I Lost a Bet

By Gary Sechen

Published on Feb 24, 2023


The following story is fiction. Any likeness to real persons is purely coincidental. If you are under 18 or if it is illegal for you to read this in your region, please leave now and only return when it is legal for you to read this material. Otherwise, I hope you enjoy. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. I am also very open to new ideas, characters, places to take the story, etc. Any feedback can be sent to gswm@bellsouth.net.

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Chapter 16 I Lost a Bet - Day 2 at the Leather Weekend

Sir woke the two of us by knocking our heads together. He asked which of us wanted to go first.

Craig offered and took Sir's first morning offering. Once Craig had finished I was rewarded by Sir with his cum. Sir handed us each an enema bottle and said for us to go get cleaned out and then to take a shower and the rest of our morning routine. Craig was a little hesitant but I coaxed him along. We shared a toilet stall to give each other enemas to clean ourselves out. Craig got into the swing of it in no time. Sir was showering and we joined him. Each of us grabbed a bar of soap and washed Sir. He told us to finish and to meet him back at the cabin. Being cuffed together we had to work in sync to wash each other and shampoo our heads. The same was true with shaving our faces and brushing our teeth.

We joined Sir back at the cabins. Sir told us both to bend over as he replaced the butt plugs.

These both were rubber and slightly larger than the previous one. Craig immediately was hard and it was causing him some discomfort. I relished the new feeling. Sir slapped our butts and said to get going to the restaurant.

We were among the early risers so not many others were eating yet. We got a table in the corner by ourselves. I saw Craig was having some difficulty and asked about it. He said he just wasn't used to the larger plug and that it must be hitting his prostate because he was hard and straining against his cage. Sir told him it would be comfortable before he knew it. We finished what Sir ordered and took our coffee cups for a morning stroll.

It was amazing to see all of the guys rising. Some appeared to be just getting back to their own beds as they were still wearing what I remembered them wearing last night. We passed by Mr.

Leather's motor home and saw where we were shackled last night. Craig said it was a wonderful experience for him and would like to try more of it. We came upon Chris who was setting up his shaving station and when he saw us he said just in time. We looked at Craig and a big smile grew on his face. We helped him up onto the table. Sir uncuffed us so that Craig could be restrained to the table. Sir unlocked Craig from his cock cage so that Chris could properly shave there. I put a blindfold on Craig to heighten the experience. Sir reached between Craig's ass cheeks and his butt plug began vibrating. Craig's now released cock stood straight up. Cum was running down quite impressively. Sir left and I stayed at Craig's side to watch the transformation. Chris started at the neck and worked his way down. The arms, pits and chest were completed in no time. The belly and then crotch, this is when Craig shot without touching for the first time. Chris then went to Craig's feet and worked his way up the legs. When Chris was pulling at his balls Craig shot again. Finally Chris was doing his cock and balls. I saw his cock try to shoot again but not much escaped. I helped Chris turn him over onto all fours so that his ass could be cleaned as well as any stray hairs. We returned Craig to his back and when Chris took Craig into his mouth I was on my knees sucking off Chris. I got a big load real fast. Craig was moaning and trying to shoot and finally do but Chris did not get much of a taste.

When Craig was soft again I locked him in his cage and helped him up. The three of us hugged and Craig had the biggest smile on his face. The butt plug was still humming as we walked back to our cabin. When we saw Sir Craig did one of those twirls to show off his fully shaved body.

Sir ran his hands all over Craig's body and gave him a big hug. Sir's clothing and hair felt wonderful to Craig and he couldn't stop thanking him. Sir reached down and switched off the vibrating of the plug and Craig sighed. He admitted he wasn't sure if he wanted it to end. We'll see later if you deserve more Sir said.

Sir said there was a demonstration on chastity at 10:30 this morning. The three of us had been asked to participate to show our devises and to discuss our perspectives. Craig and I looked at each other but said it was still somewhat new to us and weren't sure how much we could add.

