I Lost a Bet

By Gary Sechen

Published on Jan 11, 2023


The following story is fiction. Any likeness to real persons is purely coincidental. If you are under 18 or if it is illegal for you to read this in your region, please leave now and only return when it is legal for you to read this material. Otherwise, I hope you enjoy. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. I am also very open to new ideas, characters, places to take the story, etc. Any feedback can be sent to gswm@bellsouth.net.

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M, MM, anal, BD, Exhib, WS

Saturday - Chapter 4

I wake up first and somehow my face is buried in Sir's arm pit. I don't move I don't want to wake Sir yet. I take in the entire aroma of his pit. I don't think I'll ever forget how I woke up on this Saturday, if only I could do it more than just this weekend. Finally I can't hold back anymore and start licking this pit, working all over, the arm and the body. Sir says to me, I wondered how long it was going to take for you to start; I've been waiting for over a half hour. I can see that Sir has a little morning wood; I pull the cover down to take a closer look. He says geez; can't you give me a minute? He stands up beside the bed and tells me to get on my knees. I'm ready to attack but Sir tells me to just open my mouth while he lays his cock on my tongue. Slowly he starts his morning piss and I'm able to keep up for a little while and then he is going full bore and some starts to leak out down my chin and onto my chest.

His flow slows down and finally he is done. I'd like to encourage more fluids my way but he tells me to wait until later. He finds a marker and writes on an extra cup we have "Boys Piss Cup" and tells me I should wait out on the porch while he goes to the bathroom. I'm sitting alone on the steps with the cup next to me. It is early but a few guys are wandering around, either looking for coffee or trying to find their way back home. One guy does stop to talk to me, he is in search of coffee and I point him in the direction of the clubhouse. He asks me about the cup wondering if it is for me to piss in or for others. I tell him it is the later and he says really, I assure him that is what it is for. He grabs it, unzips his jeans and fills the cup up to the top. I reach for it and take a big swig and he compliments me on actually doing it. He says he'll look me up later if I need a refill and I thank him. Sir returns and says good boy, we don't want you to dehydrate. When he comes back out he uncuffs one arm, hands me another enema bottle and say to me that I know the drill. Off to the shower room I go and now I can quickly finish my routine, shower and get back to Sir.

The empty cup has been filled while I was gone, Sir tells me to chug it and get into the cabin. I hand him the butt plug that I just removed and he orders me on all four. Sir does not lube my hole today but I can feel the plug has been well lubed. It feels very cold and this makes it harder for Sir to push it in.

eventually it pops into place but the cold feeling is sending chills down my spine. We stand up and this is definitely much larger in diameter and length but I didn't get to see it before it was put in place. We go to sit on the porch and watch the coming and goings waiting for the breakfast bar to open. Sir is able to get me another drink, I thank the guy and he walks away saying no problem. I can feel my bladder starting to fill too early in the morning. We get over to the caf‚ shortly after it opens and get a table for two, Sir allows me to sit in a chair. He orders us a light breakfast, yogurt and fruit with a cup of coffee for each of us. Sir asks me what I'd like to do today and I say that I'd like my horizons further expanded. He asks how and I say I sure that he can figure something out. He says that I owe him for getting me out of the bar when Joe showed up last night and I jumped in that he owes me for correctly guessing whose piss was in each cup. Sir is just smiling at me but I can see the wheels turning in his mind. Why don't you take your coffee and go for a walk while I finish our plans for today. Meet me back at the cabin in a half hour.

With that I was on my own, mindlessly stumbling around the campground sipping my coffee. I watched the campers coming to life, a few naked like me but most had a pair of shorts on. God if they only knew what they were missing, how alive this weekend was making me feel. I passed Chris and he comments on how I must be enjoying myself. Looking down I realize I'm almost fully hard and start to blush. Chris tells me that his barbershop is always open; I just need to make a reservation. I tell him that for the rest of the weekend, Sir is in charge. He tells me to pass the info to Sir and he is off on his way. I see that a few guys are even off to the trails at the crack of dawn, I say good luck to them.

I find myself back at the cabin and before I forget I tell Sir what Chris had said to me. Sir says he'll make a mental note of that. I'm asked if I'd like to have a hat or sunglasses as we might be in the sun a bit today, and I say the sunglasses will be fine. Sir grabs them from the counter in the cabin, he has a hat and sun glasses and he says well lets go. Sir has attached the leash and I'm following him to HIS CAR.

