I Lost a Bet

By Gary Sechen

Published on Feb 6, 2023


The following story is fiction. Any likeness to real persons is purely coincidental. If you are under 18 or if it is illegal for you to read this in your region, please leave now and only return when it is legal for you to read this material. Otherwise, I hope you enjoy. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. I am also very open to new ideas, characters, places to take the story, etc. Any feedback can be sent to gswm@bellsouth.net.

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M, MM, anal, BD, Exhib, WS

Chapter 11 I Lost a Bet - Back to Sir's House

Since it was prime time at the apartment I decided to wear the singlet out to my car and then strip. When I did get to my car I was glad. I had passed 5 adults and three children. I had been correct in my assessment. I would need to be careful at my place. I was able to drive to Sir's house in less than 45 minutes and did walk naked to his door. He answered quickly and had that evil grin on his face. We hugged and kissed. Sir walked me to the patio where he had some snacks and drinks set up. Thankfully my drink was made by him. We talked a little bit as I brought him up to date on Craig. He said he was proud of me for stepping up for Craig. He was sure this would be a rewarding experience for the two of us however it worked out. I unbuckled Sir's shorts and pulled them down and helped him out of them. I needed to taste his cock as much as Sir needed my mouth on him. Sir was already boning up and it didn't take long for me to have him pounding my face. Sir would go fast and then slow down to prolong our experience.

Sir held my face tightly at the base of his cock as he started to pump me full. When he was nearly finished he pumped one last time on my face. Sir licked his cum and fed it to me. This is what I missed on a daily basis. I lay in Sir's arms as we relaxed. He saw that my cock was as hard as allowed and asked me how I was doing. I said I couldn't be happier and he had brought me to a new level of my sexuality.

We had dinner watching the sun set. We each had a couple of glasses of wine with dinner. Sir asked me what I wanted to do this weekend and I said I wanted it to be as much as possible just the two of us. I had some plans for tomorrow and would fill him in tomorrow morning. I asked if he had a handyman that could help me with a project who wouldn't be upset with me being naked. He said he thought he knew of someone like that who had done some work for him in the past. He would check with him in the morning. I watched Sir's every move; I couldn't get enough of his fantastic red hair and muscles. Everything he did I was in awe of.

I told Sir I was mentally and physically tired and would it be ok for me to go to bed early. He said yes and that he would join me shortly. I felt warm and comfortable in Sir's bed and wondered how Craig was making out at home. I'd have to call him first thing in the morning to check on him. Then I started going over the plans I had made as a gift to Sir. I was going to put in plants and a couple of trees. I wanted to bring some color and texture to his back yard and also provide some shade. With his red hair and fair skin he could not spend too much time in direct sunlight. I wanted to give him a little improved back yard space. I'd put a couple of photos of his back yard into a program and was able to figure out what plants would work best around the yard. I'd also found some trees that I could place so his views wouldn't be impaired but would provide shady sitting areas. And if we could get the handyman coordinated we could put in underground sprinkling so Sir would not have to water during the week while I was away.

Sir slipped into bed next to me. My whole body tingled as he put his arms around me. I turned my head and gave him a kiss. This was bliss.

Sir gently was massaging my body and I woke to his smile. He said nice to have you to wake up to sunshine. I said it was my pleasure. I wondered how I was going to pleasure him this morning.

Sir removed the butt plug and the question was answered. I went down on him to get his cock lubed up for my ass. When I felt he was ready I climbed back up and sat on his cock. I felt every inch slide into me. It was warm and hard. I watched his reaction as I had taken him entirely. I started to ride him slowly at first but gaining speed. I tightened my ass and Sir responded with moans. I rubbed my hands all over his chest. Sir wasn't going to last long he was nearing the point of no return and then I could feel the pulsing in my ass. I clamped down and tried to get every drop out of him. When he finally slide out he pushed the plug back in. I slid further down and cleaned off his cock waiting for another offering. It wasn't long and I had a long morning piss filling my belly.

Sir pulled me up and we kissed sharing his offering between us. Sir ran his hand over my body feeling my smooth skin. He grabbed my balls and my cock was expanding to its limits. He told me he loved the feeling of my hairless body and also thought that my bike rides were toning my body. I said it was my pleasure to do these things for him.

Sir took to the master bathroom I went to the other one to begin my morning routine. I was able to finish everything just a little after Sir was done. We decided to go for a little bike ride and then have a bite to eat. When we got back I said I was going to call Craig and Sir said he'd like to talk to him as well. Craig said he spent an uneventful night and yes he was still naked. His goal today was to organize his belonging so that there would be minimal clutter. I told him not to worry about that and together we would figure out storage problems. I said Sir wanted to talk to him and handed the phone over. I got some things for us to eat while Sir talked to Craig and didn't listen in.

