I Like to Watch

By Sascha Meier

Published on Aug 21, 2015


I like to watch - Part 2

This story is a work of fiction. All characters are older then 18. They have fun having gay sex. If gay sex is not allowed in your country, you should consider moving to another one. The characters are not having save sex, please use condoms while exploring your sexuality.

Do you know these pictures of couples laying next to each other in bed, sleeping peacefully in spooning positions ? Well I don't know how they do it, but right now I have a hand in my face and a knee crushing my balls and usually I wouldn't complain but this guy is just to heavy.

"Tommy ?" I whispered

Now he moved a little putting his hand from my face to my hair. Well thats a start...

"Tommy please..." I tried again.

He groaned and pushed his knee deeper into my balls

"Tommy stop trying to castrate me!" I almost screamed

His eyes opened, and he rolled of me. I felt relieved and my cheap Swedish bed made sounds like it would fall apart soon. He turned to me, wrapped his huge paws around me and pulled me closer.

"Good Morning, Sascha" He moaned nibbling on my ear...

Okay, let me explain this situation. This all began 24h ago.

It was Saturday morning and I was eating some cornflakes, my phone vibrated "straight_jockboy" sent me a message "Hey"

Why is this idiot texting me when he's straight ? I thought to my self

"Fuck off" I replied

My Phone vibrated again

"No it's Tommy" he texted back.

I started to laugh and typed "you do now what straight means, right?"

"Yes I know what that means.... you didn't tell anyone, did you ?" he asked

"No I did not, maybe you should change your user name to cumdump_boytoy XD ?" I smiled

"Ha-Ha not funny . so... you wanne hang, dude ?" he replied

"Yeah sure, meet me at the park bench in half an hour (and stop calling me dude)"

I jumped into the shower, threw on some clothes on and slammed the door behind me. Tommy was already sitting on the bench wearing some work out shorts and a t shirt with a random number on it. He is kinda adorkable (adorable and dorky).

"Whats up, bro ?" he said in a cool voice

"Not much, cumdump_boytoy" I answered with a huge grin on my face.

His face turned fire red. "Duuuude !"

We talked for a while and finally I asked the question that I wanted to ask since I first saw him: "How did you become involved with the professor ?"

Tommy sighted "It all started 6 months ago, I was a bad math student and I failed one exam after an other, finally I wanted to talk to the professor so I waited for everybody to leaf and then went for it. The professors said that I am not focused and get distracted easily. I didn't understand, he implied that I was checking out other guys. He pointed at my shorts and while he did I got a hard on. He used me like a toy for his little sex games."

Tommy swallowed "You know the big black pen he uses the write on the white board ?"

I nodded

"Well he had me take of my clothes from the waste down and then I had to squad on his desk, he took the pen and licked it..." Tommy stopped talking.

"He put it inside your hole, didn't he ?" I asked.

Tommy looked away "Yes he fucked me with it and I came..."

"Where did you exactly cum?" I wanted to know

"When I was about to cum, he put the tip of my penis in his mouth and I just shot my load inside, he did not swallow....he just grabbed me and pulled me from the desk and then he opened his mouth and let the cum drop into my mouth" Tommy explained

"He made you swallow your own cum ?" I asked turned on

"Yes" he said quietly

"Did you like it ?" I asked curiously

Tommy didn't need to answer I could see the bulge between his legs

"After that I left. We agreed that he would help me get my grades up and I would do what ever he wants" Tommy said

"What else did you do ?" I asked

"Lots of stuff for example, he had me wear a wireless plug while I was in class, another time he used me with one of his buddies and a month ago I had to stay over the weekend at his place, he had me wear a leash" Tommy swallowed

Suddenly we were both quiet, just sitting on the bench.

"Sascha ?" Tommy said after a few minutes

"What is it Tommy ?" I asked

"Do you think I'm perverted and disgusting ?" He said facing the the ground

"Tommy you are perverted and I am too, but it doesn't make you disgusting ,it just makes you a horny jock who happened to be bad at math" I said quietly

"Nobody knows that I like guys, except for you and the professor. Also I don't have real friends and I can't tell my parents they are really conservative" Tommy said

"My Mom is quiet open minded she doesn't give a crap and my dad is non existing. If you stop calling me dude and bro, I can be your friend" I mumbled

"Can I sleep over ?" he whispered

"Come again ?!" I said

"Can I sleep over ?" he said a little bit louder.

"Well I'm not alone at home and my bed is kinda..." I stuttered

He looked at me with his puppy dog green eyes

"Okay but only this one time...." I said in a serious voice

"Shut up, I know you have been checking me out" he said in a cocky voice

"Fuck you" I laughed.


Email's and Suggestions are welcome :)

Next: Chapter 3

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