I Lost a Bet

By Gary Sechen

Published on Jan 26, 2023


The following story is fiction. Any likeness to real persons is purely coincidental. If you are under 18 or if it is illegal for you to read this in your region, please leave now and only return when it is legal for you to read this material. Otherwise, I hope you enjoy. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. I am also very open to new ideas, characters, places to take the story, etc. Any feedback can be sent to gswm@bellsouth.net.

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M, MM, anal, BD, Exhib, WS

Chapter 8 I Lost a Bet - Weekend at Sir's He pulls me in, attaches the leash and the handcuffs and says welcome to your softball winning weekend. I'm handed a cocktail that Sir has made especially for me. I'm led out onto the deck out back and we sit and catch up. I'm sitting at his feet and you wouldn't think any time has passed since last Sunday when we were last together. In amongst my babbling I ask who the lady is next door and he says it is his mother. My jaw drops and he says not his real mother but the woman who looks after him. He says we'll go visit her sometime over the weekend.

Sir is running his hands all over me as we are talking. It seems non-stop since I've arrived. Less than a week and we can't stop. Sir covers my mouth and asks food or sex. My answer is to lunge for his cock. I say why I can't have both. He laughs and drops his clothes. I'm nursing his cock. Boy have I missed it and it doesn't disappoint me. I feel its length growing in my mouth. It seems to have gotten longer since last weekend. I'm having trouble getting it down my throat. Sir is being gentle but I want more. Soon he is getting harder and I can feel him tense up. I'm able to keep up until he finishes shooting. Sir also has a way to wipe whatever he has left on my face. He sits down and I put my face in his lap. I'm moaning and he asks why. I tell him about the cage and he rubs my face and I say thanks to him. I'm thinking I'd like to stay like this for eternity. After I've calmed down he leads me into the kitchen and we each fix a plate of food and return to the patio. I' sitting at his feet, actually he has his legs wrapped around me. I'm looking out onto his large peaceful yard. This is so relaxing. I tell Sir my thoughts as I was getting dressed this morning and he laughs. I'm just glad we're able to spend the weekend together he says. I grab his plate and take both to the kitchen and clean up. I ask Sir if I can have a glass of wine and he says to bring two. He pats the spot next to him on the sofa and I join him. His arm around me and I've got my head on his shoulder.

I feel my nipple tweaked and Sir says let put the day behind us. We go to his bedroom and Sir pulls out the butt plug. He pulls me to him and I fall on top of him. We kiss passionately and deep. Sir is fucking my face with his tongue. I feel his cock rising and bouncing against my ass. I slide down and apply plenty of spit on Sir's cock. I now climb back up and begin to sit on his cock. As I'm lowering myself Sir is massaging my body. His hands are rubbing my chest and my shoulders. I've fallen completely on Sir's cock. It feels so good resting inside me. It is warm and large and it is Sir. I begin to impale myself, slowly and methodically. I want this to last. It has been 5 days since I've felt this. As I'm riding on Sir he pulls me down and kisses again. I won't stop riding. I feel him rubbing my prostate and my cock is leaking. I don't want to stop this; I can't believe how wonderful this feels. Sir has started twisting my nipples, not hard but sensually gentle. My body's nerves are on edge throughout my body. Wherever he touches me I'm on fire. Sir begins to moan so I slow down. I'm not going to let him cum yet. I want to keep this up for a while. I lean down and kiss Sir again. He puts his fingers into my mouth and I suck on them as if they were his cock. I'm trying to put all of my energy into pleasuring Sir. My cock has grown but not to a length that would strain at the bonds of the cage. My cock is being pleasured by Sir massaging my prostate. Sir begins to push and pull me on his cock and he is actively pounding my ass now. Sir is on edge and I tighten my ass around his cock and I feel him pumping me full. I see the contortions on his face and body. His orgasm is a total body experience. I don't stop riding him; I'll get all of him I can out of his cock. Sir pulls me down to him and tells me not to move. I sit still as we kiss. This is a long passionate kiss in which his hands are all over me. It almost feels like foreplay but we've just finished. Sir pushes my body so I'm sitting straight up on his cock and holds me still. Then I feel it. Sir is filling me with more of his fluids. He is pissing up my ass. This is so much hotter than a shower enema. Sir stops and tells me to clench down hard and not to let go at all. In one motion Sir has pulled out and quickly shoved the plug back in me. I'm so shocked and pleased I don't know what to say. He rolls over on top of me and I ask for his cock. Sir let's me clean his cock and I get the remnants of his cum and piss in my mouth. He rolls off of me and we are staring at each other.

