I Lost a Bet

By Gary Sechen

Published on Dec 29, 2022


The following story is fiction, read it as such and play responsibly. Any likeness to real persons is purely coincidental. If you are under 18 or if it is illegal for you to read this in your region, please leave now and only return when it is legal for you to read this material. Otherwise, I hope you enjoy. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. I am also very open to new ideas, characters, places to take the story, etc. Any feedback can be sent to gswm@bellsouth.net.

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M, MM, anal, BD, Exhib, WS

Chapter 2

Sir had told me to be finished with my morning bathroom chores and to be ready by 8am. I tossed and turned all night, trying to sleep but also afraid that I would over sleep. I certainly didn't want to upset Sir. He had been so kind to me and he was great looking. We were able to talk at length when we were alone. We discussed our likes and dislikes and how I felt being naked. He made me feel comfortable while we were together. I had only seen pictures of dominate/submissive couples and they were most likely just models. This was something that I wasn't familiar with but my cock was hard most of the night. Once I even had a wet dream about Donald, I mean Sir, as we were playing pool. He had me on my knees sucking him while he played pool and chatted with Ted.

Finally at 7 I got up and brushed my teeth. I took my razor and went to the shower/bathroom area. I shaved my face and while looking at myself in the mirror I noticed the shaving that had removed the hair from my pits and around my cock. That is when I got hard again. Quickly I finished shaving my face and moved to the shower area. When the water warmed up I lathered my body and the unusually smooth areas felt strange but erotic. Another guy walked into the shower area, stripped out of his shorts and took his shower next to me. He started chatting away and telling me how hot it was last night when I was naked in the bar. He enjoyed the games of pool I played and hoped that I would continue as last night. I said we both were going to be surprised what happened today and thanked him for his kind words.

I didn't have a towel to dry myself off so I took a little walk around the campground that eventually led back to my cabin. I was nearly dry by the time I arrived. I went in a saw that it was only 7:30 so I sat on a chair outside my cabin. A couple of guys walked by and said hello but didn't stare or gawk at me. A few minutes later another guy walked by and started a conversation. He told me he was encouraged by my bold nudity and perhaps he would get naked later today around the pool. I told him he should do whatever he wanted. He asked about the shaving that I did and I explained another camper had shaved my cock and balls. With that he hurried off. I was left to ponder my predicament. How would the rest of the weekend play out? Would Sir spend time with me or would he ignore me and before he left would he just give me my locker key? My cock started to grow again. I crossed my legs so no one would see my state. The campground was slowly coming to life and guys would walk by and wave.

Everyone seemed so nice. Unfortunately everyone was dressed.

Finally Sir appeared carrying two cups of coffee. He said boy, get over here. When I stood up he could see the hard on I had. As he handed me a cup of coffee he asked how I got into the state I was and I said I couldn't explain. He grabbed my free hand and off we went. I wasn't even wearing my flip flops.

He had a clean tank top and shorts on which highlighted his muscular features. I sipped my coffee as we walked and continued talking. My cock was somewhat easing from its previous excited stages as I felt a little more comfortable with Sir. I saw a few naked guys around their tents and campers but I was the only guy who was walking around naked.

We found a bench so we could sit. I finished my coffee as Sir asked me how I was doing. I said I was fine but wished that more guys would be naked. He explained that more would follow suit and that I would be leading the way. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a plastic cock ring and told me to try is on for size. I fumbled with it but couldn't get it on. He grabbed it from me and had pulled my balls, slipped it over them and then quickly forced my cock thru it in one fast blur. Tugging on my cock to see how it fit, I was hard as a rock in a second. He asked me how it felt, I mumbled something and he said boy, speak up. I apologized and said I think it feels fine Sir. I explained that I had never had one on before. He told me to sit down but not to cover myself up. He said I should be proud of being a man and that I had nothing to hide. Sir gave me my first instruction of the weekend and that I wasn't to touch my cock unless he allowed me to do so. He asked if I understood and I said I did. I was told that I would be punished if I disobeyed any of his commands.

