! But don't think that's all from me! If you like Nick and Brian stories, my next is sure to amaze all of you, maybe. Stay tuned!

Chapter 9

I woke up a couple of hours later. Tracy was next to me, snoring, as I rubbed sleep from my eyes. Then I remembered what had happened earlier. I groaned inwardly, pushing myself to me feet. I had to find out why Nick was upset. I staggered into the hallway, finding my way to Nick's room. As I was about to open the door, I heard Nick's voice. He must have been talking on the phone. I checked the caller I.D. on the table next to me. Amanda. Who else? I know she's my friend, but I couldn't help but be jealous.

I listened for a brief second, and overheard Nick say, "I don't know why! It was so stupid of me! He's my best friend, and he is not gay, and I decide to suck him off!" He stopped for a couple of seconds. "I don't think anyone knows about my feelings, Amanda. I'd better go. Love ya." He hung up. I sighed and went back to me room.

What the hell was I thinking? Of coarse he doesn't care for me, that way! Stupid, stupid. Now here I am, 24 years old, dating a woman I'm unattracted to and do not love, and in love with my straight best friend, Nick Carter.

For the next week after the threesome, me and Brian didn't talk. I sighed. Why did I do that? Now he probably thinks I'm sick or something. Does he know I'm gay? I hoped not. For his own sake.

I picked up my car keys and headed out. As I got into my car, I glanced up and saw Bri stare solemly at me. I ducked my head in shame and left. I sped down the busy highway until I reached Amanda's house. I got out of my Durango and walked to her door, knocking. I heard a loud crash, a 'shit' being said, and the sound of a cat howling. Amanda opened the door.

"Hello?" Amanda answered. I looked her up and down. Damn. Why is it she always so ready? Every time I see her it's like she expected me. I grinned slightly at the thought.

"Well?" She asked impatiently.

"Well what?" I asked.

"Did you come all this way to show me your goofy ass grin?" She asked.

"No. I was wondering if you'd like to go to the park with me?" I asked timidly.

"Nick Carter! Are you asking little ol' me on a date?" She asked.

"If it means you'll go, yes." I smartly remarked. She smiled and locked the door. We drove to the nearest park and sat on a bench overlooking the silent lake.

After a few moments of silence, I spoke up.

"Have you ever loved somebody so much it makes you cry?" I asked suddenly.

"Are we quoting from Brandy now?" She asked nervously. I nodded, amused and curious.

"Yep." Amanda said softly.

"Was it a guy from pre-school? Junior high? A high school sweet heart? Was he a Rico Suave, was he blonde." I smirked at my witty remarks.

"Did you fall in love with your teacher, but he was married? Did you fall in love with a younger man, but had to cut it off because it would be statutory rape?" I asked hurridly.

"No! You act just like Brian when you go off like that!" She laughed. I winced, even hearing his name made me depressed.

"Sorry." She quickly apolagized, noticing my quick change of mood.

"Seriously, it was A.J. I still love him." She choked out, tears falling down her pained face. I instinctivly enveloped her in my arms.

***************** This park would be so much better without all those bitch ass ducks around. The little fuckers ate my sandwhich! I suddenly turned my head to see a couple embracing on the bench that I knew very well. Nick? Amanda?! I stared at them, completely shocked. Nick pulled his head up and kissed her forehead. Oh no he did not! That little asshole kissing my...I stopped short. She wasn't mine anymore. I sadly looked away and left the park.

I stepped into my mercedes and sped off, in search of refuge. Then I thought of the only person not busy: Brian. I turned to go to Nick's house.

After a few minutes, I reached his house, and let myself in. I knew Tracy was at work, so I let myself in. I raced upstairs and past Nick's room. As I was fixing to open Brian's door, I heard muffled pants. Then a low moan. Looks like our little B-rok is spanking his monkey! I grinned from ear to ear, feeling a little devilish. As I raised my hand to knock loudly on the door, I heard a name being called out from Brian's lips.

"OH! NICK..." I heard Brian moan. I stopped dead. Was I hearing things? Then another shout proved me wrong.

"God Frack you're so tight! ugh, ugh..." Brian yelled. Then I heard a slight scream come from Brian as he climxed, him screaming, "I love you Nick!"

I stood there, open-mouthed. What was I supposed to do? I knocked on his door.

"Who's there?!" Brian screamed nervously.

"Your stipper." I yelled back.

"Hold on A.J!" Brian yelled. I heard him scruffle around, trying to get clothes on I bet. "Come in!" He yelled. I stepped into the room, immediately noticing Brian's sweaty body. I smiled and chose my words carefully.

"Who's Nick?" I asked aloofly. Brian turned pale and stammered, "It's a girl, I know. Her name's Nikky." Brian lied through his teeth.

"Do you call her Frack too?" I asked even more aloofly. Brian knew that I knew.

"Don't tell anyone, please A.J.?!" Brian begged.

"I would never do that! How long has this been going on?" I asked incredulous.

"Since forever." Brian answered.

"Does he know?" I asked. Brian shook his head defeatedly. Then I remembered what I saw at the park a while ago. Should I tell him? Why not? We'll at least grieve together.