After catching his breath Sir thanks me for allowing him to do that because he's never been able to do that before. I tell him that I've never done that before either but it feels incredible. Sir has now wrapped his arm around me and pulled me close and the covers are over us. I feel the warmth of his body and just the feeling of him close to me. I drift off at peace.

Sir has rolled onto his back during the night. I don't know what time it is but I can see he has an erection. Sir is sleeping calmly; I move the covers down so I can see his body. I look over his body, his muscular arms and pecs that are lined with his red fur. Sir's cock is leaking onto his belly and I watch him breathe trying not to awaken him. What I would give to have his cock in my mouth right now. Maybe later I'll have that opportunity. I pull the covers back up over us and nuzzle up close to his pit and drift off to sleep again.

Now I feel Sir moving and look at his face. He is smiling and I grab a quick kiss. It doesn't take me long to realize he is sporting his morning wood. I'm going to take advantage of it. I crawl down between his legs and have his cock in me. I figure I'll give him the opportunity to pee if he needs to and am rewarded in no time. As I've begun to realize the morning piss is very strong tasting. I don't mind as it is Sir's offering to me. Once he has drained is bladder I work on my next tasting. Sir has now got his legs around my head and is pulling me close and tight. I'm able to get his cock down my throat and massage the head. He is talking to me and calling me a good boy, and he tells me not to stop. I go back to working his head with my tongue and Sir begins to laugh as it feels good to him. He continues to talk dirty to me and tell me what he is going to do all day long. He tells me how good this feels and I know he is close. He cock gives one last shove into me and he is pumping me full again. I don't stop trying to please him until he pulls me off and has decorated my face with what is left.

Sir pulls me up and we snuggle. I tell Sir that I have a confession to make and tell him I need to apologize to him. He doesn't understand and asks why. I tell him during the night while he had me in his arms I had an orgasm. I tell him I wasn't touching myself and that it just happened. He asks me if I was awake or asleep and I say I don't know but after it happened I felt the sheets and knew it was my cum on them. I tell him I was either thinking about or dreaming about last Friday night when Sir had put Joe in his place. Sir told me not to be concerned about it. The cock cage is not meant to stop me from ejaculating but to keep me from playing with myself. He is glad that I had an orgasm and that I should not be concerned or worried.

Sir tells me that we need to clean me out and then get started on the morning. He helps me to the bathroom and has me standing next to the toilet. I'm told to keep my hole clenched tight when he removes the plug and to sit down as soon as possible. Sir tells me to get good and clean in his shower.

I meet Sir in the kitchen and have a glass of juice. He tells me we are on our way for a bike ride. He has put on the same riding outfit as me only his shows off more muscles. I get mine on and Sir uncuffs my wrists. They are reattached to my right arm. Sir gives me a pair of socks and sneakers to put on and we go get a pair of bikes from his garage. These are really nice bikes. I tell Sir to lead the way and we are off. He keeps up a good pace but I'm able to stay with him. Luckily we are not doing too many hills. I'm getting winded as well as drenched with sweat. We stop at a coffee shop and enter. Sir orders for both of us, I'm lucky to get a cappuccino while Sir is having a regular cup of coffee. He hands me a large cup and tells me to go fill it up as he is looking in the direction of the restroom. I get it half full and return, Sir takes the cup from my hand and is off to the restroom and fills it up to the top. He has a lid placed on it. I'm sipping on it while we wait for our order to be filled. He tells me to go sit on the bench and wait. I now notice that the sweat and tightness of my singlet has made my body and attachments very visible. He wants me on display as customers enter the store. I don't care anymore because I'm doing this for Sir. I'm taking large gulps of my special beverage as people walk by. I see the stares and wonder if the guys are jealous. Sir comes up and sits down next to me with his arm around me. We look like twins with the same uniform on but Sir is the good looking one.