He stood up and said we were going for breakfast. I followed along as quickly as I could I realized I should have put on my flip flops. My hard cock was bouncing as we walked and now I was feeling like everyone was watching me and laughing at me in my predicament. We arrived at the bar/restaurant and stood in line. Sir was talking to the guys around us, he introduced himself to everyone and they all shook his hand. He introduced me as his boy, they all said hello and commented to Sir that I must be enjoying myself and he said it appears that way. He stood behind me, putting his arms around me forcing me to be totally on display for everyone. I swear my cock was about to explode. We were seated at a table with four chairs; two younger looking guys were already at the table. Sir introduced us and sat down. As I sat down, Sir asked the two other guys if it would be all right with them if I sat on the floor and ate my breakfast. They both said that would be fine with them. Sir pointed and I sat down crossed legged and the chair was removed from our table. In this position I couldn't join the conversation buy I was able to stare at their crotches. One of the guys seemed aware of this and was playing with his partners cock under the table. I saw the cock grow and emerge from his shorts. When the waiter appeared Sir ordered for the two of us while the other two ordered. Sir kept up the conversation and his hand was constantly rubbing my nipples or putting his fingers in my mouth. The other guys at our table asked questions about our relationship, Sir pointing out that we had just met but were exploring our new friendship. My arousal was continuous. Finally food was brought, Sir put my plate on the floor and I ate heartily. Sir finished and we left.

Sir grabbed my hand again and led me out. We headed back to his cabin. I waited on his porch and watched the men moving around. Eventually I spotted a couple of guys walking naked like me. A let out a long breath, Sir came up behind me and asked. I told him I finally saw a couple of other naked guys and he said yes, there would be many for the rest of the weekend.

Sir said he had a few adjustments to make to my uniform. I looked quizzically at him and he said he wanted me to try them on and then we could vote to keep them or not. I said yes Sir, and he then put a chain collar on me which was locked in place. Next he asked for my right hand and he put a pair of handcuffs on me, both locked on my right wrist. He removed the wrist band I was wearing with my cabin keys. I looked at and felt the handcuffs, never being so close to a pair before. I ran my hand over the chain and lock around my neck, Sir asking me how I felt. I told him I would be honored to wear his jewelry. He smiled and said to pick up his bag and it was time for him to move into my cabin. I carried the heavy bag and walked behind him. We got a few stares on the short walk. Sir opened my door with my keys and I put his bag on the bed.

We sat outside on the porch of our cabin. He laid out a few other ground rules for the remainder of the weekend. Whenever he sat in a chair, I was to sit on the floor beside him. If we were standing, I was stand at his side. He reminded me again I could never touch my cock without his permission nor could I touch anyone else's cock without his permission. I was to ask for permission to do anything unless it was previously granted in advance. He asked if I had any questions, I did ask about using the bathroom and he said I needed to ask permission. He told me that I was his until Sunday when he left.

No permanent marks would be made on me and that we would have several times to openly discuss what was happening. I was asked again if I had any other questions, I shook my head no and said the same.

Ted walked by and spent a few minutes chatting with us. He was naked and so comfortable being so. I wondered if I would ever be that way. Ted commented to me that it looked like I was having a great weekend so far and he looked forward to seeing more of us.

After Ted left Sir went into the cabin and shortly came out with something in his hand. He passed it to me and asked me if I had ever had a butt plug in me. I said no, I said I wasn't very experienced at anything anal. He told me that was about to change. He told me to follow him inside and I did as he told me. He told me to get on all fours with my ass up in the air. Sir was applying lube to my ass, slipping a finger, then two into my ass. I was told this would be uncomfortable for a short time but soon it would be very pleasurable. I felt the cold plug begin to enter and I let out an audible gasp. Sir said it wasn't even barely in and to calm down. With his free hand he grabbed one of my nipples; I was being assaulted in two areas at the same time. The pressure on my nipple was beginning to be unbearable, I was breathing very hard. Suddenly I felt the plug being jammed all the way into my ass. I raised up, Sir pulled me back down using my nipple. I was panting, Sir stood over me massaging my shoulders and he told me to take a deep breath. I did as I was told. Sir told me to rise up on my knees; I did so but very gingerly.

