I Need You Tonight

By Chica

Published on Jun 21, 2000


DISCLAIMER: Like always, I do not know the Backstreet boys personally, so I have no fricken clue about their sex life. (Damn.) :)

CONTINUATION: I don't know if I'm gonna be finishing this story or not. I haven't had anyone really e-mail me questions or comments, so it's hard to dicipher if they still like it or not. If you think it's cool, e-mail!

START: Now, time for the story!!

Chapter 7

"PARTY!!" Screamed A.J.

"Are you sure you want to go through with this?" Brian asked Joey.

"I want a party! I need some ass!" Joey yelled, laughing. Howie gave her a hurt expression. She laughed.

"Awww...just because I want ass doesn't mean I don't like yours." She said to him like she'd talk to a three-year-old.

"Are you gonna let her talk that way to you, D?" I asked him, catching the uplifting mood.

"No I'm not! I want an apology!" He pouted.

"I love you." Joey told him, wrapping her arms around him. He buried his head in her shoulder.

"Someone's pussy whipped!" A.J. yelled.

"At least he's not dick whipped like you." Amanda spit at him. A.J. glared at her over his yellow sunglasses. Sensing this change in the happy atmosphere, I broke the silence.

"So, where do we go before this party?" I asked.

"We could go swimming." Howie offered.

"I hate swimming in that nasty, scank ass lake." Amanda argued.

"How about we check out a movie?" A.J. cut in.

"We've seen all the good ones!" Brian restlessly pointed out.

"We could go to a museum." Kevin suggested. Everyone stared at him.

"I didn't hear yall come up with anything better." Kevin muttered.

Just when a full scale arguement ensued, a thought hit me.

"Joe's!" I yelled out. Everyone agreed. We hailed a couple of taxis and headed to Joe's.

Joe's is a small resturant that, on Tuesday night, let people sing, read poetry, almost anything. It was really fun. We arrived there just as the first performer took the stage. I sat next to Amanda. For some odd reason, I felt the need to be close to her. After all, she was the only person that knew my secret.

The night wore on. It was kind of tame tonight. When the announcer asked for more volunteers, no one spoke up.

"Come on! I just know someone out there needs to express themselves. Say an interesting story, recite a poem, maybe express themselves through song. Anyone?" The announcer asked.

Strangely, his words eluded me. I felt as if there was something I needed to say right then, right there, right now. I slowly raised my hand.

"We have a volunteer! Come on up sir!!" The announcer yelled. Everyone clapped as I walked to the stage. After performing on stage for about 8 years with the Backstreet boys, you'd figure I would never be nervous. Wrong. I couldn't remember when I had ever sweated more. Me nervous? Why was I nervous. When everyone quieted down, I realized I didn't know what I was going to perform. I knew I wanted to sing something, but finding a song that fit my inner feelings was next to impossible. Then it hit me. Deep within my subconciousness, words from a very familiar song appeared. Simple words, but each one had it's own special meaning. Just like Brian. He was a simple man, with simple tastes. But he was special. Each part of him radiated with it's own ray of light.

"What will you be performing Mr...."

The announcer's voice brought me back to reality.

"Carter. Nick Carter. I will be performing 'I Need You Tonight'." I said.

The lights dimmed. I stepped in front of the microphone. This was it. The moment of truth. A spotlight formed above me as someone on the piano played I Need You Tonight, the original version. I lifted my head and stared straight at Brian. Then I closed my eyes and sang with all my heart.

Open up your heart to me And say what's on your mind I know that we have been through so much pain But I still need you in my life this time

I need you tonight I need you right now I know deep within my heart It doesn't matter if it's wrong or right Cause I see heaven in your eyes

I figured out what to say to you But sometimes the words come out so wrong And I know in time that you will understand that what we have is so right This time

I need you tonight I need you right now I know deep within my heart It doesn't matter if it's wrong or right

All those endless times We tried to make it last forever more And baby I know I neeeeeeeeddddd yyyyooooouuu

As I belted out the long held notes, I stared directly at Brian. I met his gave for what seemed like eternity, but was only a couple of seconds. Tears found their way to my eyes as I sang the rest.

