I Lost a Bet

By Gary Sechen

Published on Feb 2, 2023


The following story is fiction. Any likeness to real persons is purely coincidental. If you are under 18 or if it is illegal for you to read this in your region, please leave now and only return when it is legal for you to read this material. Otherwise, I hope you enjoy. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. I am also very open to new ideas, characters, places to take the story, etc. Any feedback can be sent to gswm@bellsouth.net.

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M, MM, anal, BD, Exhib, WS

Chapter 10 I Lost a Bet - Back Home Alone Again

When I got home I slumped into my couch and couldn't move for a while. I did text Sir and told him I'd arrived home safely. I figured I'd better go for a bike ride as it was only 5am. I started to leave with my bike and then realized I'd need my singlet. I walked back into my apartment and brought it out to wear. As I was pulling it on I realized that the young married man must have seen me getting dressed. Without hesitation he said it was good that I was getting exercise so early in the day. He wondered if I would like company on an evening bike ride and I said sure.

The he added his name was Sam, I told him my name. He said that we should have done this before but his new wife was keeping him under control. He commented about my nearly naked appearances in the lobby of the apartment as well as my totally sexy biking uniform. I said I understood his comment about his wife's controlling behavior.

I wondered what all of the things were that were roaming around his mind. I hoped that he would be open up to me when he was ready. I had texted Sir when I'd completed my bike ride.

He congratulated me on my exercise and making a new friendship. I told Sir it was time for me to get ready for work.

Sir said to suck it in and that I wasn't the only guy that needed to get dressed for work. I said I wished I wasn't. I showered and cleaned myself out. Soon I was back into the everyday routine.

I got dressed and walked out of my apartment again a changed man. My mind was spinning out of control and I needed to figure out a job that that I could do while naked.

At work not much had changed. I was still doing the same thing as I always did, make sure the debits equaled the credits so that the books balanced. Monthly, quarterly and annually nothing changed. Although I did my job well and got glowing annual reviews I was behind a good number of people for advancement. I had to figure out something else so that if my relationship with Sir went to the next level I could be ready for that new challenge. I set a goal of doing the online research for how I could transform my career when I needed to.

Sir and I spoke again during my break. I asked about his morning and his routine. It was all fine with him except I wasn't there. I sighed at this thought. I told Sir I'd call him this evening. And that was it, nothing more to my day until tonight. Back at the desk and I'd stare at the place I wanted a photo of Sir, maybe one that was taken in his yard. I'd finished another day and was heading home. Damn, I was back to my apartment alone again. My new routine after work was to immediately go to my bedroom and strip off my clothes and then attend to whatever needed to be done.

I was channel surfing when the knock on the door startled me. I asked who it was and Sam answered. I told him to hold on a minute because I needed to put some clothes on. Thankfully he bought the line and said no need to worry, we're both guys right. I took a deep breath and opened the door to let him in. He said I wasn't kidding and walked in. He was feeling awkward but I reassured him everything was all right. I told him that I was naked in my apartment from the time I got home until I left again in the morning. Sitting down on my couch opposite me he confessed he tried doing that a couple of times when he lived alone but that his hard cock seemed to always get in the way. I pointed to my cock cage and said that problem has been largely solved. He asked me about it and who would put that on a guy and I told him that I had recently met a special friend who put it on my and they held the key. He asked if the same person had put the chain and lock around my neck and I said yes. He said that the relationship sounded kinky and I said that was one way to describe it. Sam slapped his head and said he nearly forgot why he was here; he wanted to know if I was interested in a bike ride with him right now. He had finished dinner and his wife was on the phone to one of her girlfriends so he had some free time. I said I'd love to go for a ride and went and retrieved my singlet, stepped into it and said let's go.

I followed him on the route he usually takes. It was a nice ride of about 10 miles around the neighborhood. Some of the bike path went through some woods and then back to the bike lanes beside the roads. We'd both worked up a sweat and I suggested a beer at my place. He said yes but that he would need to check in with his wife and let her know. He confessed that she might order him home but said let's see.

