I Lost a Bet

By Gary Sechen

Published on Feb 20, 2023


The following story is fiction. Any likeness to real persons is purely coincidental. If you are under 18 or if it is illegal for you to read this in your region, please leave now and only return when it is legal for you to read this material. Otherwise, I hope you enjoy. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. I am also very open to new ideas, characters, places to take the story, etc. Any feedback can be sent to gswm@bellsouth.net.

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Chapter 15 I Lost a Bet - Day 1 at the Leather Weekend

I told Craig that we were going to the campground naked. We would walk out to Sir's car wrapped in a towel but that would be it. Sir would take the towels and we would ride naked to the campground. I said we would find out more when Sir arrived. I told him to put whatever toiletries he wanted to take with mine in the bag. I asked him one last time if he was ready and really wanted this and Craig said yes he needed to experience it.

Craig filled my mug and we nervously sat and waited for Sir. I told Craig to keep me informed if he needed to talk and confided that I may need to talk to him at some point. We wondered if Ted, Chris and Michael would be there. I thought they would but we would find out soon. We both nearly jumped out of our skin when the intercom buzzed. I hit the enter button, opened the door and waited for Sir. He entered and I hugged him generously. I said I had missed him and was looking forward to this weekend. Sir said he was looking forward to some fun as well and asked Craig how he was doing. Sir walked over and tweaked his nipples and Craig moaned he was fine. Except now his cock was responding in its tight cage.

Sir asked if we were ready and I grabbed our things. We both got a slap on the ass and were handed our towels but they weren't like the ones we had last weekend. These were really washcloths that had a string to hold it around our waist. It barely covered our cocks. Sir said what are we waiting for let's get going. We made it to Sir's car without seeing anyone and Sir took our covering when we sat down. He threw them into a nearby trash can. I heard Craig gasp but I gave him a look that he should relax.

Sir handed me a pair of hand cuffs and told me to put them on. He handed me a leather and metal collar and told me to lock it on Craig. He said now if everybody is ready let's get going.

Riding in Sir's convertible was really refreshing. I loved the feeling of the wind on my hairless body. I gave Craig a reassuring look and he smiled back. I had my mug and it was empty. Sir told Craig to fill it up but to do so he had to kneel on the seat which exposed him to traffic. He completed the task as soon as he could and I was drinking again. Craig told me to take my time with this one.

We soon were at the campground. Sir pulled up to the office/general store and said he would be right back. Sir stuck his head out of the door and waved to us to come in. We needed to sign the register and get our keys. Sir gave his credit card number so that both Craig and I could make purchases throughout the weekend without carrying a wallet or cash. After all was finished we received a schedule of events. Tonight around the pool and later in the dance bar would be a meet the candidate's event. I had a lanyard to wear around my neck showing I was a judge for the event and on the reverse it showed the times and places I needed to be. Before the meet and greet a quick meeting of the judges would take place. Basically just so we knew who each other was and to meet the "head" judge.

The Leather Contest was Saturday night, right after the Drag Show. I needed to be there by 8pm. Once the Contest was over I was required to go to the dance bar for a few festivities and that would be the end of my duties. I said that seem simple enough and we headed out of the general store and Sir drove us to our cabins. Craig's was right next to us. We placed his toiletries in his cabin then all three of us went to our cabin. Once my things had been laid out, Sir told me to take Craig over to the pool and for us to relax until he showed up.

This was the first time Craig had been camping, usually he and Joe only went there on Friday or Saturday nights for the dance bar and trails. I said we would walk around so he could see where everything was. I showed him the entry to the trails area and he said it looked different during the daylight. We walked past the dance bar and it was very quiet. Lastly we got to the pool and I went to the bar and got us each a beer. Our records had been updated so it was easy enough to be there without cash.

We took our cups and went into the pool. When we walked around the campground nobody else was naked but here in the water almost everyone was. I asked Craig how he was doing and he said fine but his mind was nearly overloaded. So many men and here he was naked without any clothes. I said for me it was now a freeing experience. We heard a scream and it was Ted and he was yelling he was so glad to see us. All three of us were hugging and he wanted to be caught up on our lives. Ted felt around my body and suggested that I get shaved before tonight festivities or at least before the contest tomorrow. He said he would make sure Chris saved time for me. He also asked Craig if he would like some manscaping but said he would defer to Sir right now.

