I Love You Series

By J J

Published on Jul 19, 2011


This story is completely fictional, any resemblance of real people or events are completely coincidental. This story contains gay sex between young males, if you are underage (18 in most areas) then please leave the story. This story may also contain some offensive language if it offends you then feel free to stop reading any further. This story belongs to j_stories91@yahoo.com don't copyright it and all the usual copyrights and legal stuff applies. Feel free to send comments, suggestions, and even criticism to me. And of course enjoy the story.

************ Authors Note ************

Sorry it took so long to get this chapter out, I had a family emergency and it has been rollercoaster since but it looks like everything is going to be good plus I have been busy getting stuff done for summer an a vacation so it's been crazy and I haven't had much time to write. The next few chapters may take a while depending on how everything goes, so if you want to be emailed hen the chapters comes out just send me a email saying so.

******************* I Love You Chapter 3 *******************

I woke up and noticed an arm around me, I looked up and saw Carter sleeping next to me, then I remembered everything, me yelling at Carter, Carter in a coma, the emotions, the gun, Cater waking up, and the kiss, I smiled remembering it. I never had a kiss feel so..., so...so... it's hard to explain, when ever I kissed my girlfriends I didn't feel much, but when Carter kissed me it just felt...it felt... I can't explain it just felt... right; yea it felt right, like this is who is supposed to be kissing me, this is who I'm supposed to be with.

I looked back at Carter and noticed he was smiling in his sleep, I put my arm around him and moved closer to him, but when I did this Carter woke up. He opened his eyes, still smiling and said, "Hey"

"Hey", I said, and then silence for what seemed like hours but only for a couple of minuets. Even though we've known each other most of our life we both felt awkward at the moment, neither one of us knew what to say, or what to do, until Carter suggested we take a walk.

We went outside, and started heading for the woods when I said, "I'm sorry"

"For what?"

"I'm sorry for what I said that day, I'm sorry for making you upset, I'm sorry for making you get into the accident, and I'm sorry for not being a good friend." I said with tears running down my face

"Shhh..." he said pulling me into a hug, "you don't need to be sorry it wasn't your fault., and I never want to hear you say you weren't a good friend, you have been the best friend anyone would love to have..."

"But what I said to you and what happened to you I can't forgive myself for that for causing you that pain."

"I'm not going to lie to you ,what you said at the lake hurt me, but I can't say I would have reacted different if the roles were reversed. That was something that you probably never expected and came as a shock to you, I shouldn't have ran off right away I should have stayed and talk about it more, but that doesn't matter, what matters is that you and me are here right now together, whether we end up together or not does not matter to me as long as we stay best friends"

I smiled at Carter and said, "I don't know how you do it but you always make me feel better. When you were in the hospital I realized how much you mean to me, when you weren't around, life was miserable for me I had no one to talk to, no one to hang out with, but most of all I had no to love me. I never told you this before but I've been really depressed for years, the only thing that kept me going is you. You're the reason for me to get up every day, if it weren't for you I wouldn't be here today. I love you Carter, I always had." I leaned in and gave him a quick kiss, we grabbed each others hands and continued walking down the trail.

Carter didn't say anything the whole time we walked and I could tell he had something on his mind when we got to the small field I laid down in the grass and Carter laid next to me and out his head on my stomach. He still hadn't said anything, I couldn't take it anymore. "What's wrong?" I said

"What do you mean?"

"What's with you? You haven't said a word since I kissed you, did I do something wrong?"

Carter sighed, and said, "Promise me if you ever have any suicidal thoughts you will tell me right away, because I wouldn't be able to live without you. Promise me you will always talk to me about your problems when you need to. And promise me no matter what happens to our relationship we will always remain best friends, and that we will always be able to come to each other when we have any problems, because I too wouldn't be able to live without you."

"I promise I will come to you when ever I have problems no matter what happens, I will never do anything that would cause you pain anymore." I said.

Carter moved so he was laying next to me and we just sat there holding each other for an hour. We didn't say anything because the love he had for each other could be felt while we just held each other.

"I could stay like this forever Trev, but I should get home before my parents start worrying about me."

I sighed, "I don't want to leave you right now."

Carter smiled, " Well then why don't you just spend the night so we can be like this all night."

The thought of that made me smile but then made me a little nervous, `What if he tries to do something tonight I'm not ready for that right now.' I thought.

