I Lost a Bet

By Gary Sechen

Published on Jan 16, 2023


The following story is fiction. Any likeness to real persons is purely coincidental. If you are under 18 or if it is illegal for you to read this in your region, please leave now and only return when it is legal for you to read this material. Otherwise, I hope you enjoy. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. I am also very open to new ideas, characters, places to take the story, etc. Any feedback can be sent to gswm@bellsouth.net.

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M, MM, anal, BD, Exhib, WS

Saturday Night & Sunday - Chapter 5

Sir is driving along, I'm holding his hand and we come upon the campground. To reenter they ask for our weekend passes. Sir has his in his wallet, but since I don't have mine we ask how we can solve the problem. The guard says that I must remain with him while Sir goes and gets my pass out of the cabin. I proudly exit the car and stroll into the guard shack. Sir has driven off to park and look for my weekend pass. I decide to sit on the ledge so that everyone can see me as they drive in. Finally Sir arrives with my pass and the guard allows us to reenter. Sir has the leash for my collar and he attaches my hand cuffs as they are designed to be used. We head back to our cabin and I ask Sir if I can have one of the cigarettes that had caused all of the trouble. He says only if he can have one as well. We sit on our cabin porch having the long awaited smoke and watch the campers move here and there. Sir has me sitting at his feet, gently rocking me back and forth. I feel the plug massaging my prostate but I'm not alarmed by the erection my cock is showing. I feel this is my reward to and from Sir. I've finished that smoke and ask if I can have one more. Sir says I'm allowed but that he might take advantage of me if I do. Without hesitation I light up the second smoke. One of the regular campers walks past and says he is disappointed that we haven't been around all day. He said he was looking forward to adding to my coffee cup. Sir and I look at each other, trying to hold back our laughter. I tell him that we've had a rough day but later I'll need a refill. Sir says to hold on for a second and goes into the cabin and gets a cup and says that his boy is indeed thirsty so he'll need anything he has to offer. Our new friend says he'll be right back and sure enough he does have a cup full for me to drink. Finishing that second smoke I am very light headed. Sir suggests we go for a walk, I take along my drink.

I'm sure Sir is leading us toward the trails and we are there in no time. Sir tries a different trail today; it appears we have entered the kinky trail. I see a rimming seat, and a bath tub. I don't want to go any further but Sir continues on. Next we come across a sling but it is in use. Lastly we have come upon a urinal. It is just fastened to a tree, but anyone who lies underneath it would be drenched. My ever hard cock got just a little bit harder. Sir asks if this is what I've been looking for and I grab him and hold him tight. I ask if this is all right and he says yes. Sir attaches my handcuffs behind my back around the tree. If anyone uses the urinal it will flow down over my body especially my cock. Sir blindfolds me so I can't tell who is taking advantage of me. I know I'm left here for over an hour, totally drenched by the time Sir returns for me. In spite of the fact I'm so wet Sir hugs me and I'm warmed by his presence. I stop him, kneeling before him and place his cock in my mouth. He starts pissing as I close my lips around him. Once I'm filled we head back to our cabin. My mind is floating with my experience of the day. I'm so accustomed to the butt plug by now I don't even realize it is still there.

Sir suggests that we plan on attending the Bingo game and after that we should get a quick bite to eat before the drag show. I agree knowing that I'll be with Sir. I hug him and thank him for a great day. I tell him how special this weekend has been and I don't want it to end. Sir grabs me and says to not worry and to enjoy what we have. He says that in our spare time before Bingo he has booked time with Chris for a shaving. He admits he doesn't know if he'll like a total shaving but figures now is the time to try it. I tell Sir that I want to do whatever he would like so let's go.

Chris is just finishing up the customer before us and says for us to pull up a chair and wait. As he leaves Chris asks me what I'm here for. I tell him that is up to Sir. I'm ready for whatever he chooses. Sir leans into Chris and tells him it is a total body shaving, neck to toes. Chris smiles and says this should be fun.

Sir sits back in his chair and watches as my hair is methodically removed. Chris is certainly enjoying this; I hope Sir is as well. I just want to do whatever Sir wants. This might be our last night together. As usual, my cock is fully hard I think Chris asked for permission to bring me to completion. Sir must have told Chris that tomorrow he could have his way with me. I'm released from my bond and now I'm completely hairless by Sir's command. Any rushes of air besides my body is felt. I'm not totally comfortable with this new state, but it is Sir's wish whether I'm totally shaved. Sir hugs me, feeling me all over. He says he wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to try it out.

