I Lost a Bet

By Gary Sechen

Published on Feb 27, 2023


The following story is fiction. Any likeness to real persons is purely coincidental. If you are under 18 or if it is illegal for you to read this in your region, please leave now and only return when it is legal for you to read this material. Otherwise, I hope you enjoy. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. I am also very open to new ideas, characters, places to take the story, etc. Any feedback can be sent to gswm@bellsouth.net.

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M, MM, anal, BD, Exhib, WS

Chapter 17 I Lost a Bet - Revenge on Joe and the Last Chapter

When we got to sir's house I unloaded the car while sir opened up the house. I brought my things into the bedroom and sir told me where to put everything. We went out to the backyard and most of the plants were in good shape. I turned on the sprinklers and soaked them. I then sat next to sir and took in the sights, sounds, smells and feelings.

Sir got a phone call while I was preparing dinner. He took the call out on the patio. He was agreeing with whomever he was talking to and said yes it could be a problem. He asked the other party for any suggestions and said yes that may work. He said he would call back a little later and thanked the person on the other end of the line.

Sir joined me in the kitchen and asked if I would like to have some more fun with Joe. I looked at sir a little quizzically and asked why. He said that Craig was the one who had just called and Joe called him and said he heard all about our weekend at the leather event. Someone had even sent Joe some provocative pictures of Craig and me. Joe told Craig that he was going to make trouble for the two of us just to get back at us. Craig had suggested a way to blackmail Joe before he had a chance to do anything to us.

Apparently Joe had befriended a high school boy quite innocently to begin with but over time it developed that into a sexual relationship. Craig thought that we would be able to get some pictures that the kid took of Joe and him while both were naked at Joe's house. Sir called the kid and asked if he could meet with him regarding some trouble that Joe had gotten himself into. The kid said yes he would be happy to meet with Sir. Sir drove to the kid's apartment, he was now 19 years old and living on his own. Sir said he needed to see the pics and that the kid had of Joe and him and he would not get into trouble if he turned them over. The kid explained that at first Joe appeared to be really nice but as he got to know him better he knew Joe was just taking advantage of him. Sir asked the kid not to say anything to anyone and he would talk to him later this week when the trouble Joe was in had been resolved.

Sir copied the pics and then sent them to my phone as well as my computer so that I would have copies in several places. He told me I should make sure that Joe knew I had those pics as soon as he tried to blackmail me.

I went to bed with sir and I wanted to thank sir as I knew I could. Sir said we should sleep as it was a long weekend and a long day and tomorrow would be challenging for me as well. When sir woke me very early, I wanted to make sure sir was well taken care of. He verbally assured me as I was taking care of him.

After my shower sir helped me put the antiseptic on my piercings and also helped me figure out how to wear underwear with my PA. It all felt so awkward but eventually everything fell into place. It was strange wearing clothes at sir's house while we had breakfast. We discussed how I should handle Joe and I felt really confident.

I arrived to work early since I wasn't sure how traffic would be. While drinking a cup of coffee I got caught up on phone messages and work e-mails. I was concentrating on work when Joe walked up and sat down in my cubical. He asked how my weekend was and I said it was so great I don't think I could ever describe it. He mumbled something and I told him to repeat it and he said he had some pics on his phone that he wanted me to see. I said sure. As I looked at them I would comment on them telling Joe what was happening when the pics were being taken.

He was taken back when I wasn't alarmed by the pics. He inquired about Craig being with me and I said yes he was and he had a great time as well. I started to tell him about the scene during the Mr. Leather contest and asked if he had any pics of that. He said no he didn't and I pulled out my phone to show Joe how Craig performed for the audience during the show. He said boy that was interesting and said he was surprised how the two of us were naked all the time. I said the best time was when I was naked when sir and I beat him and Craig playing pool at the gay campground. His jaw dropped and he asked if that was really me in the leather hood and I said yes it was. I showed him a pic of him being fucked by sir when we were on the trails.

Joe grabbed my phone from me and said nobody was going to see that. I said wait a minute and I turned my computer monitor so he could see that I also had some pics of him naked with an underage high school kid. He nearly fell out of his chair when he saw the pics. He said that was interesting and wondered out loud what my plans were for the pics. I told him that I hoped I wouldn't be force to send them to anyone. He said he didn't think that would happen. I asked him how I could be sure that I wouldn't have to send them out and he assured me that would never be necessary. I said I would have some other suggestions later today to insure the safety of those pics. He asked me when I would like to discuss my suggestions and I said around 3pm. Joe said if that was all he needed to get back to work and left me.

I called sir and told him the plan worked to perfection. He told me what he wanted me to tell Joe at 3pm and I said I would. With that I enjoyed working the rest of the day until 3pm when Joe happened to stop by my desk.

I told Joe we were going for a walk. We pretended we were walking and talking about business.

When we got outside I told Joe that he was to follow me after work and that I had an idea that would make me maybe delete the pics. He said that he was interested in that idea and said he would see me later.

