I Lost a Bet

By Gary Sechen

Published on Jan 19, 2023


The following story is fiction. Any likeness to real persons is purely coincidental. If you are under 18 or if it is illegal for you to read this in your region, please leave now and only return when it is legal for you to read this material. Otherwise, I hope you enjoy. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. I am also very open to new ideas, characters, places to take the story, etc. Any feedback can be sent to gswm@bellsouth.net.

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Chapter 6 I Lost a Bet - Back at home

After a couple of regular cocktails and my heart rate got back to a normal range I fired up the computer. I had a ton of e-mails starting from Thursday. One of the latest received was from cmnmtop. I clicked it and sure enough it was from Sir. He started with since you are reading this you got home safely. I can't tell you how much fun I had with you. You need to know you were an integral part in our weekend. I don't know if you realized it but Ted asked if he could take photos of the two of us over the weekend. We had an agreement; I get control of the photos while Ted can of course look at them and enjoy them. For agreeing to this Ted supplied me with a couple of Calais tablets which we took on Saturday morning. I'll be sending you pics all week long, a few each night. You have my cell number and now my e-mail. Call if you want to talk, I'll be in contact with you on Tuesday. Until then rest comfortably tonight and I'll miss having you beside me, Sir.

I scrolled thru the pics and the first one was taken when Chris was shaving me for the first time and I came all over the place. Then I saw pics of me playing pool after I beat Ted and up until I lost that bet to Sir. My heart rate had gone back into overdrive while I was thinking of all of the problems these pics could cause. I shut the computer down and was shaking. What could I do? Damn, I remember that Sir wanted confirmation that I had received the pics; I logged back on and hit reply to his message. All I could muster is that yes I had received the pics and thanked him for thinking of me and signed it boy. I hit send and the message was gone.

What had I got myself into? Then I thought to how trusting Sir was and I calmed down a little. I had convinced myself that Sir would not harm me in any way with these pics. I did trust Sir. In no time my phone rang and Sir asked if I was ok. I said I trusted him but was concerned that the pics could somehow leak out thru the internet. He told me that he had encrypted the pics that Ted had so they could not leave his computer. All of the pics that Sir had were saved on a flash drive so someone would have to physically get it and that was highly unlikely. Sir suggested that if I wanted to save any of the pics that I should put them on a flash drive as well. He reassured me that all was safe and I should take the opportunity to relish and relive our weekend thru the pics. He told me if I preferred he would not send anymore to me and I said that was not necessary and I was eager to see what images had been preserved. I told Sir that I was nervous about going to work tomorrow it would be the first time I wore clothes since Thursday. He reminded me how confidant I was over the weekend and to take that same attitude to work. I suggested he call me about 10am so I could get a shot of confidence. He promised and again said he would miss me sleeping next to him.

I tried watching some tube but couldn't get interested in any shows or games. I figured I should just try and get some sleep. My own bed felt comfortable but I kept reaching for Sir's touch. It wasn't there. On those rare moments that I did fall asleep I must have gotten an erection as I woke up with by cock and balls aching. I didn't have to be into work until 9 but decided to get up at 6 anyway.

I thought I should try to clean myself out and do some touch up shaving. I had that completed by 7 and sat naked in front of the computer going thru e-mails. Most were junk, a few were from friends asking about my weekend. How was I going to answer them? Maybe I should give them an answer about how good it was and I met a lot of nice people and was looking forward to returning. I crafted neutral letter and pretty much copied it and sent it to all who asked. It was now time to put clothes on again. I pulled on the underwear, socks, t-shirt, shirt and pants. God how awful it all felt. Finishing with a belt and shoes I looked like I did last week without any changes in me. As I stood up I felt the butt plug and a smile covered my face. On the drive to work I imagined Sir was sitting next to me holding my hand. I felt I could feel his fingers on my body. When I leaned over to kiss him I was brought back to reality.

As I was pouring a cup of real coffee I could see Sir handing it to me. I walked to my cubical and sat down. I turned on my computer, went thru my phone for messages and tried to get back into the swing of things. The underwear was causing problems with the cock cage and I couldn't get comfortable. Something was trying to make me hard but that couldn't happen. My cock was leaking and if it weren't for my underwear I'm sure I'd have a big wet spot on my pants. Co- workers are stopping by and asking about my camping trip. The all say that I'm looking different but great. It must have been the fresh country air I say. Only a handful of co-workers know that I'm gay so they don't know I was at a gay campground. Those that know are discreet until we can talk openly.

