I Need You Tonight

By Chica

Published on Jun 1, 2000


DISCLAIMER: This is a work of pure fiction. Don't send me e-mail complaints.

THANKS: I would like to say thanks to all the people who e-mailed me. I would also like to thank the author of 'Because I Love You' and the author of 'Open Arms' for given me inspiration.

Chapter 3

I slowly walked to my dark green Durango, deciding if I should go with the guys to the mall. Why would I want to go there? I'd probably be attacked by horny 12 year-olds. But then again, maybe Brian will tell me he loves me. Yeah! He'd pull me into a dark corner, kiss me softly, and tell me he's loved me since the day we met. I'd cry from happiness, he'd wipe my tears away, and we'd be together...A loud banging noise snapped me out of my daydream. I turned to see the source of the distraction. Lo and behold, there was my angel running towards me. Maybe my dream was coming true.

"So Nicky, you going with us? Don't worry, Kev'll protect you from any horny 14 year-old girls." He joked lightly. I thought bitterly that I just thought the same thing. I shrugged my shoulders and stepped into my car. I started the engine and roared off.

"What's up with him?" Howie asked A.J.

"I don't know. If I didn't know any better, I'd say he's having either girl problems or he has PMS." A.J. half heartily joked. Howie stared as Nick drove off to his house.

"I just hope he's not on drugs or something." Howie sighed.

"Are you going, baby?" Joey asked Howie, grabbing him by his waist and resting her chin on his shoulder.

"Wouldn't miss it for the world. Hey, maybe Amanda can come!" Howie excitedly mentioned, not noticing the glare on A.J.'s face.

"Howie, problem. Ex?" Joey reminded him, pointing at A.J.

"Nah, D. You can invite her. Just make sure she doesn't come near me." A.J. softly instructed.

"Do you want her to come in you?!" Howie joked.

"Maybe." A.J. slyly answered.

"O.K., I've heard enough. Can we please stop talking about coming and eat lunch?" Kevin asked from the other room. Kevin walked into the living room, wearing a HUGE flowered apron, placing his hands on his hips. Everyone cracked up laughing at the sight.

"Don't laugh unless you don't want to eat!" Kevin bellowed. Everyone shut up.

"Dang, you guys are hungry!" Kevin stated, turning around. Kevin danced a little and shook his butt, making them laugh again.

"Just call Amanda. I don't need Lord of the Dance entertaining me." A.J. choked out between laughs.

"UGH...UGH..." I panted loudly in his upstairs shower. After seeing Brian all day, I knew the only way to deal with my growing hard-on was to please it myself.

I grabbed the steel bar and felt myself go into sheer ecstasy as my body tensed at the intense feeling. Then I started to vision one of my favorite fantasies. Brian would be positioned on my cock, pumping my member deep into him. Brian would stare eroticly into my eyes as he pushed me to the edge. My whole body started to shake as I started to come, screaming, "OH GOD BRIAN!!!" I shot my load all over the walls. My body was weak from the amazing orgasm. I finished cleaning myself and walked out of the shower. I slowly got dressed again and went to my car to go shopping.

"Looks like Nick FINALLY decided he was good enough to be seen with us!" Amanda announced to everyone. All five Backstreet boys stood at the entrance to the mall, trying to get my spirits up.

"What were you doing so long at your house, Frack?" Brian asked quietly.

'I was jacking off while thinking of you fucking my brains out, that's all' I thought.

"I was taking a shower and jack-jack a lack-I was jack a lacking around to it." I stuttered, nearly breaking my cover.

"Oh." Was all Brian said.

We rounded the corners and looked at a couple of stores. After what seemed to me like hours, we finally stopped for a rest.

"So, what store next?" Kevin asked, biting into his hamburger.

"How 'bout JC Penny's?" Howie asked.

"Now that was a pussy suggestion if I ever heard one." A.J. joked loudly.

"Speaking of pussy, where do you wanna go, Brian?" Kevin asked.

"Ha. Ha. Funny. How about a sports store?" Brian suggested.

"Victoria Secret?" Amanda piped in. A.J., Brian, and Howie spit out their drinks. Everyone cracked up again.

"If we did that, we'd have to chain A.J. here to a bench to keep him from peeking in on the dressing rooms!" Howie said.

"Ah...you know me too well." A.J. proudly stated.

"A.J., do you need to relieve some tension?" I asked him.

"Nah, G! I'm not the one sitting there every night going, 'oh Nick! You're so sexy!' " A.J. mocked my voice, acting like he was jacking off. I flipped him off, not knowing what to say to that.

"O.k,, I did not need to hear anything about Nick jacking off. I'm gonna have a weird dream tonight." Kevin muttered.

"Oh, that's nothing compared to some of my fantasies, Kevy. It involves me, you, Howie, Howie tied to the bed, whipped cream, a riding crop, edible panties..." "I DO NOT WANNA KNOW, ALEXANDER JAMES MCLEAN!" Kevin yelled.

"He screamed his name!" Brian joked.

"Can we go now?" Joey asked, standing up with Amanda. Everyone immediately got up and walked out the door with them.

"I wonder what's wrong with Nick." Joey asked Amanda.

"I know, but he doesn't want me to tell anyone. Not even Brian!" She told Joey firmly.

"I can understand that. I just hope Brian didn't do anything to hurt him." Joey confessed to her.

"Believe me, he didn't." Amanda answered. They walked on, ignoring the guys crude jokes and visions.

"Hey, let's go to spencers!" I said. Everyone followed me without a hitch. After we arrived, I searched the shelves for a new prank to pull on someone someday. I found a mini pack of condoms for A.J., pepper gum for Howie, a dildo for Amanda, but thought about what prank I should pull on Brian. After a moment's thought, I purchased the items and walked from the store. As I walked to the others, I realized they were huddled around something. My heartbeat quickened as I walked quicker, starting to jog. As I got closer, I realized there was a body laying on the floor. To my utter horror, he realized that Brian was sprwled on the floor, trying to breathe. Nick dropped to his knees and held Brian in his arms. Silent tears poured from my eyes as he held his dying love. Sirens yelled and crowds formed around me. Everything melted away as I stared at his face in pain.

"Don't leave me. I need you, frick." I whispered softly.

Hey, if any of sprawled have a suggestion for this story, I'll be happy to use it. Don't worry: I'll give yall credit, trust me! KTBSPA!!!!

Next: Chapter 4

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