I started to think of an excuse not to sleepover tonight and my smile vanished and carter must have noticed because chuckled and said, "Relax we won't do anything until were both ready." I smiled and got up, Carter held my hand and we started to head back. When he got close to his house I let go of his hand and told him that I should tell my parents I'm staying over tonight and grad some clothes, I gave him a kiss and told him I would be right back.

When I got home I noticed my parents weren't home and thought to myself `I wish I had parents that actually cared about me' I went to the table and left a note telling them were I was, not that they would care anyways. I grabbed some clothes and headed to Carters.

When I entered their house Jane, Carter's mom, was cooking supper when she noticed me she smiled and asked of I was staying the night, I said yes and she told me that Carter and Doug, Carter's dad , were in the living room and that dinner would be done soon.

When I went in the living room Carter and Doug were playing a racing game on Carter's PS3, Carter was beating his dad and they both were getting really into the game. Carter laughed as he blocked his dad trying to pass him and said, "Come one old man you got to play better than that if you want to beat me." Doug laughed and said, "You mean like this." He then grabbed his sons controller and made him crash as he passed him. Carter then jumped on his father and they both started to wrestle a little when Carter noticed me he smiled and said "Hey, you made it." Doug looked up and smiled and told us to get the table set up. We got the table set right as Jane brought out supper. We all sat at the table and ate while Carter and his parents talked and made jokes about each other, I sat silent most of the time and only talked when someone asked me something. After dinner we all helped cleanup and when we were done Carter told his parents that we are going to go to his room. Once in there Carter closed his door and turned toward me with a concerned look on his face and then he asked, "You were pretty quiet tonight, what`s wrong?"

I sighed and then said, "Nothing really it's just seeing you and your parents it reminds me of how my parents used to be with me and I guess I just got a little down."

"You know that my parents think of you as a part of this family" Carter said as he wrapped his arms around me "You are nice, funny, beautiful, and you have a great personality, if your parents can't see that then its their loss. Besides you got me now and I will give you all the love you need." He then kissed me softly. I felt better then before and could feel the love from that he has for me. I returned the kiss with a more passionate one, we started making out and soon we were both starting to get hard. I pushed him on his bed and laid on top of him we kept on kissing passionately and our hands were exploring each others body. My hands reached the end of his shirt and I started to lift it up when I heard footsteps coming towards the door. We both quickly separated when we heard Doug say that they were going to go to bed and not to make to much noise. Once we heard their door close we both let out a sigh of relief. "Wow, was close!" I said.

"Yeah it was, maybe we should wait awhile, besides we haven't even gone on a date yet."

"Well then we better have one fast." I said. Carter looked at me with a slight look of shock on his face, I just smiled and pointed towards my still rock hard boner, we both laughed and then we just sat there talking for awhile until we got tired. Carter crawled up to me and I put my arm around him and soon we were both asleep and I started to have a dream of a earlier memory...