Sir said that is what the workshop organizers wanted. We needed to be there by 10:15 so we could be ready for the beginning. Sir packed a few things into a bag he said we had some time to relax before it was time to go. Craig asked if he could go to the shower room to take a look at his body and after Sir cuffed our hands to each other he told us to go but not to be too long.

Craig couldn't believe his eyes when he looked into the mirror. His body looked so different. The feeling of air blowing against his raw skin gave him an erotic feeling. He couldn't stop rubbing his hands where there once was hair. He said to me that he owes so much to Sir and me.

Everything was so wonderful and he gave me a big hug.

Sir led us to the demonstration held in a tent. We were told the format which would be a discussion led by those who had put others in chastity devices. Following that various forms of chastity would be shown and Craig and I would be hands on demonstration. Sir would show how our chastity worked and remained on. People would be able to touch and feel our confinement and ask questions of the panel or us. I saw two other guys in chastity and went over to talk to them. Craig was fascinated to see their confinement and asked how long they had been kept this way. One of the guys said he had been in confinement for over a year. The program was about to begin so we went and sat on the ground in front of the stage where the panel was.

Several of the men discussed their reasons for placing their partners in chastity and the lengths of time they did so. The opinions varied for why and how long, some guys had been kept in their devices for over a year while some were just for weekends. Some devices where meant to be painful if an erection occurred while others discouraged it. I saw some chastity wands that were inserted into the penis and others with sharp pin like objects. Sir had a couple of other devices to show and discussed how they worked and why it was important to find the best fitting devices for long term wear.

Sir had Craig and me stand up to show the two different devises we wore. Sir said for him each provided the same result and for him it was more of a look that worked best for the guy wearing it. He suggested that if anyone wanted to view the devices to take a closer look and to feel them and how they fit on us. Of course several guys came up to us and felt us. I think Sir knew that this would cause both of us to start to get hard and then show how the devices worked to prevent that.

After the discussion was over we hung around until all the questions had been asked and answered. Sir said after we dropped off the extra items we would go get a bite to eat. He said after lunch was a program on piercing that he wanted to attend and asked if we were interested.

I said I wanted to go to it and Craig said he wanted to as well.

After lunch we took a long walk and then found the place for the piercing program. They were going to have a live demonstration showing one guy getting his nipples pierced and another guy was going to get a Prince Albert. They talked about hygiene being important before, during and after a piercing. These guys had previously selected their jewelry that was sized for their particular piercing and what was being pierced. The range of jewelry has expanded from the typical rings and barbells to many different shapes and materials. The nipple piercings were shown first and while it appeared to be a little painful we were told that varies with everyone.

Both were done quickly and we were told how to care for them until they healed.

Next the guy getting the PA was placed on the table. We were shown how a typical PA was done and we saw many different pieces of jewelry that could be worn. Once it had healed the jewelry could be changed out if so desired. The PA was completed in seconds with the ring attached quickly. He was told that it could bleed a little and that the first few pisses might sting a little but that was all there was to it. I was mesmerized with the cock piercing and it was imprinted on my mind. Sir asked if we liked what we saw. Craig said he might be inclined to get his nipples done but wasn't sure about anything with his cock or balls. I said something about piercing the cock and balls was intriguing and that Sir and I should discuss it further, but after the weekend was over.

We saw Jimmy and Tommy and walked a bit with them. Jimmy said Tommy could use some free time and asked if he could hang with Craig and I. Sir suggested that the three of us go over to the pool and he would talk with Jimmy. The three of us got a drink first and then went in the pool. I felt good to relax a little and we got Tommy to open up a bit. He was a little overwhelmed with all that was going on but he did get excited being naked around so many guys. He was getting hard right now thinking of going on the trails with Jimmy and performing in public. It seemed like he was starting to fit in and we suggested sharing contact info so we could talk after the weekend if we needed to or just wanted to. Tommy asked if one of us would take a picture of him and Jimmy and we said we would when we got back.

Sir and Jimmy were still sitting and talking when we showed up. They both were glad that we were getting along. I asked if I could take a picture of the two of them and Jimmy said that would be fine, Jimmy had one with Tommy sitting in his lap and another with the two of them standing in front of a tree. Sir suggested that they take a few pics of him, Craig and me. Sir had directed the posing for all of the shots. The last few were of just Sir and me.