I felt the plug in every move I made. Sir told me to unbutton his shorts and to remove them. I feebly moved to take off his shorts and helped him step out of them. I was told to fold them and to place them on the bed. I next grabbed for his cock but I was gently slapped. Sir reminded me that I needed permission, I apologized to him. I was told to take his cock into my mouth and to suck him dry. I attacked his cock like it was some forbidden meal. I licked and sucked his cock ravenously. His cock grew in my mouth. I worked on the head, and then I swallowed all of it. Sir was moaning, helping me to move to his desired rhythm. I could tell he was getting close; he slowed down his fucking of my mouth. Finally I got to taste his first shot but then he pulled out and the next hit my forehead. One landed on the top of my head. Others landed on my chest, covering me in his juices. He then took his cock and wiped the remaining jisim on my cheeks. Sir sat down on the bed, I absentmindedly started to wipe his cum from my face and he grabbed my hand. No boy, that is your master you are wearing, leave it alone. I put my hands by my side and then it was I felt the intrusion in my ass again. It didn't hurt now; I just felt its presence.

I was told to stand and Sir rummaged thru the duffle bag and pulled out a pair of boots, socks, leather shorts and a t-shirt. He changed his clothes and told me to grab the boots and socks and wait for him on the porch. I overheard Sir making a phone call but I couldn't make out the conversation.

He finished the call and sat on a chair and I was to put on him his socks and boots. I laced and tied them, then was told we going for a walk. I was terrified, I was covered in his cum and it hadn't even dried yet. I felt like it was a neon light flashing on my face and body advertising our recent escapade. I stood up and followed Sir, now I felt the butt plug rubbing me as we walked. How could I be getting aroused in this condition? I felt so degraded but without question I followed Sir. As we approached the bar, Sir told me to wait and he entered the bar. I saw about a half dozen other naked guys, the pool area was filling up with a couple more naked guys in the pool.

Sir returned with a cup of soda for each of us, saying we had plenty of time for beer later in the day. I thanked him and asked if I could take a sip and he nodded yes. Ted saw us and he walked up eagerly in conversation about our plans. Ted was talking to Sir but I know he was looking me over. He asked Sir and me if we needed anything. Sir told me to wait where I was and Ted and Sir walked a few feet away. I watched them, Sir talking and Ted shaking his head first no and then yes, with a wide grin on his face. Ted left and Sir returned. He massaged my butt cheek, pushing a finger gently on the plug.

That immediately sent a shock wave to my cock and it jumped. He whispered in my ear that I smell fantastic and it was very erotic to him. He thanked me for losing the bet last night and that he was very turned on and happy that we met. He gave me a little peck on the check while pushing the plug a little deeper. Moving away, I finally read his t-shirt. It was yellow with black lettering. The top had the letters CMNM and a guy holding a leash attached to a naked guy kneeling next to him. Ted returned and handed something to Sir which he put in his pocket. Ted said something quietly to Sir, he said yes and the Ted left. We remained poolside finishing our sodas. Sir said he would get us a couple more and when he returned was left.

We wandered slowly around the campground until we came to the area that was the start of the trails.

