I Need You

By moc.loa@216maZahS

Published on Oct 23, 2000


Finally Part 4! I Know somepeople ready to kill me (ICE!) soo here it is. I tried to make it good thats why it took so long, i needed to make it different and not predictable. I dont know if i like it or not. I would love Positive and Negative feedback. Thanks.

Disclaimer: No members of Nsync are gay (that i know of, i do have some speculation and wishes) And this story is Just Fiction, as In its Fake if you are not of legal age to read the leave! Now Read!


Noontime. Jc wakes up with Justin snuggled against his body. 'This feels so right.' He thinks. He carefully gets out of the bed without waking Justin and walks down stairs to the kitchen. Jc opens the cabinet doors and takes out a box of Apple Jacks and pours 2 bowls, one for himself and one for Justin.

"Thanks for last night." Justin said walking into the room. He sat down and began eating his cereal.

"Any time but, what was the dream about?" Jc asked sitting across from Justin.

Justin looks up and frowns. "Ok well it starts with me in a dark room. I am all by myself from what I can tell. Then I see something in the corner moving. Then the shadowy figure in the corner takes out a gun and aims it at me. I start panicking. He fires the gun but it doesn't hit me, something jumped infront of me and cought the bullet. You. You layed infront of me dieing."

Jc had gotten up and sat in the chair next to Justin during the retelling of the dream. "Justin, its ok. It was only a ream, I will never leave you. Understand?" Jc said giving Justin a hug.

Justin nodded. "That's what you said in the dream before you died." Jc hugged him tighter.

The doorbell rings. "I'll get it!" Justin said running to the door. He opens it and its Britney. "Brit!!" he yells and hugs her.

"Justin! I've missed you!" She said hugging back. "Hey Joshy!" she yells to him. He is in the kitchen cleaning up from breakfast.

Jc enters the room and they all sit on the couch. "Hey I'm gonna go take a shower." Justin said getting up and leaving.

"So...did you tell him yet?" Britney asked Jc.

"No, your still the only one who knows." He says lowering his head.

"Ok. Now you listen to me." She lifts his head in her hands. "You love him, you have for 8 years. Eight years of your life wasted sitting and watching."

"I'm scared, I don't want to mess things up between us." Jc says.

"Just tell him your gay first and see how he reacts, Then tell him you love him." Britney says to him.

"I almost did yesterday." He smiled. "Yeah, when he fell down the stairs I got soo scared and I told him I loved him and needed him. He heard me, but I told him it was because he was my best friend."

"You ASS!" Britney yelled slaping him.

By now Justin was walking back down from his shower. "Josh push over a little so I can fit." He said pointing to the couch. Jc reached up and grabbed Justins hand pulling him down onto the couch as he lifted himself off of it.

"My turn to shower." He says.

"Good, you smell rank." Britney joked.

Jc walked upstairs to the shower while Britney and Justin talked. Jc enters his bedroom to pick out the clothes he was going to wear. "Where our my green cargos?" he asked himself. He then left his room and went to Justins to look for them. "There they are." He said picking them up from the corner. Jc reached into the pockets to make sure Justin didn't leave money or his wallet in them and found a folded piece of paper. It reads:

Hey Hun!

Can't wait to see ya tonight. Meet me at 6:30.

See Ya Soon,

H. Who was H? Why didn't Justin tell Jc about this date? Why did it hurt so much? All these questions were floating around in Jc's mind as tears started streaming down his face.

A few hours had past by. Britney was now gone and Justin was sitting on the couch wondering why Jc was still in the shower. "Must have needed it." He said to himself. Justin gets up and walks to his bedroom. "Goodnight Josh." He says in the hallway. He enters his room and changes over into flanel panst and a whife beater, He lays down on the bed and hears a crackling sound. "What the?" He reaches under his pillow and pulls out a envelope with his name on it. He opens the envelope and there is a note inside. It reads:

Dear Justin. I'm sorry. I told you that I would always be there for you, but now I'm afraid I can't. I found a note of yours in my pants pocket about a date you were having with somone who called themselves "H" and it hurt so much. Not just because you didn't tell me about her but beacause, well, Justin I love you. It took me eight years to finally say it and I wrote it down. I never thought I would have the nerve to tell you but it was now or never so I had to. I know you have had other girlfriends before but latly I felt as if something was happening, maybe we were starting on another track. That maybe soemhow you loved me as much as I love you. But by now im probably gone so I will end this by saying I'm sorry, I miss you and I will always love you.


Josh Justin didn't belive what he had just read and began to cry. "How could you just pack up and leave me like this?!" he shouted through his tears. Justin walked across the hall into Jc's room and notice all his stuff was still there. Whats going on? "Jc? Jc? You in there?" He asked banging on the door. After 3 times and no luck he checked the knob which was locked so he kicked it till it broke open. "JOSH!!!" Justin yelled seeing past the heavy cloud of mist in the room to a lifeless body on the floor sourounded by empty perscription bottles. ===

Well there you have part 4...what ya think? well i really dont have a direction for this story i just write things that will happen before the ending i have planned witch involes a wedding wich you all know and also i am goign to of course have Jc's funeral...What you dont want Josh to die? Well write me and give me story ideas and maybe he wont. Poor Josh's fate rests in your hands now!

Next: Chapter 5

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