Sir arrived and told me that we were going on walk. He suggested that Craig stay around the pool area and not get into any trouble until we got back. Craig said yes Sir and Thank You. Sir was walking us toward the trails. I hoped we would have some fun since we hadn't since last Sunday. Sir put his arm around my waist as we walked. I didn't see any other naked guys but Sir said just to wait as we were breaking the ice.

Sir said soon many Masters and slaves would begin arriving. These couples would appear very intimidating but underneath they were very loving and caring couples. He reminded me that everyone's brain was wired a little differently and to not make judgments. I agreed as my new penchant to be naked was not universally liked.

Once on the trails we found an empty bathtub. I thought how strange for it to be on the trails. Sir told me to lie down in it and I did. Sir pulled out his cock and drenched me from head to toe.

When he finished I knelt and sucked him off. He told me to wait 30 minutes and see if I got any more action and to then return to the pool area where he would be. I lay back down and it was some time before I saw anybody. A couple approached and they both pulled out their cocks. One of them told me to take his cock in my mouth. He soon began to feed me his piss while his friend was pissing all over my head and body. My cock was reacting to all of this warm hot piss. Before they finished I heard more feet approaching. When they finished they said they hoped to see more of me over the weekend. I again relaxed feeling the wetness of my hairless body. I was just about to leave when another guy approached. He said I'm sorry I've got no piss for you but you can work on my cock. I was shocked when I saw it. It was pierced in many places I'd never seen before. Besides the Prince Albert, he had one thru the head of his cock and several on the underside of the shaft. I took my time getting used to this. I worked my tongue carefully to arouse him. He was moaning quickly and I tried to massage the head of his cock. I felt him stiffen and I was rewarded with his cum. He pulled out and finished the last couple of spurts on my face. He rubbed that all over my face and leaned down and kissed me. With that he was off.

I laid back down trying to take in the quick start to this weekend. I was shaken out of my bliss by a guy shaking my arm. He told me I should share the tub as he wanted to get some himself.

He helped me up and suggested that I come back later in the afternoon. I said I just might do that and wished him good luck.

Walking back to the pool area several men commented on my wet state and said I must be a happy camper. I just smiled and said it looked like it would be a great weekend. I think that I was nearly dried off by the time I found Sir and Craig but I had a distinct odor. I sat on the ground next to Craig. I saw he was leaking some cum from his cage. Sir asked if I had any more fun and I told them what had happened. Craig ran his hand over my face and body then smelled his hand. Sir told him to lick it clean.

Sir asked the two of us if we had anything we wanted to do over the weekend or anything we wanted to experience and I just shrugged my shoulders. Craig said he didn't know. Sir said that with all of the different things that were available we should be like kids in a candy store. He told the two of us to take a piece of paper and go interview fellow campers. We were to find out the favorite thing that the guys like to experience and to make a list. We were to return to him a list of three things we each might like to try out or find out more information about. We were to do this after we got a bite to eat.

Sir took us to the restaurant and ordered for the three of us. Instead of burgers and fries we all had healthy food. Sir also reminded us to go easy on the booze, he said it was a long day and night and we should pace ourselves. We said we would and he told us to begin our survey.

Craig said he was scared to be walking up to strangers and asking about their favorite kink or sex act especially since he was naked. Being forced to be naked was one thing but then I have to talk to these guys is too difficult. I said that he should be looking at it from a positive angel. Just think we might find someone who wants to play with us and we could try out some new things.

Most of the guys we encountered were very vanilla; they liked a b/j or fucking. We found a couple that was into fisting and large dildos. Another guy did temporary piercing scenes and another that liked to be whipped and flogged. We finally found another naked guy setting up a camper. We talked for a few minutes and he was nervous about being naked and that this was his first time. Craig confided that it was his first time as well. He said that we should be talking to his new other half, that this was their first time together as a couple. He called for his partner and Craig froze. Jimmy came out of the camper and said holy shit is that really you Craig. He shook his head. Jimmy said I didn't know you liked to get naked, of course when I was around you with Joe we really never had a chance to talk. You should come back later so we can catch up.

Jimmy said he was going for a walk and took his new boy's hand and headed for the trails.

Craig started to shake; he was trying to talk but just mumbling. I sat him down and said to take a deep breath. I asked Craig why he was so shaken and he said that Jimmy was a friend of Joe's and now everyone would know what he is up to. I reminded him that it was bound to happen sooner or later and Jimmy didn't seem like an ogre. He agreed but said he didn't really know him too well. I said that he should make an effort to speak to him later. I said I would help him later but now we had to finish our task.