We sat on a bench so that we could be seen as well as watching those entering the trails. Sitting on the plug brought me back to reality and I felt the cum leaking from my cock. We watched men entering the trails area, most of the guys were eyeing the two of us as well. Sir pulled me closer to him and I laid my head on his shoulder. His hand was tweaking my nipples and I moaned in response. My little cock was poking out at full mast and the cum was nearly pouring out of the head. Sir rubbed his fingers over the head of my cock and put his fingers into my mouth and I sucked my cum off of them. Sir told me to sit in front of him on the ground, when I did so I felt the plug rub my insides bringing me new pleasure. Sir released his cock from his shorts and allowed me to taste it again. I went to work trying to bring him to orgasm. Sir locked my head onto his cock by closing his legs around me. I was only able to use my tongue to satisfy his cock as it continued to grow. Eventually my breath was cutoff and I started to worry. When I grabbed Sir's legs as I tried to breath he released my head and I was able to ease back somewhat and my lungs were filled again. Sir reassured me that I'd be able to deep throat his cock after a couple of more tries and he wouldn't have to hold me in place while I serviced him. I was back to actively sucking him when he held my head in place once again. His hands comforted my head and I did remain calm for a longer period and he allowed me to take a deep breath. He told me that the next time I would stay deep on his cock while he unloaded, I acknowledged his command and went back down again. Soon Sir was moaning and I could feel the pulsing of his cock although I didn't get to taste any of his cum. When he pulled out, a little remaining cum was again wiped on my face. Sir stood up and pulled me to my feet. He hugged me and congratulated me on a great job.

Sir pulled out a leash from his back pocket and attached it to my collar. I was led to the trails, following close by. We passed a few guys having sex, Sir stopped to allow us to watch for a minute. We continued on and we found a guy that was standing by himself. Sir stopped by this guy and pulled off the shirt and then lowered his shorts. I was ordered to my knees and to continue my cock sucking training on the guy. He was a young muscle stud, someone who I would have jacked off to in my dreams. I watched Sir out of the corner of my eye as he stood behind this guy and pulled and teased his nipples. This guy quickly shot his load, Sir told him to pull out of my mouth and finish shooting all over my head and body. The last of his cum was rubbed onto the top of my head. Sir thanks this guy and we were on our way again.

Deeper into the forest we went, I didn't have too much trouble without my flip flops but occasionally I did step on something rough. We next found and older guy who was naked and masturbating by himself, he must have been in his late 60's. Sir told me what to do and I had his cock in my mouth at once. The guy was stunned as to what was happening but didn't protest. He wasn't even fully hard but he was shooting his load. Sir had me stand up and thank him for providing me pleasure and the guy told Sir anytime.

We wandered around a little more but didn't find too much more action. Sir had me lay down on the trail and he pulled out his cock and started peeing. When the first splash hit me I jumped because I didn't realize what was happening. Sir pushed me back down with his boot and finished peeing. He had covered me from my neck to my toes in his piss. He pulled on the chain and I was up on my feet and following him as we exited the trails. I was shaking, seemingly chilled but that wasn't it. It must have been the shocking experience of Sir's piss that was still wet on my skin as we were walking. We passed a few guys and got a lot of stares and one guy tried to grope my hard cock but Sir told him not now.

We walked back to the pool area, I was really shaking now. Sir asked what was wrong and I mumbled to him about the condition I was in. He asked me to repeat what I was feeling and I told him. He smiled and said he would be right back. While he was away I could tell that everyone was staring at me. I tried to ignore them but couldn't. Finally I noticed Ted in the pool and he came over to me, he was dripping wet so he didn't hug me but did put his hand on my arm. Just then Sir returned with a beer for me and a soda for himself. Sir excused us from Ted and we found a chair for Sir to sit on, I sat on the ground.

We were facing each other and Sir told me to take a big swig of my beer and to let out my emotions.

I told Sir I felt embarrassed to be seen with cum and piss all over myself. I said I was sure that everyone was making fun of me, pointing their fingers at me and laughing. I hung my head as a tear rolled down my face. Sir lifted my chin up, wiped away the tear and told me how proud of me he was.

Sir told me that if they were staring it was only out of jealousy. He told me that half of the guys wanted to be me and half of the guys wanted to be him. I took another big drink of my beer and looked Sir in the eye. I asked him if this were really true and he said yes. He asked me if I would do him a favor and I said yes Sir. He said to finish my beer and handed me another $5 and said to go buy myself another beer and to buy one for Ted. He said the two of us should have the beers, relax, and talk. I was reminded that I couldn't touch myself or anyone else and that I was not allowed in the bathroom as well. I nodded my understanding, went to tell Ted and then went to the bar for the beers.