Alas, it is now time for Bingo. Sir and I get to the Clubhouse and take seats in a booth outside of the bingo hall. This is the area for those who don't "dress" for bingo. We've each purchased the three cards, once for each game. The bingo caller has said the first game is the regular, line or cross for a win.

Sir is sitting next to me, his one hand on my cock and the other hand on his marker. Before long Sir has yelled bingo since he got the correct line for a win. I'm handed the card to go collect. I look at him for reassurance and I'm shoved out of our booth. I walk into the bingo hall with Sir's card and go up to the caller. I'm pulled up to the stage and first told that naked guys usually give their card to someone who is dressed. I tell the caller that Sir gave me his card to collect. After checking Sir's card I'm indeed certified a winner. The caller suggests that I should buy some raffle tickets with my/Sir's winnings. The raffle is for a free cabin for the weekend upcoming/or any weekend of the winner's choice. The proceeds go to the Bingo charity of the month. After collecting Sir's winning I spend the entire amount on raffle tickets for the promotional weekend. When I return to our booth, I hand the raffle tickets to Sir.

He suggests we go for a bite to each since we're unlikely to win twice in one night. I agree and we are off for dinner. Not much of a line at the restaurant so we have our choice of tables. I see the one next to the other naked guy who has been hitting on Sir and suggest that table. We are led to that table; Sir says we'll only need one chair tonight. I'm told that I'm sitting on the floor. Sir motions for my competition to come over to his table. Sir tells him that later tonight the three of us will meet on the trails. He apologizes for my behavior and tells him that we'll both make up for it tonight. He thanks Sir and nods to me as he returns to his table. Sir tells me I should be more charitable towards others, maybe he'll turn out to be more like Craig and that I shouldn't close a door to a potential opportunity until it has been proven otherwise. I realize I've treated this guy badly, I don't even know his name. I tell Sir I'm sorry and that I was worried that I'd lose out to his better looks and more muscular body. Sir tells me not to worry. He says there will always be a younger better looking guy in someone's eyes but trust is also important.

We've finished dinner and on our way out I mouth the words I'm sorry to the guy at the next table. Sir says we have about an hour before the drag show so we should lie down and rest some. We climb into bed and Sir pulls me tight. He rubs his hands all over my hairless body; it sends chills all over my skin.

Everything feels more sensitive right now. I don't know which is harder, my nipples or my cock. I'm left awake while Sir is sleeping soundly. I can't believe that this is our last night together. My mind is running in overdrive because I don't want this to end. I toss and turn once too many times and Sir wakes. When he sees a tear rolling down my cheek he asks me what is wrong. I tell him he has been so good for me and to me and tomorrow he'll be leaving and I'll be all alone and too afraid to live life again. He tells me I worry too much and that things have a way of working out for the best. He pushes me out of bed and says it is time to get ready for the show.

Sir is wearing that hot t-shirt that has CMNM on it. I ask him what that stands for and he says us, Clothed Male Naked Male. He says it is one of his favorite pastimes. He has a pair of leather shorts and his lace up boots that I tie for him. I'm wearing my usual, the collar, hand cuffs and a leash only without the former body hair. I have goose bumps all over as we leave for the show. Sir tells me to go get two seats and he'll be right back after getting us some drinks. Scanning the crowd I see this is the most naked guys I've seen outside of the pool area. There must be almost a third of the crowd naked. I realize how lucky I've been to be naked since I arrived on Thursday night. Sir returns and hands me my beverage which is the usual. He whispers to me that this is a peace offering from the other naked guys and that his name is Michael. We toast each other and the show begins. The show is the normal Cher, Madonna, Lady Gaga and Barbra numbers. Finally it is intermission and they say at the beginning of the second act the winning ticket will be drawn for the weekend cabin. Sir asks me if I have the tickets, I stand up and mimic like I'm checking my pockets and let him know I don't have them. He laughs and says he'll go back to the room and look for them.