A couple of minutes later Sir handed back my phone and said he thought Craig was on his way back to a normal life. He suggested that I spend a lot of time with him and keep his confidence up.

After eating I asked Sir if he would call his handyman, he handed me the phone when he confirmed that he was available today. I went out to the yard while I explained what I had in mind and he said yes he could do that and he would be there around 1 in the afternoon. I said great. I told Sir I had a surprise for him and explained what I wanted to do. I took his hand and walked him around the yard pointing out what I had in mind. He said that he was awful at keeping plants alive but he would appreciate my hand in helping his yard. I asked if he wanted to come along when I bought the plants and things and he said no and he would just get in the way.

I took my driver's license and debit card and headed out - oh yeah I did put on my singlet. I got to the box store and wandered the isles looking for the right plants. A young man, an employee asked if he could help me find anything. I told him I had a long list. By the time we'd finished I had purchased several hundred plants, soil and mulch. He asked if I'd like it delivered since the truck had not left yet and I said that would be great. I gave the address and my phone number and completed the purchase. He said he would call after the delivery to insure everything was in order.

I got back to Sir's and told him the plants were being delivered shortly and thought maybe I should be dressed. He said no, the delivery people must be used to naked people at their homes. I said fine, I didn't want to offend anyone and Sir said they couldn't be offended by my body. I think I blushed.

A short while later the truck arrived and I opened the side gate. I found out they only dropped shipped the orders and would leave them on the driveway. I put as much as possible in a wheelbarrow and would take them back and place them approximately where I wanted to plant them. I asked if they could bend the rules to move the two trees into the back and they agreed to that. I went and got some cash to tip them. I double checked the order and all was here I just had to move it to the backyard. After about an hour I got everything in place and did a final check to make sure I had it laid out properly. Sir gave me a drink and it hit the spot. I was a little refreshed and figured I would get started and work until a lunch break.

I took a step back every so often to make sure the results matched my plans and it looked good. I hoped that the handyman would be able to accomplish what I wanted so the plants didn't die during the week while I was away.

Sir told me he had fixed lunch and I should stop for a break. I welcomed the refreshments and the compliments Sir had offered. I said I hoped it would look fine when all done. Sir mentioned that my phone rang a while ago and the clerk from the store wanted to know how things looked.

He told the clerk the back yard looked a little naked. The clerk offered to stop by at the end of his shift to see if he could fix anything and Sir said that would be a good idea. I just shook my head.

The handyman had arrived and carried in a bunch of supplies and PVC pipe. He knew where the water main was and suggested that I begin digging a ditch for the pipe. He asked what kind of sprinkler heads I wanted and after talking it out we figured how the layout should happen. He told me where and how deep to dig the trench and he would follow me with the piping. This part of the job went fast with the two of us working together. Sir would bring out beverages for us and mine always hit the spot. I was really working up a sweat and knew I'd be really ripe by the end of today's work. I figured that Sir would only add to the aromas.

The handy man had finished his work but I had a lot of planting to do. He gave me a bill and I asked if I could send him a check and he said that would be ok. He shook Sir's hand and left after he had made sure the sprinklers worked as I requested. Now I had about 3/4th of the planting to finish. I kept plugging away. I heard Sir talking and figured that he was talking on the phone. Then I sensed the foot steps behind me. It was the box store employee. He asked how I was doing. I said it was going good. He said it would look great once I finished the project. I started to stand up but he just pushed me back down to my knees. He pulled out his cock and told me to get busy. Sir walked up and said he needed to be first and placed his cock in my mouth. I knew that was a drink from him. I went back to the clerk and started to suck his cock. I didn't have to work very hard or long and he was shooting in my mouth. I stood up and he said he looked forward to seeing the property when I had finished. Sir led him to the house and I was alone again with my planting.

I took a little break before getting back to work. Sir came and sat with me and told me that it was really taking shape. He told me I could work for another 2 hours then we had plans, so I should get back to work. I had only 1/2 of the last wall to go and Sir said it could wait until tomorrow. Sir said I should take a shower to clean off all of the dirt and sweat and then put my singlet on.