We ran into a guy who approached us and said he liked what he saw in us. He said he liked forced chastity, he liked handcuffs and more. He said he also liked Craig's collar. He asked if we were a couple or if we had a partner. I said that yes I was here with a man who held the keys to my handcuffs and cock cage and the same man put the collar on my friend and who had the key to his cage. I also said that under the right circumstances that one or both of us could be available. He told us to introduce him to our friend when we had a chance.

After talking to a few more guys we had completed our lists and went back to the cabins. I was taken back when we got there and found Michael sucking on Sirs arm pits. Sir lifted his other arm and I was on it quickly. Craig sat down next to us and watched. Soon Sir pulled each of us out of his pits and said we should welcome each other. Michael was genuinely warm and hugged me. I was sorry for my rush to judgment. Michael told me that Sir had booked time with Chris to get my body shave a touch up and he was taking me there now. Michael and I left and Sir pulled Craig over to him and asked how he was doing.

Craig started to ramble but Sir slowed him down and asked if the world was ending and Craig said no. He asked Craig if he was going to die and he said no. He asked Craig what was the worst thing that could happen and he finally said nothing would happen to him and that it was Joe who would have the problems. Sir said yes that is true. He attached a leash to Craig's collar and said he needed Craig to relax for a while. Sir toke Craig for a walk to the trails. Craig said he had only watched other guys when he had been on the trails before and that boy had actually been the first to suck him off after the pool game a month ago. Sir said that is going to change today.

Sir led Craig to the trails in broad daylight. Craig felt so alone without a naked boy next to him.

He knew everyone was watching his every move. Once they found an open area of the trails, Sir placed a pair of hand cuffs on Craig, binding his arms behind him. Sir pushed Craig to his knees and told him to open up. Sir aimed his piss for his mouth and then all over Craig's body. He was thoroughly covered from the top of his head down his body. Sir then again placed his cock in Craig's mouth and ordered him to get to work. Craig struggled with his hands unable to help him. He eventually got Sir hard and dove deep onto his cock. Craig worked the shaft and head with is mouth and tongue. Sir began to stiffen and grabbed Craig's head. Craig only got to taste a little of Sir's cum as the rest was shot onto his face. Sir pulled him up to his feet and licked a little cum and kissed Craig, giving him another taste. Sir ordered Craig to stay another hour on the trails and then to report back to him at the pool. Sir left the cuffed and leashed Craig on the trails to explore for himself.

Craig was unsure what to do. He carefully stood and watched a few men wander by but nothing happened. Finally a man approached, he was impressive in his muscular tank top and leather shorts. He asked Craig what he was looking for. Craig said that he wanted to experience new things but that his cock was lock up and that he had a butt plug up his ass. This very hairy man then said what he wanted to do. He was going to put nipple clamps on Craig and see how he reacted. He said he would have liked to place clothes pins on his cock and balls but maybe another time we could do that. These were not just any ordinary nipple clamps; each one had a place to hang weights on them. Craig gasped as the first on went on and was given a finger to suck on. Once the initial pain had passed the other nipple felt the pain as the first one did. Before Craig could breathe normally small weights were added. A tear began to form in his eyes. Craig was told to kneel and to take care of him. He tried to suck him off but every movement of his body caused his nipples to ache. Craig tried to figure out how to suck him without moving his body. When Craig did this his new top would reach down and make the weights swing. Each time he did this he got closer to shooting. Craig swallowed each and every drop of his cum. He told Craig to stand and each move caused him shock. Once Craig had risen he took off the weights leaving just the clamps. He told Craig that only Sir could remove them and that he wanted Sir to return them to him so they could talk. He said if I wanted to have some more fun with him I was to tell that to Sir and if not that would be it. He slapped my ass and told me to go have some more fun and left me.