Oh shit, no it can't be, not the car! He opens the door for me and I slide into the front seat. Sir gets into the driver's side and says it looks like a nice day for a ride in the county. He puts down the convertible top, finds a classical music station and drives off. I feebly ask Sir if he is sure about this and he asks me why. I tell him this can't be legal, we must be breaking a dozen laws and I don't really want to spend the rest of the weekend in jail. He reminds me that I said I wanted to expand my horizons and that whatever he came up with would be fine with me. Note to self, be more explicit when talking to Sir in the future. He waves to Ted who sees us leaving the campground and we are now out of the safety of the campground. A couple of days ago, I didn't think of the campground as a safe zone but now all I want is to get back there. After a few miles I'm able to start breathing again and it helps that Sir is holding my hand. We are passing a lot more traffic; we must be nearing a community of some sorts. Sir lets out a sigh, there it is, a real coffee shop. He's dying for a real cup of coffee and asks what I'd like and I mumble a cappuccino. Thankfully we are going thru the drive thru, whoops that means we'll have to pick up from an attendant. Sir orders thru the speaker and when asked if anything was to be added to the cappuccino he asks for an extra shot of espresso as he feels I need the extra jolt. As we are approaching the window the guy is waving at Sir. He says I thought that was you but the cappuccino order threw him off. He says good morning Sir and here is your order I grab them while Sir pays. We're back on the road and my mind is a blur. Did that just happen? Sir asks how my drink is and I say it is good, nice and strong. Sir has finished his and again is holding my hand; I say I can't believe that you just did that. He reminds me that I need to trust him; I look at him and say I guess I'd better.

My mind has been racing so much I don't even realize that I've been leaking a pool of pre cum on my leg. Sir wipes it up with his finger and feeds it to me. Sucking on his finger reminds me of what I'd really like to do.

We are back out in the country side and it is so green and beautiful. I wonder if the residents appreciate the beauty. The woods', rolling hills an occasional stream and then there is the wildlife, birds, squirrels - it is so peaceful now. Sir slows down and is pulling onto a gravel road, it is between two fenced in areas. After about a mile a barn comes into view then a large house. Sir shuts off the car and says here we are, let's go. He jumps out of the car and is waiting for me. No, I'm shaking my head no, I can't do this. Sir comes over to me and corrects me by saying "you mean to say I won't do this" as that is your choice. You can do it if you want to. He opens the door and offers his hand to me. I take a big breath and step out of the car. He reassures me and says see you can do this. He grabs my hand pulling me along to the barn. Walking in he yells George, were here. I see a man leading two horses towards us; he is smiling and says it sure is good to see him again. I'm introduced to George as "my boy" and George says it is a pleasure to meet me. George says his wife and daughter-in-law have gone shopping for the day and that his son is at working out back. It is just him and his grandson for the day.

Soon I do hear the tell tale signs of a child and running around the corner comes a little 5 year old stark naked. He runs over to Sir and jumps into his arms and they hug each other. Sir introduces me to Sasha who shakes my hand. He asks me how come I naked and I shrug my shoulders. Sir adds that I'm naked because I want to be, just like he is. Sasha says ok and if off running somewhere.

George asks me if I've ever ridden a horse before and I say no. He recommends the older of the two for me and tells me how to mount him. Sir gives me a quick smirk and says I'm not too familiar with that. Sir helps me get a foot into the stirrups, says here we go and is pushing my ass up onto the saddle. Sir jumps up onto his without a problem. I'm given a few basic instructions which seem to go in one ear and out the other. Luckily my horse knows to follow Sir's. I realize after a few steps that I'd better find a more comfortable position or I'll be fucking myself silly with this butt plug. We are now out into a field and I'm a little more comfortable, but I'm still leaking all over the place. Sir's horse is getting too far ahead of me and I try to get his attention, but he can't hear me. Sir has gone into the woods, I see where on the trail but I have totally lost sight of him. Oh shit, I hope this horse knows where he is going because I sure don't. Finally I see Sir; he is off his horse and has spread a blanket on the ground. He has a couple of bottles of water and some apples. As I get closer I tell Sir I'll need help getting down and he is right there grabbing me as I get off. He led my horse over to his and ties them up. He is leading me over to the blanket and first he lies down, pulling me next to him. I'm shaking and he asks why as he rubs my arms. I have my head resting on Sir's body looking up at the trees. I'm finally able to speak and say I don't believe that all these people are so comfortable with seeing a guy naked. That is just so out of the ordinary for society. Sir gives me a slice of apple and says this part of society is normal for him and I need to let go of my preconceived notions about society and welcome each member as they welcome me. I tell Sir I'll need to work on that and he leans over and kisses me.

