I Need You Tonight

By Chica

Published on Jan 13, 2002


Finally, a new chapter. Hope everyone enjoys it. J

DISCLAIMER: Nope, I still don't own them. ::sigh:: Looks like my five-year plan isn't working. I'll extend it to ten and see where that goes.

Chapter 11

Rain splattered outside the window pane I was currently gazing out from. The city of Sydney never looked so bleak. The final day of our tour had arrived and I was heading home after our last show tonight. The other guys had decided to go separate ways and explore the city one last time, but, feeling a tad depressed, I opted to stay in my hotel room, hiding myself from everyone. It was just one of those days where I got as bored as hell and ended up complaining to someone on the phone about how sorry my day was. I laid sprawled out on the bed, losing myself in a new video game. (Some football one, for once I didn't read the name.) Everything was going good and boring until I heard a knock at the door. It was more than likely either the room service I ordered or some insane fan that found out where I was again. Nevertheless, I got up from the bed and answered the door. I pushed it open slightly, peering out from behind the chain that connected the door.

It was only Brian. Well, not only Brian, but we all know what I mean.

I sighed, letting the door swing open. He walked in shyly, his demeanor in a state of unrest. His hair was slightly disheveled, possibly from having sex. Now that was one thing I just did not want to picture. Picturing him humping on that walrus was just too much for me right now. He turned slowly, still staring at his feet. I don't know just when he resorted to staring at his feet, but it was getting irritating. I closed the door and looked at him, crossing my arms in silent defiance. I refused to give in to my pathetic temptations. He finally looked up, straight into my eyes. Okay, so maybe I might give in a little. It isn't fair, I can't help that he's so damn cute. I might as well just shut up now before I do something incredibly stupid.

"Well?" I asked lightly, extremely curious as to why he was here instead of out with his...Ah, I'll just call her LeighAnne for once. I am way too tired to come up with a degrading name.

"I was just bored and wanted to see what you were doing. I hope I'm not interrupting anything..."

"Not at all. Come on in." I closed the door behind him, my face splitting into a sneaky grin at this. It's sad sometimes how a broken heart reacts to heart ache. Even though it has been broken, bruised, wounded, it still beats and still goes right back to that source of pain. It's hard to imagine that such a powerful emotion resides in a frame so weak. One side of me felt low, like I was a vulture picking what little meat hung to a bone. On another side I felt elated, just happy to have Brian in my presence. I watched with as much boredom as I could fake as he gingerly sat on my hotel bed, somehow looking like a perfect angel at that moment. My heart gave a lurch at that, and I knew that I could never give up this man for as long as I live and beyond. Maybe I'm a masochist, but as a broken heart goes, I turned a dagger over to Brian and once again felt it twist into my already bleeding heart.

"LeighAnne went shopping with a couple of friends, so I took the opportunity to come over here." I knew I should have kept my big mouth shut and just accepted what he said, but I found myself blurting the rudest comment. Just because my heart was broken didn't mean that it couldn't be a vengeful little devil.

"Oh, so now you have to sneak away to see me?" I asked, sounding a bit too much like an angry housewife for my own comfort. All I needed now, standing with my hand perched on my hip, would be an apron and a rolling pin. Brian for the most part was shocked, his mouth slightly agape. I smirked, feeling especially vindictive now that I had provoked such a wonderful reaction from him. Yet just as I was gloating in my witty retort, I once again handed him the dagger, the dagger resting on a golden pillow and I am kneeling to bestow Brian the honor of ripping my heart out.

"No, that's not why I'm here. I don't need an excuse to see my best friend." Since I knew Brian so well, I felt that he did indeed mean the words `best friend'. On second thought, I fell in love with my best friend, not the dagger wielder in front of me.

"Imagine that. Well, just make yourself comfortable. Nothing is on TV except some old farts fishing, Pokemon, and I swear that Oprah is getting fatter recently." Brian giggled, taking the offer of comfort by sitting in a squatty footrest in front of a recliner. Why the man never sat in a seat was beyond me. My eyes became glazed as the TV flashed crap after crap, never having anything interesting to say. Eventually my eyes wandered to Brian, falling to rest on his lean body bending slightly to flick through channels manually. Staring at the TV too long did bad things to my system and caused my eyes to stick on one subject too long, or so I tried to reason with myself. Brian turned around almost too quick for reality and zeroed in on me. I finally diverted my eyes, already late in a Cinderella-turning-back-after-midnight way. Unfortunately, Brian took hints extremely well. I remembered quite clearly how useful that was back in our prankster days. I smirked as I thought of this, remembering how Kevin had to be extra vigilant with the two of us. The moment vanished instantly and we both continued to watch tedious television programs.