We chat about plans for the day. He tells me that George Jr. and Sasha are coming over for lunch. His wife is attending a baby shower - yeah she had another boy. Sir thinks we have enough to feed our guests but we'll need to go to the store later to get supplies for dinner. I ask who will be at dinner and he tells me Jack who I met last weekend as well as Ted and Chris. They said as soon as they found out I was going to be there for the weekend that they wanted an invite. Sir mentioned several other friends of his who had agreed and a couple of people might show up but they couldn't be sure yet. I asked if they knew I would be naked and he said yes and they wouldn't even bat an eyelash to see me that way. I asked if he had a menu picked out and then asked me what I would like to plan. I asked if he had a grill and he said a charcoal grill but had not used it in a long time. I suggested grilled salmon and with a large party we could have two different preparations. I asked about couscous and some kind of salad and he said I should go for it. God, now here I was meeting several of his friends and I was responsible for the meal they would be eating as well.

I had finished my cappuccino but not the special coffee but Sir said we should be heading back. I put my drink in a cup holder on my bike as we were off again. I loved watching his ass as his legs were pumping up and down. I was mesmerized and once when he stopped suddenly I almost ran over him. We got back to Sir's street and as we were cruising to his house his neighbor lady was outside picking up her paper. Sir said hello and formally introduced me to Jennipher. I shook her hand and said good morning. She asked why I was dressed today and we said we had gone for a long bike ride. She said that was too bad for me. We both laughed and put our bikes away in the garage. I peeled out of my singlet and took the last of my coffee out onto the back porch. It was different looking out here in the day light. I stay on the soft grass and actually lay down. This felt so comfortable.

Sir was talking about the dinner menu and I asked if he had beverages for the guests and said we should have two offerings of wine, red and white. I asked if anybody drank beer and he said if they did he thought he had enough. I asked if he was offering cocktail and he again thought he had enough spirits and mixers but maybe not enough ice. Sir had changed into shorts and a t-shirt and said we should be going. I went and slipped into my singlet which was totally drenched. It clung to me like a wet napkin. I figured I'll make quite the spectacle at the grocery store. I pushed the cart while Sir led us around the store. We had all of the supplies and at the checkout we got a long once over by the cashier, Kevin. The bagger was a young lad Ron. He helped us out to Sir's car and even loaded the groceries. For the drive back to Sir's, I gave him my singlet so I could enjoy the ride. I got out of the car to open the garage while Sir drove in. I gave a wave to no one in particular but just felt I should do so before I closed the garage door. We pack the groceries away and then began preparations for lunch with Jr. and Sasha.

I asked Sir if everything went all right with the birth and was told yes. Sir said they named him Frances and he told me Sasha's real name was George III but they didn't want to confuse him early on with both of his ancestors around. We had things set and went out and sat on the patio. Sir asked if I was all right and I said I couldn't be better. I asked him how he was doing and he pulled my hand to his crotch where I felt a hard cock. He said does that answer your question? I could only smile at him.