We drove a little bit and Sir said it was time to expand my wardrobe. We stopped at a nondescript store outside of town. Sir led me in and said to give him the singlet, I looked at Sir and said to myself that I trust you and gave him my clothes. We turned around and headed for the counter and I could see we were in a leather store. Sir was greeted by the clerk and told him we needed to get some garments for me. A few measurements were taken and then we began shopping. First was a pair of leather shorts that had paddle locks in various places, I pulled them on and adjusted the belt and they fit. Next were a rubber pair of shorts which I did get on with much help and I was told how to easily put them on using baby powder to help them slide over my skin. I then tried on a yellow rubber tank top and I'll admit they looked good together. After I'd peeled them off I tried on a cod piece. It had a chain around the waist and a chain that would fit between my ass checks. When the cod piece was unsnapped from the chain I saw a place for my cock and balls to fit and the inside was studded in sharp little metal pieces. A pair of boots was the last purchase. Lastly was a t-shirt that had a naked guy and it said "I'm with Sir" written on the front. All items were placed in several bags and were handed to me. Sir paid and we were on our way again except I was naked again when we left the store.

The next store we went to was in the downtown area. After we parked Sir told me to put the singlet back on and we entered the store. We were greeted and Sir said we had an appointment with George for some fittings. George appeared and looked me up and down. He had already selected several outfits and took us to the changing area. Sir held out his hand and I stripped out of my singlet. The first thing I tried on was a pair of white shorts, very tight fitting especially around my groin and ass. Another pair of shorts was handed to me and these were much the same as the first but in a plaid pattern. Next I tried on some t-shirts, stylish with some designs and some plain. A few button up shirts were next given to me to try on and they all seem to fit very well. Sir asked me what I wanted to where to leave the store and while I said I really wanted to wear nothing but I selected a pair of shorts and a sleeveless t-shirt. Again everything was placed into bags that I grabbed and we headed out. Boy did these clothes feel different and it was strange wearing them around Sir.

I asked Sir what this was all about and he said he would tell me over dinner. He drove to a gay friendly restaurant where we had reservations. We had a table in a back corner and were seated.

We ordered drinks and Sir took my hand. He told me he has never been happier and wanted to share that with me. He said on occasion we will be going out and I needed some nice sexy clothes to wear. He wanted everyone to see the man he saw. He wanted to show me off in public on those occasions when I had to be dressed. He also said how great the yard was looking and he appreciated my hard work. He kissed me and kept on holding my hand. Sir ordered our meals and continued talking.

I asked Sir what he did for a living. I said that we've only known each other for two weeks and I see that he has everything he wants or needs but that I don't know if he works and what he does.

I say that I'm not prying but that I'd like to know more about him. Sir told me he doesn't tell his life story too much and waits until he knows the other person is honest, trustworthy and caring.

He told me that through an unfortunate accident he became very wealthy. He was away at college and his parents were killed. Between life insurance, inheritance and a law suit over their death he acquired a lot of money. When he went back to college he focused his energies on money management and learned how to invest and take care of what came to him. Through managing his own money he came to start investing with others and managing other people's money. He has a small office and staff but usually spends most of his weekdays at home working from his office there. He does go out and meet clients and various fund managers but runs his business without pretense.

I said how sorry I was and that I appreciated his honesty. He mentioned that a couple of friends at the dinner party last week were also clients as well as friends. I asked if he would manage my 401k and my savings account. He said that would not be a problem and we would figure that out in time. He said he was glad that I completed college and was working and trying to do better for myself and that I should be proud of my life. I said it all seems so menial compared to his fortunes and he stopped me. He said he would gladly trade it all back in for more time with his parents. He said they were so understanding and gave him a solid footing in life. They taught him principles to stand by and he never forgot them. We both had a tear in our eye.

Dinner was served and casually the waiter asked if this was a celebration or just a Saturday night out. We both answered celebration as it was two weeks ago we met. He congratulated us and left us to our dinner. It was so romantic; Sir was rubbing his knee against mine. I let my hand wander once and did feel stiffness in his pants. Needless to say my little cock was straining at its confinement.

I said it won't take me long to finish the gardening tomorrow and was looking forward to relaxing with him. I asked him to remind me to call Craig. He said that he would remind me as I was riding his cock so that I'd better take my phone to bed with us tonight.

We passed on desert and decided to just go for a nighttime ride. Sir was going to take a scenic route home and since it was nice he could put the top down. When we got to the car Sir asked if I was a little uncomfortable and I said yes. He said it was all right if I wanted to strip. I was basically naked before he finished the sentence. I asked if we could stop for a cup of coffee for our drive and he said great idea. When we drove thru the coffee shop I grabbed Sir's hand and held it to my heart it was beating so fast. He paid and we got our coffees and were on our way.

It was such a beautiful night with the stars and moon I couldn't think of anything better.