My cell rings at 10 o'clock on the button. I tell my supervisor that I need to take this call and say I'm taking my morning break early today. I tell Sir to hold on while I walk to the outdoor break area. I say ok that I'm able to talk now. Sir tells me to spill my guts to him. He tells me how concerned he is and wants to know if he should come by tonight. I tell him last night was just a brief setback for me and that I've worked thru it thanks to my trust in him. Sir asks me to repeat it and I tell him that I'm fine, really. I do confess that wearing the cock cage and underwear do not seem to work together. He laughs and says I can or cannot wear underwear. After a day or so it will begin to feel normal, unfortunately. I sigh and agree. He asks me to once an hour write down the thoughts that are passing thru my brain and to share them with him tonight. Once again he asks if I'm ok and I tease him by saying yes mom, I'm ok. He says you bitch you'll pay for that and says he'll call me tonight for an update. I do say to Sir that I miss his coffee. He tells me that we'll have to work on that. I thank him again and say that it has been too long and I miss him. He tells me to keep my chin up and we'll talk later. The line is dead and I just stare at my phone. On my way back to my cubicle I pass Joe and say hi, he just walks by without acknowledging me. I just smile remembering how Sir took care of him for me.

Lunch was uneventful and I go to the bathroom for the first time. I sit down and I think I've got the peeing thing figured out. I'm back at my desk and figuring out how I can rock on my chair to move the plug in and out. It feels fine until my cock starts to react. I make a few faces I figure out I can't do that anymore.

Finally it is 5 and I can shuffle off with everyone else. Joe is ahead of me and I watch him get into the car with Craig and they drive off. I wonder how they got together and even more stay together. Anyway, I'm now in my car and think I should remove some of my clothes for the drive home. I decline and decide that tomorrow I'll do something daring. Another mindless day of work (it does pay the bills) and I'm anxiously entering my apartment.

Now I can get naked again. I have my clothes off in a hurry and it feels good to walk around with my cock bouncing freely. I go over to the note card I've made and add that to the list. I've got a couple of cigarettes left and light one up thinking of how Sir bought them at the convenience store and I nearly got into trouble. Again I'm smiling and it is Sir's face that is the lasting image. When the cig is finished I pour a glass of wine and figure out what I'll make for dinner. I take it over to my desk and wait for the laptop to start up. First thing I do is check e- mail and I've got pics from Sir. One is shortly after we connected on Friday morning and are walking around. I'm still wet so it must have been after that first shower. Next was a pic of us having breakfast and then one at our cabin and now I was wearing the collar. It brought me back to the present and I fingered it hanging around my neck. The last pic was of us entering the trails.

My cock was hard but this was before its confinement. I still had a smile on my face remembering that first time in the woods.

I quickly went thru the rest of the e-mails noting the one about our softball game on Thursday night. I couldn't wait to be around Craig wondering if he was still thinking about the bj I gave him. I went over and turned on the TV to watch the news.

Just before the end of the program my door bell buzzed. It nearly scared the shit out of me because nobody ever visits me, especially on a weeknight. I go over to the intercom and say yes and the person on the other end say he has a delivery for me. I tell him I'll buzz him in but to just leave it at my door. He tells me that this delivery requires a signature and he must get it or else.

I'm getting annoyed because I can't answer the door naked and keep that I've promised to be naked at home for Sir. I buzz the delivery guy in and yell thru the door that I can't answer the door so just leave the package. He again says he can't do that and that he must get my signature AND confirm my identity. He tells me he can't leave until this is done. Oh well, I'll have a great story to tell Sir when we talk. Hopefully this guy understands. Taking a deep breath I open the door and the delivery man walks in. He is not in standard uniform, just casual clothes. He hands me three wrapped packages and I must sign his manifest. I see that it should be 4 items and inquire and he says he forgot one and he'll be right back. These packages have no return address or mailing label on them. This is all very strange. He is buzzing the intercom and I let him in. he says before I get the last item I must sign the sheet and while I'm holding all 4 items he'll leave. I sign and he hands me a cup of "coffee". He now says smile and his phone is up snapping a pic of me. He tells me that Sir sends his best. With that he rushes out. I'm cursing Sir but thanking him at the same time. I smell the "coffee" and know what it is and take a big swig.