Craig walked carefully with his hands cuffed behind him; he was getting accustomed to being barefoot in the woods. A fellow naked guy found him and wanted to find out more. They chatted for a little bit and he was envious of Craig's situation. He wished he had someone to place him into the situation that he found Craig experiencing. He would have liked to suck Craig's cock but that wasn't going to happen any time soon. Another guy appeared and said he enjoyed watching the cock sucking before and wanted the same. Craig knelt before him and obliged him. He also played with the clamps and got excited with little pulls. This appeared to get him off and he shot in Craig's mouth and then wiped his cock on his face. He told Craig to lie on his back and eventually he got a flow going and covered him. He encouraged Craig to pee on himself and a little stream rolled onto his belly. He left Craig laying there. Craig had a little trouble getting back to his knees. Another guy helped him to his feet. He said how he would like to play with him but his master would have to make the arrangements. He talked for a little, his master liked to fuck his boys and play rough. Craig said while the fucking sounded good that he was a novice on most other S&M play. He said he'd get his master to talk to Sir later.

Craig figured it must have been an hour by now and wanted desperately to see Sir. After he finally found his way out of the trails he walked past a lot of campers. Craig got a few wolf whistles and offers to stay with the guys. He smiled and said anything is possible. One guy said he could follow that scent anywhere. That reminded Craig of how he must smell and look. Cum and piss covered him and a little trail dirt here and there and he figured he must have been a site to see. When Craig got to the pool he couldn't find Sir. Ted was again in the pool and waved, all he could do was nod back to him. Sir scared him by walking up behind him. Sir rested his head on Craig's shoulders and asked if he had any further fun. Craig turned around and showed him his nipples and Sir said it looks and smells like you did. Craig told him what the guy said and Sir asked if he wanted the clamps removed. Craig said yes please, Sir I can't feel them anymore. He told Craig to kneel with him and to place his head on his shoulder. He told Craig to take a deep breath and not to move. Craig felt him grab the clamps and he counted down to one and Craig nearly passed out. Sir held Craig tight and massaged his back. He leaned down and licked each one but they were still too tender. He told Craig that it would take a minute and Craig said he had never worn them before. One of Craig's hands was uncuffed and then re-cuffed in front of him. Sir took the leash off of his collar and told him to sit and relax. Craig thanked him. Sir asked if Craig if he wanted to play again with this guy and I said I might but that I wanted to talk to boy. Sir said ok but he had to give him a decision as soon as Craig could. He said he didn't care one way or another.

I came back to the pool area fresh from my body shaving touch up. Not that I needed it. Craig said I looked great. Sir asked if we had completed our lists and we said yes. Craig offered to go get the lists so the three of us could discuss the items. While he was away Sir asked if I thought Craig would like a complete body shaving and I said it seemed so and that we should schedule one for tomorrow.

Craig returned with the lists and I noticed his nipples. I asked if he was ok, he said yes he was now. His nipples were regaining life and his cock was hard as a rock. I asked to touch them and he said ok if I was gentle. As light as I touched them he still took a deep breath. I complimented him on his experiencing something new.

Craig asked if he could go first. His list included shaving (Sir and I exchanged glances), electricity, steel bondage and if he could add another CMNM. I read my list which included Chastity, tattoos, piercing, anal play and water sports. I said I would be interested in some of Craig's list and he said the same about my list. Sir grabbed the lists from us and said interesting.

Sir had the two of us stand up next to each other. He removed the cuffs from Craig and uncuffed one of my hands. He then attached the cuff to Craig and told us to go play in the pool.

Sir even said we could go get a beer for each of us if we wanted. He said he would be back in a while. Craig and I nearly ran to the pool bar to get two drafts and took them into the pool with us.

Craig filled me in on what he encountered. I asked if he wanted to see the guy again tonight but he said not tonight but I think so tomorrow night. I asked what he wanted to do tonight he said he wanted to spend time with Sir and I but if that was too much of an imposition he'd understand. I said not to worry and I'd explain to Sir and see what he had to say. Ted and Michael joined us and asked if we had any fun yet. Craig said I couldn't keep my mouth shut and I threatened to twist his nipples if he didn't shut up, and he did real quickly. Ted and Michael said we were so lucky and that we should watch out or we'd be replaced. We continued to gab and carry on. Craig noticed the partner of his friend Jimmy around the pool. He said we should go get him to join us. I agreed and took an order for beers. We got to the new naked guy and found out his name was Tommy and we asked him to join us. He said yes thanks and helped us bring the beers into the pool. We made the introductions and asked Tommy about his life and how he got to be here this weekend. He told the story of how he and Jimmy had met at an adult book store. Jimmy had him get naked and give him bj, Jimmy was hooked and they met a couple of other times and Tommy was naked all the time while he was with him. Tommy said he liked being naked as much as he could and that Jimmy was really good to him. We all toasted Tommy and welcomed him to our group.

