I Lost a Bet

By Gary Sechen

Published on Dec 25, 2022


The following story is fiction. Any likeness to real persons is purely coincidental. If you are under 18 or if it is illegal for you to read this in your region, please leave now and only return when it is legal for you to read this material. Otherwise, I hope you enjoy. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. I am also very open to new ideas, characters, places to take the story, etc. Any feedback can be sent to gswm@bellsouth.net.

M, MM, anal, BD, Exhib, WS

I Lost a Bet - Chapter 1

I've been a nudist at home for a long time. Pretty much since I moved away from home I've been naked around the house but not outside of the house or where anyone could see me.

I grew up in a conservative home. Mom & Dad and older/under siblings and sex was not ever discussed at home. This was before the internet so I didn't have a way to understand or explore my sexuality. I knew I liked men and like to see them naked but in a small town I had no way to seek out information or other like minded friends.

I did go away to college, my junior and senior years were on campus in a dorm. I got to see an occasional dick but never had the opportunity to do anything. After graduation I went right to work in my home town and basically tried to avoid the two girls who were chasing me. By now I had started going to ABS and found that magazines and movies were made for people like me. After work I'd go home, get naked, make some dinner and then I'd be looking at the gay magazines or Playgirl. My cock would be leaking all night until I jacked off. I even slept naked, the first few nights worrying that I'd be caught naked if the apartment burned down.

Finally I found out about gay VHS tapes. I must have worn out the first few I bought, nothing could match that first one I saw with a guy walking naked thru the woods and having fun. Boy did I want to follow in his footsteps.

Fast forward a few years, me; I'm still stuck in the same rut. Yes, I've had a few quickies but nothing lasting. I've decided to make a different vacation for myself and finally explore what I've been missing all of these years. I've found a campground that has a clothing optional pool area and one of their themed weekends is set up so the entire campground is clothing optional. I've booked a cabin near the pool area, without an attached bathroom which means every time I need to go I'll be forced into the public restrooms and showers.

The place is not far from where I live so I drive there late on Thursday after work. I'm literally shaking in my boots as I register in the office. The guys behind the counter are really friendly, asking about me and offering suggestions. They let me know that after dark on Thursday, the official naked weekend unofficially begins. I'm encouraged to be naked all weekend and only need to be wrapped in a towel if I'm in the pool bar area or the restaurant where food is being handled. Otherwise the entire campground is for my naked pleasure. I thank the guys but mention I've never been naked in public and they assure me there is nothing to be afraid of at the campground.

I drive to my cabin and carry my suitcase in, set up my few belongings in the sparse accommodations. I change into shorts and flip flops, a tank top and head to the pool bar. A few guys are in the pool and several others are drinking in the bar. I see that some guys are entirely naked around the pool and I guess a few in the water are as well. I sit down in a pool chair and take in the atmosphere while downing my beer. A couple of guys nod at me and I acknowledge them. I go get a second beer and decide to take it on a walk around the camp ground to get my bearings.

I see many campers, tents, motor homes and a lot of lights on in other cabins. Everyone seems so friendly. As I need another beer I head back to the pool bar to get a refill. At dusk the pool light comes on and I can see that most of the guys are now naked. One of the guys has been smiling at me since I returned and he gets out of the pool and comes over to me. His name is Ted and he shakes my hand and invites me into the pool. Since I have a plastic cup he says I can set it by the side of the pool and drink while in the pool. I explain to Ted that I'll go and get my swim suit and be right back but Ted says not to bother since the naked weekend has begun and the pool is always clothing optional anyway. He senses my reluctance but assures me after dark no one will notice one more naked guy. He helps me up out of the chair and begins to undress me. I start shaking again and he asks if I'm ok. I tell him I've never done this before and he whispers to me to just close my eyes, drop my clothes and grab his hand and he'll lead me to the water.

Before I know it I'm up to my shoulders in the water and my nakedness is somewhat hidden in the water. Ted gives me my beer cup and I down what is left in one big gulp. Ted rubs my shoulders, encouraging me and telling me that I'm ok. He tells me to look around and see that I'm not a spectacle and no one cares that I'm naked but myself. I reluctantly agree and calm down a little. Ted is very good to me and the conversation helps make me at ease. Ted goes and gets us both another beer and I start to get a little comfortable. When he returns I explain to Ted that I'm always naked at home but I've never had the chance to do so in public. He understands and tells me by Sunday night I'll never want to put on clothes again. I say I doubt it.