Sir told Craig that Mr. Leather wanted to see him and told him where he could be found. Sir and I went into the cabin and Sir had that grin on his face. I knew what that meant. I helped him get out of his clothes and told him to lie down. I had his cock hard as fast as I could and Sir pulled out my plug. I was able to sit on Sir's hard cock and slide down in one motion. I just sat there feeling the warm hardness filling me. Slowly I began to ride his cock. I wanted this feeling to last as long as possible. I was able to find the right spot to please myself as well as Sir. We both moaned I knew I was getting close to cumming but tried to delay it. I contracted my ass to please Sir and I tried going faster. All that was doing was bringing me closer until I couldn't hold back any longer. I erupted in my cage and sent shots of cum in all directions. Sir came with all of my contractions and filled me with his juices. I kept Sir's cock in my ass for a long time and Sir put the plug in me at once. We lay next to each other cuddling. I watched him breathe while he held me.

We heard Craig return but he knew what was going on so he just sat silently waiting for us. I walked out first and sat next to Craig. His eyes were big and didn't say anything to me when I sat down. I asked him if he was ok and he said he didn't know. He said that Mr. Leather had asked him if he would be part of his performance during the Leather Contest tonight. He would be restrained on a St. Andrews cross while Mr. Leather used the violet wand. The lights would be dimmed so the electrics would be more dramatic. Craig had said yes but was now second guessing his decision. He was starting to worry about being on display for the entire campground without me next to him. I said he would be fine and that I'd be watching and enjoying the show.

He said that after the show Mr. Leather had also offered to have another scene with Craig back outside of his motor home where just a few guys would be watching. This would involve a different type of electro torture but he said that Craig would like it.

I told Craig this was a safe place to try the different scenes. He should take this opportunity to see if he liked it and maybe wanted to further explore it and Mr. Leather. Craig asked that I seek him out after the contest so that he could talk with me before he went on to the second scene. I reassured him that we could connect and talk if needed. Craig took a deep breath and hugged me. Sir came out and told Craig that he would be removing the cock cage before the show tonight but he would confine him after he and Mr. Leather had finished their second play time.

Sir told us that we could catch the last of the steel bondage program if we hustled and we did.

We saw some heavy metal collars, wrist and leg restraints as well as spreaders placed between feet and knees. One guy was wearing a heavy cock ring that had two long bars attached to the guy's wrists. This prevented him from touching himself but allowed his hands and arms free range. Sir encouraged us to take a closer look and inspect some of the restraints.

Sir suggested that we relax a little since right after dinner I would need to get ready for the contest and Craig would also need to get prepared. Craig and I sat on the porch while Sir went into the cabin and was getting organized. I told Craig that he should be honored that the reigning Mr. Leather asked him to be part of his farewell performance at the contest. Craig was worried about being good enough during the contest. I said that he would do an outstanding job. Craig rewarded me by filling up my mug. It had been a while since I had my special drink.

Sir hand cuffed Craig and I together as we headed over to the buffet dinner. Some of the guys already had on their "formal leather" for the evening. Several bottoms were wearing full leather hood as well as other leather accessories. Craig and I took in all of the attire and admired at how the men ate or drank in their various uniforms. A couple of guys were actually eating out of a dog dish.

When we got back to the cabin, Sir cuffed Craig's hands behind his back and then removed his cock cage. This felt awkward for Craig. Sir took me into the cabin to "dress" me. My hands were cuffed behind me and my cage was removed as well. Sir had me step into my cod piece. He pulled my cock and balls thru the small opening and then snapped the cod piece to the chain around my waist. I immediately felt the sharp pins come in contact with my cock and balls. Any movement on my part made me aware of the potential for pain. Sir next removed my plug and showed me the new one I would be wearing tonight. I'd never seen one like it before. This plug, the largest Sir had ever allowed me to wear also had an attached end that was a pig's tail. When I wore it all anyone could see was a curly pig tail coming out of my ass. Sir took a photo of my front and rear. I was so proud to be wearing these things for Sir. My hands were uncuffed and we left for the venue.