After work Joe quickly found me and asked about the plans and I said to hold still and to just follow me. We were going for a ride in my car. I told him it was imperative to follow my orders or he would not like the consequences. When we got into my car I told him to strip off his clothes. Joe laughed at me and said get real. I said I would get real by posting the photos to the police department, Facebook and to the head of HR at work. He told me to calm down and he slowly disrobed.

When he finally got naked I drove to a park where I saw two bicycles parked. I told Joe to wait where he was and to not go anywhere and chuckled a little. Both Craig and Sam were sitting on a bench, I asked if they were ready and both nodded yes. The three of us walked over to my car where Joe was sitting naked and nervously watching in all directions. When he saw Joe, Craig yelled to Joe and said hello. Sam was playing the role of his new lover and his hot body would make anyone jealous. Craig asked what Joe was up to and when he saw he was naked he asked when he started being a nudist. Joe started to smart mouth Craig but I opened the car door and Joe became visible to passing traffic. And that shut up Joe. Craig told Joe to stand up outside of the car and Joe said no. I said well he would have trouble getting back to his car at work without his clothes unless he obeyed Craig. Joe gave both Craig and me a dirty look. Sam asked why he was being so rude and Craig said it was just his nature. Finally Joe stood up outside the car and Craig put on Joe's cock and balls in the same kind of cock cage as he wore. Craig gave Sam the lock to place on Joe's cage and he locked it. Craig and Sam kissed and Craig said he would meet Sam at home. I took Joe's clothes out of the trunk of my car and gave the car keys to Craig. They drove off. Sam and I waited for Craig to return without Joe. We talked a bit and he said he had so much fun with the two of us that he wished he was gay.

Craig returned and we all high fived. Craig said that he parked about twenty feet from Joe's car, gave him his keys and said it was time he went home. Joe said what the fuck and told Craig to stop fooling around. Craig said no fooling and he should get out of the car when he had a chance or he would start driving away. Joe asked how long he would be wearing the cock cage and Craig said maybe a month or maybe longer, depending upon how he acted. Joe looked all around and made a mad dash to his car. He had some trouble opening the car but sat down right away when he could.

Craig kissed each of us and thanked us for helping him put Joe in his place. Craig told Joe that he was to report to his apartment weekly for more training. Joe would always be naked when he was with Craig. He would be doing Craig's housecleaning, dishes, dusting, bathrooms, washing, ironing and anything else that needed to be done. He also told Joe that he would be kept shaved - he would lose his precious and all important body hair until he earned the right to have it back again. Craig said that additional forms of punishment would be handed out as needed until his demeanor changed toward Craig and me. Craig said that Joe would become a big cock slut if he didn't behave at work with me. He was told that he would be led around the campground with a leash and collar and advertise when he was giving blow jobs on the trials. Craig said that Joe had a look on his face that he had never seen before. Before Joe drove away he had Joe stand and pose for a picture outside of his car in the parking lot with the office visible behind him. Craig believed that you never have enough ammunition when dealing with Joe.

Sam and Craig got on their bicycles and rode off. I got in my car, got naked and drove to sir's house. I couldn't wait to see him and tell him how well everything worked.

When I got to sir's house I walked in naked carrying my clothes. Sir said surprise and he had a few of his friends over for dinner. I introduced myself to the three guys already here and then asked sir what he planned for dinner. I took over and made a meal everyone was happy with.

After dinner everyone retired to the patio and I was told how well my new garden looked. They all asked if I would help them and of course I said yes. They asked how I came about to have my new piercings and I said they were a gift from sir and they were just a small symbol of how happy he made me.

Living with Sir and commuting to work was not a problem. We continued this way for a couple of months until I finally was able to change my work situation. I started two businesses; one was a naked gardener which got me out in nature. I offered my gardening services and I said I would prefer to work naked if the customer wanted that. Needless to say the business boomed mostly with lonely housewives during the days. I also had a large following in the gay community. My second job was as a naked accountant & tax preparer. This job paid the bills while the gardening business took off.

Craig took over the lease on my old apartment and continued his friendship with Sam. They both would sit naked after bike rides and once in a while when Sam could get away from his wife he would spend the day with Craig, Sir and me. He really enjoyed his naked bonding with us.

Craig kept Joe under locked up for the next year. During that time Joe finally mellowed and became a real cock whore, something that he really did enjoy. He learned to respect other opinions. Joe and Craig became friends and Joe was actually civil to other people.

Craig played the field for a while, several guys were chasing him but he settled into a very loving relationship with a guy very similar to sir. The four of us socialized frequently over the years.

We eventually got a dog and named him Ted after the guy who encouraged me to get naked on that fateful night. Sasha grew up to be a fine young man. He turned into a very sexual being and much like his father gender didn't matter when he looked for a partner but he did eventually settle down with a guy. His younger brother was a little more reserved but when he visited us he did get naked on occasion. George Jr. matured with sir and I and I got to experience his long hard cock many times.

I didn't get too many additional piercings, sir and I both got a tattoo and I designed a branding that I got. Sir occasionally would cage my cock and that would always spice up our sex life. He could always keep us sexually charged. We rarely had problems and if we did we solved them as soon as possible and followed that with a daring sexual escapade. Thank god I lost that bet when we first played a game of pool when I took a chance to get naked.

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