I went to my bedroom and took off my clothes and then I was back to the kitchen and grabbed two beers. He gave me the thumbs up as he was talking to his wife. Finally he put the phone down and said all was fine, as long as she knew where he was. I asked him how married life was and he said his wife was a little controlling but she was good for him. They had dated for about 6 months before they had decided to get married and that was just a little over 6 months ago. He told me he was a medic in the military and had done a couple of tours in Iraq and Afghanistan. I said I could never have survived in those two places and he admitted that many of his friends came back changed beyond belief.

I grabbed two more beers and handed one to Sam. He said I seem so cool being naked around another guy who has clothes on and I said I'd just started getting over that fear. I said I'd done some things that even surprised me. He asked if he could ask a personal question, I encouraged him on. He said he thought he saw something in my ass as I bent over at the frig getting our beers. He wondered if he was seeing things or not. I said yes he did see something and that was the end of a butt plug. Sam said he had heard of them but had never seen one or knew what it was for. I told him we'd have that conversation another night. He phone rang and it was his wife telling him it was time for him to return home. He chugged the rest of his beer and thanked me for the time away from his wife. I told me anytime that I was here he was welcome.

I asked him for a favor before he left. I said I'd wanted a pic of my body to compare as I continued my workouts. I said I wanted a pic in the bathroom mirror that would show my full front but that it would also capture my back in the mirror. He said he would be happy to help and we went to the bathroom and I posed for several pics he took with my camera. He said he believed that he was able to get the pics as I asked and if not he would take some the next time he stopped by. With that he was gone back to his apartment. Checking the photos, I could see him in a couple of them and sent them to Sir and I explained how I came about to have them taken. Damn, I was getting an erection again thinking of being exposed so totally with Sam. I wondered where this would lead.

I spent a little time surfing the net working on two projects, one was beginning a job search and the second was a surprise for Sir. I made a little progress on each and saved several web sites into a new folder. I felt good and figured it was a good time for bed.

I replayed the events of the day in my head and felt so good about myself and the progress I've made in my life. I thanked Sir for all of his help and my dreams were filled with images of him.

As my mind showed the images of Sir fucking me I had another wet dream. Sir satisfied me again and he wasn't lying next to me.

Getting up early I decided that now would be a good time to use the body groomer razor. I'd gotten quite good using it and could keep the stubble to a minimum. The smooth feel of my body still felt odd but I was becoming accustomed to it. I felt proud to be able to do this for Sir. The only problem area I had keeping smooth was around the cock cage and cock ring. Chris had suggested that I could try some depilatory creams that could be applied and then washed off in the shower. That seemed to work with no side effects so I added that to my routine.

The days went by rather blindly with my only highlights being my conversation with Sir. I was only looking forward to the weekend, which was my focus. Tomorrow night would be a little change as we had a softball game. I wasn't looking forward to the game but I did want to see Craig.

I'd only seen Sam with his wife in the hallway of the apartment; he said Hi and waved to me while his wife barely acknowledged me. My nights were spent in front of the computer working on my projects. Then it was bed and I was starting the day again.

When we arrived at the softball field Joe called everybody over to discuss a few lineup changes.

He wants to try some new people in new positions. Amazingly Joe had put new players in for Craig and me while we sat on the bench. Craig said that was Joe's way of punishing the two of us for being the heroes last week. When he had a chance Craig asked if we could go for a cup of coffee after the game instead of going with the team to the bar. I said sure and asked if he was ok. Craig said that is what he needed to talk about. The game ended too quickly as we lost by the mercy rule. We never hit the ball and the changed line up didn't work in the field. Joe of course was yelling and cursing but nobody was really paying attention.

Craig told me to follow him and we got to the coffee shop without anybody noticing us. We found a booth in the corner and Craig went and placed our orders. We made small talk until our coffee was delivered then Craig went into overdrive. He said the week at their condo was hell.

Even though he was staying in the spare bedroom Joe was being a bully. He had started to search for a new place but nothing was available until near the first of the month. His home life was affecting is work. He was lost and didn't know what he could or should do. I held his hand and said you are spending the night at my place, my bed was big enough for the two of us and we could talk more. We finished the coffees and I told him where I lived and he followed.