Within minutes my phone rings and it is Sir. I answer by saying thanks for the coffee. He laughs and says he has the pic of me proving that I'm naked. The delivery guy texted it to him and he says he is proud of me for staying naked. He says that the one package that is a tube I'm not to touch until tomorrow so I put it aside. He tells me I can open the other two gifts. I unwrap the first and it is a picture of the two of us on stage receiving the coupon for a free weekend, Sir is standing behind me with his arms wrapped around me. I tell him I didn't realize my cock was so hard while we're on the stage. Sir says he thinks this pic would be good for my cubicle at work. I can't contain my laughter. The next pic is a much larger one. I'm lying on the ground in the woods and one of Sir's boots is on my body while he is pissing on me. This pic really could be a piece of art. It is in black and white and the light reacting with Sir's stream is stunning. Sir says this should be displayed in my living room since it is so nice and everyone should be able to enjoy it. I'm so taken back by these two pics I don't know what to say. While Sir is talking I'm drinking my special coffee. I've recounted my feelings throughout the day and Sir says nothing is out of the ordinary. I'm told that tonight I should be able to get a good night's sleep and my routine should become more normal each day. I thank him again and tell him I miss him and say good night. Now is when I really miss him as I've got a tear rolling down my cheek.

After watching a little TV I decided to go to bed. I wedge myself between some pillows and pretend one is Sir lying behind me. Drifting off to sleep I have many fond memories of our weekend and I only wake up when my cock wants to join in on the pleasant dreams. I had no idea that I got hard so many times during sleep. When I wake it is with what is normally my morning wood and then I can't do anything about it. It has only been a couple of days but I'm becoming a little obsessed with a need to jack off. I figure if I get up and get busy maybe those thoughts will go away. As I'm making the bed I see a large wet spot and realize I must have been leaking pre-cum all night.

In the bathroom I clean myself out and relube the plug and shove it back in. It feels so good, almost as good as Sir's cock. I grab a razor and try to clean up the stubble beginning to appear around my pubic area. I do as well as I can but the cock cage is in the way. I shave away what has started to grow in my pits and chest area and arms. I tell myself tonight I'll try to do my legs.

I take my shower so that I'm ready for another day at the office.

After I surf the web a little it is time to get dressed. My mind wanders thinking about what it would be like to just go to work naked. I realize that wouldn't work for me in a co-ed environment. An all men's office I could deal with. Sir has led me to appreciate the differences that each man has to offer. I shake my head and get that image out of my mind. I've got everything on and I still don't like it but what am I going to do.

Soon I'm at the office and getting my regular coffee and heading to my desk. Sitting down at my desk I imagine where I would put the pic that Sir sent me. I decide that I'd like to have it right next to my computer screen so I could see him and how happy I was with him. I move a little plant to that exact spot and whenever I look at it I'll think of that pic. Work passes far too slowly but it is time for my morning break. I take my cell and call Sir as soon as I can. We chat a bit and I tell him about the pic and the plant substitute I have on my desk. Then I tell him about my little fantasy this morning about going to work totally naked in the office. He says that will take some effort to make happen and we both laugh. Sir tells me he'll call me at 6:30 tonight and to enjoy the rest of my day.

On the drive home I stop and get a couple more bottles of the enema solutions. I notice the clerk giving me the eye. I leave and get home as soon as possible so I can get naked. Once in the door I'm pulling off my cloths and putting them in the hamper. I poor a soda and sit down in front of my computer. No message from Sir and I'm mildly disappointed. He did say he was calling so I'll have to be satisfied with that tonight. Then I see the package he had sent yesterday but I can't open until today. I figure he'll let me know about it when we talk later.

I'm just finishing my dinner when Sir calls. After some small talk he tells me to open the package. I see that it is some kind of clothing but it is very small. I feel it and it is spandex type of material. Sir tells me it is a triathlon/biking singlet that the participants use. He tells me it is very stretchy and is sure that I can fit into it. He tells me to step into it and pull it on. I go into my bedroom so I can look at it in the mirror. Doing so this thing is so tight, it pulls my cock and balls up and out leaving nothing to the imagination. You can see the outline of the cock cage as well as my balls. The top is cut very low, almost down to my navel. The sides are also cut low so that my pits are on display. When I turn around the back has ridden right up in my crack so each butt cheek is on display. I pick up my phone and I'm talking to Sir. He asks how I like it. I tell him it leaves little to the imagination. He says that is good since I told him I wanted to be naked at work. I start to say something and he says no you are not wearing this to work but I have some chores for you to run for me.