We saw Sir return and Craig and I being joined via hand cuffs decided to leave and be with Sir.

I told Craig that he should be the one to ask Sir if he could spend time with us tonight and see what he had to say. Craig agreed and asked Sir if we could all talk. He asked Sir for permission to spend the evening with us but he would understand if he wanted to spend alone time with boy. He promised he's leave us when Sir said so. Sir asked about the guy and the nipple clamp and Craig said he would feel more comfortable with him tomorrow night but not tonight. Sir said he would explain it to the other top and let him know what the answer was.

Sir said we should get prepped for dinner so we went back to our cabins. Sir gave me a drink while Craig watched. The three of us then lied down for a short nap. Sir woke us after an hour and told us to help him get ready. He put on a pair of leather shorts, his CMNM t-shirt and socks and boots. We each laced and tied a boot. Sir had a unique leash; it was one leash with two ends to fasten with each of our collars. Sir said it was time to go and we followed behind him.

While waiting in line I noticed all of the other guys. Several were single guys and several were couples or more like us. I think I saw three other threesomes. A lot of guys were naked while some of the bottoms wore some sort of clothes. Many forms of leather were adorning men along with whips, floggers and hankies of all colors. We were asked lots of questions since we were not known to a lot of the fraternity. Sir did most of the talking but occasionally deferred to us to answer. Finally we arrived at the buffet and I offered to hold Sir's plate as I noticed several other bottoms did for their Masters. Sir said that was not necessary but he thanked me for the thought. We were allowed to sit on one side of Sir since our wrists were still cuffed together as well as our collars connected. It was a challenge for the two of us to eat but we got a system down. Sir asked Craig to point out the nipple clamp guy if he saw him and Craig eventually did so.

After Sir finished his meal he excused himself and went to talk to the guy and return the clamps.

Sir returned and told us the guy was disappointed but said a rain check for tomorrow might work out and he would let Sir know if it could happen. The three of us stood to socialize for a bit.

Craig asked if he could go pee and Sir handed me a cup and said to hold it under Craig's cage.

Craig needed to piss into the cup but not let the cup overfill. Craig thanked him and said he would try. A little started to come out and then finally a strong stream. I warned Craig as the cup was nearly full and he was able to stop although he said for me to hurry up and finish that because he needed to fill it again. I promised to help him out.

Sir led us around and we were forced to mingle. It was good for both Craig and I to meet many of the weekend campers. We did come upon Jimmy and Tommy. We introduced them to Sir explaining how we met and knew them. Sir was very friendly to them and said it appeared they all had something in common with us. Jimmy agreed and said he was happy to meet someone of a like mind. Craig whispered to me he couldn't hold it anymore so I held the cup for him to finish his piss. The cup filled nearly to the top and I thanked Craig.

We moved on for another 1/2 hour and then we had to return to our cabin and get my badge for the meet and greet at the dance bar. When in the cabin Sir said he had a piece of leather for me to wear tonight, it was a leather arm band he put on my right bicep. It was yellow and advertised my new favorite activity. I thanked Sir and we were off. Sir attached our hand cuffs on each of us with our hands in front of us.

When we got to the dance bar people were starting to enter. Sir released me from our leash and I went to find the other judges for our meeting. I was the only naked judge and the others were all in leather vests and/or chaps. They looked at me a little strangely but we introduced ourselves and spoke briefly of our leather experiences. I of course was the one who had the least experience but the others did say I wouldn't be tainted by the politics involved with contests.

The guy who was the reigning Mr. Leather was the head judge and he told us how the contest and judging would work tomorrow. The four candidates would answer a random question, they would perform a fantasy scene and lastly they would have the formal leatherwear show. He asked if we had any questions and we said no and then rejoined the crowd.

The four contestants were introduced to us as the judges. Each contestant made sure to speak to each of the judges as well as other dignitaries in the crowd. It seemed the contestants were interviewing me as much as I was trying to find out more about them. Occasionally others from the crowd would come up to me and speak, I guess being a newbie and a judge made me somewhat of a celebrity. I found Sir and Craig and was handed a special beverage. Craig proudly told me it was a special mix from the two of them. I admitted my mind was overwhelmed but they both said I would do a great job.