I'm just standing and sipping my drink looking around when I feel a hand on my butt. I can tell it is not Sir's hand. I turn around and it is a guy with very developed arms, pecs and abs. He must be about 22 years old. He tells me he has been watching me all weekend and likes the way I move. He has grabbed my leash and tells me he wants to take me back to his trailer right now. He says he knows what I need and only he can do it. I move away slightly and tell him that my master is the one who has control over me for this weekend and that he should be talking to him and not me. I kindly ask him to let go of my leash and tell him to leave until Sir returns. He looks at me kind of dumbfounded, asks if I am for real and hands my leash back to me. I watch him return to his friends and he is shaking his head while talking to them. Sir returns with our tickets, more drinks and asks me what that was all about. I tell him and he said you actually turned down the reigning Mr. Leather? That must be a first for him. I tell Sir while his looks might be J/O material; his attitude was immature and says he could learn a lot from you.

I say I wouldn't give up our last night together for one minute with him. Sir smiles and admitted he was worried that I might have left with him.

The queens return to the stage and are drawing the winning number. They repeat it and I scream out as Sir is pinching my nipple. I hold up our tickets and Barbra says I have to come up on stage. Sir pulls me up and fingers the plug a little while I look like the proverbial deer caught in headlights. Sir slaps my ass to move me along. Madonna is walking over to the steps and grabs my leash pulling me up the rest of the way. She escorts me over to the microphone and Barbra asks my name, I tell her Gary. She says it looks like I spent a lot of time getting ready for the show. I tell her I took the whole weekend to prepare for this. She asks me how I like the resort, how I've liked this weekend, if there is someone usually holding the leash or am I a "free agent". The last question I answer by pointing to Sir, telling her that he is the one I owe this all too. She calls Sir, and while several guys have stood up my Sir approaches the stage. Barbra hands my leash to him and he stands behind me rubbing my body while the interview continues. We are told that this coupon is good for the leather weekend, one month away. She asks if we can both attend, Sir whispers into my ear "you better say yes" which I do. I ask her if Sir can attend and she says yes. As part of the prize, I'll be a celebrity judge for the Mr. Leather contest. She adds, however I don't want to see too much leather on this body while she hits my cock with the microphone. Sir leads us off the stage and back to our seats.

I hand him the coupon and say I hope he will bring me along for another great ride. My answer is his evil grin. He says lets go stand up by the bar and watch the rest of the show; he says "I want everyone to be able to see your body and enjoy it like I do". Sir gives me money to buy a couple of drinks and to bring them over. I find him, give him his drink and we stand to watch the end of the show.

We follow the crowd inside to the dance bar. I'm so at ease with Sir and the fact that so many guys are naked. We move around the bar talking to a lot of guys, I'm sure that most would like to be part of a three way with us. We see Chris and we discuss the shaving he gave me earlier. Sir asks how often I'll need to shave and he tells me at least every other day for a while, then I could possible go to twice a week. He says as long as he has been shaving his body he only needs to touch up about once a month.

He gave me suggestions for razors, shaving cream and moisturizers. He said he'd be honored to give me a full shave again during the leather weekend. Sir says that sounds good, we thank him and move on.

Ted is out on the dance floor and totally naked as usual, waves to us and we move on. In the back room by the pool table we watch the guys play. They all have on their clothes. Sir says watching them and thinking about us is making his cock hard. I rub my butt against his crotch and agree with him. We get another drink and head for the trails. Sir wants me to lead the way, to find the right spot for us. I remember we had promised Michael a little treat tonight. I tell Sir to wait and I'll be right back. Michael was still in the dance bar, I found him, whispered in his ear and he told his friends that he had to leave.

I grabbed his hand and pulled him down the trail where I left Sir. We found him; he was playing with a guy's nipples with a crowd starting to gather around him. I push Michael and we were next to Sir. He thanked the guy and turned his attention to Michael and me. I pulled up Sir's t-shirt while Michael pulled down his shorts. I licked Sir's red hairy chest and pits. Michael was working on Sir's cock. Sir told me to get Michael's hole ready for him. I went to my knees behind Michael and worked his hole with my tongue. Michael was moaning while he sucked on Sir's cock. I got as much spit as I could into Michael's hole. Sir pulled Michael off his cock and lined it up on his ass. Sir gently pushed in, I watched as Michael's eyes glazed over. His cock was long and hard as Sir worked his ass. Michael moved to meet Sir's cock on each thrust. Sir told me to get underneath Michael and to suck his cock. I had it down my throat in no time and it was only a minute later he was emptying his cock in me. That sent Sir over the edge and he pounded his load into Michael's ass.