I know deep within my heart It doesn't matter if it's wrong or right Cause I see heaven-oooohhhhhh

I need you tonight I need you right now I know deep within my heart It doesn't matter if it's wrong or right

The tears slid down my face as I said the final line slowly and with a powerful meaning.

Cause I see heaven in your eyes

When the final note echoed it's way through the quiet crowd, everyone clapped and cheered. I left the stage and sat with everyone.

"Nick, that was beautiful." Amanda said sincerely.

"Yeah! That's the first time you sang that song with real emotion." Kevin complemented. Or what I take from him as a compliment.

"Why were you crying?" Joey asked politely. I stared at my glass, feeling guilty having to lie to Joey.

"I was thinking of someone." I answered truthfully.

"Who?!" Everyone asked at once.

"Calm down! I can't tell who it is. All I can say is that they obiously don't feel the same way for me." I honestly replied.

"Fatima! It's Fatima! Now we know who got her pregnant!" A.J. joked.

Everyone laughed.

"Shit! It's 8! We gotta get set up!" Joey yelled, rushing to the door. Everyone followed her to her house to party.

"Hey Brian, you gonna play truth or dare with us?" A.J. asked me mischeviously.

"And have you make me hump a tree?" I jokingly referred to the last time I played truth or dare with the guys.

"Actually, ths version is more....physical and it's only for people with balls." A.J. evilly told me. A.J. was one of those people that would do almost anything if dared. Kevin was usually first to go, since he doesn't have what it takes to defeat A.J. Only Nick could ever match A.J.'s bravery. Sometimes I wondered how far Nick would go for a dare.

"Well, I definately have balls. Let's get it on!" I yelled, slamming my fist in the air and following A.J. to the basement. I then saw three new faces present.

"Let me introduce all you guys to our friends here: This blonde one here is Wendy. She's shy." Amanda said, pointing to Wendy.

"This is Nikki. She is in love with Kevin's ass." Joey bluntly said. Everyone laughed.

"And the last one is Amy, and she loves Brian." Amanda pointed to a nice-looking Brunette.

"I'm taken." I nicely said to her.

"Damn. Tell me her name and I'll kill her." Amy joked. I laughed. A.J. entered the room again.

"O.K., I have ciggarettes for smokers, drinks for drinkers, and a cookie for Kevin." A.J. joked. Amanda, Nikki, Wendy and Amy grabbed a ciggarette. Surprisingly, Joey didn't grab a drink. She loves alcohol. Something stange was going on with her. I think she's pregnant. Well, at least playing this game I could find out later. I grabbed a bottle of Tequila and took a shot. Ahh. Nothing like a little bit of that to wake the senses.

"Let's begin. Since this is Joey's party, i say she goes first." Kevin stated. Everyone nodded. Joey grinned evilly.

"Wendy, truth or dare?" She asked Wendy. Wendy looked nervous.

"Dare." Wendy boldly replied. Joey's smile grew wider.

"I dare you to give your little crush Nick a french kiss." Joey said.

Wendy blushed a little before walking over to Nick. Everyone in the room started chanting, 'make out, make out, make out...' Nick pulled Wendy close and kissed her lips. He slid his tongue inside her awaiting mouth. I stared at them in jealousy. Oh god how much I wanted to take her place. I took another drink of Tequila.

"That doesn't count." Joey said after they finsihed.

"Huh?" A few people asked.

"I said for Wendy to kiss Nick! Now Wendy has to kiss him!" Joey laughed.

"You are such a bitch." Wendy told her. Wendy kissed Nick. Ugh. I took another swig. Finally, they sat down. Wendy looked at Amanda.

"Amanda, truth or dare?" Wendy asked.

"Dare, of course." Amanda calmly replied. Wendy thought a while, then she glared at Amanda.

"I dare you to flash the next door neighbor kid." Wendy stated.

Amanda started walking out the door. We followed her to the end of the street. Amanda bravely walked up to the door, knocked, and waited. The door opened and she lifted up her shirt. Everyone started to laugh as they realized Amanda had just flashed a 70 year old man! Amanda ran all the way back. She hit Wendy upside the head.

"Kevin, truth or dare?" Amanda asked.