He slaps my butt and says I think it is time that I'm rewarded with a blow job. He is out of his shorts in no time and is sitting on my chest. His cock has started growing and I'm doing all I can to get it into my mouth. Sir inches forward and I'm able to taste the head of his cock, then he leans back and it is gone again. I try the best I can but can't get it and Sir is chuckling. I can tell he is fully hard, that big tasty cock is so close but I can't get it. Finally he shoves it back into my mouth and I'm working on it, trying to get it down my throat. Sir has moved so he is fucking me hard. The pace is just so I can breathe and swallow without problem. I feel Sir swell and the first load is in my throat, the next my mouth and the remaining shots across my face. Sir leans down and swirls some of the cum with his tongue and feeds that to me.

I jump at the sound noise of footsteps approaching; Sir looks up and sees a man standing besides us.

He says I've been watching the two of you and that what he saw seemed interesting. He says he'd like to partake in the festivities and is walking over unzipping his pants. Sir says that I'm just learning how to give blow jobs and that he'll need to understand if it is not a good as he is used to. Sir has backed away and I'm left on the blanket with this stranger who has his cock pointing at me. He says come on pretty thing, come to papa. I swallow hard and lean in to his cock. I work on the head; his cock is longer and thinner than Sir's. I work my tongue all over the head and he is getting hard very fast. Since it is not too thick I can get it down my throat easily. Before I realize it he is pumping me full of his cum. I get to taste a large load and swallow. He pulls out and wipes his cock with the cum from Sir. I take a deep breath and slowly back away. Sir comes over and hugs this guy and he says that I'll need to give his wife instructions on how to suck a cock. Sir introduces me to George Jr., the son of the rancher. While he told us (me) that his son was working today, what he failed to say was that Jr. was working out in the fields. Sir had called him to tell him where we were and when he should join in.

Jr. said he was bisexual and that his wife was pregnant again so he wasn't getting any. Beside she couldn't give a blow job to save her life and he jumped at the chance to party with us. Jr. said it was time for him to get back to work and thanked us for helping him out. Sir shook his hand and wished him well. He walked over to his horse that was tied up in a distance and was gone. Sir pulled me to him, my back to his front and nuzzled his head up to mine. He whispered that was fun and slapped my butt and said it was time to return. Sir helped me onto my horse and once on his we were headed back. My mind was in a fog, how could this be happening to me, two quick blow jobs out in the country. Nobody would believe this, I couldn't and I was part of it.

Sir was able to get both of our horse to gallop a little bit on the way back to the barn. It woke me out of my haze as I held on for dear life. The other aspect was that I was hard as a rock; the bouncing on my butt plug was sending electric pulses to my cock. As we reached the barn, George Sr. asked how it went and we both said better than could be expected. Little Sasha ran up to me and jumping into my arms and asked if I met his father. I said it did and that he gave me a real good treat. Sasha asked what was all over my face and I told him just some lotion that I needed. I put him down and he asked why my pee pee was pointing up. Sir stepped in and said that it was the way I was riding the horse and in a few years he would understand.

Sir hugged George Sr. and thanked him; I shook his hand and said I could never thank him enough. We walked back to the car hand in hand; Sir opened my door for me. He hugged me, kissed me and I sat down. We headed back to the road and idly driving the country side. I said God bless little Sasha, what an open and honest upbringing for him. Sir said a lot of people were brought up that way, just without the opportunity to run around naked when they wanted. I kissed Sir's hand as we rolled along.

I told Sir I needed to use my coffee cup. He pulled off to the side of the road and suggested that so I didn't spill that I stand beside the car to complete the task. I warily looked at him but trusted him at the same time. I filled the cup once and had to drink half of it so I could completely empty my bladder.

I sat back down, put the lid on the cup and put it into the cup holder. Sir asked if I was ready for lunch and I said I could be. We were nearing a busy area of a town and we pulled into a large supermarket parking lot. Sir parked well away from other cars. As he exited he said to stay right here and not to go anywhere while he was shopping. I watched feverishly scanning every car that drove by; thankfully they were all going for the parking spots up close. I watched one of the store employees walking around the parking lot gathering shopping carts. There was one not too far away but far enough so that he wouldn't see me. He grabbed the cart and pushed it over my way, what was he doing? He finally got up next to the car and asked how I was doing, but finished his own sentence by saying it looked like I was doing very well. I wondered how I could get rid of him or if I should. If he went back into the store blabbing about the naked guy in the car I'd really be in trouble. I decided to ask him if he was going to school and he said he was working until he could get enough money to start college. He said it had been a couple of years since he graduated from high school. He asked why I was naked in this car, and I replied that I'd lost a bet and this was the consequence. He asked if I was always hard and I said only when riding naked in a car. He wished he didn't have to work and that he might actually enjoy a ride thru town showing off his cock. I reminded him that I wasn't showing off for people, I was enjoying my nudity privately. Thankfully Sir was walking towards us, as he got up to the car, he handed the guy a $5 dollar bill and said thanks for keeping my friend company.