Sir's cock slid out of Michael's ass. I quickly put it into my mouth and cleaned Sir's cock. After he zipped up, Sir told me to get at least 3 more loads of cum or piss in or on me and then return to the cabin. Sir and Michael left and I was on my own to complete my task. I knew I couldn't get fucked and I couldn't cum so this was going to be a challenge. I knew Sir was not going to do anything further with Michael, I trusted Sir. I wandered the trails and found a guy standing alone I walked over to him and got on my knees and he told me to suck it. He was uncut; I licked around the head tasting him as his cock grew.

He was more of a shower than a grower; his cock didn't get much longer just hard. I worked his head and did get him slightly down my throat. I was getting better at this. His breathing got quicker and he shot his load in my mouth. I sucked on his cock until he couldn't take it anymore. He grabbed my nipples and twisted them while he thanked me. I got up and walked around a little more. Mr. Leather found me and said he'd like to fuck me, I told him the rules for the night and he shook his head and walked away. I found a couple. Both were tops looking for a bottom. I told them what I wanted to do and they said yes quickly. I went to my knees and started sucking one of the guys while the other one pissed all over me. This was so hot for both of us that the first guy shot his load within minutes of starting. He wiped his remaining cum on my face. I turned to the other guy and began sucking him. As soon as he possibly could the first guy to cum was pissing on my face and head. This sent his partner over the edge and I was swallowing cum and piss. This guy even got some in the hair on my head. I had now completed my task and happily returned to our cabin.

I walked in and found Sir organizing his duffle bag. He looked at me and asked if I had a good time which of course is said yes. He told me to go sit on the porch and have a cigarette while he finished. It was only a couple of minutes and he joined me. It had gotten quite late and we had a long day. Sir say we should we should get some sleep soon. I nodded in agreement. I was having trouble looking at Sir.

Chances are that we wouldn't be seeing each other again. Yeah I know that we have that certificate for another weekend at the campground, but once Sir leaves he'll forget about me. I trust him while we are together but how soon after we are apart will the next hot bottom get his attention and I'll be just a brief weekend fling.

Sir asks me if I'm all right and I say I'm fine, just replaying in my mind all of the fun I've experienced over the weekend. I tell him that I still can't believe everything that I've done thanks to him. I tell him it will be difficult to drive back to the real world on Monday and just as difficult to spend the remainder of Sunday without him at the campground. Sir says that I'm thinking too much again. He says I need to learn to go with the flow and make the best of situations under my control. He helps me up and we crawl into bed. The sheets feel odd on my shaved skin. The aromas of my encounters are pleasant, unlike what I would have thought a few days ago. I feel the plug in my ass which is now mostly pleasant unlike the first times Sir had me plugged. While Sir ran his hand over my body I still worried about him leaving tomorrow. What would I do after he left, would I have the courage to still wander around totally naked? Would I have the guts to take a stroll on the trails by myself? My mind turned far too much for me to sleep. I'd have to lie as still as possible so Sir could get some sleep. When Sir rolled over in his sleep I did so as well so I could watch his peaceful body. I must have spent an hour memorizing every feature on his face. I wanted to burn the image into my brain so I could perhaps fall asleep with him in my bed every night.

I might have gotten a little sleep sometime during the night, but it wasn't much. Sir had rolled over many times during the night but he didn't seem to wake or have the worries I was having. Finally I decided to get out of bed and quietly slip out onto the porch. I lit up another cigarette and pondered what I had experienced. If it wasn't for the kindness of Ted I wouldn't have been naked when Sir found us. The rest they say is history. I'll have to look up Ted as soon as Sir leaves and thank him as well as fill him in on the exploits I had. I'll also need to thank Chris for the shaving scenes. That first one where my cock and balls were shaved certainly set the tone for the weekend.

I'm a little startled when I hear the door open. Sir hands me my "coffee" cup and sits down with me.