Sir and Craig found seats in the audience while I reported back stage. After a brief drag show all of the judges would be introduced and brought out on stage. We would then take our seats at the judges table. I was introduced last as the celebrity judge. Bette Midler was the personality on stage and as I walked onto the stage she said I remember you from the clothing optional weekend. She wanted to know why I was covered up tonight and I told her that is what Sir had me wear. While we were talking her hand ran across my ass and she felt the tail. She had me turn around to show the audience my pig tail. She actually pulled and twisted it a little which began to get me excited. I was trying not to get fully hard when she finally told me to join my fellow judges.

Finally the contest started. The candidates were brought out to a drag musical number and shown to the audience. By lottery the first one was brought to the center of the stage and introduced.

Each guy had a bio that the MC read as they strutted around the stage. I made notes about each guy.

After a drag number that allowed the contestants to get ready, they presented their fantasy scene. The first guy was a bottom and he had a top cracking a whip as if he was being punished but the two guys never clicked and the scene was not very good. I couldn't wait for the second guy to come back out. He was carried out by four bottoms that were naked. They helped him off of his chair and then assumed their positions. One guy presented the top with a dildo and he inserted it to the bottom's ass to pleasure him and the bottom kept playing with it as the top moved on. The second guy had nipple clamps attached and then weights placed on them and the bottom had to make sure that they stayed in motion during the entire demonstration. The third guy had a ball parachute attached and weights were added until his sack was stretched out to its limit. He kept the ball weight swinging all the time. The last guy laid on the stage and the top shaved his crotch quickly and cleanly. The top then had each of the bottoms rise to their feet and carry him off stage. The audience and I really enjoyed the chemistry and intensity of the demo.

The last two guys did an adequate job during their demos but not to the level of the second guy.

It was now intermission and I sought out Sir and Craig. They both said they were enjoying the show. Craig had to leave and get ready for the reigning Mr. Leather's farewell performance. He went backstage to find Mr. Leather. Sir asked how my cod piece was holding up and I told him it was ok but that I preferred the cock cage. I said I liked the pig tail he had me wear and all of the judges had commented on it. I had to return to the judges table as the show was about to begin.

Mr. Leather was preparing Craig backstage for the opening of the second part of the show. I saw that Craig was secured to a St. Andrew's cross facing forward. He was totally naked and had a new cock ring. Craig and the cross were moved to the center of the stage with Craig facing the side. Mr. Leather had several pieces of equipment on a table next to him and told the stage manager he was ready. Lights were dimmed and the curtain opened. Mr. Leather was holding his violet wand and on the darkened stage the sparks were quite spectacular. Craig's nipples received a lot of attention. The electricity was hitting Craig's skin rapidly. Different attachments were used to heighten the intensitity, Craig would jump as he heard and saw the sparks jump to his skin. For tonight's show Craig was not blindfolded so he could watch and react to what was happening to him. Mr. Leather knew how to get the biggest reactions from Craig and the audience. Eventually the wand reached Craig's cock and balls, Craig thru his head back to avoid watching while the audience was enthralled. Craig's cock rose with this stimulation and was leaking heavily.

Mr. Leather ended this portion of the show and then began setting up the Ten's unit. He had already put an electrical conducting butt plug in Craig's ass and attached the leads. He next attached the leads to the cock ring. Mr. Leather brought the control unit to the table and slowly began to send the electrical pulses into Craig's ass. On the first one Craig jumped and strained at his confinement. It was more of a surprise than pain that startled Craig. Next Craig's cock was sent a shock and his cock jumped nearly hitting his stomach. Mr. Leather began alternating the shocks and set the machine to a routine. Mr. Leather moved over to Craig to Craig and played with his nipples while his ass, cock and balls were being shocked. Mr. Leather was talking quietly to Craig, reassuring him while his senses were on overload.