Here is the plan, you are going to ride your bicycle to the atm. you can put your atm card down the front of your singlet; I don't think it'll go anywhere. You'll get $120 dollars out of your account. Next you will go down the street to the drugstore. In there you will buy a Norelco Men's Personal Groomer. You can also get a shower enema kit. Pay for those two items and then head down to Lowes. In there you'll need to ask for help on what kind of plumbing parts you'll need to attach the enema hose to your shower. The staff should be able to help you with how to install it. Once you have that you should peddle home so you can get out of your clothes. One more thing, Sir asks me to take a pic of myself in this outfit so he knows how it fits. He asks if I have any questions and the only thing I can say is Sir you must be kidding. He assures me that I'll be fine and I'll really enjoy it once I get going. He asks that I call him when I get home to let him know how it went. Hanging up I take the pics Sir wanted, one from the front and one from the rear. I send them to Sir. I'm putting my socks and sneakers on and hope that this singlet doesn't split. I grab my debit card and put my keys on the wrist band and head out with my bike.

I run into the newly married couple as I'm leaving and they tell me to enjoy my bike ride but to be careful since it is so hot out.

This very small and bright yellow outfit is comfortable. Since it lifts my cock and balls out of the way I can pedal easily. I am working up a sweat and need to wipe my brow a few times. I get to the atm and I'm waiting behind a guy who is having trouble getting it to work. I look down and the sweat makes this outfit very explicit. Everywhere the singlet is wet you can nearly see thru it.

I cuss Sir; it wouldn't be so bad if he was next to me. Finally the guy ahead of me cusses and leaves he gives me a long look as he walks to his car. I walk up and put my card in and have no trouble getting money. I notice that this fellow has left his coffee cup there and I try to flag him down. He yells back at me and says for me to keep it since it looks like I need some refreshment.

I put the money in my sock and the atm card back in the singlet. I take a swig of his coffee and to my surprise it is his piss. He waves at me and I wave back. An older woman walks up to use the atm and says it sure is hot out tonight isn't it. I say it sure is.

I climb back on the bike and ride one handed so I can sip my refreshment. I slow down and toss the empty cup in the trash and get back to my errands. I see the drug store up ahead. I lock my bike and enter the store. I try not to look self conscious of my appearance but if I could I'd be wringing Sir's neck right now. I first head to the shaving area but this is only facial shaving needs. I look a little helpless a clerk warily approaches me and asks if he can help. I tell him what I'm looking for and he tells me to follow him. We get to the grooming section and he tells me I'm lucky because it is on sale this week. He grabs one from the display and tells me the highlights and that it can be used for both wet and dry shaving. He can't take his eyes off of me while he talks. His voice is cracking he is so nervous. He asks if that is all and I say I do need something else. I tell him I need a shower enema kit and again he says to follow him. We get to this section and there are many to choose from. While he is staring at my crotch I decide to have a little fun. I ask him to explain how they work and ask if he has any recommendations. He is demonstrating how it hangs from the shower head and I raise my arm and he sees that my pit is cleanly shaven. I know he wants to touch it but doesn't dare. My cock is trying to grow but I wince a little. It still leaks a lot adding to the sweat. He asks if everything is all right and I say all is ok. I ask him to continue his explanation of how the enema works and he is getting very technical. I ask him if this is the right one for a guy to use and he whispers to me a lot of guys use them. I say in a normal voice would you recommend this one for me, he can only nod. He asks if that is all and I say yes. I bend down right in front of him to grab my cash. He tells me to follow him and he'll ring up my purchase. When he hands me the bag with my items I shake his hand and thank him for his help. I tell him I'll think of him when I use them and be back to tell him how they both have worked out. I think he nearly passed out.