When we got to my place I went into the bedroom and stripped. I told Craig to open us a couple of beers and I'd be right out. Craig was still walking like he was on autopilot. I took his hand and we sat on the couch. I asked Craig if he could take the day off tomorrow and he said he probably could. I told him that tomorrow he could moved all he needed into my place and we'd figure out what we needed to figure out as the need be. He was in such a terrible state he needed to get away from Joe ASAP. I told him Friday night I'd be leaving for Sir's house and he could spend the weekend getting his mind cleared. I told him that he could stay with me as long as he needed and not to worry about anything except getting his life back together. He was crying and I reached over and held him. We stayed like this for a long time before Craig got himself somewhat together. When he had calmed down I said it was time for him to get naked and comfortable in his new home. I suggested that he should follow my rule of naked once you enter the door. He reluctantly complied but said it might take an effort on our part for him to feel welcome and comfortable especially the naked part.

I asked if he would have enough time tomorrow to move his necessary belongings and he thought so. It mostly would be his clothes, computer and some other things he needed. I got the spare key and gave it to Craig and told him to call me during the day to let me know how he was doing. His problems were beginning to lift but he still had a lot to work thru. I got us another beer while we talked about last weekend at Sir's house. He thought we were such a great couple and I said for him to slow down since we'd only spent two weekends together. Craig reminded me that we had so much in common and everything was headed in the right direction.

We went to bed and while it took some adjustment to fall asleep with someone else in bed, eventually I did sleep. In the morning I slipped out of bed quietly and began my morning routine.

I did the shaving then went for my bike ride. I was thinking about Sir and then Craig again.

When I got back home Craig was awake but still laying in bed. I told him he should get up so we could talk about a few things but he said he had a problem. I asked what and he said he had a hard on and was embarrassed. I pulled the cover back and looked at his cock and said you've got nothing to be embarrassed about with that cock, now get up. He did and I gave him a glass of juice. I suggested that he call his office and say he needed the day off for some emergency. I told him I'd call him when I got to work and saw Joe. He could then begin moving his stuff out of their condo. I told him he should leave a note for Joe that said he needed to get away for a while and when he was ready to talk to Joe he would contact him. Craig thought that was a good plan. I asked if he was up for it since it would be emotional and he agreed but said it was something he had to do.

I finished in the bathroom and got dressed. Before I left I gave Craig a hug and said he'd better get ready as I'd call him as soon as I saw Joe. He nodded and I left. As I was walking into the office I saw Joe ahead of me so I took the opportunity to call Craig. He answered but was crying and he said he didn't know how he could ever repay me. I said he could start by moving and I wanted to hear from him when he had finished and returned to our apartment. Later in the morning when talking to Sir I explained what had happened and he agreed that I did the right thing for Craig. He said to keep him informed and that he wanted to see me tonight as soon as I could leave Craig. I said I'd be there as soon as I could.

After lunch Craig called and said he had just finished with his last load of stuff. He was in our apartment and sitting naked while he wrote down all of the things he needed to do. I told him to take his time and I would see him after work.

My week was now finished and I headed home to check on Craig. He had piled all of his things into one corner. He came over to me and hugged me and thanked me again. I said to slow down and wait for me to get comfortable. As I walked back into the living room he handed me my "boy" mug and said for me to enjoy it. Yes it was my favorite flavor. We sat down for a while and talked. He was doing fine. He had his plans laid out on paper and would attack them as he could. Then his phone rang and it was Joe. I told him to answer it and to be strong. The conversation started out civil but soon I could hear Joe on the other end yelling. I left and gathered my few things I'd be taking with me and waited for this call to end. Craig called to me and said he'd hung up on Joe. I said if he called again to tell him that if he could talk reasonably that would be fine but if Joe got abusive again he'd end the call. Craig said that was a good plan.

I said I'd be leaving soon for Sir's and asked Craig again if he was ok. He said he would relish the alone time and he promised to talk to me throughout the weekend.

Next: Chapter 11

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