I Lost a Bet

By Gary Sechen

Published on Feb 10, 2023


The following story is fiction. Any likeness to real persons is purely coincidental. If you are under 18 or if it is illegal for you to read this in your region, please leave now and only return when it is legal for you to read this material. Otherwise, I hope you enjoy. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. I am also very open to new ideas, characters, places to take the story, etc. Any feedback can be sent to gswm@bellsouth.net.

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M, MM, anal, BD, Exhib, WS

Chapter 12 I Lost a Bet - Back Home with Craig

Craig was up and had a cup of coffee ready for me. He was naked liked I hoped he would be. We sat and talked for an hour. He told me how he really needed the weekend alone. Joe had tried to call him a couple of times but Craig ignored the calls. Most of Craig's belongings had been put in order and I said tonight we could put some of his things into my storage locker if he wouldn't need them soon. I said I needed to get ready for work and that when I got home tonight we would talk more. I saw his bike and said we should go for a ride tonight as well.

I started the dreaded preparations for work, but I thought that each day would bring the weekend closer. Also this week I would have Craig around to make the time pass faster. At work things went well. I had a good call with Sir and said Craig seemed to be doing as well as possible. I said I missed him and couldn't wait for the weekend. He told me the flowers were still blooming and the trees were still standing upright. I laughed and told him to keep up the good work.

I got home before Craig and was naked waiting for him to get home. I got on the computer and continued my searching for a job that was either closer to Sir or one I could do from home. Craig walked in and said his day went well until Joe called his office. Craig said he remained calm while talking to Joe and just thought of the day they would be finished. I told him that if he ever considered meeting Joe it should be at a restaurant or coffee shop. Craig had now shed his clothes and we were going to start on his boxes, but someone was knocking at the door. I looked out the peep hole and saw it was Sam. I opened the door and welcomed him in then I realized Craig didn't know him. I apologized and said a friend had moved in temporarily, and introduced the two of them. Sam said wow a like minded friend how great is that? Craig feebly tried to make some conversation but was clearly not too comfortable. I suggested we all sit down and Craig did crossing his legs to hide his embarrassment.

Sam was just stopping by to see if I wanted to go for a bike ride later and I said sure and that Craig had his bike as well and we were going out for a ride later anyway. Sam got up and said he would be back around 7 when his wife started her first evening phone call. After Sam left I told Craig the whole story and that Sam was totally comfortable with me being naked and he actually seemed like he could do it with us with a little encouragement. I told Craig that everything was all right and being naked was just fine and he shouldn't worry about that nice big hard on he had. Craig rolled his eyes and said let's get back to work.

We had a little bite to eat and continued working on Craig's boxes. We separated those he would need from those we could put in storage. Then there was a knock on the door, I told Craig to answer it. He looked at me like I had three heads and I said it was Sam, go let him in. he reluctantly opened the door for Sam and I said we'd be ready in a minute. Craig was already getting dressed while I took my time. All three of us took our bikes outside and I asked if Sam would lead us as he did the other night. I told Craig to go second (and to enjoy the view) and I followed Craig. We were having a nice ride and stopped about 1/2 ways to take a break. We sat on a bench and said this was good for us. Craig said it was nice to get out to nature. We kind of agreed to sprint or go as fast as we could back to the apartment. Needless to say we were all sweating pretty good. I led us into my apartment, put my bike against the wall and stripped off. I asked who else wanted a beer and grabbed three. I had a towel to wipe down and threw it to Craig who hadn't stripped off yet. I gave him a dirty look and he threw the towel to Sam and headed to the bathroom. I sat across from Sam and said it was a great ride. He thought so as well as he called his wife to let her know he was at my place. Craig finally came out of the bathroom wearing his shorts; I gave him a beer anyway. I explained that Craig was a friend and he had just recently broken up with his partner and needed a place to decompress. We were trying to figure out how to organize things. I said we had met playing softball in a league that had games on Thursday night. Sam said he would like to come to our next game and watch. We both said thanks but that we were on the outs with the manager and might not even get to play. He admitted it would be good to get out of the house on a weeknight.

I asked Craig why he wasn't getting undressed like he usually did and said he didn't feel like it. I said what it would take to get him comfortable. Off the top of his head he said a game of truth or dare. I said great and looked at Sam and he said I'm in. We agreed that the first question would go to the name drawn from a hat and the questioner would also be drawn from the hat. Craig asked me a truth; you like getting naked in public don't you? I said yes I do. It was my turn and I decided to ask Sam a truth, I asked have you known other gay men and in case you hadn't realized both Craig and I are gay. Sam said yes he had known other gay men and it didn't bother him. Sam asked Craig for a dare, I want you to take off your shorts. Craig stood up and removed them but he still had on a jock strap that was bulging to an extreme.