A friend of Ted's comes by and asks if we need anything while he goes to the bar and Ted orders us both another beer. Ted introduces me to Chris, I put my hand out to shake his but Chris hugs me. I realize he is naked as my leg touches his cock. That immediately sends shock waves to my little cock and it goes to attention. Ted asks me what is wrong and I lean over and tell him after Chris leaves. Ted quietly laughs and says thank god your cock works like it is supposed to don't worry about showing other guys that you have fully functioning equipment.

Chris sets all three beers on the side of the pool and jumps in next to us. After a little swim he comes up for air next to me and comments on my hairy body. I look a little bewildered and he asks me if I would be up for some "manscaping" later. He smiles and grabs his beer and meanders away from Ted and I. Ted pulls me close and explains what Chris wants to do and I swear I blush. Ted has a way to make me feel comfortable in my first public naked encounter; I lean over and thank him with a hug.

After a little more conversation I tell him that it is my turn to by a round of drinks and I inquire about the naked etiquette of being naked and going into the pool bar. Ted tells me I can do so now that it is after dark and the daytime rules are relaxed. I should just grab my money and stroll into the bar and order two more drafts and turn around and walk back to the pool.

I took a deep breath and said now or never and did it. When I left the pool my eyes were darting everywhere looking at everyone. I quickly dried myself off, grabbed a $5 and went into the bar and ordered our beers. All of the patrons and the bartender wanted to have a long discussion but I only wanted to get back to the pool with our beers. I grabbed them as soon as I could and said to everyone I'll see you later. Back in the pool I think I took my first breath and Ted hugged me and congratulated me on my courage. I just shook my head and took a long drink. Ted pushed me back to the side of the pool and said to calm down that this was the first step in a long enjoyable process.

He took my hand and walked me back to the pool steps and led me out of the pool and sat me down by a table. He dried me off and told me to have another sip of my beer and to realize I was sitting naked in public having a beer. I cautiously looked around and raised my cup of beer to his and thanked him, nevertheless taking a big swig. Ted quietly nodded and took a big swig of his beer and excused himself to the men's room. I took in the surroundings and watched where Ted went to take a leak.

No sooner was Ted out of sight and Chris sat down. He asked if I was at all interested in the shaving he offered and I said I might take him up on it but I was waiting for Ted to return. He said that Ted enjoyed his shaving talents and assured me that I would too. He even offered to shave the both of us so that we were neat and trim for the weekend's activities. Ted returned and joined the conversation, saying yes he would like a little manscaping and asked Chris what time would be good for the two of us to stop by his cabin. Chris told him 1 hour would be fine and Ted said we'd be there.

Ted suggested that we should take a stroll around the campground so that I knew where everything was and that I wouldn't get too lost at night. I got up and grabbed for my clothes and Ted pulled them from my hands before I could use them. I was told that at least tonight I would be naked the entire time. He held on to my clothes, gave me my wallet and keys and we headed for my cabin. We put my wallet inside the cabin and my keys on a wrist band. Ted asked me if I was up for some fun tonight and my beer induced mind said yes, I nodded my assent. He took my shorts, tank top and then went to my duffle bag and removed all of my clothes. He put them into a bag and we left my cabin. Ted told me not to worry, he would lock my clothes in a locker that the campground offered for day trippers and that my clothes would be fine. The locker-room attendant said he could hold the key and not to worry.

Ted grabbed my hand and led me out.

Here I was walking around the campground naked and now without any clothes to my name. I said I needed another beer and Ted suggested we check out the dance bar. I followed as Ted led along a trail to the next bar. We entered, and to my shock, we were the only naked guys in this bar. Ted walked very confidently to the bartender and ordered two drafts and I blindly followed him. I stood right up next to the bar in a feeble attempt to hide, while Ted turned around and grabbed me and I was forced to do the same. Drinking a beer I was starring out at the other patrons of the bar, the two of us being naked and gathering some attention. Ted leaned into me and asked if I was ok, not hearing a response from me he took my hand and led me around the bar and showing me all of the dance floor, pool table, pin ball and darts. Ted knew he should take me out but a friend of his came over to talk to us. Doug introduced himself to me and hugged Ted. Doug was one of those big bear type guys and he tried to make me feel comfortable. I tried as much as I could to join the conversation but I just was not able to. Ted suggested that was time for us to leave and go see Chris and I readily agreed. We quickly left the bar but stopped when we got outside. Ted told me to wait right there and that he would be back shortly.