He tells me he was a little disappointed that I wasn't in bed with him when he woke up. I explain that I had trouble sleeping and didn't want to keep him up thru the night. I can't believe it is now hours until our separation. He smells so good, not to mention he tastes just fine too. Sir grabs my hand and pulls me up. Giving me a big hug he leads my back into the cabin. He pulls me close and says he wants this to be special. Holding me by my shoulders I'm placed on the bed. Sir lifts my legs and carefully removes the plug. He has placed my legs over his shoulders and at the same time he is lightly biting my nipples. I can feel his cock bouncing around while he is arousing all of my sense. He grabs a blindfold and puts it over my eyes. Now I'm left to just feel Sir as I'm being touched, licked and tormented by each of Sir's movements. I move my cuffed hands to feel Sir's skin on his torso. His nipples are as hard as I've ever felt them. The void in my ass is now being filled with a finger, then two. Sir puts them to my mouth and I lick his fingers like it is my last meal. Sir's cock starts to enter me. I can't see his face but the moans emitted by both of us are evidence of our passion. Slowly but forcefully Sir has entered and is filling me up. It wasn't rough but it was with authority that he was fully in me. I wrap my legs around him in an attempt to keep him there forever. Sir begins his thrusting slowly and methodically. Sir has found that spot in me causing my cock to start leaking. I feel the pool of cum forming even more so since I don't have my pubs anymore. Each push by Sir seems to make me leak. I can feel my cum rolling off to one side. I don't know how Sir can be so controlling in his movements because if I was riding on top of him I'd be slamming that cock so hard and fast he would know what hit him.

Sir has moved from licking my nipples, up to my neck and finally his tongue is making love to my mouth. His breath is increasing while he now massages my all over. He begins to slap my ass. I can't hold back anymore and tell Sir I'm going to explode. He holds still while I begin to shake all over. Finally my cock is shooting all over me. I can feel the cum, even hitting my face. Sir is quick to lick it and share with me. Sir starts pumping me again but slow and smooth. He keeps going and going and I can't figure out how he is able to last so long. He is back to sensually touching all over. Wherever he touches my skin I feel on fire. I can't believe that my cock is growing again. I've never had that happen before.

Maybe it is all the cum on my belly lubing me up but I'm hard again and Sir hasn't even shot once yet.

His breathing is so controlled and measured while I'm one ball of exposed nerves. I'm trying to visualize Sir fucking me, God would this be a great video to watch. Sir has been pounding me for so long yet I don't want it to stop. This is the most erotic I've ever felt in my life. My cock is leaking and pointing hard again. Sir rubs his mouth over mine and I start shooting again. I spasm hard and clamp down on his cock. My cum has landed all over me. Now I hear and feel a change in Sir. He has picked up the pace and is getting close. He closes his mouth over mine and starts shooting. He is moaning and breathing hard but at the same time raping my mouth with his tongue. He is holding my head still and doesn't stop filling me with his cum. Each thrust pushes his juices deep into me. I've wrapped my legs tightly around him because I'm keeping him in me as long as I can. We are both shaking and Sir finally collapses on top of me. Neither of us want to move or say anything.

My mind is coming back to reality. Sir finally has rolled off of me and tells me to keep the blindfold on until he removes it. Sir is touching me all over, he first puts a plug back in my ass then he is rubbing his fingers thru the sticky cum on my body. I have no hair to keep it in place but Sir is massaging it all over me. Occasionally he brings a finger to my mouth to lick and I nearly suck the skin off of his hand. Sir admonishes me to lie still while he is reaching for something. I feel him placing something on my cock head. Next he is sitting on my chest facing away from me and fiddling with something. In less than a minute he has finished whatever he was doing and comes back up to me. I can smell his pits and move to lick one. Sir starts laughing saying I'm tickling him.

Sir grabs my hand and leads me out to the porch while I remain blindfolded. He hands me the remains of my "coffee" cup and I take a big swallow. He tells me to sit, both sitting on the steps. He lights us both a cigarette and tells me when we have finished them he'll tell me about a surprise. He has his arm around my shoulder and I have my head on his. I hear people walking by and some say we are so cute.