"I'm feeling kind of hungry. Do you have anything to eat in this place?" I could have told him to go home to `eat' but I decided to stay on my civil streak I was having lately.

"Yeah, in the kitchen." Brian stalked off to the kitchenette, digging through my messy fridge ravenously. He finally came up with what looked like chips and dip, but I think I should warn him that I was experimenting with dips last night. No, actually I think this might be entertaining. Hey, anyone would get that desperate if they were forced to watch the Teletubbies get ordered around by a giggling, demonic baby in a sun.

Brian settled in the arm chair with the chips and dips, starting to eat without really looking at what he was eating. Soon, bits of chips and dip were everywhere since Brian had tried his ketchup-and-sauerkraut-with-crushed-pineapple mixture. I smiled, then giggled as I caught the horrified look on his face. It was just that moment when the doorbell rang and I remembered that I had ordered room service. Whoops! I ran to the door and grabbed the serving cart. Brian looked placidly from the dining cart, to me, and then to his messy clothes. I smiled sheepishly, shrugging a little. For a split second Brian looked away and it appeared that he didn't mind a thing. But then the next second Brian had jumped me like a lion and began choking me. I made the appropriate choking sounds, even though it wasn't really that bad. But better to think the beast is doing right than make it more angry. I felt a wet something smear on my shoulder and I sadly remembered that Brian was indeed still covered in slimy gook.

"You're getting dip on my shoulder!" I gurgled, groaning and laughing at the same time as he started rubbing the stuff even more into my shoulder in sheer malice. He eventually stopped choking me, resorting to wrestle mechanically with me, and I played dead weight, making him even more mad as he wrestled with a limp partner-no pun intended. How we went from watching the TV to having a wholly indecent brawl completely eluded me, but I was glad for the uplifted mood nevertheless. Brian soon tired of trying to goad me into action, so he simply held my arms above my head, breathing a little heavy as he stared at me with eyes that shined with a strange emotion. I looked back, trying to make my face appear blank, although my mind certainly wasn't. The obvious fact that Brian was pinning me down on a bed certainly sprang up foremost in my mind, and all the nasty, dirty little thoughts that came along with it.

I felt a little crowded, so I shifted innocently, trying to alert Brian. Maybe if I just try to pull my hands up he'll grasp the awkwardness and let go...

Brian's face was inching closer.

I was pinned down to the bed.

Brian was only an inch away.

I did nothing.

We were in trouble.

His lips touched mine briefly. It was slightly uncomfortable with my arms bound and my dry lips coalescing with his wet ones, but for a few seconds I didn't (or rather couldn't) do anything about the situation. Until his lips moved and pressed firmly against mine. I closed my eyes, slightly hypnotized by his ministrations. I don't really understand how or why it happened, but things were spiraling down the drain and fast. His lips probed even more, and in what seemed like an eternity engulfed in a split second, his head turned slightly and his tongue entered my mouth. If only my mind had remained even a tiny bit clearer, then maybe I wouldn't have responded the way I did. So with surprise to myself but perhaps no surprised to everyone else, I kissed back. I was making out with Brian Littrell. Who I was and still am in love with. Who is married to LeighAnne.

Well, that killed my hard on.

As if Brian lips had suddenly turned into burning coals, I pulled away and wrenched my body to get him off me. I had only meant to dislodge his grip and get some air, but I underestimated my own strength. Brian's body was thrown to the floor and hit with a resounding thump. I shook my head roughly, trying to figure out what just happened. Brian had kissed me. Brian had molested me. Brian wasn't supposed to be doing that.

"You...You...Why did...shit...no..." Apparently articulation wasn't on my list of priorities. Brian laid on his back near the bed, staring blankly up at the ceiling. I rolled to my side, peering down at Brian's still form. Brian blinked once, then twice. He then sprang to his feet in a burst of energy, turning around in place as if he had lost something on the floor. Hmm, maybe his brain had fallen out. At least I hoped it did.

"I...I...Don't know...I...Gotta...Go?" Sound familiar? Brian, looking disturbingly flushed, bolted out the door. I fell back on the bed, breathing heavily and trying to evaluate the already confusing situation. But I didn't have a chance as the phone rang, interrupting my thinking process. I deftly picked up the receiver, grunting 'hello?'

"Um, Nick, we have a problem..."

Wah ha ha! My first real cliffhanger! Stay tuned for more, people. Want more? Just beg me, I'm easy. J

Next: Chapter 21

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