I Lost a Bet

By Gary Sechen

Published on Jan 23, 2023


The following story is fiction. Any likeness to real persons is purely coincidental. If you are under 18 or if it is illegal for you to read this in your region, please leave now and only return when it is legal for you to read this material. Otherwise, I hope you enjoy. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. I am also very open to new ideas, characters, places to take the story, etc. Any feedback can be sent to gswm@bellsouth.net.

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Chapter 7 I Lost a Bet - Back at Home

In bed again I'm having trouble sleeping. Tonight something is wrong but I can't figure it out. I end up tossing and turning most of the night. I decide to get out of bed at 5am, which is far too early. I figure I'd better make good use of the time and think maybe I'll go for a bike ride. It is still way before sunrise and I can use the singlet again. I get it from the bathroom and step into it. It is dry but it has my telltale odors from yesterday. It is also a bit crusty down below. With my socks and shoes on I grab my bike and head out.

This actually feels pretty good. The temp is on the cool side and not much traffic on the roads to worry about. I can keep up a good pace and I am feeling fine. Another biker comes upon me and when he is passing me says he likes my uniform. He tells me he is jealous. I smile and say it feels great. I begin the journey back home as it is getting lighter. Thankfully I get home and in my apartment without the neighbors getting a show from me. After taking off my clothes again I drink a glass of juice and figure it is time to try out the enema in the shower. I turn on the water to get it a comfortable temperature and climb in the tub. Then I see the reason that I've felt something is wrong, I never put the plug back in me last night. Too late now, I'll clean myself out and then put it in as I normally would have. The first flush of water is clean most likely since I've just used it late last night. I rinse off the plug as I'm showering and grab the lube and push it in. It is fitting tighter than I remember but that must be due to the fact that I wasn't wearing it. I grab the razor and trim what I can then dry myself off.

I go sit in front of the computer and send Sir an e-mail apologizing for my mistake in not putting the plug back in last night after Steve left. I said I hoped it wouldn't happen again and that now it was safely back where it belonged. I shut down the computer and started to get ready for work. God how I hated this part of the morning but it would be the weekend soon.

I was sitting mindlessly at my work computer and I had a notice of a new e-mail and saw it was from Sir. I had forgotten that I gave him this address. Discreetly I clicked on it and read it. He told me not to worry about making a mistake. He told me I took the correct action, first I told him. Secondly I corrected the mistake without making matters worse. And lastly he wanted me to know that nobody is perfect and that we all will err from time to time. He told me not to worry but to learn from this experience. He told me to call this morning when I had a chance.

Later I called Sir and he thanked me for the pics yesterday. He also liked the ones with Steve. He thought I look adorable in the biking uniform he said the color and size was just right for me. He asked if I still had the softball game tonight and I said yes. He thought it would be a good idea if for tonight's game I didn't wear the plug. He thought the activity would be too much too soon. I said he might be right. He told me to take it out as soon as possible today and he asked me to do him a favor. He wanted me to clean it up and place it beside my monitor and to take a pic of it. He said that it would be just like the pic he sent me that I had in my imagination placed beside the monitor. I told Sir I'd do that as soon as possible and text him the pic. He encouraged me about tonight's game. He wanted us to win and said I'd get two prizes from him if we won so he would be waiting anxiously for me to call him after the game.

I went back to work and when I thought the timing was best I headed for the men's room. Sitting in my usual stall I'm having some difficulty pulling out the plug. Actually a co-worker asks if everything is ok in there. Without knowing with whom I'm speaking to I say yes, just a little constipation. Finally I get it out but now I need to wait and make sure the coast is clear so I can wash it off. Not hearing any sounds for like 5 minutes I leave the stall and quickly wash myself and the plug off. I wrap it in paper towels and head back to my cubicle. I set my little friend up like he is a garden gnome and take his pic. I hide him away in my drawer and text the photo to Sir. He replies "I love it, thanks boy".

Now I just count down the time to the game. We all head out to the softball field right after work. We change in the bathrooms at work. Today I use a stall to change since I can't let anyone see how I look under my clothes. I'm also wearing a t-shirt high on my neck so they don't see the chain and lock. At the field we are warming up as usual and Joe is going around to everyone telling us how we have to be on our toes today because we'll fall out of first place if we lose. Instead of encouraging us he is berating us. I just shake my head and ignore him. I see Craig is late arriving; usually he and Joe drove together. Anyway the game is close for a softball game. Neither team is ahead of the other by more than a run. It is now the 7th inning and the score is tied. I'm lucky to get a hit and Craig follows me with another hit. I make it to third and he is on first. Joe is up to bat and hits an easy double play ball but I've scored to take the lead. Our last batter makes an out so we're up by one run going into the last half inning. Joe of course is our pitcher needing to be the center of attention. I'm catching and Craig is in right field. We get the first guy to pop out, only two more and I'll get to call Sir and tell him we've won. The next batter gets a clean single, one on with one out. The next batter hits the ball to Joe and it should be a game ending double play but he bobbles the ball and is only able to get the guy out at first base. They have a runner on second with two out. The next batter hits a ball cleanly to right field and Craig is positioned perfectly, gets the ball and fires it to me at home plate and I tag the guy out. We've won and clinch first place. Everyone is mobbing me and Craig for making the final play. Joe is jumping up and down about his pitching abilities and how he got the guy to hit it right to Craig. Thankfully nobody is paying too much attention to him.