I'm back on my bike and realize it is a couple of miles to the next store. Thankfully my lights work on my bike but the neon yellow singlet is like a beacon warning cars away. I can't believe how warm and muggy it is this late at night. I don't think I have a dry spot on my body. I enter the store and I am asked to check my bag. I explain to the clerk that I need to get some attachments for what is in my bag. He says he needs to inventory what I have and will need to check my bags on the way out to make sure I'm not stealing anything. He pulls out the personal body groomer and asks what this is and I tell him that you can shave intimate body areas and parts safely with this razor. He pulls out the enema and asks if this is what I need help with and I say yes. He tells me to go to isle 14. If I need help, Steve is on duty there. I get to the correct place and am looking at all of these different things and have no idea what I need. I go searching for Steve and find him helping another customer. He acknowledges me and says he'll be right with me. I try to pull the pant legs down on my singlet but it doesn't help much. I'm browsing the isles and see myself in a display mirror. I can't believe how revealing this outfit is. I can even see the lock on the cock cage. Steve finally comes to my help and I explain I need some things to attach this thing to my shower head. He says ok, first what is this thing that needs attaching. I pull it out of the bag and he shakes his head yes. He asks what size of pipe my shower head is on and I say I don't have a clue. He grabs two fittings and puts them in my hand. Next he says he needs to see what is included in the box. He pulls out the hose and looks at what is there. He hangs it around my head and says I'll need one of these and one of these. He asks if I have plumbing tape and I say I doubt it. He asks if I have the tools I'll need to attach it. I stare at him with an empty look. Leaning over he say I'm not suppose to offer this but would you like me to put this all together for you tonight? I say would you, I don't have a clue. I give him my address and he says he gets off work at 10 and he should be to my place by 10:30. I thank him and he tells me to go pay for the items in my hand. I have the bag in one hand, a bunch of parts in my other hand and an enema hose hanging around my neck. God if only Sir could see me now. The parts I pay for are placed in one bag and I put it in with the other purchases. I try to stuff the enema kit back into its box but not too successfully. I head over to the guy who wants to check out my bag. He looks into it and says it looks fine. He takes the bag from me and puts it on the floor. He tells me to raise my arms and spread my legs. He does the pat down like a cop on TV.

He feels my pits, nice and smooth and sweaty. Next he is patting down my crotch and he is manhandling my cock cage. He turns me around and runs his hand along my butt crack and feels the plug, he pushes it twice. Lastly he slaps my butt cheek and tells me he couldn't let Steve have all the fun. He hands me my bag and tells me thanks for shopping at Lowes. A smile on my face, shaking my head and I give Sir a big kiss in my imagination.

I peddle back to my apartment as fast as I can. I'll have to get things ready for Steve to fix up my shower. In my apartment I take a pic of me all sweating and grinning. I'll send it to Sir later but first I want to get out of the singlet. I hang it over the shower curtain to dry. I decide to air dry and pour myself a beer. I've nearly finished that drink when I hear the buzzer.

I ask Steve and he says yes. I buzz him in and have the door open for him. He has a tool chest with him. I ask if he'd like anything to drink and says a beer would be fine. I grab one for each of us and he asks where the shower is. I lead the way and he says he'll have it installed in a flash.

I step out and set up the razor to plug it in to start charging.

Steve calls me back to the bathroom and says it is ready. He asks me if I know how to use it and I say not really. He tells me it is better if I take a dump before I use it. I say ok but he says to go ahead, we're all men here no need to be embarrassed. He turns me around and pulls out the butt plug and sits it in the tub. I set down my beer and sit on the toilet. I've never sat and done my business with another person in the room. I grunt a little and a couple of good sized logs fall. I wipe myself and flush. Steve pulls me over and begins to tell me how to use it. We have the temp just right and the water pressure correct. He asks if I have some lube, I reach over to the medicine chest and hand him the tube. He has his finger in my ass and I'm now adequately lubed. He grabs the enema hose and pushes it in. He tells me to let it fill me up and when he has to pull out the hose to keeping my hole closed tight. He sits on the counter drinking his beer, he hands me mine. I try to take a sip but I'm too distracted and put it back on the counter. He tells me to hold it as long as I can then to squat over the drain and let loose. I keep waiting for Steve to leave but he doesn't so I do as I'm told. The water runs out and Steve said to look at it. If it is at all dirty I should repeat the procedure. I stand up and insert the enema myself and feel it filling me up.

When he sees my belly begin to budge he says that is enough and to again to hold it in as long as I can. He asks me if he can have another beer and tells me to get it while he waits in here. I walk very carefully and grab one for him and hand it to him and I climb back into the shower. He says if I begin to cramp it is time to let it go. I squat down and see that the water is clean. He hands me a towel and I dry off. I offer to pay him for his work and he says that is not necessary. He only asks if he can take a pic in the mirror with the two of us. He tells me that Sir wants to see it.

I tell him that is fine and I put my arm around him. He pushes a few buttons and the pic text has been sent. He gathers up his tools and says he needs to be getting home to his wife; she'll get worried if he is too late. He hugs me and leaves.

I send my two pics to Sir the front and back shots of me in the sweat drenched singlet. I grab my beer and go sit on the couch. It is not long and I get a text back from Sir, all he says is he is horny, pleasant dreams. I hit reply and say my cock is aching I'm so horny.

Next: Chapter 7

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