"Were here!" Shouted my mom, which woke me and Carter up. When I opened my eyes and saw nothing but trees and a trail. "Mom where's the lake?" I asked. We were going Camping for Carter's and mine 10th birthday, Carter's parents had to work today but they were going to come tomorrow, and we were going to have a birthday party and a bomb fire at night. "We have to hike a little bit to get there, but it will be worth it, trust me." She said smiling a my dad. "Alright boys grab your bags and help us carry some stuff" my dad said. We got everything from the car and headed to the campsite. The hike wasn't so bad but carrying everything made it difficult and tiring. We finally got to the spot, The lake was at the bottom of a hill and the only spot to set up the tents was right next to the lake. By the time we got everything set up everyone was really tired, so we just relaxed the rest of the day. "See that river at the end of the lake, if you follow it about a mile downstream there is a large waterfall that's breathtaking. Tomorrow after Doug and Jane get here we should all go there." My dad said smiling at mom, "You know Trevor, that is were I first met your mom, it was love at first sight... maybe you will find your special someone there?" he said causing me to blush deep red. We joked around for a while then decided to go to bed, Carter and I slept in one tent and mom and dad slept in the other one. Carter and I talked for a while before we both passed out. BANG!!! The noise caused me to jump wide awake. I looked around in a tired haze trying to figure out what's going on suddenly there was a flash of light followed by another BANG!!! Carter started to stir in his sleep, knowing that he hates storms I put my arms around him and pulled him close to me and fell a sleep just as the rain started. BANG!!! Another thunder woke me up, it was still raining but now there was water in the tent. I shook Carter to wake him up and we went to go outside to my parents tent. When we opened the tent more water started to flow in I looked around and saw the coolers with all our food in it floating in the lake just then a gust of wind blow and caused them to sink to the bottom. I went to my parents tent and woke them up. Once they saw everything they decided to pack up and go home. To say we were sad would be a understatement. When we got everything to the car it has stopped raining so we decided to put some dry clothes on. Mom and dad went to in the woods and Carter and I just striped right there and put some dry clothes on. I finished first like always Carter always took longer to get dressed. Soon after we were done my parents appeared out of the woods and we took off. As soon as we left Carter fell asleep and his head ended on my shoulder I put my head on his and fell right to sleep. "Boys wake up." My mom said, I sat up looked around expecting to see our house but I was shocked to see a hotel across a amusement park. "Mom?" I asked "We saw how sad you both were last night so we decided to go to the amusement park. Carter we called your parents and they will be here soon. But for now we should get some more sleep." Carter and I got our own room but we were to excited to sleep so we watched TV for a while and ended up wrestling each other until my dad came into the room we charged at him but he just grabbed us and tossed us on the bed we all wrestled until my mom came in when she saw what we were doing she just shook her head and smiled. "I told you to tell them to get ready, now come on boys get ready Doug and Jane are already at the park waiting for us... And when I say boys I mean all three of you." she said eying up dad. We all laughed and headed out. When we got to the park Carter and I wanted to go on the rides right away so mom and dad went to find Carters parents. Carter and I went to a rollercoaster first ,we were so excited but one we got in line I started to get nervous, closer and closer we got and the more scared I got soon Carter noticed. "It's going to be fun trust me." Carter said "I...I don't know if I can do this." "It will fine besides I will be right next to you." "I don't know" I said still looking at the ride. "Look at me" Carter said but I didn't so Carter grabbed my head and made me look at him. "I told you I will be right next to you, I wont let anything happen to you." he said smiling at me. As soon as I seen his smile all my worries disappeared. We were next in line and my nerves came back. The car pulled up and everyone got out, the employees checked the car then we sat in the car and a employee checked our safety harness. As soon as he left I closed my eyes and started to shake a little. Carter grabbed my had and held it, I looked at him and he smiled and said everything will be alright. As soon as he said that the ride took off, he held my hand the entire time and I felt so safe. When the ride ended I actually enjoyed the coaster and wanted to go on another one but our parents were waiting for us when we exited. They told us to that they wanted everyone to go on a ride together so went with them. We fallowed then but they just went to a pavilion that's when we saw the banner that read `Happy 10th Birthday Carter and Trevor!' under it was all our friends. The place was all decorated and food all over, our parents really put a lot of effort for this to turn out how it did, you could see all the love they put into it. The day was great, we went on rides most of the day with all our friends, but Carter made sure that we were always together on the rides we held hands on the bigger rides but I didn't want anyone else to see how scared I was so we kept it discrete. Eventually our friends left we headed back to the hotel our parents went to their rooms to go to bed but we watched TV and played in our room eventually we got tired and crawled in bed. The bed wasn't big so we had to cuddle so we could fit together, just as I was about to fall asleep Carter softly said, "Told you I wouldn't let anything happen to you, I never will." and then pulled closer to me.

I woke up after in the middle of the night and was hit with sadness remembering that weekend, and how my parents used to be, I haven't thought about those memories for a long time since they just make me depressed. I felt Carter move and then my and all my sadness went away. He is all the love I need, and ever needed. My whole life he was their when I needed him, even when I didn't realize I needed him and I never want that to change.

"I love you Carter, you have always been there to hold my hand for me, I wish I could show you how much I love you and what you mean to me. I love you forever and always." I softly said as I pulled him close to me. Then I got an idea.

To be continued...

************** Got any ideas? **************

OK, so pretty soon they are going to be starting school, so that's going to be the main focus of the story for a while. Having went to a extremely small school I lack some knowledge of the inner working if schools with groups and the usual school stuff, so I was wondering if you wanted to share your experience with school or any ideas you have for the story. If I get inspired or like your idea you can get credit for it and I will sent an early copy of the story to you.

ALSO, sorry that this chapter was kind of short, I was going to keep going an have one long one but I don't know how long the next part is going to take. But I will keep trying to make them longer and they will come out faster.

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