We finally arrived back at Sir's and I grabbed all of the packages from the trunk. I asked where he wanted me to put my new clothes. He walked me to his bedroom and opened a couple of drawers in his dresser and said these were mine and showed me where to hang my clothes in his closet. I told him that I never wanted to give up wearing my singlet as it had a special meaning to me. He said it was mine forever and he understood why.

Sir said he was going to bed but suggested I stay up for a while and enjoy the new views of the back yard. I kissed him and went out and sat on the grass. I couldn't help thinking of Sir's parents and how he was left all alone at a young age. Yet he did so well for himself. He really was special and I hoped I could only return half of what he has shown me. I stayed out for about a 1/2 hour and went to bed. I snuggled up close to Sir. His deep breathing was soothing to me. I drifted off trying to remember my life before Sir and it was nearly meaningless. Now I had a purpose to my life.

I felt Sir biting at my nipples before I was awake. I was starting to push him away until I realized where I was and who was horny for me. I smiled and said what a great way to wake up. He said he had something better for me with his evil grin. I was helping to release the pressure in no time.

And then I was getting him lubed up for me. Sir pulled the plug out and I was on top of him and clamped down quickly. Sir reminded me that I needed to call Craig and I grabbed my phone and called. I was able to carry on a conversation while Sir was pounding me. Thankfully Craig was short on the phone as he wasn't out of bed yet; he said he would call back in about an hour after some coffee. I threw the phone on the floor and went back to work. Sir was hitting that spot in my ass that was driving me wild. I could almost feel my eyes rolling back into head. I was shooting cum at the same time as Sir was filing my ass. I didn't want to move but Sir pushed me off and held me close. I told him to kick me out of bed when next weekend rolls around. He went and got a different plug and soon I was full again. He pulled the covers up tight around me and said he would get me when breakfast was ready.

My mind was running again. How wonderful shopping and dinner was last night. God this was too good to be true. I hoped someone would pinch me and wake me from this dream but not right now. I must have dozed off as I felt Sir slapping my ass. He told me food was ready on the patio. I first went and brushed my teeth and joined him. A nice healthy breakfast that was filling and good. I cleaned the table and suggested a bike ride and soon we were dressed and off. This new plug was pleasuring me in new way on this ride. It felt like it was plugged in to the right spot in my butt. After an hour we were back home. Sir picked up the paper and put some music on the stereo. I again was naked and planting flowers. Soon I was spreading the mulch around the flowers and that job was finished. I turned on the sprinklers and thoroughly soaked them.

Next was planting the two trees. I circled them a couple times and decided they were in the right spots. The digging was a little more strenuous but I was now done. I put all of the gardening tools away and sat next to Sir. He couldn't say enough and hoped that they would survive until next weekend. I told him I'd let him know what to do this week. Those thoughts got me down a little, it meant that I would be leaving again and not seeing him until next Friday. I did physically slap myself to get those thoughts out of my mind and remember I was still here with Sir.

I asked if he needed anything and he said no, I asked if I could take a shower and he said yes I'd earned it. After my shower I called Craig since I hadn't heard back from him. He apologized and said he forgot. He said he got caught up in over thinking his situation. I said I'd be home about 5am, I might join him in bed or I might just go for a bike ride. Craig said he was looking forward to seeing me again.

I took a blanket out onto the lawn and lay underneath one of the new trees. I could see Sir and watched him read the paper. How could life get any better? I must have fallen asleep. I saw an image of the two of us in 50 years and started to laugh. Sir asked me what was so funny and I said I'd let him know later, in like 50 years.

Sir asked if I could help him set up an e-book he got last Christmas. In about 20 minutes I had it working and was surfing all of the options. I handed it to him and lay down next to him showing him how to work it. I helped him purchase a book he had wanted to read. It was all set up now and ready to go. He said he couldn't bring himself to do the set up and thanked me for the help.

I said I wanted to hear about the book this week.

I went and fixed and early dinner. I grilled the meat we had defrosted earlier and prepared a couple of sides. Sir told me it was so good to eat with another because eating alone was no fun. I asked if he wanted a date next Friday night and he said he could probably work me into his schedule. We then lay down on the sofa together and watched a little of the tube before bed. I quietly went into the bed and soon Sir woke up and joined me. Pulling me tight to him I sleep peacefully. That is until my fucking alarm went off a 4am. Sir told me to ignore it but I shut it off and slide down between his legs. We were both satisfied and I gave him a big wet sloppy kiss. I grabbed my toiletries and singlet and headed out. It was before 5 when I got home and I texted him. He said he missed me, I texted same here.

Next: Chapter 12

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