"Truth." Kevin quickly answered.

"You are such a fucking pussy!" A.J. informed him.

"A safe pussy." Kevin added. Everyone snickered.

"Who is that special 'friend' you see every day?" Amanda asked.

Kevin didn't hesitate. "I'm out."

"One down, 8 to go." A.J. happily stated.

***************** After a couple of hours, the only ones left were me, A.J., Brian, Nikki, and Joey. It was Brian's turn.

"Joey, are you pregnant?" Brian asked. Joey looked slightly worried. "I quit." She stated. Brian chose someone else.

"Nikki, truth or dare?" Brian asked.

"Dare." Nikki stated confidently. Sh was a pretty good player. She had no shame in her game. Except....

"Suck Howie's nipple." Brian stated.

Nikki simply got up and left without a word.

"A.J., truth or dare?" Brian asked.

"What do I always pick?" A.J. asked.

"I dare you to....french Howie!!" Brian busted out A.J. did it so fast poor Howie had no time to react. Blinking several times, Howie said, "Two words: tic tac" Howei joked. Everyone laughed.

"Allright. Nick, I know you're gonna pick dare, so here it is. I frenched my best friend, now you have to frech yours." A.J. said, pointed straight at Brian. Oh no!! What was I gonna do? I couldn't back out! But then maybe Brian will like the kiss. So much that he carries me to another room and makes love to me. He'd dump Tracy and we would be together for...

"Just do it!" Nikki yelled. I was standing about 2 inched from Brian. I closed my eyes and waited to touch his lips. Then with a rush of pure ecstasy, his lips connected with mine. Then a shriek pierced the air, breaking our small connection. I opened my eyes to see Joey's dad.

"What the hell is going on? Why are those two men kissing?" He bellowed.

"We're playing truth or dare, dad!" Joey defended.

"What is this piece of trash doing in my house?!" Joey's dad yelled, pointing at Howie.

"He is not a piece of trash! I love him daddy!" Joey yelled with bursting emotions.

"He's gay! A Leopard doesn't change his spots! I forbid him to step foot into this house!" He screamed.

"I'm leaving with him! I'm 19 and old enough to take care of myself. He can support me!" She yelled, running out the door. All of us followed. Joey sat down in the grass crying on Howie's shoulder. I knew this would happen it was only a matter of time before she would have to chose. That is exactly the reason I've never told anyone about my sexuality. I could never chose between my love and my family, if it came down to that. Poor Joey. She really loved D. I only wished I had that kind of love. Maybe that's what god wanted me to do. To be alone all my life and show happier people how good they really have it.

************* After the incident at Joey's house, I had gone home. Tomorrow was the night of the threesome. How was I going to go through with it? I've never seen Nick completely naked before. I wondered how big he was. I had noticed him hard before. He had a pretty big bulge in his pants. God how I wanted him inside of me. What was I gonna do? I loved Nick, but I knew he couldn't love me that way. I liked Tracy, but all I could ever think about when we had sex was Nick. Sometimes I'd actually laugh because I'd remember something he had said earlier. At least she didn't notice.

I rummaged through my closet and found an old, almost ancient shoebox. Inside was dozens of pictures of me and Nick. I sighed. He must be in love with a girl. I realized who it could be. Amanda.

Amanda. He was so close to her. But she had always been with A.J. Earlier at Joe's when Nick sang, I actually thought he was staring at me. Ha! Amanda was sitting right beside me. Poor guy. He must think she doesn't care. Maybe I could get them together. All I wanted was my Frack to be happy. Even if it meant misery for me.

************** I stared silently at the calm and peaceful horizon before me. I was everything but calm and peaceful as 1,000 thoughts ripped through my mind. We kissed. Well, sort of. It felt so amazing. I wondered if Brian felt anything. Probably not. Tears slowly slid down my face as I thought about what would happen tomorrow night. How was I going to calm myself and think rationally? I had seen Brian's manhood one time when I was dared to suck his dick at a friend's house. God he was huge. When I started to suck him, he didn't even make a sound. When I pulled up, he wasn't even smiling. Why should he? He loves women. Like Tracy. I fell into an armchair and slept in the cold night air.

Next: Chapter 8

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