Mr. Leather moved his hands to Craig's cock. He slowly manipulated Craig. The shocks were moving thru Craig's body from his ass to his cock and now out the end of his hard cock. Craig held something that focused the electricity to appear to shoot out of his cock. The audience was applauding. Craig couldn't hold back anymore and shot a huge load all over the stage. Some people even thought they saw electricity along with cum shooting out of Craig's cock. The curtain was closed and Mr. Leather hugged Craig and said he couldn't have asked for a better scene to end his reign as Mr. Leather. All Craig could say was did that really happen. He was released from the cross and wearily stepped down. The electrical butt plug was removed and Craig's regular one was replaced. When Craig's cock had softened enough the electrical cock ring was removed. Mr. Leather reattached Craig's cock cage. The curtain was opened for both to take a much deserved bow; Craig was escorted back to his seat next to Sir.

The program resumed with the contestants now wearing their formal leather. They were brought out and their bio's were ready again as they showed their new leather outfits. The one that stood out was the second contestant; he wore a shiny metal cod piece, chaps, and vest and arm bands.

His black skin glistened with his sweat as he walked around the stage. He was clearly my favorite and the crowd responded likewise. The last two contestants were also wearing great leather outfits. The questions to be asked of the contestants would be the same but each would not be able to hear the question asked or the response given. All gave good responses but my favorite answered the best.

We all turned in our judging forms and Mr. Leather went with the person who tabulated the results to insure accuracy. In a short while they returned, all of the judges were called to the stage and the 1st runner up was announced as contestant #3. The new MR. Leather was announced as my favorite contestant #2. Following many pictures we all went to the dance bar for socializing.

We were all hugging each other and congratulating each of the contestants for participating.

I found Sir and Craig and immediately told Craig how hot his scene was. He was blushing and said he couldn't believe he actually did it. I asked if he would be meeting up with him later and Craig said he might. Sir handed me my beverage and I gulped it down quickly. Craig took the cup and went to the restroom to refill it. Sir asked what I wanted to do and I looked at him and asked if he could remove the cod piece and reattach the cock cage and then I wanted to go on the trails with him. I said if Craig wanted to join us that would be fine or if he wanted to go on his own that was alright as well.

After Craig handed me my cup, we told him that in a short while the two of us would be heading to the trails and he was welcome to join us and he readily agreed. I wanted to tell the new Mr.

Leather how much I enjoyed his performance tonight. Sir told me to meet him and Craig back at the room.

I found a good time to get Mr. Leather's attention and we talked for a few minutes. I said I liked his style and that he would be a great representative for the leather community. I said I had to go as Sir and Craig and I were going on the trails in a few minutes. He said to look for him since he would be headed in the same direction soon. I looked him in the eye and said I hoped that I would see more of him; he slapped my ass and said he would look forward to it as well.

We followed the kinky side trail and first came upon the bath tub. Sir asked the guy sitting in the tub if we could have a turn and he said yes as long as the two of us pissed on him. We did that and he happily stepped out of the tub. Sir helped each of us in so that we were facing each other, our feet playing with the other's body.

Soon we saw the prior and new Mr. Leathers approach and each pissed all over us. The new Mr.

Leather pissed on my face, I wanted to taste his piss direct from the tap but this time it would not happen. He did lean down and kiss my piss soaked face. The prior Mr. Leather wanted to have Craig for another scene but Craig said he wanted to do it again but wanted to wait for another time. Craig thanked him for the intense and erotic scene. As they left I noticed that both of us had hard cocks straining at our cages.

A large group was following them and a good number left their piss all over us and a few did allow us to drink right from their cocks. A few guys did j/o and that added to the mixture. Sir returned and helped us out of the tub. Piss was running off of us as we continued on the trails.

Sir stopped and he lowered his pants. I took his cock while Craig started on his ass. This dual action had sir hard in no time. He stopped both of us and turned around so we both got equal attention. Craig got sir's first load of the evening.