If they only knew what I knew to be true. While out on the outside I was relaxing in the afterglow of one of the greatest sex act I've ever seen or heard about on the inside I knew this was just a fantastic end to a wonderful weekend. I handed Sir my finished cigarette and Sir asked if I was ready for my surprise. I took a deep breath and said yes. He took hold of my head and started kissing me. He removed the blindfold. He withdrew from my mouth and told me to look at my cock. I did and my eyes nearly popped out of my head. Something is covering the head of my cock. It is clear plastic. Then I see the lock and the whole thing has encased my cock. Sir tells me I can touch it because it won't break. I reach down and I can't feel the head of my cock or the entire shaft. Somehow this thing has been attached to that plastic cock ring Sir put on me when we first met. I fumbled with the lock that kept everything in place. Sir said it is a locking cock cage and it is safe to wear for extended periods of time.

It will allow me to pee although I'll probably want to sit down on the toilet while doing so. It won't keep me from getting hard but the discomfort at those times will not make for a pleasurable experience. He tells me he has the only key for the lock. He is doing this so I'll be sure to meet him back at the campground for out free weekend. I'm still at a loss for words. I'm lifting, touching, and moving it all about while he is talking to me. He tells me to look him in his eyes. Did you hear me, I'm locking your cock so that you will be here for our free weekend, and yes I want to see you again. If you ever want to get out of this chastity, you'll have to agree to meet me here in a month. I jump onto his lap and start kissing him saying I've never wanted anything more in my life than other weekend with you.

Ok boy, it is time for our morning rituals; we are going to the showers together. Inside the cabin he hands me another enema bottle and I grab my toothbrush and razor. Sir has his towel and razor and we head to the shower hall. I first go to the toilet to clean myself out. Sir hasn't uncuffed me so I'm having a little more trouble but eventually get the hang of it. I now am shaving my face and really getting a good look at my hairless body, the feeling is so different, not good or bad just different. Sir is already in taking his shower and I hustle along to be with him. I take the soap from him and was and scrub him all over. He begins to rinse off and I start to wash myself. I can't believe how different this feels without hair below my nose. I gently come to the part of washing my groin. I grab my cock and balls and run the bar of soap over them. The cage is made of hard plastic. Sir tells me to try and remove my cock and I can't. This little bit of playing with myself is starting to get me hard. Sir says that is a good thing because he wants to see how it fits while I'm both hard and soft. He tells me it should be comfortable when I soft but cause me some discomfort if I'm getting an erection. Happy with the fit he says it is time for breakfast. Sir dries off using his towel while I wipe as much as I can and try to shake the rest off of me.

Sir puts on his shorts and tank top and I'm wearing another plug, this one seems to be soft rubber. We take a walk for a little while as I air dry. I now am more aware of the state of my cock and I am with a plug or being totally naked. At the restaurant we are seated and I'm allowed a chair. The waiter says he is sorry but must ask what I'm wearing. Sir explains what it is and leaves it at that. Sir orders for both of us and soon we are eating a good healthy breakfast. Michael walks by us; Sir motions him over to us and asks him about last night. Michael says he'll be jacking off to what we did for the rest of his life. Sir reminds him that the two of us will be back in a month and he says he has already booked his cabin as well.

Sir tells me it is time to go back to the cabin and he must finish packing. Walking back Sir makes sure to play with the plug and I realize how agonizing this is going to be. He snickers that maybe I'll be reminded of him over the next month. I give Sir an evil eye.

While Sir is packing he gives me a piece of paper and pen to write down my address, phone number, e-mail and else that he might need. Sir says he guesses he should take his hand cuffs with him and my wrists now feel naked. He tells me that he is heading over to the attendant to leave my key with him so I can get it tomorrow morning but he reminds me I can't get me key until I'm leaving. Actually he says I should get it on my way to my car to insure I stay naked as long as possible. I give him the paper and he asks me when I think I'll be home. He is leaving his contact info in with my clothes and to call him as soon as I get home.

Sir pulls me to him and gives me a long passionate kiss. His hands are both tweaking my nipples and I'm getting pain in my rapidly expanding cock. He looks down and says that is his cue to leave. A slap on my ass and he tells me to have fun today and to try and remember him. I have that ever present tear running down my cheek and say I'll do my best.