Craig said I dare you to drink a mug of piss from Sam, I said get the mug. Sam was like what the fuck? I said yes I drink piss, Sam said he had only heard of such things but never saw it in person. Craig gave Sam the mug and said to fill it up and give it to me. After a minute, Sam returned with the mug, it felt full. I tipped it to my mouth and took a big swig. Sam said wow, I wouldn't believe it if I didn't see it. I asked Sam another truth, have you had sex with another guy. He said yes during his tour of duty in Iraq. Sam asked Craig a dare and said take off your jock. Craig was looking rather nervous but stood up and took off the jock. His hard on bounced against his belly.

I broke the ice and asked who wanted another beer and grabbed the needed three. I first finished my mug but soon was drinking the beer as the others. I asked Sam what he would tell his wife about tonight and he said I'll tell her I was bonding with the two of you. And I'll say that you invited me to your softball game on Thursday.

We then sat and tried to help Craig with his relationship issues. Both of us agreed that Joe was not the right guy for him. I said to Sam you'll be able to meet him at the game. He said he hoped that he would be able to keep his emotions under control from what he heard tonight.

Sam's phone rang and he lamented it was time for him to go home. I stood and hugged him and said thanks for a great evening. Finally Craig stood and did the same; I think two hard cocks met when they hugged.

Craig reluctantly thanked me for getting him naked in front of Sam. He admitted Sam was an adorable guy and too bad he recently got married. We talked for a little bit and Craig said it had been a while since he had so much fun. I told him we'd work on more nights like tonight.

I said I'm going to bed and for Craig to come to bed whenever he wanted. Just remember that no fooling around unless Sam is with us. He laughed and said he would join me in a few minutes.

I woke up briefly when Craig came to bed and he apologized. I asked if he got rid of his hard on and he said yes. I woke up to Craig's snoring, slipped out of bed and put a pot of coffee on. I went for a short ride. I did meet up with the guy from last week and we chatted for a while. We agreed to see each other tomorrow morning. I got back and a cup of coffee was poured for me and Craig and I talked. I asked if he was mad at me for last night and he said no. He admitted he liked what happened and needed encouragement to make it happen. I said I was glad and hoped he was going to continue to be naked with me. He said yes as he playfully tweaked my nipple.

At work I got hard while I was retelling the story from last night to Sir. He kept saying no way and said he needed video proof of the next time that happened. I said I'd like to see a video of it as well.

The week continued to pass and it was Thursday night. Sam was waiting for Craig and me to get ready for the softball game. We all rode in Sam's car to the field. We agreed that we would wait and see how the game went before we would commit to joining the team for beers at the bar after the game. We pointed out Joe to Sam and said to be leery of him. Sam sat in the stands while we warmed up. As expected, both Craig and I were not in the starting lineup. We joined Sam in the stands to watch the game while our team was in the field. Finally late in the game both Craig and I were sent in to pinch hit. With both of us on base Sam was rooting for us. Another couple of hits and we had both scored but the game was out of reach by then. We lost another game badly. Joe had called for a practice on Saturday; I said I couldn't attend followed by Craig and several other players. Joe said whoever make the practice could would play in the next game. Everybody was dejected. Several of the teammates suggested another bar for beers leaving Joe to go by himself to the normal hangout. We all had a good time and suggested that we would just ride out the remaining games for this season and figure out something for next season.

Sam said he had a real good time and thought that maybe next year he would join the team as long as Joe wasn't involved. We all said Joe would be a deal breaker. Back at the apartment we invited Sam in for a night cap, he agreed since he hadn't heard from his wife yet. We told Sam to get the beers while we got comfortable and both of us joined him after we were naked. I said I hoped we hadn't scared him with the game of truth or dare. Sam said it would take more than that to scare him off. We all toasted our friendship and then the dreaded call came to Sam's phone. He said he would be right there. He chugged his beer and said until next time as he left.

Craig said he couldn't believe how much fun he was having without Joe. He said Joe put a damper on all of their socializing and he didn't realize it until now. He kissed me and said thanks. We talked for a little longer. I said he'd have the apartment to himself again this weekend while I went to Sir's. I hoped he would get out a little while being careful. He did say he might get out but that he would take advantage of just chilling out.

Friday morning during our call Sir said he had a surprise for me. This weekend we would be spending at Jack's house in the country. Jack had to leave for a short trip and offered the place to Sir. I said that would be great and I couldn't wait to see it. He said he had an idea and asked me what I thought of it and I said I thought it was great. He said he would be at my apartment at 6pm and to be ready for some fun. I said the rest of the day was going to pass too slowly until I saw him. I could hardly contain myself when I got home. All I told Craig was that Sir was stopping by tonight to pick me up for our weekend. Craig said he was jealous but the weekend alone would be fine.

Next: Chapter 13

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