Here I am, standing stark naked by myself outside the bar. I again finish my beer and look around.

Soon a couple of guys are approaching the bar but they are dressed in CLOTHES! They stop and ask my name, I tell them and they are trying to make small talk. I interject yes and no and tell them this is my first time at the campground. Ted returns with three beers, hands me one and says hello to the guys and says we must be off. They all agree that I must be really enjoying myself and say keep up the good work as they enter the bar.

Ted says he always brings Chris a beer before a manscaping session and apologized for the abrupt exit to get the beer. We walk along a pathway and eventually find Chris' cabin and he is busily setting up his shaving station. He is using a picnic table and he has a light set up for his shaving. Ted hands him a beer and we toast each other. Chris asks who is to be first and I bow to Ted but he wants me to go first. I again take a long drink from my beer and say let's do it.

Chris says since I'm a first timer, he'll restrain me on the table. Hands, legs, torso will be tied down so that I don't hurt myself. After the first time, no restraints are needed and Ted tells me this is so. I finish my beer and set the cup down and Chris has me tied down in no time. Ted says he'll be back in a few and disappears. Chris grabs the shaving cream and starts with my crotch, moves to my pits and lastly to my chest. Rubbing in the shaving cream, Chris works my cock claiming he wants to find out where the cock starts and my body ends. I don't know if he realizes it but I have a hard on and soon on the edge. I yell out for Chris to stop but it is too late. I'm gushing all over, the first shot hits my head the second hits Chris and he continues to manhandle me. Finally I stop shaking but Chris says he wants to make sure all of my spunk is out of me. The sensitive cock head has me near convulsions and he finally stops.

Nonchalantly he pulls out a razor and starts taking swipes across my groin. Occasionally he reapplies shaving cream and wiping off excess. My cock begins to respond again, something never experienced by me before. Next my pits are cleaned. Chris is ready to do my chest and Ted yells to stop. Ted suggested that I be turned over and that my asshole be scrapped clean and that is what happens.

I'm released from all remaining bondage and fully wiped down. Not much hair remains on my body except for my chest. Ted passes a beer to both Chris and me and I'm much appreciative. Needless to say, my little pecker is standing at full attention. While Ted is hugging me, another of Chris' customers appears and Ted says he'll take a rain check on his shave. Ted leads me away and we go for a little walk to decompress. We stop near a couple of chairs outside of the dance bar to talk. Ted wants to know how I'm feeling and I tell him things are happening too fast. But on second thought I say if they weren't happening too fast I wouldn't be doing them or experiencing them.

Ted asks if it is ok to continue on for the night and I stand and say yes, let's go. We go down a path and Ted says this is where the trails are, if you want any sort if sexual experience this is where you might find it and be sure to tell me what you are looking for and I can help you find it. Finishing that last beer we are now heading back to the dance bar. At the door he looks at me as if questioning me about entering. I reach for the door and hold it open for him and follow in.

It is much more crowded than before. I guess many guys have arrived later than me for the weekend.

Beside Ted and me one other guy is naked. The other 30 or so guys are in shorts and tees. Ted again leads me to the bar and orders a couple of beers and asks me if I'd like a shot. I tell him I'd like schnapps and he signaled to the bartender with two fingers. The bartender asks for my room number, I tell him. Ted tells me this is a way for naked people to drink without bringing money with nowhere to put it. I toast Ted with my schnapps as well as the bartender (who has a quick toast as well) and Ted and I move around the bar.