As we are relaxing at the field I take the opportunity to call Sir and tell him the good news. He tells me I can enjoy the first of my prizes by inserting the butt plug right now. I say thank you Sir and discreetly head back to my car to complete the task. Luckily I have enough lube to make it slide right in. A few guys see me walking back to the field a little gingerly and ask if I got hurt on the last play and say no I don't think so.

We head out to a local sports bar to celebrate. I don't want too much to drink so I figure I'll disguise my beer by peeing into my cup. That way I can hang out with them and not have too much to drink. I also notice that Craig and Joe aren't spending any time together as they are sitting on opposite sides of our table and not interacting at all. Interesting I think.

I tell everyone I need to be getting home as it still is a work night. I get home nice and sweaty and text Sir with the specifics of the game. He tells me he has a surprise for me but won't let me know until I get home from work tomorrow. I say my naked body can't wait to hear what he has in store for me and that is the end of the texting. I quickly check e-mail and I've got one from Sir. All it says is enjoy, he did. And I see pics of us fucking. It is from one of the times on the trails when he fucks me so well I cum without touching myself. Ah, those memories.

I'm able to sleep well tonight. It must be a combination of the game and the encouraging words from Sir. I sleep until 6 and figure that I might as well get a quick bike ride in before work. Even though I'm biking with next to nothing on or maybe because that is the case, this energizes me for the day. The guy from yesterday is again on my route and says hey sexy, glad to see you up and at it again. I blow him a kiss and he laughs. I run into only one person in the apartment and it is the guy of the newlyweds and he says hello. I make a joke about him having sex every morning and I'm riding a bike. He says cheers and leaves while I'm entering my apartment. I have the stripping off of my clothes down to a science. I'm naked and standing at the frig drinking some juice out of the container. Next I'm in the shower doing my routine. It is much easier with the shower nozzle. I'm back in order and still using a disposable razor since I haven't read the instructions for the electric body groomer.

I have a little bite to eat and then for the last time this week I get dressed. Thank god tomorrow is Saturday and I'll be able to lounge around in my birthday suit. At work a lot of people are talking about the game last night. Apparently they think that Craig and I are the heroes of the game. I'm nonchalant about this and thank everyone. I just say it was a team effort and leave it at that. Joe is telling everyone that it was the way he pitched to the last batter and how he had Craig positioned in the correct place that made for the perfect play. Nobody is buying his story but they also know not to challenge him.

Talking to Sir during my morning break I fill him in on the chatter about the game. He tells me he is sorry he missed the game. I tell him there will be plenty more for him to watch. He really is proud of me and being involved in winning the game. He says I deserve a celebration and he has one planned for me. I'm to call him when I get home tonight and I'll hear the plans then. I thank him and tell him I'll be on pins and needles until tonight. Needless to say the afternoon passes all too slowly. As we are walking out for the week one of my close friends says she has been dying to ask me all week about the chain and lock around my neck. Instinctively I grab for it and ask if anyone else know and she says nobody has said anything to her about it. I pull her close and tell her that I met someone last weekend and he seems to be very special and that I'll fill her in on Monday when I hope to know more. She winks and says she is glad for me.

Finally I'm home and as soon as I've stripped down I call Sir. For the first time since I've met him this is the only time we haven't connected when we've planned. I take out one of the last cigarettes from last weekend and light it up. I've finished it and light up the last one. It is gone and still no reply from Sir. Shit, what is going on? I hope he is all right since this is the first something like this has happened. Finally my phone rings and I see it is Sir. He apologizes and said he didn't judge the time right and just finished making the plans. As we are talking he tells me to log on to my e-mail and see if I've received something from him. I say yes and click on it and am reading it. He asks if I understand it and I say I think so. He says to read it again which I do. He asks me if I have any questions and I say no. He says it should take me no more that 90 minutes to drive here even with traffic and if I'm delayed to call him. I say thank you and I'll be leaving in a couple of minutes.

Sir has invited me to his house for the weekend. I'm to pack all of the following: Toothbrush Norelco Body Groomer Singlet

I guess I'm packing lightly. I also have my choice if I want to wear the thong for my walk to the car. I figure that it doesn't do any good so why bring it along. The instructions have the detailed directions to his house including the address. I grab my phone and put it and the toothbrush, body groomer and singlet into a bag and start to leave. As I'm backing out of my door I see the newlywed guy arriving back at his place. He says it looks like you're off for some fun and I say I hope so. He says he is looking forward to hear about it when I have a chance. I peek out of the door leading to the parking lot and seeing no one I take a jog to my car. I think it is a miracle that I'm not noticed. I start up and pull out of the parking lot and begin the journey I never expected. I have to pinch my nipples to keep me focused on driving. I nearly missed one of the landmarks for a turn but make it ok.

I'm soon entering a very residential area. I'm getting nervous about driving naked around here. I'm on Sir's street and I see the house he described. He told me to park in the driveway and to ring the doorbell. I figure what the fuck, so I get out of the car with all of my belongings and ring the bell. An elderly woman answers the door and I say I'm sorry I must have the wrong place. She grabs my arm and says he must be playing a trick on you, he lives over there. She adds but do stop by when you have a chance, I'd like to see more of you. I get back into the car and drive next door. I see Sir standing there in the doorway. I get out and run up to him and give him a big kiss, then I slap his ass and say that wasn't funny.

Next: Chapter 8

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