I Like to Watch

By Sascha Meier

Published on Nov 3, 2016


I Like to Watch - Part 5

This story is a work of fiction. All characters are older then 18. They have fun having gay sex. If gay sex is not allowed in your country, you should consider moving to another one. The characters are not having save sex, please use condoms while exploring your sexuality.

Aaron walked into my kitchen.

"I am hungry, i'm gonna make my self some eggs" he shouted

"Whatever" i replied.

Tommy walked out of the bathroom all cleaned up.

"I am hungry too" he said

Before i could reply, Aaron confirmed the order for some more eggs.

"Girl, you want some eggs too?" Aaron asked.

With girl he meant me, Tommy looked at me with a funny expression.

"No i am not hungry and you stop smiling" I yelled towards the kitchen

I walked into the bathroom and cleaned my self up. Tommy was already sitting at the kitchen table when i came back. Some really old Britney song was playing on my kitchen radio.

"I didn't know they still played that song" I said to Aaron.

"They don't, this is my phone" he said dancing, singing and cooking

What ever he was cooking, it must have died weeks ago and was being burned beyond recognition.

"Breakfast's ready" Aaron said walking out of the kitchen

Tommy looked excited while Aaron scooped what should have been eggs into his plate. His facial expression changed quickly after he looked at the mess in front of him. Tommy looked at me like he got just punched in the balls, but he was a nice guy and tried to get the fork into his mouth.

"You don't have to do this, you know. This bitch just can't do shit" I said taking Tommy's fork

A split second later spoon hit my head.

"You ungrateful full fairy, i am playing desperate housewife for you here and thats how you thank me ?!" Aaron yelled at me

"Are you gonna clean the kitchen or not?" I asked in a serious manner

"Hell no, not after what you just said" Aaron replied

"Yeah, that makes complete sense" I sighted

We just stood there until the silence was disrupted by Tommy's stomach roar

"Listen we both have some classes this afternoon, so we better keep going" I said quietly

I felt bad because i knew the only reason that Aaron would show up was, when he felt lonely.

"No problem, i'll take you two love birds" He said grabbing his phone and doing some really trashy moonwalk out of the kitchen

I closed the front door and walked to the parking space, a black Mercedes was standing guarded by two men in suits.

"Hey Joshy and Drake, how are you ?" I asked

Joshy was big guy, he had orange hair and brown-green eyes. I secretly wondered if his pubes had the same color. He was always very polite and funny.

Drake was also a big guy, with black hair and blue eyes. He would have been really cute but he just hates me.

"I'm great " Joshy replied while Drake just grunted.

They opened the back door for us. Aaron got in the car, but Tommy was missing. He was still standing two meters away.

"It's okay Tommy, short explanation. Aaron's Mom is the owner of a big pharma company so he is rich as fuck. The Boys are his security because he ... actually i don't know ... he could stumble and die or something" I said

"If you don't shut the fuck up, your gonna ride in the trunk" Aaron said

"C'mon on big boy" Joshy waved at Tommy

Tommy was now moving slowly into the car. I really liked riding in the limousine it was so spacious even though Tommy was quiet big. A few seconds later his stomach rumbled again.

"Drake can you make a stop at the next fast food place ?" Aaron said

"Yes of course, Mister Ryder" Drake answered

As we arrived Aaron was ordering everything possible from chicken nuggets to mozzarella sticks. They ended up shoving 5 bags through our car window. Aaron threw one of the bags on to Joshy's lap.

"Don't worry about the sauce, the seats are leather and i get a new car every year" Aaron said chewing on a burger

The car came to a stop in front of our university. I still felt bad about not having enough time for him.

"We only have 2 hours, we can hang out afterwards" I said

"Yeah Whatever" Aaron said pushing a button The car door closed automatically and they drove off.

After what felt like a hole day of school our class finally finished. We walked out of the building and the black Mercedes was still standing in the parking lot.

I opened the door and Aaron was texting on his phone

"Joshy and Drake needed to use the toilet, so we have to wait a minute" He said still typing on his phone

"No problem, i actually have to go to" I said

As Aaron saw Tommy he moved over and patted the seat next to him. He was way nicer to Tommy than he was with me.

Anywho, i entered the toilet on the ground floor. There were only two stalls, one with a urinal and a regular toilet. Of course they both were occupied so i had to use the bigger toilet upstairs. As i tried to leave the toilet, i heard Joshy's voice.

"Now remember i don't want you to touch it" Joshy said

I wondered what was going on, so i looked under the stall. In the right stall somebody was kneeling on the floor, pushing his cook under the left stall. In the left stall was also somebody on his knees, but his pants weren't open.

"Okay i'm getting close and don't worry i won't get it on your cloths" It was Joshy's voice, that was coming from right stall. That should have been obvious, the cock had some red trimmed pubes going on.

So Drake must be the one in the right stall. I couldn't tell, there was only a mouth getting closer to the cock.

And then i heard a soft moan and the cock erupted. As promised by Joshy every spurt of cum went right into Drake's mouth.

"Not done, not done" Joshy said after the fourth spurt

And another two followed again right into his mouth

Then he withdrew his cock and zipped up, while Drake closed his mouth and i could here a big gulping sound.

I quickly got up from the floor and left the toilet...


It took me quiet a long time to come up with a sequel. Thanks for reading and Please send me feedback if you liked it. --> saschatoldme@gmail.com

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Next: Chapter 6

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