I Need You

By moc.loa@216maZahS

Published on Oct 29, 2000


Well, heres Part 5. It's taken me a while but i finally figured out how i wanted things to happen, its not that long but i got the point across with what i wanted this chapter to deal with so i think its good length.

Disclaimer: No members of Nsync are gay (that i know of, i do have some speculation and wishes) And this story is Just Fiction, as In its Fake if you are not of legal age to read the leave! Now Read!


Justin droped to Jc's body. "Josh?! JOSH!!" He screamed picking up the lifeless body. "Oh God. Josh!" Justin put his head to Jc's chest listing for a heart beat. It was there but very faint. Justin started to cry even more than before and then the door flew open.

"Justin?" someone yelled.

"Joey?!" Justin called letting Joey know where he was.

Joey ran into the room and fell to the floor seeing the scene before him. "Joey call 911 please!!" Justin screamed through his tears.

Joey got up and called 911.

10 Minutes passed and the Ambulence arrived. "Joey im going with him. You stay here incase my mom comes home or calls. Don't tell her what happened make something up we don't want anyone to find out about this. It will ruin Jc." Justin said with sencerity before heading out the door.

"Good luck." Joey wispered to himself as the door closed.

At the hospital Justin paced back and forth in the lobby. "It's been 3 hours!" He muttered to himself. He walked off tords the phone to call Joey. "Hey Joe...No word yet...he had his stomach pumped...Wait the doctors on his way over, I'll call you back in a bit Bye." Justin hung up.

"Mr. Timberlake?" The doctor asked walking up to him.

"Yes?" Justin asked wearily.

"Well Josh has come out of the surgery but..." The Doctor was cut off.

"But what?" Justin asked his voice shaking.

"He's in a coma, we don't expect him to come out...and if he does he will be a vegatable." As the doctor said this Justin broke into hysterical tears. "You shouldn't be alone in a state like this is there anyone I can call for you?" The doctor asked Justin.

Justin gave him the number to his house and the doctor told Joey to come down because Justin needed him.

Joey showed up and ran to Justin giving him the warmest hug Joey could possibly give. "Im so sorry." Joey said to Justin.

Justin smiled up at Joey. "Thanks...did you tell the guys?" Justin asked.

"Yeah I told Chris and he told Lance who told Britney who told Christina. No one eles knows though." Joey told Justin letting Him know only their closest friends knew.

"Im going to go see if I can see Josh." Justin said walking over to the doctor.

Joey was being so strong, it was hard holding back his tears. When Joey looked up he saw Justin walking down the hall to Jc's room. It was now his turn to cry. Joey sat down in a chair and sobbed uncontrolably.

Justin entered Jc's room and started crying at the sight of his best friend hooked to the machines. "Oh Josh...im soo sorry, this is all my fault." Justin said. He gripped Jc's hand. "Josh, I love you! I always have, since the day we met. If I only knew you felt the same way. Now...now we can never be together." Justin started crying harder. "I love you." He wispered again as he kissed Jc's lips. As Justin pulled away a tear fell from his face and landed on Jc's eye. Justin sat in the chair facing the window crying.

"Don't cry my angel." A voice said softly.

The voice sent chills down Justin's spine as he truned around. "Josh?!" Justin yelled in disbelive. "Your...Your awake." Justin said running to his side.

"Yes, im awake." Jc said taking Justin's hand.

"I love you." Justin said to Jc.

"I love you too." Jc said kissing Justins hand.

Justin took his hand away from Jc and ran out into the hall calling for a doctor and Joey. "He's Awake!! He's Awake!!" Joey and The Doctor came running into the room.

"It's a miracle, it was humanly impossible for him to pull through." The doctor said in disbelive.

"Love can over come any obsticle." Joey said with a smile. ===

Well there you have part 4...what ya think? well i really dont have a direction for this story i just write things that will happen before the ending i have planned witch involes a wedding wich you all know. Please Pleas Send me feed back...no one ever does...im not loved!

Next: Chapter 6

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