I found myself inside the bar and ordered the two beers. While many eyes were on me, most were not. I took the two beers and walked proudly out of the bar and met Ted so that we could talk. Ted hugged me and we sipped our beers. Ted took me by the hand and we went under a tree to talk. Ted told me that in fact all of the sub/bottoms that he knew were wishing they were me. Ted said that he thought that I was the star of the weekend so far. He suggested that we should go for a walk and that I should finish my beer. He went into the bar and got us another drink.

I found myself walking with another naked guy as we discussed my fate. I thanked Ted for getting me started on this journey. If it wasn't for him I'd be sitting by the pool in my shorts watching everyone have fun. Ted told me he was happy that he could be the one to help me and then he said he wanted to know everything that we had done so far. I told him that Sir has the key to my clothes and I won't get the key until he leaves on Sunday. Ted said that was so hot, no way to dressed at all for the weekend. Our conversation went on for quite a while with Ted's jaw dropping when he heard of some of our escapades. When he hugged be I was reminded of the butt plug and how I'd never had any anal experiences. We were nearing my cabin, I thanked Ted for his support and he reminded me that he wanted to know what happens for the rest of the weekend.

Sir was sitting on the porch with another guy who was naked. Both of them were sitting on the chairs and as I approached, Sir told me to sit down. It was very apparent that this new guy was making moves on Sir. I just sat there listening however I was starting to squirm a little as I hadn't used the bathroom since early this morning. Here was another guy trying to make moves on my man but I felt helpless to stop it. I was rocking back and forth to try and lessen the pressure on my bladder but that just made the plug push in deeper. My cock was leaking and I didn't know if it was piss or cum. Sir smiled at me and just listened as this other naked guy was offering to do practically anything Sir wanted. Finally Sir told him that it was time for him to leave and that he would be sure to find him tonight after dinner.

Alone at last but I couldn't hold it in much longer.

Sir attached the leash to my collar and off we went. We were heading back to the trails. For a brief moment my bladder wasn't my first concern. We headed down one trail and we passed several guys along the way. I think a few guys were following us. We came upon an opening and I was ordered to lie down on my back. Sir stood over me and was pissing on me. The piss was splashing all over me; I tried to put my hands over my face but was reprimanded. I just kept my eyes closed. Finally Sir had finished but someone else was there and he pissed on me as well. I could smell the difference and even taste the difference as I licked my lips.

My cock was letting a drop or two of piss out, I really couldn't hold it in any longer. I pleaded with Sir to let me go. He said yes and I was starting to stand up and he said no. you can piss on yourself just as I have while you are lying down. I couldn't believe what I just heard. He told me to grab my cock and aim it for my face. I did as I was told but I had difficulty starting. Eventually the flow started, basically just hitting my hand and once that started the stream grew in force and was hitting my chest and shoulders. The splashes were hitting my face. The pressure was ending and mindlessly I shook my cock as if I was standing over a urinal. The drops landed on my belly. Sir ordered me to my knees and said it was time for a little more piss as Sir said direct from the tap. I lunged for his cock and enjoyed the taste of him after I got used to the idea of drinking his piss. As he pulled out I got the last few drops of him, but as usual he wiped a little on my face. I sensed someone else besides me but I couldn't see who it was. It wasn't long and I felt someone shooting more cum on my back. I felt it running down all over me. Whoever it was they left quickly. Sir pulled me to my feet and gave me a big sloppy kiss, he hugged my still wet body and I held him tightly. Sir asked if I was ok and I nodded yes. Grabbing hold of the leash he led us out of the woods and back to the campground.