After a while we heard the car doors slam and figured that it was our lunch guests. Sir answered the door and Sasha was running in at lightning speed. He yelled yeah, boy is naked and I can be too. Sasha was out of his clothes before he finished yelling. He ran and jumped up into Sir's arms and gave him a big hug and kiss. He jumped down and ran over to me and jumped up and I got a big kiss and hug as well. Sasha was off running around the yard rolling over everything. Jr. gave Sir a big hug and thanked him for the chance to get away from the women of the baby shower. He didn't want to be wearing any ribbons or shit they might try on him. Jr. walked over to me and said good to meet me again while he hugged me. He said I looked just as good this weekend as last. I got Jr. a beer, Sir a soda and Sasha a cup of water and Sir had provided me a special drink before they had arrived. We sat outside and talked while Sasha played around. Jr. was so happy his wife finally delivered and he hoped this was the end of their child bearing activities. I said I didn't know anything about birthin' or raising but I like the trying part. After a little while longer I suggested we get lunch on and I set the table. I'd asked what everyone wanted on their salad and prepared them as asked. I put the four plates on the table and finally Sasha joined us.

Sasha was having trouble eating since the chair was too low for him and I asked if Sasha and I could go eat on the lawn. Sir nodded his head and Jr. just shrugged his shoulders. I took Sasha's and my plate and we went out onto the lawn, lying down on our stomachs to eat. It must have been a sight to see an older naked guy and a 5 year old on the ground together in a non-sexual way. I didn't know it at the time but Jr. and Sir were talking. Jr. had told Sir that I appeared to be something special especially how far and fast I'd come since just meeting him last week. He also confessed that my ass looked pretty good as I was lying down. Sir confided that it really was good and said what had transpired in the last 24 hours. Jr. asked Sir for a favor since he had not had any sex besides his hand jobs since his wife was 5 months pregnant. He wondered if his boy could help him out in his need. Sir had told him he might not go back to women after me. Jr. said that was a risk worth taking.

Sir called the two of us over and said that he was going to tell Sasha a story while his dad and boy went into the bedroom for a nap. Jr. kissed his son and grabbed my hand. Sir looked at me and just nodded. Once we were behind closed doors, Jr. had his hands all over me. He explained how long it had been since he had sex. I asked how I could help and he said for me to climb into bed. Jr. was undressed and lying next to me under the covers. I figured I'd treat him as well as I could treat Sir. I first went down on his cock and his long cock was growing rapidly. It was down my throat and Jr. was moaning and writhing on the bed. He wanted me to stop but I wouldn't. I was going to town on his penis and he couldn't stop me. He started convulsing quickly and was shooting down my throat. I tried to get a taste of him but he pulled out and finished on my face. His ragged breathing told me he was happy and I said wait for the second act. I was licking his pits, nipples and even went down and licked his ass. All he could say was I should be teaching his wife these things. His nipples were very sensitive and I found out that they must be directly connected to his cock. In no time he was getting hard again. I licked his cock getting it nice and wet. I reached around and pulled out the plug and sat on his long cock. Thankfully it wasn't too thick but its length made up for that. Once I'd sat completely on his cock I began the riding that I'd done to Sir last night. Jr. rolled me over and was on top now. He began his long hard strokes in and out of me. He had me moaning now. I wrapped my legs around his torso and met his thrusts. It wasn't long before he was cumming again. The noise we made was quite loud. Jr. was breathing hard and said it had been a long time since he'd had sex like that. I told him he knew where to find me. Jr. grabbed the plug and said he'd better get it back in or he might be in trouble.

Jr. finally got dressed and we rejoined Sasha and Sir. We were asked if we had a nice and restful nap. I said I was satisfied. Jr. grinned and said he was totally relaxed. Sasha broke the ice and asked what was on my penis and he had never seen anything like before. I told him it was for a game Sir and I played and he said ok. Jr. looked at his phone and found out it was fine for him and Sasha to return home. He told Sasha to get dressed and he complained. Sir and I gave Jr. Hugs and kisses and repeated the same with a now dressed Sasha.

We were alone again, Sir asked if I was ok and I told him that I was fine. I said both Jr. and Sasha were wonderful and I couldn't believe how fine a job Jr. was doing raising his son. I said I could wait to see how things were in ten years.

Next: Chapter 9

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