The music is very loud and a few of the guys are dancing while we watch. Ted grabs my hand and we walk over to the pool table and get 4 quarters from the bartender. Ted tells me that naked men always play for free. I claim I'm not very good and haven't played in a long time. He says we should be a good match for each other. I set up the rack and Ted breaks. He does get one ball in and continues to play. A few guys must have followed us into the game area and I now notice them. One guy puts quarters on the edge of the table meaning he wants to play the winner. Oh shit, it can't be. I'd better make sure that Ted wins; I don't think I could handle shooting pool against a guy wearing clothes. I get my head back into the game, we've each sunk a couple of balls but Ted has two less than me on the table. I make my shot but the cue ball goes in so Ted has a free shot. He makes the last two of his shots and is now thankfully shooting at the 8 ball. I'm breathing easier as Ted has the game in hand and I can slip back into the corner. Ted has his shot lined up the 8 ball goes in but in my horror the cue ball follows it in and Ted has scratched. I win. Now I have to play this stranger who is dressed. Ted walks over, shakes my hand, hugs me and whispers to me to have fun and good luck.

The new pool player walks over and shakes my hand and he introduces himself as Michael. He tells me he had his eye on me since we walked in and he wishes he had the courage to do be naked like me. I thank him and he sets up the rack. Two more of the guys watching have now put quarters up to challenge the winner. While all three are good looking the next player is stunning. His smile has caused my little pecker to stand at attention. The pool cue does little to hide my predicament. Michael has finished the rack and I move to break, a lot of noise but nothing goes in. the shots are going back and forth, finally we each get into a groove and we each have only two left. Michael makes his next shot but inadvertently the 8 ball goes in and I win again. Michael comes over to me and hugs me and says he'd like to have a dance with me later.

Now the hunk comes over, the muscles bulging on his arms and under the reveling tank. Then I stop and think I'm reveling it all. He reaches over and shakes my hand and tells me his name is Donald. The hair on his head is ginger red. I can't wait to see if the pits are the same color. The short hair peeking out of his tank does not tell me if he is this red all over. This is his first time at the campground and says he will be back many times because he likes what he sees. Ted stops by with another beer and tells me to keep up the good work and leaves. Donald grabs his quarters and sets up the table. He walks back to me and says are you going to break or should we just start having sex on the table right now.

All I heard was sex on the table and that woke me from my trance. I broke and got one ball in but missed the next shot. Donald made three shots in a row then missed. Watching him bend over the table and seeing that cute ass (although covered in shorts) was very distracting. I made a shot but missed the next. Donald made the rest of his shots and was down to only the 8 ball. He came over to me and whispered to me, if I make this shot, do I get whatever I want? I said please make the shot and yes you can have anything. Of course he made the shot, he came over and hugged me and said he would meet me after he beat the next guy. He said to meet him by the dance floor.

I finally left the game area and went back to the dance floor to find Ted. I looked all around for him to no avail. I took a quick leak, strange going to the men's room totally naked waiting in line with the other guys. I got another beer and waited in a corner for Donald to find me. I noticed that I was the only naked guy in the dance area, I was hoping for at least a few other guys would join in. Guys would come over and ask me to dance, make small talk but I told them all I was waiting for a friend to show up. After about a half-hour I see Donald walking with Ted towards me. Thankfully two friendly faces, both are grinning from ear to ear. The very good looking Donald and my new friend Ted, I breathe a sigh of relief. Ted tells me he was looking for me by the pool table and stayed to watch Donald win the next two matches. He gives me a wink and then turns around and leaves Donald and me. Donald asks me how I'm doing, if I'm enjoying myself as he puts his arm around his waist. I tell him I can't believe what I've done so far but that I'm just taking each moment as it comes. He asks me if I really meant what I said before he won the pool game and I told him I was a man of my word.

He grabbed my hand and we left the bar. He took me on a walk over to the locker-room where I had left my clothes. We found the attendant and he said that I had lost a bet and as part of that I could have his locker key until Sunday when he left. He would return the key to the attendant at that time.

The attendant looked at me for confirmation to those orders, I looked Donald in the eye, and he reminded me that I said he could have anything so I nodded to the attendant who gave my clothes key to Donald. He slid the key onto his key ring and we walked away. A fire had been built outside of the dance bar and we sat down. Donald, still holding my hand said this was step one of his plan for the weekend and that hopefully I would enjoy the weekend as much as he was so far. I said besides being very nervous I had no complaints so far and couldn't imagine how it could be any better. Donald told me that from now I was to address him as SIR. I looked at Donald and repeated very meekly sir? He said yes, his name was now SIR and that I was his boy. I swallowed and said yes SIR.

Next: Chapter 2

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