"Today at the park I saw him holding Amanda and he kissed her." I told him sadly. Surprisingly, Brian's face turned from pale to saddened, tears immediately flowing from his eyes. I tenderly looked as Brian weeped into my shoulder. I patter his back and waited till he let it all out. I ended up crying too. What the hell was I going to do? I had to confront Nick and Amanda. Tonight.

Chapter 10-The Final Chapter

A.J. left to go round up the guys. I took a brief shower and fixed my hair. As I went to find a shirt, I saw Tracy.

"Hey Trace." I greeted, giving her a hug. "Bri, we need to talk." She told me, pulling me onto the bed.

"Brian, I can't be with you anymore." Tracy stated in one breath. I was both relieved and upset at the same time. Break up?

"I know what's been going on with you now. I just can't believe I didn't realize it." She said, awed.

"Notice what?" I asked, oblivious.

"That you love Nick. The looks, the hugs, the caresses, pleasure..." She trailed off. Then it hit me.

"You saw?!" I asked her.

"Yes. I saw the look on your face after he did it. You looked like you were in heaven's light. It's O.K. Bri. I'm not mad at you. I've always kind of wondered about you two. Frick and Frack. Well, I gotta leave. Bri, just follow your heart. It will never tell you anything wrong." Tracy said, standing up and kissing my cheek.

"You're a really nice guy. Any woman, or man, would be proud to call you theirs." Tracy said, walking out the door. After I heard her car leave, I suddenly felt happy. As wierd as it sounded, I was overjoyed that she broke up with me. In high hopes, I jumped down the stairs and fled to my car.

*************** All of us gathered in Joey's bedroom. Kevin had gone out and bought tons of junk food. After watching 'Deuce Bigalow, Male Giggilo', A.J. stood up to make an announcement.

"First order of business. Kevin, we know you're little secret. It's that J.C. from N' Sync you've been calling, right?" A.J. pointed out. Kevin looked down and mumbled 'yes' Everyone began chanting 'Kevin and Joshy sittin in a treee'. After Kev threatened to kill us twice, A.J. silenced everyone for another annoncement.

"The second announcment is quite a revealing one to say. Nick, this one is for you." A.J. said, pointing at me. I nervously awaited his announcment.

"We know what's been going on. You can't hide it any longer: the hugs, the caresses, the kisses....Nick, we know your secret." A.J. told me. My heart beat faster. He knew how I felt about Bri? How? Oh god. Brian probably told A.J. about the threesome and now they know. I glanced at Brian who looked kind of sad. Shit. I guess I could kiss our friendship goodbye.

"Nick, we know you....you....love.... Amanda" A.J. blurt out. Suddenly, as a wave of humerous relief flooded me, I heard Kevin laugh. All of us stared as Kevin laughed harder and harder, having trouble breatheing.

"What's so funny?" Brian asked sternly.

"Nick doesn't love Amanda! He loves Brian!!" Kevin yelled. Then everyone looked at me, questioning. I felt a large lump rise to my throat. The I saw Brian glare at me. I had to get out of there. I ran out the door to my car. Then I realized I came here with Amanda and didn't have my car. Shit. I sank down on the grass and cried. After a couple of minutes, I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up. Brian?! I hid my face, ashamed. Brian pulled me to my feet.

"Bri, I...." My entire body erupted in flames as I felt Brian's wet lips kiss my neck. I stood, paralyzed by passion. Then his soft lips made their way from my neck to my ear. I felt his hot breath on my ear, sending me sensations I had never experienced. Then he spoke:

"Tracy broke up with me because she knew my deepest, darkest secret." Brian said in a slow, sexy voice. Completely speechless from his actions, I managed to whimper, "What secret?"

"That I'm in love with you." Brian stated, pulling away from my ear. His hand grabbed my jaw gently, and then I felt his lips touch mine. It took me a moment, but then I succumed to the sensation and closed my eyes. Then for the first time his tongue slipped into my mouth. My knees became weak and it took me a while to realize what he was doing. I then slipped my tongue in his mouth, letting the pure ecstasy wash over me. After a few more seconds of pleasure, Brian pulled away. I was disappointed, but he still held me softly. Then Brian whispered to me.

"Nick, when I was in the hospital, I had a near death experience and I felt heaven for real. Nothing on earth has ever come close to that feeling, except when you are with me. When I feel you, kiss you, i swear I met God himself. He told me that we were sould mates. I believe him." Brian told me, never breaking eye contact. I processed what he was saying. Then I held him tighter.

"I know. I feel so peaceful and happy and so...heavenly....when I'm with you Frick." I told him. Brian leaned in and we shared another passionate kiss. I could kiss him for the rest of my life. Then i heard a low chant saying, "make out, make out, make out..." I broke the kiss and saw the rest of the guys starigng at us. I smiled.

"I wondered when the hell yall would notice yall loved each other! I've known it since the day yall two met!" Kevin yelled. We smiled, satisfied at last.

"Well, what happens now?" Joey asked, Howie holding her tight.

"Forever." I answered, looking into Brian's heavenly eyes.

BTW: If you can come up with a better name after I give you the description, tell me!! KTBSPA!!

Next: Chapter 10: The Next Day 1

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