I could feel the wetness on my body, and I was getting concerned again as we walked past other campers. We made it back to our cabin and Sir told me to wait on the porch while he entered. He came out holding a small bottle and told me it was an enema bottle. He told me what to do and to use it several times to be sure I was totally cleaned out. He said after I was sure that I was clean, I was to take a quick shower and to return to the cabin. I did as I was told and after the shower I wiped as much water off of me and shook my head to get as dry as possible for my walk back to the cabin. Sir was sitting on the porch with another guy, this man was clothed. I had the butt plug in my hand and Sir told his friend that I enjoyed my little friend. Sir handed me a soda, I took a big taste and sat down on the porch. Sir introduced me to his friend Jack, I stood up and shook his hand and sat back down. Sir and Jack have been friends for several years. Apparently Jack owns a home deep in the woods where he told me I could be naked 24/7. Nobody can see his home and yard and anyone who visits knows his naked lifestyle. Sir said although he didn't live in the country, his home had a privacy fence surrounding the back yard and that being naked there would not be a problem. I was asked about my living arrangements and said I lived in an apartment building on the ground floor and could only be naked if all the curtains were closed. I continued that this weekend was my first experience with public nudity and that I hoped it wouldn't be the last. Sir and Jack both said it wouldn't be. Sir said he had some business to attend to and that Jack was going to look after me for a while. Sir attached the leash to my collar and handed it to Jack. Sir told me that I was to treat Jack as my master and obey his commands as if they were his then he went inside the cabin and Jack and I headed out.

We went to Jack's motor home. I was amazed at its opulence and comforts. Jack poured himself a cocktail and gave me another cup of soda and we went outside to sit. A few of Jack's friends came by, of course clothed. We were all sitting around, me on the ground and the others in chairs. They all asked Jack where he found another cute young naked guy and he confessed that he was just watching over me while my master was taking care of some business. One of the guys leaned over and started playing with my nipples and Jack quickly stopped him. Jack said I wasn't community property and he would know when that was approved behavior. Jack tussled my hair and said I was a newbie and still learning the lifestyle. He said that we were going for a walk and they were welcome to come along but they declined and left us alone.

Jack led me inside the motor home, telling me he just wanted to get rid of his friends. Your master wanted me to continue your cock sucking training, so get over here boy. He stepped out of his pants and a huge cock was staring at me. His cock jumped and it scared me. Jack told me to get busy; I needed to take care of him. I got the head into my mouth and tried to work my way further on the shaft. Slowly I was making progress but his cock kept getting thicker, but thankfully not any longer. I didn't think I could go any further when Jack grabbed my head and pushed all the way in. I was gagging on it and he reassured me I was ok. I tried to relax but couldn't. Finally Jack pulled out a little and I took a deep breath. Jack then began a full assault on my throat, I felt his cock harden and he pumped my throat full of his cum. As with Sir, I only got a little taste of his cum as he pulled his cock back into my mouth. I tried to suck more of his cum out but none was left for me. Jack sat down and complimented me on my beginner talents. He said that I'd be up to par in a short while with a little more training.

Perhaps I should be chained to a glory hole to get more experience he thought out loud. Jack's phone rang and he answered it, speaking very little he hung up. Jack grabbed my leash and said it was time to go.

Jack took me to the pool and said to get in and enjoy myself for a while but remember the rules about not touching yourself, or others and they can't touch you. He removed the leash and said Sir would be here in a short while. I tried to stay by myself in the pool to avoid any contact, accidental or otherwise, but that didn't happen.

Most of the naked guys in the pool wanted to meet me and find out what all was taking place. A couple of guys said they had never witnessed anything like what was happening to me. They wanted to know how I met such a fabulous guy and could I introduce them to him. I tried to answer their questions as best as I could, I said to them just to be honest with whom they were and their special person would appear. Sir appeared by the edge of the pool and handed me a drink and said to meet him after I'd finished my soda. I tried to ask him where I was to meet him but he was already walking away. I talked to the guys a little longer but had finished the soda so I left the pool.