We stood up and just watched the crowd for a couple of minutes when we saw Jimmy and Tommy. Sir and Jimmy chatted for a couple of minutes while Tommy told us what he had been up to. He said he was jealous of Craig for the scene he got to perform tonight. Tommy said he would have many wet dreams imagining that was him on the stage. The three of us were ordered to kneel and we were rewarded with some new piss.

Tommy was handcuffed to the two of us and we were told not to move from that spot. Sir and Jimmy left on a trail together. Tommy had the only cock available for someone to play with while Craig and I had permission to orally satisfy anyone who came our way. We had much fun. We said we would need to find a place closer to home to do this again.

The two Mr. Leathers found us again. The newest one came to me and said I was getting nice and fucking ripe. He then gave me one of his pits to clean. Craig and his Mr. Leather were following our lead. Tommy tried his best to reach a free arm pit but was unable to. My Mr.

Leather finally unsnapped his cod piece and I was pushed to my knees. I saw the most beautiful black cock fall out and I needed to taste it. I took it into my mouth and it began to grow faster and larger than any cock I had previously. I needed to work his cock down my throat and it didn't seem to stop. I could feel him getting closer and he was really pounding my face. When he stiffened one shot of cum went to my belly and the rest were all over my face. I got a huge facial from him. I licked his cock clean.

Sir and Jimmy walked up and uncuffed us from each other. We headed back to our cabin and climbed into bed. My left hand was cuffed to Craig's left hand and Craig lay between Sir and me. I don't think anyone moved throughout the night as we were all had pleasant dreams thinking of the day's festivities. When sir woke us to take care of his morning needs, Craig got his piss and I got to taste his cum. Craig and I went off to the shower room to clean our self's.

We seemed to work well as a team even when it came to our enemas.

Sir was waiting for us outside the cabin; he said we were going for a walk. Sir put a hood over my head and I had to rely on Craig to lead me along the paths. We all stopped and I was laid down on a table. Straps were placed over my chest and legs while my cock cage was removed. I thought that I was getting another touch up shaving before we left the campground.

Next I felt something moist applied to my nipples, and then my hood was removed. I saw the guy who led the piercing demonstration. He said for me to take a deep breath and not to move. I saw Sir on one side of me and Craig on the other. I felt a pinch and then a sharp shooting pain in my left nipple and then I saw a bar being attached. I was told to take a deep breath again and the same feelings were felt on my right nipple. Before I knew it both of my nipples had been pierced.

The pain had changed from the sharp pain to a dull pain. Next I felt something being pushed up my cock. I was told to hold on; I saw my cock, then a large needle but really no pain at all. I one quick motion I had a Prince Albert piercing. This one was different than most I've seen. I had a bar leaving my cock but at the end of the bar was a ring. My cock was loosely wrapped in gauze and a condom was put over it just in case I was to bleed a little. He told me I could take that off in about an hour. He handed me a sheet that had the aftercare instructions for my piercings and what to watch for. I put my head down and was overwhelmed. Sir was rubbing my head and leaned down and kissed me. The straps around my body were removed and I was helped down from the table, Craig and I still cuffed together.

Sir left Craig and I at the cabin while he went to get us some breakfast. When he walked away I started to cry I was so happy. I couldn't believe that Sir would do this for me. Craig was hugging me and telling me I was so lucky. Then he said he was also so lucky and that none of his changes would have happened if it wasn't for us. We both were crying and then laughing. When Sir returned with our breakfast he wanted to know what was going on and we both said we were the happiest guys on earth and did one of those group hugs.

After breakfast and some much needed coffee Sir removed my condom bandage. I jumped every time he touched my cock. When he held my newly pierced cock in his hand I got my first real good look at it. I couldn't believe this was my cock he was holding. I stood up and felt the weight of something attached to my cock and it was weird. We went for a walk around the campground. This was the first time in a long time that I didn't have the cock cage on and my cock swung freely. It was a great feeling to be doing this with my two best friends in the whole world.