I go out onto the porch and watch Sir walking away. I have mixed emotions first he is leaving me alone and secondly we are going to see each other in a month. He promises to keep in touch and I trust him at his word. I go back into the cabin and grab the book that I had intended on reading all weekend but now I was just starting it. The rest of my day flew by all I could think of was Sir driving home. I thought of our time together and how he did in fact push me. And in reality he was continuing to push me further as I was going to be naked without him beside me. Mindlessly after dinner I was roaming around and went into the dance bar after dinner. I saw Ted and he wanted to know all of the gory details and what was this thing on my cock. He sat wide eyed while I told him everything. His jaw literally dropped a couple of times. I hugged him and said I hope I would see him in a month when we were both back and he said he wouldn't dare miss that weekend. Michael walked over and gave me a shot of schnapps and a cup of my now favorite beverage. He said he was glad we are and can continue to be friends. I decided that I had enough of the trails and without much sleep the night before I'd go to bed early. It was strange crawling into bed without Sir next to me but I visualized him next to me.

I'd slept until nearly 11 am. Sir had left me one more bottle of enemas and I made a mental note to stop on the way home to purchase more. I was able to get the plug back in with some lube in the room. I walked over to the restaurant. The host told me that the naked weekend had effectively ended at midnight last night but since not many people were here he would overlook my condition. I was seated and ordered. My sandwich was served quickly and I headed back to the room. I didn't have much to pack since all of my clothes were locked away. I grabbed my toiletries, book and some brochures about the campground. I figured no sense staying around by myself so I headed over to see the locker attendant. I told him I needed the key for my clothes and he looked at me rather oddly. He handed me the key and told me which locker was mine. I put the key in and opened the locker and it was mostly empty. What the fuck I said to myself. All that was there was my wallet, keys, cell phone and a card. Oh yeah, a very small and I mean extremely small thong. The attendant took the key from me and said to read the envelope. It was addressed boy, I guess you've figured out that we are still exploring and expanding each other's limits. Take these things and get into your car and then open the card and read it. I took one longer look in the locker and sure enough nothing else was there. I walked to my car in a daze. Trembling when I sat in my car I read the card. It said "boy, I truly enjoyed your company this weekend. I want you to think of me for the rest of today, every moment while you are driving home. You have your keys, wallet and this card. You also have this thong to wear only when you have parked your car at your home. I know you might be cussing me out or you might be praising me. You even might not know what to think. Maybe until you get home that is your best course. I look forward to our next encounter and please call me when you are home, Sir".

Now what do I do? I was scared shitless. Every other time I was naked I had Ted or Sir to rely upon.

Now I would have to do this all alone. I began shaking just like I did just a few days ago. I didn't think I'd be able to do this. I shook my head and closed my eyes and then I saw Sir. I would have him next to me in spirit so I put my mind to it. First I knew I must drive. I'll need to drive very safely so I don't get stopped by a cop. When I get home I'll put on this thong as Sir has instructed and then I'll figure out the next step. I took a deep breath and started my car. Every bump I drove over pleasured my ass but soon was causing discomfort to my cock. Every turn I made I was looking out in case someone could see me. I was sweating heavily due to the nerves. I let out a deep breath when I pulled into my parking lot, step one was completed but an even bigger step was needed to complete the journey.

I was home in my parking lot and it was the middle of the day. Most people would be at work or school. Only a few were stay at home residents. I had a plan down perfect. I'd have the key to my apartment in one hand and my belongings in another. I pulled on the thong which didn't even cover my caged cock. The small string around my waist and up my crack might as well not even been there. I tried to make the little piece of cloth cover my cock but it was really useless. I took a deep breath and opened the door and walked briskly to my door. The key slide in and turned the lock. I opened the door and jumped inside. I made myself a tall drink and sat down with Sir's card. I dialed his number and he answered on the first ring. All I could say was thank you Sir. He wanted to hear all about the rest of my stay and I told him. He wanted me to check my e-mail since he had sent one to me. He said to reply so that he knows I received it. He said he had sent me further instructions and I should acknowledge them. He asked how I was and I said my cock wanted to explode but couldn't and that each time that happened an image of him appeared in my head.

I promised I'd read his e-mail as soon as I could and thanked him for a great time. He said he hoped I liked my surprises and that I should have fun this week.

Next: Chapter 6

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