I walked back to our cabin, looked in the window but he wasn't there. I walked past Jack's motor home; Jack was sitting by himself and gave me a friendly wave. The only other place I figured I might find him was on the trails.

I walked that way, many guys appeared to have the same thoughts as me, but they just wanted a quickie before dinner. It looked like I was the only one who was totally naked entering the trails but a lot of guys took off their clothes when they were in the woods. I saw many men paired off having sex, with groups of guys watching. It seemed as though I was being followed by some of the guys, they had many chances to leave me but didn't. I had traveled back and forth thru the trails and was getting upset I couldn't find Sir. I figured that he must have meant for me to find him someplace else. I started to head back when I finally found him.

Sir was standing in a large opening getting a blow job from the naked guy who was talking to him earlier. He had another guy licking his pits. Sir motioned for me to come closer and I did. He told me to kneel down and take his cock from the other guy. It didn't take me long and I had Sir's cock in my mouth and down my throat. He put his finger in the mouth of the other guy who had to settle for that.

I was working on Sir's cock, getting my throat ready for his load when he pushed me off. He said it was time to fuck me. He got down behind me and worked his finger into my ass. Soon he was adding lube to my hole. He worked two fingers then three. I was on fire waiting for the real thing. Slowly he began moving his cock into my ass. Oh did it ever hurt, but I kept trying. I lost track of the fact that we were doing this in the open of the woods, a dozen guys must have been watching and jacking off. Sir moaned as he had entered all of the way. The pain had begun to subside and Sir started a methodical pounding, the pain had left and all I had was pleasure. In one swift move Sir had flipped me over on my back and I was now looking into his eyes as he plowed in and out. My own cock had grown to its fullest length and I was nearing orgasm without touching my cock. I reached up and ran my hand all over Sir's skin, touching his nipples. His pounding of my ass pick up pace and I knew he must be close.

One more big push and he let loose inside me. I was pushed over the edge by this and my cock shot out with such force that it landed on my own face. Sir slowed his pace and leaned down and kissed me. I felt like I must be in heaven.

As soon a Sir pulled out of me he had another butt plug to fill me up. This plug was much larger that the first one I was wearing before. This one hurt a little as he pushed it in, but with all of the lube and cum it slid into place. It must have been about the size of Sir's cock, it felt fine while I was lying there with him. Sir told me to remain on the ground; he stood up and began getting dressed. He motioned for all of the guys standing around us to move in closer and told them to jack off on me. He told me to meet him back at the cabin when everyone was finished. With that, Sir left me and guys closed in.

It didn't take long for the first guy to cum, shooting on my chest. He was followed by a guy who's cum landed on my face. I lost track of how many loads were shot all over me. I think that one of the first guys came back later to wash me off with a load of piss. One guy tried to kneel next to me and suck my cock but I had to tell him I wasn't allowed to cum. My cock was rock hard but I couldn't nor wouldn't do anything about it. When the last guy left me, I got up. Then I felt the pain of this butt plug. I reached around to feel it but of course nothing was there but the small little end. I guess that no one would even know I had one in me. I walked very carefully; each step pushed the plug deeper into me and must have massaged my prostate. My cock was rock hard; my body reeked of cum and piss. I was beginning to get accustomed to the smell. I actually liked the aroma.

I found Sir sitting outside the cabin; I sat down next to him. He rubbed my head and asked me how I was feeling. I said this was the best weekend I had ever had. I further said I was overcoming a lot of issues that I had about myself and my body. I told him that I didn't know I could do many of the things that I had done and I hoped he would continue pushing me further. Sir said that would happen without a doubt and since this was only Friday, we would have plenty of experiences yet to come. Sir suggested we lie down and take a little nap before dinner as it would be a long night ahead. Sir noticed me carefully standing up and asked if everything was all right. I told him I was still getting used to the butt plug and that it was causing my cock to be rock hard for some reason. Sir had stripped and climbed into bed and patted the mattress for me to join him. Sir pulled the covers up over us and the put his arm around me pulling me in close.

Next: Chapter 3

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