I went back to the area where the judges were mingling and continued my duties. Several tops spoke to me about my favorites besides the chastity and water sports. They asked what other things I liked and I mentioned that I liked being naked around other clothed guys and that usually led to some kind of fun with horny men. I mentioned that I was curious about piercing and tattoos but wasn't experienced at all and wanted to explore those areas. I said that I had been wearing a butt plug for the last month since I had met Sir and that really excited me. They asked about several other kinks that they were involved in and I agreed occasionally that it sounded great.

Sir and Craig wandered over and asked how I was doing. I said I thought my duties had finished so Sir attached our leash to my collar and we headed to the game room. No one was playing pool so Sir put quarters into the game and told Craig and I to play. While he undid the leash to our collars we had to play with the hand cuffs on. It was very difficult but we both got the hang of it. Craig played very well, I wondered if this was the same guy who lost to Sir and me last month. Craig said he was so relaxed tonight he could play as well as he usually did without Joe. Craig easily beat me so he would play Sir. Before their game started he and Sir made a bet but they wouldn't let me know what it was. It was a close game but Sir eventually won.

We headed back out to the dance bar and watched the crowd for a while. I guess I was quite the center of attention being a judge and all. People were coming over to speak to us all the time. Sir whispered that it was time to go and we politely exited.

Sir led us to the trails and I noticed we were being followed by a few guys. We found the tub and Craig asked the guy who was in it if he could take a turn. He climbed out and said he hoped it got a little wetter for him. Sir told me to get in as well. This was nice to spend time with Craig in the tub together. Sir stood at one end and his piss reached me and as the flow weakened it covered Craig. When sir stepped away it seemed like men came out in force. For the next 15 minutes someone was pissing on us or in us. Many times there were multiple guys standing around us. Mr. Leather leaned down and said he would like to have the two of us later and I told him he needed to clear it with Sir. He smiled back at me.

Sir returned and asked us how we were doing. I said I felt like a pig in shit I was so happy. Craig asked if he could pee on me and Sir told him that was ok. Craig stood and tried but his piss was heading in every direction thru his cage. We all got a little chuckle.

Sir took us out of the tub and said to follow him. We came to another opening and told the two of us to get on our knees. Sir stood between us and lowered his shorts. One of us would get his cock while the other would get to lick his ass. Sir would turn around so we each could get to a turn on both sides. When Sir was ready to cum he pulled us both together and came all over both of our heads and faces. I know I was hard at this point and think Craig must have been as well.

Sir cuffed us to each other and kept the spare set of cuffs in his pocket. He told us to go find Mr.

Leather and enjoy him. Sir said he would find us when play time was over.

We looked at each other and wondered what would happen. We finally found him. He was playing with a boy but stopped when he saw the two of us. He told us to follow him. We left the trails and found his motor home. Each of our wrists was bound in leather padded cuffs and was attached above our heads to a tree. Our ankles were also placed in leather cuffs and then a spreader bar was placed between them to keep our legs spread. I noticed a few guys watching before a blindfold were placed over our eyes. I heard the murmurs of the guys gathering around.

I heard cases being opened but had no idea what they contained. A hand was moving over each of us as we both jumped at the same time. Soon I hear a crackling sound but I couldn't place it.

Next if felt electric shocks jumping all over my skin. I felt it jumping to my nipples then I would feel it on my balls. Each time I would try to jump but I was mostly restrained. Craig was feeling the same thing and each time he would take a sharp breath. Our blindfolds were removed and the scene continued. In the dark the sparks appeared very large and impressive. The sight of the electricity was more threatening than the feel. He told us he was using a violet wand on each of us. He then did something so that the shocks were coming right out of his fingers as he touched us. As he played with my balls I finally shot I was so excited. He whispered that was one of his best times. Craig remained hard but hadn't shot but he was moaning excessively. The toys were put away and we were released from our bondage. Sir walked up and reattached our leash. We thanked Mr. Leather and he thanked Sir.

We returned to our cabin to come down. Craig asked if we could share a cigarette and Sir said yes. Craig went and got two and we lit them. Craig and I held our empty cups and we did get an occasional fill up from guys walking by. Sir asked how we were doing and I turned around and smiled. Craig said that was exactly what he needed. Sir said he offered to do more but he said maybe tomorrow. We all peed one more time and then retired to the bed. Craig and I remained cuffed together with Sir at my side. I think the three of us were so tired that we didn't move once during the night.

Next: Chapter 16

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