As we were exiting the parking lot I looked at him and said you set that whole scene up? How did you know he wouldn't report us? Sir said you can usually get a teenager to do anything for a couple of bucks and he looked like the kind of kid he could trust. I shook my head and said I don't know how you do it. I sipped my "coffee" as we drove on. Sir found a remote spot off one of the deserted roads and pulled off. He said lets go hike for a spot to eat our lunch. I just shook my head again and followed him.

He grabbed a blanket from the trunk and we found a trail that led deep into the woods. I could hear voices and tried to stop Sir, he said aren't you curious to see what it is? I said no but followed him as it was my only course of action. We finally got close and it was a couple having sex. They stopped for a moment, Sir apologized and we moved on. He said see were not the only people enjoying nature. We found a sunny spot and put the blanket down and ate the wraps that Sir had bought. He had a bottle of water; I finished my "coffee". Sir laid me down next to him and asked if I was ok. I took a minute and said I now realize that you are the best thing that has happened to me this weekend and I'd do whatever he wanted from now on without hesitation. Sir kissed my hand and I think I drifted off on a much needed nap.

We both woke when the couple we'd seen approached us. They thought we were such a nice couple and since we didn't cause them any trouble they wanted to thank us. Sir pulled me up so I sat between his legs leaning back on him and the couple sat on the blanket opposite us. We had a nice conversation with them and Sir even exchanged phone numbers with them in case we were ever in the neighborhood again. They left and Sir said it was time that we return to the campground, unless I had any other ideas. I had his shorts and t-shirt off of Sir before he knew what hit him. I climbed on top of him, reached around and pulled the butt plug out and quickly sat on his hard cock. I felt the warmth of his cock as it slid into me. It filled me more than the plug and felt better. I started to ride up and down on Sir's cock. I went fast, and then slow, I wanted this to last. I saw the look in Sir's eyes, that foggy look when lust takes over. He rolled me over, I wrapped my legs around his waist and now Sir was pounding me. He knew how to hit the right spot and I was nearing orgasm myself. I pulled him tight with my legs and started to spasm. That set off Sir and he was flooding my ass at the same time.

My cum was all over my chest and face and a little pool forming in my pubic hair. Sir stayed in me as long as he could and as soon as he withdrew he replaced the plug. He said we don't want to waste any, do we? I said never. He held me tight as we came down from our high and said it was finally time to leave. When we were back to the car I asked Sir for a favor, he said sure what is it. I explained I smoke about once a year and if we could stop and get me a pack I would really appreciate it. He said no problem and we were off. We first stopped at an ATM to pick up some extra cash and then a little down the way was a convenience store. Sir parked close to the door, jumped out and ran into the store. One guy walked out but he was too busy scratching a lotto ticket to notice me. Two young guys walked out lighting up their smokes; they stopped in their tracks when they saw me. These guys were not friendly. They were looking for trouble. One said to the other look what we have here, one of those pervert fags. I'll be he is waiting for that pretty red head in the store. I'm sure we can have some fund with this guy; he'll want to suck our cock and all those other things we've heard about. I tell them that we are not looking for any trouble, and ask what I can do to calm the situation. I say we've just stopped at the coffee place and they can have these two coffees if they just leave us alone.

Sir finally exits the convenience store and knows what is happening. He calmly but forcefully says for them to step away from the car. I tell Sir that the situation has been resolved and that I've offered both of these gentlemen our hot fresh coffee. I'm holding them up for Sir to see. I suggest that Sir get into the car and that we go upon our way. One of the snot nosed kids says yes, just give us those Starbucks coffees and we'll leave you alone. Sir carefully gets into the car, I hand over the coffees and Sir peels out of the parking lot. We both watch for the hoodlums to take a sip of coffee and perfectly they spit it out on each other. I grab Sir's arm as he is driving away and say wasn't that great. He grabs my hand and is crying, saying he shouldn't have allowed that to happen to me. Far enough from the store he pulls over sobbing about his inability to protect me. I grab him and say it all worked out, it looks like we are a team. Sir looks me in the eye and asks me to truly answer him when he asks if I indeed am ok. Looking Sir in the eye I reassure him that yes I am. On top of that I say did you see how they reacted when they drank that coffee? I finally got a smirk out of his face as he drove off.

Next: Chapter 5

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