Sir said it was time to pack and leave. Craig and I loaded the car then climbed in the back seat together. It was fine leaving the campground naked but all too soon we would need to wear some clothes again, at least for a brief time to enter my apartment. I remained slightly numb by the jewelry sir had given me. I mindlessly rubbed my nipples and Craig would carefully touch them as well. We both looked at my cock and I held it like I was afraid I would break it. Sir purposely ran off the side of the road and Craig and I both jumped. Sir just laughed.

As we got close to my apartment Sir gave us each a thong to wear into my apartment. We only had our toiletries to carry in. I was worried about putting on my thong, I thought I would cause a major blood vessel to break and I might die. We were standing at my apartment door as I fumbled with the keys. As luck would have it Sam was passing by us. He asked how the weekend went and I turned around and pointed to my nipples and then I pointed to my thong covered cock and said fantastic. Sir reached over and said we should properly show him and he removed my thong. Sam's mouth just dropped when he saw it. Sir offered his hand and introduced himself since I didn't. Sir suggested that Sam come in if he didn't have to rush off anywhere and he said he would even if he did.

Craig got three beers and a soda for sir and after Craig got naked Sam said OMG look at your body too. We all talked about the weekend. Sir kept things on edge as he would ask Sam what he thought about the experiences Craig and I had. Sam said he was dumbfounded by what we all did. Sir asked Sam if he would like to get comfortable like Craig and I and he honestly said he was afraid to get naked. Sir said he promised nothing would happen to him unless he wanted it to happen. Sam agreed to take off his shirt and Craig got everyone another beverage. We could tell that Sam wanted to get naked with us but was afraid to do so.

Part way thru the second beer I could see Sam with his hand on the top of his shorts. I looked at Sam and said he really should join us. Sam said I guess now or never so he stood and dropped them to the floor. He was going commando so he was naked. Before he sat back down I asked him to model with both Craig and I while he was blushing he did so. His cock was growing rapidly. He was a grower and it was getting to a nice length and girth. Sam finally asked to touch my piercing and wanted to know more about it. I said it was done just a few hours ago so I couldn't answer many questions. Sam then touched my nipples. I did tell him they hurt more than the Prince Albert.

I had been dreading taking a pee as I had heard this would sting. I asked sir to join me in the bathroom as I needed him beside me. I had mental trouble getting the flow started and when it did get going the stinging along with the spray of pee going in all directions startled me. I was breathing heavily and sir was rubbing my shoulders. When I finished I turned around and hugged sir. He was so good to me I couldn't help it. I had a tear in my eye, he wiped it away and said he wanted to see what was happening while we were away and I agreed.

Craig and Sam had behaved themselves but Sam was pointing straight up in the air. Craig's cock was straining but remained confined. They both asked if everything was ok and I said yes, it only hurt a bit but that the spray went all over the place. Sir asked Sam if he had ever dabbled in the wild side and he admitted that he thought he had until he heard everything that we had done. Sir asked if he wanted to experience anything that he heard about so far and he said he was unsure as he was really frightened to start. With that his phone rang and it was his wife and she was ready to be picked up at the beauty parlor. He apologized and said he would be in more trouble if his wife had to wait for him. He stuffed his hard cock back into his pants and was on his way.

Sir pulled me into the bedroom; I thought it was time for a good bye fuck until next week.

Behind closed doors he told me to pack a bag with the change of clothes I would need this week. He said he wanted me to spend the week with him and see how the commute was for me.

I jumped up and down until my new piercings hurt. I rushed around and got things for each day and then I put them into my suitcase. I grabbed a few things I thought I might need and then my toiletries. When I finished packing I saw sir was lying naked on my bed. I went over to him and sucked on his cock like it was the only nourishment I'd had all weekend. He was hard very fast.

I had it down my throat and then I would tease the head of his cock with my tongue. Sir tensed up and shot once in my mouth and then the rest was on my face and in my hair. Sir licked it off of my face and fed it to me. He slapped my ass and said let's get going.

I told Craig what was happening and for him to enjoy the week and Sam if that was possible. He wished us well and I put on my thong and walked out with my suitcase. Sir put it in the trunk of his car; I dropped my thong and got into my car. I gave the thong to sir and we each drove off.

Next: Chapter 17

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